The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
THC PLATTCMOUTH, NCBRASKA, RfMI-VArrKLY JOURNAL. If if if IV f PACK SIX Thursday. December 15, I960 QTtzTi rlOWR Of 4X1 VCl W Pff p.m. pre- Christmas Program By OES At Masonic Homo Sunday evening at 6:30 thf. Eastern Star offirers .'ented the members ol the Ma . f jfi ir Home with a very fine program. Raymond Evers, Sup ( rinl'wdent of the Home and Worthy Patron, introduced Ruth Rame, Worthy Matron who preMded during the evening. entertaining were Nan cy, Susan and Janet Evers, pi ano; Hud Lewis and Roger Rob erts guitar numbers; a quar tet composed of Delbert Todd, Mary Rogers Dorothy Gruber and Merle Rogers; Linda Herre, uecordian; Marcia McQuin, pi ano. Also Patty Smith, solo; Roger Hutchinson, piano; sophomore triple trio, Ginenne, Nolte, pi ano; Elaine Tlustos, Ballet; Carol Schiiener, piano; Carol Smith, organ; Steven Nielsen .'poke a piece; Clair Julian, solo; Susan Lutz, tap dance. And Marlyn Hutchinson, or P.nn; Miss Heverly George sang Christmas carols. Alter the program the officers visited in the rooms and pre sented each member with a plate of cookies. Former Residents To Be Honored Here Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wilson of Fremont, former Plattsmouth residents, will be honored Dec. 18 at a reception from 2 to 5 p.m. The affair, commemorating the 50th wedding anniversary of the couple, will be held at St. John's Hall on Main Street, Plattsmouth. Friends, relatives and old nei ghbors are invited to attend without further invitation. Mrs. Graham Hostess To ULCA Meeting The ULCA held their' meet ing Dec. 7 in the church par lors, with Mrs. Aibert Graham as hostess. The meeting was called to or der by the president Mrs. Albert Hanson. Thirteen members an swered roll call. Minutes of the previous meeting was read by the secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Mei singer. Devotions, and the lesson, Christmas Songs, was given by Mrs. Ralph Parkenlng. . The members agreed to bake Christmas cookies and take them to the convalesent homes in the county, also to visit some of the elderly shut-ins. The meeting was closed by singing Christmas carols and re peating the Lord's Prayer and Missionary Benediction. The January meeting will be held in the evening at the home of Mrs. Albert Hanson. To Jerry Backemeyer Mrs. Jaycees Are Hostesses At Holiday Party Plattsmouth Mrs. Jaycees were hostesses to their husands Saturday evening at the Blue Flame Room of the Gas Com pany for their third annual Christmas anniversary party. The evening was spent in vis iting and playing cards, for which Mrs. Harold Smock re ceived high score and Dan Hueb ner low score. This was a covered dish affair, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all the couples attending. The co-chairmen for the par ty were Mrs. Orval Kahler, Mrs. Wayne Schneider and Mrs. Har old Smock. r. 4 V A Classified Ad in The Journal cost as little as 50 cents. NOW YOU CAN BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS COAT or DRESS- a n 3 1 O ; : i i' 1 i'TTT BIG LADIES COATS RECULAR LENGTHS AND Shorties s17.95 SHORTIES FROM RECULAR LENCTHS FROM DRESS SALE MANY STYLES $3.98 '6.98 $8.98 LADIES TOGGERY I A. V j , " Vf i I; ALVO (Special) Methodist Church was the set ting for the 8 p.m. Sunday wed ding of Miss Karen Howe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Howe, and Jerry Backemeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Backemeyer of Elmwood. The bride's gown of lace over satin featured a bateau neckline with lace trim. The skirt was fashioned with a bustle back accented by stream ers topped by two satin roses and ended in a chapel train. Miss La Von Howe of Cedar Rapids, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Miss Bever ly Tycson of Lincoln was brides maid. Mrs. Merle Backemeyer of Elmwood was bridesmatron. Flower girls were Ardith and Marva Howe, sisters of the Mrs. Jerry Backemeyer The Alvo bride, and Candle lighters were Chip and Terrel Dreamer. Randy Kempke of Walton was ringbearer. Serving as best man was Merle Backemeyer of Elmwood. Groomsmen were Eugene Eick erman of Alvo and Roger Hoppe of Milford. Ushers were Milton Leefer of Unadilla and Aaron Howe, brother of the bride. ""' On their return trip through southern states, Mr. and Mrs. Backemeyer will live in Lincoln. The bridegroom attended the Vocational Technical Trade School at Milford. The bride is affiliated with the GateWay Bank at Lincoln. Miss Ruth Dreamer of Lin coln was organist and Ray Rose now, soloist. Civic Club Meets At Mrs. Amato's Home The Plattsmouth