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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
EDITORIALS 8,000 Proposals A citizen wrote his Congressman some years hack that he had lost his wife and needed help in finding another. He was a hard-working Wisconsin farmer and he needed help raising his son. The Conjrressman jrave the letter to the newsmen in Washington and stories were run in newspapers all over the coun try. To date the farmer is still not mar ried. Hut he has received over 8,000 pro posals from women who would he inter ested, possibly. Arthur liirnstenel, 58, has filed all the letters. He answered more than a thou sand. Hut he is still looking, after fifteen years. Some are too younjr, some too old, some drink, some do this and that he recently confessed. The "just riht" wo man has not yet appeared. Maybe Arthur's trouble is that he can't see the trees for the forest. Certainly one cannot consider 8,000 women very care fully even in fifteen years. Or maybe its psychological. In any event, we sympathize with the man and his problem. It has probably been enoujrh to keep him busy over the past fif teen years, making up for the absence of a wife. Hy this time his son must be M tinir along. Maybe he should marry one of the prospects, and show his dad how, if he has not already moved in this direc tion. The moral of this story is the Amer ican wives, with all their modern conven iences and equal treatment and rights, have a good thing going for them, If they are fortunate enough to find a reliable breadwinner, and gentleman, they are the most fortunate women in the world and they obviously know as much, as is indi-, cated by the 8,000 letters to Arthur Birn stengel, who might consider opening a matrimonial bureau on the side. Down Memory Lane 10 YEARS AGO County Superintendent Llovd A. T'ehrends has been named vice-president of the Nebraska Association of County Superintendents at their annual meeting held in Lincoln, December 6th A peti tion filed in the office of the clerk of the district court asking damages in the sum of $25,000 as the result of a car-truck col lision at the Union corner June 12, 1949. The Plaintiff is Catherine Van Nest, Oma ha and the defendant Henry Hayworth of Tecumseh. The petition states that the car in which she was a passenger, was' driven by her husband. Near the intersection dur ing a heavy rain, a passing car threw wa ter over the Van Nest car causing the mo tor to die. The petition states the. lights in the car were burning at the time of the accident and lights of another car were flooding the car when the truck came out of the intefprtJon, ptrildnT it and result ing in the injury to the pla.intiff that may be permanent and causng heavy damage to the car Mrs. Fred Kamge observed her 88th birthday anniversary on Decem ber 9th. Those attending were her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leon ard Meisinger of Omaha, her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ' Kamge, Miss Laura Meisinger and Miss Anna Lau Formal dedication of the U. S. Veterans hospital at Omaha was made and attended by 20.000 of the residents of this part of the state and Iowa. Attend ing from here were Richard I'eck, county service officer and Mrs. Peck, .Mrs. Ed ward Herlett, who was one of the ladies assigned to assist in guiding the visitors through the hospital Arnold Heil, 1.'?, prominent farmer residing west of Louis ville, died at the farm home December 9th. Surviving are . the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Heil, one brother, Henry E. Heil, Louisville, two sisters. Mrs. Henry Urish, Weeping Water, Mrs. Edwin Group, Louisville Canon deorge Tyner, rector of St. Luke's church, has announced to the congregation his resignation, effective De cember HI. He has been rector at St. Luke's church for fifteen years. He has been taking supply work at All Saints in Omaha and will continue at that for the present. YEARS ACO wV Union was scene of a wholesale visitation of burglars that made away with several hundred dollars worth of mer chandise from various houses. The Joe Banning hardware store was looted of $100 worth of goods, the unwelcome call ers making entrance by prying open a window in the rear of the building. The Ira Clark restaurant located in the west part of the town on the north side of the street, also