rr - fMs m j Asm L IIB -B Ifl uH km k Uf 3j K tl fvjf ivyl I 3 II V m j 1 I l ft Iff f fe I j F L u J - I li i i H W VOL X ZixvnMtJXKKVtViTi mrtumamtM VL 1fe lielntfou Theyre moving slowly eastward are the west urn farmers now On one side bitched the ancient nude beside the aped cow -They move in steady endless tide settlers or all nations Disgusted with their western land theyll visit wifes relation Now why will not they wait awhile auotlur year at least Its bound to rain upon us soon and dampen man and beast Tis best to keep stiff upper lip dont sell off all your leather Why men ill ve old natures bound to make but average weather If drouth comes on us nand then ita bound iu utbu a lui u Next vear twill likely urbwn us out it cannot always burn Dont get disgusted quite so quick if youve a felt of rations - y Just hold your own stay where you are fight shy of wifes relations Youll latter see friends one and all that this same poem is right For sir months wont pass oer youriead be fore youll have a fight Then when it rains up here next year ye men of all nations Youll hurry back to live right here and cuss your wifes relations Wood Lalce Neb izltor Xkach Election ispast and still we live Bewahe of the man who told you so President Cleveland has issued his proclamation designating Thursday jSov 28 as Thanksgiving da Hon W H Westover is elected to the District bench over Bartow by a - very small majority not to exceed 15 votes County Treasurer county Super intendent and one District Judge aie the plumbs that fell into the populist fold this vear In 1S50 there was one person in prison in the United States to each 3865 inhabitants In 1891 there was one to each 734 The destressing conditions of the masses breeds crime Most of the Populist candidates were defeated at the last election but our principles still live Commence a campaign of education at once and prepare for the great battle in 18S6 While the PopuliBt party sustained a partial defeat in Cherry county at the election last Tuesday the party j still exists and will do battle to He publican corruption more earnestly nexc fall than ever Our party is based upon a grand set of principles which can never die and must win in - tho future Political corruption can- not carry always While the farmer can by any possi bility live the mass of ihe people are coutented perfectly willing to exist and refuse to do a thing towards changing systems that vouchsafe to our fundamental industry no more than the poor privilege of existance suppose oh ye patient patheticma3s that the farmer couid more than merely exist that he could make J just irragine how business would snap and cracfc with activity energy snd expansion 1 How factories would start how labor would be employed and paid how the wheelsof commerce would hum how the whole land would wrinkle with the joyous laughter of pros srity ana happiness To be con- tent to airoply exist in a t country like th is the best possible proof that the Ahaighty made a great mistake when i he peopled it Farm Stock and ne As the smoke clears away and the true raturns become known it is found that the populist party has made some grand gians About 5000 more popu lists votes ware cast for Supreme Judge than was cast in 1893 Great giiiB were made in others states having more than doubled our vote in Iowa and Ohio We have gained some in the number of populist District 7udgf s elected in this state As far as reported up to date the populists hold 255 county offices in the state which is a good gain While republican lies and campaign whiskey worked havock in our ranks to a certain extent in this county still the party never was in better shape Bvery true reformer phould commence now to organize for itne fight of 1896 THlE SMALL ErVSPLOYER He Hue Etfen Ousted from Ife by the Powerful Corporution We may lament the disappearance of the small employer the man who work ed with his hands as well as with his brains and was little more than the most skillful of his dozen workmen we may even become pathetic over the loss of the spinning wheel and the loom of our grandmothers but we may find consolation in the thought that the cost of production has been steadily grow ing less that comforts and even luxu ries of life which 100 years ago were un known to the majority