The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, July 07, 1958, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
v m m i WEEPING WATER NEWS Mn. Edward Van Horn Phone 252-W A surprise birthday party was given by Carol Nickels for the 13th birthday of Georgia Lud wlck. Guests were classmates of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Groesser and boys were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ludwlck and family, honoring the birthdays of Mrs. Groe.-ser, Donald Groesser and Georgia Ludwlck. The Christian Church Sunday School picnic was held last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schroeder and family with around 65 In atten dance. The executive committee of the Christian Women's Fellow ship met in the church parlors Monday. Georgia Ludwick accompanied Mrs. Stanley Wood and Mary Alice to Lincoln Wednesday. Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ludwick and Geor gia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Eidenmiller and fam ily. The first meeting of the Chi Rho group of the Christian church was held in the church parlors with 10 in attendance. Mrs. Lynn Rothe and Mrs. Ed ward Van Horn are sponsors of this group. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Baxter and Elmer Terry are sponsors of the Christian Youth Fellowship which meets on Sun day evening in the church par lors. Dorothy Ann Kunkel graduat- Cass 'Yheafre Portsmouth, Nebr. Last times Mon. Cr Tues ...on 18 year old girt' summer ( on the Riviera & DEBORAH KERR DAVID NIVEN .IFAN SFRFRG BONJOUR, TRISTESSE fifY. TECHHICOKW Based on Sagan's famous best seller! All Technicolor in Cin emascope! Also 3 Stooges Comedy, Cartoon & News Wed. & Thur. July 9-10 Alec Guinness and a big cast "All At Sea" The uproarious story of a cap tain who hates the sea! You'll Rock and Roll at his antics! Also comedy and 3 cartoons. Coming Fri. & Sat. "Courage Of Black Beauty' And "Rockabilly Baby" ed from the American Conser vatory of Music and received a Bachelor of Music Degree. Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Kunkel attended the commencement exercises and concert. Miss Kunkel re turned to Weeping Water with her parents to spend a few days before resuming her studies at the conservatory where she will attend the summer session and work on a Master of Music de gree. Mrs. R. P. llobson and Mrs. Helen Clark went to California to attend the graduation of Su san Hobson from Pomona Col lege at Claremont. Mrs. Clara Mockey of Parlier, Calif., visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Rookstool for a few days. Mrs. George Bates and her son Keith Smith and family from California visited Monday after noon with Mrs C. E. Pool and Hazel. David Livingston of Ton kawa, Okla., arrived Tuesday to spend the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. William Kleeb of Broken Bow were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Lee and girls. Other guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Harlon Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and Geraldine and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wiles. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston of York and Mr. and Mrs. Har rison Livingston were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Livingston. Mrs. Harold William of Oma ha, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley of Louisville and Mrs. Nellie Oxyer of Oregon were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Zessin. Mr. and Mrs. Zessin visited Sun day evening with Mr. and Mrs. DeForest Ward of Murray. Mrs. Eugene Smith was the guest of honor at a surprise birthday party at her home by several of her neighbors. Mrs. Mary Nannen, Mrs. Alma Berner, Mrs. Edgar Burgen and Mrs. Richard Clark of Lincoln sur prised her. Mrs. Ralph Keckler and Mrs. Hazel Deering returned home Monday after visiting Mrs. Deer ing's daughter at Norman, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooper and Pamela of San Jose, Calif., Mrs. Donald Weimer and girls of Bel flower, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Quirk and boys of Platts mouth were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cooper and family. A No-Hostess party was held Wednesday at Steinhart Park in Nebraska City in honor of Mrs. A. O. Specht of Santa Monica, SATTLER Funeral Home Dial 3123 J it i mm, DRYCLE AN 0M4 CAR E ,N I N GIVE MOM A HAND! She already has more fhan sfi can do. Your new 'wash-n-wear' garments require special HAND attention HAND washing, HAND hanging, and frequent HAND iron touchup it all adds up to a lot of work for Mother. Your new 'wash-n-wear' garments are good garment perhaps the best summer garments you ever owned and you paid a good price for them. Sure they'll 'wash-o-wear' but they'll look NEW every time when profes sionally drycleaned