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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
News of Eagle Vicinity Child is agSe adSy Hurt in N atives Indiana Ev Mrs. John Fischer Journal Correspondent ;vited to call without further in EAGLE Speciai Mrs. Ber- j vitaticn. Mr. and Mrs. Scfcwen tha Caddy received a letter and j ker request no gifts. pacer clipping cf the trasic i accident c! her 8-year-cid ! Pfti.Ion 1 Uiiiii J WMiiwai grana 5 en c sen. Tommy Rcbertscn, s f Chief Petty Officer and 1 Mrs. Lester Robertson cf In dianapolis. Ind., cn Sunday, June 3rd while he was with his : cider sister and brother en route to a cloir-by ice cream store to ; purchase ice cream cones. He was playing near his sister when he stepped in front cf a car driven by a 19-year-old girl who was unaware she had struck the chili until Virginia Robertson called to her that Tommy was teir. dragged. He suffered se rious injuries, was hospitalized anil nr - 'cc, Attend Picnic , Several Eagle residents at tended the Old Settlers Picnic urday evenings, be vera; young Mr. and Mrs. Oris Lanning, . f ols from. Eagle were asked to Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Vickers . sing at the talent program on and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacob- Friday evening. The parade on meier and the latter s son and Saturday was one of the high family of Mitchell, S. D., en- : lights of the annual affair. joyed a Vickers-Stout family i basket dinner at Antelope Park i Miss Yvonne Phelps of Beaver Sunday. The relatives attend- City, now employed at Bryan ing this reunion were from Alvo, ; Memorial Hospital in Lincoln, Beatrice, Lincoln and Eagle. The ; visited at the home cf her fel Vern Jacobmeier family were ; low-employee. Muss Caroline the ones coming the fartherest ' Reuter and sister, Freda, Thurs distance to attend this year. iday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "High'' Morrison and sons Larry and Stephen of Lincoln, and daughters, Mrs. i 15 ; A : . Home Clubs j Visit Gardens 15 in bhenandoah THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 14, 1S55 Section C PAGE THREE By Mrs. Elmore Saltmarsh Tel. 3011 LQUISVTT.T " (Special Mr. Sack s sister. LABOR AND POLITICS Mr. and Mrs. Wavne Dobbs I The Labor movement in this Lave moved from their home ; country is expected to raise at ion Cherry Street to the Hack- least S3.0C0.CCC for political pur tbanh property at the comer ; poses this year, with more than Sixth and Main Streets. ; S50C.CC0 coming from the Inter- Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Engel- national Ladies Garment vVork- kemeier of Louisville and their ers Lmcn. The tunc is especea xhis pas, murscay morng ; : aau::nter, Mrs Marvin Paneitz,to be raised by voluntary con iu:u ceri gues? . ccniiriencement exercises atitri Countrv and Dutch Academy T r j, , s V, Lncom, Monday. Their son. Eagle Area News Briefs EAGLE i Special Mr. and Mrs. Gen West and family spent Sunday at the heme of Mrs. Wests mother, Mrs. Viola Wneatiey cf Palmyra. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schwenker will hold cpen hou; Darlene Angelo, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Angelo. has been quite ill with a severe ! Merle McWil throat infection. On Saturday ; Monty and Tommy of Colorado, THE SERIOUS BUSINESS of enrolling for the 1956 summer session occupies these students during registration at Peru Col lege. Filling out those important cards are, from left to right, Janet Halm of Syracuse, Jean Marie Halbasch of Syracuse, and Yvonne Fuller of Plattsmouth. Miss Fuller will teach in the District 30 school this coming year. College Photo. Home Economic Clubs and the Glendale club boarded a bus at Louisville for a trip to Shen andoah, Iowa. The tour was sponsored by the Country Club. On arrival there, the group was met by a guide at the Earl Attend Graduation May nursery, and taken to see the perennial gardens and the at the University cf Nebraska fv. d caU tv 'Monday. Their ' son-in-law re nwiiwri ij and' . ? luncheon- csc Ui --j. t?' iti.