The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Section B, Image 16
Wilson Biekford and Reggie and Harry Potts and Jim at tended the basketball name at Ralston Friday nlpht. Mrs. Eldon Moore, Mrs. Byron Bak er and Mrs. Harry Potts spent the evening with J.Irs. Wilson Biekford and played pinochle. George Goolsby of Sterling Is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mather and fam ily and is shucking corn. Sun day dinner guests at, the Ma ther home were Harlon Stock, George Goolsby, Wayne Mather, Irvin Mather. Mrs. Jennie Ma ther and Linda Parson of Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark and La Mar were evening gu ests. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allgayer Sr. were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Compton and family of Syracuse. Mr. and Mrs. James Her mance and Jo Ann of Lincoln werp Snnrlav iniests of Mr and Mrs. Wilson Biekford and Reg gie. Jo Ann remained at the Biekford home until Tuesday uhpn thev took hrr home Mrs. Clayton Cooper and chil dren attended the Western Elec tric party at the Orpheum The ater Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Urwin Clifford Coooer. Clayton Coon er, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Coop er of Omaha. Mrs. Mabel Mic- kel and Wayne of Lincoln, Mr.! and Mrs. Bernard Elrod of Crete have visited Mrs. Clifford Cooper at Immanuel Hospital in Omaha where she is a pa tient. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Harmon attended the smoreasbord on Wednesday evening at the Me thodist Church in Elmwood They were evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finley of Elmwood. 'ranK Domingo suffered a heart attack Wednesday night. He was taken to Lincoln Gen eral Hospital Friday morning His daughter. Mrs. James Ow ens and children of Loup City came to Lincoln to be with her father and is staying with rel atives in Lincoln. Mrs Domin go has had the cast removed from her arm the nast, week She broke it a second time a few weeks aco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts of Omaha spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ro berts. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patton and Mrs. Wayne Patton and daughters of Anaheim, Calif., were Fridav dinnpr enests nf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hohnrath of Nebraska Citv. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruns of Dunbar were Sunday supper i sue sis oi Mr. ana Mrs. Harold ; Bruns and family. Frank Con ley was a Sunday dinner guest. Mrs. Walter Saxtnn was n Thursday afternoon caller of Mrs. Harold Bruns and family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nic kels were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Upton and family. Mrs. Henry Knaup attended a Delta Delta Delta Mothers Club one o'clock luncheon and Christmas party at the chapter house in Lincoln Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Beck nnd Charles Miller were Tuesday ! supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. j William Klemme and Steve hon-; oring Steve on his 14th birth-! day. i Mrs. Stella Wiles was a birth- j day supper and evening guest 1 of Mrs. J. M. Ranney and Mar garet. Mrs. Adam Cook is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and family of Omaha. Shirley Upton was a Sunday overnight guest of Carol Nic kels. Carol was a Saturday din ner and lunch guest at the Ar nold Upton home. The Sophomore class went to the Francis Thoren farm on Sat urday and spent the afternoon picking up corn. The proceeds will go into the class fund for use in their Junior year. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark and Brenda of Lincoln spent Sunday with Edgar Burgen. The Crusader Class of the Christian Church held their second Bible study on Sunday evening. Mrs. Arnold Upton was in charge of the devotions and a musical quiz. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strat ton and family of Beatrice were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stratton. They were overnight guests of Mrs. . Martha Rhodes. They were Sun day dinner guests of the Lee Strattons. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Compton oi Nebraska City were Thurs day afternoon guests of Mrs. H. I. Rookstool and Mrs. Gor don Willcoxen. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus, Living ston and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schultz and boys of Walton were Sunday dinner guests for Christmas dinner and a party of Mrs. Sophie Schultz of Col : lege View. They all stayed for lunch in the evening. s a. i x 1 " mmW mmm RKsoSf r At oennichsen's Libby's PUMPKIH 2 c "3 IT Shurfinc Fruit COCKTAIL cJ:: W Shurfine Whole, Peeled APRICOTS "V. 2 W Srarkist Tuna - Noodle DINNER cJ 33" White Syrup KARO ;,Lb if MAZOLA OIL 6IC Shurfine LOUR oT- 83c Instant PREAM 5P Baker's Angel Flake COCONUT pVV 63c Baker's German, Sweet CHOCOLATE X lr Strongheart DOG FOOD 6NcJ65c Pennant Marshmallow CREME I'": 35c S & W Clace CAKE MIX r 5f Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS Bb.. 25c t LB. BAG ALL VEGETABLE SHORTENING 5 DEL MONTE Pineapple DEL MONTE Orange IGA Assorted Flavors 46 OZ. CAN 46 OZ. CAN V Cal. PKG. IS- 39 59 EVAPORATED mm A A n IGA Cream Style cr Whole Kernel fa i 6 NO. 303 CANS ROYAL GUEST $ DEL MONTE Fresh - Cucumber .-.J,ifS 1 EC 15 OZ. JAR 1 29 AG Quartered LB. 0 FOOD KSNC LBS. 2,9- NORTHERN CROWN JGil athan Apples 4 J LB. rS BAG SOENHICHSEN'S BUTCHER SERV. MEAT DEPT. Jiaiiib k. . BONELESS fepSPifclM SMOKED fl "J" COOKED m f I) f ARMOUR mbfll 7 to 10 Lb. Average lfei POUND ) 2C ARMOUR'S Camp Fire Thick Sliced ARN'S HOMEMADE BULK BOX C LBS. $1 LET'S HAVE FUN!! GUESS THE WEIGHT OF THE MAMMOTH WISCONSIN YELLOW CHEDDAR CHEESE ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE FRIDAY, DEC. 16th. (SAMPLES SATURDAY) $3.00 IN CASH TO THE PERSON GUESSING NEAREST TO THE CORRECT WEIGHT OF THIS CHEESE. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS - DUCKS - GEESE - ROASTING HENS FRESH OR SHARP FROZEN ME MATCHED CRYSTAL AND CHINA WARE Hjfij W$M Wf 'i DECORATED IN 22-CARAT COLD! Vfil ' . jeing oble to grace your table wilh this superb quality matched crystal and vkv NsfcLSS'yS ' 'ffY ' 1 j ff &f3 ' (SBCffiii8") ! The pattern is "Prairie Gold", richly decorated in lustrous 22-corat gold, NST .SSrT Jl! Jhf."" S'l ! ' ' j I -S f. J to add beauty and charm to ony table. There are 40 pieces in the complete maSr20 r"-:;, m- it' j jr'tsi ve want you to hove them all absolutely FREE! But you. must act NOW, as . fSl lw?Jy TtB I 'i y1 Ag " J""'r j is limited. Come in today! l 43 JjJSS " ' 4 it jC3C' Morton's Frozen PUMPKIN PIE Big Family AQC Size Pie Morton's Frozen MINCE PIE 55" Big Family C IT C Size Pie OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. HELP YOUR COMMUNITY BY HELPING YOUR CHURCH DEPOSIT YOUR SALES SLIPS & TAPES AND "A Member of Associated Crocers, Inc. Shurfine Frozen W.K. Colden CORN GREEN PEAS 210 oz. QOc Pkgs. J7 Shurfine Frozen BROCCOLI CAULIFLOWER 243c Shurfine Frozen ORANGE . JUICE 3 6C"; 49c Assorted uts Diamond English Walnuts Mixed LB. 59c Polished Pecans LB. 63c Fancy Mixed Nuts LB. 59c Large Brazil Nuts LB. 59c Large Filberts LB. 45c