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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
JKrVMh f SOME HEW GOVERNORS A BRIEF HISTORY OF EXECU TIVES RECENTLY ELECTED Iilch Altgold and ZtZxitthcirs Are Farmers Sons Ieck Was a Printer Crounse Stone and Nelson Were Lawyers Began Life Poor Governor Ieck George TV Peck who has been re elected Governor of Wisconsin was born in Jefferson County New York Sent 28 1840 his family moving to Wis consin three years la ter He attended the common schools until 15 years old when ho learned the printers trade In 1SGL he became a newspaper proprietor but later entered the army and served till the close ov ricc of the war After a three years jour nalistic career in Xcw York City he returned to Wisconsin and shortly afterward started the paper which not only brought him a comfortable fortune but made his name a house hold word He is said to fully in dorse Mr Clevelands views upon all leading questions John T Uleli Hon John T Rich the Governor elect of Michigan is a farmer His parents originally from Vermont re miwWh v r x jiv y t moved to Craw ford County Pa where he was born Coming to Michi gan in 1818 when only 7 years old he began life for himself and has won both position and fortune In lS72Mr Rich was elected to the low- johx t men ui iiuubu ui unu State Legislature and durinsr his six years service in that body served upon the most important committees During the sessions of 1S7T and 1879 he occupied the position of Speaker of the House In 18S0 he was a prominent candidate before the con vention for Governor In the same year he was elected to the State Sen ate which position he resigned upon his election to Congress to succeed Mr Conger He served but one term in Congress being deieatcd for re election by a few votes Returning to private life he has been active in agricultural circles In 1890 Mr Rich was appointed by Secretary Poster of the Treasury Department as a member of the commission to re vise the standard of wool samples of the Government In lSSfi Gov Luce appointed him State Railroad Com missioner and reappointed him to the same position two years later Governor elect Altgelil John P Altgeld wno is to succeed Gov Pifer as Chief Executive of Illi nois was born in Germany in 1847 but was reared on a farm in Ohio When 16 years old he entered the Union aimy and carried a musket for six months in the campaign around Richmond Afterward he taught school in Ohio In 1S39 when 21 years old mfff v he started West to johv p aitcem seek his fortune After working for awhile in St Louis he went to Southern Kansas where he taught school and studied and in 1872 was admitted to the bar He was elected States Attorney of Andrew County soon becoming recognized as one of the foremost lawyers of the State In 1875 he went to Chicago He soon built up a large practice his connec tion with the Storey will case bring ing him into prominence Drifting into politics he was nominated in 1884 to Congress from the Fourth District but was defeated In 1886 he was nominated for a Superior Court Judge ship indorsed by the Knights of La bor and after a hot fight was elected by 15000 the Knights of Labor giv ing him 26000 votes Will Govern Hoosiers Claude Matthews the Indiana governor-elect was born Deo 14 1845 in Bath County Kentucky and was graduated at uenter College Danville Kentucky in the class of 1867 He moved to Indiana in 1869 and settled on a farm three nijles west of Clinton where he has ever since resided engaged in farming ci acdk MATTnEvsand stock raising He was elected a member of the legislature in 1870 In 1890 he was elected Secretary of State He has taken an active part in all interests relating to agriculture He has been an active promoter and member of of the Parmers Mutual Benefit Asso ciation Missouris Xcw Kxecutlve W J Stone who has been elected Governor of Missouri was born May 7 184S in Madison County Ky He went to Missouri in ISO and in 1872 was elected Prosecuting Attor nev of SevadaMo In 1SS4 Mr Stone was nomina ted and elected to the Porty ninth Congress from the Twelfth District o f Missouri He served three terms i n succession i n Crnffress In 1SS0 mwjf 9 STO C he declined to be renominated h Con rt 1 4- ii innirl trress J nougu nuu a wuu Jnv nffii P that vear lie made thir Indies in Mi a lie te tor over other fe E s piano W 4- r 9 Hall yo i Deo - pie once But tis 1 not- thy prido Tor tbjr hum - bleat eon Where from ont thy gesh If no fraud of bssa And in tight -coos lef efO W 0 21 i j d i 1 rV OTl thca ing dia States His record in Congress was excellent He took a prominent part in the passage of the law by which the railroad land grants made twenty live years ago were forfeited and the land restored to the people lion Knute Nelson Knute jSelson the man whom the Republicans of Minnesota have elected to the Governorship is a Norwegian having been born in Norway in 