Cherry County independent. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 18??-1896, December 08, 1892, Image 2

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    Uhehry County Independent
MAY CAUSE trouble
Suits IVero Brought In the United Stares
Circuit Court at Toledo Ohio Involv
ing Every Electric Street Cur JLIjw in
the United States
IJcsjinninc of a Ulg Cas
Toledo Ohio special Suits -were frroushu
iierc involving every electric street railway
in tlio United States Two suits were filed
in the United States Circuit Court by Hon
Prank H Uurd and O S Brunibeck
attorneys representing Benson Bidwell
of Rochester Ind against the Toledo Con
solidated Street Hallway Company It is
Jiiinied that this company lias infringed
on Bid wells fundamental original patients
for running electric cars and the principle
involved In the use of the underside spring
contract also that the patents for running
and lighting cars with the same current of
electricity and lighting streets and houses
along the line from tne current which pro
pels the cars have been infringed upon
A Find in Wisconsin Which is Kelleved
to Equal tlio Alesuua
West Superior Wis special There is
every indication that the history of the dis
covery of the Mesabo iron range is to bo
duplicated In Wisconsin Iron ore in pay
ing quantities has been discovered near the
town of Gordon Douglas County and the
-work of developing what is expected to
prove an important addition to the iron
country of the Lake Superior District will
begin at once Some time ago options on
nearly 2000 acres of land in the vicinity
mentioned were quietly purchased by
Duluth and Superior capitalists from
Minneapolis The option has expired
and it is understood that a check for the
property has already been paid over The
capital necessary to purchase the options
was secured by W F Brace in whose
hands the matter was placed after the find
was made Among the Superior men
are R J Wcmyss vice president
of the land company W F Mattes gen
eral manager of tho Iron and Steel Com
pany and Martin Pattison who is the
owner of the fee of the Pioneer and Chanid
ler the two most valuable mines on the
Vermillion range
The story of the finding of the mine is
very similar to the romantic tale of the
opening of the Mesaba The ground had
been explored and an unfavorable opinion
passed Accident revealed the truth Re
cently an explorer had his attention called
lo the dirt clinging to the roots of a tree
torn up by 5 lie wind It was the new ore
which he found The syndicate which ac
quired the options consists of men backed
ly almost unlimited capital
Llie Queei Experience ot i Chicago Sales
man at Crawlordsville Ind
Crawfordsvillc Ind special J D
a young salesman who travels for
iell Conrad Co of Chicago had an ex
perience which will not soon be forgotten
He arrived in the morning and after visit
ng nis customers entered a candy store
rhere was employed Miss Laura Larsh the
8-year-old adopted daughter of Robert
Mirsh a highly respected and well-to-do
itizen An acquaintance was soon formed
he young lady being attracted by his easy
bearing and gentlemanly address Rich
rimer decided that his departure was not
mperative before night and accordingly
in engagement to promenade after supper
ivas the result of the first meeting When
Laura did not return home long after her
asual time Mr Larsh became uneasy and
itarted out to investigate In the mean
lime Richheimer had induced the girl to go
lo Lafayette witli him to seek employment
nut shortly before the train arrived dis
suaded her and started her toward home
flu met her father en route and together
Ihey returned to Richheimer who was bit
terly upbraided by the infuriated father
Richheimer insisted that he had no inten
tion of wronging the girl but that did not
Eunice and the parley continued until the
train arrived and the irate father demanded
that he take the girl with him and backed
up the demand with a revolver There
Was no alternative and buying another
ticket the couple boarded the train and
sped northward The affair has created a
Anions Railway Employes
Chicago special The United Railway
Employes which promises to be one of the
most powerful labor organizations in ex
istence has just been born Its headquar
ters are Chicago and it will include mem
bers in the United States Canada and
Mexico It will discard all side features
and will have for its object the maintance
of wages and the redress of grievances It
will not antagonize the orolherboods of
railway employes now in existence but
will recruit Its membership from among the