had a window in the rear forc ed. Here the loot was estimated at $100, cards with prizes and other small articles. The W. E. Moore drug store next to the Banning store also was visited with the same means of entrance used. .At the drug store there was a large amount of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes taken. The visitors had plenty of time to make a getaway as the breakins were not discovered until the next morning r. A group of representa tives of the Amstrong Co., of New York .City, U. S. purchasing agents of the Rus sian Soviet republics were in the city for several hours. They were here to inspect the laying of the gas pipe lines beneath the waters of the Missouri river. They spent a night and all the next day in look ing over the work as they are planning similar projects in their country Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Perry are parents of an eight and a half pound son -at the Methodist Hospital in Omaha The jury that has been hearing the case of Tom McQuin, ad ministrator of the 'estate of Clifford Mc Quinn against the Missouri Pacific rail road Co., returned a' verdict finding for the plaintiff in the sum of $6,000. The case originally was for the sum of $35,000, for the death of Mr. McQuinn, which occurred at Union March 21, 1930, the car in which he was riding being struck "by a train of the defendant company. The accident oc curred at a little used crossing just north of the M. P. Depot in Union. Legai Notices EDWIV T. McIU'GH, Attorney Murdoik, Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons Interested In the estate of Andrew J. Meyer deceased. No. 4968: Take notice that the Administratrix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examination and allowance of her accounts, determination of heirship. In heritance tax and distribution of said estate and for her dis charge, which will be heard be fore said Court on December 23rd, I960 at eleven o'clock a.m. Dated December 1st, 1960. (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 5031 Dec. 5, 12, 19, 1960. JAY L. DUNLAP, Attorney Milford, Nebraska NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of D. Ray Frans de ceased. No. 5023: Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment of James R. Frans as administra tor; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 22nd day of December 1960 at ten o'clock a.m. Dated December. 5th, 1960. (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 5033 Dec. 5, 12, 19, 1960. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COUNTY BOARD OF ) PUBLIC WELFARE OF ) CASS COUNTY, ) NEBRASKA, Plaintiff, ) -vs- ) MABEL MASONER, ) ET AL, Defendants. ) TO THE DEFENDANTS: Mabel Masoner, the heirs, de visees, legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Fred erick W. Etheredge, deceased, (real names unknown); and all persons having or claiming any interest in the West Twenty (20) Feet of Lot Nine 9, and Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) in the Village of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska, and all of Lot Six 6 in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S'iNWO of Section Thirty-two (32). Township Twelve (12), Range Nine (9) exceDt Sixty (60) Feet of the East Side of Lot Six (6), containing .74 Acres, Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, (real names un known). You and each of you are here by notified that on the 16th day of September, 1960, the County Board of Public Welfare of Cass County, Nebraska, filed a peti tion in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against' you and each of you, which cause appears In Docket 16, Page 213, Case Number 11856 of the re cords of the Clerk of the District Court of said County, the object and prayer of which petition is for the foreclosure of an Old Age Assistance Lien arising by virtue of Old Age Assistance payments to Frederick W. Ether edge, deceased. That unless same is paid by you. or any of you, that a decree will be entered in said Court foreclosing and forever barring you and each of you of any and all claims upon, interest or es tate in, rights or title to, or lien upon, or equity of redemption in or to said herein described real estate, and that the- same, or so much as may be necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's lien, to gether with costs, shall be sold in accordance with law, and for such other relief as equity re quires or as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. You and each of you are here by notified.that you are requir ed to answer said petition on or before January 9, 1961. COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA By James F. Begley County Attorney No. 5022 Nov. 28, Dec. 5. 