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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
THE LATTeiHOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE EIOHT Thursday, January 24. 1903 Scout Week Anniversary The 17,474 Cub Scouts, and Ex plorers of the Covered Wagon Council, Boy Scouts of America, will observe the 53rd anniver sary of the Snouting movement during Scout Week, Feb. 7 to 13, fdth the theme, "Strengthen America ; . . Be Prepared, Be fit" They will join nearly 5.200.000 Other Scouts and leaders in every part of the nation in re- dedicating themselves to the ! Scout Oath cn Friday, February 8, the actual birthday of the movement in America. Scout Week will be observed nationally by over 130,000 Scout ing units in every city and town and in thousands of villages and hamlets as well Including the Basketball Scores Plattsmouth 55, Nebraska City 48. Neb. City Res. 62, Platts. Res 28. Alvo-Eagle 71, Avoca 47. Hebron 50, Fairbury 49. Louisville 44. Milford 33. Ralston 62, Wahoo 60. PHS 2-0 in Twin Rivers after 55-48 Conquest of Pioneers State's Midwinter Waterfowl Count Above Last Year's LINCOLN Nebraska U win tering considerably more ducks and geese this year than in 17,474 in the Covered Wagon dis- ',- a-'u'"s lu 1 at .Jul vry uv J I trict. ! This year the Scout Week ob-! servance will be conducted at the unit level. In this way we be lieve a boy's membership in the movement is more meaningful and colorful to him. We also like to have every member Invite an other boy of his own age to at tend the Scout Week meeting so that he may share the excite ment of the program. . The district's 239 Cub Scout packs with 9,445 members will each conduct a "Blue and Gold Open House," a "potluck din ner" with prospective members and their parents as guests. Newly-qualified Cub Scouts will be Inducted. A skit, "How Scout ing Began," will be put on by most packs. Parents' night meetings Willi De neid by nearly all of the dis trict's Boy Scout troops. Dis plays of Scout hobbies will be shown, and thos who have pro gressed In rank will be honored at formal courts of honor. Emer gency preparedness skills will be demonstrated by patrols, and patrol stunts, songs, and games will precede a closing cere mony. Explorers from the 74 Ex plorer units will address boy and adult groups at high school as semblies, service clubs, church groups, PTA's, and Boy Scout troops. They will collect pledge cards indicating interest in Join ing an Explorer unit, helping to form a new unit, or offering to serve as a consultant in a spe cialized field. Prospective Ex plorers will be invited to a Val entine's Day party. THB Be! Curl GruMM b"TH BERRYS" Game Comnission and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This higher number does not reflect an increase in total wa terfowl population, the techni cians advised, since flyway and national population trends will not be known until counts from j all sources are tabulated. i A virtually simultaneous count' was made in the other stae wintering birds to' their waterfowl populations. Ne-! braka is part of t h e Central Flyway. i In the 1963 midwinter count,! a grand total of 147,731 ducks j and geese were counted as com- j pared to 134,262 in 1962. ! Mallards increased from 120,- I 684 to 145.510 and the number I of mergansers rose from 8.252! to 13.31J0. The number of Can-! ada geese both large and small ; this year was 8,191 as compared : to 4,448 in 1S62. Species observed in s m a 1 1 ' numbers included 5 gadwalU, i u green-winged teal, 14 pintails, and 579 goldeneye. In 1962. 200 green-winged teal, 550 scauo. 4 goldeneye, and 75 unidentified species were observed. Last year 28 snow geese and 11 blue geese were aloo counted. t i I : U i i v v. r 1 i ill! Plattsmouth High, 2-0 in sec- ond place in the Twin Rivers Conference behind Falls City's 4-0, gets one of Its toughest tests of the season Saturday night at Crete. Crete Is 2-1 in the conference, after a 53-49 loss to Falls City last week, ana 6-! overall. The metropolitan newspapers ' have rated Crete in the top 10, sometimes in the top 5, among Class B teams Uiis season. Plattsmouth reached its 2-0 conference mark and 4-4 for the i season Tuesday night, by whip ping Nebraska City, 55-48, on the latter's home court. Dan Schultz paced Platts mouth in the toulful game with 20 points, eight on free throws. Roger Beverage contributed 12. Both fouled out in the last quarter. Plattsmouth led at all the stops. 