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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1895)
Gherrg Coiilg Independent VALENTINE NEBRASKA Everything Is on tne jump now in New York The tovrn is alive with fleas The Arkansas City Reporter asks Will the new woman fly We dont know whether she will or not but she is Shall we wash on Saturdays or Mon days asks the Syracuse Courier-Herald Better wash at least twice a wei whether you need it or not Henry M Stanley shows unmistaka ble evidences of the refining Influences of civilization He announces that he will not lecture in America this time The Minneapolis Tribune is heartily In favor of consolidating the Twin Cities It merely stipulates that the name of the consolidated city shall be Minneapolis Minneapolis bloomer girls who have been annoyed by the police are said to be up in arms about the matter If that were all they were up in probably there would be no trouble In spelling his surname as he does Mr J Kelr Hardie avoids the annoy ance of being mistaken for a literary fellow named Thomas Hardy who has achieved some prominence as a writer of stories There are times remarks the Bos ton Herald when the streets and side walks of Boston seem altogether too narrow At such times it might be well to enlist the friendly services of a policeman The profits of the big Wanamaker store Philadelphia are estimated to have reached last year the enormous sum of 4000000 and in the meantime all the smaller shops are being crowd ed out of the neighborhood It Is said that when Great Britain has completed the reconstruction of her navy according to the plans adopted the total cost will exceed S500000000 and still we live in an era or peace and England is not a warlike nation It Is claimed in Chicago that the construction of high buildings has ren dered it necessary to abandon the pres ent system of fighting fires with steam engines and to substitute some electric system that will do the work better It Is asserted moreover that the change may be expected inside of a year It Is said mosquitoes can be barred out of a house effectually by fastening a red ribbon two inches wide across all the open doors or windows The In sects will remain outside rather than go near the red ribbon It does not repre sent their principles The mosquito is an Intemperate beast but we rather admire it for refusing to sail under false colors Holland disfranchises a citizen if hb is absent from the country ten years And during that time does not formally notify the proper authority that he wishes to continue to be regarded as a citizen Great Britain does not so easir ly give up her claim to the loyalty of her subjects A man may count upon her protection on the ground that his grandfather was by birth and allegi ance an Englishman even though he and his father were both born and have always lived on foreign soil but with out being naturalized The new Krag Jorgensen rifle adopt ed by the United States army has been tested The bullet went through a mans head then through a tree eight Inches thick and then buried itself three feet deep In the hillside thirty yards away What lost spirit from the lower regions of the Inferno is engaged in in spiring men at the end of the nineteenth century to invent machines for killing each more murderous than the last It is claimed that this Krag Jorgensen rifle will send Its bullet through ten men standing in Indian file Against whom are we going to use it Recent events incident to the hostili ties between Japan and China show ing what can be accomplished by an Invading army in a country with poor defenses have impelled certain writers to raise the question as to whether the enormous sums now being expended tot the construction of battle ships might not better be spent in building formida ble coast defenses to protect us from Invasion by a foreign army Whether coast defenses would be more valuable to this government than battle ships in the event of war or not it is highly grat ifying to American pride to reflect that while we are building battle ships they are to be the finest of their class in the world and will embody such Ideas of construction and equipment as will render them the most powerful fighters on the seas Of all the various International con tests which have taken place this year none is more surprisingly gratifying In Its outcome than the international ath letic games in New York In view of the pre eminence which tradition allots to British athletes it was to have been expected that the visitors would give their hosts hard work for the victory if Indeed they gave them any chance at all Instead the Americans won ev ery one of the eleven contests inci dentally breaking four records and plating the British athletes look poor and unimportant by comparison In the growing interest attaching to in ternational sporting contests this re sult Is likely to be a further stimulus It wipes out the recollection of the un pleasant affair In which the Cornell College crew was so disastrously beat en in England and it even serves to relieve American sportsmanship of whatever doubts may have clouded the management of the Defender Valkyrie race It has been a year remarkable for International contests of the kind and on the whole America is more than holding her own The chances are that in coming years these contests will take on added importance until