Civic Wo men's Club held their December meeting Dec. 12, at the home of Mrs. Louis Amato. The busi ness meeting was presided over by President Mrs. George Sarv er who gave a report on the Federated Women's Clubs Con ference attended by herself and other delegates. Mrs. Sarver enumerated the various accomplishments by the Federated Women's Clubs not only on the state and national level, but more specifically in this particular club. Among these accomplishments were monetary contributions to the Help Willie See Drive, the Pennies for Art fund, and the sponsorship of a student to Girls State. The work on the King Korn Karnival was one of the projects on which a large number of the members actively participated. It was generally agreed by those present that all of the pro jects help not only those di rectly indicated, but also give the club a feeling of esprit des corns and solidarity. The program following the business meeting was presented by a fabric company. It fea tured slides showing decorating techniques and the many use of fabrics in the home. Accom panying the slides was a nar rative explaining how each dec orating difficulty shown was overcome and describing each different fabric. At the conclusion of the pro gram the women had refresh ments served in a truly festive atmosphere. The group exchang ed presents and ended the meet ing by singing Christmas carols. VFW Junior -Auxiliary Has Christmas Party The Veterans of Foreign Wars Club rooms was the setting on Wednesday night of a Christ mas party of the Junior Aux iliary. Dancing preceded the short business session conducted by Karen Porter, Junior Auxiliary president. Roll call was answer- , ed by 23 members in attendance. Plans are being formed for the mother-daughter tea to be held in January. An invitation will be extended the Ladies Aux iliary to attend the Junior meet ing in February. The family Christmas party of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Auxiliary will be held Dec. 22 with a covered dish din ner, and Santa's presence an nounced by the Juniors conclud ing of the Christmas program. Meeting adjourned with a prayer by Dixie Wilson, chap lain. A Christmas party following with singing of Christmas carols with Christine Uher at the piano. A circle was formed by the Juniors and at conclusion of the song fest, the gift held by each was accepted as a gift exchange. Mrs. Helen Liddick, Mrs. Ruth Porter and Mrs. Sophia Wolever presented each Junior with a Christmas corsage. Hostesses Mary Tibbs, and Patty Campbell served holiday cookies and punch. WSCS at Alvo ALVO (Special) The WSCS j met Wednesday afternoon at the I church, basement. Mrs. Boyd Ed I wards conducted the choral j sing, assisted by Mrs. Harold Timblin. Mrs. Marion Kellogg read the prayer calendar, j The business meeting after i the program was conducted by j Mrs. A. B. Stroemer, chairman. The WSCS served the lunch 1 at the Elmer Klyver sale and served the meal the day of Will Timblin's services and held their annual bazaar since the last meeting. Huebner Home Scene of Festive Mrs. Jaycees Party The home of Mrs. Dan Hueb ner was festively decorated for the December meeting of the Mrs. Jaycees, held Monday eve ning. Business meeting was called to order by the president, Jean Schneider, with Mrs. Charles Grosshans giving devotions. Helen Smock reported on the treats which the Mrs. Jaycees will give to the children attend ing the Jaycees annual free Christmas movie for children. Five members volunteered to assist with the distribution of the treats. Mrs. Orval Kahler reported on the Bloodmobile which will be in Plattsmouth Monday, Dec. 19. The Mrs. Jaycees are in charge of the canteen. The outstanding Mrs. Jaycees project was discussed and the point system announced. There was some discussion re garding the decorating for the annual awards banquet of the Jaycees. The Mrs. Jaycees had been asked to handle the decora ting. Year books were distributed to the five new members A report was given on the an niversary party for our hus bands, which was thoroughly en joyed. Following the business meet ing the ladies attending enjoyed a gift exchange. Mrs. Huebner, the hostess, as sisted by Mrs. Bob Hutton, served refreshments. Legion Auxiliary Meets at Eagle EAGLE The American Le- eion Auxiliary met Dec. 5 at the! home of Mrs. Anna Folken. Mrs. Nina Frohlieh was co-hos tess. Eight members answered roll call. The president. Mrs. Mary Old- field, who is ill was unable to I attend so the vice president, Mrs. Anna Folken, conducted! the meeting. It, was voted to make t w o Tarlton men for