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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1892)
THE NIGHT EXPRESS Oct through the hills of midnight Hurtling and thuudering on Tho night exprosR from tbe outer ror Speeds for tho open of dawn Out of the past and gloom wrack Out of the dim and yore Freighted as train or caravan Was never freighted before Built when tho Sphinxs query Was now on the lips of peace Hurled through tho aching and hollow years Till time shall have release Stealing and as swift as a shadow Oh I do wish Bill7 with a sigh Well come i Vr muuoub urging acd bund TJnpent as a joy or tne flight of a bird With oblivion behind Down to the morrow country Into tho unknown laud 1 And tho Driver grips the throtte har Our lives aro in His hand The sleeping hills awake A tremor a dread a roar Tho terror is flying is coinu is past The hills cciTsleep once more A moment the silence throbs Ibo dark ha a pulse of fire And then tho wonder of time is 7- A -wraith and a desire Demolish toiling grim In tho ruddy furnace Haro While the Driver lingers tho tnrottle ja Who stands at His elbow theto Can It ho this thing like a Bhred Of tho firmiuijent torn away Is a boarded train that Death and his crow Consorted to waylay His wreckers grinning rnd lean Aro lurking at eory curvy But tho Driver plays with the throttle bar 1 Ho has tho iron norvo We are traveling snfe and warm With our little baggage of cares Why tease tho peril that yot would corns Unbidden and unawares Tho lonely aro lonely still And tho friend has another friend Only the idle heart inquires The distauco and tho end Wo pant up tho climbing grade And coast on the tangent mile While tho Driver toys with the throttle bar And gathers the track in His smile The dreamer weary of dreams The lover by Jove released Stricken and whole and eager and sad Beauty and waif and priest All theFO adventure forth Strangers tho side by pido With the tramp of time in the rotving wheels And haste in their shadow stiido The star that races the hill Shows yet the night is deep But tho Driver humors tho throttle bar So you and I may 6leep For He of the sleepless hand Will drive till the night is done Will watch till morning siriug from tho sea And the rails grow gold in tho sun Then He will slow to a stop Tho tread of tho driving rod When the night express rolls into tho dawn For the Drivers name is God Independent DESERTING HIS TOST Say Billy aint you going with us yelled the hoys standing on tip toe to peep into the kitchen window The Maverick farmhouse was on a lovely plateau of land half way up a dreary mountain side And Billv sat alone hy the lire trying veiy hard to get interested in an old volume of Capt Cooks Adventures5 which he had read over and over again He jumped up at the sound of familiar voices Going where said he leaning out of the window Down to Pixleys Woods said John laycox Were troing to have a corn and apple roast down there Theres lots of fellows coming I could go said on then roared Herman Smith only make haste But I cant said Billy Father and mother went to the camp-meeting to day and they left me to keep house Did thevspose the bears was go ing to carry off the house9contcmpt uously inquired Herman No said Billy But old Mrs Tricks house was broken into night before last when she was gone to tea at Elder Tones And father sas it aint safe to leave the place alone Much good you would be if the thieves were to come sneered roter Wise Well I guess I can handle fath ers old musket as well as another man said Billy with some pride But it aint that father says The burglars only try locked up houses and those where the folks are all away Well sniffed Peter if a burg lar climbs this steep road he must be hard up for something to steal thats nil T linvp tn sue i limit it Do come Bill urged Jaycox Were going to have a regular good time Billy looked wistfully at the other boys Oh I only wish i could said he Your folks will never know said Jay cox coaxingly No I dont suppose they will as sented Billy But Oh come now hoarsely shouted Herman Smith waiting all day If Maverick is com- j ing let him come If he aint let him sav so Are you ready fellows Now then one two three march And away went the little band of J boys at a double quick Billy looked longingly after them Boys are naturally of a gregarious nature and he had been alone all the afternoon 1 might just as well go as not said he aloud to the old clock tick ing away behind the door Its just s up hy the Arc ana put a holster into it which he first dressed up in an old coat of his fathers and a battered hat With its hack well toward the window it rcallv did look like an old man warming his hands at the tire There old stuffy said Billy as he gave it a final pat on one side and a shake on the other Now mind you take good care of the house And scrambling out of the shed window so as not to unfasten any of the bolts and bars he slid down the roof dropped into a thicket of black berry bushes at the end and only pausing to rub himself a little started off at a run down the moun tain side For he argued within himself all that father and mother wanted me to stay