Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, October 17, 1895, Image 2

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Gtaf Counig Independent
Corbett and Fitzslmmons Will Fight In
Hoc Spring Ark October 31 St Louis
Colored Alan Is Arrested for Bobbing
the Alullj Farmers Congress
Four Alen Drowned
Battimoue special Four men were
drowned by the capsizing of a pleasure
boat in the middle branch of tbe Patapsco
River I hey are Harry Stiner Fred
Yaikman William A Keynolus James
Huston All were residents of this city
and together with two companions at
tempted 10 cross the river from Ferry bar
to Meters Pavlllion in Jlundel County A
strong east wind made the water very
rough and when about half way across
the boat began to fill and went over leav
ing the pleasure seekers struggling in the
waler A number of row boats went to
the rescue but before they reached the
capsized boat the men had gone down for
the last time Their companions were
rescued with difficulty None of the
bodies have been recovered
On Schedule Time
Hot Springs Ark special The big
contest will take place in Hot Springs Oc
tober 81 In order to comply strictly with
the laws of Arkansas the articles of agree
ment of the Florida Atheletic Club have
been changed from a finish contest to a
limited number of rounds the referee
being vested with full powers to stop the
contest when in his opinion it becomes
necessary The contestants are to box
with soft gloves Spring Lake a beauti
ful resort four miles from the city has
been selected by Manager Brady as Cor
betts training quarters At the request of
the citizens of the city Corbett will give
an exhibition with his company Wednes
day evening Fitzsimmons training
quarters have not yet been selected
v Many Lives May Be Lose
SajTFr an cisoo special Private ad
vises from Guaymas estimate that the
steamers Diego Mazatlan and another
gulf coaster have been lost with all hands
onboard The crafts were right in the
path of a hurricane and nothing has been
heard of them though one was due at
tiuayraas and another at Mazatian some
days ago A number ol miners American
and Mexican took passage on the steam
ers and it it be true that the vessels went
down a hundred lives have probably been
lost There is great diffiulty in communi
cating with the districts Yisited by the
farmers Congress
Atlanta Ga special The Farmers
Natioual Congress adopted a resolution
favoring reciprocity between the United
States and the South and Central Amer
oau countries There was very little dis
cussion on the subject the farmers being
of one mind A dozen members have pre
sented free silver and bimetallic resolu
tions and there will be a very determined
effort to have some measures of that kind
l9ied by Hue congress Officers were
elected as follows President H Jb
Clayton of Iowa general vice president
G M Uoyal of Georgia secretary John
M Staple treasurer Henry Hayden of
Bobbed the Mails
St Louis special Joseph Miller
Thomas an educated colored man aged
3 years who works as mail clerk on the
ilron Mountain railroad between St
Louis aud Texarkana Ark is under ar
rest charged with stealing mail He con
fessed that the peculations which were
couiiued to mail matter addressed to Chi
cago had been going on for over two
months but the secret service officials be
lieve they have extended over a longer
period The guilt was hxed upon him by
decoy letters trora which he abstracted
mat ked money
Gold in Colorado
Central City Colo special This
field will tilts year produce about 5000000
under the new method of reduction and
the amount will increase with the exten
sion of the processes and the opening of
new mines lhe ore in this district which
is regarded as one of the greatest and most
permanent camp in the woridare both free
milling and smelting The field Is not yet
fumy opened It will yield according to
the Now York Financial and Mining
Record for generations to come The
iiiiucs are fissures in granite
RcixbIru Chancellor Visits William
London special The Berlin corre
spondent of the Times telegraphs that
Kmperor William received Prince Loban
off the Russian minister of foreign affairs
and Chancellor von Hohenlohe at Huber
tus Slock This visit must be regarded
ihe correspondent of the Times continues
u a return of the visit of Chancellor von
iienloho to the czar and as a sign of
rproved relations
Hotta Men Killed
Glottcksteb O special David C
oonke city marshal was attacked on the
street by ex Night Marshal Elmer Don
nally who for an old grudge began fir
ing at Cooke Five shots were fired and
both fell dead Cooke with four balls in
his breast and Donnally with a bullet
through his heart
Shot Bis Sweetheart
Eaton O special John M Smith
