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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
JflMJBSfMIL PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY Monday-Thursday mm Consolidated With the Nchowka Enterprise ond Elmwood Leader-Echo Read Twice Weekly by More Than 3500 Cass County Families THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1960 TEN CENTS PER COPY NUMBER 11 VOLUME 80 FOURTEEN PACES PLATTSMOUTH. CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 111 MESA 'WM'fii f&&& Mil Plait j ill 1 E.-rw - -- wn-m '"' -iy nn mtmww tmTmmrji,fP'.sg " "" w v VsJl 1 1 ' J - '- ! I fcu ! ltfV AAA G" S&' 'N i .N-T A J ' ( g V , I Jf-r" CV If Nr , ' ' i 1:4 FFA-FHA CROWNING The 1960 King and Sweetheart of the local chapters of the FFA and F1IA are shown being crowned at the annual Future Farmers-Future Homemakers Christmas party and dance at the high school Monday enry Albert Judged The Henry Albert home, 723 3rd Ave., was judged best-decorated home here this Christmas season, the Chamber of Com merce announced this week after judging by a board of three judges. Receiving 100 points, the Al bert home was considered most attractive by Rev. Vernard Ut ley, Fr. Mike Pleskac and Fr. Robert Hodgson. Emil J. Weyrich, Long Resident of City, Died Monday Emil John Weyrich, 79, long a prominent figure in the busi ness life of Plattsmouth and ac tive in the Masonic order, died Monday at Immanuel Hospital in Omaha where he was a patient for a short time. He was born Dec. 28, 1879, at Pekin, 111., son of John and Emi- lie Seidler Weyrich. When 12, he was brought to Plattsmouth by his parents and since made this city his home. Surviving are two sisters, Miss Clara Weyrich and Miss Alice Weyrich, both of Plattsmouth. Preceding him in death were his parents. Mr. Weyrich was a registered pharmacist since 1898 in this city, first with the Gering Drug Store, Later, in partnership with Joseph F. Hadraba, he operated j the drug store for 37 years until disposing of the store to the Schreiner brothers. In addition to his long career r! in the drug business, Mr. Wey rich found time to enjoy his hobbies, having a statewide rep utation for his photographic studies, also collecting fosils and cutting and polishing stones, having a large collection at his home. He was a member of the (Continued on Page Six) SHOPPING DAYS Till Christmas Best -Decorated Second place was awarded to the Irvin Steve Allison home, 1520 Valley St., with 90 points and third to the Glen Diggs home, 118 So. 9th, with 85 points. In the scoring, the three win ners which receive $25, $15 and $10 prizes, were awarded points in order for artistic merit, orig inality, lighting techniques and ingenuity, as follows: Albert 30, 20, 30, 20 100. Allison 30, 20, 20, 20 90. Diggs 30, 20, 15, 20 85. The Chamber of Commerce which sponsored the contest urged residents and visitors to drive around the city to view the decorations. The C of C said about 125 homes were judged in the contest. A Dand To Play Christmas Concert Tonight at 7:30 Plattsmouth High's "A" Band will be featured in a brief pre Christmas concert at 7:30 to night at the High School Audi torium. Director Robert Williams said the concert is free and will fea ture Christmas music, including Christmas Rhapsody, a medley of traditional Christmas tunes. The high school Girls Triple Trio singing Christmas selec tions, will be featured along with the band. Williams said the concert Willi last approximately 45 minutes. ; Service Award Entry Deadline Is Jan. 10 Cecil McKnight, chairman of, the Jayce-s Distinguished Serv ice Award Program, announced today that deadlines for en tries is Jan. 10. McKnight said any organiza tion