unorganized railway men of whom its lead
ers claim 750000 in the United States The
order will join in legislative action with
the Knights of Labors American Federa
tion of Labor and the Farmers Alliance
An executive committee of eleven mem
bers will be the controlling body The
htder will include the Brotherhood of En
gineers Brotherhood of Firemen Brother
hood of Brakemen Brotherhood of Con
ductors yardmen trackmen clerks tele
graph operators blacksmiths boiler
makers agents painters car inspectors
and repairers
Confessed to Her Husbands Murder
Chicago special During a quarrel Mis
Mary Camilla the Irish wife of an Italian
saloonkeeper shot her husband throe
times killing him instantly The couple
were alone when the crime was committed
and the woman at first insisted that
Camilla shot himself After being arrested
however she weakened and confessed the
2ot an Easy Task
Paris special M Brisson who has been
entrusted by President Carnot with the
formation of a new ministry has not yet
succeeded in his undertaking A report is
current that M Bourgeois has refused to
enter the new cabinet
Ali Quiet in Haytl
XewYosJc special The steamer Prlns
rvlrilr Hendrik which arrived here re
ports all quiet at Port an Prince
tYork of tho Senato Immigration Com
mittee in Now York
Jeif York special Previous to adjourn
ment the Senate Immigration Committee
considered the following proposition All
immigration except from the North and
South American countries shall be sus
pended for one year from March 1 18911
the law to be so framed as not to hinder
the free return of American citizens or the
easy admission of visitors No vote was
taken on tills resolution but it is probable
tiiat one may be taken and there is good
reason for believing that it will be passed
Various suggestions for legislation for the
restriction of Immigration had been sub
mitted by tho chairman for the considera
tion of the committee which it was decided
not to take up before the meeting of Con
gress but it was determined m view of
tne greatly apprehended danger of the
cholera during the summer of 1S93 to
limit the present consideration of the sub
ject to the question of the total suspension
of inmiigiation for one year The com
mittee also decided that it was advisable
to submit to Congress for consideration a
law embracing the following propositions
ijrt No immigrant shall bo admitted
to the United States between the age of
It and 50 years unless he can read and
write freely and easily his native lan
guage nor shall a person above 55 bo ad
mitted who cannot read or write except as
a member of a family coming
Second No immigrant shall be admitted
unless he po sesses 5100 in money or its
equivalent except that the head of a fam
ily may bring with him or send for other
members of his family if he or they possess
S25 for each member
Third All intending immigrants shall
bring with them certificates irom United
States consuls abroad showing that they
have satisfied sucli consul they have a
right to admission as immigrants
Fourth All persons seeking final natur
alization papers shall give seasonable
notice to the court in which they intend to
apply and some official representing the
government shall investigate the facts
upon the other side when the application
is considered
Throe NegrO Murderers in Uanger in
Eastern Tennessee
Chattanooga Teun special The sheriff
and citizens here are somewhat exercised
over rumors that a mob is advancing from
South Pittsburg twenty one miles over the
mountains to take three negro murderers
from jail there and lynch them The mur
derers are Floyd Woodie John Turner and
Cal Collins guilty of the brutal killing of
old man George Lawson The prisoners
were first placed in iail at Jackson- whoro
an angry mob gathered and were only in
duced to disperse on positive assurance of
the sheriff that the evidence against tho
negroes was overwhelming and that they
could not escape hanging Subsequently it
was though prudent to remove the prison
ers to Chattanooga jail Several attempts
to lynch them from the jail have been made
in the past but never with success and
the sheriff is confident that he can remain
master of the situation One of the ne
groes made a full confession of the murder
implicating his two fellow pri oiers lie
says he cut the old mans throat and they
crushed his head in with rocks Public
sentiment even in Chattanooga is not
averse to lynching such fiends should they
escape on trial
lositions for Sale
New York special Adveitisements have
been scattered all over the country since