in some way they form the modern coun terpart of the Olympian games And there is nothing to indicate that Amer icas position in these athletic combats will not be highly creditable The British Parliament has voted a credit for the construction of a canal from Heyst to Bruges and the construc tion of a seaport at the latter point The reason for this is stated to be the fact that Antwerp is found to be suf fering from being too far up the river as compared with Cuxhaven Bremer haven Copenhagen Havre and some other ports that offer easy access from the sea Bruges is les3 than ten miles from Heyst in a straight line and it is thought that numerous vessels would put into Bruges which would not be allowed the time needed for the trip to Antwerp The saving of time is a vastly more Important matter now than It was a few years ago and a port which then was regarded as well lo cated Is not necessarily so to day All the ports of Northern Europe have been more or less Improved and some of them still are the scenes of great ex penditures the design in all cases being to afford to steamers of the largest class the facilities for arriving discharging loading and departing to the open ocean with the greatest economy of time and labor In the United States the con struction and Improvement of interior waterways is attracting much more at tention than the Improvement of our seaports but the latter Is not neglected and there is room for further exertion In this particular especially in the port of New York The placing In commission of another powerful floating fortress will again attract the attention of the maritime powers to the growing ascendency of the United States on the seas The Maine is a sister to the battle ship Texas and it Is claimed is the most powerful fighting ship that floats the American flag The particular feature of the Maine which is calculated to excite the patriotic pride of the Americans how ever is the fact that it Is the second home made battle ship to go into com mission It is a superb monument to American shipbuilding genius and in Its magnificent equipment illustrates the possibilities of the American arms in defensive and offensive naval war fare The Maine was not built to run away from an enemy She was not built for speed but her armament and gun equipment are designed to give and receive hard blows When it is known that her turrets are of eight inch steel and that each turret carries two ten inch guns and that all can be concentrated upon an enemy supple mented by three six inch guns the de structive possibilities of this formida ble commerce destroyer in a maritime combat are almost beyond calculation Indeed in the absence of any practical tests of the modern battle ship the hu man mind has no basis upon which to predicate any theories as to Its de structive possibilities except the cold calculations of the naval experts and engineers San Francisco Argonaut The dis eases which objecting physicians have so far discovered as the result of bi cycling are kyphosis bicycliasis or bi cycle hump gastritis cerebro spinal meningitis swelling of the thyroid gland and exophthalmic goitre or pro trusion of the eyeballs This last is probably what is popularly known as pop eye We very much doubt whether these diseases can be traced to the bicycle If continual jarring causes meningitis there are many other ways in which the disease can be acquired The men who drive wagons and buggies all day over badly paved city streets receive infinitely more jar ring than the bicyclist does The char ioteers who guide the springless coal cart over the cobbles should all be in the acute stages of meningitis if It Is caused by jar And for the matter of that the pedestrian who confines his locomotion to the legs that God gave him receives more jar than either Every time the heel touches the ground a shock is communicated through the spinal column directly to the base of the brain Moreover expert bicyclists instinctively put their weight on the pedals instead of the seat thus mini mizing the jar These diseases are not new and the bicycle is We fear a fad is sweeping over the medical faculty The doctors are always conservative and are opposed to everything that is new except new diseases - When the humble love apple was christened the tomato and accepted by a few daring people as a delicious article of food there were not wanting medicos to warn people against it The doctors of our grandfathers times solemnly predicted that eating the tomato would cause bleeding at the gums cancer and many other ills Yet several gen erations have eaten the tomato without harm and now even doctors do So will it be with the bicycle It will break down the intense conservatism of the medical faculty Such is the radicalism of the day that now even physicians pay some attention to diet And In time they will take to the bi cycle as their cured patients will al ready have done jSSpWBSW A Pretty Work Table A work table is almost as great a con venience as a work basket to a woman who has the family sewing and mend ing to do A very pretty one may be arranged from a common pine table and a yard or two of denin or colored linen The sketch will show how this is done Two large full pockets are placed at the ends of a scarf and these are con fined with ribbons to the legs of the table thus holding it firmly in place The pockets may be used for