Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
IfTl 'p"ii i .i "ni l lnarTp-fir ' I I 'T"T r"ir'i " I "ri"T' t r" L A k A JOUKWAL WAIT ADS V y re Notices NOTICE To get shoes out of shop or see about your insur- I ance. call or see Clem Woster s Phone 6297, 906 Ave. D. : 59-ltp ! NOTICE Special price on pa-' CESSPOOL SEPTIC tank clean per hanging. Jim Eden, phone ing, S20 to $40. Harold May 42 w- 92-tfc! bee. Phone 10S6J, Nebraska NOTICE vanced - Beginning and Ad- i Acrobat lessons. Also ! tap and ballet lessons. Phone j 79TS. Charlene Lewis and Ter- i ry Petersen. 53-2tp Card of Thanks CARD OF THANKS We have ; sold out and wish to take this opportunity to thank the fine j people of Cass County for : their patronage during the I many years we were in busi- j ncss. i ' Clem Woster. Shoe Store i Tim Woster, Shoe Repair j 59-ltp j CARD OF THANKS I wish to j thank all my neighbors and.' friends for the gifts, flowers, i cards, and calls during my i ionj; stay in the hospital. I'll j remember you always. Mrs. John Fisher, Murray, Nebras- i 59-2tc ! Personals ! Take Dad to the Beach on Father's Day!We make patios, steps and side- Picnicking, Swimming, Boating Merritt's Beach "Nebraska's Finest Water Playground" 59-ltc LONELY? Have Sweethearts, Wife or Husband. Free infor mation. Lincoln Club, Box 1871, Lincoln, Nebr. 45-16tp Lost and Found LOST Tooled leather billfold in or near Soennichsen's parking lot Saturday night. Finder keep money return billfold and papers. Sno White Laun dry. P. O. Box 50. 5S-2tp Help Wanted WANTED Counter lady for Stan's Bakery. Inquire before 10 a. m. 55-tfc HELP WANTED Fuller Brush y Route. S75 per week & ex- ' penses to start. Write P. O. 1 Box 3, Lincoln. Neb. 59-8tc i FULL TIME baby sitter and lisht housework. Private quar- ; ters. Phone 6270 or 7219 be- : fore noon. 54-tfc j Responsible Person i male or female, from this area, wanted to service and collect from automatic vend ing machines. No selling. Age not essential . Car, references, and S2S9 to S579 investment necessarv. "5-12 hours weekly nets S125 to $250 monthly. Possibility full time work. For local interview give full par ticulars, phone. Write P.O. Box 7947. Minneapolis 11, Min nesota. 59-ltp WANTED: A man to work 9 Lour day. 6 day week. Car necessary. $75 per week, plus expenses to start. Write: P. O. Box 3, Lincoln Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT Modern 2 1 or 3 bedroom house. Write Box A. D. T Journal. 55-tfp Wanted to Buy WANTED More junk of any kind, including old cars. Bill Wever. Phone 3290. 44-tfc WANTED TO BUY 20 inch bovs bicvcle. Phone 7180 or 511S. Smith's Men's Wear. 53-2tc Wanted WANTED 4 riders to Omaha. Leave 7. return at 5. Phone 4331. 53-2tp WANTED Bee John Bradley. swarms. Call Phone 7188. 57-tfc WANTED One rider to Omaha. Leave Piattsmouth at 6:45 a. m. Phone 3187. 53-2tp WANT AD HATES Want Ads are Cash ether than to established accounts, Courtesy charges are made cn telephone ads for a period of six days. No Want Ads "wili be accepted from users delinquent in their accounts. Pay ment is expected from customer upon their receipt ci notification of total charges EACH WORD, First Insertion 3c EACH WORD, Subsequent Insertions 2c (Minimum Charge for any Ad 35c) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, per inch 75c KEYED or BLIND ADS, service charge - 50c CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIUM MESSAGES. POETRY same as Want Ad Rates DEAD LINE All Want Ads must be in this office by 1 1 A.M. Day of Publication. TELEPHONE 241 If an error is made in vour ad, notify The Journal office immedi tsiy following publication. We cannot assume responsibility after the first insertion Services Offered Father and Grandfather like pictures of the "kids." Call Frank's Photo's for Father's Day specials. Frank Gaines. rhone 7187. 51-9tc y' 58'3tc DISC SHARPENING Have the work done on your farm- dv L. J. Clarence, Union Nebras-j ka. Phone 2551 or Write. 