The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1960, Section B, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10
r Avoca Club News AVOCA (Special) The Green Thumbers Garden Club held their Christmas dinner and party Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dettmer. All the members were present and Mrs. George Kirchhoff be came a new member. After the dinner a program followed and gifts were ex changed revealing the secret pals and names were drawn for the coming year, The new year books were handed out. - ', zs-i rvv vf z- ir-iVXt; - H D yiH H FJ!L . k . .- i . 1 :",. k j,' . ... Or IP ! ! r ' til-: 1'iiUiMiiouiii s I't'p liaiul and student rooting section uc ivoom H iiuanis (jiiaymg suue ironibune) led te band. Cheer- . I. It, , ,fi 4 ! 4 T 4? r " I'll ' S i A' . V-t: 'tfc' ST .,,0 1 :. ,. -, .i...-:- 1 - f S If shnwed plenty of 'zip Tuesday nisht despite the fact their favorites leader at left is Valerie Gorton. weren't faring so well on the basketball court. Instrumental direc- The December Birthday Club met Saturday evening with Mrs. Glen Stubbendick, all member , were present, Mrs. Anthony i VVirth was elected president and ! Mrs. Marian Sutton was elected tecretary. flames were Dlaved and Mrs.. stubbendicks two daughters andi Snnrira Dettmer sand a sons, then birthday pals were reveal ed at the gift exchange, 'ineir mid-reason party will be with Mrs. Ted Wilson. All members were present, Mrs. Jerry Pointer, Mrs. Kalph Stubbendick, Mrs. Maynard Rrjns.. Mrs. Clara Ruhee, Mrs. Roy Kuhge,Mrs. Richard Sut ton, Mrs. Marian Sutton, Mrs. Nancy Carsten, Mrs. Anthony Wirth, Mrs. Paul Linhardt, Mrs. Gerald Thorns, Mrs. Ted Wil son and one guest, Mrs. Viola Sili. THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Sections Thursday, December 15, 1960 SO OTH ASiiLAI! Mrs. Ivan Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sturm wore among the guests at a birthday dinner at the home of Mrs. Oscar Reecc Sunday. They were honoring Tommy Reece of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Recce. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Reece and Bobby of Lincoln and Jackie and Billy Recce. Mr- Arthur Laughlm enter tained a group of ladies at a party at her home Friday fore noon, her guests were, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Clarence King and Mrs. Henry Leikam of Lincoln, Mrs. Winona Slep- Mr. and Mrs. George Mans field of Ilolton, Kan. spent Fri day night and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warren of Elkhorn were Sunday afternoon visitors there. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bower and Jennie of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs Ray Bower were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bower and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Nissen and sons went to Avoca Satur day evening and attended a I arty at the Art Norris home. Mrs. Don Rau, Kathy and hensen, Mrs. L?rt Rager and , Rusty of Orrtarr spent satur Mrs. Carl Parks. clay "overnight with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rau. Sunday the group were guests at a family dinner at the home of Louise and Freida Wehrman in Murdock. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Krecklow and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rau and sons of Lincoln were also guests there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leaver of Missoula, Mont, visited with Mrs. Leaver's sister, Mrs. John Fox and Mr. Fox Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Born man, and Mr. and Mrs. Darold Miller, Ellen and David went to Omaha Thursday and spent the day at the Bennett Born man home. Kathy is home from the hospital and doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richards an". their daughter, Mrs. Jarr-s Murphy and littlo daughters of Waldwick, N. J. were Saturday afternoon visitors at the Ray mond Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Eltcn Erickson attended the funeral services pfor Mr. Erickson's aunt, Mrs. Emma Hansen, at Fullerton, Sunday. 545 MAIN STREET PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA M i i FilBAY m MM 17 FRIDAY DEC. .16 In our Store at the corner of 6th & Main Having decided to move to California, we are holding these two auctions to hurry things ip and try to beat 'OLE MAN WINTER! 