in the house for was to make people suppose that it wasnt left en tirely alone and why cant old Stuffy i do that just as well as me Une man i kitchen fire Yes said Jones He madesuch good speed by swinging himself recklessly across the frame work of the broken bridge that he got to Pixleys Woods nearly as soon as the other boys who went by the regular pathway A bright blaze of dry wood and leaves had been kindled under the shelter of a huge rock the corn apples and sweet potatoes were put down to roast and the boys be guiled the time by dancing break downs singing comic songs and tell ing tales and riddles The first lot of smoking corn had just been lifted out of the ashes when little Larry Pike came plunging down the ravine FIalloa fellows said he breath less with the haste he had made have you heard the news News What news said Herman Smith while all the boys stopped short in their occupations and stared hard at little Larry Thieves said he panting for at the door of the kitchen waving we cant stand here both his hands above his head Come in he called out exploding with laughter and see the burglar He wont hurt you Ill go bail Why hes nothing on earth but a bolster dressed up in fathers old clothes And then as the four sturdy men came somewhat sheepishly in he showed them the outlandish imita tion of humanity which he himself had devised exactly as Peter V lse says there one was in aint a burglar going that would take to think the trouble to climb the mountain road Its all nonsense 1t me to stay here Billy Maverick as you can easily see children had never studied the story of Casabianca If he had been on the burning deck it isnt at all prob able that he would have remained long enough for anybody to make a Btorv about And yet Billy was a very good sort of little fellow after all And I won t stay said Billy so there Ill fix up a fellow to keep house for me and Ill run across the woods and over the broken bridge and be at Pixleys Woods just as quick as the other boTs get there So Billy whose resources were truly Wonderful drew the old rocking chair breath In Mavericks house And lenks has gone for the constables and Will Maxwell has trotted of on his fathers horse to tell Mavericks folks at camp meeting 4 Is is anything stolen said Billy thinking of his grandmothers silver teaspoons and the spaie money his father always kept in the till of the big red chest up in the garret They dont know said Larry Theyve got the house surrounded so that no one can get out and now theyre waiting for helo Thunder what fools they must be said Johnny Jaycox Why dont they go in and knock daylight into the scamps I wouldnt wait if I were there But said Larry wisely how are they to know how yiany robbers there may be or how well armed they are Oh said Johnny who had not thought of this and all the boys drew long breaths and looked at each other with the intense interest Truly thought they this is almost as good as a to-be-continued story in a weekly paper But Billy Maverick broke away from the rest and ran as fast as he could toward the solitary farmhouse on the mountain plateau Whatever came of this dreadful state of things he should always feel that it was his fault Lyon Jones a neighbor was lean ing against the farmvard gate hid den bv a cluster of cedar bushes as Billy came running up He caught at the lads arm to stay his steps Dont go any further Bill said ho in a whisper Dont give the alarm until were ready to tackle the fellows Where are they said Billy hoarsely What have they taken How many are there We dont know yet said Jones Pike savr one man through the kitchen window He was warming himself at the lire very much at home in your fathers old rocking chair 1 suppose the rest are scat tered through the house said Billy at the with a snuff- colored overcoat on Billy stood a minute staring at Lyon Jones then he burst out laugh ing Its old Stuffy said he And he broke away from Jones and ran up the path as fast as he could go call ing Come on come on There are no burglars at all The neighbors issuing from their various hiding places followed him and gathered around the door just in time to see Master Billy scramble up the shed roof bounce into the little window and disappear Presently he once more appeared By the time hi returned from a tit that have mistaken E again And the little incident furnished all the neighborhood with gossip and amusement for at least a week New York and Paris Bazaar - Horse Keepers simi Stabling Horse keepers are a subject of great trouble at the present day It is diffi cult to find men at reasonable wages who at the same time thoroughly un derstand four horse work In this re spect old coachmen had a great ad vantage over those of modern times The present horse keepers are as a rule difficult to manage to say noth ing of their conceit incapacity and love of strong liquor It requires a thoroughly competent man to go over the road and keep these persons in order This head servant does not by any means get the praise to which he is entitled He should be pro vided with a buggy an extra horse should he kept at everv stage so that he can start any time day or night pickup