TREE LICHTS $1.49 OUT DOOR LICHTS SETS $3.59 TREE BULBS MEN'S HAIR BRUSH SETS $2.50 - $4.00 - $7.00 CUFF LINKS TIE CLASPS SHEAFFER SNORKEL FOUNTAIN PEN SETS AT REDUCED PRICES $30.00 set - $17.95 ETC. uWHITOAlfS CANDY" BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS BOXES MIST COLOGNES TABU 20 CARATS COTYS DESERT FLOWER FAIR WARNING ROSE Cr TISHTISH LADIES CAMEO BILLFOLDS $5.00 Cr $7.50 LADIES BILLFOLD SETS - With Matching Lighter And Key Case HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CARDS -GIFT RIBBON MEEKER'S LEATHER BILLFOLDS 5.00 -6.00- 7.50 Cr $10.00 TIMEX WRIST WATCHES WESTCLOX WRIST WATCHES See them here KODAK and BROWNIE GIFT CAMERAS . . . OUTFITS J BROWNIE BROWNlES'feuimlli EROWNIESIZWkaEc SiMtnltk, OUTFIT Electric-eye camera outfit . . .at low, low cost! OUTFIT Newest in flash . . . in a complete gift outfit! Everything you need to tcke pic tures indoori or out including a camera with built-in exposure meter! Now you can get good shotj very shot because the meter shows you exactly where to set the lens. Take black-and-white or color snapshots or slides with pushbutton ease! All for $24,95 Everything for indoor-outdoor snapshooting! Brownie Starmite Camera is small in size, easy to use! A tiny but efficient built-in flash reflector that uses low-cost AG-1 flashbulbs keeps you al ways set to shoot! Camera takes black-and-white or color snap shots and color super-slides. ALL FOR $11.95 OUTFIT Amazing electric-eye camera in complete gift outfit Here is Kodak'samazing Brownie Starmatic Camera in deluxe gift ensemble. Its electric eye meas ures the light and automatically sets the lens for good, clear pic tures. Takes color slides, color snaps, black-and-white. Comes complete with case, flasholder, bulbs, batteries, film. All for $39.95, V BROWNIE Gtlfcmatlc . TfflwU, CAMERA Electric eye makes your settings for you! At last you can have a complete ly automatic movie camera with' electric-eye exposure control at an amazingly low price! No settings to make you just aim and shoot in sun or shade . . . even indoors with photoflood lamps. The electric eye sets the exposure automatically. Has fast f2.3 lens, easy looding. Uses thrifty 8mm film. With fast f2.3 lens $77.50 mi wf BROWNIE 8l)Wu. CAMERA f2.7 Lowest priced movie camera in Kodak history! Join the family fun of making movies! Buying the camera and making the movies are both easy with the new Brownie 8. The price is the lowest ever, and shooting movies is as easy as taking snapshots! Just set a dial to match the day's light ... no other adjustments. Only $24.50 KODAK CINE SojtylYA&Mj CAMERA, TURRET f1.9 Brilliant movie camera with built-in light meter! Step up to this brilliant new camera . . . and step into a new world of movie making sureness and simplicity. Exposure meter has a pointer visible in the view finder. Simply turn the dial to position the pointer and ex posure's right . . . automatically. Completely lens-equipped for regular, wide-angle and tele photo movies. Built-in filters. $99.50 5? r t'" m "la 3 Ml '-..7 JK rr.i ..... - BROWNIE Stwfc OUTFIT U Kodak reflex camera in a top-value flash outfit low, low price but this com plete outfit features Kodak's great Brownie Starflex Camera that tokes Ektachrome color slides as well as color and black-and-white snapshots. Out fit includes the new