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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
vVrVi 7 7 v Notices I AM BACK AT MY SHOE SHOP Work Guaranteed 1st ( lass Material Your Patronage Solicited PITTMAN SHOE SHOP Corner Oth & Main 20-tfc START YOUR DIETING NOW .... So You'll be ready to enjoy the LIONS SMORGASBORD Sunday, Feb. 10. . 19-3tc NOTICE Do you have a drink ing problem? Alcoholics Anonymous ran help you. Write Box 367, Plattsmouth, Neb. 20-8tp NOTICE Stop on your way to the Implement Sale on Feb. 1 and enjoy home-cooked food served at the IOOF Building, 12 doors west of Plattsmouth Lockers) by Ladies of Rebekah Kensington. Public cordially Invited. 21-ltc Lost and Found STRAYED 11 pigs. Phone Emery Hansen, Weeping Wat er. 21-3tp LOST OR STRAYED Hereford , steer about 500 lbs., black steer ; calf about 375 lbs. Lester Rose f now, Elmwood 994-3984. 21-3U Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS I wLsh to thank all mv friends for the cards, visits and food and es pecially Mrs. Oeorp,e Kalasek for assisting me when I fell and fractured my wrist. Mrs. J. E. Melsinger. 21-ltp CARD OF THANKS Thank you to all relatives and friends for cards and calls while I was in the hospital. Verner Friedrich. 21-ltp CARD OF THANKS I do thank those who sent Christmas and get well cards to me and my neighbors, who sent cookies and food at the time of my nines Mrs.-t'M KuBksl, Nt hawka. ' J , r , 2I.Itp CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all my friends who were so kind to me when Her man was In the hospital and at the time of his death. Your cards, flowers, food and other are greatly appre ciated. Blanch Richter and family. 21-ltc CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our many rela tives, friends and neighbors for the muiy acts of kindness and exp.e s;ons of sympathy expended ns in the rccer.t 111 and death of our beloved mother and grandmother. A special thanks to the ladis of the church for the lunch served and to Mrs. Emma Lewis who was with us in our great time of need. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Beckman, chil dren and grandchildren. 21-ltc CARD OF THANKS Mv ln- I other acts of kindness while i I was In the hospital and since returning home. Alyce Green. 21-ltp CARD OF THANKS This is a special Thanks to all. who sent cards and who called on Ralph both at tiip hospital and during his short slay at home. He enjoyed them all. Since the loss of mv dear hus band, your many card., mem orials, flowers, and calls have been deeply appreciated. Eve lyn Hansford, Eagle. 21-ltc CARD OF THANKS I want to thank everyone for cards, visits and kindnesses .shown to me while I was In the hos pital. Walt Bryant. 21-ltc CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and ap preciation to all our friends and neighbors who expressed thejr sympathy in so many ways during the illness and passing of our beloved father, grandfather and brother. Your thoughtfulneis and k 1 n d ne.sses will long be remember ed. The family of Charles M. Read. 21-ltc WANT AD RATES Want Adj are Cash other than to established accounts, Courtesy charges are made on telephone ads for a period of i.x days. No Want Ads will be accepted from users delinquent in their accounts. Pay ment is expected from customers upon their receipt of notification or total charges. IACH WORD, Firsf Insertion 4c IACH WORD, Subsequent Insertions 3c I Minimum Charge for any Ad 50c) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, per inch 75c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM MESSACES POETRY same as Want Ad Rites DEADLINE All Want Ads mutt be In this office by 9:20 A.M. Day of Publication. TELEprlOHIHJ -,,0 If an error is made in your ad notify The journal office immedi ately following publication. Wf "taWot"Wrtfm responsibility after the first insertion. CARD OF THANKS Thanks to everyone for the flowers, cards, visits, calls, gifts, and prayers during mv stay in the hospital and since my return home. They were greatly ap preciated. Ood bless each and everyone of you. Sharon Gun solley. 