his changes on the road and see what the horse keepers are about Moreover he must be thoroughly familiar with the business of manag ing coach horses It is admitted that some of the best stud grooms accus tomed to hunters and ordinary carriage-horses have signally failed to accomplish this work Not only is the feeding an art in itself but the stabling is also peculiar The coach horse must have more air and less clothing than anv other horse that works and nothing is more pernicious to a highly excited coach horse than to turn him into a warm stable when he comes off the road The hours of feeding have neces sarily to differ at each stage owing to the various times at which the horses commence their work and great care has to be exercised especially in warm wet weather to preserve their condition and keep them free from sore shoulders and galls Each horse should be numbered and be known only by that number a board being kept at the door of each stable giving detailed instructions to the horse keepers This precaution will save the annoyance of oft-repeated and time losing mistakes Century Each Had a Mother An old lady in faded black gar ments walked through a side street near Broadway the other evening She stooped slightly and wore glasses while her scantgray hair was brushed straight back over her ears Her dress bore evidence of being well made although patched and darned in spots As she slowly walked along she looked down at the ground Along tho sidewalk some of them leaning on adjacent railings were a number of sporting men They were chatting of the races and laughing when suddenly a big burly fellow who evidently didnt look where he was going ran plump into the little old lady The shocic tnrew ner to the ground and when one of the sporting men stepped over to pick her up the brute had disappeared A bag of apples and pears which the old lady had been carrying had fallen with her and the contents were scattered over the walk She was as sisted to a neighboring doorstep wheie she sat down seemingly in great pain A policeman who saw the men standing in a group ap proached and on learning that the old lady was suffering from a fall started to call an ambulance The old lady began to cry when up stepped a great big wicked gamb ler Here one of you fellows who had a mother call a cab he said When that vehicle drew up to the curb a singular scene was enacted All wanted to pay for the cab and the policeman insisted as hard as anybody else The gambler won the light and some of the other wicked men helped pick up fruit while the rest ladys arm and helped the cab It was only and men they again s father and mother camp meeting every of hearty laughter they could possibly old Stuffy for one uf a gang of burglars Mr and Mrs Maverick smiled too It would have been difficult to help it But when everybody had gone home and they were all alone Mr Maverick turned to his son It is all an excellent joke he conceded and I am heartily glad that your old Stuffy is the only burg lar we have had about the premises But Billy I would almost rather have the old silver stolen than know that my boy cannot be trusted to keep his word Billy hung down his yellow curly head I am sorry father said he never desert my pot again t Ill the scattered took the old her to reach in incident were all wicked sporting five minutes afterward How They Write English Eli Perkins tells us that the Japan ese have a mania for putting up En glish signs and they flood your rooms at the hotels with English cards And such English The Japanese have no imperative mood and they generally express an idea negatively that we express positively One day I said to the waiter ivishi the rolls are cold Yes he said a good deal of not cooling the cakes is good A conspicuous notice at the Kioto Hotel reads On the dining time nobody shall be enter to the din ing and drawing room without the guests allow One of the articles in Come in the municipal laws of Kioto runs Any deaer shall be honestly by his trade Of course the sold one shall prepare to make up the safe pack age A Tokio dentists circular reads Our tooth is an important organ for human life and counte nance as you know therefore when it is attack by disease or injury artifi cial tooth is also very useful I am engaged in the dentistry and I will make for your purpose The printed label on the bottle of claret at Nikko reads Weak man who is not so hard of his stomach takes notice ol his health ever must use this wing usually Doctors Bills When a Japanese calls in a physician he does not expect that he will be presented a bill for medical services In fact no much things as a doc tors bill is know in Japan although nearly all the other modern practices are in vogue there The strict hon esty of the people does not make this necessary When he is through with a patient a present is made of what ever sum the patienfc or his friends may deem to be just conpensation The doctor is supposed to smile take the fee bow and thank his patron i 3ri rsr t r ROUNDED UP AT LAST Altoatl Agent Overthrown and Captured by an Old Maid Up a long hill the horses were slowly toiling Speaking of road agents said the