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About Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1892)
II- h V bi rf A Strong Man An Italian in Eeno Nevada boasts that he is the strongest man In the world His spinal column seems to be double and his bones and joints are all very large He nas repeatedly lifted with the third finger of his right hand men weighing from 150 to 200 pounds by plaoing his finger under the hollow of one of their feet and thus carrying them round a room He oan strike with his fist a blow with a power of 500 pounds as measured on a register and when a couple of big Irishmen attacked him recently he seized one in each hand and knocked them together until they were insensible and half dead The family physician Mrs Helen It Shalters 420 Walnut St Reading Pa s tates AVe always uso Salvation Oil for what it is recommended in place of a phy sician It never fails At the present moment the polico system in all its branches costs Eng land close upon 20000000 a year verve Ketoier Ko FitB after firet days use Mar t eloas cures Treatise and 200 trial bottle free to t cases Bend to Dr Kline 831 Arch St Phila Pa JM MjiaiinniiiniiijiafiaibiJ1 It Cures ColdsCoughsSore ThroatCroupInflnen KAjWhoopinf Cough Bronchitis and Asthma A certain cure for Consumption in first stages and a sure relief la advanced stages Oso at once Ton trill sea tho excellent effect after taking the first dose Bold by dealers everywhere Largo bottles 50 cents and S10O Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound DO NOT BE DECEIVED -A EASYTO TAKE Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets Smallest easiest cheapest best Theyre tiny sugar coated anti bilious gran ules a compound of refined and concentrated vegetable ex tracts Without disturbance or trouble Indigestion Bilious Attacks Sick and gition ilious Headaches and all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels are prevented relieved and cured Permanently cured too By their mild and natural action these little Pellets lead the system into natural ways again Their influence lasts Everything catarrhal in its nature catarrh itself and all the troubles that come from catarrh are perfectly and permanently cured by Dr Sages Ca tarrh RpniGflv No matter how bad your case or of how long standing you Get tho Kest This is -what you want and it is a maxim that you can paste in your hat and act upon through life It is the best always that regulates the price Its the best that sells its the best that makes the demand When yon go to your druggists tell him you want the best cough medicine and that isEEiDs German Cough and Kidney Cure This isthe best because it contains no poison because it acts at once be cause it is impossible to take an over dose because it will positively cure croup in children because you can save the lives of your little ones with out allowing them to suffer Reput able druggists now give a customer what he wants without trying to sell him something just as good They appreciate the fact that when a man gets something that he does not ask for he is very apt to be dissatisfied There is in the American mind a holy horror of being worked and there is nothing that is resented quicker When yon go to your druggist there fore ask for Reids German Cough and Kidney Cure and insist upon his giving it to you Do not take any thing else The small bottles are 25 cents the large size is 50 cents Sylvan Eemedy Co Peoria Illinois A harmless posi tive cure for the worst form of Fe male Complaints all Ovarian trou bles Inflammation and Ulceration Falling and Dis placements also Spinal Weakness and Leucorrhosa It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development and checks the tendency to cancerous humors Tf removes faintness flatulency weakness of the stomach cures Bloating Headache Nervous Prostration General Debility Sleeplessness Depres sion Indigestion that feeling of Bearing down causing pain weicht and backache All DniCRuti ell it or itnt ggg by mail in form of Pills or j liorenrei on receipt of S lOO izmi jiijggg LEL4MiEfiiiiP lirer run c wire- y s 40 ipondenea frefly antwered yraMSjG fvUt Addr In confidence S yn - LTUI E FINKUAM MZD CO J Ltns Mass pr EUCHRE G t A C R I fROCRESSIVE Sebastiak P B R Chicago and receive postage paw tho Ulckest deckof cards you ever handled TEN CENTS per pack postage stamps for one or many YOUR IRCOHErSpendafewhours daily nrottt f l to introducing necessary articles Sampies I0o to ii Particulars bee World Agency Co KT 1ST r aSalle St Chicago Tn writintr to Advertisers please do not fail to mention this paper Advertisers like to bow what mediums par them best EST POLISH IN THE WORLD I i vM LaVaattavwMHl with Pastes Enamels and Pftlnts which stain tho hands injure the iron and barn off The Rising Sun Stove Polish is Bril liant Odorless Durable and the con sumer pays for no tin cr fbus package with every purchase