election day calling attention to the fact
that the change of administration means
thousands of new appointments to positions
paying from SS00 to S2500 yearly and ad
vising those persons eager for public office
to write to the International Exchange S4
Broadway New York for particular
Persons who answered theso advertise
ments received in reply a type written let
ter signed L E Baldy Manager describing
the beauties of Washington City as a living
place and setting foith the strong in
fluence the Exchange has in procuring ap
pointments A vi it totheofiicj of the
Exchange disclosed the fact that L E
Baldy was a woman who said she was
from Baltimore but had lived in Vihitu
ton She told her visitor that she could
place him in any of tho departments in
Washington provided his politics were all
right and lie paid her a certain sum for her
trouble Ten dollars was the sum Mrs
Baldy mentioned
Funds Mysteriously Missing
Galveston Texas special The morn
ings train from Houston bringing to Gal
veston Eastern mails and expressage re
ceived from the Southern Pacific at New
Orleans brought also Wells Fargo Cos
Express Messenger Harris who had in
charge a package addre sed to the Island
City Savings Bank Galveston valued at
810000 This package had 1 eon icceived
from the Wells Fargo express messenger on
the New Orleans Houston run and had
been shipped out by Kountze Bros New
York City The valuable parcel was taken
to the consignees and received and signed
for by the banks teller John T McCarthy
When Mr McCarthy opened the bundle it
was found to contain nothing but brown
paper cut in slips apout the sizs of a bank
note and neatly made up into bundles fast
enee with rubber bands The New York
office of the express company was immedi
ately advised of the situation by wire
Murdered by Footpads
Lawrence Kan special As William
Miller a farmer was driving from the city
to his home about four miles southeast of
tiere he was robbed and murdered by foot
pads He was driving home alone in a lum
ber wagon loaded with coal and when
about two miles out two strangers climbed
in the wagon and asked for a ride When
Miller had driven a short distance further
one of the men struck him over tho head
with a railroad coupling pin crushing his
skull They then robbed him of 25 and
threw him out on the side of the road
where he was found by friends in a dying
Kit Carson Jr I oimd Cuilty
Las Animas Coloi special Kit Carson
Xr tne only surviving son of Kit Carson
was convicted of assault with intent to
rommit murder He has been a terror to
the community for years and has several
times been tried for similar offenses but a
Jury could never be found to convict him
The crime for which he wa found guilty
was shooting at an inoffensive stranger to
make him dance
Seventy four JLlves t ore Lost
London special A dispatch from Naga
saki says seventy four lives were lost by
the sinking of the Japanese warship Chish
imarukan as a result of a collision with the
steamer Ravenna
Condition oTlhe Treasury
Washington special The debt state
ment for November will show a decrease of
about 1000000 in the treasury cash bal
grant v iiiTffi
Reports Received that Several Fishing
lloats Were Capsized and that Several
Italians ero browned Ferryboats Are
iot Running Ships Cannot lut to Sea
Storm Swept California
San Francisco special A rain and wind
storm which began several days ago con
tinues at intervals with some damage to
signs fences and shipping Ferryboats are
not running and ships could not put to sea
A number of small schooners were washed
ashoru and several vessels went adrift but
were recaptured without damage At
isolated points several frame buildings
were blown down but no fatalities were re
ported Communication with points out
side of the city by wire was more nearly
cut off than at any time during tho storm
Reports were received that several fishing
boats capsized near Wcstberkeley Cal
and that several Italians had been
Later reports state that there are many
washouts on the railroads Much damage
was done in tlio upper Sacramento and
Feather River valleys by high water The
American River has also risen rapidly
causing much damage
Starling Talo of Suffering In tho Flood
ed Districts of Washington
Seattle Wash special A startling
story of starvation among the miners in
the mountains east of Snohomish lias just
reach hero by E T Keit and Fritz Elling
stone who had been for fifty hours without
food The freshets hemmed the miners in
and on account of their exhausted condi
tion they were unable to reach the trans