13-7, 29-19 and 45-37. But for trouble at the free throw line, the Blue Devils would have won more comfort ably. They hit only 13 out of 30 on free throws while outscorlng the Pioneers 21-16 from the field. Nebraska City converted 18 out of 29 free throws, little better. Plattsmouth (55) fg ft pf pts Beverage, f 5 2-7 5 12 McClanahin, f . 0 0-0 0 0 Schultz. f 6 8-13 5 20 Pritchard,, f ... 1 1-2 0 3 Lanum, c 2 0-3 2 4 Nettelmann, g . 3 0-13 8 Heedum, g 2 1-2 4 5 McOraw, g 2 1-2 4 5 Haasen, g 0 0-0 0 0 totals 'Gravy, Not Tatcr, Is Calorie yjllain' Reserves Take 62-28 Loss at Nebraska City Plattsmouth High's Reserves took It on the chin, 62-28, Tues day night at Nebraska City, fall ing behind, 30-20, at the half and managing only four points in each of the last two quarters. Bob McClanahan got all his leading 10 points for Platts mouth the first half. He did not appear the second half. SCOTTSBLUFF "It's not the potato that adds calories, It's the fixings you put on potatoes." A half cup of cubed potatoes ! epidemic of late blight of pota contains only 45 calories, but when If you arid fixings, the same 'potato serving may con tain up to 250 calories." savs Nebraska," he said. "That was; rated varieties -Progress, Na the year the Impossible hap-j vat'Nofand. Red Pontine, Red penod to potato farmers. They j Lasoila, Halg and Triumph lost thousands of dollars to an j can wait until warned that con ditions are right for develop- toes, a disease to which the area I ment of the blight and then had seemed immune during the spray. Growers of the low rated previous 30 years. varieties Kennebec, Bounty Plattsmouth Res. (28) fg ft pf Frazler. f 0 5-5 2 Govig, f 0 1-1 0 Bierl, f 0 0-0 0 Wuelling, I .... 0 0-0 0 Fogelstrom, f . . 0 0-0 0 McClanahan, c 4 2-4 3 Christensen, c . 1 0-0 0 Richards, g 1 0-2 1 Spanglcr, g 0 0-0 0 Bourne, g 0 0-0 0 Taylor, g 1 2-3 2 Smith, g 0 1-2 3 Osterholm, g .. 1 1-1 0 pts 5 1 0 0' 10 1 2i 2! o; 0! 4! II 3 "Several more years of severe i and Blanca can wait until the Kathryn Cooley, University of f loss were to follow before a sya-j fungus actually appears before neorasxa Extension foods and t('m 01 potato late blight Tore-1 spraying, Dr. welhing saia. nutrition specialists. I easting enabled farmers to whip ' . . . Miss Cooley spoke at the 1903 te problem by spraying at a ' Akinson, Federal rooa Nebraska State Potato Show! critical time. Drug Administrate Kama, here Thursday afternoon which! "Late blight is not new to thel011' Mo., said that those wno included srw.ti .ci., world imt to irn Vrt.. i recommend and use agricultural and women as well as Judglne ' ka." Dr. Weihin said. "It was ! chemicals should have the rcs nf ni. bihiit,t .i,(, .,.!,,.,. .,.!,,.., 'Ponsibility to use them wisely. of entries In the potato show. "There is no need to shy away from potatoes if you are count ing calories," Miss Cooley said. "But you need to cut down on the various fixings added to potatoes. Methods of rooklne 21 13-30 23 55 Nebraska City (48) Romjue, f Zimmers, f Nelson, f '. . Orauf, f . . HITS 20 Dan Schultz, Platts- mnuth's 6-4 forward, led his Devorss, f team's scoring Tuesday night 1 Knisley, f getting 20 in a 55-48 Twin Riv ers Conference victory at Ne braska City. A BOJD a MONTH THE PAYROLL SAVINGS WAY en r x i ' Cold Storage Permit Required for Came LINCOLN persons keeping game in cold storage are reauir- mit. the Game Commission re-i S1,110"?,1 ' ?I minds Nebraska sportsmen. !'e ou co Vi The permit is easily obtained LLompi'ers . .' . f? from fnnsorvntir r, f f i o i Leo s Cup Joint .... il Game Commission offices, and e Dyis Ins l, t 4 Platts. Cleaners . ... 