Ktf AM ACTUAL SALE Of 3000 TPtt T uir TfK THE BODY ASD ITS HEAIiTII Tuberculosis and Cows Milk In a discussion on tuberculosis in Chicago recently Dr Robinson said that the death of babies who are fed by cows milk is due to germs and among these germs the tubercular bacillus plays a role lie said that it appeared to him that the home of the tubercular germ is in the cow and that the bovine family is where the bacillus of tuberculosis finds its native living ground lie believes that man gets the tubercular germ from this animal If the people who have no cows are studied it will be found that they have less tuberculosis or consump tion The people who use the milk of the reindeer or the buffalo or the goat will be found with less tuberculosis than those who use the cow The history of the association of - man with the cow is the speaker thought the history of con sumption in man Take Care of the Childrens Teeth The close connection between the malignant form of sore throat so common among little children and de cayed teeth has already attracted the at tention of wise physicians It is a too common thing for mothers to allow their children to grow up without any care of their teeth under the impression that the first teeth are only temporary and it is natural that they should decay It is now known however that these teeth if allowed to decay become the habita tion of the foulest bacteria aud it is al ready conjectured that this is a frequent cause of diphtheria aud kindred diseases which attack little children more viru lently than they do adults It is the greatest mistake to allow a child to be careless about its teeth From the mo ment a child is born its mouth should be washed out daily or semi daily with cold water and as soon as the teeth appear a soft baby brush should be used When the child is able to use a brush for himself he should be taught to brush his teeth at the back as well as the front for the foulest secre tions of tartar which causes the decay of the teeth usually find a resting place at the back of the teeth Any spot of de cay in a childs teeth should be promptly attended to cleaned out and filled with some soft cement to arrest the growth There is probably no more fruitful cause of disease of the throat aud stomach than foul teeth in childhood Clear cold water and a brush are all that a child needs for his teeth regularly Once a week the teeth should bo scrubbed out thoroughly with white Castile soap and water using a brush The soap tends it is said to destroy any animalcuUe but it should not be used oftencr as it causes the enamel to turn yellow Causes of Apoplexy and Brights Disease The medical profession knows and the public ought to know writes Dr Ephraim Cutler that apoplexy and Blights disease are but the result of fatty degeneration in the brain and kid neys One who eats beefsteak knows what is fat and what is lean Xow if he muscle of the steak is parially or wholly changed to fat it is called fatty degeneration If the circular muscular fibres of a smaller artery in the brain conveying blood from the heart turn to fat in any of its forms including lime salts so that where there was muscular fibre there is now fat then the mechan ically weakened artery ruptures or is lia ble to rupture from the pressure needed to maintain life a hose pipe rupture and you can have apoplexy from the poured forth pressing on the brain If the kiduev substance changes into fat in any of its varied forms then it is termed Brights disease There are other tissue changes But for practical pur poses Brights disease is mainly a fatty degeneration It does not cause apoplexy Fatty degeneration causes both They are local manifestations of the same diseased conditions Apoplexy and Brights disease are the conventional names for the same disease developed in different localities They are eminently diseases of nutrition and are caused mainly by an impaired or sluggish circu lation arising from chemical or mechani cal agencies The world does not know that American genius has found it possi ble to arrest diseases of fatty degenera tion and to restore the abnormal tissue to health As the causes of fatty de generation lie in bad feediug so are they to be removed b good feeding Other things being equal nature will take away fatty degeneration if given food to work with that does not produce fat in excess On this principle combined with professional skill the cures have been such that in the writers opinion without the least detraction it is a greater discovery than anaesthesia bv ether and the time is coming when this will be appreciated Ventilation in Winter The com ing of cold weather and the winters fires call renewed attention to the need of ventilation in our winter houses It is not the change from heat to cold so much as the change from a vitiated atmosphere to a pure one that produces the colds and other diseases of the winter season It is a