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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
OPEN EVENINGS 5 fl DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS HURRY TO SMITH'S FOR JACKETS and SURCOATS For Casual Wear or Work, Wide Selection 17 1 SWEATERS Shawl Collars, V-Necks, Pull-Overs, Bulky Knits $99 $1199 O TO I I SPORT C0ATS FROM PlM i Shrine Chanters Pay Visit To The Masonic Home Sunday was a Gala day at th: Nebraska Masonic Ho:e, mark ing the annual pilgrimage of the Tangier Shrine Chanters of O maha to this city. Walter Manson Is director of the Chanters, assisted by Har old Deadman. The tour of the Chanters In cluded visits at the various hos pitals In Omaha Including the Veterans Administration. The Masonic Home was reached at 6 p.m. la.t evening and here the Chantors enjoyed supper with the residents that, was very much enjoyed by ail cf the party. Th2 concert was a feature that the residents of the horns will long appreciated through the ofierlr.s of thls line mus ical group. The clay's tour closed with programs at St. Catherine's and at. Joseph hospitals in Omaha. THE PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. SERRI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUIi Monday, December 19, l'J30 l . ?' r ; " . .-. o ' H , I " ' 1 i it'"' ' 3 - v. FROM SLACKS Are Always Welcome $4.99 LEATHER LEATHER FACED GLOVES $2 99 FR0M! IF YOU ARE STILL UNDECIDED AFTER READ1NC OUR THREE ADS IN THIS NEWSPAPER GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE SMITH'S Men s Wear FREE GIFT BOXES . 3 Attorneys from Here Attend Most As a part of its program for continuing ' legal education, the Nebraska State Bar Association conducted an Institute on Fed eral Taxation In Omaha Dec. 16 and 17. Principal emphasis was on tax aspects of partnership in cone, tax problems relating to real estate transactions and prcbate, but included tax ideas tor farmers and businessmen. The purpose of the institute is to familiarize lawyers with new developments in the field of taxation which will affect their clients in making their I960 tax returns. More than 175 lawyers regis tered for the institute, among them Walter it Smith, James Begley and Florence Fouchek of Plattsmouth. i - V-r Funeral Service For Louis Keil Held Here Friday Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock funeral services were held for Louis Keil, lifelong resident of Cass county, who died Wednes day at an Omaha hospital at the chapel of the Caldwell-Linder funeral home. Rev. G. E. Seybold of St. Paul's Evangelical and Reform ed church, officiated. Mrs. Twyla Hodge provided at the organ. , Burial was,1 at the Glendale cemetery, west of this city, near the birthplace of the deceased. Casket bearers were old friends, John Glaze, Lyle Ladd, Leslie Niel, William Nelson, Ferd Nolte, Glen Pankonin. it . if' 'TJ. . ; v ' -.7 . J f V- " 1 'Swinging Ot I A couple dames to a lox trot at the l'iatts mouth Junior Ilijh Chrislmas dance and party at the High School Auditorium Friday night. KEEP IN TOUCH Mrs. Knieke Fails At New Lincoln Home Mrs. C. L. Knieke, former Piattsmouth resident tor many years, now of Lincoln fell Tues day. Mrs. Knieke fell down t h e basement stairs in their new heme in Lincoln and broke both wrists and suffered other in juries. N She is in the Byran Memorial Hospital in Lincoln. A daugh ter flew in from Boise, Idaho to be with, the mother. A Christian is Gcd Almighty's gentleman. Julius Hare SATTLER Funeral Home Dial 3123 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sed lak of San Francisco arrived Friday evening to remain over the holiday season visiting with relatives and friends. They came to assist in the observance of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Font T. Wilson, father of Mrs. Sedlak held Sun day. They are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sedlak, parents of Mr. Sedlak as well as the other relatives while here. Mrs. Eri Price of this city is a patient at St. Mary's hospi tal In Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Farmer, former residents of Plattsmouth, have purchased a new home in southern Indiana. Their new ad dress is Morgantown, Indiana Rural Route three. Sunday night Vera Solomon was hostess to members of the St. Luke's Episcopal Churoh choir at her apartment. The holiday party began at 7:30 in the evening, everyone enjoying games, Christmas singing and a visit from Santa. Ernest Wallengren, former resident here, has been enjoying a visit in the eld home town with his t sisters, Mrs. Freda RhylandeA and Mrs. Hilda Jo hans and'' with his nephews and families, departed Saturday for his home. Mr. Wallengren is one of the veteran trainmen of the Burlington and has been lo cated in .Billings, Montana, for a great many years. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scarlett of McEwen, Tenn., arrived at the weekend for a holiday visit with their son and family, the Gene Scarletts. The visitors also canc to get acquainted with the Scarletts new son, William Charles. Robert D. Fitch of Holdredge, was here at the weekend visiting with his father-in-law, A. W. Cloidt and at the Art Mohr home south of this city. While here he had the opportunity of meeting many old friends. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. 'Johnson and Eddy enntertained Sunday evening for their daughter, Mrs. Ed Egenbjrger who was cele brating her birthday. AL-o pres ent were Ed Eenbergcr and son Jeffrey; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward M. Egen'oeger and Joan; and Mr. and Mrs. Edward K-l-ley. Birthday cake, ice cream and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling and Mrs. Howard Reckard were in Omaha Saturday to visit with Michael Bajeck, father of the ladies, who was released from the Methodist hospital where he has been recovering from surgery. Mrs. Victor Meisinger return ed home Friday from the hos pital following surgery, and is getting along fine. Mrs. Bill Worthan of 1037 South 104th, Seattler Wash., is in Group Health Hospital where she underwent back surgery Dec. 14. JjoillavJIIg Mrs. Ralph Wildrick Phone 2511 Guest speaker Sunday at the morning t service at the First Methcdist Church was Rev. Stanley P. Haekley of Omaha. The Rev. and Mrs. Hackley and sons, Charles and Stephen were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. William McCord and Stewart. Mrs. Frank Pace and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell and sons of Weeping Water were Saturday evening guests at the Elwin Isaac home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Reichart were Sunday dinner guests at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rockenback near Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Spencer formerly of Louisiana and now i living in the Nick Hennings pparhncnt, had their small j daughter, Rhonda Lea baptized ; during the morning services Sunday at the First Methodist Church with Rev. William Mc- j Cord officiating. Mr. Spencer is with the armed services. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kuhn and Linda of South Bend were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kuhn in Louisville Thursday evening and helped Mrs. Jack Kuhn cele brate her birthday. Gus Funke returned home from the Methodist Hospital in Omaha Friday and resumed his work at Ash Grove Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sutton and son of Omaha were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Zelma Sutton. ' A bridal shower was held Dec. 2 at the Methodist church base ment in honor of .Mrs. Janice (Hennings) Boardman, a recent bride. About 60 ladies were pre sent. Games were played and after Janice opened her many lovely gifts, a lunch was served by the hostesses, former class mates of Janice's. The hostes ses were Jeaneane Hubbell, Sandra Doty, Mary Heil and Voline Albert. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Sack and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Urwin visited Friday afternoon at the Hill Top Home in Weeping Wa ter with Miss Leona Schliefert, Mrs. Jesse Lyon and Mrs. Emma Rukga. Mrs. Hazel Twiss is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dakin in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hitt of Warrensburg, Mo., were Wed nesday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robbins, Jr. and Timothy. Kathy Oestmann and Mildred Steffens of Lincoln were week end guests at the Henry Doer mann home. Miss Kathy remain ed and accompanied f. find Mrs. Henry Doermann to Sabe tha, Kan. Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Stanley Oestmann and sons. Lcuie Roeber of 'shland had the misfortune to fall and break his hip Tuesday while trimming a tree at his home. He Was taken to the Bryan Memoral hospiUl in Lincoln. j . Mr. and Mrs. Jim McClun and family were Tuesday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Bock and Debbie in r-iausmouin. bel, worshipful master, presided Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard of at the business meeting. Elec-J Greenwood were Sunday even-) tion of officers for the coming ing supper guests at the home year was held. They were: Wor- of Mr. rind Ms. Austin Plnlay and Howard. The annual Christmas pro gram put on by the, Grade and High School of the Louisville Public Schools will be held Dec. 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the High School Auditorium. The program will feature Christmas music. Everyone is Invited to attend. Admission Is free. The AF & AM Lodge No. 112 of Springfield held their regular meeting Dec. 13 at the Spring field Masonic Hall. Wilbur Hub- -shlpful master, Wayne Mifp pard; Senior Warden, John Fu.v selman; Junior Warden, John Fleck; Treasurer, Otto Nielsen; Secretary, Harry N. Ah!;-Chaplain Pewey Callaway; Senior Deacon, Leonard Vaughn and Junior Deacon, Gordon Grell. A Classified Ad in The Journal cost E3 little as CO cents. THOMAS WALLINC CO. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Abstracts of Title "Title Insurance" Ds3 Only 75 shopping hours to Christmas-but that's time a-plenty to wrap up your gift buy ing if you'll hurry to FELDHOUSEN'S. In our extensive assortments of most-wanted pres ents you will find, the perfect solutions to your gift problems'-aided and abetted by our courteous corps of Santa's Helpers. Open 'til 9 P.M. Daily. Replacements And More New Merchandise Arriving Hourly, Come - Shop For Gifts That Are Sure To Please mw Fine THE SWEETEST GIFT OF ALL ASSORTED PACKACES 1-2-3 OR 5 POUNDS $ to 7 We Give S & H J m tW ' Ml iM IL-t. im.t U HIBMKJ. M BIB H It MO T GREEN STAMPS DRUGS I pipiti HI I j W The only accurate ' J j 1 I Yardstick for meas- Ae$ i 1 the cost of wVtL -1 1 p: escribed medicine I j is fhe amount of I 4 j I I ' ure your money j3 j Wlien yau consider i,"" ! I I tow today's wondet "iiil S g d'ugs lessen the -TiiHil- i 1 g seventy and short- I J I I en the duration of IrT1 - ! " I ,,lne- you realize i-.T. f f I H I t natf,i"g worth so tr j! I t R j cjo you costs (f gj; j I 1 Fred J. Feldhouscn, Th. C. R P. Pharmacist In Charge 3 Cflsdimti!ia Mrs. F. O. Sand Phone 2708 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ander ccn, Mr. and Mrs. George Shel don and Mrs. Ona Kuncl visited Mrs. L. G. To;ld and Mrs. Ruth Ketelhut of Union Sunday even in?. Mrs. Ona Kunkel attended the P.E.O. meeting at the Ed Loren scn home in Weeping Water Fridiy afternoon. Mrs. Kunkel, Mrs. Gilbert Kime and Mrs. Audrey Dodson called on Mrs. Mary Wessel at the Duff home in Nebraska City. Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Jorgen pon called at St. Marys hospital Saturday to visit Wesley Copen haver, who had a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Lcroy Johnson and Kicth were supper guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Han Rohan of Plattsmouth. Other quests were Mr. aitd Mrs. John Chudy and sons. Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy of Omaha were guests Friday of Mrs. John Eaton nnd daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale and family, Cmaha were their guests Surday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hansen and two tinuchters plan to leave the last of January for Lynch. Nebraska in Boyd county where they will farm. At present they are farming northeast of Ne hawka. Mrs. Hansen was born and lived at Lynch for some time. r A hnoes GENE SAYS: Family and friends love Kite-Life slippers. They'll be delighted to receive these comfortable, practical and good-looking slippers on Christmas. Best of all, they're easy on your holiday budget. We have a complete stock, so stop in today. Men's Slippers as low. as $2.99 Women's Slippers as low as $1.99 Children's Slippers as low as $1.99 , 31 Styles To Choose From Your Department Store Of Family Footwear In Plattsmouth ..vv;r.T......-v;.;T. p H K n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft : Si '1