of people are now withinthe reach of nearly all and that the profits which formerly went to the small purchaser are now even more widely attributed in the form of divi dends U tockholders little rivulets of wealth w ich trickle through all classes of society and offer the rewards of thrift to the humblest households in the land writes Justice Henry B Brown In the Forum If the head of the great cor poration takes to himself an apparently disproportionate share of the profits it is only in obedience to a universal law that the man who develops extraor dinary capacity in any direction re ceives an -extraordinary reward A lawyer who earns r000 a year may In nine cases out of ten do his work as well as the one who earns 50000 but in the tenth case the latter may be worth to his clients every dollar he costs them A picture by MeLssonier worth 20000 may to an unskilled ob server be scarcely distinguishable from one worth 200 but there is an Impalpa ble something which to an artistic eye stamps on as the work of a great artist and the other as that of an ordi nary painter While the manager of the corporation may be inferior to a thou sand of his employes as a mere handler of tools his talent for orirnntenHrm French Tax on SDlrit a tax on spirituous liquors distilled within her bounds but since 1875 the French Go ernment exempted from taxation all liquors distilled for home consumption As was to be expected the number of farmers who operated under this clause increased constantly until it now has reached nearly a mil- Hon and instead of limitintr thp uct in accordance with the law they distilled all the year around flooding the country with cheap and villainous stuff causing untold misery and involv ingfa loss to the exchequer of certainly not less than 200000000 francs annually The Chamber of Deputies to appease the loud cry for reform has now passed alaw taxing all spirituous liquor without exception but in order not to lose the good will and votes of the 1000000 petty distillers IMmposes such an un reasonably heavy tax that the conserv ative Senate without whose concur rence no measure becomes operative will refuse to also pass the law Thus the old state of things Is likely to con tinue and the wilyt Deputies will lay all the blame on the Senators A New- Hampshire Giant Hinsdale N H desires to tell what she can do in the way of boy giants -says the Springfield Republican in the person of Robbie Blanehard who lives with his parents Mr and Mrs Walter Blanehard in that part of the town called Chestnut Hill Robbie Blaneh ard was 15 yearSjOld last May is 0 feet 2 inches in height and ilps the scales at 3330 pounds -His chest measure GO Inches would delight the heart of a life Insurance agent while the girth of abdomen is 52 inches His form is sym metrical his muscles hard as Iron and he Is neither awkward nor clumsy and possesses great strength His father is a man of small stature and weighs 167 pounds the mother though fieshy is not unusually so and two younger sis ters are the ordinary size of girls of their age The boy Jsa general favor ite with everybody a great reader and a memoer or the high school m0sr t i c TV Ki itW caw I copyrights OBTAIN A PATENT LEGAL NOTICES Vitr BJlPaP3m3r and honest opinion wrlto to I UNN CO who have had nearly fifty Tears emerieneo in tha natont hisinniH rnmmnin tlonS SlriCtlV Confidential A Tlnnrllmnl nt f I formation ennpnrnlnff Pafonfs rjmI hn n v Like the Unifcd stares France levies rMdToTuiToXostfr Patonto taken through Munn Co receive cpeolal notice in the Scientific Amerlcnn and thna are broucht widely before the public with out cost to the inventor This splendid par er Issued weekly oleuantly illustrated has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in tho world 83 a year Sample copies sent free Building Edition monthly 250 a year Single copies 25 cents Every number contains beau tiful plates in colors and photographs of new houses with plana enabling builders to show the latest designs 3nd secure contracts Addrcns MUNN COn New YOllK 3G1 Buoadjtat Jj4iiWJ Bvfldvld M or than half tbevictims of consump tion do not know tbey have it Here is a list of symptoms by which consumption can certainly be detected Cough one or two slight efforts on rising occurring durlnsr the day and fre