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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
I i'i i; THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR Thursday, June 14, 1956 Dial Janice Wiles Installed Queen in Impressive Rites, Saturday ' - V ' . f ' I " . " 4 L - . ' - -' i I . . .' . . :i.-r .i.' . ft : ' . "I. : .-' . '. -., ' ' - " t ' " '.' -f f sC; ' ' K.v . , ' ' - ! vv ' -) .'.VSii - i t, .,-,. : ..... , a . - j . . Miss Janice Wiles Miss Janice Wiles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wiles of Plattsmouth, was installed as honored queen of bethel No. 24 International Order of Job's Daughters at the Masonic Hall on Saturday evening. Other officers installed were: senior princess, Shirley Hild; junior princess, Betty Morris; guide, Janice Lancaster; mar shal, Sharon Ramge; chaplain, Patty Johnson; recorder, Rita Ramge; treasurer, Mary Sulli van; senior custodian, Karen Tilson; junior custodian, Mar jorie Grosshans; musician, Jane Fauquet ; librarian, K a r 1 e n e Semf; 1st messenger, Mary Nolt ing; 2nd messenger, Carol Da vis; 3rd messenger, Deanna Stones; 4th messenger, Jeanne Weiss; 5th messenger, Nancy Lancaster; inner guard, Linda Livingston and outer guard, No veta Humiston. Installing officers were: queen, Lois Gapen; guide, Bennie Beins; marshal, Mari lyn Meisinger; chaplain, Bever ly Sullivan; senior custodian, Carol Burch; junior custodian, Sandra Burch; recorder, Bar bara Potts; musician, Mrs. Ed Ernst and flag bearer, Donna Ernst. As a farewell to the outgo ing queen, Lois Gapen, Janice Wiles read a poem "Friends" and her officers sang "Only a Rose" as they each presented her with a rose. The new queen was presented me Cool Cotton Dresses . . . are the best recipe for warm Weather . . . Bright colors, easily laundered. These dresses are in a class by them selves. Their style and fit will bring y.ou many, many compliments. $2.98 - $3.98 $5.98 - $8.95 loo 515 Main 241 4... 3 J with the honored queen's pen by junior past honored queen Lois Gapen. Mrs. Benne Beins presented Lois with a past hon ored queen's pen. Mrs. Rilla Gapen presented the Mothers pen to Mrs. Chester Wiles. A short program was given with a saxophone solo by Linda Livingston and a vocal solo by Donna Ernst. Guests and members were served refreshments from a dec orated tea table with Mrs. Bet ty Bashus pouring. CALENDAR Thursday, June 14 Navy Mothers Club will meet Thursday, June 14 at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Fred Essert. There will be installation of officers. Thursday, June 14 Sunbonnet Garden Club will meet Thursday, June 14, at the home of Mrs. Lee Eastridge. Thursday, June 21 Gleaners Circle of the Meth odist Church meets Thursday, June 21, at the home of Mrs. John Schreiner. Monday, June 18 Plattsmouth Garden Club will meet Monday, June 18 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Christy Hickey at the Coronado Apartments. fyi is! cff3 1 Just Arrived Today! A New Shipment of les 1 oggery FASHION CENTER OF CASS COUNTY Pre-Bridal Shower Held In Elmwood ELMWOOD (Special) A pre bridal shower was given by Mrs. Vernon Bornemeier, at her home, Friday with Mrs. Mary Peterson and Mrs. Bess Marsch mann, assisting hostesses. It was in honor of Miss Lila Oeh lerking, whose approaching mar riage will take place Saturday. The prospective bridegroom is Raymond Kuhlenengel of Syra cuse, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhlenengel, Dun bar. The house was decorated in blue and white, the bride's col ors. A large white bell above the table, with a blue inverted umbrella, blue and wrhite streamers attached, held the gifts. About twenty were present bringing many gifts. The hostesses served refreshments. Mrs. R. B. Hayes' Children Visit Here, Make Summer Plans Robert H. Hayes, son of Mrs. R. B. Hays, took a stop over oy way of Omaha, on his re turn from a meeting of engin eers for his company in San Jose, Calif., and visited his mother for a couple of days. While here Mr. Hayes met some school friends of his res idence here. Sunday morning his sister, Mrs. George E. Sayles of Fort Dodge, Iowa, arrived to spend the day. Mrs. Hayes and daughter drove the son and brother to his plane to Chicago to complete his trip home by way of Cleve land, where he is employed with Cadillac Tank Plant of of General Motors. July first, Dr. and Mrs. Sayles and family will come to Platts mouth for a few days. Mrs. Hayes and the grandchildren, George Jr. and