not mussed and rumpled, but sharp and tidy. SO Dryc!ean and Care' for your valuable "Wash and Wear garments. Send them to a professional drycleaner. PLATTSMOUTH CLEANERS 21 1 Chicago Ave. Phone 4193 A. V. Larson To Retire From The Peru Faculty Soon At the close of the summer school session of the Peru State Teachers college, A. V. Larson, member of the faculty there sin ce 1926, is retiring. He has ser ved as head of the department of Practical Arts since 1945. Mr. Larson came to Peru State In February 1 916, the only mem ber of the industrial arts de partment. The industrial arts department now includes three members and the Division of Practical Arts, which includes the areas of business education and home economics and em braces a staff of eight members. Hundreds of students from Cass county have had contact with Mr. Larson and will regret to see him leave the school where he has played so important a part. Mrs. Larson is the former Wilhelmina Herold, of this city, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James H. Herold and will be recalled by the older residents ot the city. She is also a niece by marriage of Mrs. Henry Her old of this city. Keeping in Touch THT PLATTSMOUTH, NCSRASKA, Srifll-WfTKLY JOURNAL Monday, Julv 7, 1958 PAGE THREE Doings In Police Court At Weekend Weekend activities in the city court of Judge James H. Graves showed a slight increase over the previous two weeks. David E. Pace of Flint, Mich., was charged with speeding and placed a $40 appearance bond. Mrs. Charles E. Young of Muskegon, Mich., was charged by the police with reckless driv ing and received a fine of $25 and costs amounting to a total of $29. Robert G. Eden and James E. Lee of Nebraska City were charged by the police with pos session by minors of alcoholic liquors. They were each fined $25 and costs for a total of $29. The case of Donald F. Garvey, charged with an illegal turn at 6th and Main streets, pending for some time, was settled Sat urday by payment of a fine of $3 and costs a total of $7. Calif. Mrs. Specht is visiting friends in Weeping Water for a few days. Following the party the group gathered at the Har old Elliott home. Mrs. Edgar Burgen drove downtown in Weeping Water Friday afternoon and visited with friends who met her on the street. This is the first time that she has been downtown for two and one half years, due to ser ious back trouble. Mrs. Burgen is now able to do her own house work and was able to attend church services at the Christian church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donner Zanders and David of Glenwood, Iowa, were weekend guests of Mrs. Bonnie LaRue. Miss Kathryn l Ellis and Mrs. George Ellis I joined the group Saturday even ing for ice cream and cake in honor of the birthday of Mrs. LaRue. Mrs. LaRue is attending summer school at Peru State Teachers College. Claude Johnson of Lincoln visited several days last week with Edith and Daisy Johnson. Mrs. Stella Worman was also a dinner guest on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cherry of Denver, Colo., are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Cherry. Mr. and Mrs. John Cordes of Park Forest, 111., are parents of a daughter, born June 11. She has been named Carolyn Sue. Mrs. Cordes was the former Edith Rice and she and her par ents were former residents of Weeping Water. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tripp of Peoria, 111., spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lorensen. Leroy Wafton and sister, Ca rolyn, departed Sunday by car for Glendale, Utah. They are to enjoy a two weeks vacation in that vicinity with their sister, Mrs. Pauline Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and family of Council Bluffs were here Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins. The lad ies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kennell have returned from Independ ence, Md., where they have en joyed a gathering of the Ken nell family. They were accom panied by Mrs. L. B. Kennell, Auburn, mother of Howard and Mrs. Leonard Schroeder, a sis ter. They were guests at Inde pendence of Sgt. and Mrs. Fred Murphy, the latter a sister of Mr. Kennell. Jerry Wurtele, who has been enjoying a weeks outing at Maryville, Kan., at the farm of hLs grandparents, returned home Saturday. Wayne Lewis and Fred Rice departed this morning for Ar kansas on business. Neighbors and friends called on Sam Moore Sunday and had a good visit and enjoying his raspberry patch. Mrs. Moore Ls a patient at Brown's Hospital, Nebraska City for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Al children Barbara, Sandra of Gilford, visiting this month Mrs. Wayne Lewis Mrs. Settrin iis the ine Lewis. Sunday ians will be guests mother, Mrs. Matt Union. Settrini and Alfred and Calif., are with Mr. and and son Bud. former Max the