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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO ". ' Monday, December 19, 1DG0 Rivcrview Club Has Xmas Party Rivervlew Club hrld its Chilst m. is party at the home of Blanche Nickels on Thursday af ternoon, Elaine Lurkowski as co-ho.stcss. President Nell Sack opened the meeting with a poem, "My Wish' ' by James Freeman. Chi i.stnms carols Silent Night and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear were .sung followed by prayer by Lee Cundall. Rell call was answered by 11 inemers with their greatest Christmas wish. A short business meeting was held. Plans for the January meeting were discuss ed. An all day quilting will be heM Jan. 12 at the home of Georgia Creamer. Each mem ber to bring a covered dish for the noon meal. Afternoon entertainment was turned over to Clara Meisinger. A grab bag was also enjoyed by the group and gifts were dis tributed to secret pals. A delici ous lunch was served by the hostess and co-hostess. Murdock EUB Ladies Aid Meets The Ladies Aid of the Mur dock EUB Church met Thursday at the church for a covered dish dinner and meeting There were 43 members and one guest present, Alter the dinner, devotions were given by Mrs. Otto Rieck man. A short business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. John Murdoch. A program, led by Mrs. Rob ert Stpck and Mrs. Louis Sch midt, consisted of group sing ing, Christmas songs by the third grade in school, an ac cordion number by Marlene Wall, a legend and a prayer by the leaders. A "money tree" was presented to the minister and his wife, also secret friend eift exchange was enjoyed. At the close of the afternoon, the hostesses, Mrs. Warren Rikli as chairman, served punch and cookies. Marriage Of Interest Here The marriage of Miss Eva Machova and Mr. Lubor B. Vencil occurred at the Czech Church of "Our Lady of Per petual Help" in. New York City, N. Y, on Monday, Oct. 24. " Mr. Vencil will be remember ed as former pharmacist at Fcldhousen Drug, Plattsmouth. Call Your News An TSccial Items to 241 REAL ESTATE : LOANS! 5V2 Percent Interest Charge Reduced 'for Each Monthly Payment Ffottsmouth Loan & Building Ass'n. Schreiner's Special Formula I HAND : CREAM J JUST THINK 3-oz. Jar 50c 8-dz. Jar $1.00 16-oz.Jar $1.50 ' A Wonderful . Quick Vanishing Fragrant Cream How Much Arc You Paying for a 3-oz. Jar? - Schreiner Drug ...-.v.- Ambulance 4 111 ALL DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY FfLLEEX REGISTERED PHARMACIST ON DUTY AT ALL TIMES Schreiner Rexall Drug PLATTSMOUTH o PHONE 4114 o NEBRASKA CDA Have Meet, Christmas Party The Christmas decorated Blue Room of the Gas Company was the setting Tuesday night for the Catholic Daughters of Amer ica meeting and Christmas par ty. A game "Santa" was played and enjoyed by those attending. A message of cheer was sent to Mrs. Mary Rea who is a pa tient at the Community Hospital, Falls City. Mrs. Rea fell and broke her hip recently. Refreshments in the Christ mas motif was served by hostes ses. Committee in charge was the Mmes. A. L. Amato, Jack Had raba, Budy Iverson, William Nelson, Robert Whelan, Harold Lcbens, Robert McClanahan, Lyle Montgomery, Miss Rita Berlett and Mrs. Lucille Gaines. Bridal Shower For Miss Anderson On Dec. 10 Janice Magill and Diane Kennedy were hostesses at a bridal miscellaneous shower honoring Karen Anderson. Miss Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Anderson of Lincoln will be married Doc. 31 to Mr. Wayne Feldhousen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feld housen of this city, at the Saint John The Baptist Church here. A bridal game was played and prizes were awarded. Guests were friends of the bride-elect of this city, her mother and the prospective bridegroom's moth er. Also Miss Anderson's' sisters, Sonja and Mary Anderson of Lincoln, and a cousin, Mrs. Allen Lewis of Wahoo. Flowers adorned the gift table where Miss Anderson was assisted by the Mmes. Anderson and Feldhousen and her sisters in opening her gifts. Hostesses served refreshments. Mrs. Covert Is Birthday Honoree Mrs. Logan Covert observed her birthday today, and on Sun day was guest of honor at a birthday dinner in Council Bluffs, la. A granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dennis and children Mike, Patty Joe and Ronnie, the hest:, came here for Mr. and Mrs. Covert and drove them to their home in Council Bluffs for the dinner. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dew and son Don f-Ouncil Bluffs. Mrs. Dew is Mrs. Covert's daughter; this completing the circle of four generations. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. James Peters and son Joey of Omaha, another granddau ghter ot Mr. and Mrs. Coverrt. Families Together For Christmas Expected here for Christmas and the week following are the married children and grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Livingston. It is planned the couples will be here in time for the birthday supper Christ mas Eve of Susan Livingston, daughter of the Richard Living stons. The family reunion will in clude Lt. and Mrs. Tom Living ston of El Paso, Texas and Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Gonser and daughter Debbie of Gunnison. Colo. Christmas day the families will be guests in the Towner Livingston home near Nehawka. CAMP FIRE NEWS The meeting of the O-Kii-Hi campfire group met Dec. 5 at Mrs. Eggert's house. We made presents for our Mothers and Christmas cards. Mrs. Eggert served cupcakes and hot chocolate. Next meeting will be a Christ mas party at Sherry Haffke's house. News reporter, Sherry Haffke. A Classified Ad in The Journal cost as little as 50 cents. Ave. B. 702 YL'LETIDE ATTENDANTS The attendants to the Yulelide King and Queen at Plattsmouth High's dance Saturday night are shown above, from left: Don Lebens, freshman; Dave Ncttleman, Garden Club Has Turkey Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gleason were guests of twenty-two mem bers of the Plattsmouth Feder ated Garden Club when they had their turkey holiday dinner in the Blue Flame Room of the Gas Company. All repeated the Lord's Pray er, and a short business session followed. Gifts were exchanged. Helen Hunter was appointed to present to the library a book from the club. Next meeting is to be in Feb ruary with Mrs. L. W. Egenberg er hostess. Stitch-Chatter Club at Allbees The Christmas party of the Stitch and Chatter was held at the home of Laura Allbee. Our Christmas parties are always a happy occassion. Eleven mem bers were present. Members always invite the Email children of the club; ' a few yeirs ao twelve to fifteen children attended. These have all grown up and most of them are married with children of their own. This year we had only one child Sidney Cook. Meeting was called to order by president Mollie Ellingston who led in repeating the Lord's Prayer. Two members, Eveline Brittian is visitine: her sister in Texas. Elizabeth Vincent is in Califor-1 nia. The hostess had charge of games. Lois Cook won high prize . and Agnes Newman won low. Roy Aylor came in and took a group picture. Also a picture of the beautiful tree and all the gifts and treats. At the Christmas meeting secret pals are revealed and many were very much surprised to find the true identity. Gifts and treats were passed out and then the evening was spent visiting. Lunch was served by the hos tess asisted by Elva Aylor. Napkins and favors were in the Christmas theme. Son Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheehan of Manley are the parents of a 6 lbs. 2 oz. son born Dec. 16 at the Syracuse Hospital. The cou ple has another child, Cindy, I who is six years old. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shee han of Manley and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wendt of Louisville. Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Fleisch- man of this city are parents of a daughter, born December 13 at St. Mary's hospital in Nebraska i City. Mrs. Fleischman is the former Nancy McConaha. Son ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hackwith of Mason City, la., are the par ents of a son born Dec. 15 weigh ing 8 lbs. 4 oz. The couple has four other children, Kathy Sue, I Robert Dale, Randeen Lou and Holly Ann. Maternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Topliff of Murray; H. G. Hack- : with of Illinois is the paternal grandfather. , Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilson of this city are parents ot a baby girl born at St. Mary's Hospital. Nebraska City at 7:07 a.m. Sat urday, weight five pounds and seven ounces. She has been I named, Laura Lee. Mrs. E'leanor Winscnt anii Mr. and Mrs. Bill i Wil: on of this city are granU ' parents. fU ft-. 5 57 ill 1 i f i -v 1 ' V l MX I v ! If f .r , 'A'l 1 ' b - Hit J V- Jfl )! Church Women's Groups Meet ot Weeping Water WEEPING WATER (Special) The December meeting of the Christian Womenn's Fel lowship was held on Thursday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. Sheldon Smith of Murray, district representative of the C. W. F. and Mrs. Lola Delehoy of Lincoln, State Executive Secre tary of Nebraska C. W. F., were guests at the meeting. Mrs. Lynn Rothe opened the meeting with group singing, "God of Grace and God of Glory" accompanied at the pi ano by Mrs. Maurice Hammons. She read a poem, "The Little Gift". Thank you notes were read from the Leroy Zessin and Edgar Burgen families. Mrs. Rothe announced the ' January workshop in Omaha, Jan. 31 and Lincoln, Feb. 1. Mrs. Stanley Schroeder pre sented the devotions using as her topic "The Man Who Own ed -the Suable." She was assisted with th2 "Sliripture4 reading by Mrs. William Klemme. Mrs. Lola Delehoy was the guest speaker and talked of her trip to Scotland in August at the World Convention of Christ ian Churches. Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Schwarz showed film strips and slides of the trip while she spoke. Hostesses for the meet ing were Mrs. Ed Freeman, Mrs. Victor Flunkett, Jr. and Mrs. .David Baxter. The Woman's Society of Christ ian Service met in the Meth odist church parlors for the De cember meeting with Mrs. Vera Harter, Mrs. Glen Taylor and Mrs. George Smith as hostesses. A program, "A Story of Christmas Carols" was pre sented by Mrs. Cloyd Boydston and Mrs. Willis Lorensen. Mar garet Lorensen played a piano solo; Judy Lee, Geraldine Tay lor, Karen Cappen, Beverly Finley, Sharon Betts, Margaret Lorensen and Marilyn Schma deke sang carols. Mrs. John Groesser sang a solo accom panied by Mrs. Alvin Groesser. The program closed with pray er. Mrs. John Norris presented the spiritual moments with a poem, "How Far is Bethlehem' and "How to Receive God's Guidance." Mrs. John Groesser opened the meeting by read ing "the purpose" from the sec retary's book of twenty years ago and the names of the char ter members. Candles were then lit on a birthday cake, shaped to portray a cross. The Happy Birthday song was sung to the WSCS. Two charter mem bers were presennt Mrs. Milton Prali and Mrs. John 1 Norris. They were given corsages. Twenty three members ans wered . roll call by giving thoughts ot Christmas. It was announced that the Christ mas program would be given by the Sunday School department on Friday evening followed by a social hour. The members brought gifts to the meeting and these will be sent to the Epworth Village at York. There will be no Sunday School on Christmas day but church ser vices will be held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. The meeting clos ed with the Lord's prayer. The Congregational Women's Fellowship met on Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. WHliam Heebner opened the meeting with a poem, "Is This Die Road to Bethlehem?" Mrs. Harold Elliott "was elected to complete the term as secre tary, left vacant by the resigna tion of Mrs. I. L. Marklanri. Mr.y Murray Mutter and Mrs. Eugene Day presented a piay, sophomore; Mike Brink, junior; Lee Hackler, senior; Pat Royer, senior; Bonnie Way, junior; Lucky Meyer, sophomore, and Donna Campbell, freshman. "A Day to