Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, October 17, 1895, Image 12

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Paralysis Is Kot Nerye Deatt for It Is
Ifivfii the Journal Lexoititon Mich
Patrick Doyle a man more than seren
fcy years of age called at this office re
cently and gave a remarkable account
Everyone knows the nature of paralysis
and how difficult it is to cure so that hia
testimony Is extremely interesting He
About six or seven years ago I was
afflicted with inflammatory rheumatism
contracted while at work in a Manistee
saw mill and had to quit work on that
account Then came a long time of de
spair for me My lower limbs became
numb and cold and I lost the use of them
almost entirely For a long time I was
unable to stand on my feet without sup
port For four years I could not think
of doing any kind of work
I treated with many eminent doctors
without deriving any benefit I spent
more than 100 in one summer for medi
cal treatment which failed to help me
The local doctors could not give me any
encouragement and in fact did not know
what my ailment was I became tired
of doctoring and for a year I did nothing
foi iy trouble considering that my case
was nopeless By this time the life was
gone out of my legs and I could not bend
them at all the cords being hard as bone
The cold occasioned me great pain I
could not walk at night and when I
moved around in the daytime I had to
watch the ground each step and then
could only hobble along with the use of a
Hope had about gone out of my life
when I read in my local paper of persons
whum I knew having been cured of sim
ilar cases by Dr Wifiiams Pink Pills so
1 tried them and In a short time I could
climb the stairs with ease a thing could
not before do for years I did not give
them a fair trial however until a year
ago and after using a few boxes the life
came into my limbs and feet and I wa9
soon able to resume work I can now
bend my legs and straighten my back
which I had not dono for years previous
to the use of the pills I consider myself
completely cured and give the entire
credit to Dr Williams Pink Pills I mosl
cheerfully recommend them to the use oi
all persons afflicted with similar diseases
To confirm his story beyond all doubt
Mr Doyle made the following affidavit
Sworn and subscribed before me April
20th 1895
Justice of the Peace
Dr Williams Pink Pills contain all the
elements necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shatter
ed nerves They are for sale by all drug
gists or may be had by mail from Dr
Williams Medicine Company Schenec
tady N Y for 50c per box or six boxes
for 250
French are
One reason why the French are not
successful In colonizing Is found in
their Intense attachment to their birth
place Americans will be surprised
to learn that 21000000 of the 38000
000 inhabitants of France live In the
towns where they were born St Louis
Globe Democrat
The Prince of Wales careful as he- is of
his health is a very fast eater
Is fully as important and as beneficial as
Spring Medioine for at this season there is
great danger to health in the varying tem
perature cold storms malarial germs prev
alence of fevers and other diseases All
these may be avoided if the blood is kept
pure the digestion good and bodily health
rigorous by taking
The One True Blood Purifier
HnnflQ Pi lie cure all liver Ills blllous
Aiuuu o rins ness headaches 25c
v jm rjsgsj a
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used The many who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more with
less expendituie by more promptly
adapting the worlds best products to
theneeds of physical being will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in th
remedy Syrup of Eigs
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form mo3t acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative effectually cleansing the system
dispelling colds headaches and feyera
ana permanently curing constipation
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession because it acts on the Kid
neys Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
evry objectionable substance
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and 1 bottles but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co only whose name is printed on every
package also tbe name Syrup of Figs