29-tfc WE COT GLASS Picture framing. Paint Store. to any size, t Plattsmouth 44-tf c f Graduates "No Obligation" Come in and discuss Your Job Future MEN: Bookkeepers, den ial, office managers, sales, engineers. WOMEN: Stenographers, re ceptionists, typists, filists. Mutual Employment Service 432 Kilpatrick Bldg. Omaha, Nebr. Phone WE 6070 49-tfc Light hauling, trash or what have you. Phone 3S2L 57-3tc . - . i. carpentery. 5107. Phone rC23 or 54-tfc GARDNER 333 Main Piattsmouth Phone 7152 Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work Armstrong Furnaces and Ai Conditioners American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Hoffman Water Heaters Meyers Water Systems Easy Monthly Payments Can Be Arranged Free Estimates Personal Loans - $50 - $100 - $500 - $700 To A $1000 $20 Prompt Confidential Service No Lower Payments Anywhere American Loan 530 Main Phone 3213 Loans Made in Nearby Towns 52-tfc ITS COOL MAN, COOL! That's what you'll say all sum mer long if you install a Cor onado air conditioner from Gambles. No matter how high temperature and humidi ty rise, you'll be able to re lax in cool, fresh comfort! See our complete line you'll like the down-to-earth prices. As little as $2.25 per week. GAMBLES Phone 3254 i 50-tfc i COMBINE CANVAS repaired, i Smithy's Repair Shop, Murray, ! Nebraska. 54-tfc JEEP A trenching, sewer trench ing, casements aug. uoiDert & Colbert, Nebraska City, Nebr. 574. Phone 3217. P. O. Box 35-tfc i GARDNER UPHOLSTERING 1616 Vinton Phone Jackson 4753 Omaha, Nebr. Free Estimates & Delivery 56-tfc ! ABSTRACTS O F TITLE ' Fouchek & Garnett 126 North ; Fourth Street Plattsmouth, ! Nebraska. 5 -tf c j A Classified Ad in The Journal j costs as little as 35 cents I r . - Phone 6297 ' CLEM WOSTER Plattsmouth, Nebr. Life Insurance Savings Plans I Retirement Program! For the Entire Family Representing MODERN WOODMEN of America 57-tfc-T LAWNS MOWED, general yard work. Raymond McShane, Phone 3112. , 50-lGtfc Will care for 1 or 2 small chil dren in mv home. Phone 5954. 57-3tp CESSPOOLS AND septic tanks cleaned. Phone 6062 Platts mouth. 55-9tp RAY'S Expert Radio r TV Repair Phone 233 110 So. 3rd 44-tfc-T WILL PUT in retaining walls, do terracing, put in patios and sidewalks. Telephone 49G6 evenings. 58-4tc SERVICES OFFERED Paper hanging and sample book shown and free estimate. Mrs. D. L. Ramel. 46-tfc Wizards of the Scissors Roy & Dan Roy's Barber Shop "Air Conditioned" 53-5tcT For Sale Give Dad A Box of CIGARS For Father's Day Gift Boxes Wm. Penn - White Owl Van Dyck All Popular Brands CONIS SHINE PARLOR 59-ltc FOR SALE mattress $15. Baby crib and Phone 5010. 59-2tc FOR SALE Cameraman here's a buv. Weston Lieht Meter ' cost S29.00 new. WTill sell for i S5 including leather case. Tel. 241 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 56-tf p ; FOR SALE Baler twine, S7.50; j binder twine, $8.90, for Mid continent at Farmers Feed & j Seed. 50-tfc j A FATHER'S DAY ! SUGGESTION For Dad's Work Shop Mason ite Peg Board (Perforated Panels 2x4' SI. 32 I i Plattsmouth j Lumber Company 126 So. 4th Dial 235 57-2tc-T FORNEY ARC WELDERS WELDING SUPPLIES Stites Farm Eq. Chicago Ave. Dial 257 : 33-tfc ; USE DOUD'S Home Rendered j Lard for the Best Fried Chick- en, Fish and Pies. Goes far- ther. Costs less. Money back i guarantee. 30-31 lbs.," S4.75. ' Gal. S1.50 delivered. Phone j 8491. 56-8tpi COT YOUR GIFT j FOR DAD YET? Let A "Dad" Kelp j You. With Ycur j Selection i ! See George or Lowell At Smith's Men's Wear 59-ltc FAR SALE Cottonwood lumber all dimensions, Pierce &: Son Saw Mill. Phone 4966 101-tfc FOR SALE Second batch 3 to 4 pound fryers, $1.00 alive, $1.25 dressed. Five miles south of Plattsmouth on Highway 75. Will deliver in town free four cr more. Mrs. Orval Kahler. Pnone 8339. 53-tfc f r- . 4.: - - 4 EVERY DAY SPECIAL Chrome Kitchen Chairs S5.95 up Window Shades 29c ea. i EARGAIN CENTER ) 54-tfc iFOR SALE SENSATION lawn ! mowers. Prices start at S48. I Brown's Airport, Weeping Wa i ter, Nebraska. 