The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Section B, Page PAGE THREE, Image 11
X mews mm union Mrs. L. C. Todd A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chancs James at a Clay Center, Kan., Hospital Dec. 8. The baby wtihed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and was named Lisa IMh. Mr. and Mrs. Kml Baker, parents of Mrs. Ja-nes, were at her home caring for little Deb bie Uaker. Mrs. Baker had the misfortune to have a bad fall and broke her ri;;ht arm in two places, so will be unable to care lor the family. Mrs. Ruth Ketelhut spent last Sunday in Nehawka where she attended Church services and at noon she was a guest of Mrs. Amelia Baliour at a lunch eon Riven by Mrs. Balfour giv en for members of her Sunday Schoof class later In the eve ning Mrs. Ketelhut was brought to Union by friends who also called on Mrs. Todd. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson and Mrs. Ona Kun kel, all of Nehawka. For Cfwcilmoi, ti your beau with one of thai beaulieil J i SOENNICHSEN'S I L. 1 J!! !& 10- CASS THEATRE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 15-16-17 Gordon Scott as Tarzan in "TARZAN THE MAGNIFICENT" Actually filmed in the African Jungle, all in color! Also Cartoon Comedy. Matinee Saturday 2:30 Nights at 7:30 Sunday. Monday, Tuesday, December 18-19-20 "Iflcan't have then I'm "-"St 1 PW! to hurt 18 n'n""" 1 "" $ ricwK ilf.JL .1 II I J tLJ mv. YOUNG CANNIBALS"! sSm mm fh rs RH rv t7jn Today's young moderns! They smash all rules they know no limit! The screen's frankest story! Also Cartoon and News. Mat. Sunday 2:30 Nights at 7:30 Phone 2441 Last Thursday was another "painting day" for a group of the Methodist ladies but other members came in the afternoon at which Mrs. Luella Hansen and Mrs. Earl Herman wfcre hostesses. A short business meeting was conducted by the preidfrnt, Mrs. Rus.sel Easter. Mrs. Todd led the devotions and also read an article entitled "What does the Lord require of You?" Mrs. Racheal Murphy reviewed the last half of the study book, "Faith In Bondage Mrs. Horace Griffin who has been . hospitalized in a Lincoln hospital the past two weeks, was able to return home last Friday. She Is glad to be home, especially now since Christmas is so near. While she is recup erating she is busy writing her Christmas cards and letters. Earl Crawford of Omana was in Union last Monday calling on sOme of her friends and peo pie who were neighbors of the Crawford family when tney used to live here many years ago. His parents and brothers all live In the east, Maryland, Washington and Virginnia. He spent a short time and called on Mrs. Todd also. First Christian Church Choir's Program Sunday The public is invited to the following program to be given Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in the First Christian Church, North 8th and Avenue C by the Choir: Miss Betty Taenzler, music Bimervisni- nf sidnev. Iowa grade schools is the Accompanist and director oi tne unoir. Choir Processional, O Come all Ye Faithful. Scripture and Prayer by the pastor. Congregational singing of fav orite Christmas Carols. Anthem, "Glory to God", Choir. "Christmas Lullaby", Ladies Choir. Solo, "There's a Song in the Air," Mrs. Kenneth Wright. Offering for the cmm saving Institute in Omaha. "Old French Carol", Choir. Mn tn the World". Choir. "I 'Heard the Bells", Quartet, Jackie Godbey, Christine Dun can, Mary and Margaret Taenz ler. Solo, "O Holy Night" George Winscot. "Silent Night", Mixed Sextet, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swabbey Mrs. Dale Jackson, George Win scot. Solo, "I'm a Manager Lowly', Tommy Dittemore. Anthem, "Let the Old Songs Ring", Choir. Choir Recessional, "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Benediction, J. W. Taenzler, Pastor. Call Your News And Social Items to 241 8 you going george Hamilton ems .. CnmiSonw WTROCaot n r I ft Jf ft w V O 0 GOOD LITTLE GIRLS, ARE THEY Santa's tic: all little boys and girls, 100 per cent of them, Headquarters at the Chamber of Commerce Of- have been good the past year. Naturally, they'll fice here (he's there every night but Sunday be rewarded come The Night Before Christmas, from 7 to 9) has turned up an amazing statis- FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH No. 8th and Ave. C. J. W. Taenzler, Pastor Bible School at 9:45. Communion and Sermon at 10.45. Christmas Worship in Music by the Choir 7:30. Thursday Dec. 22, the Bible School will give their Christmas program of recitations and songs closing with a Pageant of the Christmas Story. LOUISVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH J. W. Taenzler, Pastor Sunday: Communion and Worship at 9:00. Bible School at 10:00. ST. PAWS EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH G. E. Seybold, Pastor Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school. 