The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, July 07, 1958, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL FACE SIX Muiiduy, July V. lyH Ex-AA Pitcher Wins Here, 4-0 Former St. Paul (American Association! and Dps Moines (Western League) pitcher Joe Stanek shut out Plattsmouth, 4-0, in the Platte Valley League here Sunday. The Millard hurler used good stuff and a neat change of pace to hold the local team to five hits, three by Rich Wohlfarth. Stanek fanned 12. Ed Blair pitched a good game for Plattsmouth scattering 11 hits fairly well. Millard kept in a tie for first place in the South division by winning. Plattsmouth is in 5th place. Next for Plattsmouth, is a Wednesday night date at Louis- iville, making up for a rainout last week. The game is at 8 o' clock. Then Sunday night, the club plays its first night PVL game, at Treynor, Iowa. Leftouts Bow, 9-3, To Offutt Plattsmouth's Leftouts ran into an undefeated Offutt base ball team at the Air Base Sun day and lost its first game of the season, 9-3. Shown got two of Platts mouth's three hits. The team will practice Wed nesday and play Glenwood at 2:30 here Sunday at the athletic field as the second game of a doubleheader. The first game, at 1 p.m., Of futt vs. Fremont. Plattsmouth (3) ABRH Marler, cf 2 0 0 Brink, ss 2 0 0 Rleke, lb 4 0 0 Walton, c 4 1 0 Shown, If 4 2 2 Smith, 2b 3 0 0 Morris, rf 3 0 0 Meislnger, 3b 3 0 1 Akeson, cf 1 0 0 Todd, p 1 0 0 Noell, p 2 0 0 Plattsmouth (0) AB RH Ilirz, If 4 0 0 Bjork, ss 3 0 0 Vroman, 2b 3 0 0 Eaton, cf 4 0 1 Wohlfarth, rf 4 0 3 Haiih, 3b 4 0 0 Ault, lb 3 0 0 Reno, c 4 0 0 Blair, p 2 0 1 Totals 31 0 5 Millard (4) AB RH Reimers, 2b 5 1 2 Ehlers, If 5 0 2 Johnson, cf 3 0 1 Sinnett. c 4 0 0 Anderson, lb 4 Smith, rf 3 Nelson, rf 1 Nolting, 3b 4 Stanek, p 4 Jefferson, ss 4 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 Totals 37 4 11 Plattsmouth ... 000 000 000 0 Millard 001 000 201 4 Totals Offutt (9) 31 3 3 AB RH Albright, cf 4 2 0 Russell, 3b 4 2 1 Welch, ss 4 2 1 Pogreba, p 4 1 2 Russell, lb 4 1 1 Massen, rf 4 1 1 Mahn, If 4 0 1 Green, c 4 0 1 Horn, 2b 3 0 1 Totals 35 9 9 Abstracts of Title "Title Insurance" THOMAS WALLING CO. Plattsmouth. Nebraska ft Friday's Game Here Postponed The baseball game scheduled between the Plattsmouth Platte League team and the Leftouts here the 4th was not played. The athletic field was too wet from more than y2 inches of rain last week. Rain and wet grounds also forced postponement of the Platte League all-star game in which Plattsmouth players were to participate at Waterloo Thurs day night. Don't Flip,' if You See Buffalo NEBRASKA CITY Buffalo once again roam the Nebraska Iowa border, in the wild. Medford James, a local com mercial fisherman, was shaken slightly when he came face to face with a snorting buffalo on an Island In the Missouri River above here. James escaped without injury. Other people have reported seeing the animal on the river island during the last two weeks but no one knows how the buf falo got there. A Classified Ad In The Journal costs as little as 50 cents lt.WJJ. g LiJUXM mm picks up and loads bales automatically 0 I .y Loading bales becomes