21-ltc CARD OF THANKS fwlsh "to thank all my friends and rela tives for the prayers, Rifts, cards and visits while my stay In the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. Mrs. Ber nard Klntzle. 21-ltc Wanted WANTED Clean, Thrifty, 30 to 50 Lbs. Feeder Pics. Wavne Meisinger, Fhor": C?69. 7-tfc-T Wanted to Buy WANTED TO BUY riean rvrt ton rnis Ppmnvo hnrrcno nn' zippers. Do not want over alls, towola, nylon or silk! 5c per lb. The Plattsmouth Jour nal, l-tfc Help Wanted HELP WANTED POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has open ing in Elmwood, N e b r. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write Ona Dean, Box 407, Fre mont, Nebr. 21-ltc HELP WANTED Femalr'Above average Job, above average In come. Call 0227 for Interview. 19-31.1 Services Offered SERVICES OFFERED Baby sitting in my home for working mother. Lois Loper, 309 Ave. B, down.stairs apartment. 21-2tp SERVICES OFFERED Exper ienced of lice worker wants part or full time office work. Also will do part time waitress, baby.sltting or domestic work. Call 6240. 21-tfc ABSTRACTS OF TITLE KoucheK and G a r n e 1 1, Plattsmouth. l-tfc WE CUT GLASS to any size Picture framing. Plattsmouth Paint Store, l-tfc SERVICES OFFERED Breeding Service. Call Eagle 'WM'-MOO. l-tlc SERVICES OFFERED Fapc7 hanglng and painting. Vernle Younker, Phone 210H. l-tfc SERVICES OI'FERSD Cess pools and ceptic tqnks clean ed. Complete price $'.& to $35 each. No trip charge. Phone 2332. l-tic PLANNING a new home or re modeling. Phono 325-3835, Murray, Herb Campbell, l-tfc SERVICES OFFERED Sewing and alterations. Mrs. Ed Web er. Phone 4022. 9fi-tfc FRANK'S Plumbing Cr Heating Supplies & Cuttering Phone 5194 l-tfc SERVICES OFFKrtED Light body and fender work. Larry Young, 325-3596, Murray. 18-14!p HAUL low SAras wmkimi mm WIS ( WW UMOI C. E. Shellenbarger 81ucialr Products Phone 2173 6-tfc-T For Sale FOR SALE Two Firestone snow tires, size 8:50x14, very ' good tread. Phone 7230. I 13-tfc FOR SALE Dressed hens. A good way to cut the meat bill. Farmers Feed and Seed. 20-3tp BEEF For Freezers Halves, Quarters, & Loins Orders Taken For Hamburger Open Evenings & Sundays For Your Convenience CARDEL'S FREEZER MEATS Phone 8536 l'i Miles North of Plattsmouth On Highway 73-75 20-2tc FOR SALE HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS. C7 with 17" bar and chain $199.95. C9 with 17" bar and chain $239.95. See inside of front page of Nebraska Farm er for more Information. C5 with 14" bar and chain $149.95 Liberal allowance for your old saw. Chain, files and parts for most chain saws. Brown's Air port, Weeping Water, Nebr. 21-4tc FOR SALE $1 per day rental for Electric Carpet Shampooer with purchase of Blue Lustre. Wm. Sehmidtmann Hdw. 21-ltc TOR SALE Modern pink couch, $40; Blonde 3-tier lamp table $10; Bed frame, springs and mattress $25; older chest 4 drawers, $5; table and 4-chairs perfect for rec. room $15; Lad les Louise Suggs Golf clubs with bag and cart $50. Call 2170 to see. . 21-2tc FOR SALE 18x24 garage; 2x l''x20 font lumber; timbers, all sizes; 8xl2-lnch "I" beams; LiO and 200,000 - 3TU Arm strong furnaces. Phono 5194. l-tfc RAINBOW PAINT & CLASS COMPANY AUTO GLASS MIRRORS STOKE FRONTS OLASS RELACEMENTS PAINTS BRUSHES Interior & Extorter Decorating Free Estimates 512 Ave A Phone 2291 Plattsmouth, Nebraska 15-tfc-T Household Goods BEHMER'S TRADING POST We Specialize in Meet ing the Needs of Air Base Personnel. We Sell NEW FURNITURE Direct From The Wholesale House. You Pick it. We Deliver it. New Home .sewing machine Universal sewing machine Double door Admiral Refrigerator Friglduire refrigerator 30 Inch electric stove Several used bedroom rets Several used dinettes Several used chests Compact vacuum cleaner with all attachments & hassock Several desks Hunk beds Several u.scd single mattresses 30 Inch rollaway Several baby hed-i 36 Inch walnut china 8 piece walnut dining room suite Blonde drop leaf table with six ,,.nal" .... . oy'vania 21 inch console TV Portable Mugnovox TV (nice) Playpen Steel wardrobe f'everal used lamps and new Typewriter $15.00 Car .seat, strollers, buggys TERMS & DELIVERY. TO BUY OR SELL . . . SEE US BEHMER'S TRADING POST Phono 70C3 . 