The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, July 07, 1958, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
Ji THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Monday, July 7, 1958 Dial 241 Roberta Knaup Awarded U of N Scholarship Robert Knaup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knaup of Wfpplng Water, has been awar ded the William L. Schoonover Scholarship for 1958-59 by the committee on general scholar ships at th Univrity of Neb raska. This scholarship U mada pos sible by the late William L. Sch oonover and Is presented on a basis of a competitive examin ation and scholastic average to a deserving student. Miss Knauo will be a soph omore in Teachers College, maj oring in Business Teachers Ed ucation. WATCH RICHT ON TIME? Is your timepiece poor at figures? Our expert craftsmen can put your watch in condition to give you the right time . . every time! GROVE t JEWELRY -505 Main Phone 228 Beauty Can BEAUTY BOX Phone 270 For Appointment MARCO HILDA CHRIS N0W Schrciner's CAN OFFER YOU THE MOST POWERFUL AID FOR QUICK REDUCING EVER RELEASED 4 I FOR PU8LIC USE! FtHUral htalth authorlti approv f.P.k3 ai tafe without prescription. This rtmarkablo drug for re ducing It to incredibly effective It limits the ability of your body to product sensations of hunger! fUlpf you lost weight fast without special diets, xtrclit or feeling of self-denial because if appeases your oppeiife at the samt fimef It's new, entirely different, revolution ary! Not bu)k-Hler, reducing candy or wafer. HUNGACX WITH ..A. ft the first and only typo of non-preicrlption prod ict that Includes these words on the label IN THE TREATMENT Or OitSITV So effective that It helpi atify your pi?tite within minuU's after you take it. io effective that once it starts to work in your body, you are as virtually protected Hgjunst irnawins hunffor sensations and n "runaway appetite" as it i reasonably prwsibte to he. Thus for the firt tune you fa h realitt lose excess weight fast without tpscial diets of any kind tvhataoevtri Thousands Now lose Weight Who Never Thought They Could Imagine the thrill of overweight mn find women who write day after day. iomt reporting remarkable weight losses up to 5 It, the very first wevk , . . pound in 2 weeks ... up to lbs. the very first month with P.P. A. . . . and even recording weight loes of J to it lbs. without doing anything dijficuit. dais gerous or unpleasant! Control Of Your Hunger And Appotito It Automatic So Vow Oon't lv Move To Count Up Your Calorie Intake With A Pencil Best of nil. you'll still enjoy your food. Otill ftt luscious steaks, chops, ronsts, etewa and other favorites, and still yiur weight will come down. IWause P.i'.A. drastically cuts down your craving for food without affecting your enjoyment of food. And when this happens, when you cut down your caloric intake, off comes your excess fat. It's simply burned up by your bodv in the form of a glorious, new release of energy for you . . . while you urow slimmer nd more Attractive-looking each dayl Horning like It Ivor Available Before Par Quick Reducing Without a roscriptionl As plainly as we can stat? it, so that there is no possibility of confuhion in your mmd between Hungrex and any other product: You will not find a "plan" Cr diet of any kind when you open your 'Hungrex inickage. as sjomV used to find ing in other types of non-pretcripttan reducing products! Because only Hun. Itrex with approved-strength tr.r.A. n;a . shown it is powerful enough c help over- you lose uvight of, you loe uii$ht safely or your money back! mail coupon hint Address- City 21 Day Supply 1 only $2.98 Graham - McKinstry Wedding June 15 LOUISVILLE pedal Miss Alberta Graham became the bride of Jerry McKinstry June 15 at a 3 o'clock ceremony in the Trinity Lutheran Church. Former pastor the Rev. Zoch from Texas performed the cer emony. He was the pastor at Trinity when the bride's parents were married by him 26 years ago Feb. 6. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Louisville and the bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs. Geo. McKinstrv of W.?mns Water. Miss Janice Graham, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and Doyle McKinstry, brother of the bridegroom,' was best man. Ush ers were Virgil Graham, broth er of the bride, and Gerald Ter ry, friend of the bridegroom. The couple left for a short trip to western Nebraska and Kan sas and will make their home in Weeping Water. Mary Beth McQuin Celebrates Birthday Mary Beth McQuin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McQuin, celebrated her 8th birthday at a party at the home of her par ents July 1. Guests were invited for a sup per oarty arranged by the par ents and Marcia McQuin, sister of the honoree. Games were played and pri zes awarded to winners. Attending were Christine Uh- i er, Sharon and Donna Grove, Shari and Nancy Ruback, Gary : and Cheryl Claus, Stevie Miller, i Cynthia Osterholm, Shirley Dasher, Tommy Stoll and Kar en Eaton. Much enjoyment was had in the opening of the gifts and the