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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
J XS0MM Cherry County toepemni VALENTINE NEB VhawkeI81 EDITOns Lusher 1 TO PRESERVE SI1IL0H TO STOP THE PLOWING UP OF SOLDIR3 BONES lAll Snrv vors of tlio Hattlo r Shlloli Will Meet on That Historic lialtlciielti i the Thirty first Anniversary To Mop the Moving ol Soldiers Remains To Preserve Sliiloh Field Montieello III special The survivors of tiiu battle of Suiluh will meet on that historic battlefield on the thirty first anni versary of the fight April 0 and 7 next The e will be appropriate services held at the national cemetery at Pittsburg Land in All the survivors of the various divisions that took pait in that bat lie orth and South will be invited io meet on the battlefield together lo iiiatlc the positions held by their comrades This will Include the old Army Df the Tennessee commanded by Gen Grant the Army of the Ohio commanded by Gen D U Buell and the Confederate Army commanded by Gens Albert Sidney Johnston and G T llcauregurd Theie will be an effort made to preserve this bat tlefield as others aie being preserved and to stop the desecration of the graves of the heroes buried there There are 4000 Union dead the most of whom have been taken uy and buried in the National Cemetery at the Landing but there are many of these who weic not found aikl are still scattered over the lield There are also 4000 Confederate dead who are buried all over the battlefield from the Shlloh Church to the Landing Parties who are improving Email tracts of land on -the battlefield are plowing up the remains of these Union atid Coufedt rate soldiers Some measures vifi be devised by which this historic old jattlefleld may be preserved PUKsUIXG Mfc XICAN UAXyiTS Ko Quarter Will He Jjliovrn the Garza aien if They Kesist San Antonio Texas special A dispatch from Carrizo Texas received here says the state troops of the United States hOHiiers Trom rorti MclntooU and jl lame posse of United State deputy marshals led by Eugene Yglaseies one of the bravest officers on the Texas frontier are on the trail of the bandits who had the engage ment with Mexican troops opposite San Yanaeio The outlaws number about two hundred having gained strength since their successful raid into Mexico The trail leads almost directly north and a courier who has just arrived at Carrizo siys the soldiers and deputy marshals are but a few miles behind the fleeing bandits It is generally believed that a desperate roistance will be made by the so called revolutionists if they are cornered and their capture attempted If the troops and deputy marshals come upon the ban dits there will be no quarter given if the Garza men offer any resistance The ac tion ol the authorities at San Ygnaeio in holding as United States prisoners the vintm ori and brought across the river - by the bandits severely condemned by the American icsidents of this place It is believed that the Mexican Government will demand s atisfaction from the United States for the actiou Two thousand Mexican troops are being rushed to the frontier to protect that country from further invasion The other side of the Ho Grande River from Nueva Laredo to Matamoras is already well pro tected with Rurallas and Mexican troops who have been on duty ever miicc the Garza campaign llobbed by a Detective Meridian Miss special At last the veil of mystcty surrounding the Southern Express robberies has been lifted Charles O Summer a detective who was prominent in the capture of Rube Hut rows and Eugene Bunch the notorious train robbers pleaded guilty to abstracting the S5000 packages from the Southern Express here Dec C Summer had a key made in Chicago which litled the lock of the safe and after break ing into the officii had no trouble in ab stracting the money Summers pal was arrested with 4000 011 his person Pierce Itattle ISetiveeu Gypsies Madrid special A prolonged combat is reported between two rival bands of gyp sies at The Mruggie was conducted with knives and revolvers and was of such a sanguinary character that three of the combatants wore killed and twenty wounded before a body of soldiers arrived and put an end to the scene Thirtj of the gypsies were arrested Hotrayed By a I toy San Antonio Texas special Tom Kelly 13 ycurs old who was taken away by tin detectives from a gang of crook lies in the City Hospital A fe w weeks ago a gang of professional crooks from Chicago began lo work the city systematically They took lodgings at several cheap board-jug-houses in the city neer staying any length of time at one place The sang had