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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
THE PLATTCMOUTH, NCEfUSKA, 'CIVH-Wrr KLY JOIIRNAI. PAGK SIX " - Monday, December 19, 1960 ' . ' ' 1 v. ' - is 5 .if .MI.'. I iti-.i.,'.'Mil .1 im inniwma- ...- ! 1 ' 1 i SANTA'S CANDID CAMERA Santa Claus and this young visitor to Santaland at the Chamber of Commerce hit it off fam ously after an exchange of confidences about Christmas. The little fill's brother, however, flatly refused to have anything to do with him. He didn't Kive any reasons. Weeping Mrs. Edward Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. Miller Christen :rn returned home Monday even iiiK niter enjoying a two week vacation trip where they visited relatives in Philadelphia, Penn sylvania and Belleville, Illinois. Mrs. Lynn Rothe met Mrs. Lola Deehoy of Lincoln at the bus on Thursday morning and they enjoyed sightseeing around Weeping Water. Mrs. Delehoy was a noon lunch guest of Mrs. Henry Knaup. Thomas Stacey returned home on Wednesday from Sapinaw, Michigan after attending funer al services for his sister Mrs. Dr. C. M. TOTMAN, Dentist Elm wood Phone 5-2451 Office Hours: 8:30-5:00 Evenings: 7:30t9:30 by appointment mm It is our responsibility to keep our stock of pharmaceuticals abreast of the latest achievements of medical science and product research, so that we can always fill your doctor's prescription promptly. CASS DRUG WALCREEN ACENCY PHONE 289 RAY , HOWARD Hearing Aid Authority FREE HEARING CONSULTATION PLATTSMOUTH HOTEL, PLATTSMOUTH Wednesday, December 21. 1960 9 a.m. to 12 noon Learn the latest scientific facts about how to handle your hearing problems. NO COST ... NO OBLIGATION Beltone One-Unit Hearing Aid . In .' ft? Water Phone 252-W J. C. Russell. , Jeffery Durand was a Monday overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. William, Cave and Marvin. Mrs. Fred Seeger visited Mrs. Dur and and new baby, Montgomery Scott on Tuesdav afternoon at the Bryan Memorial hospital. Mrs. Fred Seeger entertained at a party on Monday morning. Julie Beltz of Elmwood is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doty. A pre-Christmas cooperative family dinner was held the past Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christensen with Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and boys, Mr. and Mrs. William ' Thornton and Billy and Mr. and I Mrs. Ralph Weekley of Hiawa- tha, Kansas as guests, j Mrs. Lelia Fitzpatrick of Lin- coin and Leroy Zessin were din I ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Exactly what the doctor ordered for you 1 - 3 1 K- 1 LEARN HOW TO HEAR AGAIN with BOTH ears Come In or Phone For Beltone Hearing Center Clinic under direction of 415 Sharp Rldg., Lincoln Phone HE-26265 Hear And See Classes! Wade ind nir!. Mrs. 'P't'patrl"Vr had spent Friday evening and Saturday with her brother, Le roy Zessin. Mrs. Stella Wiles, Mrs. J. M. Ranney and Margaret Ranney were Tuesdav supper guests of Mrs. Chris Miller. They spent the evening enjoying television. Frank Cook celebrated his Hflth birthday on Thursday, Dec. 8th. Callers at the Cook home for the occassion were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Buell and children (if Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Keiser and Gera'yn of Waverly, Mr. and M-s. George Borne meier of Elmwood and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cook and Suzanne of Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dwinell ef Bedford, Iowa was visiting friends in Weeping Water on Tuedsay. Mrs. Leo Christensen was a Monday afternoon guest of Mrs. Wilson Bickford. Margaret Ranney visited on Monday afternoon with Mrs. Trov Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McRey nolds were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Bogren rief of Lincoln. They visited on Tuesday afternoon in Omaha with Mrs. Jack Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Baker honoring Mrs. Robert Baker, Jr. on her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chriswisser have moved into the home which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. William Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have moved into the basement of their new home. Mrs. Ralph Keckler had the misfortune to fracture a bone in her arm when she slipped and fell while trimnflng the Christmas tree at her home. Thomas Beins returned home Tuesdav morning after being hospitalized for twelve days at the Lincoln General Hospital. The Volleyball girls went to Svracuse Monday night where they played Palmyra in the tournaments, with Palmyra win ning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kas sube and Tommy, Mrs. Helen Callahan and Mrs. Edward Van Horn and Johnnie attended the game and a number of young people from the high school. Mrs. Ben Olive