well known fact that diphtheria and other diseases which are dependent for existence on the germs in an atmosphere impregnated with sewer gas flourish chiefly iu the winter time and in the su perheated houses of the rich where the iumates are guarded from every draught The houses of the poor despite their dis comfort are to some extent disinfected by the cold itself There are nooks and crannies into which the fresh air will creep and take the place of that which has been overheated In a house where the outer air is excluded bv double win dows and where the atmosphere is often poisoued by overbreathing if there is no specific means of ventilation there is frequently the additional dan ger of imperfect plumbing by means of which the most poisonous gases are introduced into the house It is not strange that such houses as these become as they have proved to be veritable death traps In these days of modern improvements it behooves every house holder to look carefully to all the sani tary matters of his house Too many people think only of external appear ances and pay little attention to the es sential points which make their houses habitations of health A distinct method of ventilation is as necessary to the health of a household as a distinct method of heating There are many methods by which the atmosphere of a house may be vitiated so that1 any method of -1 V f jVv tion will prove ineffectual The cold air box of the furnace may open in the kitchen or the cellar or near some foul cesspool and by this means vitiated air will be drawn into the house far more rapidly than it can be removed by any system of ventilation A house heated by a furnace which is supplied with pure cold air may still prove a source of distress unless it is kept supplied with water to absorb the coal gas Steam heaters which are rapidly superseding the old furnace arc not nearly so objection able on the score of health because the heated air is moist and not dry One of the best and most satisfactory means of ventilating a house is the open fire But this does not give sufficient warmth in the depth of winter in the colder parts of the country to suit the majority of people As a rule our houses are kept at a much higher temperature in winter than is consistent with the laws of health Xo room in which hearty people live and sleep should be heated beyond the temperature of G8 degrees in winter An invalids room may be at 70 degrees Yet it is not an uncommon thing for the thermometer in some of our furnace heating houses to be kept at the enor mous height of 77 or 80 degrees The system of a person living in such a super heated atmosphere becomes so vitiated that he shivers at the slightest draught and takes cold on the least provocation To keep the system in a wholesome con dition one must become accustomed to a normal atmosphere At least once a day every sitting room or sleeping room should be washed out with pure cold air This means that no matter what the temperature is outside for at least ten minutes every day every window should be thrown wide open and fresh air ad mitted into such rooms THE SUNDAY MEETING Former Church Going Habits in New England The Rev Edward Everett Hale in the Atlantic Monthly thus speaks of the church going habits of the itfew England of his borhood We went to meeting morning and afternoon always and so I am apt to think did all respectable people cer tainly in the earlier part of those years I know that I never observed any distinc tion between the size of the congregation in the afternoon aud that of the morning I know that any person who had been seen driving out of town on Sunday either in the morning or in the afternoon would have lost credit in the community Frequently Mr Palfrey the minister would say at the end of the morning sermon I shall continue this subject in the afternoon lie did so with the perfect understanding that he would have the same hearers I won der in passing whether that phrase my hearers is as familiar to young peo ple now as it was then It was a bit of pulpit slang such as one never hears in a lecture room or in a political meeting The people instead of being addressed as you or as friends or as mem bers of the church of Christ were spoken to as hearers I doubt if I ever hear that word now without giv ing it a certain ecclesiastical connection It Tas a wonder to me then and has been ever since why the hour and a quarter spent in meeting of a Sunday morning seemed as long as the four hours spent in school every other morning I was early aware of the curiously interest ing fact which nobody ever explained to me that the afternoon service was ten minutes shorter than the morning ser vice but wh that hour and five minutes should seem as long as the three hours spent in school of an afternoon I have never known aud do not know now Besides these two services we had tho Sunday school It seems to me it was always after