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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1892)
w 4 1 1 o I i I trprf uJijfMt mpj CHERRY GO INDEPENDENT PUBLISHED EVEUJT THURSDAY Farris Hawkes Publishers Entered at the Post olllce it Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter SUBSOEIPTIOff BATES In Advance iter year On Time M advertising bates One Column i r month Cards S1G0 200 800 100 If you find this paragraph marked it signifies ti1at you are in arrearage on yor subscrip tion to this paper There are 860000 employes in the service of the railways in the United SUites according to latest report They ask for an increase of about 30 cents per day which seems at least a reason able demand This would at once put into the channels of trade 87000000 which is now hoarded by the Goulds Vanderbilts and other 11 E Kings The Keeley movement for the past year cuts off nearly 20000000 from the liquor traffic or 132202 barrels of liquor for which a new market must be found The records at various Keeley institutes throughout the country are said to show that rising 83000 men have taken the Keeley treatment for drunkeness Dr Keeley claims that on an average there have been lapses of only five per sent amonghis graduates From what is known of the characters ol the men who take the treatment 250 a year would be a low estimate for the ex penditure of each for drink SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Tliis department is in charge of C W King County Superintendent and is edited and pub lished in the interests of the t Cherry county schools Teachers Class The following facts have been brought to our attention a number of tirnes Virst Quite a number of the teach ers of this county are teaching on permit which is due to a deficiency in their knowlege of the common branches Second A large number are teach ing without any previous trainiug in Theory ana Art of Teaching Third The teachers of this county live so far from any formal School that they cannot afford the expense incured by traveling from 300 to 500 amies to get the proper training for their work In view of these facts it has been urged that a elass for teach ers be organized in the Valentine High school during the coming winter months The number of recitations in this department will not allow us to form many new classes but we think any teacher of the county can be ac comodated in the following branches which will he taught the coming win ter term Arithmetic U S History Physiology Geography Grammar Word Analysis Drawing Penmanship Civil Govt of Neb Algebra English Literature and Theory and Art of Teaching In the last named subjects the class will be allowed to observe recitations conducted in the other de partments of this school every few days where they will see the best methods put into practice in the lower grades by first class teachers Ellis E Good Principal Valentine school School Government Looking at all the teacher dose we may call it the process of teaching A process in school work is now gener ally held to be an act of a complex nature one made up of independent -and inter related parts Teaching then would name all the systematic work done by the teacher The prin cipal kinds of teaching are organiza 1 tion government and instruction By organization the teacher puts each pupil where he may work most econ omically He is placed so as to work with ohers of wthe same ability and same knowledge Instruction is the direction Avhich the teacher gives the pupil in order to induce him to master the subjects he studies Government so far as organization is concerned has for its immediate purpose the keep ing intact of the arrangement of class es secured by it Government secures 4rder which is a neccessity for instruct ion for that purpose Besides its im mediate ends government has a re mote end wrhichris the discipline of trTVpupil in habits of order and polite vness JSow the point aimed at in this afrticle the relative amount of the feacheis energy which should properly be oxtened on organization govern ment and instruction which of these processes jsientitletf to the m -- Ienzel Items Eds Independent enzel is a very good place frr somer T- F HiiMMuiAvijjji1 w T - - 9- t 1 jM iQin1 n JCWW PRICES fipalfl Baking UOaPowdeK ii The onfyPure Cream of Tartar Powder No Ammonia No Alum TiUsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard ant amount If we ask ourselves what we shall think of a teacher who expend two thirds of this energies on government however much good gov ernment is to bedesireri the answer isneither far nor difficult to seek esvis cerated teacher a pedagogic fraction whose numerator is too small to make him of much real value as cin educat ing force Two thirds of ones energy givento suppress whispering to silence batteries of masticate paper pulp to insure the epidermis of one part of the school against the inverted pin points of the other and such like Restraints of unemployed juvenile humanity is a waste of power That two thirds of energy is due to instruction Days of danger and nights of wakening about control show a fatal want of skill which if not speedily overcome will send its unfortunate to the limbs of failure