a fast, easy, one-man operation. Loader picks up round or square bales, twine or wire tied, placed at any angle, and loads them into truck, wagon, or hayrack. Picks up bales equally as well up hill, down hill, or on side hill. Lifting action comes from traction wheel, no auxiliary motor, PTO, or hydraulics needed. No stopping, no levers to operate. Fully automatic and very rugged. SN0WC0 BALE ELEVATOR Moves bales up, down, horizontally. Light in weight, yet built for years of service. Operates w ith gasoline engine or electric motor. Three models 16', 20', 24'. S.e us for details and demonstration Stander Implement Co. r T nil urn in ii V" ii.m iimn yngii"ui u V THERE'S STILL PLENTY OF TIME TO REDEEM THOSE HINKY DINKY COUPONS They are In effect through this Saturday, July 12th. Bring them to Hinky Dinky and count your self in on 1,000 extra Top Value Stamps . . . and on the many, many big buys featured in the Ail-American sale this week at Hinky Dinky. A thousand free Top Yalue Stamps plus all these low, low prices at Hinky Dinky . . . where else? HINKY DINKY HINKY DINKY POTATO CHIPS HAMBURGER BUNS More for Your Money, Better, Too! Qr Hot Dog H 7-ox. Fu" JLTTe Buns II vv Economy Bag Lb. Pkg. Qw Pkg. of 8..... U 2 Food Club Fancy, No. 2'A Can 29c SLICED PINEAPPLE Food Club Fancy Hawaiian, No. 2 C 3 ' ' 95C HONEY POD PEAS sl..,.v,No. 303 c.n 2"35c TOP FROST PEAS r f. ,.o ... .n, 2'" 29c PINEAPPLE JUICE Kilfiff 29c JELL-O or Royal Gelatin Dessert, Reg. Pkg 4 fpr 29C STUFFED OLIVES F..d M-ok j 3 ' $1 00 PRESERVES Everbest Pure Apricot or Pineapple, 12-oz. Jars . . 3' 69c MARSHMALLOWS Mef-O-Sweet White or Colored, l4-oi. Bag ...... 23c COOKIES Vista Pak Assorted Sandwich, 2-Lb. Bag ., 49c TAILUIF Arizona Vine Ripened Pink Meat, Full Flavor, Guaranteed the Finest Quality Lli. ,-t"!v.-.; Extra Large Jumbo Size Each 25c For 4fri Texas Thin Rind WATERinELON 22 to 25 Lb. Average. Each 79 Fresh fruit, vegetable and meat prioes effective thru Wed., July 9tji. All other! I ffectivt thru Sat., July f2th. We reserve the right to limit quantities. ' Shortening FLUFFO 3-Lb. Can. 95c Salsd-Ronl 16-Oz. American Beauty c. o 24c Pork t Beans With Molasses LIBBY'S ., c 2'-25c trackers TOWN HOUSE p'C. .. 35c Salad Oil IVIMiVLH Pint Bottle 3c Off Sale OO- JUU 5c Off Sale, Quart Bottle, 74c 249 Salad Oil MAZOLA Gallon Size Red Label Crystal White KARO SYRUP o-rt Boftia 49c BOSCO 39c ! 69c Swift's Shortening SWIFT'NING 3-ib. c 79C Sanitary Napkins KOTEX Box or ,2 2' 89c Copper Cleaner CAMEO iooz sz 35c 10c Off Sale SURF Giant Pkg 72C 99 44100 Pure IVORY SOAP is- 2 '33c Toilet Soap CAMAY Bc.r.'::: s". . 2 - 21 c Hardwater Castile Soap KIRK'S Reg. Bar. 10c CHEER Giant Pkg 82C LUX Reg. Bar 2s F0R 21 C Reg. Pkg. ... 30c 2 '"29c Cereal HI PRO Assorted Colors LUX Bath Bars Why go on a diet ij you don't have to? SWEETEN YOUR FOOD uitu QVAPCTiin and not gain a single pound! 89C finish SKINNER'S Elbow MACARONI 10-oz. Pkg. 19 1 " CONTEST mt 43c bit tnlrr Blank I , , , WINSOME Creme SHAMPOO 4-oz J 59 VITALIS HAIR TONIC Large .Or Bottle QyQ Tax Incl. KRAFT'S VELVEETA l-Lb. Carton vj-ld. fkq. a JOY Auto Wax 12-oz. Bottle 98' D- Csrjcj IW (SI 54 urn:-