old stage driver Ive had my fair sheer of holdups and dont hanker arter any more How many Wall I couldnt jist give ye the exact Aggers but ten wouldnt be fur out of the way And were you ever wounded in any of the holdups asked a Sew York Herald man Three different times sir Some folks used to purtend to believe that drivers and road agents stood in to gether and whacked up but they war idiots fur taikin sich bosh The best proof of the fact that it wasnt o lay in the killin of three different drivers on this very line inside of six months Durin that same time we got away with two robbers People who ar whackin up as thev call it dont slambang bul lets and bucksnot into each other at clus range do they Well hardly Youve had women aboard when youve been stopped 1 presume Sartin and then thar was fun I was laughin to myself only yester day about the case we used to call The Old Maids Roundup It was a durneci funny thing Til pint out the place a dozen miles ahead as we cum to it I had three men and a woman as passengers and all were in side I hadnt seen the woman and couldnt tell what she looked like but it turned out that she was a sin gle critter about forty years old She had red hair and a sharp nose and she could talk a wheel off a coach in five minutes Mebbe shed bin disap pointed in love as they call it Ive heard that that sort o turns a womans feelins into pepper and vin egar She got into a fuss with the men about their smokin almost as soon as we started and every few minutes I heard her pipin away and makin a kick about somethin or other It jest made me fat to know she wasnt harnessed up to me Wed just climb the hill and it was 3 oclock in the afternoon when the robber they used to call Harry Blossom steps out from behind a rock and levels his gun on a line with my face 1 stops right then and thar Harry nods to me not to make a fool of myself while he was busy and steps along to the door and orders the pas sengers to get down and view the scenery He was a gentleman Harry was and mighty gallant to the ladies The old maid had traveled enuff to know what a holdup was and at fust she refused to git down She sot right tnar on the back seat and wol loped that chap with her tongue till he didnt know whether hewasa foot or on hossback Jemimy but you orter hev heard her call him villain rascal wretch skunk coward Injun and a hundred other names I was con arned over the robbery of course but had to laugh or burst And she wouldnt get down I dsked She did arter a bit He wasnt goin to rob her fur he wasnt that kind of a greaser but he figgered that the men had passed her their wallets as was often the case The three fellers was like lambs but I didnt blame em any A man who plays fool when thars a shot gun and and a road agent lookinathim never gits any sympathy She flnallv got down and I could see she was bilin over with madness Harry got em in a row and was allin far their wealth when the old maid yelled out li ie a cat pinched in a doorand grab bed him He had a pistol in his hand at the time but she didnt seem to keer She got him around the wast and tripped him up and it was all done so quick nobody cduld git the hang of it She was jest flghtin mad and wanted t scratch and pull har but when he went down we all saw uhe chance and lit on to him He fired twice but didnt hurt anybody and by that time we had him safe Ties over in the penitentiary yit and its all owin to that old maid It was funny We loaded him in side bound hand and foot and she tongued walloped him fur thirteen long miles Harry was a tuff one but he afterward told me hed rathei got five years extra than to hev bin obliged to hear her go on She had a bible with her and she put in the last two miles readin a chapter of it to him The rewards offered on him piled up about 1000 and she got the money and 200 on top of it as a pres ent from the company Lands but didnt Harry feel broke up and ashamed Hed stood off the sheriff properly tempered and ready to drive to its place an increased -strength be ing thus aaded to the wheel equal to three additional spokes Draining the Zuyder Zee The Government of Holland has for a long time had under considera tion a project for draining the vast lagoon known as the Zuyder Zee This sheet of water is almost useless for purposes of navigation and large vessels can find their way to Amster dam only by means of the North Sea Canal As agricultural land however this tract would be exceedingly valuable since it is estimated that more than two thirds of it wouid be very fertile The Zuyder Zee was formerly a lake but in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it was united to the North Sea by inundation The commission which was ap pointed to determine the feasibility of draining this vast territory of 700 square miles has issued its report It proposes to close the Zuyder Zee by means of a dam that shall be con structed from the mainland on either side of the island of Wieringen The water thus cut off from the sea would be divided into four parts in each of which the work of draining would be carried out successively The cost of constructing the dam is estimated at 11000000 and the