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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1960)
.....nil mmumVK! THE FLATTSMOUTH JOURNAI Monday, December 19, 190 PAGE FOUR Section B 5 EI mm The best gifts in life are FREE for Top Value Stamps Mrs. Ralph Wildrick Phone 2511 J- Mrs. Daisy McNealy, who has been convalescing at the Lloyd Hell home for some time return ed to her home Saturday. She will go to Omaha the 18th and spend a few days at the home of her son, Hugh McNealy. She will then leave by plane the 21st to spend the holidays in California. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Larson were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Long and daughter of Plattsmouth. Mrs. Eller Riley is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ela Beck In Wabash. Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard Stohl mann and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rahn at Papillion Sunday evening and with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Helwig and sons at Fort Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sheehan, Rocky and Renee of Manley have moved into the M. O. Finney property. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hennings visited Sunday with Mrs. Mae Ducekal in Wahoo. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Duncan of Nebraska Citv and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fitzpatrick, Denise and Deloris visited Saturday .at the home of Mr. and Mrs James Fitzpatrick in Union and helped James celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pearson of Manley were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jenkins in Havelock. Lena Stander was honored at a surprise birthday celebraton Sunday at the home of Mrs. Frances O'Brien. Guests were Miss Lillian Stander, Mr. and Mrs. John Stander, Mrs. Susan Bickert, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Mc Evoy and son, Mr.' and Mrs. Gerald Stander and family, and Miss Mary Ann Dlugosh all of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stan der and family of Weeping Wa ter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stan der and Donna of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stander and family of Louisville and Dick Stander and Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Stander of Murdock. Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sluyter and Raymond were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meyer and children of Plattsmouth. The annual children's Christ mas party was held for the Man ley children at the St. Patrick's Hall Sunday. The afternoon in cluded a program, lunch and a visit from Santa. Mr nnH Mrs T.nrrv Boardman moved from the Wiles apart ment in Weeping Water to the Don Urwin apartment over me weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hild of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Elm er Hennings of Avoca and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hennings were Sunday afternoon callers at the Nick Hennings home. Ernest Ahl was a Wednesday afternoon caller. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beck, Mrs. Eller Riley of Drury, Mo., and Virgil Miller of Weeping Water were Monday evening supper guests at the Edward Grell home. Mrs. William Zoz of Murdock spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Mary Meyer while Mr. Zoz was with the Reserves in Lincoln. LAUGHING LASSIES The first meeting of the Laughing Lassies was held at the home of Mrs. Parsons Dec. 3. The members decided to take up cooking and grooming of their rooms. Officers were elect ed. They are: Laura Parson, president; Carolyn Piner, vice president; Sheila Baker, secre tary; Pamela Baker, news re porter; and Lana Baker treasur er. Mrs. Pars"bn served refresh ments at the close of the meet ing. Pamela Baker, news report er. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Brockley and sons of Lincolnvwere Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and daughters of Murray ' were Sunday afternoon callers of Mrs. Mary Tigner at the Frank Wild rick home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Wischman and family of Papillion were Saturday evening callers at the Irvin Franke home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schlie fert and Linda and Larry were Friday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oris Schliefert and helped Oris cele brate his birthday. Mrs. Lettie Noyes returned home Saturday from the Clark son hospital after undergoing surgery and spending four weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nannen and Vicki Lynn of Lincoln were Sunday guests at the Leonard Heard home. Johnny and Jimmy Beck spent Tuesday afternoon with their aunt, Mrs. Edward Grell and , l , 4 r,J. if 5 "-Oit. II I Your rioiiaay ) ewe Fruit Bowl with Several Bunches of These California Sweet Red Emperor 0X 1 ban u 4 Frosh, Tender. Calif. Pascal, ' Fancy Fresh California . n Dates Lb 39c 2 Lb. 69c Fancy and Extra Fancy Red Roma Beauty Lb VI7C Bosc or De Anjou ' Pears Lb. 23c U.S. No. I Idaho Lb YeS'sw Or?.:cn3 4 bo9 2yc Fancy Fresh Ocean Spray Lbs, Mr 'Ml Ik Sunburn Aulomolt Mil boon Food Club Stuffed Mamanilla OSives lO-oi. Jar Food Club Jumbo ftioe OEives No. I Tall Cans Food Club Candied Sweet Dill Stick 16-01. Jar " Food Club Fresh Pack Sweet f -q Cucumber Chips 16-01. Jars " C For Salads or Desserts Red Maraschino IO'i-oi. Jar McarshmaHow Creme Pi jar.2s49c Topping for, Holiday Desserts f Dream Whip 2-oi. Pkgs ", k New England a 7 Kilt am m. ' QMr wmze mear 28.o. jar "w , Food Club Pure Peach . Preserves 20-oi. Jar ....I w. 3 r-W-? - . Holiday Candy & Nut Features u.i rs c i Candv Canes tva:.0 six : .29c - - Mol-O-Sweet Chocolate Stars Bo ...39c Mel-O-Sweet Old Fashioned Christmas Mix 28-oi. .Bag .. Mel-O-Sweot , Chocolate Drops l2, Mol-O-Sweet ' 100 Filled Candy, 4.o, Bag....33C iii a c i. r- i Peanut Clusters 7-or. Box A." Mel-u-sweot Assorted Chocolates 3 box i89 Mel-O-Sweet - 1 Chocolate Cherries 12-or. Box . . JC Sophie Mae ...J!cKut Orittle 14.0i. Box ...i...39c Filled Peciriufs jwkui uild 9-oi. uag Fancy J Mixed 'Nuts- 59c ft,?. 89c- Large ilia J, Filberts ,.Lb. Ba9 i. 45c I op rresn fancy yuanry , Hossfed Peasiuts , .Lb . B .....3?c Large Size Diamond VaSnuts , Lb. Bag y. 59c r ' 1 8,11 p'1' v 7 ) 2) Del Monte or Food Club, No. 303 Can. J Del Monte or Libby's No. 2V2 Can. ..A For MM JL m SPRY SPECIAL YOU PAY ONLY "6. IMPERIAL margarine tastes like, the I "70t spread" C YOU PAY CML LUCKY WHIP Cl 1 XNtV I1IIHC GIANT F''r ONLY GOOD LUCK FREE TOWEL OFFER ueimu on Docuget N'". Jrt I -Lb. Cartoni 2 s 55c kMAK-tairiti 7 Drink, Del Monte, 46-oz. Can 100-Ft. Roll If Icq Cream Vanilla, Chocolafe or Srawbcrry to'r 89 c 1 flayer, a? ?a 49c m 2?65c ir 13 7 r , IT)' !, .CI'1 1 A" Terry.