Kelly with them They stayed first at the Adam House and came MCeaI times about 2 oclock in the morning after the boy- Every time they came for the boy a burglary was committed somewhere in lown iind in each instance the lad had been put through the transom lo open the door for the men outside The detectives captured the boy Then he was made to play another role He was dressed so that the gang would not recognize him and was thus utilized in securing some of the crooks whom ho pointed out to the officers Kelly became ill and was transferred to the City Hospital He says his father is a irealthy contractor and that he lives In EnglcwcoJ III The boy run away from home when 10 yeus old and has been home but twice since He met the sang of burglars with whom he came to Texas in a low resort on Dearborn Street in Chicago Snjrgests New Ideas of Shoot Red Lake Falls Minn special J B Carle a veteran CS years of ae died here The funeral service was held in St Jo seph Catholic Church Sunday at G a m Father Arpin pastor went into the church and there before him stood John B Carle in his isual attire but with his face as black is charcoal He talked to the priest a few minutes and then disappeared Fa ther Arpin told this to his congregation Carle had once been a Catholic hut for years afterward had ridiculed the church and priests At the visitation he told ther Arpin the change in his color had come about through concealing his sins at confession and receiving the first commun ion in a state of sin Father Arpin is ii very devout and ci cientous priest DEAIfil AIJICOAO IN HOMESTEAD SJfcXsixtiYcs Reveal an Alleged Plot to Poismi Nonunion Men Pittsburg special If detectives in the employ or the Carnegles are to be believed a conspiracy of massacre which has never been equaled in this country has developed in connection with the Homestead strike It was a plot to poison by wholesale the nonunion workmen at the Carnegie Compa nys steel plant and the developments im plicate members of the Advisory Commit tee members of the Amalgamated Associa tion and oflicialsof the labor organization As a result of the plot it is alleged that thirty or forty perrons lost their lives while scores are still suffering in hospitals and at their houses from the effect of drugs Nine or more persons aie under arrest os tensibly on trivial ch rges but really to aveit suspicion until all their fellow con spirators have been secured The many caes of illness in the mills at the time of the occupation of Homestead ly the military were attributed to bad river water It is two months ago since the first suspicion was entertained that the people were being poisoned It was not until re cently that the evidence was deemed strong enough to warrant the taking of legal step- The object of the plot was to make life in the mills unendurable The price to be paid w ien the mills were closed was SoOOu Robert J Beatty was arrested in Louisville on the charge of poisoning nonunion men at Homestead He had previously been ar rested in Pittsburg but escaped The in formation on which the original arrest was made was sworn out by J II Ford a Pink erton detective and charges the prisoner with administering a deadly poison to Will iam E Griffith chief cook It was learned that special officers have been investigating the matter for the past two months and have worked up a stood case against several of the union men as well as men who were employed in the miil with Beatty It is understood that Beatty supplied all the cooks implicated with the poison they used and was middleman be tween the works and others engaged in the conspiracy Ocean Kates Will Go Up New York special The steamship ascnts of this port have outlined a plan of action which will be enforced by all the great trans Atlantic lines in regard to the carry ing of steerage passengers The traffic is to be shut off entirely and for the purpose of making up any los es that may accrue from the cessation of the immigrant traffic the companies will compel the cabin passen gers to pay higher rates for their accommo dations In regaid to the advancins of cabin rates John A Wright Second Vice President of tne intri tioii Navigation Company said that the Red Star Line would carry no more steerage passenger until the immigrant quest ion is sett led lie said that it was not in the way of retalia tion and does not believe it will inline the Worlds Fair project declaring that a mat ter of a few dollars advance in the steam ship fare will not stop first class traffic Other agents spoke in a similar manner At the Mercy ot Indians Chihuahua special A courier who ar rived