The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Section C, Page PAGE ONE, Image 17
THE rLATTSMOUTII JOURNAL Section C PAGE ONE Thursday, December 15, 1900 (J i. . wit ' ... . V. .... V.t ' .' Va' V' '-V '.v . 'v ; V V. 'C! V S, ' Vi '.il Va -Va -v ' i i! . . :.''r ft -ii - , ' v '' ' I GL I SANTA'S CANDID CAMERA Santa is greeting hundreds of youngsters like this little girl here. Santa Land is open nightly at the Chamber of Commerce Office on Main Street from 7 to 9, except Sundays, through Dec. 23. EUWOOD NEWS Ruth Monning Phone 52167 Calendar: Bluebird Club at Augusta Robb's, Dec. 20; Till We Meet Again Club, Dec. 22; American Legion, Dec. 22. Mr. and Mrs. George Bronn of Lincoln, a brother of C. A. Bronn and Mr. and Mrs. Clay ton Bronn of Long Beach, Calif., a nephew, visited at the C. A. Bronn home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Stock are parents of six-month-old John Charles. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wendt who are happy to have their first grand child. Mrs. Stock was Dorothy Wendt. Those going by train to Brigh ton, Colo., Dec. 1 to attend the funeral of Mrs. Opal Abbott were Mrs. Henry Wendt, Mrs. Robert Kunz and their father, Alton Miller. Mrs. Abbott's mother was Mr. Miller's sister. They stopped off for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lin der at Loveland but found them not at home. They report that the Linders have bought a home and will move there soon. The group returned from their trip Dec. 6. Mrs. T. G. Allen and daugh ter Carol of Maysville, Mo., ar rived at the home of her sister, the Eldon Mendenhalls. They came Friday night and left early Monday morning. Dec. 11, Mrs. Lulu Kunz cele brated her 82nd birthday. Hav ing dinner at her home were Mrs. Elda Lenz, Marie Rosen ow. Miss Minnie Kunz and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Schomaker, Vic kie and Marjie. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Lenz of Amherst called on Mrs. Elda Lenz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rosenow and three children and Vickie Schomaker went to Lincoln on Sunday to hear The Messiah. Guests at the Donald Freden burg home for Sunday dinner were Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Ein ger and Mrs. Gussle Jockens. Rickie and Robbie Clements were honored on their 10th birthday Sunday by having din ner at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Clements. Also present !were their other grandmother, Mrs. Alfred Horstman of Casper, Wyo., and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Clements and bro ther Gregg. Mrs. Horstman ar rived Thursday and will stay through Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Armstrong went to Havelock to visit his brother, Glenn Armstrong, who has' not been well for some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scho maker and son Vick went to call on the family of Mrs. Jam es Sedlak of Plattsmouth last Saturday. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cary, Ray mond Schomaker of Coimcil Bluffs and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schomaker of Lincoln. Mrs. Sed lak was the mother of Mrs. Ar nold Schomaker. Several visitors were noted in the congregation at the EUB Church Sunday, Including Mr. an4"Mrs. Archie Miller of Alvo, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eicher man of Greenwood, Rev. and Mrs. Walter Lenz of Amherst, Mrs. Edmond Steiner and chil dren. Several of these came to wedding Sunday. Special music for church services was the eight clarinet girls and their leader, Sanford Clements. Pastor James Hansen of the Methodist Church arrived home Friday as usual from Kansas City where he is attending school. A Wesleyan student. Clark Vier, spent the day Sun day at the Hansen home. His home is at Hammond, Wis., and he is a friend of the Hansens. Special music was a solo by Mrs. Robert Oldfield at church A family dinner was held at the Christian Church Sunday at the supper hour, after which an hour of singing, mostly of Christmas carols was enjoyed. Next Sunday, the Christmas program will be held. The La dies Council will meet next Fri day with Mrs. Arley Hill as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clements were in Lincoln Sunday to call on relatives. Among those attending The Messiah Sunday at the Coliseum In Lincoln were the Edmund Steiner family, the Richard Pratt family and the Lester Rosenows. . . . Just 10 Days 'Til Christmas! The Holiday Season is Here! You are busy shopping and making gifts. Let us help you by keeping your wardrobe clean and bright. Just Phone - 230 -We'll Be There Promptly DRESS SHIRT LAUNDRY SERVICE! For That Dressed Right Appearance. LUGSCH CLEANERS 429 Main AND LAUNDERERS Phont 230 Plattsmouth Former Residents Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ken nedy of Hawthorne, Calif., for mer residents of this commun ity, were honored on their 60th redding anniversary Nov. 2 7. The observance began with the immediate family and relatives attnding early mass. After a y:30 a.m. breaklast was served, family group pictures were tak en. A 6:00 dinner was served for the immediate tamily and other guests. Present for the occasion were their sons and daughter-in-law Mi. and Mrs. Paul Kennedy of Gardena, Calif., Mrs. and Mr. Edward J. Kennedy of Monro via, Calif., Michael Kennedy of La.s Vegas, Nevada, William J. Kennedy, Jr. of Gardena, Calif., Donald F. Kennedy of Los Angeles, Calit., their daughters and sons-in-law Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Spradlin of Gardena, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ernie M. Han&en of Los Angeies, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Wallace of