Californ of her grand Pickering at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gansemer of Denver were weekend and holiday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gansemer. Robert Kelley In California Hospital Friends here have received word that Robert E. Kelly, is in a hospital at Los Angeles, California. The Kelly family are former residents of Plattsmouth, Mr. Kelly having worked at the BREX shops here. His address is: Robert E. Kelly, Room 170, Hospital of the Good Samaritan, 1212 Shatto Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. In The Service FORT SILL, Okla. Second Lt. Thomas R. Livingston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Living ston, Route 1, Louisville, Neb., recently completed the 17-week field artillery officer basic course at the Army Artillery and Mis sle School, Fort Sill, Okla. Lieutenant Livingston was graduated from Plattsmouth High School in 1953 and the A & M College of Texas in 1957. A professor is a man whose job it is to tell students how to solve the Droblems of life which he himself has tried to avoid by becoming a professor. A. M. A Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gorton and family and Mrs. Louisa Val lery were Omaha visitors for the fourth of July. They met Mr. Mrs. John Koop and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peterson and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gorton and childen, E. A. Lundin, all of Omaha, and Dr. and Mrs. Don Kurth and two daughters of Birmingham, Ala., at Peony Park where a swim ming party was enjoyed. Later they went to the Koop home for a basket picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Glanton and daughters of Troy, Kans., spent from Thursday to Sunday after noon at the Frank Lamascus home. Mrs. Lamascus is a sis ter of Mr. Glanton. Sunday cal lers were Mr. and Mrs. Jim La mascus of Atlantic, la. Satur day evening the Glantons and the Frank Lamascus families visited Helen Jolly at Bellevue. Mrs. J. H. Graves is visiting at Des Moines at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thimgan and family, accompanying them back home Sunday from a weekend visit here. Chief of Police Fred Tesch, wife and family returned home Sunday from a vacation trip to the Black Hills and Yellowstone Park. They also visited relatives at Atkinson and Newcastle while gone. A-lc and Mrs. Lonnie Rorie Jr. are parents of a 6 pound, 1 1 1 j. 07.. son born June 19. He has been named Lonnie Gail. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Vin cent Phillips, Klmwood, and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rorie, Lilesville, N . C. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bethel returned home Tuesday eve ning from Fort Hood, Tex., where they visited with their son, Pvt. Laurence, for four days. Laurence is feeling fine and is going to take another eight weeks training at Fort Hood. Laurence entered the ser vice Feb. 6. 1958. Miss Jan Rock well of Omaha and Stanley Wolski Jr. went to Texas with Mr. and Mrs. Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smock and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smock and children have returned from a three weeks vacation to the west coast. They visited Mrs. Smock's only brother and Mrs. Ray Smock's relatives and Mrs. J. J. Smock's 88-year-old aunt, all living in the Los Angeles area. Harry McCarroll, father of Mrs. Ray Smock, returned to Plattsmouth with the vacationers. C. E. Bailey of Chicago who was here over the Fourth week end visiting his wife and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, returned Sun day to his work in the windy city. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Markham and children returned today from Fort Worth, Texas, where they have spent the week visit ing the sights of that city and Dallas. Mr. Markham returned today to Texas where he is in charge of engineering work. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Meisinger spent the weekend in Old, Neb. at the home of her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Melia. They were accompanied from Omaha by their nephew. Pat Melia, who flew in from La; Cruces, N. M Saturday after noon and evening they attend ed the Ord high school first annual alumni banquet. Ap proximately 600 attended re presentng 63 classes and all parts of the United States. Mrs. Meisinger's cla-.s had a coffee hour Sunday morning and she had the opportunity of visiting with schoolmates she hadn't seen in 17 years. Supreme Court Rules Against The 20 Club The Nebraska Supreme Court the past week affirmed the judg ment of the Sarpv County Dis trict Court in refusing to grant the Twenty Club, operating east of Highway 75 in Sarpy County, a new trial of its suit against the State of Nebraska Dept. of Roads in a condemnation suit. To enforce limited access to Highway 73-75, the state brought the condemnation action in the county court and the Twenty Club was awarded damages of $2,636. The Twenty Club north of this city is a local pleasure spot on Sundays for the residents in this section or the state. REAL ESTATE LOANS! 