here from Onavas a small town situ ated in the mountains in the State of So nora brousrht the information that the Ya qui Indians to the number of two thousand have banded with several hundred Mayo Indians and that many outrages have been committed by them on the Spanish and American settlers in the valleys of the Yaqui and Mayo Rivers during the past inrnc - ni o ot ti le Jaco the hacienda of Pablo Muciondo a wealthy Spaniard was attacked and in the engagement two of his sons and six Mexi can peons were killed The handful of Mexican soldiers in that section are unable to accomplish anything in the way of bring ing the Indians under subjection and liuy have not yet had the courage to meet the red men in battle A force of five hundrid troops will be immediately sent to the scene of the depredations Had to He Carried to the Guillotine Paris special Eugene C amion waj guil lotined for the murder of two men who were pursuing him as he was running away from a wine shop which he had just plun dered The execution was one of the most horrible witnessed in Paris in many years The culprit as soon as his eyes caught sight of the guillotine as the procession emerged from the prison fell to the ground In abject terror groveled on the flag stones begging piteously for respite lie became so absolutely limp that the executioners assistants had to take him up and carry him to the place of execution He contin ued to struggle and shriek while they bound him to a plank placed his head I eneath the knife and only ceased when the head rolled into a basket It was a lare treat to the ribald crowd who saw it iJolil Put Unsuccessful San Francisco special A young man with a small box under his arm walked into a Kearney Street pawn shop and ap plying the lighted end of a cigar to what appeared to be a fuse announced that the box contained dynamite and unless he was given all the money in the establish ment he would blow it into pieces Duncan McKee cashier drew a icvolver and the man weakened He dropped the box and ttarted to run but was overhauled by the police The box was carefully opened but was found to be empty with a piece of common rope sticking out to imitate a fuse The man gives his name as George Johnson and says he was without money and desper ate and took that means lo make a raise He came here from Los Angeles Homes in the West Washington special It is stated at the General Land Office that during the last few months theie has been an almost un precedented call from the Western and Northwestern States for information as to the location of unoccupied government land and as to what steps were necessary to se cure them under government laws This fact is regarded by the officials as indicat ive of a growing desire among the unem ployed to secuie homes in the far WeJt and it is confidently expected that within the the next few years nearly all of the desira ble holdings in the new tates and terri tories will have been filed upon as perma nent homes Stahbed Ity a Aianiac Chicago speciil Charles ONeill is dying in St Lukes Ho pital his throat having been cut almost from car to ear by a mad man who after as aultiig ONeil drew the knife acro s liis own tliioat The tragedy took place in a lodging liou e on State Street The manac who went by the name which is suppo ed to be assumed whilv ONeill was was washing at a stand stole up behind him grasped him by the hair and drew the knife across his throat Morris then slashed his own throat Both men will die A Preacher Charged with Murder Wellington Ohio special He v John Arnold of the United Brethren Church has been arrested for the murder of his wifB by stabbing PMISI1ED FOR Y0TIJSG AN ALLEGHENY PA PASTOR LOSES HIS JOB IJev J K IIIligan Pastor of a RornrmeU Presbyterian Church at Allegheny Pa Expelled lor Exoroislnjj Ills Privilege ol Voting at a State Election Trenchers Cannot Vote Pittsburg special Over a year ago the Rev 1 R Milligan pastor of a Reformed Presbyterian Church in Allegheny was ex pelled for voting at the previous state election When expelled he asked for three months salary due him which was refused He sued for the amount The trial of the case has began The de fense tried to non suit the case on the ground that the Rev Mf Milligan by xat ing put himself out of the church and was not entitled to any back salary Judge Collier did not see it in that light and ordered the case to proceed TIIItEK IUEX ASSASSINATKIJ Fearful Yt orlc of the Mafia iear New Orlrans New Orleans special The details of a horrible crime supposed to be the work of the Mafia have i cached this city The tragedy was a triple assassination