holding mending or any piece of work desired and small brass hooks may be screwed PRETTY WORK TABLE to the table to accommodate shears scissors etc There should be a draw er in the table for holding spools of cotton silk and twist The work bas ket rests on the top of the table and a willow scrap basket underneath will be found very convenient for scraps and cuttings The Household The Preparation of Meats Butchers meat In France is pre pared divided and arranged In the shops in such a manner that it never suggests slaughter It Is a rare thing for one to see a stain on counter bench or floor The mode of killing the ani mals probably has something to do with this freedom from moisture and drip ping Maria Parloa in an article on The Science of French Cooking in The Ladies Home Journal says the animals are not bled before being kill ed as might be inferred from the ab sence of moisture but they are killed In such a manner that veins and ar teries are emptied quickly and thor oughly After this the animal Is bouffee that is filled with wind The large arteries are pressed open and the points of large bellows are inserted into them While the bellows are being worked a man beats all parts of the car cass with a flat stick This is to dis tribute the air in all parts of the flesn All this work Is done very rapidly Thb inflating of che animal in this manner gives a fullor and firmer appearance to the meat and I fancy empties the veins and arteries more effectually than they would otherwise be The lTrench use very little ice and meats are kept only a few days at the most The best of beef In France does not compare with American beef but the veal is superior to anything we have It Is valued more highly than any other product of the butcher But no matter what the viand when it comes to the hands of the cook it is so prepared that she has but little to do to It except to cook it The Care of Lamps Some one has said that it takes a woman of intelligence to trim a lamp wick properly It is as certain that this small office is one that Is often poorly accomplished an It Is that it is one on which the omfcrt of a roomful of persons may depend The latest reading in lamp regulations precludes any trimming but instead a scraping off of the charred wick with a visiting card and a clipping then of any looso strings that may remain The corners should be clipped off somewhat as the finger nails are shaped by a manicure and with this daily treatment the wick should give no trouble Black sticky burners will be restored to almost pris tine freshness by boiling them in vine gar in which two teaspoonfuls of salt have been added And lastly polish the chimneys with a cloth dipped Id alcohol touching no water to thera i New York Times The Individual Butter Plate Must Go Among the ultra fashionable the in dividual butter plate is not used The new bread-and-butter plates are so made that the ball of butter sinks into a small cavity partially filled with cracked ice The most dainty of the new bread-and-butter plates are of pure white china of egg shell thickness and with a broad rim of gold The butter knife has a flat gold blade and a beauti fully wrought gold and white enameled handle These bread-and-butter plates with knives to match sell for 200 a dozen It is safe to say that for some time yet the ordinary mortal will be content to eat his butter off the old time Individual plate To Wash Summer Silks When washing summer silks remove all grease or other spots with chloro form then make a solution of a tea spoonful of ammonia and a little soap in a pail of water and into this dip the silk again and again until it looks quite clean Do not wring It out but press between the hands Rinse In water from which the chill is gone then hang In a shady place until partly dry when lay between two cloths and press with a hot iron until it is quite dry I Frank Clifford of New York owns a collection Jff buttons numbering over 9000 speeiijens DELINQUENT TAX LIST Deecrip tiou nana n ne Bv ne ee no nw ne se nw ne sw 86 SW nw ne sw ne ne nw senw Lot 1 Lot 2 sw ne 6WUW bw ne Bene sw uw nwaw lie bw ns bo So He BW BW ne nw nwnw ne aw nw bw Lotl nwsw ne ae swse BOSS Lotl do 2 nw sw ne aw nejo nwsa none bo ne bw ne sonw Be BO sw so nwsa bwbq Lotl nenw swnw ne bw nwne ne lot 12 lot 11 no nw Benw lot l lots lot 4 senw lotl neaw nwaw ne se Bene ee se ne sw pe sw be so nw ae bw ne se no ne bw nw bw bw 8W 0 faW e bo pvf se sw se to se ne bw bo bw nw b cw BO ne bo nw so aw s Be se Lot 2 do S do 4 sw ae ne bo nw eo BW so no se nw so sw BO Be BO w no se no sw 80 a se ne ne n no bw ne b no no b ne ne so se S3 ne ho nw se bwso so se aitl d2 swne aeno Lot 3 do l bw nw bo nw no be aw se bw se bo no no wne w ne so no none nwne nenw ee BO nwne Bwno nw ae bw se ne sw nw bw bw BW 80 BW no Ee nw bo bw se boo lob 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 1 do 4 do 5 do 8 ne bw nw bw bwbw fee bw none nw ne bw ne eo no no e pw BO BW BO BO FO ne na nw ne bw ie pene ne ne bw bw nwnw J6 SO nw bo s be so so jne no nwne bw ne Bene bw bw se bw nenw se nw nonw nwnw Bwnw se nw nenw nw nw j awnw Eonw 139 118 nwne fit BUEPALO LAKE PRECINCT TOWNSHIP 26 RANGE 34 Seo 25 do do to 8 do do do Amt I 85 85 65 8G 88 86 80 8 TOWNSHIP 21 1 1 1 1 24 25 83 90 81 81 82 f 2 61 79 79 78 1 80 1 1 1 1 i5 1 25 24 24 25 41 54 2 1 1 79 04 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