port and obtain a new supply of food Koit
and Ellingstone are to only men out of fifty
miners who started for Snohomish to get in
The others dropped along the route from
sheer exhaustion and want of food and it is
feared they are lost in the woods The sur
vivors had scarcely any clothing when they
arrived tvhich with their pinched and
guant features testified to the truth of
their alarming tale
News from tho flood in the distant Sky
wansish River shows the damage to be
enormous and that the next freshet may
cause the river to take a new course
thereby destroying the business portion of
the town of Sultan A famine is likely to
occur among the railroad camps both
among the men and horses unless some
means is devised of getting supplies from
east of tho mountains A tree fell across
tne camp of James Park near Stevens
City killing three men and seriously in
juring Edward OBrien and two other No
mails have gotten into Sultan since Novem
ber IS
Alter At any Long Yqars
Wooster O special William Wilson
son of Rev I S Wilson a Methodist min
ister liberally educated and tenderly
reaied left here for Missouri in 1S5S He
soon married a daughter of Senator Clymer
and since then nothing has been heard of
him and he was mourned as dead Word
has just been received here that he is in
prison in Texas convicted of horse
stealing Since his conviction lie
confessed his identity and says
further that he served in the Con
federate army during the war and was sent
on a private mission lo the North by Jeffer
son that after the deatli ot his wife
and children he joined the band of tho no
torious Younger brothers and was also as
sociated with the James brothers He be
came remorseful and went to Texas and
was ordained a preacher in the Christian
Church and while in holy orders he bor
rowed a horse sold it and was convicted
Many Heads Wore Cracked
Dublin special The Nationalists held a
meeting at Limerick to celebrate the mem
ory of the Manchester martyrs The auti
Parnellites ignored the object of the meet
ing and pretended to regard it as a purely
1arnellito show They attacked the pro
cession with stones and clubs at a late hour
but were repulsed with many cracked heals
and other damages Mr Allen manager
of the Dublin Independent addressed tho
meeting and in tilt course of his speech
said that the union cf Irish and English
hearts was impossible until the political
prisoners were released Other conspicu
ous Paruellites addressed the meeting but
nothing of importance was said
Lizzie IJordeii Will Kscapo
Taunton Mass special The impression
prevails that the grand jury will not indict
Lizzie Borden for the murder of her father
and Mrs Borden The Attorney General
realizes that it would bo better for all con
cerned to make no error of judgment now
even at the risk of conjuring up false ap
pearances and to place Miss Borden in a po
sition where she will not be beyond the
reach of justice The probabilities are
strongly in favor of no bill
He Took Every tiling of Value
Milwaukee special Frank Worms an
ex convict was captured us lie was head
ing for the depot with his pockets full of
plunder obtained by a raid on Andrew Ko
lafas boarding house Worms made a raid
on tne house and swept it clean So com
plete was his work that the use of chloro
form was suspected He went through the
rooms of the proprietor boarders and do
mestics taking everything of value that
came in his way
Aiding the Locked Out Cotton Men
London special The locked out cotton
operators are gaining confidence and sup
port from different sources is coming in
The operatives of Bolton deposited 1000
to the credit of the central reliof fund and
valuable offers of assistance have been re
ceived from other districts
Caused by Jealousy
Chicago special Charles Brown shot his
wife and John Leavitt probably fatally
wounding tho latter The woman will re
cover Jealousy was the cause
TH li 31 A ItKhXS
Cattle -Common topiiue
Lo s Shipping giades
5 S5
in at Cash
Com Cash
Oats - - vty
It j e -
I3ai ley -
Butter -Western Dairy 20
Eggs Western --
Cattle Fat Steers 2 340
Cattle Feeders J25
Hojs 5 40
Sheep D
yj ats
Cattle Common to prime 200
Hogs Shipoers 565
Whaat 9 77
Oats WMtem a 35
41 a
The Enraged Animals Charge Upon tho
Spectators Injuring Many
Saltillo Mexico special Hinjo Panoca
the mayor of the town of Arteago about
forty miles southeast of this city arrived
here after a hard ride across the rough
mountains He relates a thrilling story of
an accident that occurred at Arteago and
the object of his visit was to secure medi
cal aid for the unfortunate victims