and took place at Convent St James Parish It is one of the most lonely spots in the par ish Deputy Constable loseuh Mouten while riding along tiie levee came upon a man wounded and nearly dead The man after a time recovered sufficiently to tell the following story My name is Stephen Aieta T and two friends one named Antonio Pacli and an other whose name I dont know met four men at the French Mirlcet The men as far as we know are Luiz Lugio Sabbato M li re w and two others induced us to go to St James Parish under promise of getting us more work We left New Orleans and took the train checking our baggage for Con vent Station When we got to the levee Lugio shot me in the back and the rest of the men stood around us As Lugio shot me the sixth man drew a knife and slashed the young man near him He fled with his assailant in pursuit He stumbled and fell near the cane brake and the man chasing him cut his throat from ear to ear While this was going on Marew crept near Paoli and shot him through the head Lugio thought I was dead and ran away The others did likewise and 1 crawled to the farm house of Mr Kahn A rota will die For a Mexican Navy City of Mexico special The Mexican government is beginning to realize the ne cessity of a navy and the present Congress will take some impost int steps toward se curing the accomplishment of the new movement The lack of a national navy in Mexico has been due principally to the ab sence of harbor facilities This important defect is to be overcome as rapidly as pos sible Congress has voted an appropriation of S3 004 000 to be expended this year on improvements on the harbor at Vera Cruz A heavy appropriation lias also been made for improving the harbors at MinzU Ian and Coalcavatos The work of securing deep water atTampico has been practically concluded greatly to the satisfaction of the Mexican government Made Itous lottery Tickets Chicago special Detectives unearthed a concern that for a long time has been turn in r out thousands of bogus tickets for the Louisiana Lottery and oJhers 7 It Hun ger who was found on the premises was held to the Grand Jury in 51000 bonds Lithographers tools and stones worth tj0t0 were found and immense piles of bogus tickets were gathered up Stanger was the only workman in charge and who is behind him is not known The counter feits are perfect It is estimated that the counterfeiters have disposed of half a mill ion tickets at full prices Closed Its Uoors Newton Kan special The Newlon Na tional Bank closed its doors posting upon them the notice Bank closed in the hands of the Government The officers are in this city but will see no one The only information secured concerning the matter Is that the funds gave out and the officers voluntarily closed the bank The bank closed November 21 ISJO in failure involving banks at Guthrie White Water and other places In July 1891 it reopened under an agreement with its old depositors A Tear for One Hundred Murders St Petersburg special Midwife Gcd warska found guilty of smothering 111 babies whose bodies were found buried in her cellar has been sentenced to only one years imprisonment Great indignation is moused by the fact that the powerful in fluence of some of her former patrons was able to save her from the full penalty for her crimes As she has been at such work i nearly twenty years there is but little doubt that her victims number huudieds To Jtcduco the Output Milwaukee special The Eastern millers have agreed to tiie propositions discussed at a recent meeting of Western millers in this city Another meeting of Wosinm millers will be held to further consider and agree that all mills shut down at least four weeks in the year to reduce the surplus and that all mills shall have a uniform price Were Not Lightning Itujjs Cynthiana Ky special Richard Sims a horse trainer was instantly killed by touching a telephone wire which was crossed with an elecliic light wire He thought the sparks from the wire were lightning bugs and reached out his hands to catch them Crazed by lioi Babes Heath Fargo N D special Mrs Ole R Al bertson of York Benton County left her house for a short time While she was away some paper caught fire from the stove pipe and the room was completely filled with smoke which suffocated her two little chil dren The mother has become insane JHK MAItKKTS CHICAGO atlle Common to prime Hogs- Shipping grades Sheep Wheat Cash Corn Cash -1 sa Rye Barley flax Butter Western dairy Kgs AVestern SIOUX CITY Cattle Fat steers Cattle Feeders Tlnrrc Sheep 625 J 40 19 miu Corn Vli iv OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Common