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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1963)
' ,t. . ? f IT S .t H Vf- .'" THE PL ATT3IW0UTH, NEBRASKA,' SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Thursday, January 24, 1963 1 I Dorcas Circle Met At Wester Home The Dorcas Circle of the Meth odist Church WSCS met with Mrs. Clement Woster Jan. 17 with a Rood attendance of members and four guests, Mrs. Willard Scott, Mrs. Howard Wiles, Mrs. Ralph Wiles, and Mrs. Ann Perlette. Mrs. Dale Philpot, Circle vice-chairman, presided over the meeting. Devotions In keeping with the days lesson theme were given by Mrs. W. L. Helnrich, with scriptures taken from Psalm 13 and reference to the 23rd Psalm as the Psalm of comfort. She also quoted from Ralph. W, Scokman's book "The Meaning of Suffering." Mr.5. Willard Scott was lead er of the lesson topic "What Shall We Tell Our Children a bout Suffering,?" taken from the study book Called. Con- AT CONVENTION Mr. and Mrs. James F. McMillan, 1104 3rd ; fronted and Compelled. She gave In CONVfSTIU; 11 -- - . ft Ave., Plattsmouth, are shown as they arrived at the Denver Hilton Hotel in Denver for a 3-day conference of State Farm insurance men from Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, I'tah, Washington and Wyoming. The conference, which honored outstanding State Farm representa tives, began Jan. 21 and was attended by 1400 agents and wives. Spring Fashion Show Plans Made In another month comes the Spring and the most exciting collections of Fashions are to be presented at the annual Spring Fashion Show now be ing pi anned by the Womens Division of the Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce. A meeting was called by Chairman Helen Lessman and co-chairman Phyllis Brookhous er Mohday night and the ladies group met in the home of Mrs. Marie Richards. After much discussion of time ly ideas a theme was chosen for this year's show. All committee chairmen have been selected, special Jobs assigned and the groundwork for this big event has been detailed. Watch for further news flash es from this committee who pro mises to bring you trends of Fashion and Beauty. Margo Sail ors, publicity chairman. Legion Auxiliary At Union Has All-Day Meeting UNION (Special) The Amer ican Legion Auxiliary held an "all-day" meeting at the Legion Hall Jan. 15, in which the ladies are putting on a carpet rag sew- Kenosha Club Names Officers Kenosha Extension Club la dies met Jan. 16 with Mrs. Louis Sack. New officers are Mrs. Louis Sack, president; Mrs. word illustrations of power of faith over suffering and other of life's events which without the exercise of Christian faith might become tragedies. The group sang "Blessed As surance "followed by the Pray er Circle. Reports from department secretaries were heard and Mrs. Howard Wiles, president, an nounced the WSCS has been asked to sprve the United Christian Youth Movement 3; also an Invitation had been Lyle Meisinger, secretary-trea- rpceived from the wscs of surer; Mrs. Robert Snodgrass, j SprlngHeld to attend a one o reporter; Mrs. Forest Bed songclock iuncheon at the Methodi-st leader; Mrs. Raymond Cundall, I church there Feb. 6, when the pianist and Mrs. John S. Toman, program speaker will be Donald historian. Ijanis, a former Springfield Mrs. Sack presided, and open- resident, recently returned from ed the meeting with cievotionals. I a missionary assignment in the Year books were distributed and discussed. Eleven members answered roll call by giving some Ideas for les sons desa-ed for U.e future. , West Indies. Several from the local society plan to attend. Members welcomed Mrs. K. W. Grosshans, chairman, back af ter recent hospitalization. Final plans were made for the : . j th , conducted bv Mrs. Arthur Uhe. The afternoon closed with re freshments served by the hostess. bake sa.e, Jan. 19, at Collins Groce.