52-Stp FOR SALE 1 ton Coolerator air conditioner. Phone 390G. FOR SALE New 34-Ton AIR CONDITIONERS $165&up ' l-Tcn AIR CONDITIONERS $192.50 & up 5 Year Guarantee Installed Meisinger HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Highway 75 Phone 8342 46-ti'cT TRAILER FOR SALE 41 foot Travelite. Tiled bath. Air conditioned, other extras. See it at Suhl's Trailer Court, Bel levue, Nebraska. Tel. Bellevue 1468. 58-2tp FOR SALE Duo-Therm lawn mowers. Competitive prices. Brown's Airoort, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. 52-8tp FOR SALE One ten Hot Point air conditioner witn tnermo- stat. Used three months, pn. 6217. DO-LiC ro -f Household Goods FOR SALE Upright piano, $25.00. Phone 5003. 59-2tc FOR SALE Crib, 5 year old size, good condition. Phone 3118. 58-2tc Livestock for Sale ! FOR SALE 2 purebred York ! male hogs. Sunset Hog Farm. Phone 8340. 58-2tp , FOR SALE Registered Polled ! Hereford bulls. Ready forj light service. Richard Sack, j Phone Murray 4812. 59-3tc ! Feed & Seed for Sale FOR SALE Corn, bulk, $1.55 at bin or delivered in truck loads. Farmers Feed & Seed. 50-tfc FOR SALE Feed Wayne for a faster gain. Hog and Cattle feed. Contracts available. Farmers Feed and Seed. 46-tfc FOR SALE Seed corn, U. S. 13, small flats S7.00 per bu. Farm ers Feed & Seed. 45-tfc Good Pieces to Eat COLD PLATE LUNCHES Home Cooked Meals Fran & Esiil's Cafe 59-ltp FINE FOODS Pleasant Surroundings Mack's Kitchen And Dining Room 59-stp FOR YOUR MORNING i COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS MOM'S CAFE Open Sundays 420 Main St. 41-tfc ; Where to Buy it JAY'S j I exaco Service ; Free Pickup &z Delivery ; Chicaso Ave. Dial 4102 ; 57-tfc-T EVERY DAY SPECIAL Outside White. Paint S2, 49 ga BARGAIN CENTER 54-tfc PHIL'S TAP ROOM Fine Liquors Sz Beer "Air Conditioned" 53-2tc R. C. A. T. V. AIR CONDITIONERS Wm. Schmidtmann 55-8tc FISHING Dressed Fish for Sale BASHUS LAKE First Turn Right on Dock Road 58-tfc Huebner's '66' Station "Tank Wagon Service" 302 Chicago Ave. Dial 212 57-tfc-T FOR SALT For mono gramme d napkins, informal notes, place cards and match, covers for wedding gilts, anniversaries and banquets, see the Platts mouth Journal, or phone 241. 50-tfc FOR WORK Get B r H SHOES 59-ltc Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. 123 North Third St. Ph. 5169. 58-2tp FOR RENT Large sleeping room for rent. Tel. 4155. ! 56-tfc ;FOR RENT Small furnished apartment downtown, x-nunc 6995 after b p. m. 53-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment. No pets. Court House Apartments. Paul Fau ouet. Phone 6113. 48-tfc FOR RENT Three rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone 274. 42-tfc FOR RENT 3 bedroom home 1604 Hill St. Contact Mary May Troop, 2605 So. 12th, Omaha, Nebr. Jhone Ja 0519. - 59-tfc FOR RENT Trailer space with water, light and sewage fa cilities. Also auto repair. Ho man Service, Weeping Water, Nebr. 59-2tp FOR RENT 3 room furnish-; ed apartment. Utilities paid, j Lugsch Cleaners. 59-2tc j FOR RENT Furnished apart- !. ment at 1115 4th Ave. Pnone j 7906. 58-tfc FOR RENT Comfortable room for gentleman. Close in. Phone i 5256.. 54-tfc j rooms. 1 56-tfc i FOR RENT -Phone 4946. Sleeping FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. Phone 3276 days, 5194 evenings. 56-tfc FOR RENT Two room fur nished apartment. Inquire 701 Ave. B. 55-tfc FOR RENT Two room furnish ed apartment, utilities paid. $45. Phone 4212. 54-tfc ed apartment, utilities paid, 4 5 per month. Phone 4212. 48-tfc ' FOR RENT -apartment. - Small furnished Phone 3192. 55-tfc FOR RENT Small, modern furnished house. A. W. Cloidt. 