aged 17 escorted home his sweetheart
Gertrude Lally quarrelled with her on
the way home andarriving at the house he
shot and fatally wounded her in the pres
ence of her mother and then gave himself
tip to the sheriff
Gen Landram Dead
Lexington Ky special Gen W J
Landram of Lexington is dead at the age
of 68 years
Washington special Dr R M Laps
ley has been appointed an examining sur
geon for the pension bureau at Keokuk
and Dr J S Hurd at Hampton and Dr J
C Wood at Logan la
Syracuse N Y special The sessions
of the national council of Congregational
konurcnes or me united States Have been
riven over to the six missionary societies
joer me supervision of that body The
w ttartlftlt of Utah said that the
k in mat territory had not been a fail-
Liie coming election in November
wwsa a crises ra Utah t the
people vote for statehood the Mormona
will control the principal offices includ
ing that of Governor and civiliza
tion will be set back five or ten years
Rev Tims G Lansdale of South Dakota
brought the greetngs of that state and
gave a report of the work there The
council acted on the church university
question by adopting the following resol
utions 1 That a committee on Christ
ian unity be appointed at the session and
that they be instructed to inform all the
national bodies that are in fellowship with
us that they are authorized to represent
this council in calling an international
congress whenever any considerable num
ber of our sister churches shall have signi
fied their d readiness to co operate
in the call and also to as
sure them that we hope for great
good from such a congress especially in
the increase of mutual love and the multi
plication of opportunities for mutual fel
lowship 2 That we commend our
brethren who have sought to promote com
ity by inteidenomiuational organizations
in the several slates and request our com
mittee to encourage similar movements in
all parts of our laud 3 That we ought
to show that we are unsectarian not by
undervaluing our principles but by culti
vating and expressing thespiritof brother
hood toward all the followers of Christ
Cincinnati special Early Wednesday
morning an alarm of fire called the fire
department to the five story brick tene
ment at 021 West Sixth street in which
were sleeping forty tenants The flames
were in the third fourh and fifth stories
Women and children were screaming
piteously at the windows All the police
patrol wagons were quickly on the scene
and i he work of rescue began Thomas
OFlaherty a deaf man more dead than
alive with suffocation jumped from a
fourth story window into a net held by
the police without further injury One
body was taken from the fourth story by
the firemen on their ladders it proving to
be Mrs Mary Holmes aged 80 Her
daughter Miss E J Pendery and an
actress known as May Edwards of New
York were taken from the fifth floor in
an unconscious condition
Grand Junction Mich special
The Saints of God lrom all parts of the
state congregated at this place in great
numbers and packed the big pavillion to
listen to the address by D S Wamar edi
tor of the Gospel Trumpet on Prophecy
and Revelation Mr Wamar diagramed
his sermon on a blackboard and pictured
out to his followers that 1896 would bring
in a new epoch in the church and lead on
to the millennium He traced in his own
way year by year epochs which he said
would mark the end of the world and de
clared that in 1911 time would be no more
and the world would be wiped out The
followers of the church seemed to take his
sermon as gospel truth and declare the
prophecy will be fulfilled There was a
day of fasting and prayer to restore the
sight of one of their preachers in Wash
ington state
Washington special Rev T DeWitt
Talmage the well known divine is now
a member of the presbytery of Washington
city and has formally accepted a call as
co pastor of the First Presbyterian church
All this was done at a meeting of the
presbytery which was held at Kensing
ton Md There at the formal meeting ol
the presbytery the letter was presented ol
Rev Dr Talmages dismissal from Brook
to Washington and after its consider
ation he was decared to be a member ol
the Washington presbytery Rev Dr
Talmage and his daughters have been
busy house hunting as they expect to re
turn to Washington permanently within
the next few weeks They expect to con
tinue their search and Rev Dr Talmage
said he hoped this question would soon
be settled
Chicago special Fifteen thousand new
cars ordered for Chicago railroads on their
branch connections this year is an indi
cation of the strong tide of business
With these orders there have been others
for 160 locomotives the majority of which
like the new cars will run int
Cnicafo These orders for can