12, 19, 1960. EDWIN T. McIIUGII. Atty. Murdock, Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA To the creditors of the estate of Mary E. Wall deceased. No. 5005: Take notice that the time limit for the filing and presen tation of claims aeainst said es tate is March 28th, 1961; that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on March 31st, 1961 at ten o'clock a.m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or ob jections duly filed. Dated December 9th, 1960 (SEAL) Raymond J. Case County Judge No. 5038 Dec. 12, 19, 26, 1960. FRANCIS CASEY, Attorney DIVORCE PROCEDURE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA PATRICIA GUNNELS. ) Plaintiff -VS- i WILLIE T. GUNNELS. ) Defendant TO: WILLIE T. GUNNELS, De fendant You are hereby notified that I have commenced an action in the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute divorce from you, together with equitable relief, on the grounds of extreme cruel ty and you are required to ans wer said petition on or before the 16th dav of January, 1961. PATRICIA GUNNELS, Plaintiff BY FRANCIS M. CASEY Her Attorney No. 5037 Dec. 12, 19, 26, 1960. Jan. 2, 1961. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COUNTY BOARD OF ) PUBLIC WELFARE OF ) CASS COUNTY, ) NEBRASKA, Plaintiff, ) ' -vs- ) MILDRED STEELE, ) ET AL, Defendants. ) TO THE .DEFENDANTS: Lawrence Sale, Georgia Dor sel, Nadine Fickle, Herbert Ward, Lloyd Ward, the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal re presentatives and all other per sons interested in the estates of Charles Ward and Flora Mae Ward, deceased, (real names unknown) ; and all persons hav ing or claiming anv interest in Lot 326 and Lot 327 in the Vil lage of Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska, (real . names un known;. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 8th day of September. 1960. the County Board of Public Welfare of Cass County, Nebraska, filed a peti tion in the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska, aeainst you and each of you, which cause appears in Docket 16, Page 208. Case Number 11851 of the re cords of the Clerk of the Dis trict Court of said County, the nbiect and nrayer of which peti tion is for the foreclosure of an Old Ace Assistance Lien arising bv virtue of Old Age Assistance nayments to Charles Ward and Flora Mae Ward, deceased. That unless same is paid by you, or any of you, that a de cree will be entered in said . T V) Z7--VT- "Say, Just how long has it been jince you milked her lost?" Court foreclosing and forever barring vou and each of you of any and all claims upon, in terest or estate in, rights or title to. or lien upon, or equity of re demption in or to said herein described real estate, and that the same, or so much as may be necessary to satisfy the plain tiff's lien, together with costs, shall be sold in accordance with law, and for such other relief as ecmity requires or as to the Court may seem just and equit able. You and each of you are here by notified that vou are requir ed to answer said netltion on or before January 9, 1961. COUNTY BOARD OF ' PUBLIC WELFARE OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Bv James F. Begley County Attorney No. 5023 Nov. 28 Dec. 5, 12, 19, 1960. School District No. 1 Minutes Plattsmouth, Nebraska December 7, 1960 The Board of Education, School District No. 1, Cass County met in a regular ses sion on Monday, December 5, 1960 in the Superintendent's of fice in the High School building with the following members present: Maxine Cloidt, Secre tary: Harold Lebens, John Cloidt, Jr., L. J. Hutchinson, Russell Nielsen and O. F. Muss man, Superintendent. Claims against the District were allowed and payment au thorized as follows: Contracted salaries . . $2o,676.34 Withheld for Teachers Retirement 1,004.71 Withheld for Income Tax 3,464.57 Withheld for Social Security . . 704.95 Withheld for Group Insurance . . . . '. . '498.60 Consumers Public Power District Lights . . . . 