quently during the night Short breathing after exertion Tightness of tie chest Qjjick pulse especially noticeable in the evening and after a full meal Chilliness iu the evening followed by 4 Slight fever Perspiratiwtoward morning and Tale face and languid in the morning Loss of vitality If OU have these symptoms or any of them do not delay There are many preparations which claim to be cures but Dr JTcliers Sasliib Remedy for Consumption has the highest endorsements and has stood the test of years It will arrest con sumption in its earlier stages and drive away the symptoms named It is manu factured by the Acker Medicine Co 16 and 18 Chambers St New York and sold by all reputabledrugglsts PROPOSALS for Fkrsii Bkff and Muttoh Headquarters Department ot Platte Oltice of Chief Commissars of Subsistence Omaha Nebraska October ISth 1805 Sealed pro posals in triplicate accompanied by written guarantee bonds iu duplicate will be received at office nmil it ocIock a m central grand aid time November 16 195 at which time and Slactf they will be opened in the presence of idden for furnishing such calamities of fresh beef and mutton for issue and cllbice cuts for sales as may be required lv the Subsistence Department TJ S Army at Omaha Nebraska Forts Omnha Robisnon and Niobrara ke ana t oris u a Kusell and WnnhjilclA WE DO NOT ASK SYMPATHY -BUT WE DEMAND JUSTICE VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY NOVEMBER Bpwwpgauij wuuiiuajjjuLwngc oversight and direction his knowledge of details his anticipations of the mar ket may make all the difference be tween successand failure He is the general of the army the master of the ship the speaker of the house the prime minister of the cabinet and his talent for leadership Is not to be meas ured by ordinary standards The re fusal to recognize this ability has been fatal to nearly every scheme for co operative production l - ASTHMA Distressing w Brf Cough - S0EE J0I1TTS MUSCLES Despaired imzsms T- time since I had a severe attack of asthma accompanied with a jj y distressing cough and a general soreness qV ff till inilttC Olfl miltftlilfl T nmin K nl m physicians and tried various remedies but without getting any relief until I despaired of ever being well again o Finally I took Ayers Cherry Pectoral of and in a very short time wis entirely 9i cured I can therefore cordially and o confidently commend this medicine lo o2 all J IJoseli8 Victoria Texas J 3 JTy wife had a very troublesome 5 cough She used Ayers Cherry os rat ana procured immediate relief O G H Podkick Humphreys Ga l OS MZ OS Ayers Gfcerry Sectoral o Raceived Highest Awards AT THE WORXBS PAIR 8 ooooooooooooneooooooooo5 umamBoamicnaBwumiiiiaTnmiflmiiaayiffaiosmiu Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder Worlds Fair Highest Award TJipana Tabules see advertisement- Kipans Tabules arc always ready liinars Tabules cure dyspepsia tW W PRUlOTALS FOR FLOUR OFFICE K Commissary of Sunsistenee Omaha iNeb October 19 1KS5 Sealed pro posals in duplicate subject to the usual condi tions will be received at this office until 11 o clock am central standard time October 20 ISO at which time and places ttiey will be uuciicu iu presence oi uitiders for furnishing the subsistence Department U S Army on or ueoore oveinur is 1895 as maybe required with Flour for issue an i Flour choice tamily attlifi following places of delivery viz On board of cars or at subsistence storehouse at Omaha Nebraska or t Forts Omaha Niobrara Robinson Nph 1 k iituuii nri if- Meade S D Preference will be ijiven to articles of domestic productions or manufacture conditions of quality aud price including iu the price of foreign productions or manufac tures inc tiuy inereon being equal The riidit is reserved to reject any or all bidt or anv part of any bid Blank proposals and specifications showing mjietail the articles and qualities required ana giving full information as to con ditionsof contract will be furnished on ap plication to this office or any of the Acting Gomnnsspries at posts named above Proposals will also breceived by the Purchasing Com missary oi Jubsistkuce Denver Colo atdO a- m mountain standard time October 29 1395 for the furnishing and delivery of the above Hub sistence Stores freftwn hnirri r m ir wn ver or near the iiacc of production