19-ltc-H FOR SALE Used Kenmore automatic washer. Good con flit Inn, make offer. Phone 22C3. 20-2tc Douglas C. Dillon, Secretary o the Treasury: "The demands of the cold war, of the spnee ago, and of our rapidly growlns population are so urgent and compelling that federal expenditures are bound to rise." JANUARY WASHER DRYER SALE NORCE or KELVINATOR Matching Automatic Washer and Electric Dryer Only $299.50 Wtrade Quantity Is Limited. We made a special Durchase For this Dollar Saving January I cnia weatner special. Financing Available CHAS. WARCA SALES & SERVICE 224 So. 7th Phone 2124 20-ltc-H Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT Beautiful New 2 Bedroom Unfurnished Apartment In New Addition Phone 2100 16-tfc FOR RENT 2, 1 bedroom apts. Refrigerator, oven and stove furnished. All utilities paid, nrivate enfrnnrp rpwlu rinn- orated duplex. Washing fac - Miles In basement. $80-$85. Available now. Phone 4056. 15-tfc FOR RENT 3 bedroom house with Knotty pine family room. Suburban living. Mrs. May nnrd Trttsch, Omaha, 733 5370 or 992. 15-tfc FOR RENT 2Tedromuii furnished, stove and re frigerator furnished. Phone 2204. ' 20-2t.c FOR RENT 2 bedroom base" merit house. Phone 5222. 20-tfc FOR RENT Four room mod ern house, furnished or un furnished. Phone 3969. 19-tl'c FOR RENT Large two bed room house, fully carpeted, fenced backyard, water furn ished, $95. Possession Feb. 1. 1417 Ave. C, Phone 4022. 19-5tc FOR RENT Walk-in base ment apartment, 2 bedroom, completely furnished. Call 6978. 19-4tc I FOR RENT Modern 3 bod- room home, 1:.; baths, very attractive. 412 Ave. C. Phone 7029. 19-31C FOR RENT Four room up stalis apartment at 211 So. 5th. Relrigerator and stove furnished. All utilities furnish ed except lights. Phone 2350. 15-tfc FOR RENT --Two bedroom unfurnished apartment. Phone 2149. 15-tfc FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, private entrance, pri vate bath. Phone 7954 after 5 p.m. 15-tfc FOR RENT 3 room furnish ed apartment, utilities furn ished. See after 4 o'clock at 424 So. 7th St. 104-tfc FOR RENT rurniblwa apart ment. 312 So. 9th. 90-tfc FOR RENT 4 room furnished apt. Phone 9177. fte-tfc FOR RENT Three room furn ished apt., close in, Main floor. Phone 7230. 16-tfci FOR RENT Apartment. Over Johns Sales ana Service. Phone 6239 or 9011. 101-tfc. FOR RENT Largo 2 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Adults. Lease. Coronado Apts. Phone 7207. l-tfc FOR RENT Two bedroom apartment,- partly furnished. Private entrance. Phone 7183 or 2336. 92-tfc FOR RENT Sleepli.R rooms! by week or nionih. with gar ane. Rock Moie). 97-tfcl FOR RENT Turnished and unfurnished apartments. Loris B. Long, Realtor. Phone 5239 or 4250. 61-tfc FOR RE!T 3 room furnished apt. Utilities. 228 Main. 81-tfc FOR RENT 2 bedroom apt., refrigerator and stove furn ished, close-in. Phone 3254 or 3032. 96-tfc FOR RENT 3 room apt, re-1 frlgeraor and stove. Phone ; 6975, Oakmont apts. 3-tfc! FOR RENT Four room hrmse with stoves and relrigerator lurnished. Phone 7115. 21-tfc FOR RENT OR SALE One bed room home, less than 3 years old. In. Warga Realty, Phone 2124. 21-ltc FOR RENT OR SALE Three bedroom home on pavement, close in. Warga Realty. Phone 2124. 21-ltc FOR RENT 5 room unfurnish ed 3 and 4 room furnished. In quire 701 Ave. B. 21-tfc FOR RENT Three bedroom unfurnished house near school $f!0. Loris B. Long Realtor. Phone 5239 or 4250. 101-tfc FOR RENT Very nice one bed room furnished apt., gas and water furnished. 1603 Valley Street. 9-tfc FOR RENT Furnished house, near school. $110. Loris B. Long, Realtor. Phone 5239 or 4250. 100-tfc FOR RENT 4 bedroom home. Phone 7998. 7-tfc FOR RENT Sleeping rooms and kitchenettes by the week, and month. Plattsmouth Motel. 