or individual may submit a person's name as long as that person is between the age of 21 to 35, and his civic ac complishments have been for '.he year 1960. All correspondence may be sent to Cecil McKnight, 623 North 11th St., Plattsmouth. fc There's Still night. Connie Jo Ffeifer was crowned Sweet heart by the 19S9 Sweetheart, Dorothy Farris. King: Bi.'l Faris was crowned by Allan Cundall, last year's King. Home Is The following homes were named as honorable mention winners: Russcl Schalk, 1515 Hill St. Leo Scanlan, 404 Hillcrest. Joe Kruntorad, 424 Hillcrest. R. C. Humiston, 1516 Hill St. Bert Mason, 1504 Hill St. Giles Bishop, 617-4th Ave. Chas Warga Jr., 7U2 2nd Ave. O. F. Martin, 808 So. 9th. Dr. L. A. Amato, 507 Avenue E Marion Chrislenson, 720 5th Ave. School's Out at 2:30 Friday 'til Jan. 3 All public grade schools and high schools will dismiss for the Christmas holiday at 2:30 p.m. Friday. Grade schools will have par ties in their home rooms. The high school will have a musical program after lunch Thursday arranged by the speech and music departments. School will take up again in the grac'o and high schools Tues day, Jan 3, at the regular time. St. John's Parochial School will dismiss r.t noon on Friday, after their program, Christmas play, and a joint party session with treats and a visit from Santa. Students will return to their classrooms the usual time on J:m. 3. Stores CtCSe at q" c.Srt SaurJav - Retail stores here will be open until 9 p.m. today and Fri day, the final night openings this Christmas season. Saturday, Christmas Eve, j most retail stores will close at 5 p.m. with the grocery stores closing at 5:30 p.m Most will be closed Monday, except the drug stores which will be open from 8 a.m. until noon. Fire Alarm Monday The fire department was call ed Monday evening to the Ru back store where fire in an incinerator in the yard was causing alarm. There was no damage caused. Journal Want Ads Pay Miss Pfeifer, I Faris Honored I By FHA, FFA j The annual FFA FHA j Christmas party was held Mon- i day evening in the High School! Gymnasium. I The highlieht of the party was the crowning of the FHA King, and FFA Sweetheart. Bill Faris was named FHA i King and Connie Jo Pfeifer was named FFA Sweetheart. They I were erowru d by last year's j royalty Allan Cundall and Doro-i thy Farris. I king attendants were Jerald 1 Heim, Roger Mrasek and Bill! Serf. Sweetheart attendants were Linda Ramge, Gay Gansemer and Janice McKinney. Crown bearer was Debbie Ste wart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart. Square dancing and social dancing furnished the evenings entertainment. Refreshments were furnished by the FFA. Monday's A Holiday Monday will be a holiday here for almost everyone, with just a few persons per forming essential services on duty throughout the day and the drugstores being open from 8 a.m. to noon. Most businesses will be closed, along with the bank, County Courthouse, City Of fices, Post Office (except for delivery of "Special De livery" mail), and schools. It'll be business-as-usual Tuesday morning. T Eddy Davidson Johnny Eddy Johnson THE WEATHER Dec. 19, 20, 21, 1960 Monday 35 15 .00 Tuesday 21 0 .00 Wednesday 21 0 .00 Forecast: Fair, cold, high in mid-teens; low around zero. Sun sets tonight at 4:57; rises i Friday 7:48 a.m. ' V ' I v.. Terry Highfield Tom Dittemore David Rohlfs Time To Shop in Plattsmouth! Christmas The following Christmas Eve . and Christmas Day church serv ice announcements were taken from those regularly submitted to The Journal: St. Luke's Episcopal Christ mas Eve, 11 p.m. Carol Concert; 11:30 p.m. Festal Eucharist; Christmas Day 10 a.m. holy communion. First Presbyterian Christ mas Day, 11 a.m. Chfristmas service. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 9 a.m. Church service. , Plattsmouth Baptist Christ mas Day, Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Morning Services 11 a.m. First Methodist Christmas Day, 11 a.m. Worship service. First Lutheran Christmas Eve, 7 p.m. Worship service; Christmas Day, 9:30 a.m. Wor ship service. St. Paul's E & R Christmas Eve, 7:30 p.m. Sunday school Christmas program; Christmas Day, 10:30 a.m. Christmas wor ship, communion. St. John's Roman Catholic Christmas Eve, Midnight mass, followed by two low: masses; Aschenbrenner . . - v : I v X A Roger Brink ... ShaP .? Lloyd Fitch Jerry Am KRAEGER HONORED LeMARS, Iowa Jim Kraeg er of Plattsmouth is one of seven graduating lettermen of the Westmar College football team honored at a banquet here. He played end. sSi;; j.--- - .... -tfhatiia-l'f :'v: .; Services Chritmas Day, masses beginning at 7 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran, Eagle Chritmas Eve, 6:30 p.m. Chil dren's service; Christmas Day, 10 a.m. Christmas worship. Nehawka EUB Friday, 7 p.m. Christmas program. Murdock EUB Christmas Day, 9:30 a.m. Christmas wor ship. Christ Lutheran, Louisville Road Christmas Eve, 6:30 p.m. Program; Christmas Day, 10:30 a.m. Christmas services. Immanuel Lutheran, Louis ville Christmas Eve, 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve worship service; Christmas Day, 10:30 a.m. Christmas worship. St. Paul Lutheran, Weeping Water Friday, 7:30 p.m. Children's service; Christmas Day, 8:30 a.m. Christmas wor ship. Union Methodist Christ mas Day, 9:30 a.m. Worship service. First Baptist Tonight, 7:30 Christmas program; Christmas Day, 11:45 a.m. Morning wor ship; 7:30 p.m. Evening service. Frank Guerro Sue Nemsen Mary Ann Dingman ATTENTION The first snowfall finds Pat Markham, Larry Toothaker, Claire Julian and Albert Wet enkamp practicing for a broad way musical that will be pre sented in the High School Audi torium Jan. 13, 1961. from all The Journal Staff, its County Correspondents and City Carrier Sales Boys and Girls join to wish nil Journal readers arid patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Our association has boon pleasant this year. Wo appreciate your friendliness and cooperation and look forward to anotlur pleasant year. Season's greetings from: The Staff Frank Smith Margaret Dingman Don Warga Charlotte Lawrence Jack Barron Albert Dasher Don DeBord Eugene Scarlett " " Howard Lindquist County Correspondents Mrs. Ruth Monning, Elmwood Mrs. Tom Tennant, Clcndale Mrs. Frank Hurlbut, Crecnwood Mrs. Marion Minford, Murray Mrs. Jesse Fidler, South Bend Mrs. Ralph Wildrick, Louisville Mrs. Ralph Zeorian Jr., Murdock Mrs. F. O. Sand, Nehawka Mrs. Henry Maseman, Avoca Mrs. John Fischer, Eagle Mrs. L. C. Todd, Union Mrs. Wilson Howe, Alvo Mrs. Edward Van Horn Weeping Wafer Mrs. Ivan Armstrong, South Ashland Journal Carriers W- 'j- II II II lull .. up 1(11111.1 BHnw,..,, -...y.. W -l!-f'"-'''-Wt-.'--J Tod Finney Kenny Pohlmeier Ronnie Fees Gene Fees, Jr. Jimmy Drennan Max Linder lJ tLi-iAJLJ L .uil iL-J Bob Fuller Walter John Smith Danny Highfield - ' i 1 1 ' r'i itY -fen i; ll r-yl A iSd L -.:wiijJ L jL. J uV-titoti-jr.iijj Lurie i,ove Allen Gary Christensen Q "C : 'V i u4 "Si' ' of us H. M. Johnson Tom Hardy P. J. Dingmu Jon Hirx Drennan Billy Kish. - CORRECTION The Journal In Monday's edi tion incorrectly idontiiied a member of the Mrs. J-iycees. shown giving treats t'j yuunu sters after the Jaycers free Christmas movie last Saturday at Cass Theater. The lady pictured was Mrs. Charles Grosshans, not Mrs. Chas. Warga as the caption in correctly said. Stores Open Til! 9 P. tl. Thru Friday