or purchase or at thepofts named tain and C d U S A FKANK E NYJ Cap- FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices In these columns will receive a marked copy of the Independent containing first insertion of same Jt is the duty of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and -should there bo any error the fact should be reported to the land office and to this office at once for correction Land Office at Valentino Nebraska I Sept 27th 1S95 f - Notice is hereby given thai the ed settler 1ms liied notice of his intention to inane final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will hp made before ItesiHter and iteceiver sit Valentine Nebraska ou Nor Sth ltf5 viz sMankin Wray of McCann Xeb GE rNo 9 ii01 rIle E -wk Sec 13 and Si 3 Wfc Sec n To y It 31 v Me names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land byhunus Johnson Harry Laatz William Wat son und Herman Shultz all of McCann Neb C R GLOVER Jlesiister Laud Ofilce at Valentine Neb 1 Oct 25th 1895 j Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu supnort or his claim and said proof will be made before Register and Re ceiver at Valautiue Nebraska on Dee 6th loi VIZ t Franklin T Brackett f Crookston Neb HE No S59G for the se Sec 7Tp 33 R 30 Ho names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz William Watson Herman Weisfiogg William A Wilson ad James WlHon all of Crooks ton Iseb C It GLOVER Register Land Ottice at Valentine Nebr Oci cber 30th 1F95 J Notice Ik hereby given thatithe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to niakn final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on Dec 13th 1895 viz Nathan TV Conover of Cody Neb who made TC Entry No 7459 for lots 1 aud 2 and S y3 NE Sec STp 31 R 55 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence on aud cultivation of said andviz John Bishop Edward S Weed Wallace E Neltson Edwin R West all of Cody Neb also Edward S Weed of Cody Neb who made TC Entry No 7463 for lots 3 4 and 8E H SV J4 See 30 Tp 32 R 3fi W Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Nathan W ConovervJohn Bishop Wallace E Nelson Edwin R WestallotCody Neb also John Bishop of Codv Neb who made TC Entry No 74M for lots 3 4 and HE H HW h SW i SK Ki Sec 31 Tp 32 R sr w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Nathan W Conover Edward S Weed Wallace E Nelson Edwin R West sll of Cody Nob C R GLOVER Register Land Office at valentincNebr November 6tli 1895 Notice is hereby given that the following nam cd settler has- filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Dec 16th 1393 viz Frederick Silberhorn of Ivilgore Xeb HE No 9509 for the se swK sec lSne nwH and uwi ne4 See ID Tp 34 R3l Ife names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Frank Hoffman of Kilgoro Neb Henry L ILilgore of Johnstown Neb J3rau3on Dorrah and Joseph Weaserof Nenzel Neb C E GLOVER Register 1 U S LaicLQfflce at Valeutine Neb l Novemberl2th J895 f Notice is hereby given tliat the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Wi claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec 20th 18S5 viz Marion 0 Metzger of Pullman Neb HE No 9934 for the sett ae1 8ec20and swJ4 swj Sec 21 and neH ne4 See 29 nw nw4 Sec Sec 23 Tp 29 R 3C Ho names the followingwitnesses to prove his conunuos residence upon ana cultivation 01 said land viz Wiliin Piiilman Christian Nelson John Car Wvamitir unn iamn rr Flint Kntro Wvnminir nftnfov anri Knne Tlntv n of Pullman Kh Alcr - O - v w uv viiKiij s w ww w w i IU A1DW aaie is anxious to pur ner Claim or uurmyincs penoa commencmg January 1 1S95 inj the biggest boy giant In the United States French Etiquette The Frenchmen are easily the politest people in the world and bo the new reg auu eiiuiug juiip u ibVo lropfrtaie Will aiiO be received until 10 oclock a m mountain stayd ard time and opened at the pout of Forts Nio brara Robinson I A Russell Washakie and Crmp at Pilot Rutte by she respective post commissaries cf subsistence of such posts each post commissary receiving proposals for his own post oiily The fresh beef shall be good in quality aud condition T fit for immediate use and Ulations as to the conduct of railroad iros tore ncimiii quarter meets proportionally including an in j uesr cius tncreoi tnenesn servants wneu tne iresicient 