draining would involve an expediture of 65000000 Star Stones The asterias or star stones are among the most wonderful produc tions of the mineral kingdom Thev are corundums the star saphire being a grayish blue the star ruby bright red the star topaz a straw yellow The star appearance in the stone is caused according to some mineralists by a foreign substance in the gem others say it is due to peculiarities of crystalization Whatever it may be advantage is taken of it by the lapidary who cuts the stone in the shape of a dome beginning at the center of the star and making the points radiate to the circumference The stone has six points and as the light plays on the surface of the stone the bright lines of the star change with the position of the gem and pro duce a singularly beautiful effect These stones are very valuable the best specimens being it is said worth as much as diamonds of the same weight Burton the great oriental traveler had a star saphire which he alwajs carried on his per son and in the heart of Arabia or the deserts of Africa the sight of this wonderful gem always inspired a re spect that was akin to reverence The wild Arabs and Negroes would gaze at the stone then at its possessor and concluding that he had a talis man of unexampled power would render him all possible assistance foi fear of incurring his vengeance Iloiiiarkablc ISeason for Duels Col Montgomery was shot in a duel about a dogCol Ramsey in one about a servant Mr Featnerstone in one about a recruit Sternes father in one about a goose and another gentle man in one about a bottle of ancho vies One officer was challenged for merely asking his opponent to pass him a goblet another was compelled to fight about a pinch of snuff Jen Barry was challenged by a Capt Smith for declining wine at a dinner on a steamboat although the General pleaded as an excuse that wine in variably made him sick and Lieut Cowther lost his life in a duel be cause he was refused admittance to a club of pigeon shooters In 1777 a duel occurred in New York between Lieut Featherstone haugh of the Seenty fifth and Capt McPheiMm of the Fortj seeond Brit ish Regiment in regard to the man ner of eating an ear of corn one con testing that the eating was from the cob and the other contending that the gram should be cut off from the cob belore eating Lieut Feather stonehaugh lost his right arm the ball from his antagonists pistol shat tering the limb fearfully so much so that it had to be amputated Maj Noah lost his life in 1S27 at the dueling-ground at Hoboken in a simple dispute about what was trumps at a game of cards Tit Bits Some Peculiar Kodcnts Death Valley California notwith standing its suggestive name is the abode of more curious and wonderful specimens of animal creation than any place of its size within the limits of the United States The oddest of these creatures perhaps in a species of rodent called the kangaroo rat which travels from place to place by executing a series of jumps or springs almost in exact imitation of his name- half a dozen times and to be capturd sake of the Australian wilds Then bv a woman and an old maid at that too as though it were natures jest broke his speerits down till he vas as humble as a rabbit Compressing Timber The compression of timoer is be coming a growing industry and the material thus treated is being applied to a variety of useful and orna mental purposes especially in the field of carving most attractive and artistic designs being thus brought out pronounced in many cases fully equal if not superior to anything or- dinarily produced in that line The wood to b employed in this manner j is compressed either in its natural condition or after being steamed and i it is found that the hardest well- seasoned ash timber say of four inches thickness can be pressed into about three inches without injuring the fi ber Moreover it is also found that wood can be upset the same as iron and the increased tenacity of bent and compressed wood of this sort as compared with the same in its natural state is declared to be something sur prising In mechanical operations compression is now applied to spoke tenons the work being described as very simpV and rapid the tenon - pose to make a miniature of even larger piece of handiwork the same locality furnishes the kangaroo mouse a counterpart and perfect pocket edition of the rat Besides these kangaroo rodents there are at least two other odd specimens of the same genus in the California Valley of Death the pocket mouse with little pouches inside his mouth for stowing away surplus food and the scorpion mouse which feeds wholly upon scorpions St Louis Republic The Siamese Way In Siamas soon as a man falls into a debt his creditor can seize his per son put him in chains if necessary and keep him as a slave for the term of his natural life The mans labor piys only the interest of the debt however small a sum it may be and his sole chance of recovering his free dom is if a friend or relative pays the original sum Should the debtor run away his wife and children his father or other relatives are liable to be seized The ordinary reply made by a servant on being