155.37 Board of Public Works Water 123.40 Lincoln Tel. & Tele. Phone 64.70 Orcar Mussman Mileage 15.40 Karr & Sochor Audit 870.00 Plattsmouth Journal CO. Legals - Printing .... 54.59 The Eight-Eight News Letter Subscription . . 10.00 School Form & Supply Co. Office supplies . . . 8.26 The Weavers Cards . ' 7.30 Job Referral Service Annual due3 25.00 John Adkins Dec. BB mileage . . 16.00 Plattsmouth Lumber Co. Athletic supplies 4.80 Ofe Oil Co. 'Athletic supplies 1.87 Cass Drug First Aid 1.78 University Extension Division Visual Education 12.50 Scholastic Magazines Subscriptions-Library 6.50 Nebraska Book Co. Library books 131.35 American Book Co. Textbooks 21.79 The Macmillan Co. Textbooks 4.64 Wavne Rodehorst Mileage 17.50 Donald Hansen Mileage 3.50 Hammond & Stephens Co. Supplies ..- 57.93 Plattsmouth Transfer Hauling 11.36 Fisher Scientific Co. Science supplies 10.24 Kennesaw Publishing Co. English Supplies . 30.00 The Judy Co. Elem. supplies . . ... 6.19 The John C. Winston Co. Elem. supplies . . . 142.31 Ed Patton Music Co. Music supplies 61.35 Educators Progress Service Educ. publications . . 43.63 Washington National Insurance Co. Group Insurance . 30.54 Blue Cross-Blue Shield Group Insurance Teachers Fund 167.60 General Fund 24.50 Noeg Bros. Paper Co. General supplies 437.15 Soennichsen's Janitor supplies 5.88 Huntington Labratories Janitor supplies 55.00 Plattsmouth Jaycees Indoor flags 19.95 Plattsmouth Cleaners Launder mops 11.00 Schreiner Rexall Drugs Janitor supplies 2.50 Hauff Snorting Goods Co. P.E. equipment . . 19.22 Rav k John's Sales & Service Repairs 9.95 Hospe- Piano Co. Repairs 5.65 Kirk's Typewriter Co. Repairs 12.00 Tm Illinois Lock Co. Replace Locker locks 58.73 W. R. Herring Repairs & replacements 130.76 Natkin Service Co. Furnace repairs .. 6.50 W. A. Swatek Hardware Supplies 7.91 Trianele School Service Freight charges 4.36 Rolland Aldrich Dirt Hauling & labor 397.20 Hockenberg & Co. Cafeteria supplies .... 22.50 Steve Davis Agency Premiums 498.53 W. M. Welch Manufacturing Co. Science Eauipment ... 27.01 Barbara Barkmeier Adult Class 78.00 Petty Cash Supt. office 18.57 Presbyterian Church Nov. classroom rent . 55.34 St. Paul Evangelical & Reformed Church Nov. classroom rent . . 62.25 Maxine Cloidt Nov. compensation .. 8.35 Albert Olon Nov. compensation . . 8.35 Homemaking Department Dec. pettv cash' 50.00 Central Cafeteria Sent. & Oct. Reimbursement 732.88 Louis Keil Plumbing repairs . . . 27.40 Plattsmouth Paint Store Supplies ... 37.11 Maxine G. Cloidt Secretary, Board of Education No. 5039 Dec. 19, 1960. agk Mrs. John Fischer Phone 984-6141 Mrs. Letter Donlan and dau-ehter-in-law. Mrs. Pat Don lan, attended the Altar Society Christmas luncheon at the home of Mrs. Martin Zoz near Alvo Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Donlan and family, enjoyed Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Donlan, at Lincoln. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Nellie Root and son Lyle Sunday were latter's dau ghter Lucille, and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holds worth and daughter, Carolyn of Walton, and Mrs. Root's daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stoll and daugh ter. Velene of Eagle. Mrs. Vernon Viox and daugh ters called the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Viox near Syracuse on Wednesday. The latter had a farm equip ment sale, Thursday, due to his health and will be relieved of the work, necessary on the farm. Art Trunkenbolz of Delmar, Calif., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Geo. Trunkenbolz. He ar rived on Thursday a.m. and will spend the Christmas holidays at his mother's home and his sister's the R. A. Shumakers, at Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Umland received word Wednesday that their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bill Umland, of Omaha, underwent an appendectomy on that day, and is recovering satisfactorily. Larry Umland, son of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Umland and Rich ard Westfall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Westfall have serv ed their 6 months army train ing at Ft. Riley Kansas and Ft. Dix N. Jersey and will be hon orably discharged Dec. 16, hop ing to be home soon. Mrs. Frank Umland returned home from the hospital Thurs day, having suffered flu com