6-tfc I FOR RENT New 2 home. Phone 7998. bedroom 7-tfc FOR RENT 2 bedroom house, nice. Utilities paid. Call 6245. 100-tfc FOR RENT Come and see this pleasant 5 room unfurn ished apt. Nice location. Call at 1118 4th Ave. or phone 6200. 104-tfc FOR RENT One unfurnished two bedroom apartment. All utilities nr. id except lights. Herold Apartments, Phone 3144. l-tfc FOR RENT House, 2 bedrooms, range and refrigerator, 2 chil dren. 318 South 7th. 14-tfc Drtaj Fcfflfp for Sale -ul 1-51UIC IUI JUIC FOR SALE Development property. 8 lots adjoining highway by-pass. Price reduc ed. Paul Fauquet 6113. 3-tfc FOR SALE Three bedroom home, r.oar Central School, miy be tented for $80 per month, subject to sale Idr' $6,500, ' Unusually attractive old er home on paving near fihool. Living room, dining room, knotty-pine kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, en closed porches. Improved and unimproved acreage suitable for home sites in city limits. Attractive four room home with basement near school. $7,500.00. , L'ORIS B. LONG Realtor 126 N. 4th St. Ph. 5239 or 42M) l-tfc FOR SALE 2 bedroom house. Priced right. Phone 2356 arter 6. 20-tfc FOR SALE If you want tj own a mouern home in the country, 2 to 5 acres, within 2 miles of Avoca, Nebr. Call or see Rex Young. 20-tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1, 2, 3 & 4 BEDROOM MONIES Residential Lots in town or Suburban COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMMERCIAL LOTS ' Business Opportunities Acreages For Fast, Friendly Service, Whether buying or Selling See. . . . WARGA REALTY Phone 2124 20-ltc Feed & Seed for Sale FOR SALE Feed out a bunch of hogs on a complete ground and mixed ration. We didn't know it could make so much dillcrence. Give it a try. Farmers Feed and Seed. 20-3tp FOR SALE Wheat straw. Call before you ccme Richard O. Cole 8169. 15-tfc-T kAnrU tnrr fnr s IVlUCninery TOr OQIQ i FOR SALE 1950 8-N Ford I truclor, back blade, plow and I disc. Phone 4967. 19-3tp FOR SALE It's here FWD Wagner, first successful 4 Wheel Drive Tractor, choice of 102, 160, 220, 250 HP. Trades Terms Demonstra tions Immediate De 1 1 v e r y. See or write Bridgeport Equip ment Co. Bridgeport, Nebras ka. 19-13tc FOR SALE Stock Rack, 4x6, used less than a year; oil stove with double blower; 1950 Ford, for parts or complete. Phone 8185. 20-2tc FOR SALE Rebuilt generators and new regulators for most tractors, a new exide battery at wholesale if you buy the generator and regulator. Bat teries are dry and have to be filled and serviced, allow about 4 hrs. Call 823-5547. Give us the size and type. Brown's Air port, Weeping Water, Nebr. 21-4tc Automobiles RUBIN'S ROBUST USED CAR BUYS '61 Ford 2 dr. hardtop, Over drive '61 Ford 2 dr. hardtop 375 hp engine '61 Chevrolet Impala 4 door, straight shift. '60 Ford 4 dr. straight shift '60 Falcon 4 dr. wagon '59 Ford 2 dr. hardtop '59 Chevrolet station wagon '58 Ford Convertible, Straight shift '58 Chevrolet 4 door '57 Mercury 2 dr. hardtop 54 Ford, straight shift & over drive '52 Chevy 2 dr. straight shift TRUCKS '62 Ford 2 ton 3 speed '51 Ford F-600, Fold down box & hoist '51 Ford 'z ton 4 speed '51 Ford 2 ton 3 speed '48 Ford Vt ton 4 speed RUBIN AUTO CO. Ford-Mercury-Comet-Falcon Plattsmouth 15-tfc BRYANT MOTORS Open evenings DOWNTOWN FRI. & SAT., 7 to 9. Dodge - Rambler -Clean used cars. 15-tfc Public Sales POSTPONED DAIRY SALE ! Robert Jacobs, owner, Plattsmouth, Nebr. NEW SALE DATE: Monday, Jan. 28 12:30 p.m. Sale to be held at the f'rm located 2 miles south and 34 miles east of Platts mouth. - 45 Head Selling - High Grade Holstein Milking Dispersal 21-ltc Postponed The auction to settle the estate of Lillian M. Box Originally scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 24th. WILL BE HELD WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30th Startin? at 1 P.M. at Elmwood, Nebr. Herbert Oehlerkinp;. Executor Young & Morris, Auctioneers 19-ltc Lege! Notices VILLAGE BOARD MINLTES Murdock, Neb'. Jan. 5, 1963 The Village Board met in reg ular session with all members present. The following bills were presented and on motion made bv Trutna and seconded by Kendricltson were ordered paid. CPP Dist Peoples Natr'l. Gas Co. W. J. B. McDonald .... Plattsmouth Journal . . League of Municipalities Corn Growers State Bank Rornemelcr Hardware . V. M. Hendrickson Dick Trutna 89.60 24.82 15.00 1.75 25.00 10.00 7690 13 05 I 14.75 I THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, January 24, 1963 PAGE SEVEN '. W. J. B. McDonald 12.00 Lincoln Tel. & Tel 9.25 Bornemeler Hardware . 