partaking of birthday cake and Ice cream. Be Yours! plans W HUNCHES lets vou ENJOY WHAT YOU E4T YOU SIMPLY WANT TO FAT rame the most powerful cravinpr a human bring can long endure HUNGKK! d liunQicr with P. P. A. it the onlv uch powerful tupe of reducing aid that itonr government ha ever released a mate without prescription! So other kind of reducing product can makt this Btate- went to you. Hungrex With .P.A Works As Wo Soy Or Your Money ftock Naturally, Individuals vary. So we say try Hungrex for 1 dny. 6 days, 10 days the full 21 days if ou like. Check your weiKht losses as you go along. See the' wonderful change in your body that takes place almost daily. Then either we've fulfilled our promise to you either you're delighted with the way you've lost weight either you look and feel better you've found the secret to a safe, ple.sant way to get your weight down and help kep it that way or merely return unvised por lion for your money back. Alteiban) Pbarmaidl Corp., tf. Y, now or phoneAW I i i I V. 1 mi- 1 w I SCHREINER Rexall Druj; ! Q Send me regular tl-day fujiplv of Hungrex U'ilk P. P. A. for only fl.fS Q Send mo economy-tito it' dan ufp!y for emit $i.!S Cnargo Mf Account O raumtnt Encloied Q Skip C.O.D. Zon Stjte- iiOb.dO.u!! A a,tmi 6 0dm mmintu,i$M.i,pt it$it fciwn MYF Youth Hold Going-Away Party Some of the Sr. MYF'ers walk ed in on Rev. and Mrs. E. S. DeSpuin at the First Methodist parsonage on the night of the 4th and gave the DeSpains a go ing away party. They hod ice cream, cake one of the girls had baked and a drink. Rev. DeSpain showed some moving pictures, his hobby for the past few years. He had pic tures from several states and nations. He has recently added Japan to his library. The group expressed their ap preciation for the minister's ser- vice here. Rev. DeSpain suffered a so-1 vere heart attack early this' year. They are moving to Om aha and will live at 1505 Madi son. He and Mrs. DeSpain will welcome their many friends of Plattsmouth and Union to stop and see them, he said. Wilson Reunion At Avoca, July 4th A Wilson fa mil v reunion was held at the Levi Wilson farm home at Avoca July 4th and plans were made to n.cet in Au gust of 1959 at Wichita, Kan. All the 10 living children of the J. A. Wilson family, former ly of Murray, were present ex cept for two, Dave Wilson of Derby, Kan., and Mrs. Rena Crump of Fair view, Okla. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Boyd and girls, Mrs. Robert Norton, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ted Wilson and daughter, all of Avoca. Also Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wil Wilson, Leeton, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Wilson, Fremont; Robert Sedlak. Burbank, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maynard, Wahoo; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beins, Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beins and Ricky of Bently, Kan. ; and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, Bellevue. Those from Plattsmouth at tending were Mrs. John Won dra, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wil son and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beins and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beins and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jon Schuetz. Michigan Visitors Guests Of Herbsters Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rhoades and children, Rickey, Coleen and Alvin, of Holt, Mich., arriv ed here Friday to enjoy a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herbster as well as meet ing many old friends. Mr. Rhoades was here as a a member of the armed forces at Fort Crook for some time and will be recalled by many of the older residents. Son Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Theodore Millner are the parents of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son, Theodore Clarence Jr., born July 2 at the Offutt Air Force Base Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Millner of Phenix City, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Potter of Netawaka, Kan. Son Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cun ningham are parents of a son, 8 pounds, 6 ounces, born at St. Mary's Hospital, Nebraska City, Thursday. He has been named Daniel William Emorcst. Mrs. Cummingham is the former Kay: Barnard. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cunningham. Texarkana, Tex., and Mr. and' Mrs. Marion Barnard. Platts mouth. Great-grandparents are: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Austin, Tex arkana; Mrs. Goldie Barnard and Mrs. Ethel Hennings, Platts mouth, and Mrs. Francis I. Jam- j es, Absecon, N. J. j Son ! Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steube of j Hastings are the parents of a : son born at a Hastings hospital July 4. The baby is the third son of the couple and weighed 8 lbs. j 8 oz. at birth. He has been nam-, ed John Joseph. Mrs. Steube is the former Salley Tress Gaines. ! Son j Mr. and Mrs. Neal Snell are j the parents of a son born June I 22 at the Methodist Hospital, ; Omaha, weighing 7 lbs II1 1 oz., ' and has been named Michael i Wayne. Maternal grandparents1 are Mr. and Mrs. William Molck; paternal grandparent is Mrs. ; Blanche Snell. Great grandpar- ! ents are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phil pot. Daughter 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Keller of of Lakewood, Calif., are the par ents of a 9 lb 4 oz. girl born July 5. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Keller, Indiana and Mr. and Mrs. James Sedlak of this city. Mrs. Keller is the form er Josephine Sedlak. , mw nard EUB WSWS Meets The Women's Society of World Service of the Mynard Evan gelical United Brethern Church met at the home of Mrs. Myron Wiles on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Kraeger was co hostess. The business meeting was pre sided over by the president, Mrs. Wayne Hendrix. Mrs. Royal Smith presented the lesson. "Serving Christ through vocations." It was stres sed that in many ways we may bring Christ into our everyday living. Delegates to the state branch convention to be held at Mil ford were chosen. Mrs. Willis Cole, Mrs. Melvin Sharer, Mrs. Wayne Hendrix, and Mrs. Tho mas Grosshans were chosen. Mrs. Melvin Shafer gave re port on the ordinaton service at the E.U.B. annual state con ference. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Falls City Rotary Club Honor John Falter, Artist The Rotary club of Falls City Tuesday evening gave recogni tion to John Philip Falter, noted artist whose drawings for the Saturday Evening Post has won him international fame. He was vcted winner of the 1958 award as an outstanding citizen. Falter, who lives at Lansdale, Pa., came from his home in the east to receive the award from the community where he spent his boyhood and youth. A great many of his famous Post covers were taken from scenes in Falls City. The distinguished artist is a member of two old time families of this community. His grand father was the late J. P. Falter, many years county commission er and financier of this city, and mother was formerly Miss Mar garet Dovey, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dovey, the grandfather being a pioneer merchant and banker of Plattsmouth. Bell Family Now Settled In Denver Mr. and Mrs. Don Bell and son, Jeffrey, are now located at their new home at Denver, Colo., and enjoy very much the at tractive mountain city. Mr. Bell ie engaged with the Purvis & Co. investment bankers. He likes the new position very much and the family is very happy in their new location. Mr. and Mrs. Bell were very active here in business and soc ials and their moving has occas ioned a great deal of regret among the host of friends. CALENDAR Monday, July 7 Bud of Promis Rebekah Lodge will meet at 8 p.m. at the IOOF Hall. Thursday, July 10 Sunbonnet Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Earl Shanholtz at 2 p. m . Friday, July 11 The Navy Mothers Club will meet at 2 p.m. at Consumers Club Rooms. Who knows with what quiet amusement the lower forms of animal life observe their bet ters? Crows, for example. It is our impression that they organ ize in groups of people watch ersRichmond Times-Dispatch. V V -W -W -W T Myr 8L- . rT W 1 it I i If you have a MAYTAG wringer type washer 20 years old or less or other washer equally valuable you can trade for .. . $1Q095 And Your Old Washer SCANLAN BROTHERS CASS COUNTY MAYTAC 345 Main Plattsmouth Eagle Items Mrs. John F'scher Phone 7304 Mr. and Mrs. John Vickers enjoyed a few days visit with their daughter Marie and fam ily, the Dana Schneiders, at Oconomowoc, Wis., recently, at tended the high school com mencement exercises of their granddaughter, Christie Schnei der June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brehm and three sons of St. Paul, Neb. visited friends, Supt. and Mrs. Paul Embree and family Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Root enjoyed a family dinner at the home of his mother. Mrs. Wm. Knaup at Murdock Sunday. Mrs. Elton Stokes, 83, suffer ed & stroke Tuesday evening affecting her right side and speech. Her condition was some improved at this writing. Her two daughters, Mrs. E. Kemper of Walton and Georgia Snokes at home, and her family are as sisting in her care. James Burks, son of Mrs. Ruth Burks is enioving a navy cruise and was to attend the Brussels World's Fair. The cruise was also to provide visits at several ports in England, Germany and France and at islands enroute. Marilyn Hable, daughter of Mrs. Verna Habel has complet ed her stewardess course at Kan sas City and is transferred to Chicago for further education. She visited her mother last week end. The Don Schmidts are remod eling their property in Eagle by adding a room. Mrs. A. H. Siekman attended the funeral services for a friend and school classmate, Mrs. Al lie Eidenmiller of O'Neill, at Elmwood Tuesday. Glenda Walls attended Girls State June 16-21 and tells of the highlights. She was sponsored by the Eagle American Legion Auxiliary. Her comments: ''We registered on