1S43 and his career has been a strangely va ried one When but 9 years of age he came with his parents to this country knute nelson where after ob taining an ordinary education he studied and began the practice of law At the breakihg out of the civil war he enlisted as a private in a Wis consin regiment until the close of the strife He served as a member of the Wisconsin State Legislature in 18G8 69 and in 1870 removed to Douglas County Minnesota Here he was Elector on the Garfield ticket and served four years in the State Senate He served in the iTorty ninth and Fiftieth Congresses being elected by very large majorities but he was finally given a political rest by a combina tion which had been effected for his defeat Nebraskas Choice Lorenzo Crounse the successful gubernatorial candidate in Nebraska was born Jan 27 1834 in Schoharie County New York One of his great grandfathers had come to this coun try from Wuttenberg famous in the history of the world since the time of Luther Young Crounse went through that early training from which so many great Americans have gradua ted a common school education followed by several years of work as the head of a country school Mr Crounse began his career as a teacher at the age 17 He then read law at Eort Plain in the same State and was admitted LhkJp to practice in the iohenzo chol nsi year 1856 Four years later he was married to Miss Mary E Griffiths He served through the war and af terward resumed the practice of law in Nebraska He was elected to the Territorial Legislature in 18G5 and in 1SGG was chosen to the Supreme Bench of the State Congressional linnnvc worn nnvf tliwief nnnn Viim and he served through both the Forty 1 third and Forty fourth Congress In j 1891 he was induced to accept the ww 0Q ik feS ss rHr r J23 H F J i i 1 4- loot - ed- By- tho therTfl brav ry glo - ry Those Bhonld fill war riors cat Kt Afld toil Jjasfc Jici lf motmtains Eiv era leap oe ands of hon or thy roy i di - a la - tion ghield our -hon - oy we Im f brave told gem yore i -- THE NSW AMER2CANHYMI Freeioms Golden Hearth fa Be i V mod r V him m Mm TT -B 7V mm r r w m r - X -- a mm Jtffe LSr H oS 1892 flriC V - - -T -- m V W mi W - Ik Il I IHIU1 V J mmmtm mWmW W Imm - -- -- i - t tx jco TnrtVLr o Ju fYiifii i huh l j - - v STir C5 xTacdvo crzrgico e nZTtcJa FTtt Ufema cixrgyi By W COTZZATS Not doa and dragging lul not too thdy Hoil Co - luti I Hail tbon land 2J Land of -Lo t Land of r fo S Land of purl 4 If thy toil 5 2Fow O -S 1492 bia thop C3 - loct - cd by God C8 lect - ed j Freedoms gold - en hearth f o roes brava in eto ry And in con qbest iruo aS - doo na tloa feir - est Grand a glo - ry orld ja ing spark ling fountains Land of treaE nred wealtlr on end if thy v hon - or Crown theo liko n priaco - ly ther for thij na - tion Grant pro - teo - 6on as ot i i GoutK in tin - aoa bienu edr pro Berya it from WTongi roar ncr tram - efc sound ing Ever may- re theo inostf lovo thy Etar - ry More than all- thy gold- en shrines art and grao - e3 pour ingThrough thy f gold - en gates of peace off vrith desS pmz Ihna der Slan - dera Tile and shamo ful boaste I I f - 3x2 5 i jfepczrrnmj jtujj nrn CA IB I 1 nA 1 m pmmmmmzpmmEm f freb gravof I cmwnd J gold demt plorol JTorih Can Bnfc V g - Drive and nons wa ence them ua - v J 0 aia Us r i F 4 1 fcr flu l l arcs A a i fp - QJ 1 g 3jmI 1 j VH I 1 Tr 41 l Ify i T73 f sition offered him by President Har rison Assistant Secretary of the Treasurv Playing to I lszt An anoynymous contributor to the Atlantic Monthly says that several summers of her girlhood were passed in an old villa at Castle Gandolfo which before 1870 was the summer residence of the Pope near Eome A Polish lady who occupied the lower floor of the house had a piano in her j rlor and very kindly gave the lit tle girl permission to use it every day during the hour of her own afternoon drive I was proud of being allowed to learn some little pieces particularly a duet from Lucia di Lammermoor which I looked upon as a masterpiece of subtlety and execution One af ternoon I was thumping away at that morsel with my eight-year-old hands stretched at last to the full extent of an octave and my eight-year-old mind happy in the thought of having mas tered all the technical difficulties of the composition when the door open ed softly and I looked up to see a white haired man with a handsome kindly and to me very venerable couutenance standing beside me I stopped playing in alarm but he motioned me not to move and said gently in Italian Go on my little girl never mind me I should like to hear that piece over again Half reassured bj the kindness of his manner I began again nervously at Lucia and somehow managed to get through it It is not bad said my listener He took hold of my hand and showed me how the notes should be struck and what I must aim at in prac ticing And now if you like I will play to you he said and