and being well informed you will cot
accent any substitute if offered
The best irult section in tbe West Nc
drouths A failure of crops never known
Mild climate Productive soil Abundance ol
good pure water
For Maps and Circulars giving full descrip
tion of the Rich Mineral Fruit and Agricultu
ral Lands in South West Missouri write to
JOHN to IOicuy Manager of tbo Missouri
Land and Live Stock Company Neosho New
ton Co Missouri
81 Bb
Thomas P Simpson Washington
D U ItO nit g ieo unui J aiem
Ulned Write for InTentors Quids
WHEN say you saw the advertisement
la thiz paper
you for silver For the mon
ey of the fathers of our land
For the mintage of the Federal
Constitution pure and grand
It was Jefferson who penned the law
while Hamilton concurred
The pen of Washington signed the act
Free coinage None demurred
Are you for silver For the money that
was known
As the money of the nation as to great
ness it has grown
Money that was ever welcome
At the mints of Government
And coined free to do its duty
When among the people sent
Are you for silver For the money stan
dard from the nations birth
Equal everywhere with gold in its serr
vice and its worth
Circulating on a parity wherever it was
Taken gladly by the people wherever com
merce went
Are you for silver For the metal that
was given equal right
At the mints till Satans Masterpiece con
spired the land to blight
And arranged a plan with money kings
To re enslave the free
By contracting what they owned one
In eighteen and seventy three
Are you for silver Do you know that
with only gold enthroned
Gold has to do the work of both
of 1873 should fae as speedily wiped off
the statute books and the law coining
both gold and silver af the ratio of 1G
to 1 be enacted without respect to In
ternational agreement
Money of the World
Those 135000 Americans who went
to Yurrup the past season did they
load themselves down with intrinsic
value 200 cent money-of-the-world
gold dollars that are just as good in
one part of the globe as another and
are never known to fluctuate in val
ue Not a bit of it They simply went
to certain banks in New York where
they deposited their gold silver green
backs silver certificates national bank
notes bank drafts on Chicago and oth
er large cities or whatever money they
happened to have In their possession
exchanged It for foreign letters of cred
it or drafts on banks of whatever coun
try or countries they wished to visit
paid the discount or exchange and
got aboard an ocean steamer with as
little concern as though taking a trip
from New York to Charleston
Probably not a dollar of gold in their
pockets and yet no worry lest they
shall not be able to meet all demands
against them in any country on the
globe In securing this monetary peace
of mind they are no more indebted to
ithe yellow metal that is supposed to be
worth thirty times its weight in silver
Mir jUuks fejgpi
ui mi m cJLttn viiih nil i iir s yy jr iv- w n1
ii mm i yjYimt8M
U l fllBUH W yryflMHM
i mm fifrsw4 u uw irnc
iii wm jTfjrys ffiTiw
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-ex jfsRffii
-- I
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W WHUK ft t ri ill I ll HIIIHIIII s fM t U 0 f J I lT i il I Ii ltrMKZk
Kte1Jl Sft j E BWKBiifV - Vv- 1 Will
T ffc - ivr I YN
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Reports from Mexico Indicate growing prosperity News Item
Trio of Medical Advisers Hullo thats poison Why arent you dead
Mexico Perhaps because Providence wants to show that youre not infalli
Cornered and by schemers owned
That mortgages have but increased
As other values shrank
The values that were helped not hurt
Were the values of the bank
Are you for silver Do you see the stan
dard cut in twain
All values shrink to correspond with the
half that does remain
Now silver is but credit coin
Redeemable in gold
No longer standard money
Helping prices to uphold
Are you for silver Higher prices from
the products of your soil
Hope you with contracted standard
Higher wages for your toil
Twas a scheme to rob the seller
And his labor must be sold
By the workingman
In prices measured only by the gold
Are you for silver If much money meas
ured by the precious gold
Were in your possession neighbor
You need scarcely to be told
You might desire it bring you much
In commodities you bought
Getting more in products labor
More in justice than it ought