to prime f 200 Hogs Shippers OLO NEW YORK PRODUCE liCtiu 76 Corn 50 Oats Western 36 to 655 -180 704 42 e 3214 47 64 1011 29 JS 340ZJ 30 020 425 300 645 6 15 25 30 96 325 ft 6n0 76 51 THE TAXATION ON WEALTH Now York Having Trouble Collecting From Itich Men New York special The joint special committee of the General Assembly on tax ation and retrenchment met at the Hotel Metiojioe Tax Commissioner Thomas L Feitner told the committee that state and local taxes should be separate A per plexing question was that of assessments on estates because the executors often lived out of the state and could not bo reached He also stated that the state lost largely by not being able to as ess such properties as the Western Union Telegraph Company Reverting to tin question of estates a member of the committee asked Mr Feitner what was the personal assess ment of Jay Gould and he replied that for four years it had teen S5C0CO but for many years prior to that it was ony S259 C00 and Mr Gould complained not a little about the increase Mr Feitner said that the difficulty in getting at the taxable property of wealthy men was that they al ways pleaded heavy indebtedness He said that on one occasion Chauncey M De pew had told him that Commodore Vander bilt often carried an indebtedness of 520 000000 and saved from 5 to 7 per cent on his investments by dodging taxes through the debt savi uv a jiak giul Over Two Hundred Passengers Narrowly Escape Instant Death Tacoma special A brave girl with a lan tern saved a heavily loaded Southern Pa cific passenger train from total destruction near Grants Pass Oregon the other even ing Wreckers had removed the outside rail over a high trestle and had not the en gineer been signaled the train would have plunged to the bottom of the rocky gulch forty five feet below The train reached Grants Pass at 7 oclock in the evening It pulled out on time but when about half way to Glendale it stopped suddenly As the train approached the trestle the engi neer noticed a signal to stop by some one swinging a lantern He reversed the air brakes as quickly as possible bringing the engine to a stand still just in front of the trestle A young girl name unknown told the engineer that some one had removed a guard rail from the trestle and that if the train had gone a few hundred feet further it would have landed on the rocks in the bottom of the canyon He made a hasty examination finding her story only too true The train consisted of twelve cars made up of the usual complement of bag gage and passenger coaches and contained -50 souls all told men women and chil dren The girl in company with another girl and an escort was rotui ning from n social gathering when she discovered the removal of the rail Had Method in His Madness Clinton Mo r toii Levi Hartley a veteran of tne war of the rebellion and re cently an inmate of the Soldiers Home made a desperate and probably successful attempt to assassinate Postmaster J Kei ser here About noon Mr Keiser stood at the general delivery window his back to the opening trying to decipher a signa ture Hartley walked lo within six feet of him and fired three shots in rapid succes sion T 11 Bates a bystander sprang for ward and wrested the pistol from Hartleys hand Two of the shots took effect one three inches below the right shoulder the other two inches lower Hartley calmly remarked -I did it I had to do it He was placed in jail Some years ago Hart ley was declared to be of un ound mine and was sent to the Soldiers Horn Dur ing his absence his wife secured a divorce and married Keiser whose attentions tc her had caused much scandal Hartley re turned home a short time ago and has re peatedly made threats against the post master The doctors are of the opinion that Keiser cannot live Chinese and the Geary Law San Francisco special Information was received from the Federal authorities that word was sent by the Chinese Six Compan ies that there would be no fuithcr resist ance to the Geary Registration Law At the Chinese Consulate however Secretary Tang Gang denied that opposition to the Geary Act would be withdrawn By the lust mail from China he said tiie Consul ate had received the official icply from the Chinese Government to the monster peti tion sent by the Chinese of this country to the Emperor asking assistance The reply says the Emperor pledges his word to make overtures to the United States Government with the view of opening negotiations that will lead to a reasonable mod ificit inn of the law affecting Chinese subjects as it stands to day The Chinese here were as sured that there will be no delay about