18 a All remaining stock in our store, consisting of odd lots, Broken sizes and a complete e'ean-up cf all remaining stock, (good range of maternity wear!) SATURDAY, D EC. 17 at y At our Store at 6th & Main A large portion of our furniture and housch:ld goods! Including Living room suite, Bedroom suite, good springs and innerspring mattress, 2 chests of drawers. Chrome dinette set, fold-away bed, chairs, lounge tables, cabinets, practically new 20 inch Deluxe Hotpoint electric range, cooking utensils, including West in'icuse roaster oven complete with timer and cabinet. Dishes and ot!ier articles too numerous to mention. The above prop erty of Mr. and Mrs. jchn O'Connell. TERMS: CASH REX YCUNG, NiCRP.iS Cf McQLUN Auctioneers & Clerk The overhead bridge over the Interstate near Mrs. Bert Ragers farm has been opened to the public. The approaches have been rocked also the dirve way to Mrs. Ragers home. Paving operations on that stretch of the Interstate have been halted dur ing the winter altho some other work is being done on the new road. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scott were Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Wiles and Terry. James Stan der was an evening caller. Mrs. Lyle Bailey and Barbara Dean visited Mrs. Bailey's fath er, Ralph Dean, at the Nursing home in Ashland Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dean entered the home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Peter son were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jorgen sen 'in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buell spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thompson and. family were Sunday eve ning visitors at the ArthuP'Lau gliflji hoinft'. Mr. and Mrs. John Fox spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bundy east of the Platte. Harry Lenhard of Adams call ed on Ray Keller Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harmon of Weeping Water were Wednesday supper guests at the Wayne Nis sen home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wescott j and Carrie Ann of Raymond ' spent Thursday with Mr. and ; Mrs. pave Parrott. The choir of the Trinity Lu j theran Church of near Murdock m win present ineir unrisimas music concert at the church Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m. All are wel come. The Jolly Fairlanders exten sion club members held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Harold Richards, t Tuesday. There were nineteen I present. A cafeteria lunch brot by the members was served. The next meeting will be January 3, I with Mrs. Martin Stenberg. This will be a family covered dish i dinner. The lesson will be given by Mrs. Raymond Nelson and Mrs. Loyd Scott. The subject: Tin craft. Mrs. Orlin Bennett and Mrs. Carl Kupke atended the Hi Nei ghbor Christmas turkey dinner i at the home of Mrs. Margaret Wi i Gray in Waverly Saturday eve- M j nmg. The Secret Pals were re :fi ; vealed and names drawn again 'J j for another year. There was also 'Ira gift exchange, 'jj ! Mrs. Emil Reike and her rJ lovely Christmas program at the ,,g ! school house Friday evening. The 1 room was prettily decorated. A i large crowd was present to en joy the program and the lunch i that was served during the social hour after the program. Mrs. Harold Buell and her hif mother, Mrs. Bert Allen of Wav V j erly, spent Friday at the Vet- j eians hospital in Lincoln to be near Mr. Allen who had a leg amputated that clay Mr. and Mrs. Buell visited him again j Sunday evening. Mr. Allen is I doing as well as he can. ! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rau, 1 Russell and Charles have pur- chased a home in Lincoln and moved there Saturday. Their street number is 5340 Gladstone. The neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. I Rau in this vicinity gathered frit" n fTfmfnll nirtwi HTrtTri,i Pij I evening before they moved. The Si'fltrilf invito t l,,r,l-, t , J 1 . ; uuu aiau jjiisLiiicu jui. ami ivirs ;Rau with a gift. I Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Critchfield HSnf Baldwin. Knn. came tn the JQ A. D. Bachman home Satur- J&iiix. L'iy evening for a weekend visit Mr. and Mrs. John Emshoff entertained the neighborhood pinochle club at dinner and cards Friday evening, prizes were won by Mrs. Emma Ra wait, Mrs. Ernest Haveman, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jensen and Wm. Dettmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr were unable to be present so Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Haveman took their place. The Congregational Women's Fellowship met Thursday after noon in the church parlors with Mrs. Helen Noerrlinger and Mrs. Ernest Norris as hostesse. ' Devotions were given by Mrs. Han Jensen. Committees for the coming vear were read and the annual reports of, ,the officers and chairman were given. After the business meeting a Christmas party and gift exchange were heid with the officers in charge. The Goldenrod Garden Club had their Christmas dinner and party Saturday afternoon in the church basement with all mem bers present. i Four new members joined the club, Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Mrs. Edward Nelsen, Mrs. Elmer Kepler and Mrs. Stanley Ems hoif. After the dinner and business meeting the program committee- had charge. Mrs. Lois Tefft read the Christmas Story. Mrs. Anna Mickle had two contests, Mrs. W. O. Baier and Mrs. Viola Sill each read a Christmas Story and 'members had a gift ex change and revealed their Gar den Pals. Funeral Services of Mrs. Grace Parker Tuesday at Lincoln Tuesday at 2 o'ejock at Roper and Sons chapel, 4300 O street, Lincoln, for Mrs. Grace Parker, 85, widow of Rev. D. W. Parker, long time minister of the Metho dist church in Nebraska. Rev. Shepherd, of Lincoln officiating, Maryalice Macey, organist. Bur ial was at Wyuka cemetery in Lincoln with Floy Ostrander, Harry White, Paul Rudd, Fred Hess, R.- L.. Fredstrom, S. B. Lee, pallbearers. Mrs. Parker was a native of Cass county, born at Greenwood, December 13, 1874. The husband Rev. Parker, served several churches over the state. Shej i : .. x 1 1 mm rt , uvea in jjihcuiu num lau iu 1956. She was a member of the Plattsmouth Methodist church. Survivors are: son, Warren H. Parker, Lincoln; daughter, Mrs. Howard (Marcia) Davis of Plattsmouth; five grandchildren four great grandchildren. with Mrs. Critchfield's sister, Mrs. Bachman and the ladies mother Mrs. Emma Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bachman spent Sunday evening with the group. Mr. and Mrs. Critchfield return ed home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Slote and Rae Ann and Mr. and Mrs. John Drake of Lincoln, Mrand Mrs. Orville Slote and Karen and Mrs. Harm Slote of Hickman spent Saturday evening at the Elton Erickson home helping Roger celebrate his 12th birth day. Mrs. Malvin Wiles, Mrs. Ell Gaudrcault, Mrs. Elmer Duck, Mrs. Lloyd Scott and Mrs. Al Rasmussen went to Wilbur Sat urday to attend a flower show. Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Rasmussen were judges. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nelson attended v the Messiala at the University Coliseum in Lincoln Sunday afternoon. They spent the evening at the Duane Nel son home. f m Y wmj ( m ) DECEK1 8 A.M. To 9 P.M. BIG PRE-KOLIDAY SELLEBRATIOH LOOK! USED WASHING MACHINES $9.95 up LOOK! USED TV SETS $9.95 (IP OTHER FABULOUS PRE-CHRISTMAS Gift Buys USED DRYERS ?no c ? in $lft0Cr MAGNUS ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN LET THE WHOLE FAMILY PLAY IT AT OUR OPEN HOUSE OF SAVINGS ncrce fcVV g,v. m. g, PAYERS . . , J i ' f.P.ftv CIA NT f'i I it o work, tor' . CAPACITY! - I JJ E in9' ,imt sav- ONLY I ft Ca intt anctiancat 4m . "--::. F Jtm BRAND NEW 21 IN. tPi is CONSOLE TV 1!-$ USED REFRIGERATORS 14.95 UP 15 Cu. Ft. CHEST FREEZER ONLY 99.00 9 Cu. Ft. CHEST FREEZER - 49.0 REDUCED PRICES ON ALL RADIOS, TRANSISTOR RADIOS & PHONO-STEREOS. l&l j I NEW I ? uut 2i Ft. r Buy f jj i n Now l II I Reg. $449.00 I We jK$ ill I Deliver 1 ONLY In Time J If . st-m. g For Xmas ( 1 $Wu00 I Norge Dual Cycle AUTOMATIC SAP. j7 WITH WE ARE REDUCINC INVENTORY FOR THE END OF THE YEAR! SAVE NOW! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. dales k 5ervsse South Of Ruback's Super Market on 7th Street, Ptettsmouth Phone 224 TRADE l . , . i . . . :