Are you for silver Then no doubt you
The misleading phrase sound money
Means dear money for this land
And low prices for all products
Labor to be included here
Will you vote that you be poorer
And the rich mans money dear
Are you for silver Help you then to
right this wrong
Can the goldbugs further trick you
Can you stand these hard times long
Do you think this once proud nation
Needs protection in the rule
Of a Rothschild British combine
With sly Wall street for a tool
Are you for silver Dont forget it when
it comes convention day
Get there stay there watch the schemers
Beat them Boldly have your say
Then no matter what your party
Work for silver with your might
Organize Be up and doing
Get you ready for the fight
Are you for silver Suffer not a slothful
Guard your home and country freeman
Rouse your neighbor do your best
Britain and her scheming servants
Must be met with bravery
Are you for America for silver or for
American Bimetallist
Bob Taylor for Silver
Ex Gov Bob Taylor who fiddled his
way into Congress and later Into the
executive chair of the State of Tennes
see in a late characteristic speech in
Washington had this to say on the sil
ver question While I am practically
out of politics I am still a patriot talc
iug as keen an interest in the affairs of
state as I ever did And while I have
always been in favor of the double
standard as our national financial pol
icy my recent travels over this coun
try and my business experience and
observation of the needs and desires of
tbe people have impressed me morej
than ever that the enormous outrage
than they are to the fifty cent dollars
and promise-to-pay dollars that are
so loudly decried by the
yawper Doubtless in their
whole European tour they will not lay
their fingers on a single gold coin
American or foreign
Had these tourists taken American
gold to Europe they would have had
to exchange it for other money doubt
less at a greater discount than that paid
In New York American gold coin in
England will not pass current until the
American eagle has been hit over the
head obliterated entirely and the lion
and the unicorn stamped in its place
They first destroy its money function
make of it a commodity when it is on
the same footing as American silver
American wheat corn or beef then
they turn it into English money Amer
ican gold coins when sent to foreign
countries are either recoined or sent
back again If a man were to land in
England or Germany with a ten dollar
greenback a ten dollar gold piece and
ten silver dollars all American money
he could take it to a bank and ex
change it for about 2040 of their cur
rency and he would get just as much
for one kind of money as the other
The discount charged would yield a
profit in sending the money back to
this country where it all goes at par
Will not the
idiot please change his yawp for some
thing sensible
Chili for Silver
A new bill formed by the congress of
Chili provides for specie payment from
June 1 1S95 and as both metals are to
be utilized the change promises to have
an important effect upon the worlds
supply of metals The president of
Chili Is empowered for the term of
three years to coin 10000000 of silver
All of the proceeds from the sale of
nitrate beds shall be devoted exclusive
ly to the purchase and coinage of silver
Three gold coins of 20 10 and 5 are
also provided for The silver dollar is
to weigh 20 grams and is to be 835 1000
fine Silver is to be a legal tender for
50 except to the government where
it is received as gold
Silvers only place is that of primary
money the equal of gold at the doors
of the mints before coinage and the
equal of gold at the treasury after coin
age Silver must be restored as abso
lute unconditional primary money
Kansas City Mo has organized a
silver league Its object is to be the
promotion of the cause of free silver at
a 16 to 1 ratio The charter members
consist of many of the foremost local
business men of both parties
It is reported that banks participating
in the enormously profitable issue have
promised to furnish 30000000 of gold
If necessary for the reserve fund that
another bond issue may not embarrass
the administration j
He who would pry behind the scenes
oit nets a- counterfeit uryaen
Highest of all in Leavening Power Latest U S Govt Report
PrftfetS Baking
Bishop Whipple Pays a High Tribute