10:30 a.m. Church service. Dec. 24: 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve pro gram by Sunday school, Dec. 25: -10:30-m-Christmas Sefyices and Holy Communion. NEHAWKA E. U. B. CHURCH 7th & Main Streets Rev. Ivan Kilpatrick, pastor Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Worship Service. 10:45 a.m. Church school. Dec. 23: 7 p.m. Christmas program with the film strip, "O, Holy Night." Dec. 25: No services. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Elwin Coolnian, Pastor Library Auditorium Sunday : 9:45 a.m. Church school. 11:00 a.m. Church Servcie, Guest speaker will be High Priest Herbert C. Lively of Om aha. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Followers" of Zion League a Christmas Party will be held. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCn 2 blocks S. of High School Weeping Water, Nebraska The Rev. T. II. Vogel, Pastor Saturday: Saturday School for all 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders of the parish at Immanuel 9 a.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Worship Service. 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 1:30 p.m. Children's Christmas practice. Tuesday: 7:30 p.m. All couples to help trim tree and sack treats. Friday, Dec. 23: 7:30 p.m. Children's Christmas Service. JOHNSON GOES SHOPPING London A British tailor said Vive President-elect Lyndon B. Johnson ordered five suits in Savile Row but he didn't bend to Savile Row style. The Vice President-elect or dered suits in oxford gray, blue, brown, hairline gray and a sports job. All lightweight and about $147 each. President-elect Kennedy has long had suits made in London usually sticking to Savile Row style. Ernest B. Howard, MD., A.M. A. assistant executive vice presi dent: "The surest way to total de feat is to say, "We are now go ing to sit across the negotiating table and see what you will give us." ?et& IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Louisville, Nebraska The Rev. T. II. Vo&el, Pastor Saturday: Saturday School for all 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders of the parish at Imm. 9 a.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10.'30 a.m. Worship Service 1:30 p.m. Christmas Eve prac tice. 6:30 p:m. Walther League. 7 p.m. Volunteer Couples to help trim tree. Monday Dec. 19: 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir. . Wednesday Hec. 21: 1 p.m. Ladies Aid Executive Board. 6:30 p.m. Adult Group Christ mas Supper. Thursday, Dec. 22: 7 p.m. Children's Christmas Eve rehearsal. Avoca Mission Society Has 170 At Workshop AVOCA (Special) The Mis sionary Society of the First Lu theran Church had their work shop Thursday afternoon at the church parlors. Hostesses were Mrs. Albert Bose, Mrs. Oscar Brandt, Mrs. Ervin Carlson, Miss Marie Dan kleff, Mrs. Harvey Dettmer and some others helped. About one hundred seventy ladies attended this affair which included ladies from the sur rounding churches. The theme was "Everywhere Christmas." They displayed ar ticles on decorative Christmas ideas and unusual Christmas foods. Several tables had displays of Foreign Countries. The Society is now knowon as "The Women of the Church." Program Is Dec. 23 UNION Correction: In listing the dates of the Christmas pro grams, there has been one date changed. The Methodist Sunday School program will be held on Dec. 23 (Friday) instead of Dec. 22. Children should be at the church at. 7:30. The program is at 8 p.m. FLOATING MESSAGES Piedmont, Ala., Though some might cast bread upon the waters, the Rev. Jewel Pierce believes in tossing in a bottle now and then. , "The bottle and water preach er" of Piedmont is known in at least 29 states and eight foreign countries. His contact with the world is by means of bits of scripture which he seals in bottles and drops into the Coosa River. FIRST AID ADVICE BmUMlV liliniKiiSAAi In a I'omiMMincI fructiire. w hich th bone i r o ( r u il e i through the skin, Niipport by gruspiiiK tlio injured limb firm ly, one hand above the bone end, the other below, to prevent movement of the in jured arm or leg until a splint inn be nppiled. This nilviee should be followed for all fracture of the long bones. in 4 1 Greatest Christmas Gift There are many stories and legends which catch the spirit of Christmas Charles Dicken's '"Christmas Carol"; O. Henry's "Gift of the Magi"; Henry Van Dyke's "The Other Wise Man" and many, many more. These are classics. Here is another epic and classic in courage and sacrifice. This story is commemorated in its truth in a plaque before "Old Bedlam", the bachelor of ficers' quarters at Old Fort Lar amie, a few miles over the Ne-j braska line in Wyoming. This plaque marks the end of the Christmas rid of John Phillips in 1866. John Phillips was a Portugese emigrant, a civilian teamster at Fort Phil Kearney, located near present-day Sheridan, Wyom ing. Fort Phil Kearney was one of tWree major outposts of the U.S. Army guarding the Boze man Trail through Wyoming Indian country to the gold camps of Montana. j, The outposts and trail were in Sioux hunting grounds without permission and the