The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, July 07, 1958, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
Notices NOTICE We have photo graphs on hand at The Jour nal. These pictures appeared in our paper recently. For a small charge you may have pictures of your choice. 31-tfc NOTICE Wanted: home In country for 6-months-old La brador - Irish Setter pups. Ph. 3276. 6G-2tc NOTICE Kimmel Orchard, Nebraska City, closed until a bout July 20. Opening date for summer apples will be announ ced in the Journal. 66-ltc Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who remem bered me with cards, visits, gifts, flowers and prayers while I was In the hospital and since I have returned home. Words cannot express how much they meant to me. Mrs. Hi Schlaphof, Murdock. . 6G-ltc CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my wonderful friends and neighbors for re membering me during my long stay in the hospital. Many cards, flowers, gifts and visits will always be fondly re membered. Mrs. Rose Ferry. 66-ltc CARD OF THANKS We Wish to thank everyone for remem bering us during our stay in the hospital. Mrs. Dean French and son William Dennis. 66-ltc Lost and Found FOUND Truck tire vicinity of Murdock. Identify, pay for this ad. Murdock 2931. 66-2tp-M Wanted WANTED Babysitting and ironing done in my home. Ph. 7204. 65-3tc WANTED JUNK Iron and Junk Cars and light hauling. Phone 5961. 64-tlc Opportunities OPPORTUNITY , MAN OR WOMAN ' Responsible person from this area, to service and col lect from automatic dispen sers. No selling. Age not es sential. Car, references, and $400 to $700 investment ne cessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent monthly in come. Possibility fulltime work. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write P.O. Box 146, Minnea polis 40. Minn. 66-ltp Services Offered SERVICES OFFERED Jeep-A Trench and Backhoe Trench ing. Ralph Stubbendick, Avo ca. Nebr. Phone 819 40-tfc SERVICES OFFERED Hand Saws machine filed, $1.00. 906 Patterson, Phone 3276. 44-tfc GARDNER Plumbing Heating New Location . Same 616 1st. Ave. Phone 7152 Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Armstrong Furnaces and Air Conditioner American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Hoffman Water Heaters Meyers Water Systems Easy Monthly Payments Free Estimates 73-t.fc CESSPOOLS and Septic tanks vacuum cleaned. Phone 6062. 73-tfc ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Fouchek and Garnett, Plattsmouth. 86-tfc WE CUT GLASS to any ske. Picture framing, rlatumoum Paint Store. 73-tfc PLANNING a new norae or re modelng? Phone 1011, Murray. Herb Campbell. 73-tfc SERVICES OFFERED Wash ing and ironing. Call 5990. 65-ltc A Classified Ad in The Journal costs as little as 50 cents WANT AD RATES Want Ads are Casrt other than to established accounts, Courtesy charges are made on telephone ads for a period of six days. No Want Ads will be accepted from users delinquent in their accounts. .Pay ment is expected from customer upon their receipt of notification of total charges. EACH WORD, First Insertion - e EACH WORD, Subsequent Insertions 3c (Minimum Charge for any Ad 50c) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, per inch ..... 75e KEYED or BLIND ADS, service charge 50e CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAM MESSAGES POETRY same as Want Ad Rates DEADLINE All Want Ads must be in this oMice by 9:30 A.M. Day of Publication. TELEPHONE 241 If an error is made in your ad, notify The Journal office immedi ately following publication. We cannot assume responsibility after the first insertion. For Sale FOR SALE Power saw. Mrs. Grebe, 423 South 1st. Street. 66-ltp FOR SALE 10 foot trailer home in excellent condition. James B. Rishel. 66-ltp FOR SALE Fryers for sale. Live or dressed. Farmers Feed and Seed, Plattsmouth, Nebr. 65-3tc-H FOR SALE For All types of weed and grasshopper spray and all kinds of agricultural chemicals see . . Ray's Sales & Service. 61-8tc FOR SALE MIMEOGRAPH i INK and Stencils available. ' Both Standard and Legal sizes The Plattsmouth Journal. 54-tfp FOR SALE Scratch Pads, var ious sizes, at The Journal Off ice. Handy for office and at home. 83-tfp FOR SALE CARBON PAPER. Best Quality for all copy work. The Plattsmouth Journal. 54-tfp FOR SALE TYPEWRITER RIBBONS for all machines at the Plattsmouth Journal. 