5 1 Percent Interest Charge Reduced for Each Monthly Payment Plattsmouth Loan & Building Ass'n. George Mayabb of Kansas City was here for the 4th visit ing with his father, Claud, and at the Thomas Walling home. The Mayabb boys have been here visiting their grandparents. St has ! lappened! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fulton left early Saturday morning for Sioux Falls, S. D., and will re main through Monday visiting their daughter and family, the Robert Grassmans. Mrs. W. O. Troop of near Ne hawka was taken Sunday by the Sattler ambulance to Weeping Water to the Rest Haven Home for the Aged. Mr. Troop has been there for some time and they now will be together. A good general not only sees the way to vistory; he also knows when victory is impossible. Polybius. firiFiirwif ii in m i wBiiaiiiwM'tf'iiasBEgzaraEaaEiE OPEN FOR BUSINESS Parriott's Beauty Salon is now open, owned and operated by Betty Parriott. Parriott's Beauty Solon 421 MAIN STREET Hours: 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday . . . Evenings by Appointment Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fulton and son Jerry, Mrs. Jessie Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roberts and son Roger were 4th of July dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frazier and family in Bellevue. The dinner was in honor of Miss Barbara Frazier's 19th birthday. Mrs. Houseware! GET OVER 1000 GREEN STAMPS Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Wykert j and family. Mr. and Mrs. Har-j old Jeschke and family.) all of Kansas City, Mo., called on Mrs. Georgia Gardner and ner husband over the weekend. Mrs. Gardner is their sister. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bostwick and family of Omaha called on the Gardners Saturday. Mrs. Bost wick and Mrs. Gardner are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Har old and family arrived home Sunday after an enjoyable fish ing trip at Lake Okoboji. Mrs. Manley Ousley of Omaha and grandsons, Carl and Jimmy, sons of Col. and Mrs. Carl Ous ley of Edwards AFB, Victorville. Calif., were weekend guests of their aunt, Mrs. Edward Donat and family. Marjore Grosshans departed via bus for Kansas City yester day. She will attend the State F.H.A. Convention. Upon her re turn she will travel to Cincin nati, Ohio where she will be a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred , Trilety. I Mr. and Mrs. Burr R. Davis and daughter, Sandra, of Wayne were Sunday guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vallery. Fourth of July gue.sts of Mr. I and Mrs. Roy W. Knorr were Mr I and Mrs. C. H. Panzer of Ash- ! land, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Peter- sen and children of Minneapolis ' """ uimier guests also in cluded the Knorr's children and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. William Knorr and Mr nnri ivirc Robert Tucker of Amherst, Mass. Mrs. Andrew St.nnrfpr onri Leo, of Weeping Water were! Vin. mi i . ' ' urie inursaay to spend a few j hours visiting with Miss Anna and Miss Cecelia Palasek, sister '" of Mrs. Slander. ' Airman and Mrs. Tom Craw ford and son Jeffrey left the past week for a vacation in Michigan visiting relatives of Mr. Crawford. The airman is enjoying leave from Offutt Air Force Base. OUT OF EASY CHAIR BILL DOESN'T BUDGE! Old Bill iayj; "I'vt 9 a gfo grudge Aqairut pumping out septic lank sludge) So now I us BOYER, Tho best sludge destroyer, ll dissolves il with only nudgel" Want a trouble free septic lonfc and disposal field? then ute BOYER SEPTIC TANK CLEANER tegulatlyl Saves job of pumping out sludge. SWATEK HDWE. Dependable Used Cars 0'8"S RUBACK'S (Sib O By redeeming ALL THE COUPONS IN RUBACK'S BIG COLORED CIRCULAR! AND RUBACK'S WILL REDEEM ALL OTHER VALID LOCAL STAMP COUPONS Regardless Of The Brand Of Stamps For An Equal Number Of S & H GREEN STAMPS REMEMBER ... It makes no difference which local food store issues the COUPONS ! ! ! Redeem ALL Bonus Stamp Merchandise Coupons For National Brands At RUBACK'S Plus - Extra S & H Green Stamps EXAMPLE - - - At RUBACK'S Soap Coupons good for Any Soap Plus Extra S Cr H Creen Stamps. Butter Coupons good for any butter Plus Extra S Cr H Creen Stamps. Potato Chip Coupons good for any Potato Chips plus Extra S Cr H Creen Stamps. Bread Coupons good for Any Bread Plus Extra S Cr H Creen Stamps. The above are just a few examples Nobody, But Nobody Has Bigger Values Than RUBACK'S REMEMBER! ALL GROCERY PRICES IN LAST WEEK'S LARGE 4TH OF JULY AD STILL IN EFFECT u 4 Mjrsiafi2L. 1 ! I r Plymouth Journal Want Ads Pay Dodge