-y in Murray, benefit of the Cass County Retarded Chil dren's School. Mrs. Sack gave the lesson on flag etiquette, followed by the Flag Salute. The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Forest Beil, Murray Chairman for March of Dimes. Plans for mailing March of Dimes letters were discussed. Members started the Drive by giving their donations to chair man Beil. Material for the Drive was distributed and some 100 envelopes were addressed and mailed by members. More mat Bridal Shower for Barbara Chapin UNION (Special) Barbara Chapin was honored with a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Verl Chapin at Nebraska City with Mrs. Ron Chapin as sisting hostess. Guests attending from Union were Mrs. Jack Harris, Mrs. Francis Crawford, Miss Joyce WK COIHC81. . ... . " " novirUnr, anrt VIr Rnrilh Tleh The tasing teamwui sejveaenai Baa to oe poiainea, w ue;--- inner for the winning teSmailet aWdate." I.L.1?!?!, dinner their February meeting. Eva Becker reported that 28 "Cheer Boxes" were delivered to the elderly and "shut In" peo ple of the community. A fruit basket was delivered to the Grand View Nursing Home. Also several baskets of groceries were given to-needy families. It was voted to give $5 to ea?h of the four drives that will be coming up soon. New members will be Invited to the next meeting, In Febru ary. - The Unit will co-sponsor the Red -Cross Bloodmobile March 20 at the Legion Hall for recruit ing Nehwaka and Union. Eva Becker, Bazaar Chair man sked the ladies to make articles for the spring luncheon bazaar. Ruth Ruby, Marion Clark and Judy Jones will be the Program Committee for this event, Mrs. Roy Mullis read an arti cle on Legislation and Mrs. Vio let Attebery one on National Se curity,; The- ladles voted to buy a dozen extra chairs. There were eleven members and one guest In attendance. Meeting adjourned and lunch was served by Mrs. Sack. Next meeting will be Feb. 20 with Mrs. Grant Deterding. Ideal Chapter. OES, At Elmwood Has Dinner, Installation Ideal Chapter 181, OES, of Elmwood, held its Installation Jan. 15, at 8 p.m. Preceded by a 6 p.m. covered dish dinner. Those installed were: Ines Muench&u, Worthy Ma tron; Bert Muenchau, Worthy Patron; Opal Shieve, Associale Matron; Gerald Patton, Associ ate Patron; Evelyn Ransford, Conductress; Eleanor? Muen chau, Associate Conductress; Helen Sumner, Secretary; Helen Schnleder, Treasurer; Pearl Adams, Chaplain. Sherman Hardaway, Marshal; Opal Clements, Organist; Mabel Elliott, Adah; Frances Mae Stall, Ruth; Audrey Cook, Esther; Margaret P a r s e 1 1, Martha; Eunice Patton, Electa; Ethel Gonzales, Warder; Arthur Adams, Sentinel. The installing officers were Marguerite Leaver, Installing Matron; Annabelle Althouse, Chaplain; Olive Westlate, Mar shal; Vera Sutton, OrganiFt; and Eunice Stock, Vocalist. WA-KI-CIIA-DA The Wa-ki-cha-da Camp Fii? Group met at the home of Guardian Mrs. C. W. Armstrong Monday. Some of the girls passed the Trail Seeker requirements. Plan were made, for Af eweT?.. .: . monial at the next meeting. I A Classified Ad In The Journal Susan Lutz, scribe. I cost as little as 50 cents. Cleaners Circle j Gleaners Circle of the First Methodist Church met in the Memorial Room Jan. 18 at 8 pjn. There were 14 members and three guests present. Mrs. John Schreiner, chair man, opened the meeting with a prayer by Dr. Norman vmceni Peale. Mrs. Paul Keil gave de votions. Mrs. Lloyd Fitch pre sented the lesson. Following the business meet ing. Mrs. William Highfield con ducted two Quiz games with Mrs. Warren Catron and Mrs. Paul Keil as prize winners. Refreshments were served by hostesses Mrs. Fulton Harris. Mrs. Chas. Land, Mrs. Vernon Waterman and Mrs. Fred Davenport. Other Nebraska City relatives and friends also attended. Barbara will be married Sat urday afternoon at F3ith Bap tist Church at Nebraska City to Robert Ried of Webb City. Mo. Both have been students in Grace Bible Institute in Omaha. CALENDAR Thursday, Jan. 24 American Legion Auxiliary will meet In the 40 & 8 Club