And locomotives are the greatesi
placed by the combined Chicago roads
since the two years preceding the panic ol
1893 When car building orders practic
ally ceased at that time the hope was ex
pressed that the shops might open again
in 1894 but that was destroyed by the
strike which not only kept these industrie
closed but practically shut the doors ol
every northwestern railroad repair shop
Lawrence Kan special Deputj
Sheriff Bowman of Jefferson County ar
rived here having in custody a party o
movers charged with kidnapping a 12-year-old
girl named Etta Radcliffe near
Tonganoxie Etta was on her way t
school and the movers tried to persuadi
her to go with them She refused and
they compelled her to walk ahead of the
team for seven miles The party took
dinner at a school house near here and
when they were ready to start on the girl
mixed with the school children and got
away She returned home Officers
promptly tracked the movers through
Lawrence and found them bringing them
back here to jail
Peoria special The state Federation
of Labor has adopted a number of resolu
tions among them one indorsing the action
of the Peoria miners in demanding the
restoration of the scale of 1894 A resolu
tion declaring that E V Debs is unjustly
condemned and extending sympathy to
him as far as the methods employed by
the court are concerned but not indors
ing the warfare waged against trades
unionism generally by him and calling
on him to cease his unholy stab at the
only means that can be used by the wage
workers to better their condition caused
a hot protracted discussion
Chicago special There were three
arrests in connection with the trolley car
holdup in this city and it is announced
that the officers of the street car company
have taken out warrants for two of their
former employes who are believed to be
concerned in the robbery A reward ol
2500 has been offered by the company
for the apprehension and conviction of the
highwaymen and consequently the terri
tory in which the holdup occurred is fair
ly swarming with police and detectives
Officers refuse to divulge the names of the
men who were arrested
Omaha special Engineer Thomas P
Armstrong and Fireman Charles L Barkis
were killed in a wreck in the Union Pa
cific Yards The train consisted of twenty-two
cars and was making high speed
for the upper yards when the locomotive
flew the track and turned end for end be
fore it stopped Five cars were heaped
upon it Armstrong was a single man
Barkis leaves a wile and three children
Chicago special A call has been is
sued by a committee of prominent negroes
from many states in the union for a na
tional conference of colored men to meet
at Detriot Mich on December 12 1895
The meeting will discuss ways and means
looking to the amelioration ol the condi
tjoo of the colored race
Constantinople special The Turk
ish Government has replied to the note ol
the envoys of the European powers on the
recent disturbance The reply enumer
ates measures taken to preserve order de
clares that the Turks are not the aggress
sors but that the Armenians killed inof
fensive Musselmen declares that as soon
as the Armenians leave the churches in
which they have taken refuge quiet wil
be restored and claims that Artetiian
agitators are intriguing to cause frestti dis
turbances The reply is unsatisfactory
and the envoys have met to considei
further action The sultan cotftiiiues
greatly disturbed by the presence of a
British fleet off the island of Lemnos and
again asked the British ambassador for
the withdrawal of the ships it is under
stood the ambassador persists in the re
fusal to recommend the withdrawal
Belfast special The Amalgamated
Association of Marine Engineers hav
notified the Bel ast shipbuilders that un
less the di man ds of the society are con
ceded a strike will be com leneedon Thurs
day next The employee state that there
is no chance of bringing about a compro
mise in the nuters in dispute The Clyde
shipbuilders who are working under an
understanding with those of Belfast will
it is announced suspend 25 per cent ot
their men every week after the strike be
gins and before the end of the month it is
estimated that 50000 men will be in idle
ness A long and severe struggle between
the members of the Amalgamated Associa
tion of Engineers and the shipbuilders and
engineers is anticipated
Castania Sicily special A woman
known as Uaetana Stomoli has been ar
rested for the wholesale poisoning of chil
dren with phosphorus She administered
the poison by mixing it with wine and
prevailing upon the children to drink it
Her victims already number twenty three
It is stated that they all died in fearful
agony The woman has confessed to
having committed the deed and offered as