sat down and play ed Lucia to show me how it should be done From that he went on to other music very different but won derfully grand it seemed to me and so on and on till stopping at last he saw me standing there with eyes big with wonder and full of tears You have a soul for music child he said study hard and will get on At that moment my fathers voice called from the stairway I gathered up my book to go The old gentle man patted me on the head as I thanked him shyly and I ran away full of wonder and excitement Afterward I heard and later still I understood that the musical treat of that afternoon was a privilege which many would have envied me that the piano in the tapestried salon had vibrated under the touch of genius that I had been listening to the great pianist the Abbe Liszt and what is appalling to think of had been playing to him Sing ye praise immortal Bat each raoa posieeaing HoVits folds are lands confessing For oar glorious nation Lan Lord -- m Sing at ev - ry por tal JVeedoms ho - ly blessing How its etara are beaming This thy rich est blessing Grant thy The Czar Is Weak Not Wicked A near kinsman of the Czar who visits Eussia frequently and who is well known for his frankness as well as fairness told me a few months ago that many of the things done by the alleged order of the Czar were repug nant to that rulers feelings The princes conversation might be sum marized in this way Alexander has no idea of doing wrong to anyone His heart is full of kindness ne is happy only when surrounded by his family circle It is true that the foulest malad ministration and persecution are go ing on all about him but he poor fellow is incapable of seeing them He hears only the reports of minis ters who know that he does not like to be worried The poor man is so burdened with fat that he can scarcely do any work his temperament is sluggish he lacks intelligence when he signs papers he has no idea that he is doing more than an exercise in penman ship He is physically and mentally in capable of supervising an depart ment of the government not even the military and as a consequence the country is left entirely to officials who divide up power among them selves and do what they can to re main in office I only quote enough of this princes remarks to explain how it is that abuses continue in a country nom inally governed by a mild peace loving Czar for it opens a terrible vista of what might be were he dis posed to be personally cruel It makes one shudder to think of the day when the present czarowitz shall mount the throne Harpers Maga zine Many Ways of Snellinir Cat Those of you who are fond of cats will be interested to know that as these soft purring creatures look the same in ail countries they are also known in these various lands by names not very different from that by which they art known to 3011 In Danish and Dutch and Swedish the word differs from our own designation only in the spelling being kat in first two and katt in the last To the French the cat is known as chat In Germany the cat is called katze in Latin catus gatto in Italian gato in Portu guese and Spanish kot in Polish kots in Russian keto in Turkish cath in Welsh catua in Basque and gaz or katz in Armenian Harpers Young People At Jeffersons recent appearance in Boston the box office receipts were 25000 probably the largest on rec ord for eight nights performances The volunteer Cabinet makers are now having their inning w 3 wii Freedom song This thy boa6t Freedom shrines Land of peace Lord of Hosts - -- mm rk i m rfc i Ffc li i - r -II KT I J L - - W r W Z T V SM J 1 B w st i - h - nw li -- w ll m r What the Not tho Bich in JafiL viU Vicoj cor siros bo bu - gle er - ry then- be rnp tioa long call coso vev teari Co re V a fend ed Brave and Etrong sound ing On thy coast treaa ure Land di iine eosr ing Joys in- crease t eun - der Lord of Hosts 1 i a Free doma song ye hillB re -bound Val IeyB ecb o back the sound i This thy boast from sea to sea Ey na - tfon hero is freet PiwilnTnn oYrint thfl tefnda da claret EhinG ohf Bfarfi for- - fif thfro I d of peaMaaallBing the Freo In the jjcehitur ies - to bo of Hosto to Thea Thoa a -lone onrNa King f 3 f r taoi rw t - ac iS B 7R 2 - 5 Hail Thou Land Ly God Selected the National Hymr CopyriRht 18B Ly V Conradi All rights reserved Published by C Carlbhall 037 N Clark St Chicago 111 C Jinc Four Ills Silver Tips John Chapman of Wyoming relates a thrilling experience his wife had re cently with four silver tip bears a she bear and three cubs John was away from home at the time After eating an early supper Mrs Chapman stepped outside the kitchen door intending to place a pan of milk in an outhouse She bad just closed the door of the kitchen when looking up she was confronted by four bears all resting upon their haunches and within a few feet ot her She screamed and rushed into the house and told the hiied man the cause of