Arteago is a town otabout 4000 inhabitants
situated in the midst of an almost impene
tratable range of mountains The popula
latlon is nrado up of cowboys and goat
herders almost exclusively The fall fiestas
were opened there and were to have been
kept up for ten days A feature of these
fiestas has been the bull fights the animals
in that mountaineous section being noted
throughout Mexico for their ferociousness
and fighting qualities Two or three ex
hibition fights were given during the week
but the grandest event was postponed un
til that afternoon when there were to be
four wild bulls turned into the ring at the
same time The matador or slayer of the
bulls was to be Manuel Lopez a daring
Mexican vaquero At 4 p rn there were
about 3500 spectators in the amphitheater
around the arena The banderilleros and
matador took their places and the bulls
were turned in The scene was full of ex
citement and the crowd was furnished Avith
plenty of amusement by the activity of the
banderilleros in keeping out of the way of
tho enraged animals After working up
the bulls into a state of great frenzy Lopez
set in to kill the first bull He gave the
animal a thrust between the shoulders with
the sword but the wound did not prove
fatal The bellowing and wild capers of
the wounded animals stampeded the other
bulls and they made a united rush against
the heavy barricade which was intended
for the protection of the spectators The
barricade gave way and the bulls rushed
frantically into the crowd of people who
were thrown right and left by the animals
horns In their excitement the spectators
rushed to one side of tho amphitheater to
escape the fury of the bulls This caused
tho seats to give way and full fifty people
sustained broken limbs and several inter
nal injuries Tho bulls killed one man and
wounded ten others
Sailors Kidnaped
Tacoma Wash special Shipping circles
are excited over the kidnapping of eight
non union sailors which occurred here A
ten ton sloop came over from Seattle bring
ing four members of the Sailors Union
These went from ship to ship in the harbor
and gathered a force of thirty union sailors
most of whom went to the sloop in sail
boats Shorty before midnight they ap
proached the bark and finding nobody on
guard they climbed over her sides and
down into the forecastle They rudely
awakened the non union sailors by pound
ing them on the head with the butt end of
revolvers They were ordered to pack up
then clothes and they did so Then the
union men carried them forcibly aboard
the sloop locked them in the hachway and
set sail They were landed at PortBlakely
thirty miles from Tacoma They were left
without a cent of money and with the in
junction that if caught again on a non-union
ship they would bo killed
Tresh Sea Serpent Story
Boise City special At Lake Chelan re
cently according to a well authenticated
story while three traveleis were at a point
on the upper end of the lake one went into
the water to bathe He was seized by the
foot by a marine monster and was being
pulled into deep water when his screams
attracted the attention of his companions
who came to his rescue They pulled him
ashore the monster hanging to his foot It
had legs and body like an alligator and the
head and eyes of a serpent Between its
fore and hind legs were large ribbed wings
The men tried hard to tear the monster
from tne foot of their companion and finally
tried firo which had the effect of causing
the animal to rise suddenly into the air
taking its victim along and finally landing
in the lake where both disappeared from
sight Natives are greatly excited over the
event claiming that the great white
dragon has appeared again and that tho
end of the world is nigh
Money I ouiid Everywhere
Racine Wis special Mrs Anthony
Gregg of Dover recently left her home foi
a trip overland to Milwaukee On the way
she was taken sick carried into a farm
house and died After her death it wa
discovered that she was rich and had
secreted large sums of money about her
home One thousand live hundred dollars
Was found in the bottom of a crock filled
with lard in an old rag bag in the corner
of her house was found SJC00 in a small
box on a pantry shelf was found another
1000 in the woodshed and other out
buildings were discovered sums ranging
from S500 upwards In a Milwaukee bank
she had deposited S8C00 and besides owned
acoupe of farms Her fortune is estimated
at 520000
Another Soldiers Society
Topeka Kan special The Boys in Blue
is the name by which an ex Union soldiers
organization will be known which will be