the afternoon service I know it was in the earlier days A Sun day school then was a very dif ferent thing froi what it is now Then you were expected to learn some thing ttfsd xcfi did For my own part I have often said and I think it is true that fully one half of the important in formation which I now have with regard to the Scriptural history of mankind with regard to the history of the Jews for instance or the travels of Paul right and left or anything else which can be called the intellectual side of the Bible was acquired in Brattle Street Sunday school before I was thir teen years old We had little books which contained facts on these subjects We had to study these books as we did any other school books and we recited from them as we recited any other lesson I do not think there was much said oi thought about making Sunday school agreeable to the children We were told to go and we went we were told to learn a lesson and we learned it As I observe Sunday schools now this has been driven out and driven out I be lieve by the pressure of the week day school system a pressure Avhich I am fighting against in even quarter without success Edible Fats The fats iu common use as food are the fat of milk as butter or cream the fat of fruits of which olive oil is an example that of grains as the fats of wheat oat meal and Indian corn and the fats of meats as tallow suet lard and dripping Olive oil is one of the most easilv di and palatable of fats A genuine oil oi the first quality is in this country unfortunately expensive much of that sold under the name being adulterated with cotton seed oil poppy oil and essene of lard The decline in the sar dine trade during the last few vears is accounted for by the fact that cotton seed oil has so largely replaced olive oil in the packing of these fish People who once regarded them as a great delicacy no longer find them palatable Cotton seed oil has no especially bad flavor but it is unpleasant aud indigestible when used raw as in sardines and salads The after taste which it leaves reminds one too forcibly of castor oil Olive oil of the best quality is almost absolutely without flavor It is prepared in several grades the first pressing from the fruits is the best the second is fair the third inferior and there is sometimes a fourth known as refuse oil For deep fat frying nothing is so good as olive oil but its costliness will exclude it in this country frow common use Atlanta ConstitutiUE m - r b Waste and Want I A waste oi fleah and a want of digestion These go together People who cannot as slmilate the food they swallow must of neces sity lose bodily aubBtance To remedy this render digestion easy and thorough with Eoatetters Stomach Bitters a tonio famed the world oto p for ita strength and flesh yielding qualities Appetite and sleep are both impaired by indigestion which begets nervous symptoms heartburn flatulence irregularity of the bowels and palpitation of the heart the latter often being erroneously attributed to disease of that organ All these manifestations disappear when the Bitters is resorted to Malaria rheumatism liver and ridney trouble are effectually counteracted by this Buperb corrective which is not only ef fectual but permanent A Clock Knn by a Geyser Amos Lane of Amandee Cal Is at tvork on a device which will he one of tho attractions of the town when com pleted It is a large clock the figures Dn which can be seen from the hotel and the motive power for which will be the geyser The clock will be erected at a point where it will be prominent The geyser bubbles and rises every thirty eight seconds as regularly as clockwork would require and every time it rises it will raise a lever than will move the hands at exactly thirty eight seconds Thus the clock can be made to keep perfect time and will be the only one of its kind in tho world DoaTnoss Cant T5o Cured By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho ear There is only one way to euro Deafness and that is by constitu tional remedies Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is tho result and unless tha inflammation can bo takon out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will Rivo One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by Catarrh that we cannot euro by taking Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Druggists 75c English Universities England with ninety four universi ties has 272H more professors and 51814 more students than the 3G0 universities in the United States The revenues of Oxford and Cambridge represent a capital of about seventy five millions of dollars The Univers ity of Leipsic is worth nearly twenty millions Tour IVorlc in Jife A series of 13 articles by successful men in as many pursuits is one of tho many strong groups of articles Arhich are in nouiiced in The Youths Companion for 1893 Tho Brave t Deed I Ever Saw is the topic of another siriu by United