an explanation that she wanted revenge
for the death of two of her children who
had been bewitched A crowd of people
attempted to lynch the woman and were
prevented with great difficulty
Munster Westphalia special There
has been a growing agitation here for
some time against the order issued to close
the beer gardens and other similar places
for obtaining refreshments at a much earl
ier hour that customary The result is
that a number of serious conflicts have
taken place betwreen the police and the
inhabitants in the streets of this city Mat
ters reached a crisis when the gen darmes
and police charged a mob of townspeople
with drawn swords wounding many of
the latter There is a bitter feeling against
the authorities and it is feared there will
be more trouble before long
London special The Venezuelan Con
sul at CardinMias written a letter to the
press giving the history of the boundary
dispute between Venezuela and Great
Britain He says Venezuela has repeated
ly proposed to settle the matter by arbi
tration but that the Marquis of Salisbury
Earl Granville and Lord Ro3ebery have
persistently declined to do so Since then
he adds Venezuela has made efforts
toward arbitration but the British en
croachments have steadily continued un
til they now extend far beyond the Schom
berg line into the territory of Terarul
Trebizond special Serious conflicts
between Turks and Armenians have oc
curred at this place Many Armenians
were killed
Harodsburg Ky special News was
received here of a duel which occurred at
Maxville a village on the Washington
County line between two young cousins
John and Proctor Shewmaker They had
a spat at a church and after being separ
ued agreed to go out of the town limits
and shoot it out which they promptly did
After stepping ten paces they fired five
shots at ech other Proctor was shot
through the body the ball entering his
right side and lodging in his left shoulder
Two shots from Proctors pistol passed
through Johns hat Proctors wounds
may prove fatal A trial will lake place
when the result of Proctors wounds are
Atlanta Ga special At the na
tional council of women Mrs I D Man
chester of Rhode Island read a paper on
The National Association of Loyal Wo
men of American Liberty of which or
ganization she is president Ellen Battle
Dietrick read a paper on Divorce and
Mrs Kmney delivered an address on
The Indian Question The Philadel
phians who came down with the liberty
bell were entertained at a barbecue The
Gate City Guard will be t e escort ol
President Cleveland when he arrives Oc
tober 22
Nashville Tenn special The Iowa
editors on their way to Atlanta with their
wives and friends reached here and wen
taken in charge by representatives of the
local press After breakfast and speeche
at the Maxwell a tour of the city followed
and receptions were given at the Peabodx
Normal College and the great stock farm
Belle Mead with speeches by prominent
citizens The party lolt for Chattanooga
St Louis special While attempting to
save tho life of a young doe Henry Nel
son the keeper of the Forest park zoo
was gored to death by an infuriated elk
The elk that caused Nelsons death was
brought to this city from Chicago about
six years ago He killed a man while he
was conlined in Lincoln park The ani
mal shed the velvet coat of its autler
a few days ago and has been in a viciou
temper ever since
KNOXVtLiETenn special Ezra Hamil
ton a love sick youth aided by Sam Butch
er a chum assassinated Walter Han
sard a rival near here The murderers U
save themselves from violence asked fo
admittance to jail and were taken in
Jackson Mo special A mob of abou
100 people took the negro Will Henderson
who attempted to rape 16-year-old Minnk
Rust away from the sheriff and hangei
him There was little excitement whiit
the lynching was being done
Sioux City Cattle 280 to 353 hogs
360 to 5380 sheep 250 wheat 42c t
He corn 19c to 22c oats 12c to lie rv
30c flax 80c hay 500 to 600 bulte
16c to 17c eggs lie to 13c
Chicago Cattle common to prime 53
to 565 hogs shipping grades 100 t
460 sheep fair to choice 1 50 to 345
wheat No 2 red 59e to 61o corn No
30c to 31c oats No 2 16j to 19Cc rj
No 2 40C
Minneapolis Wheat October 5i
December 54c to 54jc May 59c O
track 56c N 2 northern 53c
Kansas City Cattle250 to 385 hogs
885 to 4 50 sheep 125 to 3 50
South Omaha Cattle 290 to 38C
hogs 375 to 390 sheep 250 to 450
St Paul Cattle 475 to 390 hogs
875 to 390 sheep 9250 to 800
The Flournoy Company Is Knocked Oat
and the Agent May Eject Tenants of
the Land if He So Pleases Other Item9
of Interest
Capt Beck Dpheld
Judge Shiras in the United States Cir
cuit Court at Lincoln handed down de
cisions in the Winnebago Indian cases in