30 av ujvwt sLurage locker pianos, i, Gamp cannnt lotjuin, K Uot : Bcanlan longer than 90 days after the! close of the respective seasons. Exceotinns arp riper o-iri onto. lope which may be kept until i.7Fulton 234; w series' Dec. 31 of the yeir following j5'7' uiai, m wrucn me animal was bagged. Cold-storaffp dfHtinc ofo., Jan. 28; Wilson's snipe, iM"gf. feo. z; aucks, mergansers, and coots, Feb. 11; rails and gal linules, Feb. 22; geese, March 14; quail (north area) March 2 and (.south area) March 25; squirrels, April 15. and pheas ants and cottontails, April 20. BOWLING CITY LEAGl'E W L 22 23 28 32 32 301'j. 32' i 27 Vi 35 , Austin Sheet Metal .16 47 ) Hi team game and series Ofe f Oil Co. 973 and 2,611; hi game, L. Rieke Weddle, c FensternMcher, g Higgtns, g 1 Hail, s ......... 0 8-9 1-2 0-2 4-10 0-0 0- 1 2-3 1- 2 0-0 0-0 totals . . . Plattsmouth . Nebraska City 16 16-29 22 48 13 18 18 10 7 12 18 11- -55 -48 totals .... 8 12-18 11 28 Neb. City Res. (62) Hall, f 4 1-3 2 9 Fenske, f 1 0-0 0 2 Weddle, f 4 1-2 4 9 James, f 5 4-4 1 14 Dammast, c . . . 4 2-2 1 10 Dammast, c . . . 2 2-2 0 6 Fenstermacher, g 0 0-0 1 0 McElroy, g .... 1 1-12 3 Higgins, g 0 0-0 3 0 Zimmers, g 3 3-4 0 9 totals .... 24 14-18 14 62 Plattsmouth ... 9 11 4 4 28 Nebraska City 18 12 18 14 62 J. Edgar Hoover, director of the F.B. I.: "Protective coodiing by some courts of "tender - age" repeat ers is an appeasement of Justice. I say let the flagrant violators be exposed." A Classified Ad in The Journal cost as little as 50 cents. Birth Defects Clinic Continues Under Grant PAAf The American Exchange Bank Capital and Surplus, $100,000 CUY L. CLEMENTS, Pres. S. L. CLEMENTS, Vice Pres. DWICHT L. CLEMENTS, Cashier NOTICE At a meeting of the Stock Holders of the American Exchange Bank, Elm wood, Nebraska; held on January 15th, 1963; it was voted to increase the Cap ital Stock of said bank from $37,500.00 to $50,000.00, said increase to be made by transfering $12,500.00 from the re serves and undivided profit accounts to the Capital Stock account. CUY L. CLEMENTS, President DWICHT L CLEMENTS, Secretary WOMEN'S LEAGl'E W & Elmer's ... 36 Doll 35 Austin's 35 Corner Bar 30!'i Culligan's 30 Beauty Box 29'2 Huse Motors 28 'j Hinky Dinky 28 Bob's Bar 27 Soennichsen's 27 State Farm 24l2 7 Up 23 Vi Bowlero 23 Ray's Welding 21 Vi Kent's Cafe 18 Lyman Richey ...... 15 Hi game and series, J. 199 and 482 hi team game, Beauty Box 741; hi team series, State Farm. 2,145. L 18 19 19 23 Vi 24 24 Vi 25 Vi 26 27 27 29V2 30'i 31 32 Vi 36 39 Hire INDEPENDENT LEAGl'E W L Huebner'S '66' 42 Vi 17 Vi R)tz Theater 36Vi 23 W : Electric Service 36 24 Price's Bar 34 26 Bob's Bar 34 26 Bowlero 34 26 Cass County Motors 33 Vz 26' Kent's Oil Company 32 28 i Soennichsen's 30 30 Culligan's Soft Water 28 32 i Murray Hardware ..27 33 , Modern Woodmen . . 25 35 American Loan ..... 25 35 i Pierce Saw Mill .... 24 38 : Llnder's Firestone . . . 19Vi 402 Cady's 19 41 Hi game C. Kennell and D. Brennan, 213; hi series, W. Dasher 557; hi team game, Ritz Theater 897; hi team series, Price's Bar 2,493. Call Your News Ana Social Items to 2141 BONO TMAT KEEPS US nni The March of Dimes sponsor ed Special Birth Defects Clinic and Treatment Center at Chll drens Memorial Hospital In O- maha will continue this year under a renewal grant of $21, 369 from Nebraska county chap ters of The National Foundation March of Dimes. Announcement of the continu ing grant was made Jointly by Mr. Ward 8toddard, Admlnistra tor for the hospital and Bob Corn, Papilllon, State March of Dimes Chairman. The special project under a team of apecialists from Chll drens Hospital medical staff, representing faculty members from both Crelghton and Nebr aska University medical schools was inaugurated Just a year ago. It Is one of a growing net work of special centers across the nation designed to bring a medical team approach to the problems of birth defects and deformities in children, said Dr. Theodore R. Pfundt, Medical Director of the project. A similar network of March of Dimes special center projects to serve children crippled by rheumatoid arthritis has also been established. State March of Dimes Chairman Corn re ported. In Nebraska the special center for children with arteri tis is located at Crelghton Mem orial St. Josephs Hospital in Omaha and is likewise support ed by Nebraska March of Dimes Chapters, Corn said. Both center projects are a vailable to children throughout the State and surrounding area upon referral by the child's own local