engaged is that if he proves unfaithful you may take his wife children ar1 a 1 v Boar and Ieetlo A Pennsylvania correspondent of the New York Sun relates an amus ing bear story The wood cutters of Pocono Mountain it appears had broken the handle of a beetle tho previous winter A rope was tied about the beetle head and it had been left hanging to the low limb of a tree The correspondent happened to be in the vicinitv one summer da and remembering the beetle started after it to carry it home As I came near the pacc I per ceived a black bear slowly circling around the hanging beetle at a dis tance of a few feet He was too much occupied to notice me and I stopped to see what he was about The bear acted as if he thought the beetle were some kind of a trap He would approach within a few feet and sniff at it Then he would back off a little way squat on his haunches and give a low snort eying the tool all the time While he was thus engaged a sud den breeze sprung up and sent the beetle to swinging lightly The ani mal snorted again and backcl off a step or two Soon another uut struck the beetle and swayed it still more The bear responded by a louder snort a sort of challenge As soon as the beetle stopped wing mg Rruin got up and circled about it several times At length he went near then nearer He reached out his paw and touched it gently As it swung toward him he hit it again more forcibly The beetle head was a round one of hickory with heavy iron rings on each end As it rebounded from the second blow ol the creatures paw it hit him fairly in the nose Angry at this he rushed at the beetle again and gave it a sounding Now As it came toward him he dodged a little just enough to save his nose and re ceive the blow in his left eye He hit it again and his nose got another blow That hurt so much that he growled angrily and rooted viciously in the leaves He was furious by this time and went at the beetle as if he meant to annihilate it He gave it tremendous tlow with his right paw and the tool swung clear over the limb came down on the other side and struck him on top of the head He uttered a roar that made the woods ring I stood still and shook with sup pressed laughter to see the brute go on Finally he caught the beetle in his paws pulled upon it until he broke the i ope and then went to culling and biting the tool When he found that it did not fight back any more he let it roll to the ground Then he shook himself and walked off into the woods and 1 let him go Wars Cruelly An incident related in the recent biography of Sir Provo Wailis Ad miral of the British licet brings home to the reader the cruel nature of war It occurred during the war of 1S12 An American Captan had taken a line ship to Lisbon where she had sold her cargo for the use of the British army under Wellington and received several thousands of dol lars in return which were on board Meantime war had been declared and on her home voage she fell a victim to the British squadron One of the principal objects of her cap tors was to obtain information The American Captain was sent on board the Shannon which afterward cap tured the famous Chesapeake but was kept in ignorance of the war and of the fact that he was a prisoner ne answered unreservedly all the questions put to him and Captain Broke who greatly dsliked the de ception he had been obliged to prac tise now felt it difficult to make the prisoner ac iiaintcd with the next step which must be taken At length he forced himself to sav Captain J must burn jour ship The American overcome by sur prise faltered Rurn her- Indeed I must Burn her for what Will nor money save her She is all mv own and all the property 1 have in tho world Is it war then Yes said Broke Both parties were painfully moved and the scene did not end without a tear from each but duty was duty and the prize was destroyed Wonderful Spiders of L Plata In a chanter on spiders mention is being made of the many strange and wonderful features known in connec tion with them Some spin a won derful complex and beautiful web some live on or in the ground many simulate inanimate objects or death itself Of two species belonging to the same genus one is green while another is like a withered ordried up leaf The first when disturbed falls rapidly to the ground like a fresh green leaf broken off a twig but the second falls slowly like a very light dried and withered leaf Some of the spiders are very large and will chase a man from thirty to forty yards keeping pace with a slow trot ting horse An instance is related where one ran up the lash of the au thors riding whip to within three or four inches of his hand and would have bitten him hatt he not thrown the whip away A Chop House Idea Cheap chop houses in Boston have a new wrinkle for attracting cus tomers which will not be slow to find favor elsewhere They arrange all the large supply of chops and steaks in their show windows and place a card with a number on each You takes your choice so to speak and when you enter you tell the waiter you will have No 13 No V or No 40 according to the at iractiveness lof the viands and the tatf - Vpt hnok and appe tite I J 4 r t I Ml m i