plications. Kimberly, baby daughter remained at her pa ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Umland Eagle, an the older daughter, Debbie at the maternal grandparents, during the mother's hospitali zation. Wednesday evening, Jesse Wall was honored on his 82nd birthday, when his son and family, the Harvey Walls of Lin coln, his two daughters, (Verna and Pauline i Arthur Thompson and family of Palmyra and Paul B. Johnson and family of Alvo visited him, to help him celebrate the occasion. His oth er, daughter, Melba and family. Chaplain Ernest MPt7"or's nf Snn Frnnclsco, Calif., could not be present. The honoree's brother, Owen is visit ing him from California, for several weeks. Mrs. Harold Oldfield, spent a few days at the home of her brother, John Lanes at Lincoln and received a medical check up during the stay and surgery convalesence. William Westfall, fomerly of Eagle, has been visiting his son Earl and family at Burwell, for several days. Mrs. Elda Schroder enter tained Dec. 16, with a dinner at theR. C.Wenzel home for the latter's 88th birthday. Guests present were his sisters, Mrs. Tena Butt, and Mrs. Rhyland Forrester and Mr. Forrester of Lincoln and the honoree's granddaughter, Mrs. Lee Thor- in, and daughter, Abbey Leah, also of Lincoln. Mr. Wenzel, en joyed the day very much and is also enjoying good health. A public telephone booth was erected on the Hyway Cate drive way, Wednesday by the Capitol Telephone Dial system for any public, local and long distance calls. The Dial telephone service, has been available since Sunday, for local use and completed for out of town and rural lines Dec. 14. Eagle Methodist Church School Christmas program will be given Dec. 20. at 7:30 p.m. The Junior Dept. and Inter mediate and High School classes and the choir, will be the par ticipants. Eagle School Christmas pro gram will be presented Dec. 22 at 8:00 p.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church program for Christmas will be given on Christmas Eve. at the church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thurston are the parents of a baby girl weighing 6 pounds, born at Lin coln General Hospital, Dec. 12. She has been given the name Rebecca Dawn. Both mother and baby are doing fine. Mrs. Carl Johnson Jr. of Al vo, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Umland, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Emma Waline of Lincoln visited at the home of her dau ghter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Umland. Friends of former Eagle resi dents, Mr. and Mrs. William Winters are glad to hear he was released from the hospital after undergoing a gallstone surgery and is recovering satisfactorily. Mrs. Winters' mother, Mrs. Frances Stang also returned home from the hospital Monday where she was confined for a few weeks with a broken hip. Mrs. Ruth Burks received a letter from her son James, who is with the Navy, 6th Fleet on a 3 month tour, of the Mediter rean Sea and coastal historical sites, including the volcano review of Pompeii, climbed the Leaning Tower, toured via canal Bay of Biscay into Amsterdam. At Florence, Italy, visited the Cathedral, in which every state of the Union, was tabu lated with names of visitors, listed. Jim being interested in Nebraska's guest, found Miss Faye Erskine's name, (the year she took her overseas tour.) Jim is an Eagle gaduate and has been privileged many outstanding, interesting and educational tours during his service in the U. S. Navy. Several young folks of Eagle Methodist and Immanuel Lu theran Churches participated in the Lincoln School of Com merce Christmas Music festive at Lincoln. Mrs. Chas. Nuschke attends the above business school and was sponsor of the Eagle group. The Chritmas carols were the music numbers sung, during the evening. Mrs. R. J. Rhynolds, of Dodge City, Kans., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schwenker, several days last week, return ing to her home Saturday. Mrs Schwenker has been quite ill with a severe cold and her dia betic illness causes her consider able discomfort. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Umland visited their daughter, Mrs. Kaye Thurston and babe Rebec ca Dawn, at the hospital in Lin coin each afternoon, duing the week. iMes:ers Floyd and Clyde Alt- house spent a few days at Brok en Bow and Burwell, purchas ing some calves for the former's son, Raymond, to have for his club project this year. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fran cke, of near Plattsmouth,, vis ited at the home of their dau ghter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Althouse and sons Saturday. Mrs. Herman Kirchhoff at tended a bridal shower for her niece, Marilyn Jacobsen, at the home of Mrs. Merlin Minder man, with the latter's mother-in-law, Mrs. Alma Minderman of Lincoln, as co-hostess. THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Monday, December 19, 1960 Section Ii i'Aut, wine. COSTLY HUNT Easton, Md. Two Talbot county hunters recently paid $112.40 for one illegally killed cottontail. The pair were guilty of hunt ing at night and out of season. Each was fined $28.10 on each count. BUSINESS DIRECTORY A HOME AWAY FROM HOME PHONE 3243 Restful surroundingi for the aged and convalescent. Licensed and Approved x 24 hour nursing service Special Diet RIVERVIEW AND HILLCREST NURSINC HOMES 616 Ae. f. DON'T THROW IT AWAY! WANTED: Used Furniture Open Evenings See "PAYNES" 326 Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb. WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANYTHING EXPERT TREE SERVICE Phone Louisville 4987 Tree tapping or removal. Have your Work done by bonded workmen. JOE HABEL 605 E. Elm St., Louisville, Ncbr. FOR GUARANTEED APPLIANCE SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES CALL 5161 Days or 8266 NighH v Don Born YOUR CHILD'S PHOTO BY APPOINTMENT Phone 7948 We are specialists in Child Photography. 12 poses; Reasonable prices. Wedding Pictures by Appointment, too. "BILL" STEWARD 305 Hillcrest, Plattsmouth, Nebr. EXPERT TREE SERVICE Phone 4966 Trimming, Shaping, Removal. FREE Estimates anywhere within radiui of 50 mijet. Homelite Saw Dealer PIERCE SAW MILL Plattsmouth UNION FARM SUPPLY Phone Union 2742 Complete line of Nutrena Feeds and other ingredients; Farm Seeds; Farm Chemicals; Pride Of The Farm Hog feeders and watered Highest prices pas tor Poultry, Feed tV Eggs. MR. and MRS. Wm. WHIPPLE Union, Nebraska FOR MOTOR TUNE-UP. MOTOR OVERHAUL. Phone 41 13 Front End Alignment, Wheel Balancing, Ceneral Repair, Welding, Kendall Oils. LLOYD FRADY CARACE , Across from Plattsmouth Lumber Co. -IMIMII.IMIH ..ll IT SEASONS CHANCE, DON'T GET CAUCHT! Let us get your clothing ready for the season just ahead and we'll safely store your clothes from the season just past until you need them again. - . , PLATTSMOUTH CLEANERS PHONE 4193 An Exclusive Infanta' & Children's Shop Phone 3181 A complete line of infanri', pro-school and children's wear. You'll enjoy shopping at . . . 425 Mela WEE WARDROBE (Helen Eiting) No Building Job Too Large or Small Phone 9177 Nw Homes, Remodeling, Custom Cabinets, Store Fronts. Aluminum Storm Windows, Doors and Awnings, TIEKOTTER BUILDING SERVICE "Plattsmouth 's Oldest and Most Reliable" Armstrong Year 'Round Air Conditioning Phone 7152 Basement models Cas-Fired furnaces and summer Air-Con-. ditioners. We are your Home Climate specialists. CARDNER PLUMBINC & HEATING New Location 616 1st Ave. INTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT See us for New and Used Implements en Repair Service. ATTEBERY EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone 2111, Union. Neb TAKE YOUR CAR TO JIM PHONE 4177 For ALCMITE OILS, Motor Tune-up and Overhaul, Front Wheel Alignirenf, Ceneral Repairs. Ford-O-Matic and Merc-O-Matic Service. JIM'S AUTO SERVICE (James Chapped) 337 Mam BODY WORK & PAINTINC Phone 321w Your car will look Hk new if you let u do your boe work and painting. CASS COUN.Y MOTOR CO. 1st. Ave., Plartimourl) RADIATOR CLEANINC & REPAIRING Cuarantced work. A faulty radiator cjw result in serlou motor damage. See us for Service. Lawn Mower Service OTTO WEBER Phone 5926 1524 Avenue B. (Cedar Creek R,. HOBSON FUNERAL HOME PHONE 10: Est. 1914 - Weeping Water, Nebraska MARILOUISE HOBSON, FUNERAL DIRECTOR . .AY & JOHN'S SALES & SERVICE PHONE 233 Speed Queen Washers and Dryers. Motorola TV & Radio. HOOVER Vacuum Cleaners fir Sunbeam Appliances. CIBSON Refrigerators, Freeiers & Electric Ranges. 5th & MAIN PHONE 23a WHEN IT NEEDS REPAIR . . . 6RINC YOUR FORD HOME. Phone 91 04 Our modern shop and factory trained mechanics will give your car. regardless of make, the best possible care. RUBIN AUTO CO. Washington Ave. Plattsmouth.