01 tue re 1 muttou shall public Is a passenger will not bear heavily on them Every official from the highest to the lowest is required to doff his cap aud remain bareheaded un til the President leaves the station The stationmaster alone is permitted to ap proach the door of the Presidential car riage and it is ordered thut he also shall e of pood f it and jnrkHable quaury from rcathcr ovt r ard under three years cd Reer and mutton to Ue dressed and trimmed and del8red rs rseribud in the cir cular of instructions to bid ers Proposals will also be received staiimr the ririct at which th perU mt greater than 50dfsfies Fahren heit islank proi fsals ac d uaiantes aid esr iitr 01 inst ructions to bidd re juvin lull iu formrUon is l quaaiy rn i ief etc 1 cquued iiirTiicr ill jiiiiiii i hi Tf 01 ointiMig eiiidium tu brj ons rved 11 1 ------- remain uiirtneuueu viuie noianiK it j Dv hucieis and reims of coi ta t un i pument open These are only a few of the long list of points of etiquette which have taken the form of a ministerial decree Prices Cream Balcing Powder Worlds Fair tlljrhest Medal and DIpIoina i wia i s mi uisnefi on ajipiicaiton to wiin rnicc tr Iioimj tMMiry pot j uinorizei to open iroivicPis ineaoverumenl rfervo3 the ritfnt to rejirt ny or all proposal or anv part of jmy parte aiy bid pro nfitirfls should be marked lroposais forfosh t iccf nncs addressed to tht Cniet C 8 Dept of the nlatte Omslia Ncb or to the respactlvc Post Commissaries amhoruVd to receive pro posals as stated above KRANK E HYE Captain and C S U S A Chief Commissary of subsistence ay- Enos Doty of Pullman Xeb HE No 9333 for lots 2 and 3 soli nw 4 andsw li neJi Sec 7 Tp 29 R 35 YV He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residenco upon and cultivation of said laud viz William Pullman Christian Nelson loan Car penter aua Marion Metzger all of Pullman Neb C R GLOVER Resisasr U 3 Land Office Valentino Nebraska November 14th 1SS3 1 Complaint havirp been made at this ofUce by James N Steadman against John Rrdsoa for failure to compl with law as to Timber Culture entry o s uatea June 3 i83f upon the Sii bidder will delnr fiesh i eef and mutton of HK2 and 4 SW1 13 Two v R32 in herrv tne rhara ter s tatd and to be delivered of tern- county Nebraska with a view to the tion of stid entry contestant allecincthat lohn Kardson has failed to break or cause to be broken ten acr ot sa d tract and lias failed to plant or cause to be planted ten a res in trees or cuttings and has failed to cultivate rr cause to be cmt vated iv part of said tract in the last f ur year of entry and that the land i D41W brokw on stid irswi s giownnpin grafts and wetfB md tneriarenow no living trees on -id tract at this dste and claimant has wholly abandoned said tract and has failed to cure his laches to this d e the said parties are hereby Miinmaueti to appear at this ofilce on the 23rd day of December 1395 at 10 oclock a m to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure C R GLOVER Register matin ntit V T ilZjF u Q gq Qszs m FULL4I1 F n n nut C H COUAEIjJL Isreictnt THE PA 1 S 1 E GENE 1 14 1895 NO 39- a i - KM CARRIES SAMPLESSgi FMi 5 FRANK T3ARLSON Ag u km OaiU lid WE HAVE JU IT vflPO FULL LIMB OF COFFINS KBTSand CASES T Ll if 1 h g CREETVEB JL RANK OF VALEN TIE LmM 7MWMIM1WgtfauaMMM ill v xiCMiVLSOM Vmatmh Valentine Nebraska A General 1 a nkiiiy Jtuainess Transacted Mays and Sells JDotzie s tie find Foreign Exclmnj Correipondenta Cheraiel National Bank New York First Natloaal Bai CITIZENS MEAT riELU A rn KlT rnunj A COMPLETE LINE OF SS3SC WILL FUBNISH - Fish Game Tender StelEE Jucy Boasts Dry Salt MSe and the He est line of Smoiatfi Hams and Breaktast Bass ever sold in town At SiettsrsOiaStaaa oa Itain Start J W 8TEHER mt LAOE SALOQ HEADQUARTERS WIliES LIQUORS and CIGAM Of the Choices Br4 - u j tym MERCHANDISE JACKS ON BBAYTON Pro Valentine Nebri Jt i rf2 2 g 5y it la 31 S5T r ft Jup 5 cr zzz - m a t m S a k K mm lrss Ssik - 23 I t er - S y A 2 S S 3 a fc aiiS 3 55a a Stem 8 ry zvM gS jz cj - s z vyi rr oa rf k s r bSsa r 1 1 r 3 a lciWSSJSaS 2 i TioB a J3 o j y u V fS u S agJ o J H n c 5 3 3 S o s r S 2 s 3 S 2 o js 2j b E 5p gH - r2S S s g -S ooSS yj 3 oS a Ek n m - - m Z -T tl 2 sjs 6 Jg 4 S2 s 3 BT i V S5 l 3t21 al l i mv DISC i ggn ij O CDS v I -