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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
M " '.. : ; I THE PLATT2M0UTH JOURNAL PAGE SIX Section B Monday, December 19, 1980 LOUISVILLE Mri. Ralph Wildrick Phone 2511 Ash Grove Cement Plant turn ed Its safety board back to zero and flew its safety flag at half maHt week after its first lout time accident in more than five years. The record was broken when Harold Blunt, 41, Louisville cftueM his left hand In a screw conveyor while attempting to ' unplug a spout Dec. 6. Blunt was treated in an Omaha hospital where two fingers had to be amputated at the first joint and he was released Wednesday. Ash Grove had had 1,831 days without a lost time accident since November, 1955. Visitors at the home of Mr. md Mrs. Ross Nichols were Capt. and Mrs. Kenneth Mel singer of Salina, Kan. Lewis Isaac entered the Meth odist hospital in Omaha Monday and underwent surgery Tuesday. He Is coming along as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. James Danner, John and Dawn returned home Sunday from Three Forks, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Orvtn Franke and Danny were Thursday call ers In Omaha. Supper guests Monday even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dunn were Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. John Groathouse and family were Sunday even ing callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roloff and family In Plattsmouth. Earl Hurlbut visited Mrs. Hurl but In the Clarkson hospital Wednesday and Sunday even ings. She is expected to come home some time this week. Mr. and Mrs Wavne Dobbs, Mrs. Everett Dobbs, Mrs. Ed ward Grell, Mrs. Franklin Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beck all of Louisville were Tuesday even ing callers at the Robert Beck home in Kennard. k Cary Lee Helm, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Helm of Lincoln was baptized Sunday during the morning services at the Redeemer Lutheran church in Lincoln. Sponsors were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bornemeier of Murdock, an aunt and uncle. Also present for the baptism and a dinner which followed at the Rodney Heim home wero the paternal grandparents, Mr. ana Mrs. Richard Heim of. Louis ville and the maternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Bornemeier of Murddck. A pink and blue shower was held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Isaac In honor of Mrs. Glenn W. Eager of Plattsmouth. The shower was gliven by the honoree's sister's. There were about 17 guests pre sent and Mrs. Eager received manv nice and useful guts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doran and family of Louisville and Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Doran and family of Eagle attended the sst.h weddine anniversary of Mr and Mrs. James Doran in Lin rnln Sundav evening. James Doran is an uncle of Melvin and Charles Doran. There were about thirty guests present. Recent dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bin ura ham were Mrs. Graham's sis te'r. Mrs. Emil Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frank and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Frank all of Stanton, Nebraska. Afternoon callers were the Graham's daughters, Mrs. Arnold Vogler and Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Hennings and fam ily. Mrs. Leonard Vaughn and Susanne, Mrs. Henry Doermann and Miss Kathy Oestmann of Lincoln were in Ashland Sat urday. Evening Circle . . The circle met Dec. 6 at the Methodist church at 8 p.m. for their monthly meeting. Twenty seven members and guests at tended the meeting. The busi ness meeting was conducted by Eileen Miller, vice president. The program chairman was Marian Johnson with Dora Lou Hrabik