intrusion was bitterly re sented by Chief Red Cloud. His warriors beseiged the forts and trail. Dec. 21, 1866, Sioux warriors trapped and wiped out the 81 man command of Captain W. J. Fetterman almost within sight of the fort. As a result only a handful of soldiers were left to defend it. There were women and children in the garrison. A blizzard and 40-degree below zero temperatures swept down from the Arctic. Colonel Henry Carrington, in command, asked for volunteers to ride to Fort Laramie for reinforcements. Almost no one belived there was any hope of a successful ride through the blizzard and cold and beseiging Indians. But one volunteer John Phillips agreed to ride. In the middle of the night, the civilian rider, mounted upon Colonel Carrington's favorite horse, slipped out of the fort by its water-gate and began his long and exhausting ride. Christ mas Eve and Christmas Day he rode, with brief stops at Fort Reno and an overland telegraph station; and came to Fort Lar amie Christmas night during a dance being held at "Old Bed lam." Colonel Carrington's horse col lapsed and died there; and John Phillips passed his dispatches and gasped out the danger to the women and children at Fort Phil Kearney. A Christmas story? Most cer tainly, yes. As true as the story of the infant Jesus, the sheperds watching by night, and the Wise Men riding from far lands. John Phillips freely offered the greatest gift any man can offer his own life to bring hope to helpless women and children. Yes, God must have been riding with John Phillips that Christmas a century ago, for men said it could not be done. K - I WO N Dates Listed for WW Church Programs WEEPING WATER (Special) The following dates have been set for the churches in Weeping Water to hold Christmas pro grams: Congregational Church, Fri day evening, Dec. 23. Methodist Church, Dec. 23. Christian Church, Wednes day evening, Dec. 21. United Missionary Church, Sunday evening, Dec. 18. St. Paul Lutheran Church, Dec. 23 at 8 p.m. 'Mary's Dream' Weeping Water Church Chorale WEEPINO WATER (Special) This year, in place of a Christmas play, the Congrega tional Church put on a special program and carol service en titled, Mary's Dream." The setting was the room of an Egyptian inn, bare except for 2 chairs and a table with oriental coverings, while a tall vase of papyrus .grass and bull rushes stood in one corner. A shepherd boy (Jimmie Ben der) appears and meets one ot the wisemen who has been to Bethlehem. (Joe Bender). He questions the Wiseman, "Tell me, wlseman," and a dia logue ensues after which both leave together. A little later a banging is heard on the door of the inn and the inn keeper (Murray Mutter) lets In Mary (Dorothy Parsons) who sits down in one of the chairs with the baby Jesus (Jeff Parsons) while Jos eph (Lanl Beach) argues with the innkeeper. Payment made, the innkeeper brings in a tray of refreshments, draws the curtains and leaves. Happy to be safe in Egypt, Mary croons to the baby and falls a sleep. While asleep she dreams of all the events since the An nunciation. These are provided by the congregation and a reader in a series of scripture readings, poems, carols and choral read ings. Solos were sung by Bonnie Noble (the Magnificat), ac companied by Mary Alice Wood, Lawrence Houseman (O, Holy Night) and C. V. Wallick (The Star of Bethlehem). OPEN - NIGHTS - UNTIL - SHOOTIN - SHELL - RIFLES $2.98 Shooting Shell Six Shooter Rifle with smoking $44 barrel as advertised on TV JOHN CNACY Learn to draw outfit. 64 page instruction book plus drawing materials $098 as advertised on TV " . FUN FACTORY By the Makers of Play DOH $098 8 pc. SET 20 pe. SET As advertised On TV BARBIE DOLLS DOLL OUTFITS 25" BABY W THC PLATTSMOUTH, NCBHASKA, SCMI-WCCKLY JOURNAL Thursday, December 15, 1960 Section B PAGE THREE Events in Egypt were supplied by readings from the Apocry phal Gospel of the Infancy. Miss Kathryn Ellis provided the music, the costumes were by Mrs. Campbell and the make up by Truman Lytle. Army Master Sergeanr - r t t M JOHN H. HANLON, dressed as Santa Claus, makes Christmas warmer for this child al the Catonsville, Maryland, Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation Center. The Sergeant, of 7833 Vernon Ave., Chicago, III., is distributing gifts at the childrens'' Christmas Party. Hint? ' yfyM. MATTEL'S SERB GUNS CAMES Monopoly $3.98 Concentration $3.98 Scrabble ,....$2.98 Scrabble For Junior $1.98 Clue $3.49 Uncle Wiggly 98c Cootie Came :..$1.98 Chinese Checkers ....$1.98 Potato Head 98c Large Assortment of Carries at 59c ea. & 98c Ml 22 pc. PLASTIC TEA SET 1 98 $1.00 - DOLLS MOVABLE 5 c to Wayne Dettmer had charge of the lights while Gary Soeger, Tom Hays, Clarke .Stpckley Si Kenny Clarke acted as ushers. The program was prepared and directed by the pastor, I. C. O. Campbell. V - ? Oil i 7 w CHRISTMAS Rag. 4.98 8-pc basketball hi. 3.88 METAL DRUM Military Type .. 88c, ea. 5 pc. CLEANING SET 1 98 $098 Each $1.50 - $3.00 - $5.00 ARMS & LECS Arm t Ii IN