returned home after enjoying a two weeks va cation trip. She spent one week with Mr. and Mrs. George Olive and three children at Moores town. New Jersey. She visited Mabel and Julian Pollard at Larchmont. New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thacker at Itha ca, New York. Mrs. Olive then went to Ann Arbor, " Mtchiean where 'she visited for two days with her son, Benji. Benji Is in his last year of law at the Mich igan State University. Mrs. Hv Kirchhoff and Mrs. Glen Kirchhoff attended a brid al shower at the Merlyn'Min derman home in Lincoln, honor ing Miss Marilyn Jacobsen of Lincoln. Miss Jacobsen will be married on December 22nd to Marion Sims. Judy Sheehan was a Monday supper guest of Mrs. Frank Pace. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell and Mrs. E. J. Boedeker have been callers on Mrs. Pace. Mrs. Charles Adam and Rose Marie of Omaha were dinner guests on Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheehan and family were Sunday evening guests at the Taylor home. The Weeping Water Band Mo thers Club met on Monday even ing in the music room of the schoolhouse. Ernest L. Troyer, Aged 95 Dies at Masonic Home Ernest L. Troyer, 94, many years one of the well known morticians of eastern Nebraska, died Saturday at 8:50 a.m. at the Nebraska Masonic Home, where with his wife they have resided for the past three years. He has been ill for the past year. He was born August 29, 1866 at Anawan, 111., son of Johnn C. and Mary Patterson Troyer. He was married to Mable Hill in 1910. Survivors are the wife, Mrs. Mable Hill Troyer, Masonic Home, Plattsmouth. Mr. Troyer had resided in Lincoln the greater part of his life and was a member of the Board of Examiners in Embal ming set up in 1901. v Following his retirement from the profes sion of Mortician he moved to California until three years ago when he came with his wife to Plattsmouth. He was a member of the Bap tist Church and East Lincoln Lodge 210 AF & AM. Services were held today ( Monday 1 at Wyuka chapel at Lincoln and interment at Wyuka Cemetery at Lincoln. Caldwell - Lindcr Funeral Home in charge of arrange ments. The laziest man In our f!own gets up at the crack of dawn so he'll have more time to loaf. Christian Science Monitor. s 1Y ' I ' . '.i .'', t-n-f, ,l T i 7 I . LFC.FON EXTERTAIXS The Plattsmouth and Snta made an appearance. Post Adjutant American Lesion Post entertained at a Christ- Don Warga is shown above with some of the mas party Sunday for children of members. They children, saw a movie, had treats of soft drinks and candy Nehawka News Mrs. F. O. Sand The Girl Scout Christmas par ty was held at the Methodist church Monday, December 12 after school. There were games, a gift exchange and refresh ments were served by the lead ers, Mrs. Arthur Johnson and Mrs. Fred Wessel. Joyce Forn-off-reporter. Xehawka 4-II Swine Club John Knabe, leader, presided at the organization meeting of the Nehawka Swine 4-H club, Monday evening, December 12 at the home of Kenneth, Donald and Tommy Ahrens near Weep ing Water. Officers elected were Gary Fitch, president; Ronnie Warden, vice president; Ken neth Ahrens, secretary; Eddie Fitch, news reporter. There are eight members in the club. Year books and records were distrib uted and there was a discussion of the program for the year. The next meeing is January 13 with Fddie and Gary Fitch. Eddie Fitch reporter. The Christmas dinner and gift exchange of the Mixit extension club was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Dale Topliff near Murray. Members packed cook ies and with a case of fruit juice the gifts were given to the Fairview home. They also sent a box of cookies to Mrs. Violent ta Conn, mother of Mrs. Stuart Schlichtemeier, who is a shut in. Plans were made for the next years program. Mrs. James Chriswisser presided. Mrs. Amelia Balfour enter tained her Bible class of the Methodist church at a party at her home Sunday afternoon. Twelve guests were present. Mrs. Ivan Balfour conducted a Bible quiz. Mrs. Emma Nutz man led in carol singing, Mrs. Amelia Balfour presented Bible characters in a guessing game. Neil Balfour gave several ac cordian solos. Refreshments were served. Lois Hansens dinner guests on her seventh birthday, December 7 were Mr. and Mrs. Don Han sen and family, Plattsmouth, John Hansen and Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hansen. Miss Evelyn Wolph, Malcolm Pollard and John Knabe attended an all day meeting of the county 4-H committee Tuesday at the extension office in Weeping Wa ter. Malcolm Pollard is chair man of the committee. Carl Jorgehson Jr., Fairbury, was a weekend guest of the Wm. Jorgensons. His father came for him Sunday and had supper witth the Jorgensons. Dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford, Sr. were Gordon Nickles, Brown