to the Indian
It is not often that a good word Is
jpoken in behalf of the Indian but
one is It generally comes from
imong those who know him best Bish
op Whipple of Montana has spent
nany of the best years of his life with
he red men and has studied their lives
md habits The following will there
fore be read with interest coming as it
ioes from one who knows whereof he
The Indian is tfie noblest type of the
vild man In the world says Bishop
tVhipple Se recognizes the Great
Spirit believes in a fnture life has a
passionate love for his children and
will lay down his life for his tribe
He is courteous and hospitable If his
Dltterest enemy came to his wigwam
le would be treated as an honored
juest The Indian is proverbially hon
est unless he Is demoralized by drink
In thirty six years experience with the
Indiana I never knew one to tell me
l He and I never had a thing stolen by
jne I asked an Indian once If It was
afo to leave ray property In my wig
svam while I made a distant journey
3e lausrhed and said Quite safe
There isnt a white man within 100
piles of you Among themselves the
Indians are fond of jokes and often
hout with laughter They are taci
turn however In the presence of the
In 1S62 during the civil war the In
llans learned from pictures which they
mw on the traders counters that the
Vorth was at war with the South and
was belnjr defeated When the agent
inllsted a company of half breeds they
relieved they could recover their lost
erritory They commenced a massa
ge In which 800 people were killed
q three weeks The western border of
Minnesota was a trail of blood Many
f the noblest border men I have ever
cnown were cruelly murdered It wad
larker than midnight I shall carry
ja my grave the warm hospitality of
ftose friends who now sleep in name
ess graves The massacre was the
utcome of a long series of neglects
md dishonesty and the only light in
die darkness of those days was the
Tact that the Christian Indians were
is true as steel They saved more than
200 white women and children There
ire Indians still living whom I love as
3xq bravest knights that ever walked
n earth and who at the risk of the
hatred of their fellows and danger to
ttteir lives never faltered The same
massacre would have taken place on
sur northern border had It not been
for the fact that the Christian Indians
ave timely warning of danger and
friendly Indians came to the defence
of the whites
Bushels of Kings Liost
Its safe to say that a basketful of
finger rings are lost at the seashore
every season said a habitue of the
Atlantic coast summer resorts recent
ly Many bathers never thluk to re
move their rings from their fingers
before taking a plunge In the surf and
when they come out not a few find that
the rings have slipped off in the water
Of course they are irrevocably lost in
the sands If the beach at Atlantic
City for instance could bo thrashed
out or sifted it would yield a gold
mine not to mention a valuable store
of precious stones of every kind
A Silent Appeal for Help
When your kidneys and bladder are la
active they are making a silent appeal for
help Dont disregard It but with Hoatetters
Stomach Bitters safely Impel them to activ
ity They are In Immediate danger and it
is foolhardluess to shut ones eyes to the
fact Be wise in time too If you experience
manifestations of dyspepsia malaria rheu
matism constipation or nerve trouble The
Bitters before a meal adds zest to It
The value of the annual production of
French olive oil is estimated at 9500000
while that of Italy is placed at 37500000
Homeseekers Excursion
October 22 H C Cheyney General
Agent Security Bauk Building Sioux
City la
The ancient Mexicans had a year of
eighteen months of twenty days each
California Excursions
H C Cheyney General Agent Sioux
City la
The Hebrew figures place the date of
the flood at B C 2340
lOTS All Fltastcppedfree by Dr Klines Gret
JJerve Mestoi or o Fits after first days use Mar
velous cures Treatise and 2jG0 trial bottle free to
Fit cases Send to Dr Kline 831 Arch St lhila Ps
50 cents and iC0
They Traffic in Tarantulas
According to a Pasadena paper the
capturing and shipping of tarantulas
may be classed as one of the industries
of the Pacific coast The business in
this unique traffic resulted last year in
the shipment from that place of over
20000 tarantulas to meet the demand