measures being taken by the Emperor to secure speedy relief and the Six Companies have in nowise counseled to abandon the opposition heretofore maintained against the law Meteor tory i rom Mexico City of Mexico special The large t and most remarkable aerolite ever seen in Mexico has been brought to this city from Jiminez in the state of Chihuahua The stone or mefal weighs 40000 pounds and is owned by Miruel Andisce The aerolite fell about four months ago about forty miles from Jiminez It struck a cliff in its descent and in its course down the moun tainside plowed a deep furrow in the earth and rock revealing a rich vein of silver at one point of its wake The claim wis im mediately taken up by i practical mining man and is being worked with great profit The cost of transporting the aerolite to this city was 5000 It has awakened great interest In the scientific circles throughout the Republic Fought with a Desperado Flagstaff Arizona special At Snow flake in Apache County forty miles south of Holbrook Charles Flake and James Flake attempted to arrest Tom Taylor Taylor killed Charles Flake and wounded James who in turn killed Taylor The Flakes are merchants and leading members of that section Taylor was a desperado and recently robbed a bank at San Marcial and was wanted at other places for crimes committed serious Fun Biigeport Conn special Miss Minnie FricKmann saw an advertisement for a wife in a New York newspaper six months ago and answered is just for fun Her correspondent proved to be Daniel H Landon a prosperous young Michigan farmer The correspondence was kept up and photographs were exchanged and young Langdou came on here and the pair were married Alter Twenly fivj Years Chicago special George Moore arrested at Los Angeles Cal is wanted at Joliet 111 for tho murder of Wright Garlick committed over twenty five years ago Hoarding House Iturns with Tiirca St Paul special Mrs Facims hoarding house at Union Park a suburb burned and Mrs Facims aud her two children were burned to death DOINGS IN NEBRASKA what i HAPPENING HERE AND THERE News oT Kveryday Iife of a Great State withered and Condensed tn a Nutshell appeiiiugs Tor the Past Week Mom All Over the State Concerning Proo Silver About seventy five delegates were in attendance at the State Grange which was held at Kearney The following is the personnel of its officers O E Hail lawnee City Worthy Master John 11 Cantlin Webster Secretary S B Spiker Spiker Treasurer A P lobe Tekamah Assistant Steward 1 K Fletcher Ulair and II lague of Craige Executive Committee The meeting was held in the City Hall which was appropriately decorated by the citizons for the occasion Among the decorations is the lirst plow turned out by the Kearney Ilow Factory seeds fruit3 and lowers arranged in the room The Secretary reports the member ship of the State to be 5000 confined principally to the Eastern and South eastern part of the State Besolutions demanding the enactment of a law for the free coinage of siver was intro duced and its features were discussed The majority of the delegates fayored the resolution The ownership of land by aliens was another matter that de manded attention The freight rate Figures Showing Experience ot Sn Ueet iiaisers During the season The result of beefc raising as far as the beet raiser is concerned has been a bone of contention The following figures will explain themselves being the returns for the year on beets raised by farmersdoing this business at Grand Island coxTiivcTon on JiAisri Fred Rahy Casper Meier Henry Suhimmer Christian Nielmrger loon W Stpinlinfc Henry Obermeler Dick Hennecke Pa 1 Traucn arl Dahms Michael Kroger Cay fawoldt Mrs Duennermunn Carl Diechmann M Garbers i II Soudenneier Henry Lelienthil Gtistii v Rahy ZGZasgtttGRSVGa and when- the farmer pressed for rnar riitrn nr settlement the eve doctor in- ducod a younir friend to give him a note for S1Gj0 which was ucposuou 10 on set the hole Munk had made m tae original fund hut the eyes of the Oalclatul farmer by this time were in sufficiently go jii repair to enable him to see that tle do tor was not doinj what was riht and he swore out a warrant for A unks an est on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses Detects v Haze and Savage arrested the doctor just as he was boarding an eastbound train I orged His I athorr Name C J Caisistkiv son of A Carls ten a larmer entered the First National Uanlc at Oakland and asked the cash ier C K Cull if he could get a loan stating that he would give a lot of good notes for collateral JNIr Cull looking over the notes noticed that they v re negotiable notes