giving the devotions and Jackie Salberg and Arelne uru ber giving the program. The name of the program was "Em manuel God With Vs." Several Christmas selections were given by a sextet which indued Sue Pankonln, Marleba McCord, Hazel Hon, Marian Johnson, Ruth Wegner and Dora Lou Hrabik. Hazel Dolan played the piano for the group. Follow ing the program, a gift exchange , was held and a lovely lunch was served by Ruth Wegner and Marian Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Read and sons enjoyed Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Donnell in Plattsmouth. Miss Linda Derby accompanied them. Other guests at the O Donnell's were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richter and family of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Farris and Mrs. Ida Read of Plattsmouth. is tm$ 1ft w;$tfiJw V 1 H M U 11 i ?! Vf'j f - km M l$fh a jl p j X J I UvUyJ U LM ' FOR HOLIDAY BAKINC SHURFINE Bartlett SHURFINE hortening Y r TAYLOR Sweet Sgp No. 303 Potatoes 2 DEL MONTE Sugar n 6 I PEAS 2f3Sc Ml ,,iiiiBiwnr'"M"WFL'''l,''ll"l'l''ii ' V" :r" fCS ' MEAD0W C0LD A SHURFINE - Fruit jgjffl H- VI () Cocktail 51 (Wgg OCEAN SPRAY Cranberry tmWum No. 300 Tffcr J S fl S. j i SL m Cans iiS J ,1, v ii i 1 i" ' " ""T'fi,1 I iwnniinV feiaaMTie'',i" V' ' i riiiiin mm "" ' A MA BROWN Sweet Pickled " BEETS 2 e 4( A DEL MONTE Spiced f Q-PEAGHES 354 IT.A Assorted Flavors ICE CREAM rlc" 59 REDDI MAID lellied Cherry sauce i2,;- : 25c TELEPHONE Spiced - Crab APPLES,:?" 29" ROYAL CUEST Fancy Mandarin ORANGES 2UC"-A7C MARKET DAY Seedless RAISINS 2 49c COLD BELL White RAISINS 25c BLUE RIBBON Black ission Figs 12 oz. o j B0X jjjc 1 BLUE RIBBON Calimyrna FIGS 12 OZ. BOX 35c FANCY CRANBtRHB i Poun d 19c TOKAY FLAME WE Pound Philadelphia Cream CHEESE L" 37c Borden's None Such MINCE MEAT 2P'k" 49 Holiday Sweet PICKLES';1" 43 Crosse & Blackwell Plum & Fig PUDDINGS on"' 53c Crosse & Blackwell Date Nut and Fruit Nut ROLLc," 29c Luckv Whio TOPPING c,; " : 53c SOENNICHSEN'S BUTCHER SERVICE MEAT DEPARTMENT CHRISTMAS Poultiry OVER THE YEARS YOU HAVE LEARNED TO TRUST US IN THE SELECTION OF HOLIDAY POULTRY. Again This Year We. Have A Fine Selection of TURKEYS, GEESE DUCKS, CHICKENS and CAPONS FREE Playhouse Ea. $3. with each 5 pound Morrell Pride CANNED SAM'S HOMEMADE PLAIN or ITALIAN LARCE LINK Sausage - 59' 4 TREAT " 1 1 W bbvi told RANGE BRAND Thick Sliced BACON 2 plG- 89c j Peter Pan Bread Cubes for Dressing 8 ox. O C C Pkg . Pepperidge Farm ; Poultry Stuffing r 8 ox. 9QC Pkg; .... ' Savory Seasoned Bread Stuffing L"-.... 29c CANDY Spanglers Maple Cream CLUSTERS 33 7 ox. Bo Spanglers Vanilla Cream CLUSTERS 33c 7 ox. Rnv Brach's BABY 10 ox Pkg. MINTS 29c Morton's . Frozen PUMPKIN PIE Big Family AQC Size Pie -TJ Morton's Froxen MINCE PIE Big Family r rC Size Pie 3D Assorted S Diamond English Walnuts Mixed LB. 59c Shurfine Froxen W.K. Colden CORN or GREEN PEAS Brach's Black Walnut PUFFS i 8 ox. Pkg. . 29c ICA Choc. Covered CHERRIES 55c 13 ox. Box .... BORDO DATES rV,1'-. 49' OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. HELP YOUR COMMUNITY BY HELPING YOUR CHURCH DEPOSIT YOUR SALES SLIPS & TAPES STOP nms AND SAVE THIS WEEK OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9. CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE AT 5:30 P.M. 'A Member of Associated Crocers, Inc." 10 ox. Pkgs. 39c Polished Pecans LB. 63c Shurfine Frozen BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER Pkgs. T Shurfine Frozen ORANGE JUICE 3 6C:;; 49c Fancy Mixed Nuts LB. 59c Large Brazil Nuts LB. 59c Pkg. Of 6 South African Frozen LOBSTER TAILS $25' Treasure Island Frozen SHRIMP In Shell 10 ox. EiQC Pkg JO Large Filberts LB. 45c Sea Pak Frozen - Breaded OYSTERS 69c 6 oz Pkg. Nature Ripe Frozen STRAW BERRIES 31-Lb. $100 Pkgs. I