Remember" telling the home life of one of the shepherds on the night of the birth of Jesus, Others in the play were Mrs. Stanley Wood, Mrs. E. E. Lorensen. Mrs. I. C. G. Campbell led in group sing ing of carols. Hostesses for the meeting were Mmefc. Jack Kays, Alma Berner, Rasmus Lauritzen, Jr., George Ellis, Lawrence Houseman, Ray Wiles, Ed Stein kamp, Charles Gibson, Louis Noble and Carl Tefft. The members of the Christ ian Women's Fellowship fixed sixteen boxes of candy, cookies and fruit and took them to shut ins and members of the church on Thursday afternoon follow ing the meeting. Legion-Auxiliary Stage Christmas Partv Thursday rV V.: '.,! u cC.t.rJ'Meisineer. was nresenfc nnn wp f Aiiuisuay evening wic and Eight club rooms was the scene of holiday charm and en joyment, the occasion being the annual joint observance by the Legion post and Auxiliary of the Christmas season. The rooms were tastefully ar ranged and very attractive in the Christmas colors. The dinner was a covered dish affair, featured by two large: turkeys as mam attraction. Singing of the Christmas car ols was enjoyed with Father Bob Hodgson of St. Luke's church and Miss Mildred Hall leading the ringing. One of the features of the evening was the magic show presented by Rev. G. E. Seyboid in his usual clever manner that kept the audience on their toes to try and solve the many smoothly presented acts. The remainedr of the evening was spent in a games party en joyed to the utmost by group. CALENDAR Monday, Dec. 19 Bud of Promise Rebekahs will meet at the IOOF Hall at 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 19 Cass County Salon No. 441 Eight and Forty meeting at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Karl Grosshans. Gift exchange. Monday, Dec. 19 Cub Scout Pack Meeting will meet at Central Cafeteria in stead of the Gym. Tuesday, Dec. 20 VFVV Auxiliary meeting. There will be a Christmas gift ex change. Tuesday, Dec. 20 Platte Lodge No. 7 IOOF meeting tit 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20 World War I Vets meet at 8 p.m. at the 40 & 8 Rooms. Thursday, Dec. 22 VFW Post and Auxiliary mem bers and their families annual Christmas Party at 6:30 p.m. Bring a covered dish and a' 50c gift exchange fcr children. Thursday, Dec. 22 American Lesion Auxiliary will meet at 8 p.m. at the 40 & 8 Club Rooms. Character must be kept bright as well as clean. Lord Chesterfield Alas! regardless of their doom The little victims play! No sense Iipvp they of ills to conip Norj care beyond today. I Christmas Program At PEO Meeting PEO members were entertain ed at the heme of Mrs. Mathilde Pein Friday for a dessert lunch eon and Christmas meeting. Following the business meet ing, the program chairman, Mrs. Vic Schreiner, presented talented children who presented a musical program in keeping with the Christmas Season. Nancy Wehrbein sang a Christ mas Lullaby; Scott Davis gave a Christmas Recitation; Dorothy Woster and Mrs. Joe Capwell favored the group with a piano duet; and piano solos were played by Linda Howard, Cyn thia Begley, Carol Schreiner and Carl Schreiner. 4-II NEWS Trouble Shooters Tractor Club met at the home of Rob bert, Wilbert and Gene Engel kemier, Dec. 12. The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flags. Roll Call showed nino members nres- fent: Our new leader... L e l a n d - - discussed our program of work. We also went over the firsts les son in our new book. After the meeting adjourned, Mrs. Engelkemier served lunch to the members. David Krae ger, reporter. White shall not neutralize the black, nor good Compensate bad in man, absolve him so: Life's business being just the terrible choice. Browning Journal Want Ads Pay 8 y Is ft I; I P I y ft? h & y. j':,'"., Av.w.'.