her fright and assisted in finding the cartridges for a ri fie that stood handy and then sank into a chair exhausted and helpless wlnle the hired man made an attack on the bears killing the old one and two of the cubs When Mr Chapman returned he found his wife in an alarming condition her nerves being at such tension that he feared she would go into hysterics That night she com plained of hearing the bear screamiui outside and finally to satisfy her John got up and taking hi- gun went to the door where sure enough was the remaining bear standing out in the cold The cub made for the bush as soon as he heard John coming but in the morning the dogs were turned loose on his trail and young bruin was brought in to com plete the famih The cubs were ful ly half grown silver tips and averaged over 180 pounds each The she bear was a big one as large as a cow A Train Did you ever ride on a train where they stopped to kill snakes- said a young man a few days ago Well I did While coming over the Red stone branch in Fayette County last week the train suddenly checked its speed and stopped On going tc the windows and platform to learn the cause of the sudden stopiage ihe imssengers were treated to a novel sight The fireman with a long oker and the engineer with a link were making frantic efforts to kill a large snake When the ttk was com pleted the fireman coolly ren arked 10 his companion John lv re is whose we killed that one yesterday Blairsville Pa Reporter A Kuvcreiitl Joker Early in his career some one gave Bishop Wilberforce the sobriquet of Soapy Sam A lady once asked him why he was so called Because madam he answered I am alwts in hot water and always come out of it with clean hands On another occasion the Bishop was at an even ing party when a lady sang a song very badly That is a difficult song remarked some one to the Bishop Difficult was the reply would it were impossible HUGH AKD GROW FAT HEALTHY TONJC FOR IN VALIDS O ALL KINDS XIumoruiiH Anocdnltrt Gleitncil front Vjirl ous Sourco to Keatl Which Will aiukeAnj hoily Sleep Well Hotter Thrtu Sloiliclno When Takuu 4uoru Im A Sow Trick Old Fogy Proprietor Why did ymi treat that shabbily dressed woman so coolly Sharp Clerk You noticed that I sold to her didnt vou Yes And the article didnt really snit her I noticed that She bought it because he thnnshfc I thought she couldnt afford Xew York Weekly WWicil Thorn Wi 11 Mr Golightly Where were you yesterday Mr Canesuckcr I was at the Clam whoopers in Madison avenue They are celebrating his diamond wedding and I was called on for a speech What did you say Oh nothing in particular I merely expressed the hope Utu they would get along together Texaf sif tings Tinio for Action awts iJif - IT at Mm ViA ZLV7 UIZiTOv f y LhYXiA Jlt xti 1 fit i A V Man on the fence Hello Jack What under ihe sun is all this Jack Dont talk old man Wife telegraphs -Will be home in twe hours The cook left this morning and Im trying to clean up the effects of that little stag racket last afghc Get a towel and come over on my side of the fence quick Puotc A Un- blunder Winks Folks say vou always leave immediately after the sermon so as tJ escape the contribution box Jinks holty lta base slander The only reason I start so early is simply to get litst pick at the unbrel las Kew York Weekly A TaritV KHorim r Hiram Daly Mrs M K iuit im ports all her servants Biddies Kip Doesnt that infringe the law I dont know She probably thinks they should come in free as raw in a terials Puck Silnr Tunc Wool I struck a lazy tsjm up country this year lie patched a leakv roof for me and I told him as soon as the shingles rotted out 1 would let him put on all new ones- Van Pelt Well He said he would wait Truth All tin Fixings Guest Bah Is this filtered water Chicago Waiter Yes sir Guest Phew Give m some un flltered then Waiter loudly to cook Glass of unflltered water and a spoon Sey York Weekly Short I nomh Blinks I hear the cabmen are go ing to strike for shorter hours Minks who sometimes rides Why goodness me their hours are not over forty minutes long now J Kew York Weekly A New Meaning- St Louis Boy What do folks mean tvhen they advertise that they want a live boy to do things Chicago Boy They mean they dont want a St Louis boy I suppose r Street Smiths Good Xews To ISo J rt Alone Doctor ear at parents chest This swelling here must be reduced at once Patient Go slow Doc that swell ing happens to be my pocket book Truth MrstWs show Helen Has it never struck you that Ethel is very strong minded Lena I should say she was Why she always keens her calaitdar torn off to the proper date Puck His Opportunity She I am terribly nervous 1 jump at the least thing He 2l proposal of marriage far ii stance Truth She Cnnght On 4p igA He Only out three hours dearest and just see the ducks I bagged Dearest who is aware of some change of air in the room But why didnt you shoot feesh ones Judge S