amounting to a little over5L200 and were signed by A Carl stein his father The cashier knowing that the young mail had always bc n straightforward aud honest allowed him l300 on the notes Shortly ifter he had left the bank the cashier again examined the notes and having A v arl steins signature compared the signa ture on the notes with the original and discovered at once that the whole lot was forged To make certain he scut a messenger to Caiistein who returned stating that the father did not sign the notes A warrant was issued at once and the forger was arrested at Craig where he intended to take the train problem was also discussed in all its The prisoner was taken to Tekamah phases and it was the sentiment of all j - -- delegates that rates should be reduced J Crize1 -v I Arrrr daylight John I ischcr uvmg WHAT THE FARMERS GOT seven miles biutueast ot marattoia hanged himself in Ills granary He had ir eaten his breakfast and his wife asked f5 O 5 508170 221 3 S73 SO 3jJ17 14 i 80 71 90 2 31 S 15 9 141 77 VM KS 1 154 1541 70 IKS 70 iis aiaJJf 1 lS 138 HlO7107 3 40oi33 339313 1 Sai iiio IJm sol i 73 tentiary sii convicts During the past 3 35illl 2 17 3i HO 5i8 11 V Ill 7 117 -1205 lo 1 CO in cc no 00 0 2 GO 2 S I iib 7 f liii 07 5 55 1151 07 5 1 101 il 50 55 1 915 57 48 I L41 27 4S 25 AS 02 Iri 02 1 02 Us I 415 15 acreage next year BULLETS FOLLOW BLOWS Two Ieii at Crawtoril Quarrel Over Game of Card En Moore of Crawford attended him if he was going to town He re plied Yes as soon as 1 have fed tho colts He was looking for a chief at the time and as soon as he trot it started for the granary as his v ife supposed to get feed for the colts He did not return in an hour and his wife j started to the stables to find him on i opening the granary door sho found him hanging within with the handker chief around his neck and a small rope fastened to it His little boy about twelve veass old got a knife and cut him down but he was dead having ap parently slowly spangled to death He was somewhat in debt and his crops not being large he was afraid that his property would be sold Nebraskas 1rison Keport W urn en Maiions biennial report to the Governor shows that there are at the oresent time in the Nebraska 154 f t 51 ii 2 year i were received and Ll dis Chapman These are the figures of some of the j most prosperous beet raisers in the vi- cinity of Grand Island this year J Others could be mentioned who received all the way from Sir- 45 to per acre Thus Mr Gustavo Cochlcr of Grand Is land raised thirty live acres and re- ceived an average of oT SJ per acre t These figures are not pretended to be a clear profit per acre but include the in Plltnrfninninnt n t Vntt Tnhincnr vo snot 1 nomas Talton and the victim is in a very critical condition with little hope of recovery Moore and Talton j are old chums and have enjoyed many a spree in the past They were room- j mates at the time of the shooting Moore run a tub game in Meyers is loon anu jaiton is a common gambler The row started over some chips while j playing a game of stud poker Moore was abusive and slapped Talton in the f face after a few remarks Moore pulled head with it cutting a long gash over the left eye Tom Hill who was stand- ing near stepped up to Moore and per- j suaded him to go to a room near by In a short time Talton followed him and the quarrel was renewed Talton struck Moore over the head with a whisky bottle then Moore com menced shooting The first three shots missed the victim but the fourth took effect the ball entering the left side and coming out near the right nipple As Moore commenced shooting Talton started out of the saloon and was just going around the corner of Meyers sa loon when shot Whiie shooting Moore siid When a man does me dirt he must die and it might as well be done now as any time A physician was summoned and in a short time had the ictim resting easy Moore tried to escape but was cap- lured by Marshal Morrison He v as placed in jail At first ho wa verv cool but when he learned the true con- 1 Jition of Taiton he broke down and cried like a baby Moore and Talton are termed bad men and have a record They were soldiers in 1 Troop Ninth vavalry a few years ao and while stationed at Fort M chimney became involved in a quarrel with a cowboy pver a game of cards The cowboy died with his boots on At Fort Uiley Moore Talton and a soldier named Jackson were mixed up in a killing but no con rictions were made There was some talk of hitching but here is no danger apprehended for the present iirriiiu Iosi poued Dn Ewe Mink an oculist at Omaha is in trouble through his peculiar