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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
1 , ... f9tPar9W9 fWWIiff) tr"l'IW'".-r Vf .'' 1 . . l Mk Ml Ml rtlDVl 1J91 TMC PLATTSMOUTH, NCBRASKA, SriWI-WITKLY JOURNAL PAOE EIGHT Monday, December 19, 1960 Hdmemadc Christmas Candies Please Christmas season Is often the incentive for candy making: a box of homemade candy makes an ideal gift for the sweet toothed friend. Here are some recipes 'or sweets some old, some new. Take your pick and a merry, merry Christmas sea son to you all. - BIRTHS - Glazed Nuts and Fruits V cup white corn syrup r2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons hot water Boil all ingredients until syr up brittles in cold water. Keep hot in double boiler. Dip in nuts and fruits one at a time, taking out on the point of fork and laying on oiled paper. Tutti Fruiti Balls Put through the food chop per V-! pound each of layers figs, seeded raisins, pitted dates and pecans or almonds: also 2 ounces of candied orange peel. Blend all together and put through the chopper again, us ing the finest of blades until the mixture is as smooth as possible. Form into balls the size of a cherry, moistened with syrup from canned fruit if mix ture is too stiff. Thicken with rolled and silted macaroons if too soft. Dip in melted chocolate. WEEPINO WATER (Special! Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cole of Sacremento, California are par ents of a baby daughter born on Dee. 6. The babv weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces and has been nnmed Kellev. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole are the paternal grandparents. j j? lfHn irntina "naif rf ' 'L timwooa are uie puit-ms m a daughter born Dec. 7 at Lincoln General Hospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and has been named Jodie Mae. The new baby has one' sister, Julie. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doty of Weeping Water are the maternal grandparents and Mrs. .Robert Bainbridge of Lincoln is the pa ternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colbert of Weep ing Water are the great grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Durand are parents of a son, born on Dec. 12 at Bryan Memorial Hos pital in Lincoln. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces and has been named Montgomery Scott. The new baby has a bro ther, Jeffrey. n 1 i CHECK THESE CHRISTMAS BELL RINGERS - DO IT NOW - Gifts For All Your Hims Fudge 4 cups sugar , 1 stick of butter 5 tablespoons cocoa 4 tablespoons white Karo 1 pint milk 2 cups nut meats 1 small can of Hipolite or . marshmalloww creme 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix sugar and cocoa thor oughly. Add milk and Karo. Put on stove, addbutter. Cook until on stove, add butter. Cook until ped into cold water. Take from heat add marshmallow creme. Beat well add vanilla and nuts. Pour into well-greased pan, 1 inch thick. Cut into squares when firm. 4 Pecan Pralines 3 cups sugar 2 tablespons butter 34 cup milk 1 cup pecans 1 teasDOon vanilla Mix 2 cups of sugar and milk and let boil gently. Meanwhile caramelize the remaining cup of sugar in a heavy saucepan, stirring to prevent burning, and when all lumps have dissolved, pour slowly into the first mix ture, stirring constantly. Cool until forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Remove from fire, add butter and cool until lukewarm. Add nutmeats and vanilla. Beat until creamy and drop by spoonfuls on a but tered platter. Arthur Motley, president of the U. S. Chamber of Com merce: "The most revolution ary movement in the world is represented right here in Am erica. Dictatorship, political chaos, are old hat. Our system is new." LOUISVILLE Mrs. Ralph Wildrick Phone 2511 O. E. S. Primrose Chapter No. 103, Order of the Eastern Star held its regular meeting Thursday night at the Masonic Hall in Springfield. Mrs. Nina Meising er, worthy Matron, presided at the business meeting. Election of officers for the coming year was held. They are Mrs. Esther Inman, worthy mat ron; Wilbur Hubbell, worthy patron; Mrs. Marlys Vaughn, associate matron; Fred Lesan, associate patron; Mrs. Jean Zimmerman, conductress; Mrs. Eva Fleck, associate conduc tress; Mrs. Mary Dimmitt, sec retary; and Mrs. Vera Thurman treasurer. The eight officers and the ten .appointed officers will be in stalled Jan. 5 at an open in stallation. i ,w Cub Scouts Pack 353 held a meeting on Nov. 22. the new cubmaster, Bill Heier, presided at the meet ing with the aid of assistant Cub master, Harvey Swanson. Sever al guests from Pack 295 in Oma ha were present. Awards were made to the fol lowing boys: Stanley Johnson, bobcat pin; Gregg Meisinger, Bobcat pin; David Pankonin, gold and silver arrow; Alan Heier, silver ' arrow; Richard Lisle, gold arrow; Terry