Kodak Su permite Flasholder (it uses the economical new peanut - size bulbs!) plus batteries, Veri chrome Pan Film, flashbulbs. mi.. $17.50 KODAK RnufH CAMERA OUTFIT For inexpensive indoor outdoor slide shooting The good-looking, easy-louse Kodak Pony II Camera in a sur prisingly low-cost gift outfit. Ideal for 35mm color slides, also capable of fine black-and-white and color snapshots. Outfit .in cludes o handy Kodak Pocket Flasholder, bulbs, and batteries, plus a viewer for your slides. BROWNIE :ftwlUtl20 OUTFIT J 'ersatile camera outfit . . . with tiny built-in flash! Everything for indoor-outdoor picture-taking! Camera takes any kind of picture . . . black - ond-white or color, snapshot or slide! Uses the tiny but powerful, low-cost AG-1 flashbulbs, in built-in 2-inch reflector. Has automatic film metering and double-exposure prevention. All For $42.95 All for $16.50 DON'T DRAG YOUR FEET Take "Super Plenarnins" Multiple Vitamins SUN CUN MOVIE LICHT . . $24.95 LICHT METERS . . $9.95 to $17.95 8MM EDITOR & VIEWER DEVELOPING SET CADCET BAG 8MM MOVIE TITLER . . . POLAROID CAMERA . . . BINOCULARS . . . $4.98 to $39.50 PRESSTAPE SPLICERS ... $ 7.50 ARGUS SLIDE VIEWERS . .$ SLIDE FILES . $ 8MM REEL CHESTS $ $29.95 $10.95 $ 4.98 $15.95 $76.85 2.98 2.25 3.25 FOR XMAS PHOTOS SEE US FOR FILM & FLASHBULBS ALL TYPES OF COLOR FILM it ZIPPO Lighters $3.50 TO $6.50 "EVENING IN PARIS" SETS $1.00 Sets to $15.00 Sets Individual - Colognes -Body Powder - Perfume MAX FACTOR SETS In "HYPNOTIC "PRIMATIVE" "ELECTR1QUE" CIRO COLOGNES AND BATH POWDERS & & 4i Old Spies Pro-Electric 1.00 The before ihave lotion. Old Spic Gift Set 4-50 lorge sires Alter Shove Lotion, Cologne, Body Tocum. SCHREINER'S presents Deiort Flower Gift Set ....6.00 Toilet Water. Beauty Bath Hand and Body Lotion ii brass holder. e " J .JO 3 HI U U T O Fragrance fling 5.53 7oef Water in four Iragrances: Desert Flower. Early American Old Spice, Escapade, Friendship Garden. I I M Spray Colognes 2.50 ... in Desert Flower, Early American Old Spice, fsco pode. Friendship Garden iragrances. Prices plus tax where applicable. Z lO Oca is m m oo 2 lu I X-L o a ce. u HALLMARK GIFT WRAPS . I every night f MUSICAL POWDER BOXES $2.98 - $3.93 - $4.98 PRIMATIVE SOPHISTI-CAT $1.50 JEWEL BOXES ALL PRICES ADD SPICE TO KIS LIFE! GIFT SET vice 900 CIGARS PIPES $1-2.00-7.50 ZIPPO Lighters RONSON Lighter -CIGARETTES PIPE RACKS j TOBACCO POUCHES PORKER CHIP RACKS CIGARETTE HOLDERS I YOU LAN DEPEND ON ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME REXALI 1 Hi WW 4W MM mi 11 ! iBiir nwiii .in A 1 J - .1 m k j 1 .- ; .; 1 r 1 1 1 ww Gilrlsitnas r rmi Dm I ELECTRIC SHAVERS i 4 K 4 NORELCO $24.95 Jjf & aV A V tWith Floating Head $29.95 REMINCTON $29.95 LEKTRONIC REMINCTON ' $35.95 LADY REMINCTON $18.50 SCHICK "1066" $31.50 SCHICK 3 Speed $28.50 SUNBEAM SHAVER $29.50 LADY SUNBEAM ....$14.95 LADIES DRESSER SETS .98 -$10.00 $14.95 - $19.95 . NYLON BRUSH & COMB SETS $2.00 - $2.50 - $3.50 IZ y: vi !i 1 1 t i m I u. I I; ' y4$ ii - ft i ' PERFUME ATOMIZERS EVENING IN PARIS TOILET SET $1.00 to $10.00 'CIRO" SPRAY COLOGNES $3.50 mix f '.1 MISCELLANEOUS GIFTS COMPACTS ..$1.98-52.98 HAND MIRRORS ....$2.65 ROUND THE NECK MIRRORS $3.69 CUTEX MANICURE SETS $2.95-54.25 BARBARA BATES IMPLEMENT SETS $5.45 - $10.00 m diss 4MMt ir ' Vfaw MEN'S LEATHER SHAVING Kl 0