taste in mixing love and finance u the mani fest discomfiture of both Cupid anu Mercury not to mention the intended bride and her rather irate father Dr Munk who had been but a short time in Omaha had enuajed to marry the daughter of a wealthy Swedish farmer who lives near Oakland In order that the coming of the bride groom miht be properly arranged Dr Munk borrowed 1500 from his father-in-law-elect the money being deposited in an Omaha bank with the under standing that it was not available as a part of M unks assets till the mar riage had been celebrated But this didnt deter Munt He used the mouey charged on good time six remanded tor a new trial twenty thiee discharged en commutation eight pardoned one died one discharged on habeas corpus and one killed while attempting to escape The report shows a net surplus of 0 S3 in the amount appropriated by the Legislature two years ago The follow ing appropriations are asked of the coming Legislature For maintenance of convicts during the year commenc ing April 1 lhi3 40 cents per diem for 310 convicts jr l100 for year begin ning April I 1SU I -10 cents per diem for 3 0 convicts 4s0 for photographing cost of labor On the average this wiii j convicts slOO lor not at the highestestimate be over SIM hH total 1073 which would in Mr liadys case be a j net profit per acre of S53S0 A number j of the above contractors have already signified their intention to double their delivering prisoners 30 Irjiired by I xplodiiifi ias Hakkv Wiisox who was to have given a stereoptican entertainment at Doniphan for the benefit of j gational Church met with a very dis I tressing accident While at home gen i erating gas for the occasion the ma 1 chine exploded with fearful results Mr Wilson may live though horribly i mangled One hand is almost cut off i and his face is badlv torn from the - mouth to the ears and his upper teeth r 1 i turning to Crawford some time during knockod our The whoIe terior oI the night He commenced drinking I lhe building was blown out by the ex upon his return and became very j piosiorjj the report of which was heard ive About o clock in the morning he uij over town Of interest to Nebraska readers Four nimrods of Edgar have gone to Arkansas on a bear hunt Many hogs are reported dying of the cholera in the neighborhood of Superiors starch factory s now in process of construction but it will not be completed until spring George Godfrey a lodso County his gun and struck Talton over the farmer raised 50000 bushels of corn this year from 400 acres is is worth ST 500 Two Gibbon citizens who took coal from a passing train were arrested and lined Several others who were en- gaged in the operation escaped Chancellor Creighton and the trus tees of the Wesleyan 1 niversity will visit McCook to investigate that citys proposition in the seminary matte- 1 M McKissick a Hoone County farmer received a preiMitm of for -sowing the largest acreage of wi iter wheat in that county Ho pui in a lit tie ovar eighty four acres Daniel Ellison a well known Hitch cock County farmer was found dead in his house by a party of hunters who had stopped there to get a drink It is believed he was kicked by a horse and died before he could summon assistance Fred Xovotny a School District Treasurer in Hayes County has been hound over to the District rourt on the charge of embezzling 171 He claims the cash was burned when his house met destruction and thinks the district should stand the loss A 10-year-old Schuyler s hool boy named John Irwin found tha bank de posit book of a little girl and tried to draw 55 by presenting it at the bank The cashier told the lad he would have to have an order from his mother He left the bank and soon returned with an order properly signed for 5478 which amount wa given him It was some days belorc trace of the cul prit could be found but Cashier Folda got his eye on him at last and he will probably be sent to the lleforrn School S ays the Weeping Water rimhlli ati V F Kexford soid TOO husheis of s0r nhiim seed gathered from Lis crop of iifty acres of cane He recohed 35 cents per bushel on track The seed will very nearly pay for planting and cultivating the crop At his Maple Grove Sorghum Works this year Mr Kexford made JO0O gallons of the fin est grade molasses The works were in operation twenty eight days The proprietor is well pleased with his ven ture and hopes next year with the as sistance of the farmers in the country who may grow a crop of cane to be able to run double the number of days and twice as many hours each day thus quadrupling the output without a corresponding increase in expenses