Hehas no cen trol She or he would have been a good teacher if they could have governed such a teacher would do nothing but walk up down the room straightening then out these are symptoms of one mala d a failure to instruct properly There are no doubt persons who are inhabited by a demond of disorder whose - presence sjIciip is the signal for all the evil spirits in a hehool room fr rncVi MrluntH flrmrn flwi clitun rylurta S JVJt I JUlV lltll UVMII lilt kJlilX t ltls of mischief into a deep sea of disorder Such are beyond human skill and hu man endurance But the failure of ordinry mortals in school govern ment are traceable to bad instruction more than to any other source Here are the principle pills in Pandoras box note teaching text book work alone loose jointed tests which try nothing but the pupils ingenunity to deceive the teacher Words with no attempt to dig down to a solid stratum of ideas perpetual play over the surface of ideas and to grapple with their sig nificence Masses of undigested infor mation pitched at the pupil without the solvent thought The foci of this question are covered by a simple and plain principle Instruct so as to work up and energize the pupils intel lect and government becomes a light and easy matter If the pupil is in terested in thinking of a subject he will not descend into the low ooze of law breaking and constructive er The intellects which think vigor ously the truth necessarily color the wills that go with them with the trath of right action The above was read by II D Keen teacher in Dist 2s 0 19 at the teachers association held at Lavaca Sat Dec 3 1892 J Eeport of schoel in Dist 20 for the month ending Dec 11S92 Total number of pupils enrolled 22 Average daily attendance 17 Barnes of pupil neither absent nor tardy Katie Beer Marshall Beer John Leach Will Leacli and Sanford Leach W P Mokgakeidgk Teacher Crookston Items Simmered Some snow C Cornell passed through our burg last Priday Ed Sipe was trading horses with the Searby boys last Saturday T Hulbert was through Crookstoh one day last week Doc Cary has constant employment with his new dray in our village Henry Hathorn went to paint Val entine red last Fiiday Quite a number of our town folks went to quarterly meeting in the Ger man settlement last Sunday Bpv Julian stopped off at Crook ston last Saturday on his way to hold quarterly meeting in the German set tlement and Valentine Mrs Graham ana Miss Eva Hathorn j were doing business at the county seat Monday Mrs John Harden and daughter Eva passed through Crookston Tues day on their way to Valentine where they intend to make it their home the remainder of the winter Everybody is making preperations or a grand Xmas tree and entertain ment hich will surpass anything this world ever saw Yours Correspondingly Fizzletop earnest business man to start a store Mrs Satterlee departed last Wednes day for Colorado where she will visit during the winter months Katie Wisser is on thQ sicK list this week Our school is to have a vacation of one week between Christmas and JSTew Years The teacher will spend her vacation with her parents near Crookston Nenzel is much in need of a depot and hotel Mr Shipley furnishes his childern with a team and wagonjto come three and a half miles to school Mrs Quade went to Omaha for medical treatment Lauretta Sharks Items Pine winter weather School opened here in the new school house Dec 12 with 16 scholars and Miss Bina Miller as teacher Sparks could not let Christmas pass without a tree if it is a short time tor preperation The community in gen eral are in earnest about it and have decided to have it Christmas eve Good many of our farmers went to Valentine the 20 with hogs having contracted to deliver on that day Ambrose Sterling and wife were the guests of Mr and Mrs Abner Glarkson Saturday evening staying over Sunday Mr and Mrs V P Sterling visited with Xorden friends over Sunday of last week being gone three days attend ing Mr McWilliams sale who is an old acquaintance ne is going to leave our country for Ames Iowa He goes to a good place may success go with him Battler Wood Lake Gobklings Christmas is coming so merry and gay Also Bob B with his bailer for hay Hes up in the morning and cuts wire at night and works with his fur coat buttoned up tight Mrs O Mover has returned from a months visit in Indiana Mr Honey has completed a large building which he is haying filled with baled hay Sheriff Johnson was doing official business in Wood Lake last Saturday There is a grpt demand fortcars in our city for shipping baled hay Henry Ballard and X Bussel were in town Wednesday night on their way to Valentine Miss Ella Barns returned Sunday from Johnstown where she has been visiting a few days She will rtum before Christmas Mrs Pews little boy was very sick this week with throat trouble but is better now Mrs M lohnsons sister is visiting with her this week Win Day arrived in Wood Lake Saturday night He will return to Fairfax in a few days Turkey Gobbler Steens PiiECiisrcT Items We are having beautiful weather at present and farmers are busy gather ing their corn crop which is light but of good quality The Heckman boys are in our settle ment finishing up thrashing for