54-tfp Household Goods Stop in Today RCA T.V. & Radio Wm. Schmidtmann l-tfc FOR SALE Singer Electric Sewing Machine (not a re built) with buttonhole, darner attachment and new guaran tee. Responsible party in this vicinity to take over 5 pay ments of $6.78 per mouth. Will discount for cash. Write Cre dit Mgr., 6505 Center St., Oma ha, Nebr. 66-ltc Low Overhead -Means Low Prices Norge automatic washer and matching Norge Deluxe dryer only: $299.00 Save over $200 Air conditioner: $122.50 See the new 1959 Zenith quality line and enjoy TV at its best. Service After Each Sale Chas. Warga Electric Phone 224 224 So. 7th. 66-ltc Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT Three room un furnished apartment. Adults. Coronado Apartment. Phone 3116. 64-tfc FOR RENT Three room a partment. Call 3949 or 205. 64-tfc FOR RENT Large three room and bath and large two room. Davtime phone 3276, evenings 5194. 63-tfc FOR RENT Rural home - not modern. Phone 6190 after 6 p.m. 58-tfp FOR RENT Unfurnished a partment. Three rooms and bath, $45. Loris B. Long, Phone 5239 or 4250. 65-tic FOR RENT Modern home. See me at 720 Avenue C on Sat urday, July 12, or write H. B. Hall, 6717 Fairfax, Lincoln 5, Neb. 66-2tc FOR RENT Sleeping room for gentleman. 218 No. 3rd. Phone 5206. 66-2tC FOR RENT Apartments-no play -yard, heat and water furnished. Two bedroom un furnished, $75; one bedroom, furnished $75. Phone 3111. 65-tfc FOR RENT Modern three room furnished apartment. One child but no pets. 2nd floor. Main Street. Phone 4175. 65-3tc FOR RENT Roof Top Auto I Carrier and one wheel trailer. Phone 4972. 65-2tc FOR RENT Modern six room country home. Omaha, Re gent 6114. 65-2tp FOR RENT Three room furn ished apt, private bath and entrance washing facitities. Newly decorated. Phone 8238. 65-2tp FOR RENT Three room furn ished apartment. Private bath and entrance. Schuldice a partment. Phone 5147. 65-tfc FOR RENT Unfurnished four room apartment full bath. Call 249. 61-tfc FOR RENT Three room furn ished apartment. Utilities paid. Also trailer space lor rent. $15 per month. Phone 3080. 50-tfc FOR LEASE Service Station. Financial assistance available. Phone 7115. 45-tfc FOR RENT Furnished or un furnished apartments for rent. Phone 7183 or 6124. 27-tfc Real Estate for Sale You Should Buy That House Thru "STEVE DAVIS" Steve Davis Agency 66-2tc CASS CO. 272 ACRES Located 2'i miles north and 3'.2 west of Weeping Water. Considerable bottom ground with balance gently rolling. Well improved with 7-room modern house. Well cared for land and fully pro ductive. Priced to sell on to day's market. BYRON REED CO. Farnam Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. 65-2tc FOR SALE Modern three bed room home with three lots in city limits. Phone 5938 after 6 p.m. 66-2tp FOR SALE 6 Rooms & Bath plus apartment in basement. Two story modern home with garage. Beautiful 2 bedroom home with attached garage and apartment in basement. Active income producing apartment home. Five rooms & bath $4,500. Choice building lots LORIS B. LONG, Realtor 126 N. 4th St. Ph. 5239 or 4250 59-tfc FOR SALE New modern two and three bedroom homes. Phone 5194 evenings. 38-tfc Automobiles FOR SALE 1957 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan Automatic trans mission 2 - tone low mileage $1,450. Dave Hagar, 814 1st Ave., Plattsmouth. 65-2tp Livestock for Sale FOR SALE Young pure bred Angus Bull. Call evenings 5237. 66-2tc Legal Notices N Eli AW K A VILLAGE BOARD Nehawka, Nebraska July 5, 1958 Passing of Ordinance No. (73.) An ordinance to provide an annual appropriation lor the use and benefit of the Village of Ne hawka for the fiscal year end ing May 1, 1959, be it ordained by the Village board of trustees of the Village of Nehawka. Section. (1.) That there be levied for the use and benefit of the Village of Nehawka, Nebraska, for the fis cal year ending May 1, 1959, a tax upon all property real and personal and mixed within the corporate limits of said village above mentioned. Section. (2.) The purpose to which money arising from the levy mention ed shall be apportioned as above mentioned. Pased and approved this 1st day July. 1958. Motioned by Nixon and second by Snyder, that the following budget be adopted voted and carried. Street Liuhts $ 500.00 General Fund 2.200.00 Streets and Alleys 1,500.00 Water Department 700.00 Social Security 65.00 Total $5,265.00 Clerk Gilbert Edmonds No. 4069 July 7, 1958. m LOUISVILLE Mr. Ralph Wildrick Phone 2511 Mr. and Mrs. Irus Gerdes and Kathryn and Mrs. Joe Habel were in Omaha Wednesday, tak ing Kathryn to the doctor. Ernest Beck, Mrs. Edward Grell and Jimmy Dobbs were in Lincoln Monday where Ern est had to see his doctor. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Derby and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McKinstry of Weep ing Water enjoyed a picnic din ner Sunday at Capital Beach in Lincoln. Janean Hubbell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hubbell was installed Grand Recorder at the Grand Assembly of Rain bow for Girls June 19-21 in So. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Office of County Commissioners Cass Countv, Plattsmouth, Nebr, July 1, 1958 Board met pursuant to ad journment. Pre.-ent H. L. Borne- meie.r, Melvin R. Todd and W F. Nolte, Commissioners, and Chas. Land. County Clerk. Minutes of the last session approved and the following busi ness was transacted in regular form : Fees for the month of June were reported by the following officers: Register of Deeds $305.40 Clerk of Dist. Court . . 249.65 Countv Sheriff 48.50 County Judge 567.45 County Clerk 515.35 Cass County Agricultural So ciety filed their annual report with the County Clerk. The annual financial state ment for the Cass County In stitute Fund was filed with the clerk by the Superintendent. Motion was made by Nolte and seconded by Todd that $4,000 be set up in the County Budget for the Cass County Fair Board. Motion was made by Nolte and seconded by Todd that Henry Davis of Louisville be reappoint ed as a member of the Veterans Service Committee, for a 5 year term. Claims as listed on the follow ing Funds were allowed bv the Board: GENERAL CLERK Internat'l Business Machine Corp, Ser. Agreement $ 35.00 Redfield & Co., Inc Supp 10.51 TREASURER Burroughs Corp. ( Supp 1.75 County Treasurer P.O. Box Rent 2.25 Remington Rand TW Reor 16 20 JUDGE The Augustine Co. Supp 13.95 Redfield & Co. Supp '.. 2.15 ELECTION The Augustine Co. Votings booths 91.72 JAIL Thomas S. Solomon Jail Exp. June 114.75 Consumers Pub. Pvvr. Lights 17.15 ASSESSOR North American Ap praisal Co., June Re- app. Serv 708.00 SURVEYOR Lauren G. Flelschman Bal. June Salary 2 .. . 18.46 Edna Herring Ck. Claims 15 00 Ofe Oil Co. Gas, Surveyor 19 70 M. H. Worthan Salary 6.00 BLGS. .& GROUNDS Board Public Works Water 16.85 Consumers Pub. Pwr. Dist., Lights . . 34.45 Plattsmouth Cleaners Laundry 9.30 MISC. GENERAL Plattsmouth Journal Equal. Meeting 6-12-58 and Comm. Meeting 6-17-58 27.14 Register of Deeds Filing Deed 2 20 BRIDGE Bornemeier Lumber Co. 15.6O Stohlmann Lmbr. & Hdw., Mdse 30 28 COUNTY ROAD, DISTICT NO. 1 Wendell Bell Sal 200.25 Wendell Bell Dozing 990.00 Consumers Pub. Pwr Dist.. Diehts, Mach. shed 3.85 K. E. Dokter Hauling 311 32 K..E. Dokter 1 Rock 20104 John E. Frady Garage Reprs 112.26 A. W. Huebner Gas 98.81 Gerald Meisinger Dozing 522.50 Nebraska Tractor t Equip Co., Kepi' 57.00 Ote Oil Company K-pr h.oq Sioux City. Two girls from Springfield were chosen Grand Representatives for 1958 - 59. They are Karen McCormlck for the state of Illinois and Sandra Siebold for the state of Michi gan. Others attending were Nancy Johnson, Anita Little, Mary Biggs, Kay Albert, Judy Bottorff and Mrs. Wilbur Hub bell, Mother Advisor. Mrs. Hub bell Janean were installed Fri day morning as the members of the Grand Cross. Wilbur Hubbell and Sandra Doty were also new members but were unable to at tend. Judy Bottorff was Grand Service for the session. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schlie- fert entertained a group of rel atives at their home Sunday to a picnic supper honoring the birthday of their daughter Lin da. On Monday, Linda enter tained four little girls of her class to a party in honor of her birthday. Max Amelang spent Sunday and Monday with the Boy Scout Troop- encampment at Camp Cedars. Bob Larson went up Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craw ford were guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schorr and family in Omaha. Dinner guests Sunday at the Joe Woolhiser home were Mr and Mrs. Gene Suess and fam lly of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs Chauncey Woolhiser and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Woolhiser and family. Guests Wednesday at the Leo' nard Vaughn home were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bennett of Lincoln. Sunday afternoon guests at the John Ossenkop home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ossenkop of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Sterling and Edward. Paul Doty, Mrs. John Kah land and Cindy left Thursday for Key West, Fla., for a two weeks vacation. They will visit at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doty and family in Key West. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stohl mann entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Kahland and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Renner to a dinner and show in Omaha Friday evening. Saturday evening caller at the N. F. Hennings home was Mrs. Ruby Hanna of Omaha. Miss Lois Schroeder was a Sunday guest. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Colerick were supper guest Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sheehan, Rocky and Renee in Manley. The occasion was the wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Col erick. Mf. and Mrs. Henry Doer man visited over the weekend with relatives in Talmage, Lor ton and Johnson. Thursday evening callers at the Don Lorensen home in Platts mouth were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Pearson, Cheryl and Mar vin of Manley. Guests Sunday at the Fred Wildrick home in Weeping Wa ter were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildrick and Mrs. Dorothy Kid der and children of Council er Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wildrick, Donald and Agnes and Mrs. Bill Kunz and sons of Weeping Water. The Cub Scouts, their leaders and their families were Sunday picnic guests of the Weeping Water Cub Scouts and their fam ilies. The afternoon was begun by playing baseball and the Lou isville Cubs won, 15-7, in an ex citing game. Following the game a picnic supper was enjoyed in the city park. A short pack meet ing was held by the Weeping Water Cubs. COUNTY ROAD, DISTRICT NO. 2 The Balbach Co. Mdse 2.40 Consumers Public Pwr., Lights. Union - Nehawka Patrol 2.00 Farmers Co-op Oil Co. Gas, diesel & Mdse. .. ' 111.04 Lincoln Equip. Company July rental on No. 12 . 500.00 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co., Mdse. 44.10 Stohlmann Lmbr. & Hdw., Mdse 19.42 COUNTY ROAD. DISTRICT NO. 3 Ed's Repair Shop Reprs 45.42 Lincoln Steel Corp. Culverts 70.66 Nebraska Tractor & Equip. Co., Reprs 15.00 Nebraska Tractor & Equip. Co. Md.-;e 112.64 MAIL ROUTE Kelly Bros. & Co. Rock 8,359.24 Tanner Stone & Ex cavating Co., Haul ing 802 24 The Board adjourned to re convene on Tuesday, July 15. 1958. Board of Commissioners Attest: Chas. Land Countv Clerk No. 40G8 July 7, 1953. Death Of Mrs. Shirley A. Dobbs At Lincoln Sunday Mrs. Shirley A. Dobbs, Louis ville, passed away at the Bryan Memorial Hospital in Lincoln Sunday at the age of 19 years. Survivors are her husband, Donald and two sons, Douglas Wayne, 2-years old and baby son, Craig Allen, born seven minutes before his mother's death. Also surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith, Sr., Louisville and two brothers, Lawrence Smith, Jr., Murdock and Charles E. Smith of Louis ville. Funeral services are tenta tively set for Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the First Methodist church, Louisville, committal at Riverview Cemetery, Louisville. Fusselman Funeral Home of Louisville is in charge of ar rangements. Famlics Attend Funeral Of Iowa Flood Victim Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barnes and son of Garden Grove, Calif., are here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Haith and other relatives. Also at the Haith home are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haith, for mer Plattsmouth residents, now of Central City. Sunday the families attended the funeral services for Mrs Charles Wilkins at the Christian Church in Auburn. Mrs. Wilkins, mother of Mrs. Leo Haith, was a victim of the fiood at Audubon and Exira, Death Of Mrs. Frank J. Davis At Broken Bow The death of Mrs. Florence Cromwell Davis, wife of Frank J. Davis, occurred early Sunday morning at her home in Broken Bow. Mrs. Davis was a native of Cass county and spent her earl ier years in Weeping Water where her parents were early day residents. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Cromwell, pro minent in the life of the Weep ing Water community there for many years. The father was owner and operator of a. hotel there for several years. She was married at Weeping Water in 1907 to Frank Davis and made their home there for a number of years, later moving to Broken Bow where they have since resided. Surviving are the husband, Frank J. Davis, a daughter, Mrs. Willard Melville, Broken Bow; a brother, Richard O. Cromwell, Winston - Salem, N. C; one granddaughter, two great grand children. Mrs. Davis was sister-in-law of Searl S. Davis of this city, who with Mrs. Davis departed Sun day to be with the bereaved family. They will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Davis Tues day at Broken Bow for the fun