Hawthorne, Calif, and tneir grandchildren Joann, Michal Jr, Patrick and Timothy Kennedy and Jeffrey and Catherine Wal lace. Guests attending the dinner were Edward C. Kennedy of Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. James Cusick of Long Beach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Cusick of North Hollywood, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. William Petersen of Fresno, Calif, Mr.! and Mrs. Samuel Langland of Los Angeles, Edson Chandler and Mrs. Woodward of Central City, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rausch of Long Beach, Calif., and Mrs. Florence Wallace and Mr. Joseph Kimbaugh, both ofj Los Angeles. Miss Joann Kennedy was in charge of the guest book. Mrs. Kennedy was gowned in an afternoon dress of black iitvjjc. lici Luiaagc was it gum orchid. Mr. Kennedy's bout toniere was a yellow carnation. Open house held in the after noon at the home was attended by many relatives and friends who extended congratulations. Many gifts, flowers, cards, tele grams and long distant calls were received. Former Nebraska residents caljing on the honored couple included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Car penter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Galvin, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Han sen, Mrs. Anna Harm'es, Mrs. Maggie Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rummel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, Mr, and Mrs. Ray McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wells. Also J. J. Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. George Hennings, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, Mr. and Mrs. Tonny Bruick, James, Francis, Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tighe, Elsie Shepardson, Ora Shipman, Mr. and Mrs. William and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Car per and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Fisher. y w if IS I SHOPPING. . .REMEMBER From SMITH'S, Cass County's Only Exclusively Men's Store. Your's Christmas will be merrier if you get his gift heref All year round, it's our business to know what men like in the way of wearables. Therefore when you choose your man's gift here, you know it will be RICHT to his taste! BEFORE YOU STOP A' THIS IS THE YEAR FOR SWEATERS! Sweaters Are "The Gift" This Year! Select from our ample stocks of Shawl jj Collars, Pull-over, V-Necks, Bulky Knits. They are all of the finest wool and jfo SHOP SMITH S FOR SWEATERS. & $6.99 to KP Kookers New Boys Baking Club MURDOCK (Special) Ten boys met at Dale Murdoch's Dec. 7 to organize a 4-H Baking Club. They decided to call themselves "The KP Kookers." They chose the following of ficers: president, Dale Murdoch; vice president, Darrell Stock; secretary, John Meisinger; re porter, Billy Joe Trutna. Leader is Mrs. Lyle Stock with Mrs. John Murdoch and Mrs. Dick McCoy as assistants. ' Next meeting will be Dec. 17 at Darrrell Stock's home. . I T.i in ii fi'wim m mimHW'iw urn; is i I lr WHREVERY0UG0"'WHATEVERY0UD0 J IIHIBSW J,VW to ffl 1 M9.50 WhW JJ Wf 'V ff t IF YOU ARE NOT SURE '., 1l , GIVE HIM A GIFT CERTIFICATE Sigi?' S ; (;' t JJz A JACKET IS A r--- I trTWX M ' SZlaSe HEART WARMER TO MB dQlMShi ' f TT AMAN!:.,,, 1$$ tfBVftStft' " I T Afft jackets -light weight and work jackets Jf U TM'iWW ' Jt4J' I I PI! Here at SMITH'S you'll find a com- A'rfuS tfif G 04MS$ I r--l4.f--llr ! 81W plete assortment warm fingertips - it ' 4,if4"s I fS slacks imWK U mmM?Tk?J a - ;- SLIPPERS ill !ii-'3 &VfcifSII I sport jackets will long winter I !flf I itit:: J cvemn8S- T M kBM I Wm I f :B ' FR0M I W I SpiJ 5 up -W .50 MJ, ' ' 111 "" I I Welfare Society Has Xmas Party WEEPING WATER (Special) The Welfare Society met Monday in the Lodge Hall for their Christmas luncheon with sixteen members and two guests, Mrs. Sam Hughes and Mrs. Hobart Henson, present. - Hostesses were Mrs. R. L. Kin ton, Mr. Ed Steinkamp and Mrs. Milton Prall. Mrs. Kinton pre sided at the meeting following the luncheon. Mrs. Herbert Petersen and Mrs. Fred Ward presented the program. Mrs. Ward had charge of the devotions and read the Christmas story from the scrip tures, closing with prayer. Christmas carols were sung and games were played. Mrs. Ted Carnes' gave a reading, "Christmas for All" and Mrs. Petersen read a story, "The Shepherd Who Didn't Go." A gift exchange was held. SPORTS SHIRTS , Bluebird News The Happiness Bluebirds held a meeting at .Lynn Crace's home Nov. 7. We made our parent's Christmas presents. We sang "The Blue birds." Susan Lutz brought the refreshments. Emmy Lu Love A Classified Ad In The Journal cost as little as 60 cents. j: You're Still Wondering : I : PAJAMAS MEN'S JEWELRY SETS ' v. r a i Atpr nrrp El; SAMSON ITE LUCCACE HATS K CAPS HANDKERCHIEFS I U?St 41 W'l THERMAL UNDERWEAR I t!4&Si S? ! NOVELTY VESTS NOVELTY ITEMS I; rWSnilSj $ l WORKCLOTHINC I; tmWjZfiH W ;l YOU'LL ENJOY CHRISTMAS SHOPPINC ', ffWfK &!; ATSMUH'S j; W$M'4f) W 'K- a r WfWS - - 0 ; V U Aw" ' lsJ$ ' ARROW DRESS j4Sra, rtW" 1 4.JU j" , P f l 1TIM,.'J4S,A ills lo dross up a follows Ohi'islniiis 1 Ax.n..r Great for holiday festivities and every- 3 CAMPUS ' STYLES day activities . . . grand to find under the v Christmas tree . . . smart clothes for smart Wash and younq fellows. Our selection includes Wear. 7 3 fa i .. tail, everything they need, from good-look- In Mr. TALL Models, Too. '"9 suits, slacks, shirts to socks and fyj ties ... ail priced to please "Santa." ITil 11 -U 1111 501 MAIN " PHONE 5 1 18 FREE BOXES OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. TIL XMAS j .. . ., w - 1 m few I e V!V, W.-SJ;'J . tov. Ct. T ., T!,i,!!V;,';'s,., 4.fcA.xi .. -nt" T ft iti a Mm