Jeanie Sayles, will go by train from Omaha to Elyria, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Sayes will drive through to meet Robert Hayes and family at the family cot tage on Lake Erie, Vermillion, Ohio, for a ten day vacation of fishing and general relaxation. Mrs. Emma F. Smith Dies in Ohio; Once Lived in This City LINCOLN Mrs. Emma F. Smith, 67, formerly of Platts mouth, died yesterday in Ak ron, O. She was the wife of Chauncey W. Smith, University of Nebraska professor of agri cultural engineering. She was the daughter of the late J. P. and Mrs. Falter. Services and burial will be Saturday in Lincoln. Other survivors: sons, Dr. Richard Smith, Akron, O., and C o m m d r . Roger E. Smith, Buenos Aires; daughter, Mrs. Alice Jo Gardner, Chapel Hill, N. C; brother, John W. Falter, Falls City; sister, Mrs. Eliza beth Heine, Hooper. W,V V : J A I fll nly $ Sjjj Dial 5113 Talk of the Town By Margaret Dingman Phone 241 Pat Brown, Evelyn Henry, and Harold Demaree, all University of Nebraska students, are enjoying the summer va catidn at the homes of their parents here in Plattsmouth. Rae Mae Henry is attending Girls' State and Jim Pence is attending Boys' State at Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs Frank Godwin of Fallon, Nevada, arrived Tuesday at the Frank Liber shal home. They will spend their vacation in Plattsmouth and Omaha with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Shellen bareer were in Ames. Iowa. over the weekend, bringin gtheir son, Mike, home. Mike will leave July 2 with some frater nity brothers for Norfolk, Va., !to leave on an Atlantic cruise July 8th. Stuart Nielsen departed for Denver, where he be gan work with an engineer ing firm, Tuesday. Roy Holly of Lake Manawa, Iowa, was a visitor in Platts mouth, Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Frazier, Linda and Eddie Frazier, Margaret Sprad lin, Nancy and Cheri Hopkins had a tea party recently. The party goers went to Garfield Park and returned to the home of Mrs. Frazier for ice cream and cake. The summer schedule at the First Presbyterian Church will be, divine serv ice at 9 a.m. and church school at 10 a.m. Visitors at the Joel Bierl home are Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Schmidt and family of Kenosha,- Wise. Weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris of Lathrope, Mo. The Schmidt family will return to their home Friday. While here the visitors called at the Henry Vinduska home. Mrs. Vinduska, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Schmidt are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bierl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bocock and Donniei attended the funeral of Mrs. Bocock's father, at Kansas City, Mo. The Bocock family departed Wednesday to make their future home in San An tonio, Texas. Mrs. Hannah Vey of Denver arrived by plane last week and visited this week with her broth er, Henry Thiele here and also with her brother in Rvramisp j who is critically' ill. Bob Humiston departed Saturday to visit his mother, Mrs. Frances Humiston, at Nampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dorman and her father of Omaha, were Wednesday evening callers at the Harold Williams home. Many friends called to re mind Mrs. Kitty Roberts of . her 81st birthday Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Frazier and daughter, Denise, and Roy Patterson left Thursday, for EI don, Mo., to attend the funeral of their uncle, Ray Patterson. They spent a day at -the Lake of the Ozarks, arriving home Sunday. Miss Pearle Staats of Lancas ter, Ohio, arrived by plane Mon day to spend some time at the home of Mrs. Estelle McCluskv. ! Miss Staats, a former Platts mouth High School teacher, is librarian at a boys' home that houses 700 boys in . Lancaster. The Ohio visitor attended the Alumni exercises at Lincoln over the . weekend. Recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fulton were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fulton and chil dren Doris and David of Boise, Idaho and Mr .and Mrs. N. C. DeLes Dernier. Mrs. Robert Shepherd, nee Jane Boedecker, is visiting her former home in Murray. Famed Hollywood Mechanical Robot Cominq to Plattsmouth Roboto," Hollywood's most famous mechanical creature will arrive in Plattsmouth Thursday for a personal appearance at Hinky Dinky Supermarket. The mechanical wonder will be here from 3 to 6 p.m. The store's management has invited all youngsters and their par ents too to drop m and see Roboto. Roboto was the robot in the pictures "The , City that Never Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kerns of Lincoln spent the week end with Mrs. Christy Hick ey. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lbhnes and Helen Smetana drove to Lincoln, Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Todd, to attend grad uation exercises at the Univer sity of Agriculture. , Mr. Todd was among those1 who graduated. In the afternoon, a visit, was enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs. Bill ! Campbell. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Todd are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lohnes. Mrs. J. A. Capwell will present her pupils in a pi ano recital at the Lion's Community Building, Sat urday at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jahrig were at, New Castle and Osage, Wyo., for a few days to attend the weeding of Mr. Jahrig's great nephew, Harold Sewell, son of Mrs. George Sewell. Roger Roberts and Steve Timm were hosts at a farewell picnic at Garfield Park, honor ing Arlin Kiel who is moving to Osceola. Those wishing Arlin well in his new home and at tending the picnic were Harry Price, Roger Hutchinson, Tim my Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Naeve and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Roberts and the hosts. Orville Schmitt, of Omaha, is the new butcher Hinky Dinky Store replacing Jerry Landkammer, who has joined the Navy. Jimmie and Eddie Bashus of York are visiting this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bashus. Bobby Sue Pollard of Schaller, Iowa, is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nolte. Roger Womack is visiting in Schaller, Iowa, with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Pollard. The Nolte and Pollard families will meet at the Fred Zerhule home in Missouri Valley, Iowa, Sunday, for a picnic lunch. Miss Lynas Schwende mann departed Saturday with her father to spend the summer vacation at her home in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Schalk are f visiting their parents in Virginia and Pennslyvania. Mrs. Ivar Bomberg has re turned from the Methodist Hos pital, Omaha, after . an emer gency appendectomy. Mrs. Joe Mrasek is spending some time in Omaha at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vince Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley are planning a trip and Mrs. Mrasek will stay at the home and care for the Kelley children. Mrs. Gordon Wasson returned home Thursday from an Omaha hospital. The Plattsmouth Journal of fice received a friendly letter from Barton Sutphin. He has been ill the past 2Y2 months and is recuperating at his home at 1609 E. Florence Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Jeanne Smith and two sons, Denny and Terry of Whit tier, Calif., are houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ashbaugh. Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs. Ashbaugh. MFA Mutual Gets Top Safety Award For the second year in suc cession, the MFA Mutual In surance Company has won the National Safety Council's top safety award the public inter est award for exceptional serv ice to safety, according to Dan iel Woods, MFA Mutual agent in Plattsmouth. Announcement of the award was made by Ned Dearborn, Na tional Safety Council president. j to J. M. Silvey, president of 1 MFA Mutual. Sleeps" and the "City of Wax." He was the creature in the pic ture, "The Creature from the Black Lagoon." , Roboto won't say whether he is alive or an electronic miracle. But to prove that he basically is a robot, Roboto defies all on lookers to make him smile. He will award a $10 prize to any one who can make him smile. H. M. Soennichsen Gets Lions Award (Continued From Page 1) ings formerly occupied by E. G. Dovey and sons and here was inaugurated Plattsmouth's first self-service grocery de partment. Three times the gro cery was enlarged from its orig inal fifty foot length to its present one hundred and forty feet. Mr. Soennichsen has ser ved on the Board of Ed ucation, has been city clerk, city treasurer and county as sessor. He is a member of the Eagles and Odd Fel lows. In summing up his business life, H. M. says: The toughest years were those when Plattsmouth had her bank failures and the first two years of the depression. I believe the ingredients for success are still here for any young man who isn't afraid