which Agent Capt Beck is sustained and
the Flournoy Land Company is knocked
out on about every point presented
There were two cases one commenced
by the Flournoy sublessees and in which
an injunction was obtained from the state
court District Judge Norris restraining
Capt Beck from using his Indian police fto
evict settlers The case was removed to
the lederal court by the counsel for the
Government Judge Shiras dissolves this
The other case was an action brought on
behalf of the Government in which it
asked that an order be issued to restrain
the Flournoy Company and its 250 sub
lessees from leasing lands belonging to
the Winnebago Reservation and compel
them to yield possession of these lands
This was decided in favor of the Govern
ment and the opinion recites that an order
of ejectment may be issued if demanded
The effect of the two decisions is to de
clare that those claiming under the Feb
ruary leases or similar title have no right
to the lands and Capt Beck is left free to
maintain the supremacy and control of
she government on the reservation The
opinions at great length recite the
ireaty stipulation and acts of congress in
relation to the allotment of lands in sev
aralty to the Indians of tbe reservation
and especially the stipulation that the
Indians were not to have power to alien
ate the lands until after they had been held
in severalty for tvuty five years
1 he order of injunetional ejectment
probably not be asked for at once the
the court holds that the Uovernmei
entitled to it Under the decisions
Flournoy Company its sublessees and
rlaiming by similar title are declare
jave no rights on the reservation and
fonstrued to follow that Capt Beck i
nstructea Dy urn department may sum
marily evict them as tresspassers the
right of the Government to full controDof
the reservation being declared as neces
sarily following its obligations as trustee
of the Indians
JRosewater Saed for 850000 Damages by
the World Heralds Proprietor
Editors Hitchcock and Rosewater of
Omaha have again entered the district
courts of Douglas County to engage in the
conduct of a libel suit The World Herald
Publishing Company started a damage suit
against the Bee Publishing Company to
recover the sum of 50000 The suit comes
about on account of a story published in
the Bee October 3 in which it is related
that newspaper changes are impending
and that tho World Herald is to be ab
sorbed by the Council Bluffs Nonpareil
together with reflections on the financial
condition of the World Herald The arti
2le went into the particulars purporting
to give the inside history of numerous news
paper and political deals not on the string
together with a resume of the financial
standing of the Bees rival The day fol
lowing the publication the World Herald
came out with a strenuous editorial on the
subject This has been followed up by
the institution of the suit in question The
claim for damages is based on the allega
tion that as the paper depends largely on
its advertisements and the circulation of
such reports would have a tendency to de
stroy this business and its credit that
therefore it is entitled to the damages
asked It is alleged that the World-Herald
has a larger circulation than tho Bee
but both cover about the same territorv
Nebraska Appointments
The following are the appointments of
Methodist ministers in northeast Nebraska
in the Neligh district
David Marquette presiding elder Al
bion C O Larrison Battle Creek J H
Wilcox Creighton E Wilcox Elgin E
E Hornet Emerick W A Wilson Sw
ing and Clearwater A Bishop Inman J
G Shick Loretto A J Warne Meadow
Grove J W Kern Neligh G A Luce
Newman Grove J N Gartner Niobrara
J C Ingersoll Oakdale J Crews
ONeill E T George Battle Creek cir
cuit H A Chappell Osmond C G
Rouse Pierce D S Davis Plainview L
K McNeill Plainview circuit R N
Throckmorton Reservation to be sup
plied Savage to be supplied Tilden W
A Rominger Page Bartley Bfain
E Hosman and E It Adriance left with
out appointments to attend school
The decision of the supreme court n
the case of Paxton Hershey vs thu
Farmers and Merchants Canal Company
is regarded by irrigationists at Norf
Platte as one of the most important de
cisions ever renuered by tho supreme
rourtof Nebraska The case involved tb
right of a canal company to condemn
and cross land owned by another cana
company and susceptible to irrigation
from its ditch The decision accords thi
right and is happily received there 1 also
puts the Farmers and Merchants Com-
pany in a position to go ahead md j
plete their canal which has been tied up
lormoretuana year Dyvtne ra nonj
tiersney injunction v
Paroled Convict Rearrested
Postmaster Fred W Patterson oRo
Bluff went to Plattsmouth and filed