5.17 Roper Bornemeier 5.00 There being no further busi ness the minutes were read and approved and the motion by Hendrlckson seconded by Smith to adjourn carried. W. J. B. McDonald, Clerk No. 6108 Jan. 24, 1963. JAMES F. BEOLEY, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF PROBATE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of Harold O. Olson deceased. No. 5248: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an instru ment purporting to be the last will and testament of said de ceased, and for the appointment of George M. Christian as Exe cutor thereof; that said peti tion has been set for hearing before said Court on the 11th day of February 1963, at 10 a.m. bated January 23rd, 1963. (SEAL) RAYMOND J. CASE County Judge No. 6110 Jan. 24, 31, Feb. 7, 1963. FRANCIS M. CASEY, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY 'COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To the creditors of the estate of Keener I. Price deceased. No. 5244: Take notice that the time limit for the filing and presen tation of claims against said estate is May 10th, 1963; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on May 15th, 1963 at ten o'clock a.m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and ad.j u.sting all claims or ob jections duly filed. Dated January 22nd, 19G3. (SEAL) RAYMOND J. CASE County Judge No. 6106 Jan. 24, 31, Feb. 7, 1963. Are You Getting Full Credit for Earnings in SS? Are you receiving full credit for your earnings under social security? This is a question to self-employed people from A. F. Silber, District Manager of the Social Security Administration in Lin coln. Employers make quarterly re ports of the earnings of their em ployees, but self-employed per sons must make their own re ports annually. Silber said that anyone who derives a net profit of $400 or more from a trade or business, during the taxable year, is re quired to pay the self-employmentsocial security tax. It must be paid regardless of the individual's age and even though he may be receiving social se curity benefits. And it must be paid even if no income tax is due. Report correctly and receive correct benefit payments later, Silber advised. If self-employed people are to receive full social security credit for their earn ings, they should file an income tax return each year. Complete records of each report should be kept. Net earnings court for so cial security credit, and correct net earnings can be figured only if accurate records of income and expenses are maintained. A report of self-employment income to the Director of Inter nal Revenue at the end of each taxable year is a report for so cial security purposes, he pointed out. Self-employed per sons receive credit for all four calendar quarters in the year when net profit for the year is $400 or more. Your social security account number is the key to your future social security payments, but benefit payments depend on earnings credited to your ac count, Silber added. For further information on self-employment and social se curity, he invites all self-employed people to ask for the pamphlets, "For The Self-Em-ployed" or "For Self-Employed Farmers". The social security office serving this area is lo cated at 121 N. 13th Street, in Lincoln. John F. Kennedy, President, in holiday message to armed forces: "During the past months, your quiet readiness has proved vital to the