- jc . . , n Soon you and your groom-to-be will select your engagement and wedding rings. You"ll be looking for the most beautiful diamond available, at a price within your budget. Hut you rcali.c you need good, sound advice. For when Iniying a diamond, you can't tell its value "just by looking!' You must rely on the knowledge and trust worthiness of your jeweler. We otTcr our proven record as diamond experts, and our membership in the American Ciem Society. We know and guarantee the value of every diamond vc sell. Re member, you pay no more for this assurance of quality. GROVE'S JEWELRV . 505 MAIN Brownies at WW Honor Mothers At Xmas Party WEEPING WATER ( Special The Brownie Troop 337 held a Christmas party on Wednes day evening honoring their mothers as guests. The firls presented the fol lowing program: Flag cere mony; Hello song by the Brownies: Carole Sue Upton played a piano solo, "Silent Night"; each girl said four lines of the poem, "T'was the Night Before Christmas"; the girls played rhythm music on toy instruments which they had made and played "J i n g 1 e Bells" on bottles filled with wa ter, accompanied by Mrs. James Doyle; Group singing of carols by everyone. The mothers were presented gifts and also the father's gifts to take home. The girls wore the aprons which they had em broidered while serving lunch of Christmas cookies, coffee or punch. The next Brownie meeting will be Jan. 11 and a new char ter will be signed. Mrs. Doyle will resign her duties as Brownie leader and Mrs. Arnold Upton will be the new leader and will be assisted by Mrs. Virgil Wiles. Committee women are Mrs. Marvin Pilfold, Neil Patterson, Mrs. Howard Heneger and Shirley Upton. Mrs. Robert Baker, Jr., will con tinue with the calling and oth er duties performed in the past. The Brownie Troop met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Harold Wade. Mrs. Neil Fitz patrick, Mrs. Richard Hermon and Mrs. Robert Schreiner met at the Wade home before the meeting for a committee meet ing and then remained for the afternoon. The girls worked on Christmas decorations. The girls in this troop are in the second grade. Couple To Wed To Live Here Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ken nell of Plattsmouth announce the approcahing marriage of their daughter, Marjorie Ken nell Horn, to Mr. Harold Gobel man. The couple will be married January 7, 1961 in Plattsmouth. A reception and dinner will fol low at St. John's Hall. They plan making their home, in Plattsmouth. , ON DISPLAY "HALLMARK" CHRISTMAS CARDS Schreiner Rexaii PLATTSMOUTH fig 3A . "4v ft. ? wr J "Tit : -.V: '"f 1? ?3tnrv yu sotact ywr jf?c3r to hzip yen ncj a PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Navy Moms Club Has Christmas Party Navy Mothers Club met at CuntumcTS Club Room Thurs day at 0:30 for a covered di h dinner, and regular meeting. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Covert, for cooking t h e turkey. During the business meeting letters were read from National Commander, National Adjutant and National Civil Defense chairman. Club voted to give $2 to Christmas Seals. Welfare chairman Mary Wor shan reported sending $10 to V. A. hospital in Omaha for games party in November; also that there were 35 names of patients in T.B. ward, to be a gift each, at Christmas. Cards are to be sent to Navy boys in service. Each member Drought a gilt for the gift shop at Lincoln, besides the $10 thP club spent for toys for the shop. Mrs. Covert, for American ism read "The Flag of The USA." Mrs. F, I. Rea a member, was reported as being in the hos pital at Falls City, Mrs. Rea fell and broke her hip. A gift will be sent to her and to hon orary members, Mrs. Emma Chovanec and Mrs. Elizabeth Fitch. WATCH jn. i PROMPT SERVICE, SENSIBLE PRICES Whatever ails your watch, we'll repair it with expert precision; have your watch ready when promised. GROVE'S JEWELRY r. Registered Jewelei Jv? American Cem Societv in1; Main Plinn 228 Jv3 ft ft If -9 n ft & ft an ii t H ' ?i $i : V 4t r -ft Hair's Mi " if ring wis MEM9EK AMERICAN CEM SOCIETY The African Om Society is a pio tsMonal NON-PROf IT so- ot of iPAPlers, eductor-s, and scholars. piHlt;pd to the p otsc tion n( the buying pi.hhc anl the nMinton.ince ot tlic hip:h hu',ine',s , standards and pract.ces ot lis PHONE 223 Drug it ii' if i' imp