58-tfc Real Estate for Sale DWELLINGS i FOR SALE i i BEDROOM Oakmont home, j Price reduced for quick sale, j Possession now. j ROOM modern on 3rd Avenue ; pavement. An older house,) but priced right. i STORY, brick in South Park.! With part or all of 16 lots. 1 block from pavement on oil ed street. Close to school. Ideal for development and priced to sell quick. DWELLING AND 3 South 10th. Close LOTS on i to school. ; Pavement, sewer available for j I another dwelling on the lots.) ! i 7 ROOM home between 6th and j 7th on 4th Avenue. j TWO BEDROOM home in Val- ley View. Excellent condition. ; Almost new. I See First Realty Co. 505 Main Dial 254 53-tfc FOR SALE Frame building to be moved, 30x16. Lifetime aluminum roof. Ahlene Fitch, Elmwood. 58-2tc FOR SALE Good improved acreage. 48-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT 25 ft. trailer house, good condition. See at Sands Trailer Court. LaPlatte, Nebr. 57-tfc The Beautiful BATES RESIDENCE Look At These Features! 6 Rooms Including 3 Bedrooms All Oak Finish All Modern Finished Attic Large Fireplace 3 Car Garage You Are Invited to See This Home During OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 17 From 2 to 5 P.M. 702 Ave. C BUY NOW! 6 rooms and bath, 4 lots, $4,000. $1,000 down, $50 per month. Recently constructed 2 bedroom home, full size basement, $6,500. Neat and attractive four rooms; and bath, gas heat and plea- i sant yard. $5,0G0.00. Six excellent building sites- 5 rooms and bath, gas large garage, $5,300.00. heat, LORIS B. LONG REALTOR Office at 126 N. 4th Tel. 5239 or 4250 3S-tfc FOR SALE Two bedroom home with full basement. Valley View. Phone 7209. 59-tfc i FOR SALE 5 room all modern home on 30 acres. All-weath- ! er road. Good outbuildings. ! Adjoin Plattsmouth. Phcne i 4289. cive Davis FOR SALE All modern 3 bed- i room i home. 2 lots on paving.. Close to Central School. Price : S7250.00. "See Steve." ! FOR SALE Partly modern blocks south of Main St. Full price S350C.00. "See Steve." HAVE BUYERS for good 3 bed room home. List your prop erty with Steve. "See Steve." STEVE DAVIS 112 No. 5th St. . Phone 6111 or 321C 59-2tc Automobiles 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr., Hy- dramatic 266 1951 Studebaker V8 Club Coupe 338 1946 Ford 2-Dr 77 1949 Dodge 2-Dr 277 i i 1950 Buick 4-Dr 297 j ! 1945 Hudson 67 ; 1545 Chevrolet &9 i j 1943 Chevrolet 135 j 1947 Dodge 4-Dr S9 ; 1953 Plymouth 4-Dr 830 j 1953 Dodse 4-Dr. j i 1954 Studebaker Coupe I 1956 Dodse 4-Dr. - ! R. V. BRYANT j MOTOR CO. ! Plattsmouth, Nebr. j 59-2tc ; FOR SALE 4 door '50 Chevrolet ! - power drive, radio, heater and I i white wall tires. Inquire 1010 ; 3rd Ave. 53-tfp i I FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet, i Good condition. S50. Tel. 7912. j 59-tfc ; I . i j; "V-i To . . . ' iri' BUY " Vj' 4 SELL .' RENT fT - - ' Keai i h"- Lstate 59-ltp : CHE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 14, 1956 PAGE FIVE No Hit-No Run Game Is Pitched By Vogt of the MURDOCH An impressive i no-hit, no-run game was pitched by Elmwood's Vogt Friday as! Elmwood defeated Manley in a j soft ball game of the season by a score of 2 to 0. Both scores ! came in the first inning. The win registered four straight victories for the Elm- wood team so far this season, They previously defeated the Ball Coaches Are Asked to Send Scores Cass County baseball team coaches or managers may send news of their teams' games directly to the Platts mouth Journal. Publication of the various teams' activities will be wel comed by baseball fans and can do much to build at tendance. The Journal welcomes any communication from the managers or coaches on scheduled games and on the scores of any games played. It is asked, however, that the write-ups of the games be mailed to the Jourrial of fice within one day after they are played. It is also requested that full names of the stars of the games be given rather than just their initials. Send the stories to Bill Burton, news editor, Platts mouth Journal, Plattsmouth, or if the writer would prefer he may forward them to the Journal correspondent in his area. 1948 Dodge 4 door, radio, heater. In extra good shape mechani cally. Can be seen at 701 4th Avenue. C. Ed. Miller. 