of the tourist traveler and it Is esti
mated that in the last five yeara 250
000 spiders have been sold
Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper
It is the right way Pay more and you
are extravagant Pay less and you are
The newest brightest cleanest and
easiest riding tourist sleepers are used for
the Burlington Routes personally con
ducted excursions to California which
leave Omaha every Thursday morning
reaching San Francisco Sunday evening
and Los Angeles Monday noon
Second class tickets accepted Ask
nearest ticket agent for full information or
write to
J Feancis G P A Omaha Neb
The Olympiads consisted alternately of
forty nine and fifty months
Balls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
The Chaldean monarchy is believed to
date from 2286 B C
I vrtiiBVB Pisoa Car for Consumption
sured ray boyg life lut summer Mh
ATiLix DouaASS LeEoy Mich Oct 20 H
The Era of Abraham began October
1 B a 2016
Wr THnMow Koonnwo Bntrr for Ondre
Use t bins lotteus the cumi reaucu Inflammation
UUra pain cures wind colic 23 ceatfl a bottla
SCOTT BOWNB cutjnuto
ror UYqX aX0T
rVxaxurvfcSS VrS
ttEi s wuv VKvtwava
B5tess LABOR So
cakes lor general
blacking of a stove
POLISH for a quick
Iter -dinner shine
applied and pol
islied with a cloth
Sffoxso Bros Cmtoa Maae US A-
Can only be accomplished with the very bos
of tools and f appliances
W lth a Davis j Cream Sepa
rator on the jsim t farmyuarc
suroofmoro Wztl and hotter
butter while ffithr the skimmed
ffg3P nalle
Farmers will yga maka no mis
take to get a TSfcUggt Davis Keat
Illustrated aH catalogue
mailed fkee S3 Agents wanted
Cor Randolph Dearborn Sts Chicago
Farm and Wagon
Uniud States Siandarf All Sizes and All Kinds
Not made by a trnst or controlled by a combiaatioa
For Free Book and Price List address
22lncliAratoaX X USA
with Voce tab to
KemodleH Hsv
enrsd many thousand
cases Drononnced hooeleea From first dou avmrv
toms rapidly disappear and In ten days at least two
thirds of aU svmptoms are removed BOOK of
testimonials of mlrucnlonn cures font FKEE
Ten Days Treatment Furnished Free by Mail
Washington DC
SiirnFrfLillv Prosecutes Claims
Lfita Principal Examiner US Pension Bureau
3Trslalst war 15adjudicUiCCIaim sttjaiacet
ISnra relief ermrwa
S ODHTO ttm CT IIPflDQ fill a1 -watch the color fadejb
S Or U I 8 JAUUDd UIL the soreness disappear J
Timely Warniti
The great success of the chocolate preparations of
the house of Walter Baker Co established
in 1780 has led to the placing on the market
many misleading and unscrupulous imitations
of their name labels and wrappers Walter
Baker Co are the oldest and largest manu
facturers of pure and high grade Cocoas and
Chocolates on this continent No chemicals are
used in their manufactures
Consumers should ask for and be -sure trmtv
they get the genuine Walter Baker Cos goods
ii jffS j
i iBjrrc jssm -en
m I Hi W If
I till
Nw York
You can take that soap
right back and change
I would not use any
other kind
Bvery woman who has
ever used
knows it is without an equal Sold everywhere Made only by
The N K Fairbank Company - Chicago
The doctors tell us now-a-days that disease germs
are everywhere in the air in the water in our food
clothes money that they get into our bodies live
there thrive and grow if they find anything to thrive on
Consumption is the destruction of lung tissue by
germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them
The remedy is strength vital force
Scotts Emulsion with hypophosphites means the
adjustment of lung strength to overcome germ life
It is fighting the germ with the odds in our favori
These tiny little drops of fat food make their way
into the system and re fresh and re invigorate it
Whether you succeed with it or not depends on how
good a start the germs had and how carefully you can
live The shortest way to health is the patient one
The grain is often slow
Rev Dr Edward L Clark patoc
of the Central Congregational
Church of Boston says I haTo
used RIpans Tabulea -with io muck
satisfaction that I now keep them
always at hand They are the only
remedy I use except by a physi
cians prescription They are all
they claim to be
KlpaiiB Tabules are sold by drueri5WorbTBiaU it
the price 50 cents a box Is sent to The Kipans Cbeml
ral Company 2o 10 Spruce Street Xew Yorfc Sampla
vial 10 cents
42 95
Best Congh Syrup Tastes Good Usa
in lima com ay araxKisU