preservation of peace at times when world freedom has been in hazard. Those who you defend send their thanks to you. . ." A Classified Ad in The Journal cost as little as 50 cents. Farrow-to-Finish Housing To Be Swine Days Topic LINCOLN Projected In creases in swine production by Nebraska hogmen focus atten tion on the importance of man agement and know-how if profits are to be realized, a University of Nebraska specialist said this week. Confidence by producers in continued relative stability of the swine Industry is apparently reflected In plans by Nebraska producers o increase farrow ings in the, period from Decem ber, 1962 to May, 1963 by six per cent. Nebraska had an esti mated pig crop of 4.5 million head in 1962, up one per cent over 1961. Leo Lucas, Extension animal husbandman at the College of Agriculture, warned that an in crease in numbers alone will not assure an Individual producer of an adequate margin on his op eration, although lack of volume is a major problem of the Ne braska swine industry. Dividends will not come auto matically to the producer, al though in general, profit pros pects for the Nebraska producer appear to be only slightly less in 1963 than for the past two "good" years for hog raising. Lucas continued. Competition and enlargement of operations is setting high standards in swine breeding, feeding, management, housing and disease control within the industry, the University live stock specialist noted. New tech niques that help brine about ef- ficiencies in swine production demand greater managerial skills, he pointed out. One of the problems faced by both veteran producers and those just getting Into the swine business is that of selecting the kind of swine housing and equip ment to fit the producer's partic ular operation. Speaking at a serles' of Area Swine Day programs later this month on "Farrow-to-Finish Housing" will be E. A. Olson, University Extension agricul tural engineer. Farmers who ' are considering swine raising for the first time may wish to con sider this type of housing for a , " small sow-pig operation at the -outset. This type of building al- :, lows for the addition of more units as the need arises, he ex plained, s Farrow-to-finish swine build ings offer the possible advan- , tages of easier management, less stress on hogs, faster gains, , better and more uniform en vironmental control, better dis-. ease control, easier-recordkeep- . , ing and the use of all buildings nearly 100 per cent of the time.. Olson's discussion of farrow-to-finish swine housing will be one of several topics scheduled for presentation by University specialists and researchers at McCook, York and Laurel on January 29, 30 and 31, respectively. Some Taxpayers Goof, IRS Says Review of early-filed Federal Tax Returns in the Omaha Dis trict reveals that some taxpay ers are failing to fill in all re quired data, Director Richard P. Vinal said today. In 1963, accuracy and com pleteness in filling out federal income tax returns is more Im portant than ever. He said Internal Revenue's conversion to an electric com puter maintained account sys tem precludes manual correc tion of deficiencies in returns which may have been acceptable in the past. Vinal emphasized these points for both individual and business taxpayers. All applicable items on the re turn form must be filled in and in the proper sequence. This means totals from attached schedules must be carried for ward to the face of the return. If schedules in the return are not sufficient for the needs of the taxpayer, substitute sched ules must follow the official for mat, contain all the required in formation, and be attached in the same sequence as on the tax return. Returns or schedules repro duced by copying machines and other devices should meet the standards of paper quality and legibility of the official forms. , Taxpayers receiving pre-ad-dressed forms should use these ttVTnH neS. TtQssible to mlfll- inrei? mancc oi error in ldentift- cation, Vinal said.