physician, It was stated. In announcing the renewal grant at Childrens Memorial Hospital, both the administrator and Mr. Corn expressed delight with the splendid specialized , services the program has been able to provide over the past year. They are confident that as physicians and parents be come more fully aware of the services available at the Center, the project will become even more meaningful In diagnosing and correcting the mistakes of nature among children born with birth defects and deformities. Any Nebraska child born with a defect or deformity for which there Is not already an ade quate established program of specialized service may be seen at the Clinic for a medical evaluation without charge upon rererrai by a physician, it was stated. If follow-up surgical or hospital treatment Is Indicated and the family Is unable to meet such costs through their own resources, the local county! March of Dimes chapter is au-! thorized to offer such assistance I as the chapter treasury may permit, Corn said. j Communications to the Cent-, er should be addressed: Birth Defects Center, Childrens Mem- i orial Hospital, 4th and Dewey, i Omaha, Nebraska. John Steinbeck, author: "I never made a speech in mv life, and this will be the only one. I hate speeches, and the greatest speech ever made was the Gettysburg Address. It lasted 3 minutes." I. F. Kennedy, President: "It Is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise rev enues In the long run Is to cut tax rates now." Classified Ad In The Journal cost as little as 50 cent "Okoy, Dar If't fimt to corn down and brwik up tht gam."' ' of the Iri-h fleeing to the U.S. "rowers ana appucam.s mu.v, So dependent were the Irish on ! understand that they should use the potato for food that v,henithe P''stlcioes according to the the blight hit in 1845, thousands directions on the label-on the starved j crops specified, In the amount "Much hn hn iMnn,t ho,i ! specified, and at the time spec- potatoes such as frying also ran ! Ia'e blight .since then. The class- j tied." aon calories." Ulcauon of infection potential "Wise use of chemicals also While women attending heard !"f various potato varieties has js important from the stand the facts on the caloric content made the late blit-M forecasting , ,- ., i, of potatoes and various methods -system more efficient. Growers j pyjng these chemicals," said lenre heard latest developments ' zor and m growing the crop. Dr. John Weihing, Viiversity . Extension plant pathologist. Lincoln, discussed late blk'ht of ! potatoes. "The year 1951 was i one of great shock in western i of the high rated varieties -Da- Excel must have ai Robert E. Roseile, University less of the wamim; svstem be- j "Some chemicals are more haz-r;ui;-e oive the biluht starts m ! ardotw than others, so It Is im these varieties, spraying cannot j portant to handle them accord save them. j '"K to directions on the pack "O rowers of the moderate10. m M-.l: A baby's best friend is its mother and a mo ther's best friend it FELDHOUSENS! Here, you can gc all the professionally recommend ed productj for baby's health, comfort and grooming at prices so LOW even a baby on lave money heto! Shop FELDHOUSEN S to day for MICHTY BIG EUYS for little dolls and guyt! rl ''"'. s -M V. V I iU'M JW NURSERY BABY COF BABEE . SPRAY SYRUP Teething Lotion Hospital Tested 79c 4"' $1,00 69c CONGESTAID BABY V?TAMIN Room Vaporizer SHAMPOO For Infants & Children 16 ox. Site "r '"$1.89 cvr 39c $,y$3.98 MtmMiyMk I BABY SPECIALS I 3?S m S3 ma m m m This Coupon Entitles Bearer To 100 Extra 3 fit GREEN STAMP With each purchase of $1.00 or More From Our BABY PANTS DEPT. Valid Only At Feltlhoutrn's. Offer Expires Thurs,, Jan. 3lst, 13. m m m m WTim riTWiimwni i nn aim n mm m . Thii Coupon Entiflci Bearer To 50 Extra S&. H n GREEN STAMP With each purchase of 59c or More From Our BABY TOY DEPT. Valid Only At Fehlhousen's. Offer Expires Thurs., Jan. 31st, 10fi3. i3 m m m m m 5K3S BABY BRUSH AND COMB A $1.00 Value yTCC ZBT BABY LOTION 60e Sixc O AC For J & J BABY SOAP BABY BRUSH & COMB All For iriC Only Mcnnen BABY TALC 65e Sise A nC For Infant Clycerin SUPPOSITORIES 24 s A 79c Value AQC For Only We Give S(kH GREEN STAMPS rrj ee