The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Section C, Image 22
Stander Implement Co. John Deere Implements & Parts 141 So. 3rd Phone 4178 B Cr H SHOES jhoci Expertly Fitted 'Your fripnc)!y Family Shop Store" Rivcrvicw Cr Hillcrest Nursing Homes Mr. and Mr'.. Roy Moore ; FELDHOUSEN DRUG ;! "Your Friendly Drufj J 522 Main Phone 6177 MOM'S CAFE J Mals and Short Orders I ; 420 Main ;! wner WIMPY'S INN Our Feed Is O-SO-COOD 21 1 Chicago Ave. Phone 204 Plattsmouth Transfer Omaha - Plattsmouth Twice-a-Day Service Phone 5255 j LUCSCH CLEANERS ij ; Your Headquarters for the Finest in Cleaning & Pressing ! We Pick Up and Deliver ; 429 Main Phone 230 SWATEK HARDWARE Your Skelgas Dealer 433 Main Phone 5119 ij RUSE APPLIANCE & ij MOTORS ; Appliances of All Kinds J Cood Used and New Cars ;! TELEVISION SETS I; 546 Main Phone 263 l KENT OIL CO. I Tire and Tube Repairing ', 'i't Auto Supplies ;! 1 1 u I Ave. u rnone zi 1101 Ave. D Phone 215 PLATTSMOUTH STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation HE BEST CHRISTMAS THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material ( support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. 'mix ' P Y y Day Book Chapter Verses Sunday Isaiah 4 2 Monday Luke 2 7-11 Tuesday Luke 2 12-16 Wednesday Luke 2 17-21 Thursday Matthew 2 1-6 Friday Matthew 2 10-15 Saturday Luke 1 46-55 w-ov. Mommy said that this year I could help trim the tree, if I'd be very careful. The ornaments are po shiny and bright, and it's such fun to decide where to put them. Mommy let me help fix our little creche, too. I put in the figure of the Christ Child and He looked so pretty ... all sort of pink and gold. We fixed the creche first because Mommy said that we must al ways remember that Christmas is, first of all, the Christ Child's v . birthday. When wo finish trimming the tree, Mommy is going to read us the story about the first Christmas . . . about the shepherds and the angels . . . about the Wise Men and their star . . . about the little Jesus, born in Bethlehem, in a manger. Mommy's told me the story before but she says that this year I'm big enough to stay up with the rest and hear her read it. And, of course, we'll go to Church, and Mommy says I can carry my fur muff. I think this is going to be the best Christmas I've ever had! Cass County Churches First Presbyterian Plattsmouth Baptist Ebenezer EUB Louisville Methodist 7th St.-2nd Ave. 34514 Main Murdock Louisville First Methocflst Wesleyan Methodist St. Paul Lutheran Eagle Methodist 7th and Main , 617 So. 10th Weeping Water Eagle First Christian First Baptist Union Methodist South Bend American No. 8th-Ave. C No. 9th-Ave. E Union So. Bend Hall St. Paul's E & R Christian Science Society Trinity Lutheran United Presbyterian 5th St.-Ave. A 6th St.-2nd Ave. Murdock Murray St. Luke' Episcopal Reorganized Church LDS Elmwood Methodist Creenwood Methodist 3rd St.-Ave. A Library Auditorium Elmwood Greenwood St, John's Catholic Christ Lutheran Callahan Community Mynard EUB 513 Ave. C Louisville Road Murdock Mynard Holy Rosary Catholic Nehawka EUB St. Paul EUB Trinity Lutheran 1610 1st Ave. Nehawka Elmwood Eagle First Lutheran Immanuel Lutheran Cedar Creek Presbyterian First Congregational Washington Ave.-Ave. D Eaele Cedar Creek Weeping Water FRADY GARAGE Expert Service on All Cars Acetylene & Electric Welding " Weaver Steering Correction 125 S. 4th Phone 4113 .WWVWVVWVVW'; THE Plattsmouth Journal Published Monday and Thursday 410 Main Phone 241 TIEKOTTER BLDG. SERVICE We Build Anything, Anywhere. Phon. 9177 EXPERT SHOE REPAIR SERVICE Pittman Shoe Repair Polishes Laces Accessories 6th & MAIN Linder Firestone Tires-Accessories-Appliances Philco Washers, Dryers, TV 134 N. 6th Dial 5114 THE STYLE SHOP For Miss and Mrs. 540 Main Phone 6116 i HUEBNER'S "66" Service Station ; Tank. Wagon Service jl ! Washing Creasing ;! Tire Repairing ! J j Battery Recharging ', ;' 301 Chicago Ave. Phone 212 FARLEY FURNITURE Your Home Deserves the Best in Furnishings 118 South 6th Phone 260 GAMBLE'S Herb Freeburg, Ovner Home Furnishings Appliances Hardware Main St. Phone 3254 Plattsmo uth Lumber ' Co. for Top Quality ,j 126 So. 4th Phone 285 3; EWEL COAL SATTLER FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 4th St. & Ave. A Phone 3123 3154 SERVICE RAY & JOHN'S SALES Motorola TV & Radio ) j! TV and Radio Repair ' Speed Queen Washers & Dryers J ;j 5th & Main Phone 233 ij SMITH'S ;j J Boy's Cr Men's Wear i ! Shoes Coats l ! Suits Furnishings c CALDWELL-LINDER FUNERAL HOME Personal Attention Thoughtful Service 24 Hour Ambulance Service Plattsmouth Phone 4111