-c:::t:::; program, a xamuy tributions from members cf the various labor unions. Bill Engelkemeier, was prad-; uated-from the College cf En- A Classified Ad in The Journal gineering at the University cf costs as little as 33 cents Nebraska. : ' HOW in Decorator Colors! Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Williams j attended Graduation ceremonies MIST CEEEN DESEET SAEE WRITE FHEKCH GEAT Frank Fields. After a at the Deimcnico Hotel, the ladies toured the Earl May nur- A WEEK was held at the Williams even and ng the crisis was passed she is showing improve- and Mrs. Marvin Johnson and s and sons, CaD tain Returns I Family Surprise Cant, and Mrs. Marvin iua-f The Clinton and Clarence i vtr VVC1" 5i,cu Westlake families surprised the Jesse Westlake "s last Sunday serv and visited the Mount Arbor nursery storage house, :le- d g!?: r0?!;1' where the shrubs and plants are ;Bey and son, Bobbj. sen-, kent before shipment. Gifts cf S"1' j pecny plants nd a penpercnia' Mr- d fs- s. Also nlnh and family of Denver, son Stevie, cf Portland, Ore!CQlo visited their parents, Mr. ; visited Mrs. Morrison's brother, i Irs. Jona Rudolph and Mr. ! to help celebrate the parents Charley bcattergood, baturday. i ani 2.1-5. Milton Rodaway. Tne;42nd wedding anniversary, i Mrs. McWilliams, the former ! Captain returned home after j km an ci Hast- his mother, H. Siekman. cf the tour. Air! dmim hAeets. r ! Fr.hpl TnTt;nr! r.r Trs; John- a-rrr a cnnsiHerahlp timp Tr TTsrolr? The Trinity Lutneran Aid the forme'r RUth Morrison, S hi toe Far East with the United; ings is visiting . x . fare visiting the above.. Mrs. Mc- .States Air Force Schmict s home Thursday eve- iwmiarn3 and f amiIv al,0 f otner memoers are empiujeu during the day. Mrs. Cress, the at their ' pastors wife, gave a narrative Mr. and Mrs. George Fitz- law, Mrs. Clark Gonzales, on : patrick and family moved from Sunday. :asle to Wichita, Kans., last Social News Of Louisville A He arrived on Tuesday evening, j AlkZZd : Brockley and sons, Ross and ' 'George, parents and brothers of; Robert Brockley, and Mr. and; i Mrs. George Brockley, all cf , i Valentine. : Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomas ' spent Sunday night and Mon day in Omaha. The New REMINGTON Phone 211 410 Main SL Plattsmouth Journal IKE'S BIRTHPLACE RESTORED children visited in Flmwood Saturday evening at the home The Eisenhower Birthplace j nf Vrs Albert's narenis. Mr Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hill and weekend, where both will be i Foundation of Dennison, Texas. ; ar! Mrs. Ray Parseli. The "get ....... u... -.. - c. ner recent mp aiiu tcii- i fha f,thcr Tr t,tH.h ! 0r.nlnvl Xfr Fltatrick is ,o t, oc; 7 ' i " i w.. i , uan. tv. losemer was m nonor 01 rirs fourth west cf Eagie on Wednes- ; ance of a Lutheran Church con cay, June 20, from 2 to 4 p. m... , vention in and from 7 to 9 p. m. They are anniversar iaeir 5Cth ?riiir.z Friends are in- REAL ESTATE LOANS! 5 Fercent Interest Charge Reduced for Each Monthly Payment Plattsmouth Loan r Building Ass'n. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ely and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Krumm and family cf Lincoln spent Sunday at the home cf Mrs . Irvin Stall, mother cf Mmes. Ely and Erumrn. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Umland Giesbrecht cf Lincoln, spent i the former Virginia Phillips. ; of Mrs. Eisenhower in restoring i AlhPrt's hirthdnv Sunday at the home cf the1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Westlake the birthplace of her husband.! " daughter and family. Mr. and ' visited Mrs. Westlake 's sister, president Lwight D. Eisenhower. I Mrs Ed-ar Pnkonin ad har : Mrs. Kenneth Trunkenbolz and Miss Ima Heebner at Nebraska. The Eisenhowers have promised daute- M-s Laura Wo-r sens. :City last Sunday afternoon. ',to provide some family furniture ;o; dTetrta.Vere Saturdav viit- - i Mrs. Bertha Walbach and : f or the house which is being ; ct tv. .ic cv vn-,o Visit Omaha's Finest Restaurant And Cocktail Lounge Reasonable Prices O Open Daily Lunch From 11:30 a. m. Til 5 p. m. Dinner From 5 p. m. Til 1 a. m. Student Services sisters, Mrs. Daisy Colling, and: restored to its original design at ! Mrs. Pankonin, who is making i Mrs. Ida Treat of Wilsonville ! a post of shout S15.0C0. Theiw hn-0 n-i, hDr riMsr l'i LaVelle Swarts conducted the arrived at the home cf Mrs. I funds were raised bv the f oun-i - J ' ' ; worship sendees Sunday morn- ;Wclbach's daughter, Mrs. Rob-;datjon through gifts from over ing at the Methodist church ; ert Ad kins. Tuesday. AH were ; tfce sjate cf Texas, with tho cirr miarTPttP janff p dinner guests at the Adkins Mrs. Henry Rocenbach, sun- FTOhlich, Kav Marie Swarts, Lois i tome Tuesday. Mrs. Colling, cay. ; Erskine and" Sharon Wall nro- : lter attended a Methodist Con- Mrs. William Doran and son i viding the masicai nUmber. Miss ference at Fremont and Mrs. Sunday Our Feast-O-Rama Chuck Wagon cr Buffet 12 Noon Ti! 8 p. m. and family cf Lincoln visited at Mrs. Umiand's parents, Mr. and WHAT HAPPENED? Call 242 or 241 and tell your and daughter of Hardy visited at Favp TCr, ni,vp( " , ; Treat visited her granddaughter local Newspaper Plattsmouth Cnas. Scattergoocs, whne herjducted bv the stlident3 husband. Rev. Doran, attended ; ycung stadent pastor and wife r.toi.u will be in charge this Sunday, a conference week. at at Lincoln. RADIATOR REPAIRING ONE-DAT SERVICE Plattsmouth Motors Washington Ave. . Ph. 287 RCOF CARDEN OPENINC SOON Dancing Under the Stars! A! Green's Sky Room Cr Roof Gsrden on "Top of the Center" 42nd &. Center Sts. Omaha, Nebr. Drive to 3rd level, 40th & Center Ample Free Parkin- for 2500 Cars following the conference assign- ;ments by District Superinten- dent Rev. Lawrence Davis cf ; Lincoln. Shown tcitk Life Romance Bra No. 566 in cmp, fresh cotzor. broadcloth. $2.00. CPA mi - i iv j t t ir ii if . Mrs. H. N. Philhps was ill sev eral days this past week with a kidney infection. Her condi tion was improved by Sunday. Mrs. William Doran and chil dren of Hardy, visited her hus band's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doran at Ashland Sun day morning. They continued ; on to Fremont for the Method- ! ist conference in the afternoon, j ; Mrs. Doran attended the special i ordination services at which , time her husband. Rev. William Doran, received the completion of his ordination, i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scatter I good visited their daughter and ; family, the Eicon Sorensens at : Ruskin this past Tuesday. .9 No font.? about rr Skippies are the gure-maker- fur bu-y you! Light, freedom-saving thv never hinder or hamper . . . slenderize with -wonderful comfort. Here ... a brilliant ex amide in N Ion elastic n-t. paneled front Battery. Come in. see it and many others today! Skippies Panne No. S45. 