Sunday at the dorm and got settled. "On Monday, we registered for our offices and filed for the pri mary election. We began cam paigning for our elective offices and were given an examination on government. "On Tuesday, polls were open and all voted in the general e lection. Our new governor was elected and our own offices were made known. I was elected Clerk of the District Court. "On Wednesday we visttted our officers and got lots of infor mation on government. ' "On Thursday, we assumed our offices and held our Coun ty and District Courts and also school meetings. That evening we attended the Girls State ban quet and met several former Girls Staters or honorees. "We had a tour of the cam pus Friday. For my own most Special Formula Schreiner's HAND CREAM JUST THINK 3-oz. Jar 50c 8-ozJar $1.00 16-oz. Jar $1.50 A Wonderful Quick Vanishing Fragrant Cream How Much Are You Paying for a 3-oz. Jar? Schreiner Drug f do a "hand" wash Sim. . ' automatically? You can . . . with thfl' new Maytag AIl-Fubric Automatic. Here' liow: One, it lets you choose' exactly the right water, temperature; hot. warm or ercn cold. Two, it matches tlie water level to the load with May. tag's exclusive Auto inatic WaterLevel Control. And three, agitation and spin speed are slower than for regular fabrics. Se tlie Maytag All-f'obrn Automatic soon! ACT NOW if Phone 245 i enjoyable visit was the Planet arium at Morrell Hall. The tra ditional Girls State-Bovs State dance was held Friday evening. "On Saturday, we graduated and checked out of the dorms after a most Inspiring, educa tional and -thoroughly - enjoyed week." Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schwegman were former neighbors and club members at Palmyra, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Doty and her broth er, Everett Motherhead, and Mr. and Mrs. John Doty and daughter Burnice, all of Pal myra. During the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garlett and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morheuke of Lincoln called at the Schweg man home. The latter is Mrs. Schwegman's sister. Arthur Walberg loaned his tractor and blade for leveling of the yard back of the Eagle Methodist Church one day last week and improved the yard for looks and the MYF young folks recreation facilities this summer. Sponsors for the recent Blood mobile at Eagle were American Legion and Auxiliary, Women's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church, Trinity Lutheran Aid members. Dorcas Society of the Immanual Luth eran Church and the Lions Club. Mrs. George Alt house was F Mi! SAVE $105 B ON 3 BRAS FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE! TWO MOST POPULAR F0RMFIT STYLES! Best selling Jo rni fit bra ROMANCE No. 566 COTTON BROADCLOTH, your favorite fabric for wash and wear! "Nylo-Braid" CIRCLE-STITCHED CUPS for lifting and shaping! ELASTIC RELEASE in back shoulder straps for comfort! Large CENTER ELASTIC release for easy fit! SELE STRAPS with sliding adjusters for quick strap adjustment! WHITE-SIZES 32A TO 33C! Reg. $2.00 ea. 3 FOR $4.95 Best selling Jormfit girdle S pantie SKIPPIES No. LIGHTWEIGHT nylon elastic net for comfort able shaping! EASY ELASTIC WAISTBAND 2 Vi inches to trim waistline! FLEXIBLE waistband stays to prevent rolling! Satin elastic FRONT AND BACK PANELS for flattening control! LIFETIME nylon crotch! Easy to LAUNDER long on WEAR! Available as pantie (No. 843) or girdle (No. 943) Pantie has DETACHABLE GARTERS! WHITE-SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE! Reg. $7.50 ea. 2 FOR $10.95 Style chairman for the Red Cross Bloodmobile and was assisted by members of the above or ganizations, with a fine response of blood donors during the af ternoon and early evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muenchau and son, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Muenchau and family attended the Robeler family reunion at Bethany Park at Lincoln Sun day. The Calvin Robeler family of McCook came the farthest. Pleasant Hill Club members held their last business meet ing until fall at the home of Mrs. August Schwegman on Fri day afternoon. The Dorcas Society members of the Immanuel Lutheran ch urch held their meeting Wednes day afternoon at the church with Mmes. Emma Rockenbach and Ambulance 4 111 I ij C . 1 ? 1 l-vi "i'f 'H W !H' ON 2 843943 I SAVE $ 5 Stock is limited! Regular prices as soon as stock is exhausted! Shop Helen Muenchau co-hostesses. A speaker on missionary work from Louisville gave the lesson. The WSCS members met at the Methodist Church basement Wednesday with Mmes, Louise and Llllie Vickers co-hostesses. The devotlonals were led by Luella Fischer and lesson by Laura West. Mrs. Bowne and Mrs. Em bree entered their membership in the society. Mrs. Jay Busker of Elk Pt., S. D., visited a couple days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams last week. O. E. Underwood is cony.i uing to improve after suffering a heart attack several days ago. Journal Want Ads Pay 702 Ave. B 3 t ? k v. i 9.. W. "I k'i'C GIRDLES iJ, . TV.