the Veterans! Hospital also to contribute to! "The Yanks Who Gave." Cedars Home and to the "Little Red School House." Eleven members paid their 1961 dues. A late Xmas party was planned for the next meet ing date, Jan. 2, 1961. Every one is to bring a covered dish and a 50 cent gift for the grab; bag. It will be at 6:30 m tne evening. Announcement of the place of the party will be madei later. Mrs. Carrie Schmidt drew the door prize. Lunch was served by the hos tesses. Regular Meeting of the VFW Held Tuesday The regular meeting of the VFW was held on Tuesday at the club rooms with twenty-five members in attendence. Report on membership shows that at this time there are 271 members. The campaign Is still on and it is hoped to reach the 100 per cent goal by January 15th. Glenn Jones, a new mem ber, was obligated at the meet ing. Following the regular ses sion a chili supper was enjoyed. Members are urged to bring the children to the family Christ mas party on Thursday, Dec. 22 at the club rooms. Each boy and girl bring a small ' gift to exchange, not costing over 50c. CALENDAR Golden Gleams The child is father of the , man; And I could wish my days to be Bound to each by natural piety. Wordsworth. 1st Door East of Plattsmouth State Bank Makes such ? vision to the sight as fills a fathers' eye with light. Son Mr. and Mrs. Byion Finne frock of Omaha are parents of a son born Nov. 25 weighing 4 lbs. He has been named Douglas Michael. Paternal grandmother is Mrs. Sadie Reher of Denver, Colo. Daughter Mr. and Mrs. William Allgeier of this city are parents of a daughter, born at 8:30 a.m. Monday at St. Catherine's hos pital, Omaha. She weighed 8 pounds at birth and has been named Jennifer Ann. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Allgeier of Raltson.and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young of this city. Mrs. Jennie Gray of this city is great grandmother. Coleridge. Journal Want Ads Pay Thursday, Dec. 15 Eagles Auxiliary will meet at 8 p.m. for their Christmas Party. There will be a $1 gift exchange. Officers meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 15 Gleaners Circle will meet in the Memorial Room at the Methodist Church at 8 p.m. There will be a 50 cent gift ex change. Thursday, Dec. 15 Members of the Sunbbnnet Garden Club and Birthday Club will hold their Christmas party and dinner at the Coffee Shop beginning at 12:30. Friday, Dec. 16 Chapter F PEO will meet with Mrs. Mathilde Pein for a dessert luncheon at 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 19 Cass County Salon No. 441 Eight and Forty meeting at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Karl Grosshans. Gift exchange. Monday, Dec. 19 Cub Scout Pack Meeting will meet at Central Cafeteria in stead of the Gym. Tuesday, Dec. 20 VFW Auxiliary meeting. There will be a Christmas gift exchange. A Classified Ad In The Journal cost as little as 50 cents. i,i!::;!'''i Santa's here with gifts to cheer and we've values as BIC as the Old Boy himself to make your Christmas shopping easy and economical. Be smart get an early start. Shop now while our selection is at its very best BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA AND PROJECTOR a0lnlLy0R $59 95 KODAKS with Flash Attachments $10 50 UP REVLON GIFTS $1.50 TO $10.00 ALL MAKES ELECTRIC SHAVERS F0R LADIES CL.LV- I jnMYtl3 OR GENTLEMEN LEATHER BILLFOLDS $3.95 TO $18.75 V' if y U o o. Q f Cepr. A'ftt-t fx hang Inc. c. PLASTIC Trucks CARS & ENGINES GIFTS FOR MEN OLD SPICE - HIS - 25c to $2.00 SICNITURE-YARDLEY GAMES $ KINGS MEN - FOR YOUNC crrn-rLi and old -SEA FORTH 25c to $5.00 YORKTOVVN 1781 -chess sets f And All Standard Lines DOMINOS W 25cH.o $"00 ? $1.00 TO $1.25 CHRISTMAS A. f LICHTS .J STRINC OF 7 I $1.00 $ Fancy . Ornaments I 10c to $1.00 TINSEL 10c & 25c PERFUME FOR MY LADY MY SIN WHITE SHOULDERS CHANEL YARDLEY RED ROSE FABERCE COTY MAX FACTOR TUSSY AND ALL OTHER STANDARD LINES' $1.00 TO $15.00 TIMEX AND WESTCLOX WATCHES $5.95 TO $19.95 " CANDLES FOR YULETIDE PLEASURE OR A CIFT 25c TO $5.00 COMB & BRUSH SETS NYLON PLASTIC OR NATURAL BRISTLES. SETS FOR ANY ACE! $1.00 TO $12.00 CIGARS ASSORTED SIZES AND PACKAGES 25c TO $6.00 STATIONERY PLAIN AND FANCY 59c TO $3.00 PENS & PENCILS PARKER o SHEAFFER SCRIPTO PAPER MATE ESTFRBROOK 98c TO $10.00 WRAPPINGS - TAGS TAPE & BOWS 5c TO $2.00 CLOCKS MANTEL OR WALL ELECTRIC OR WIND $3.95 TO $12.00 ASSORTED NUTS BULK OR IN CANS 89c TO $3.00 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES $2.95 UP STOVER'S THE SWEETEST GIFT OF ALL ASSORTED PACKAGES 1-2-3 OR 5 POUNDS 7 fo $6. 75 We Give S & H GREEN STAMPS