States Generals The prospectus for the coming year of Tlic Companion is more varied and generous than ever Those who subscribe at once will receive the paper free to Jan 1 1893 and for a full year from that date Only SI 75 a year Address The Youths COii paniox Boston Mass In Witu East Africa they are mak ing sugar from cotton seed which is fifteen times sweeter than sugar made from cane Visitors AVest or South Who contemplate visiting California Old Mexico Texas Florida or any other win ter resort should call at Northwestern Ticket Office corner of Fourth and Ne braska Streets or on G F Wheelock Ticket Agent Union Depot before making their arrangements II C Ciievxey Genl Agt A wife has recently been granted a divorce from a 50-year-old husband at Victoria B C Serves them right Important to Fleshy 1eoplo We have noticed a page article in the Boston Globe on reducing weight at a very small expense It will pay our readers to send two cent stamp for a copy to Betina Circulating Library 3G E Washington Street Chicago 111 Tun manuscript of Edgar Allan Poes Tale of the Kagged Mountains was sold in New York at auction for S295 Cleanliness exercise and diet are the cardinal virtues of good health Take care of tho first two and if you know how and vhat to eat you need never be ill It is claimed that Garfield Tea a simple herb remedy overcomes the tesults of wrong living Stockmen in South Dakota are im porting Russian wolf hands for the protection of their herds Use Browns Bronchial Troches for Doughs Colds and all other Throat Troubles Pre eminently the best Rev Henry Ward Beccher The jLondon museum contains the first envelope ever made It was used in May 1G9G Hiram CWheeler Odebolt Sac Co la sells first class imported Percheron and Shire stallions SS00 1 2 and 3 years time Tiieke is but one sudden death among women to every ten among men Pains from Indigestion quickly relieved frith one dose of Bile Beans Small Switzerlands new census shows a population of 2917754 Fon sicl headache dizziness orswimming in the head pain in the back body or rheu matism take Beechams Pills There are 300000 commercial trav elers in this country Sample Package mailed Free Address Small Bile Beans New York The Egyptians had opera thousands of years ago One a night for a week will cure any case if constipation Small Bile Beans Ix some of the ancient temples of Egypt known to be more than four thousand years old the stones were doweled together with hour-glass-shaped ties of the Timarish or Shittim wood the dowel sinks being only about one inch deep HiL v ro OTi I V ie 53 0 Remedy tle equJ of forrtye Prompt and Pertnanenf Cufe of CCiw tiL Dout give tip and say there is no help for Catarrh Hay Fever and Cold in tho head since thousands testify that Elys Cream Balm has entirely cured them I iiave been bothered with catarrh for about twenty years I had lost sense of smell entirely and I had almost lost my hearing My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needle Now I have my hearing as well as I ever had and I can see to thread as fine a needle as ever I did my sense of smell seems to be Improving all the time I think there is nothing like Elys Cream Balm for catarrh Mrs E E Grimes Ren drlll Perry Co Ohio Apply Balm into each nostril It Is Quickly Absorbed Gives Relief at once Price 50 cents at Druggists or by mall ELY BROTHERS 56 Warren St Now York A unique method of celebrating the Columbus centenary in Spain is pro- posed by the artists of Barcelona who intend to project a colosa shadow of the navigator upon a neighboring moun tain peak It is well to get clear of a Colo the first week but it is much better and safer to rid yourself of it the first forty eight hours the proper remedy for the purpose being Dr D Jaynes Expectorant A Efklin tradesman advertises Any person who can show me that my cocoa is injuring to health will re ceive ten boxes gratis Mrs Elizabeth Messer Baltimore Md Hoods Sarsaparllla is a wonderful medicine For 10 years I had Xeuralgla Dyspepsia and faintintr spoils Sometimes I would bo almost stiff with cold perspiration I weighed leas than 100 lbs and was a picture of misery But I began to improvo at once on taking Hoods Harsaparilia and am now perfectly cured I eat well sleep well and am in perfect health Instead of being dead now I am alive and weifch 142 lbs Mas ELiZABErn MESSEi ID East Bar ney Street Baltimore Md HOODS PILLS are purely vegetable Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels cleanses the sys tem effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 1 bottles by all leading drug gists Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO CAL WUISVILLE KY NEW YORK NY MENTION THIS PAPER wires wtrnm to idtiktusu p5DQ8ES25 UHE GREAT jSDJi 1 PUGHt SHILOHS CURE Cures Consumption Conghs Croup Sore Throat Sold by all Dnifjjcists on a Guarantee For a Lame Side Back or Chest Shilohs Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction 35 cents A k the stomach liver and bowels pnri J 2 yrnBi 7 th blood are safe and effectual 2 ifeVwBnthB bertmedlcineJcnown for bilious o Z Cr j Abw consUpatlon dyspepsia foulo 3l7 breath headache mental depression w ik painful digestion bod complexion 4 f iad all diseases caused by failure of e r tk stomach liver or bowels to pr f form their oroptr functions Persons given to over- eating are benefited by taking one after each neaJJ Price 2 sample 16c At Druggists or sent bj mail REPASS CHEMIOAL CO 10 Spruce St New York Asthma The African Kola Plant discovered in uongo west Airica is natures sure Cure for Asthma Care Guaranteed or Xo Pay Export Office 1164 Broadway New York ForJaree Trial Cose FEEE by Mail address KOLA IMPOETING CO 132 Vine St Cincinnati Ohio Garfield Tea Cures Sick HeadocheRestores ConmlexlonSavea Doctors Bills Sample free GARTizuTzACo3l3W45thStNY Cures Constipation f Orercomea results of bad eating FAT FOLKS REDUCED f Mrs Alice Maple Oregon Mo write r I J J My weicht was KO pounds now it is 185 a reduction or 12 Ids ror circulars aaaress una oc DrOWgMYDEB McVickrmThsatre Chicago Hi AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY or commission to handle the New Patent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil Agents making S50 per week Monroe Eraser Manufacflng CoX3jQLaCro6se Wis lELnldl SJPi Washington D C Successfully Prosecutes Claims Late Principal Examiner US Pension Bureau 3 yrs In last war 15 adjudicating claims atty since niiCIIEMSISH SW CISMEITE HILDEIS PIOIIBE FUi U Photographs -while smoking bniokera entertain mends Bealers selling thousands SendSCcforsam Iisl 20 plates mion2oYelt7 0oLaGraBelU Jl J T r German Syrup QfcA ms roffik I BBIP ttii rsil B I mm llLJiii J 99 Judge J B HnL of the Superior Court Walker county Georgia thinks enough of German Syrup to send us voluntarily a strong letter endorsing it When men of rank and education thus use and recom mend an article what they say is worth the attention of the public It is above suspicion I have used your German Syrup he says for my Coughs and Colds on the Throat and Jungs I can recommend it for them as a first class medicine Take no substitute Q SPLEASia ir THE NEXT MORNING 1 FEEL BRIGHT AMD NEW AND thY COMPLEXION IS BETTER My doctor says It acts gentlr on tho stomach llrer and kidneys and Is a pleasant lxatlre This drink is made from herbs and Is prepared for uso as eaxU as tea It Is called LHES MEDIGIB1 All irafsiM Mil It at Me and 1 pr packip If jn caakot at It it 3d TOar addrau for a fret unaaU Laaaa Farall UxUtlaa aaoTM taa boneli acb dar la oritr U a ataitay tali t ficca tarr Addreta ORATOR P WOODWARD La Ror N T V UEXTIOK THIS PAPER waix wiimi to idtiituiu A Choice Gift Y v Y Y A Grand Family Educator A Library in Itself Y Y The Standard Authority O NEW FROM COVER Td COVER Fully Abreast oi tho Timoi Y Snccessor of the authentic Bridged Tan years spsnt in revising 100 editors employed over 8300000 oipenaea Y SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS GET THE BEST Do not bay reprlnls of obroleta edition A Send for i reo pamphlet containing specimen 3 pages and FULL IAKTICULABS Springfield MassTJ 8 A MENTION THIS PAPER mm sjtdc ts ast -am Unlike the Dutch Process TSo Alkalies on Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W BAKEE COS reaMastdocoa which is dbtolutely pure and soluble It has morethan three times the strength of Cocoa mixed iwith Starch Arrowroot cr Sugar and is far more- eco nomical costing less than one cent a cup It is delicious nourishing and easily DIGESTED Sold by G ocers cTeryTrhtrs W BATTER CO Dorchester Masi IT L DR O PHEITS BROWN Consumption It has cured thousands It has not edone It Is not bad to take It is the best cough syrup Sold everywhere MSc X A L mmm office outfits at reasonable rates and upon liberal terms Warra TObPabticoxabs SIOUX CirYEWSPAIi3 UNION 213 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa WELL MACHINERY Send for Illnstrsted Catalogue shOTrlng Well Angers Bock Drills Hydraulic and Jetting Bachinery lYJnd Sills ntn flarn han tntii for years and fullr warranted The Pech fifffg Co 100 F0BTIET3 ST SIOUX CITt 10W1 I EPILEPSY OB FITS 1850 ral li 1803 The noted Herbalist and EPILEPSY SPECIALISTS discovered tbt Epilepsy arlseB from a peculiar d rangement of the stomach and prepared his Cela brated Herbal Remedies which remove the bBot4 conditions and thus cure the disease The bs ri cured thousands of cases Send for Testimonial and his Treatise on the Cause and Cure of Epilepsy 1 47 Grand Street Jersey City NJ k ftanih Expenses TO AQEXT3 TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS john g rising co Pjmni TQ nJTF St Paul Minn UHmrLSlU I TiLL 0P10 S C N U Habit Cared in It IMorphlno Xoj ay till cured DR JSTEPHENS LebanonOhlc Consumptives and people who have weak lungs or Asta I ma should use Plsos Cure for 49a f ii V 4 CJ