Rooms Thursday, Jan. 24 at 8 p.m. Thursday,. Jan. 21 OES Home Chapter No. 189 will hold installation at 8 p.m Thursday, Jan. 24. It Is open to the public. Friday, Jan. 25 Chapter F PEO Founders Day Banquet in the Fellowship Room of the Methodist Church at 8:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25. Meeting following at the home of Mrs. Harley Cecil. ' Friday, Jan. 25 The Plattsmouth Promenad- Baptist Missionary Society Has Meeting UNION (Special) The Bap tist Missionary Society met atjders wiu hoid an operi square the home of Mrs. Harley Morton dance at the Lions Club Build January 16 with "The Pace 8et-jlng Friday, jan. 25 from 8 to 11 ter" as devotions. p.m. Caller will be William Mc- Mrs. Francis Leiner gave the corrnick of Omaha, lesson, "He Saw the Torments ! Saturday, Jan. 26 of China". Mrs. t-naries u: berv gave the Bible Quiz. A Memorial Offering given in memory of the Mrs. Louis Burbee to church Bethel No. 24 Orrter of Jobs (Daughters will mee't at 2 p.m. was j Saturday, Jan. 26 in the Mason- iue Hall. the Saturday, Jan. 26 Fort Crook Federal Credit Un- The election of officers will be , ion Annl,al meeting is at 7:30 held at the next meeting at the home 0f Mrs. Elmer Pike. BIRTHS Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Norman Urwin of Murray are parents of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Jan. 20 at the Methodist Hos pital, Omaha. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooper, Weeping Water and Mrs. Urwin, Stella, Nebr. The couple has a three-year-old son at home. Daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Temple meyer of Nebraska City are par ents of a daughter, Christine Marie, born Jan. 8, weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces. Mrs. Temple meyer is the termer Florence Ellingson. The couple has four daughters and three sons at home to welcome tha new baby. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ellingson, Plattsmouth and Mrs. Rose Templemeyer, Nebraska City. p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28, at the Oermnn American Club. 4206 South 13th St., Omaha. Refresh ments will be served. Monday, Jan. 28 Cass County Salon No. 441 will meet in the 40 & 8 Club Rooms at 8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 28. Wednesday, Jan. 30 Band Parents' meeting Wed nesday, Jan. 30 at 8 p.m. in the music room of the high school. Monday, Feb. 4 Central PTA will meet in the Central Cafeteria at 7:30 p.m Monday, Feb. 4. There will be a Founders' Day Program. f HE PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL Official County and City Paper Established In 1881 Entered at the Post Office at Plattsmouth. Nebraska as sec ond class mail matter in accord ance with the Act of Congress of March 3. 187B. Published Semi-Weekly, Mon day and Thursaays, at 410 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Cass Coun ty. Nebr. (Subscriptions: 25 Cents for 2 Weeks by carrier inside Platts mculli; By Mail $4 00 per year, Cass and adjoining counties: 45 00 ter year, elsewnr.) GIANT JANUAtY YOU CANT EAT ONE SINGLE ITEM . ON THIS PACE BUT YOU'LL SAVE MANY A FOOD DOLLAR IF YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS LADIES Sixes 9-11 1 " mm COMET ALUMINUM COLORFUL Ladies ODDie PAIR i 7 f lis! BdRB V I9KC -i 4 .J'-r Cake Pans It SUM Each lpf'f jv.' j a8----a3iay A $1.69 Value f'fJ jSTZS ITr? r- CARDICANS 1 fa U V7 . ?' '' W .? LADIES ORLON j'ICS 54-40 EACH CORDUROY ;:-r-;. BOXER Longies C FoU Electrical EXTENSION W CORDS UCH Comfy HEAD WARMERS tACH Plastic Reg. 19c BABY PANTS M-L-XL PAIRS Decorator Colon THROW PILLOWS EACH MENS-4 BUCKLE Sr- BOOTS lpis,.,5..,2 MW W'l 4m3rS--$l -A 11 pi.t'W.WwwiWW'Wl)i.ii.iiiiii.iiiiiiiii .mill mi iiii iiiii i- ' LAUNDRY BASKETS I (fAP f(Fst eachV A & W f EC?8 IF r3U 100 COTTON REVERSIBLE ' p EACH colors zpAmJ ril'lTI"-! fr7TYv7f3!' . ASSORTED COLORS SIZES 3 to 8 VI- w : Ci ' INSULATED MEN S SNOW 111 5 t fa 4 i 4 4 4 i 4. t a a