to work." At the age of 89, H. M. is still actively engaged in his business, vitally interest ed in the welfare of this community and in the pres ervation of the freedoms on which this nation was found ed. Two Couples Apply For Wedding Permits Marriage permits were issued in Cass County Court this week to the following: Keith R. Bornemeier, 20, and f Martha Ann Stolz, 18, both of Elmwood. Raymond F. Kuhlenengel, 23, of Syracuse, and Lila I. Oehler king, 23, of Elmwood. YOU CAN DEPEND ON mm urn mssm for sw matt tot CP ICE CREAM i, Gal Gal. Sherbet YOUR MUM DEODORANT 7oz.' JAR 39c MENNEN AFTER-SHAVE LOTION 1.00 4 OZ. PAPER MATE Piggy Back Pen Color 1.95 Choice Pints 29c Pints Sherbet -jj 1 i gaBSy, i, !, -- '-if r-xf ftrtfi&nWii i BROWNIE Holiday Flash CAMERA Flasholcfer extra - 4.95 swj m mm mtssnm twis mm miMmm Former Plattsmouth N Man Passes On Coast Ed Roman, former resident of Plattsmouth, died . June 11 at Orange, Calif., after a long ill ness. Mr. Roman, born in Platts mouth in 1886, moved with his family to California in 1929. Survivors include his wife, Bertha M. Roman; son, Edwin; a sister, Ruth Davidson of San ta Monica, Calif.; and brother, Henry Roman of El Monte, Calif. Burial was made at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glen dale, Calif. Noltes Celebrate 40th Anniversary Over the Weekend Cass County Commissioner W. Fr Nolte and Mrs. Nolte ob served their 40th wedding an niversary Sunday at their farm home west of Mynard. A basket picnic dinner was enjoyed at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Pollard and three daughters arrived Saturday to spend the weekend. Other guests Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Nolte and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Nolte and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Terryberry, Mr. and Mrs. Alvadore Tilson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nolte and family of Platts mouth. Also Donnie and Nancy Blot zer of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wittmus and grandchild ren of Papillion and Roger and Pamela Womack. ANY DRUG PRODUCT THAT BEARS THE NAME REXALL m mm WE FEATURE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS - . deficient. Bottle of Rexall Super Pfe for Children 6 thru II STRETCH NYLOMQ graduation- - ..89c ' ' ego sf,eer hosef P3 en,er w,sPy seas, in choice Jt ,r dar r shades. Sizes JhT sm' or Lon ' Short' Medi- $1.49 REXALL PHARMACIST IS A PRESCRIPTION Schreiner Special Formula Hand Lotion Pt. 2.00 Ciro Perfumes, 5 fragrances each 1.00 STAG "READY SHAVE" For cleaner, smoother, quicker shaves. STAG HAIR OIL Grooms hair, imparts lustrous gloss. $1.00 Size Desert Flower Curtis Children Spray Net '. G9 & 1.25 REXALL LUXURY TISSUES Soft yet strong. White or dainty pastels Bo of 300 3 for .53 REXALL MOTION SICKNESS TABLETS Help prevent travel sickness i2's -83 Bronztan, protects even after swimming: 1.25 - REXALL GYPSY CREAM For sunburn and other minor skin irritations 8 ounces .69 REXALL CALAMINE LOTION For the relief of simple skin irritations 4 ounces . .35 Schick Electric Shaver No. 25, 7.50 trade-in . .28.75 OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION Noxzema Medicated Skin Plus Airman Is Cut In Argument At Holman's (Continued From Page 1) Two accidents were invest igated in frant of the tavern within the past several days. A car driven by Francis J. Dickey of Omaha was travel ing south and was in the pro cess of making a left turn into Holman's when his car collided with a car driven by City Councilman James F. McMil lian of Plattsmouth. The Mc Millian car was traveling north. Deputy Sheriff Shrader Rhoden said that the accident occured as the Dickey car cut left into McMillian's lane of traffic. A truck driven by Richard V. Aus of South Omaha was trav eling south with a horsfc in the rear when he pulled to the left shoulder in order to avoid a traffic jam ahead. The truck turned over on it's side and the horse was thrown out over the truck boards. The horse was not injured nor was any of the occupants of the truck. The truck was towed to Omaha with major damages. NOTICE Price Error EVT U. S. Choice Round Steak Lb. 65c HINKY-DINKY M fi Summit- tiinfM to- r "-''J" slot At if -; ill I M ea,tfl ,f Vitamin 72 m cm Ml ?namins Jr. 72 3.29 SPECIALIST 5 oz. Aerosvl 1-00 Lightly perfumed .3 ounces .40 8 Deodorant Cream .50 4n ounces 1.00 Cream 10 ounces .98 Federal Tax on some items. 4 III - It a M iV rf4i i iliil4fci