a rival of the Grand Army of the Republic
The old soldiers in tho Peoples party are
the originators of the plan It will be a
national order A J R Smith of this
city said that organizations would bo
effected at once in ten states and that
more than fifty companies had already
been formed in Kansas The organization
will be non political
Dr Scott 1asses Away
Washington spsclal Dr Scott died at
410 p m Death came peacefully behav
ing been unconscious for hours and unable
to recognize friends at his hedsiee
Brief services over the remains will be
held in the east room of the White House
During the afternoon or eveniug the body
will be taken to Washington Pa where
the interment will be made The President
and family will accompany the remains to
their final resting place
Apache Renegades Surrounded
El Paso Texas special A dispatch from
Deming N M sav that Lieut Bean and
Lieut Glasgow have Kid and his bmdo
renegade Indians surrounded in the Chi
huahua Mountains It i not by any means
certain that the vagabonds will be cap
American Health Association
City of Mexico special The American
Health Association is holding its annual
session here After speeches of welcome
and responses various papers touching on
germane subjects weie read The wealth
of the city is in attendance at the session
A Teamster Killed
Milwaukee special Ohailes Wolters a
teamster in the employ of C H Beck Co
was killed by his team running away
Wolters leaves a widow and six children
Took Forty Thousand Dollars
Victoria B C special It is reported
that the agent of the Bank of British Co
lumbia at Nelson is a defaulter to the
amount of 40000
What ij
News or Everyday Life of a Great state
liuthered Hud Condensed in a Nutshell
Iappeuiiigs for the Iast Week lrom
All Over the State
Made tho Journey Together
An aged couple named Burgon both
over SO vears of ace and who had been
married for Gl years without children
or other relations whose home was be- I j I
tween Wilber and Crete a few days i
ago went to the graveyard to look at
the place they had selected for a last
resting place Within an hour of their i
return from the cemetery the old lady
died and was afterwards buried in the
place they had been looking at The
od couple were not long divided for
the shock proved so great to the old
gentleman that he died in a day or two
afterwards and was buried by the side
of the old lady
J ho Iast Lie of in Omaha Merchant le
vealed by Court Proceedings
A huge bundle of papers In the Dis
trict Clerks ollice at Omaha tells a
story which was not admitted to the
jury in a case recently before the court
but which is ery interesting Jn 1SGD
Samuel F Bennett who is now a part
ner in the W It Bennett Company was
in business at Syracuse At that time
among others he was indebted to
James Talcott a 2sew York wholesaler
to the amount of SlGi7 Bennetts
next neighbor in business was a man
named Adam Fralick These two mer
chants it is alleged entered into a con
spiracy the object of which was to ob
tain the insurance on their stocks A
large quantity of oil was secured and
the stores were set on firo Tho insur
ance amounted to 1 08SS but the
companies were not satisfied with the
circumstances attending the fire and an
investigation was held with the result
that Bennett and Fralick were both in
dicted for arson When the cases came
up for trial a demand was made for
separate trials and this being acceded
to Fralick was tried first lie was
found gu lty and was sentenced to fif
teen years in the penitentiary Bennett
was sent to the insane asylum at Ltica
and after being confined there for a
month he was released but instead of
being returned to the criminal authori
ties he was given into his familys
keeping His family kept him in charge
just long enough to prepare him to get
out of the country and he immediately
disappeared going from New York to
Florida and then to St Louis and from
that city to Chicago from which place
he went to Omaha In the meantime a
new District Attorney went into ollice
at Syracuse and the indictment against
Bennett was quashed
Tho New York creditors were un
aware of his being in Omaha until
about six years ago Then Talcott en
tered suit against him and when the
statute of limitations was set up he
stated that Bennett had concealed his
whereabouts from his creditors and
therefore could not profit by the stat
ute On this ground the case was
fought and the other side offered to
show the career of Bennett to establish
itsgjgiaim Depotions giving a history
oft ho Syracuse affair were introduced
The jury was not permitted to hear the