eral servces that will be held Tuesday afternoon. Learns Of Death Of Relatives In Denver, June 28 Logan Covert of this citv re ceived word Thursday from a aaugnter, Mrs. Opal Pfinney, informing him of the death of her husband, Harold Pfinney, 59, June 28th at the home in Den ver. Mr. Pfinney was a veteran in the train service of the Burling ton and was well known over the entire system. Funeral and burial was at Denver. OBITUARY Henry Heineman was born June 30th, 1876, and departed this life on June 30th, 1958 which was his 82nd birthday. The place of his birth was Bur lington, la., from which he later removed to Golden City, Mo., which was his home before removing again to Murdock, Ne braska. He was united in marriage to Bertha Mnkle on March 11th, 1924. Besides his loving wife, their remains to mourn his pas sing, one sister, Mrs. Barbara HoelUel of Hitchcock, South Dakota. He was a faithful member of the Ebenezer United Brethren Church of Murdock for many years. When a sailor breaks a date, it's usually because he has to: when a girl breaks a date, it's usually because she has two. U. S. Coast Guard Magazine. THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Monday, July 7, 1958 PAQE FIVE Report of Condition of AMERICAN EXCHANGE BANK OF ELMWOOD, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Charter No. 145 at the close of business 011 June 23, 1958. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection $ 136,453.82 United States Government obligations, direct and guar anteed 385,085.13 Loans and discounts (including $334.39 overdrafts 1 . . 581,788.58 Bank premises owned $1.00, LOU TOTAL ASSETS $1,103,928.53 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations $778,263.10 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpor ations 87,551.46 Deposits of United States Government (including pos tal savings) 24,175.08 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 86,211.80 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 8,356.94 TOTAL DEPOSITS $984,558.38 TOTAL LIABILITIES $984,558.38 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital $ 37,500.00 Surplus 48,000.00 Undivided profits 23,870.15 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capi tal) :.. 10,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 119,370.15 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC COUNTS $1,103,928.53 This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of ..$37,500.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills redis counted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) $ 154,000.00 & I, Guy L. Clements, President, of the above named bank, do hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GUY L. CLEMENTS President Correct Attest Dwlght L. Clements, Sanford L. Clements Guy L. Clements, . ; Directors No. 4067 July 7, 1958. Report of Condition of CORN GROWERS STATE BANK OF MURDOCK, NEBRASKA Charter No. 1692 at the close of business on June 23, 1958. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash items in process of collection $ 68,249.81 United States Government obligations, direct and guar anteed 144,484.31 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 39,586.13 Loans and discounts (including $872.06 overdrafts) ... 239,871.26 Bank premises owned $1,769.52, furniture and fix tures $1,027.80 2,797.32 Other assests 380.93 TOTAL ASSETS $495,369.76 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations $264,946.61 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpor ations 31,157.03 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 5,716.25 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 98,498.08 TOTAL DEPOSITS $400,317.97 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money 35,000.00 Other liabilities 18.92 TOTAL LIABILITIES $435,336.89 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital $ 30,00(1.00 Surplus 15,000.00 Undivided profits 14.032.87 Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) 1,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 60,032.87 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL AC COUNTS $495,369.7G This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $30,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscount ed and securities sold with agreement to repur chase) $108,000.00 I, Edwin T. McIIugh, Cashier, of the above named bank, do hereby certify that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDWIN T. McIIUGII CORRECT ATTEST: August Ruge, William Stock Herman C. Kupke, Directors No. 4006 July 7, 1958 3 a 'V ft f r