Gruber, gold and silver arrow; Larry Dolan, silver arrow; Don Hla vac, one year pin; Terry Gru ber, one year pin; Kenneth Groathouse, one year pin; Dan ny Ault, one and two year pins: Jack Faubion, lion badge, gold and silver arrow; Scotty Mc Grew, assistant denner stripe; Wayne Wagoner, assistant den ner and denner stripe. After a skit by Group 1 some of the mothers served a lunch. tt? 8 9 If w 3ft 7 4420 DEC'60 M.P. 44 To lc SURE of pleasing a man at ( h..stmas . . . get his presents here! v f ' f Will" t:Kv T Coss Yheatre Plattsmouth, Nebr. Last Times Mon. & Tues., Dec. 19-20 Drama of today's youth . . . in the bold story of tangled young lives! Also Cartoon & News. TODAY'S YOUNG SAVAGES' 1 1 if SUITS $39.50 TOPCOATS $35.00 CAR COATS $19.98 SPORT COATS $22.50 HATS $6.98 SLACKS $ 8.98 JACKETS SWEATERS LOOK YOU K BEST for the Holidays GIFTS SO RIGHT FOR HIM - 4 (f Natalia Robert WOOD WAGNER la AN AVOH MOOUCTOW Susan George KOHNER-HAMILTON, n I Bill r eiMcot , SLIPPERS $2.59 up G7ts For Her PAJAMAS $2.98 up CLOVES $2.98 up FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE Thurs., Fri., Sat., December 22-23-24 Double Feature Robert Knapp and Jana Davi "Cunmen From Laredo" Outdoor adventure story burst ing with action! AND Michael Callan and Big Cast "The Flying Fontaines" Dynamic performance under the Big Top! Mat. Sat. 2:30, Closed Xmas Eve. Coming Sun., Mon.,' Tues., December 25-26-27 "The Story Of Ruth" It's all cinemascope in color! The annual Christmas pro gram of the Christian church will be held Dec. 22 at 7:30 p.m. Communion will be served and everyone is welcomed to attend. Mrs. John Groathouse enter tained at a party Tuesday honor ing the third birthday of her daughter, Sandy. The small friends and their mothers who helped Sandy celebrate her birthday were Mrs. Leonard Vaughn, Matt and Susie, Mrs. Paul Druery and Richard, Mrs. Jim Kritenbrink, Jimmy and Melody of Springfield and Miss Judy Leroy of Manley. Later guests were Roxanne Carpenter and Jeffery and Jeanlne Habel. Birthday cake and ice cream were served. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beck and family and Ernest Beck were Wednesday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck in Kennard. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lorensen, Margaret and Richard of Weep ing Water and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hauschild, Betty and Billy were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hauschild and Steve of Nehaw ka. Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gakemeier were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sluyter of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wildrich and Agnes were Saturday even ing supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stein in Lincoln. They also called at the Jerry Stein home in Havelock before returning home. The Ladies Aid Society of the Immanuel Lutheran Church held their family Christmas party Sunday evening with a gift ex change, a program, games and a lunch. WALLETS $2.98 up SWEATERS $3.29 up SOCKS 55c up GIFTS TO MAKE HIS CHRISTMAS MERRIER SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 up NECKTIES $1.50 up CUFF LINK SET $1.50 up mm '' I x Mfnnu M w -U'v' I iTT I f, At Christmas, thoughts turn homeward. The joys of family and "fireside" are more than ever deeply appreciated. Of all gifts, robes most truly express this warm, home-loving spirit . . . with the added appeal of femininity and fashion. For that very special lady on your list, give with glowing good wishes, a robe from our collection Flattering and Feminine She'll be flattered, she'll be thrilled, when you give her "something spe cial" in slips; luxurious beauties, from $2.98 Her Christmas Stockings We've boxes and boxes of famous brand nylons, in styles and colors that serve a lady's every fash ion need; from. .$1.15 up Also Junior Hose 99c Gifts For The Home Mi Table Cloths We have table cloths for Gifting or for dressing your own table for the Holidays. Choose from lace, damask, Christmas and every day cloths. -"S-..".- . V i f Blankets Cive a practical gift . . . a blanket. We have a large selection from Rayon and Orion blends to 100 wools. $5.98 -$12.98 ONLY 6 SHOPPING DAYS LETT DO IT NOW! " YOUR ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER oeetiictiseii II fa ft II & 1 ft i i If ft ft ft ft : -ft . Handbags Full of Clamor See our selection of dressy ft handbags ... see the wide ft choice of shapes and sha- des; choose to gift her -ff beautifully. $2.98 - $4.98 "i Girls bags . $1.00 - $1.98 '5 ft' i i li ft li : tar ft ( 'i ft t' el P ft to ft ft ft ft ft ft 5 ft Bedspreads Choose a gift from our stock of spreads. You'll find chenilles and heir loom types . . . including a George Washington by Bates. $6.98 - $29.50 Open Ti!l 9 Evenings FREE PARKING IN REAR OF STORE