reading of these but formed its opinion
of the probability of Bennett being in
hiding irom the other evidence that
being the foundation of the entire case
as otherwise the statute of limitations
would have made Talcotts account
worthless The jury coincided on the
view taken by Talcotts attorney The
account with interest amounts to S4
230 and for this sum a verdict was re
A 1 onipauy of Omalia Capitalists at the
Tt is stated on authority that ought
to be reliable that at last the prelimin
aries are all arranged and that the
great Platte River canal project is to
be carried out in accordance with the
plans of its designers and the civil en
gineers who for months have been at
work on it It is understood that the
articles of incorporation are already
drawn and that within the next few
days the enterprise will be fully and
successfully launched
It will be backed by Omaha capital
ists and the report has gotten out that
this backing includes names that will
give the enterprise all the financial
support that it needs and furnish all
the capital that may be necessary over
and above that which may be placed at
the disposal of the company by popular
The interested parties have thus far
kept the details of the proposed enter
prise closely to themselves but it is
known that it comprehends the build
ing of a canal from the Platte River at
a point near Fremont just east of the
Loup fork to another point just west
of Omaha and within six miles of the
business center reaching the latter
two hundred feet above that at which
it is to be delivered and would give a
sheer fall of 1G9 feet after allowing for
all the fall per mile that would be nec
essary to give the water as great a ve
locity as possible without washing the
banks It would be necessary to brine
the water across the the Elkhorn Itiver
and valley and the plan provides for
an immense aqueduct for that purpose
The object of all this outlay is to fur
nish cheap power and it is stated that
it could be furnished for half what it
now costs even the big corporations
that use from r00 to 2030 horse power
I and have the latest and most costly de-
vices for saving fuel and power The
projectors are confident that tliere
would be no difficulty in felling all the
power that they could furnish even
after the canal was enlarged to its
fullest capacity as it would otter an
attraction to manufacturing enterprises
all over the country
It is claimed that this would be the
largest watei power in America next
to Niagara and even that is not being
developed to a larger extent than is
proposed to do with this Minneapolis
develops only 1G000 horse power at
low water and its users are frequently
compelled to resort to steam
It is claimed that the canal could be
built and put in active operation in a
year but double that time is allowed by
the engineers It is stated that the
public will hear from the incorporators
officially before the end of the year and
that facts and figures will be presented
that will make the people who have
been ridiculing the idea of a Ilatto
Itiver canal open their eyes
Secured Heavy Damage
Is the case of George XV French
against the Elkhorn Railroad a suit
for damages for alleged injuries sus
tained while alighting from a passenger
train at Ainsworth February 4 1890
the jury returned a verdict in favor of
the plaintiff for the sum of 510000 A
motion for a new trial will be filed by
the defendant
Nebraskas Juicy Grass
During the past month there have
been taken to Gibbon nearly 75000
sheep to fed on the ranches in that
vicinity The stockmen bring these
sheep from Montana and Idaho and
stop there on account of the abund
ance of grain and hay
A Horrible Ueath
Andrew Bkli a young man living
several miles north of Tecumseh at
tempted to mount a spirited horse
when the animal shied throw
ing him over the saddle His foot was
caught in the stirrup and lie was
dragged about a quarter of a mile with
his head under the horses heels He
died in about two hours without hav
ing regained consciousness
Ior Nebraska Ieatlors
Norfolk wants a new Board of Trade
Bee thieves have invaded the apiaries
in the neighborhood of Stanton
It is estimated that fifty families will
remove from Seward County to Houx
county within the next few months
A horse fell and rolled over Louis
Deets an 11-year-old Kearney boy butf
the lad still lives though badly injured
Coal and chicken thieves are rampant
at Gandy and there promises to be
bloodshed if the guilty ones arc
C B Hosic has been appointed clerk
of the District Court of Johnson County
to fill the vacancy caused by the death