59-4tp FOR SALE 'z ton 1950 Chevro- j Mr. Cook said should the pro let pickup. Tel. 5965. 59-tfc ; posal be accepted, it would keep Public Sales Sale Every Monday j 7 -3D P M Weeping Water Sale Company 47-tfc-T Legal Notices EQUALIZATION MEETING Office of County- Commissioners Cass County Plattsmouth. Nebr. June 5, 1956 Board of Equalization met at the call of the Chairman. Pres ent R. E. Norris, H. L. Born-;-rr.eier and W. F. Nolte. Motion was made by H. L. D?rnemeiEr and seconded b5' W. Y. Noire that the improve ments on the E1 of'Lot 10, Block 15 in the Village of Elm wood be corrected to S450.00 The Beard adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. EQUALIZATION BOARD CHAS. LAND. Clerk for the Board No. 3277 Juu3 14. 1956 2 j (More Legils on Pae 4, Sec. Ii) ".-Hi ': - sift -"- -- r r- If you have com and oats on hand, here's the feed you need to finish your hogs at lowest cost. It's easy to mix a ton of the finest finishing ration vith Foxcentrate "45" and your home grown corn and cats. It will cost you only about $50 (and that in cludes the value of your own grain). Your actual cash expense for pre-mix will be only 9.50 to $13.20 for a ton of feed. Balanced Amino Acid Utilization is the secret of this amazing new corn-oats balancer. Try it and see how it cuts your costs by giving your own grains greater "feed mileage". Edgar F. Phone 8178 ... I r VI. 1 -4 As U B i fc-f f ml 1JRJ f f-l Elmwood Team Braves. 11 to 1 ; Murray, 2 to 1; land Hawks. 7 to 4. The remaining county softball schedule June 15, July 20, August 24, Cardinals. 9:30 Elmwood vs !p. m. June 19 and July 24; I Cardinals vs. Hawks, 8 p. m.; j Braves vs. Elmwood, 9:30 p. m. j June 22 and July 27; Murray j vs. Manley, 9:30 p. m. June 23 land July 31: Elmwood vs. Mur- jray, 8 p. m.; Cardinals vs. Man !ley, 9:30 p. m. ) June 29 and August 3; Hawks vs. Braves, 9:30 p. m. July 3 and August 7; Braves vs. Man- ! ley. 8 p. m. Elmwood vs. Hawks, ,9:30 p. m.; July 6 and August 10, Murray vs. Cardinals, 9:30 j p. m. July 10 and August i 14; Murray vs. Hawks, 8 p. m.; Cardinals vs. Braves, 9:30 p. m. I July 13 and August 17; Elm- wood vs. Manley, 9:30 p. m. I July 17 and August 17; Braves . vs. Murray, 8 p. m.; Hawks vs. Manley 9:30 p. m. Monies Needed Locally for Flood Control Project (Continued From Page 1 the value of their property and by how much it would be ben- i efited by such a program. I Previous tenative fees are i now being revised. If sufficient support were not given voluntarily, he added, a watershed district could be formed and a mandatory tax ; ation imposed. j This method actually would J cost the property owner more i than would the voluntary ; method, he said, j An outline of what retarding j structures and lands treatment ' j would be needed, where they would be situated and what their eiiect wouia be was pro vided by Earl Cook, work group conservationist from Weeping Water. Plattsmouth from suffering flood damages which, in the past, have occured about once every seven years. Such a program, he added, would reduce the likelihood of ! serious floods to about one m 100 years. j To point up the seriousness I of flood damage, color slides of ! the 1955 New England destruct I ion were shown "the group by William Rankin, Jr., of the U. ! S. Army Corps of Engineers, t Also shown were pictures of past floods in Plattsmouth. Mr. Fauquet concluded in i urging the local citizenry to 1 cooperate. "Interest in a flood control program," he said, "'Is 1 the highest the day after a flood, ; and lowest the day before." ! "Floods come when they are i least expected." he added, i "and we should be prepared ;for them." I Rose Tattoo Coming 1 "The Rose Tattoo" will be ! shown Sunday, Monday and ; Tuesday, at the Cass Theatre. It stars Academy Award-win-, ning Anna Magnani and Burt i Lancaster. J -I A 'J --rr r. . tin. t t:1 Meisinger Rt. 2, Plattsmouth, Nebr. - 6 W: 'In) X