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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
-f 'if r V v v . "'1. Carolyn Vincent of Alvo Weds Gary F. Trunkenbolz ALVO (Special) Carolyn Kay Vincent became the bride of Gary E. Trunkenbolz of Eagle In an 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, ceremony In the Alvo Methodist Church with Rev. Keith Shep herd of the Warren Methodist Church in Lincoln officiating. Their parents are Messrs. and Mmes. Walter Vincent of Alvo and Kenneth Trunkenbolz of Eagle. The bride was given In mar riage Dy her rather, Walter Vincent. Her iioor-ieugth, lace over satin gown with short train fea tured a scoop neckline end full over skirt with a center bow. A small hat with pearls and sequins held her veil and she carried a cascade of pink roses on a white Bible. The bride's attendants wore Identical Deep Purple 8atln Gowns with lace overskirts of the same color and white hats; their bouquets were a moder ated cascade of Carnations. Miss Wlngate of Tilden was maid of Honor and Bridesmaids were the Misses Hope Taylor of Wahoo, Arlene Adam of Eagle and Jean Rieckman of Alvo. Robert Trunkenbolz of Eagle was best man end ushers were Darryl Hinman of Scottsbluff, James Cooper of Eagle and James Vincent. Susan Schroeder and Terrl Copley of Panama were Candle- lighters; and were attired in white Satin pleated skirts and over blouses. Mrs. Carl Sutton was Organist and accompanied Mrs. Ralph Snavely while she sang "Because" and a "Pray er." The reception followed the ceremony, in the Church Base ment, Mrs. Ruth Taylor of Plattsmouth, Aunt of the Bride, cut and Served the Wedding cake. Mrs. Don Copley of Pan ama served the Ice Cream, Cof fee was poured by Mrs. Willard Lemlng of Alvo and Mrs. Dean Taylor of Wahoo served at the punch bowl. The Alvo Woman's Society of Christian Service as sisted with the Serving. The couple are both graduates of the Alvo-Eagle High School.! The bride graduated from a Lin coln beauticians school in No vember. After a wedding trip to Colo rado the couple's address will be Route 7, Lincoln. I I ?::! ' T Lir 1 1 I vkmrn ' tlom Mrs. Gary E.'Trunkenbole Housewarming for Les Cilbert Family ELMWOOD (Special) These neighbors and church friends of Mr. and Mrs. Les Gilbert and Jack went to their home Jan. 15 for a housewarming: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wcndt, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freden bury, Mrs. Mary Pedersen and Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Skyle Miller, Henry Bornemeler, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welsheit, Mr. and Mrs. LaVcrn Nickel, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Oeh lerklng, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vfnt, Mike, Kathy and Greg, Mr and Mrs. Hcrold Luetchens, Edna Luetchens, Mrs. Herman Schweppe, Marie and Martha, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fornoff Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haswell Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Vogt and Susan and Sharon and Mrs. Wm Vogt. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CnCRCII S Milti BW of LoniivUU on Highway SO ' Th Rev. T. H. Vocel, ranter LoUvUle. Nebraska Saturday: 9 a.m. Saturday School for the parish at Immanuel. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. 8unday School. 10:30 a.m. Worship service Announcement for Holy Com munion after service. Monday: 8 p.m. Circuit meeting at Cross Lutheran, Omaha. ST. PACL LUTHERAN CHURCH Z blocks 8. of Hih School Weeping; Water, Nebraska The Ker. T. H. Votel, Factor Saturday: 9 a.m. Saturday School for the parish at Immanuel. Bunday: 8:30 a.m. Worship service. An nouncement for Holy Commwv Ion after service. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Eafle, Neb. Robert A. Grote, Pastor Sunday: 9 am. Sunday School and Bible Class. 10 a.m. Worship service. This Sunday, in a service be ginning at 3 p.m., the Lincoln Lutheran Junior High School will be dedicated. Ouest speaker: Dr. O. P. Kretzmann of Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind. EBENEZER EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Murdock. Neb. OrviUe W. MaUske, Minister Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Morning worship; observance of Youth Sunday. 10:30 a.m. Sunday school. 7:30 p.m. Youth and Adult Study groups. 8 p.m. Combined evening wor ship service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Midweek service. Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Choir rehearsal. ST. PAUL'S United Church of Christ 5th and Avenue A Jamts Stroh, Supply Pastor Sunday: 9:30 am: Bunday school. 2:30 a.m. Worship service. 7:30 p.m. Married Couples Club. NEHAWKA EUB CHURCH Rev. Ivan Kilpatrick, Pastor Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Worship service Ministers Recognition Day with a special offering going toward the Preacher Pension Asking. 