the farmers Mrs Freeman wife of Een Freeman died the 3d aud was burried the 5th She leaves a husband and six children one an infant only a few days old to mourn Mahoney and Uogers shipped three car loads of cattle last Sunday morn ing from Mullen Roy Grum of Mullen says its the biggest and finest girl in town and weighs ten pounds Mr Wm Bankson left last Thursday fortfeotts JJluff county this state The boys around here occasionally bring in a grouse for which Mr F M Cudebeck of Mullen pays 85c casli or goods If any teacher wishes to teach school this winter they can have a chance to do so by applying to Hugh 35oyer director of district 51 in Cherry county Since the above was written we have had a little winter II VST LIS Jl aairaarTiaMsmtiesggasgsasgggaBaMai i LB L L 0AEMES Stricken Down with Heart Disease pr 2lUce Medical Co Elkhart Ind Gentlemen I feci It my dutya3 well as a pldaBure 10 publish unsolicited to the world tha benefit received from dh GSilks ncsTonTivs Remedies I W ntricien down with Hear Disease and ito complications a rapid pulse vary ing from SO to 140 beats pur minute a choking or burning sensation in the- wind pipe oppression b mine cms t e much pain in the re gion of the heart and below lowerrib pain in tho arms shortnea of breath elecplessness -weakness and general debility The arteries in my neck would throb violently tho throbbing of my heart could bo heard across a large room and would shake my whole body I was so nervous that I could not hold my hand Bteady I have been under the treatment of eminent physician and have taken gallons of Pmtent Mediein without the least benefit A friend recom mended your remedies She was cured by Dr Miles rememes maveiaseu three bottles of your New YTAnxt fhirfl find two bottles Nervine My pulse is normal I have no more violent throbbing of the heart am a well man I sincerely recommend every one with symptoms of Heart Disease to take Dr MUea Beatoro tUxt Remedies ond oo cured Gypsum City Kans L L Cabheb SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE TRY DR MILES PILLS 50 DOSES 25 CTS Pur sale uy ii iireu xv JLeuib urugyisi TAINS M r c3 Ar TJT jV a w trP ym cL I Usually indicato a disordered the Eitinovs and prompt measures should bo taken to ard is the auocHssor of the authentic prevenu serious trouble REMEMBER ffTKir tSSS Which if neglected may become dauji ons DR J H ivCLEA2S liver ffisnmiiY balis la what you need It will cure Lvar Did ders Kidney Weakness Bright a DUvie and Diabetes Pricu 1 per boltK SKiu 2 oent stamp for book of hints how to Ive and cure these distressing complaints THE DR J H fifiCLEAft CO Chamberlains Eye and Skin Ointment A certain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes Tetter Salt Rheum Scald Head Old Chronic Sores Fever Sores Eczema Itch Prairie Scratches Sore Nipplei and Piles It is cooling and soothing Hundreds of cases have been cured bj it after all other treatment had failed 25 cents per box For sale byj Watson Jackson ARE YQO A REFORMER If you are or in any way interested in the reform cause subscribe for the Missouri World an aVe and fearless exponent of the Peoples Partywith a national circulation Red hot letters every week from enthusiastic subscrib ers and reform workers all over the United States It especially good for the North west taking the side of the farmer against the monopolies Premiums for clubs subscription price one year only 4j0 cents Sample copy free Adderss Missouri World Chillicothe Mo 2 ruling uj ksuiy a GET THE BEST 3 a I Websters International I I A Ghosce Gift v v v v A Grand Family Educator A Library in 5isef v V The Standard Authority A a i SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS rplA T i2rl in n Tiorr linnl frttv Jr jliic jLiiiamiuj ii o zi n uuw v tuui X cover to cover fully shresst of the times x Tin ftlvriitr TV1 rrp rrp VDTR SUfilltili revising 100 cdicors employed and over V Y 300000 expended hef ore thp firatopy X i Do not buy rcprfcrhj of obsolete and comparatively worthies editions y Send for free pamphlet cqitainingX Y specimen piges and full particulars G C BJBRRIAM CO Publishers J SPRINGFIELD MASS U S A V wastra 1 GEOBGI IIH 1 Hill I 1 A HER Fswsrnss saaigfea2gss5a3ii THE CHERRY COUNTY LAND COMPANY will have a town lot sale of 100 lots at 15 a peice commencing January 2nd 1898 and continue until all are sold 25 of them some corners are of business lots near the school and store where lots have been sold for 200 a piece and others are worth from 20 to 75 25 business or dwelling lots will be given away to any one who will erect a building on the same hy June 1st 1893 building not to be smaller than 16x20 giteBife3gKJt From al appearances the town will be built up next spring Nine good buildings have -been erected within the last two months About 100 families have taken homesteads here during the summer and will begin farming their Ijjid in the spring Any one being to far off can send their 15 and have some one here buy for them A clear deed will be given for every lot as soon as it is bought and the money paid Gome and try your new years luck Selling at J STEIHBRSOHEBS store For further imformation write to J TBIMBjElEOHER Georgia Nebraska f i i 1 M H lc f