ville; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ford, Jr. and family, Nebraska City; Mr. and Mrs. Alley Schomaker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dugan Gregg and family will join a pre Christmas family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregg of Plattsmouth Sunday. Mrs. George Dickmans recent guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Little, Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klcmme, Murdock; Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Dickman, Plattsmouth; Mrs. John Chandler, Mrs. Jake Stap ert, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fitch, Mrs. John Beck, Mrs. John Dietl. Mrs. Dickman entered St. Marys hospital Saturday for a j check ud and will reenter for j surgery later. Saturday they; stopped to visit Mr. and Mrs. j Charles McCarthy. j Cecil Garrett and son Leonard visited his father, Harrison Gar rett, who is seriously ill at, Kirksvillc, Mo. I Wt . d m f w i. Phone 2703 Robert Cook ETSN came Wed nesday from San Diego, Calif, to spend a leave with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Cook and other relatives. He will return December 26. Connie Dietl, Peru State stu dent, was home for the weekend. The annual Christmas prom for high school students will be held at the school December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitely and sons, Omaha spent, the day Sat urday with the Howard Heesch family. Their guests Sunday were Kenneth Heesch and Na dine Jackson of Omaha. A pre Christmas dinner Sunday at the Joe Pleuller home in Om aha were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hogue and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindsey and family and Frank Hogue. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnson and family joined a family gathering for dinner Sunday at the Albert Bruns home in Plattsmouth.. ' Other . guests were the,. .Dale Bruns, Joy Haswell and Ralph Payton families of Plattsmouth and Gene Haswell. The Curved Bar girls had a slumber and Christmas party with Barbara Chandler Friday. Sixty attended the annual Christmas covered dish supper and gift exchange of the Rebek ah lodge at the auditorium Thursdav evening. Guests were Mr. ana Mrs. n.verreu Jose ana family of Crete. American Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Catherine Wehr, presi dent of the district and Mrs. Cleo Horstman, district secre tary, both of Lincoln were guests at the American Legion Auxili ary Christmas dinner at the au ditorium Tuesday noon. There was an exchange of gifts. Mrs. Elmer Fitch presided. Gifts are sent to the Veteran's hospital in Lincoln. Tarleton men were given to the patients at the hospital and aprons, games, T shirts and mens pa jamas were sent to the hospital for the men to choose gifts for their families. Ten Dollars were sent to the fund, The Yanks Who Gave. Members sang Christmas car ols. Hostesses were Mmes. Mar tin Ross, Charles Adams, M. E. McDonald, will Ost and Louie Ross. Nehawka Flower Club The annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange of the Ne hawka Flower club was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoll. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Harmon and Mrs. Edna Philpot of Weeping Water, Larry Ranks and fami lies of the members were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon present ed several musical numbers, piano solos, The Holy City and other Christmas hymns by Mr. Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ufolic Farm Sale Thursday, Dec. 22nd BILL MOCKENHAUPT, OWNER Five Miles South of On Paved mon sang duets. Mrs. Amelia Balfour, program chairman pre sented charades and had several of the members read articles on the Christmas flowers and their origin. The program closed with all singing Silent Night. Members brought original orn aments made for the Christmas trees, which the club purchased and. set up on the business streets. Mr. and Mrs. , Lewis Royal, Mrs. Floyd Joerger, Mrs. Elmer Stoll and Oren Pollard set the trees on the curbs. The town board purchased the ma terial for a Bethlehem scene, Mrs. Elmer Stoll made the char acters and Mr. and Mrs. Royal, Gus Neumeister and Mrs. Stoll set the scene at the Methodist church. Maple Grove Extension Club Mrs. Ivan Hansen had charge of the Christmas program at the meeting of the Maple Grove ex tension club at the home of Miss Eleanor Easter Thursday. She led the carols sung by the mem bers, Mrs. Hansen read an arti cle. Your Christmas Tree and spoke of four kinds of evergreens to be used as trees and how to select a good tree and care for it. Mrs. Elmer Ross sang Carol of Reindeer accompanied by Mrs. Ross. "So Hallowed and so Gracious is the time" was also read by Mrs. Hansen. tShe closed the program with records The story of the Nativity by Fred Waring. Devotions were by Miss Eas