complaint against Alonzo Moore char
ing him with being criminally intims
with his lo-year-old daughter v eronit
Moore is a fellow about 28 years of al
and has a decidedly bad reputation hal
ing been sent to the penitentiary fr
Otoe County about two years ago onj
charge of stealing and was recently
leased on parole Sheriff Eikenbarr
with a deputy went down to Rock BH
to arrest Moore who had learned of
actions of the father and started to eve
an est He was captured in a corntiel
where he was in hiding
Wood River Agricultural Fair
The agricultural fair held at WoodRhl
was a grand saccess The display of agj
ultural products was simply immenj
Oth in quantity and quality The fan
ers took hold with unusual enthusiast
md the result of their efforts wasvej
Kirs Ish aud Iler Cell
It is the intention of Jailer Miller
maha to transfer Mrs Ish charged wil
uiiruer ironi me een which sno now
upies in the main portion of the com
iil to the womens ouarters as soon
they are finished A t present she does ij
mingle with the male prisoners she
cannot be separated from them only by
the bars In the womens quarters how
ever she will be separated entirely from
them as the cells are in the southeastern
part of the building
Jailer Miller may find trouble in store
for him before he effects tho transfer Mrs
Ish has a decided objection to going into
the womans quarters andsavs that Judge
Scott and the county commissioners said
that she would not have to go there Con
sequently it may be necessary to obtain
an order of the court before the transfer is
Wife of a Well Known Minister Die
Mrs Alice B Robinson wife of Dr J
W Robinsoi a former pastor of Trinity
Methodist Episcopal Church at Omaha
and of the Methodist Church at Fremont
died suddenly of pneumonia at the resi
dence of her son J T Robinson at Fre
mont She had been in poor health for a
number of year and on this account Dr
Robinson had secured a transfer from his
parish at Charles City lo Rapid City She
was not considered dangerously ill until a
few hours before her deuth Iler husband
was absent from the city at the time Her
maiden name was Alice B Brown She
was born in Muchikinock La forty five
years ago and was married to Dr Robin
son in 1869 Mrs Robinson was a woman
of rare social and intellectualjatlainmeats
Ghost Story Was No Defense
A divorce was granted Peter Larson
from his wife Maria at Wahoo This
case was peculiar in its nature The
grounds of divorce were desertion Mrs
Larson Claimed that the house in which
herself and husbind lived was haunted
She refused to live among ghosts and gob
lins and her husband refused to purchase
another house hence the trouble The
court didjuot see its way clear to take any
stock in ghost stories however and gave
Larson a decree of divorce
Hound Over for Asaaultlng a Child
The preliminary hearing of Alonzo
Moore charged with being criminally in
timate with the 15-year-old daughter of
Fred W Patterson of Rock Bluff was held
five small iron bridge
I Tl tvml TUn I
m i
Co of Clinton Ja for 3389 These to j
anther with former contracts n n a tota i
of twenty two bridges to be onstructej
in the county this fall
O P Anderson Missing
Searohing parties are out hunting for
G P Anderson a Swede farmer living
three miles from Grafton who left heme
and has not been seen since He was
financially embarrassed and also grieved
at the loss of a son It is fearedhehai
gone insane
Thieves Operate by Wholesale
Thieves broke into tho store of J G
Preston at Oxford and carried away his
entire stock of watches and jewelry valued
at 51000
Nebraska Short Notes
Blair is working up another horse collar
Saline County has rented a portion of
her poor farm
Hastings has 1425 pupils enrolled in her
public schools
It is estimated that 40003 sheep will be
wintered in Dodge County
The Norfolk insane asylum is so full
that no more patients can be received
Farmers in the vicinity of Sutton will
cultivate over 400 acres of sugar beets next
George Mulligan a Custer County far
mer has recently fallen heir to a wad of
money 40000 in circumference
A passing locomotive set the B M de
pot on fire at Holbrok Prompt efforts
of citizens prevented the entire destruction
of the building
Miss Jennie Keim of Falls City had the
bones of her right leg broken in two
places by being thrown out of a carriage
attached to a runaway
Tho Ashland Mill and Electric Light
Company is shipping large quantities of
its flour to outside points Omaha taking
the largest share of the output
Oscar Hurst of Trenton used corrosive
sublimate to drive away bed bugs He
became poisoned from the deadly drug and
died soon after in great agony
Increasing business has compelled Scott
Co of Ashland to erect a large brick
business block It will be ready for occu