of W R Gore
When Ionca went to test its water
works it was found that tiie mains
leaked badly and the contractor will
have to patch tnem up
Custer County school lands are in
great demand and at the reletting of
leases the bids ran as high as 7 per cent
premium above the legal intere t
Pros Armell a well known Winne
bago Indian accompanied by his
squaw papoose and ten other redmen
left the reservation for North Carolina
where they will travel with a show
Marshal Job of Tekamah while on a
hunting trip was peppered with a Joad
of bird shot by a companion His face
was considerably disfigured several
teeth were knocked out and a number
of shot lodged in his breast
The 1-year-old son of Lorin Crawford
a farmer living two miles south of Loup
City was kickei in the head by a horse
fracturing the skull Two physicians
were called and all that could be was
done to relieve the little sufferer but
he died the net morning
M M ParkhursT of Broken Row
made a curious find in a quarter of beef
which he purchased Embedded in the
ham was a large pocket knife with a
small portion of tiie biir blade broken
off and open the small blade being
closed and all right The knife was
surrounded with fat the brass and
blades of the knife being as bright as
if it had been in constant use A sin
gular feature in connection with it is
the fact that the flesh surrounding it
was in a perfect state of health and no
indications of soreness or disease being
Says the Gothenburg Star There i3
a steady increase in the production of
i i r tr e rut
poini at an aiLibuue oi iou ibki xnere j broom corn in
the power is to be used to turn to Gothenburg
the territory tributary
This is due largely to
mos and win thence be transmitted by the fact that broom corn has proven to
electricity over wire to all parts of the be a profitable crop The price during
city to furnish power to consumers in I the present season has been about SGO
any and all kinds of manufacturing i per ton A number who have not tried
business that neou it by turning elec
tric motors large and small whether
it be an eighth of a horse power or
equals the power of hundreds of horses
The proposed route to be traversed by
the canal has not yet been determined
upon as there are three now in view
and the engineers are at present en
gaged in surveying another This will
not only enable the company to select
the one that is the most feasible from a
topographical point of view but will
prevent the property owners along the
route from holding their property at an
almost prohibitive figure and have the
projectors at their mercy The length
to raise broom corn in years past have
spoken for seed for next year There
is reason to believe that flax grown for
seed only would be a paying crop in
part of the state and a few farmers
might still further diversify farming
and make a good profit by trying their
luck at raising flax seed
Miss May Bushee of Guide Rock
suffered a most terrible death one day
last week As her brother was going
upstairs to bed he fell from the stair
way breaking the lamp h carried and
setting fire to the carpet in the hallway
Neither ot the parents were in the
house at the time and Miss May went
of the various routes range irom thirty- bravelv to her brothers recnft and nt
uve to ioriy uuee uiies auu iub max- tempted to extinguish the flames In
ifflura estimated cost is -- uuuuuu
while it has been figured that it could
be satisfactorily built for lr00000
The canal will be seventy feet wide
at the top fifty feet wide at the bottom
and ten feet deep and will furnish a
power of 20000 horses The power to
be furnished by the canal could be in
creased by simply widening it as the
engineers estimate that the supply of
water at the Platte would be sufficient
even at low water which i taen as
the basis in estimating power to furn
ih 40000 horse power
The surveys already made have
shown the scheme to be perfectly prac
ticable as the point at which the water
is to be taken from the Platte is over
doing this her clothing caught lire and
becoming panic stricken she ran
1 screaming into the street Her screams
brought a number of people to their
1 doors among them XV A eeley who
stopped her at his house and who with
the greatest difficulty succeeded in
putting out the flames burning his
own hands so severely as to be unable
to do any work since By this time a
number of others had arrived and she
was carried to her home but so severely
injured was she that recovery was
During the coming year France will
spend Sl900p00 for arms nnd ammuni
tion for the cavalry alone