ter. Mrs. Amelia Balfour report ed on safety. The members have driven a total of 912 years and have had no fatal accidents and only 5 minor ones. The year books were distributed. Mrs. Wm. Getchius presided. Nancy Ross led the flag salute. Guests were Mrs. Elmer Ross, county president of Federated clubs, and Nancy Stephen and Karen Bruce, Neil and Lynette Johnson, Mrs. Raymond Easter, Timmy Garrett. The next meeting Is January 19 with Mrs. Arthur Wolph, Mrs. Hall Pollard cohostess. Mrs. Ivan Hansen is the leader of the program, Fabrics for Curtains and Drapes. Golden Gleams , Cleanness of body was ever deemed to proceed from a' due reverence to God. Bacon Who does the best his circum stances allows. Does well, acts nobly; angels could no more. Julius Hare. It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord. . Psalm 92: 1. Thanksgiving for a former, doth invite God to bestow a second benefit. Robert Her rick. Louisville, Nebraska Highway 50. Minor Traffic Accidents Here Three Minor accidents were reported to police here last week. Monday, a collision at the in tersection of North fith Street and Avenue A involved cars driven bv John Sattler, and Mrs. Lloyd Frady both of Platts mouth. Damage was to the front bumper, left fender and hood of Sattler's I960 Buick and to the left rear f?nder and bumper of Mrs. Frady's 1954 Ford. Tuesday, cars driver by Har old W. Maybee nf Nebraska City and Frank Strough of Platts mouth collided on Main Street between 4th and 5th Streets. Damage was to the right side of Mavbee's 1961 Mercury and to the left door of Strough's 1955 Studebaker. Friday, Janet Hite, 318 Main St., suffered an abrasion on the head when she ran into a car at the intersection of 5th and Main Streets. The car, a 1957 Buick driven by Mrs. Axel Andersen, Win ter's Trailer Court, was going east on Main, making a right turn onto South 5th when the eirl ran across the street into the car, according to the po lice report. Mrs. Andersen, who was driving slowly, stopped im mediately. Janet was not knocked clown, the rport said. Radiation for Inserts? A University of Nebraska staff member says it may be possible for farmers to use radiant en ergy to kill insects in stored gmin, improve germination of seed, and preserve foodstuffs. Radiation processing of food products is expected to enter the commercial field gradually as soon as extensive studies re veal that such products are en tirely safe for human consump tion, says Stuart O. Nelson, as sociate professor of agricultural engineering at the University and a U. S. Department of Agri culture staff member. In Leap Year it's the cautious man that hears a ring in every young lady's voice. Christian Science Monitor-. X 1 smart, modern styling The WILSHIRE Model F2786 Beautifully styled combination television, record piaying FMAM radio instrument. i3" overall diag. picture meas. 282 sq. in. rectangular pic ture area. Choice of grained colors: Walnut, Ma. hogany or Blond Oak ' ' ' ' TV PRICES START AT YOUR TRADE-IN OR A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS NO PAYMENTS 'TIL AFTER CHRISTMAS ZENITH QUALITY F EATUHHS fur stereo ic, radio al its best The WILSHIRE features world's finest per forming TV with handcrafted quality IV chassis, Sunshine!!) picture tube, Cinelensf Picture Glass. It also features Zenith's ex clusive Extended High Fidelity Stereo that gives you the greatest, most dramatic sound separa tion from a single cabinet! Ami all your records will sound better on WI LSI! I RE'S Cobra- . Matic changer with Cobra-Tone arm. To mAe your entertainment complete, the WILSHIRE features Zenith Quality I'MAM radio with Automatic Frequency Control. (HAS. WARGA SALES & SERVICE South Of Ruback's On 7th St. 224 So. 7th Plattsmouth Phone 224 - - - - Death of Mrs. Estclla Sutfin at Masonic Home Mrs. Estella Sutfin. 80, died Thursday at the Nebraska Ma sonic Heme, following an illness of two months. She was born May 30, 1880 at Plattmouth. daughter of August, and Helen Brainard Uhlich. She was married to Edwin L. Sat fin , thev making their home in Lincoln for many y,'ars. The husband preceded the wife in death in September 1930 at Lin coln. Mis. Sutim was engaged as a sales lady at Miller & Paine's in Lincoln for s o m e t.wenty-l'ive years. She came to Plattsmouth two months auo. Mrs. Sutlin was a member of St. Paul's Methodist Church in Lincoln. Funeral service was held his morning at 11 o'clock at Wyuka chapel in Lincoln and burial at Wyuka. Caldwell-I.inder funeral home in charge of arrangements. I may be able to help you. Ask me about State Farm's BANK PLAN, Iff '.'-'V "'Fv. r James McMillian Phone 3928 1104 3rd Av: STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBIlt INSURANCl COMPANY 11ATI IAIM Home Office: Bloomington. Illinois $4 Jn95 149 & ul 3;i,A-tW-fi- - J t' V - - - - - "A xt,-v 1 1 1 1 '''-'