pancy early in the coining spring
The B M is again compelled to do a
arge amount of work on the river bank
opposite Plattsmouth to prevent the river
from endangering the bridge approaches
While working around a steam thresh
ing machine William McCloud living
near Wayne had his right arm torn out at
the shoulder The arm was torn com
pletely from the unfortunate mans body
Auburns new building and loan asso
ciation is doing a very gratifying business
to commence with The first week over
200 shares were taken It is expected that
there will be 500 shares out before No
vember 1
Threshing machine engines are danger
ous even when they dont explode A
spark from one set fire to tho stacks on
the farm of Mrs C E Gibbs near Nor
folk and in a few minutes 3000 bushels of
wheat and oats went up in smoke
H H Stottko J J Slining and H Cookj
all living near Fairmont have poole
issues and will cultivate 111 acres of suj
oeets next season They will emph
hirty hands and they estimate that the
nrnn willJimJt
Venezuela and Monrce Doctrine
Tho English pres3 seems disposed
ridicule the Monroe doctrine- ButVnS
land may soon learn jhat it is no ladl
ing matter Boston Globe
The question now for Great Britain to
consider Is whether it shall be a Dun
the bound
raven fluke an arbitration of
ary dispute or ironclads and coffee
Washington Times J
The St James Gazette wants to know
what tho blessed Monroe ddctrine is
When it actually findsout it will probably
use a harder adjective to describe it
New Tork Journal
If however there be genuine ignorance
on this subject among intelligent English
men we are inclined to believe that they
stand in the way of receiving ample in
struction on this point in the near future
Mail and Express
Though there is no indication that our
diplomats have done anything in particu
lar the people have prepared an ultimatum
and are ready to enforce it It is that
England shall never control the mouth of
the Orinoco or any other American river
south of the Canadian line New York
To Americans generally it seems plainly
evident that the British Governments
claim rests on a small foundation and
if the British Government should send
an army to invade Venezuela the justice
and propriety of the Monroe doctrine
would be brought in question Boston
Kecojmition of Cuba
The United States by good rights ought
to recognize the Cuban belligerents
South Bend Tribune
All they ask for is munitions of war
tjIx encouragement as Spain made
haste to giv ha Southern Confederacy
in 1S61 and we c they will get what
they want Providence Telegram
T i should instantly recognize
Hr uL am patriots and take measures to
r eet them against a horde of outcasts
iX Ui restrained might turn Cuba Into
-1 A enia This is Spains crowning
psgn t Albany State
tThis stf e of affairs is not likely to
gftrengthen the Spanish position in Cuba
ai J w T eventually cause our government
to jen ft tuis country to become a re
C1raitin ground for insurgent armies
uich will soon crush the power of Spain
01i the island Scranton Times
d ash efforts to prevent the
n K Cube indicate a belief thai such
ac o vould invoJtc soraetn g inor
What the c pprtttgora
do- i fwaat is a prcttj go- thins for
TTfc f jam to do and the Ooh- a wfH ap
preciate it when it in done
Kcir Hardic Socialist
J Ke r Hardic has come to this coun
try to preach socialism He will soon
find out that he cannot get n
ion Cincinnati Tribune
Keir Ilardie says ho has come to this
ountry to learn This nails down the Ho
according to which tho object of his visit
was to talk Milwaukee Sentiuel
James Keir Hardic the British social
ist says that Chicago is responsible for
his visit to America and Chicago has
apologized to the rest of the country
Fond du Lac Commonwealth
Keir Hardie is disappointed with New
York Judging from tho limited amount
f space accorded Kcirs doings and say
ings by the newspapers New York is also
disappointed witu Mr Keir Hardie
Pittsburg Dispatch
The presence of Keir Hardie in our
midst is one of the picturesque excres
cences of the labor movement in this
country and in England The time has
gone by when any talkative person posing
as an apostle of labor or a champ in of
the workingman is received
New York Mail and Express
Chinas Uatcst Uiacrace
There is some comfort in the refiJn
that China will be compelled to f a
heavy indemnity Baltimore New
The outrages upon the missibnarp can
not be condoned Some mens shr Q
found for teaching the barb raii3 salu
tary lesson Philadelphia L y -
Tn fYtinrt an avnrr rnc Irnrvtvo t Jl
ah j iuci tin J uivrr
oreaKs never come witnout tneer
agement and direction of the jj
educated class Philadelpi
The Ku Cheng niurdj
hina is still a lis
eenth centuas
the wall