5, M L, Ex. L, S6.50. Also available as Girdle No. 945. Other Skippies from $3.50. Color Slides Capt. and Mrs. Marvin Ru- i dolph and two daughters, visit- i ing relatives at Eagle, visited ; Mrs. Rudolph's brother, Keith Rodaway, at Beatrice, Sunday. I In the evening Capt. Rudolph showed colored picture slides ; taken while he was serving with I the Air Force in Korea and Ja ipan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ru I dolph of Malcolm and Mr. and !Mrs. Willis Stubbendick and : family of Unadiila, Mr. and Mrs. ; Howard Stege of Elmwood, Mr. , and Mrs. Harvey Wall and farn i ily of Lincoln, Mrs. Florence Webber and family of Syracuse were the out oi town guests who enjoyed the pictures. The Ru dolphs left for their home in Colorado Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Wuif spent sev eral days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Heavey and family at Lincoln, while Mr. Heavey officiated for the Insurance Company office Lincoln at a meeting in St Louis. Mo. 0 mm mmjLMMM'm EASY TO ENTER EASY TO WIN 10 FREE PHAETONS EVERY WEEK FOR 8 WEEKS STARTING JUNE 11th... YOU CAN ENTER EVERY WEEK 2680 VALUABLE PRIZES IN ALL of Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Swenker ; will be observing their 5Cth ; wedding anniversary on Wed-1 nesday, June 20th, with an open ! house for their many friends, j neighbors and relatives, from 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. ' ; in the evening. The couple were ! married oO years ago, and the ; day cf the week was Wednes-! day, which is quite a coincid- j ence and reason for celevrating. ) 1ST PRIZE 8 NEW MERCURY MONTCLAIR PHAETONS One each week plus an all-expense paid week end trip to New York for two with transportation by Ameri can Air lines DC-7 suite at famous Waldorf-Astoria special guests of Ed Sullivan at his television show. t C1EAT1CM Style Shop Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Westlake were guests at the Elmer Stall home at Nehawkd last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Froh lich and daughter, Betty Jo, returned heme from Wheat ridse, Colo., near Denver, after visiting Mrs. Frohlich's sister and family, the D. C. Petersen's, The guests called at the Ivan Bassett home at Englewood. 11TH-35TH PRIZES 200 NEW, LATEST MODEL GENERAL ELECTRIC TV SETS 25 each week Compact, smart portable models, light and easy to carry. Color fully two-toned, aluxninized pic ture tube, built-in antenna, tinted safety window. 2ND-10TH PRIZES 72 NEW MERCURY , MONTEREY PHAETONS 9 each week Like all Mercury 4-door hardtops . . . the Monterey features ex citing low-silhouette styling and beauty . . . better visibility for all passengers no rear seat "blind spot" . . . easier entrance and exit . . . exclusive styling touches. NEXT 300 PRIZES 2400 ELGIN AMERICAN SIGNET CIGARETTE LIGHTERS WITH WINNERS' INITIALS . . . AUTOGRAPHED BY ED SULLIVAN 300 each week Styled in the tradition of fine jewelry, golden finish, auto matic operation. HERE'S ALL YOU DO TO ENTER! 1. GO TO YOUR MERCURY DEALER TODAY 2. PICK UP OFFICIAL RULES AND ENTRY BLANK 3. COMPLETE LAST LINE OF MERCURY PHAETON RHYME 4. MAIL OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK TO "MERCURY CONTEST' SPECIAL BONUS AWARDS $10,000 CASH TO NEW MERCURY BUYERS Awarded instead of new Phaeton if you buy a new Mercury during contest and before being advised of winning one of the top 10 weekly prizes- $2,000 CASH TO USED CAR BUYERS Awarded in addition to new Pfcaeton if you buy a used car during contest and before being advised of winning one of the top 10 weekly prizes. Find Out More About This Big Mercury Contest . . . Watch "THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW Sunday Evening. 9:00 to 10:00, Station WOW-TV, Channel 6 PLATTSMOUTH' MOTORS Washington Avenue Your Friendly Ford Dealer Plattsmouth