10:45 a.m. Church school. CALLAHAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Murdock, Nebr. Edmund Neubauer, pastor Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Worship service. 7:30 pjn. Evening service. Wednesday: 8 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 6th St. & 2nd Ave. Sunday: 11 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. Church service. The public Is Invited. "Truth" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon thU Sunday at all Christian Science churches.' The Golden Text Is from Psalms (43:2,3): "Thou art the God of my strength: . . . O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me: let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles." FIRST METHODIST CirlURCn 7th & Main St. J. Willard Scott, Minister Sunday: Beginning of Youth Week ana it is World Service Sunday. 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Morning worship; special music by Male Quartnt and Chancel Choir. 4 p.m. Youth Council. Monday: 7:30 p.m. MYF. Wednesday: 4 p.m. Junior choir. 7:30 p.m. PZL. Sunday, Feb. 3: fl.30 p.m. UCYM Banquet at this church. Outstanding talent includes: Rev. Charles Tyler (pastor of Omaha's only inter racial church), A2C Melba Ral and the Male Quartet. The WSCS is serving at the cost price of only $1, so no tickets will be sold at the door. Oet your tickets. St Luke's Church Receives $20,000 Endowment Bequest St. Luke's Episcopal Church held Us Annual Parish Meeting Jan. 14 in the church under croft. The business meeting was preceded oy a covered dish sup per. It was' announced during the course of the business meeting that the late Miss Barbara Ger ing, a long-time communicant of St. Luke's Church, had left to the parish the sum of $20,000 to be used for endowment pur poses. Special prayers were offered for the repose of Miss Gering's soul as well as for other mem bers of the parish who had died during 1962. "By her generous act, Miss Gering demonstrated her love for St. Luke's Church and proved that lust as she was a faithful steward of God's gifts while alive, so in death she re mained God's faithful steward and keeper of the worldly goods with which she was blessed." Rector John D. Allen said. All organizations of the par ish presented their reports dur ing the business session. In all some 14 reports were read and approved. These reports reflect ed the work of all the parish organizations. Following the annual reports, elections for the year 1963 were made. James F. Begley was elected Senior Warden and Carl Ofe was elected Junior Warden. New members elected to the vestry were Messrs. Dean Hccb- ner and Ronald Schneider. Ed Egenberger was re-elected Treasurer for 1963 and Mrs. Helen Ledgway was re-elected Treasurer of the Herold Mem orial Building Fund. The final elections were those of delegates to the Council of the Diocese of Nebraska to be held In the early part of May at Holy Trinity Church in Lincoln. The following were elected as delegates: Dean Heebner, Ed. Egenberger and James Begley. The following were elected as alternates: Mrs. Dean Heebner, Mrs. Ed Egenberger and Mrs. James Begley. Elmwood Churches ELMWOOD (Special) Church notes: christian The sermon was given by a guest speaker, Rev. Todd Hubbcll from Omaha. He Is N B A. for this territory. For special music, Jed' Siege and Gary Wilhelm ang a duet. Sun- day night a fellowship dinner! then Bill Atchison showed his pictures of the Holyland. Next Sunday is Youth Sunday and the Young people will be in charge. Catholic After the Instruc tions, the 11:15 A.M. mass will be held, Sat. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sieker and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Sieker attended a,, confirmation for Patricia Merruiith at Holy Name church In Omaha at 4 p.m. Mrs. Albert Selker Is Spon- : sor for this niece. Methodist Rev. Hansen's ser mon was His Hand." Special music was a vocal solo "Evening Prayer" by Dale Vandeford. Our church Is Invited to Alvo to see and hear a program by their re turned missionary of Waverly. The third session of the School of Missions will be next Sunday evening. Feb. 3 supper at 8:30. The evening circle met Sunday night with Mrs. Virgle Casteel and Mrs. Hank Krass as leaders. Evangelical United Brethren- Rev. Schroeder's sermon topic was "The Gospel Thru Preach ing." The special anthem was Jesus Is all the World to Me." The men of the church are to go to Murdock Monday night to see slides "Pictures on Russia" taken on a recent trip. FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7th Street and 2nd Ave. Robert O. McLeod, Pastor Thursday: 7 p.m. Choir rehearsal In the sanctuary. Saturday: 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Cla& In the C. E. Building. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Church school In the Christian Education Building on south Chicago Avenue. 1 9:30 a m. Adult Church school class In the Church Fellowship Room. 11 a.m. Worship service In the sanctuary with ordination and installation of elders. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Sr. HI. Youth Fel lowship at the C. E. Building. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH North 8th and Avenue C i. W. Taenzler, Pastor Thursday: No choir rehearsal. Sunday: 9.45 a.m. Bible school. 10:45 a.m. Worship service. Wednesday: 8:30 p.m. CYF. ST, LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 206 N. 3rd St. Plattsmouth The Rev. John D. Allen, Rector Sunday: 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. Church school. 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH On the Plattsmouth & Louisville Road A. B. Lentz, Pastor Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday school. 10:30 Services. Wednesday: 1 p.m. Ladles Aid will meet In the church parlors. Mrs. Her man Hennings and Mrs. Hugo Melslngor will be hostesses. Call Ycur News Anc. Social Items to 2141 Plnltsroouth Baptist Church Rev. Calvin Miller 1523 South 15th Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a.m. Morning worship serv ice. 6 p.m. Training Union. 7 p.m. Evening worship serv ice. Wednesday; 6:30 p.m. G. A., Sunbeam and Officers and Teachers meeting. 7:30 p.m. Prnyer meeting and B.ble Study: I Samuel. 8:15 Adult Choir practice: Choir Director, Perry Canoll. Thursday: 7:30 p.m. Men's Churchwtde Visitation. Saturday: 10 a.m. Royal Chapter meeting. Ambassador FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH North 9th, Ave. E Plattsmouth Pastor, Gene K. Swim , , Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Clas ses for all ages. 11 a.m. Morning worship. 6:30 p.m. Christian Training class. 7:15 p.m. Pre-service prayer time. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Prayer Time. 8:30 p.m. Choir practice. Thursday: 7 p.m. Work Night at the church. Obituary Robert Corr EAGLE (Special) Robert Corr, 84, a retired mail carrier formerly of Eagle, died Jan. 15 at Lincoln. He was born at ' Staplehurst, Neb., became $ rural mail car rier at Palmyra in 1914, trans ferred to Eagle In 1929 and re- THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL' Thursday,, January 24, 1963 Section B" PAGE ONE tired In 1945. He suffered failing health several years and was hospitalized at Veterans Hospi tal at Lincoln. He was a veteran of the Spanish-American War and a mem ber of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Survivors are sons Robert S. of Lancaster, Calif., ond Leon ard F. of Eagle; three grand children and two great-grandchildren. Funefal was at Umberger's Chapel Thursday morning with the Rev. Ira Hesselink officiating. Pallbearers were Orris Lai ning, Don Schmidt, Dwight Earl; Harry Fischer, Seeley Stilwtll and Valjean Stall. Burial was i Wyuka Cemetery, Lincoln. Origin of the famed American frigate Constitution's nickname; "Old Ironsides," is explained in the National Geographic Sock ety's new book. Men, Ships, and the Sea. The name came from 3 gunner who saw solid shot bouncing off her oaken sides In the battle with the British Quel Here during the War of 1812. I i I I ...:. n . i v. a a 1 VALUES GALORE! CLEARANCE t - Vii ? K V ''Sk e A I I irr. - .... . . . ..w ' . V'')... I K VW I SAVE SSs NOW! ? X V I I r llVrr X 'A ' V 1 1 Ik WM ft mJm B II B R- I WWUflH . ...1 1 J ...... 'I h7Ml'2:Kl7A 1 I All Of Our Fall and Winter Skirts On Sale. n , f:fO$WWl I B u I k i e s, flat knits, j W " f 1 Novelties. Styles bv Bob- ! - f rv. 1 STYLES BY bie Brooks and Helen S jy I BOBBIE BROOKS and HELEN HARPER Harper MiHC J4f I Pbin Wooicns and P.aids - , . - , f&Vf '. 1 j 1 1 a. -a nrn .. 73 IU 72 WTl Off! I I l , III... i EilW- .-J-c-ii n wm I Fall and Winter Patterns. F-X. , .-, .....i. jit , j-j. 'j .- a., .k. ...... ' i ML. , i . -Hj. "lllMlit1-.l'1 (lt I n Vz OFF! FABRIC SALE M WOOLENS Plaint and Patterns 100 Wools $0" Regular $3.98 ,. ....-.. y 1 - rr-- n f n- la 1 tAYXX y t ; : U It ; i Regular $4.98 fir $5.98 3 yd. - 1 ----- tm RAYONS and BLENDS Fabrics by Rosewood; washable woolens; V I Royal "O". Plains and Patterns Regular $2 49 VA 'vA'l and $2.98 values. YGkl NOW ONLY I raVO BETTER COTTONS Jfef Clearance of fall and -fX, winter patterns. All Drip- rfr " Ji Regular 98c yd. fJ. Jyj1 $i00 l.wlMiV J, OFF ffllVMtfiSfiiS j ress Safe? Famous make dresses in Juniors, Regular and Half Sizes. Values to $19.98 $6 - $9 - 41 $13 BOYS' WARM PAJAMAS Size's 6-8-10 Reg. $2.98 Values $o An uii V v Pair MEN'S COTTON SWEATERS Sixes 40-42-44-46 Reg. $3.19 Value BOYS' HEAVY WINTER JACKETS & COATS $2.00 Each Most Sizes Each Values to $15.98 MEN'S SPORT COATS Sizes 37 thru 42 - Entire Stock $16.95 Each MEN'S HEAVY WINTER COATS & JACKETS Values to $11.98 Men's INSULATED COVERALLS Now Just $12.98 $6.90 ' Each Select Croup Men's DACRON QUILTED Two Piece INSULATED UNDERWEAR Now Just $12.98 MEN'S HEAVY WEICHT U.S. C 4 QQ 5 BUCKLE O'SHOES I dm OFF WE CIVE NATIONAL RED STAMPS OFF ENTIRE STOCK BOYS' AND MEN'S HEAVY WINTER DRESS COATS & JACKETS if 4 0-- . f. m.m 4 0 j,