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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
mEe'V"0"' NEBRASKA, semi-Weekly JOURNAL j Patricia Ann Carr Married in Iowa to Howard Qlazebrook Miss Patricia Ann Carr.. i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C2cil Carr cf Fiattsmouth, and Mr. Ildvari Glazcbrook, spn of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glazcbrook of Affon, Iowa, v;ere united in marriage at the Christian Church in Crestcn, Iowa. Reverend Robert Collins of ficiated at the double ring cere mony, Saturday in the presence of "80 close friends and relatives. lloncr attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell, aunt and uncle of the bride. A small reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's parents. A four tier wedding cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Jiur- cle Garringer and Mrs. Arvilj Campbell, aunts of the bride, ! assisted by Thelma and Rachel ! Garringer. After a short wedding trio, the couple will make their home j in Plattsmouth where Mr. Glaze -1 Fcur Generations United At Home Of Mrs. Alice Haffke' . ? -,ylur Jr , mnwhfpr Mrc PVivlli; Tnotor Mrs. Eleanor Cooper and 0..., ana son, Gregg, of Yuba City,w Calif., are, visiting Mrs. Cooper's mother, Mrs. Alice Haffke, and brother, Elmer Haffke. This re union unites four generations. The California visitors ar rived Tuesday morning and plan a Tisit here with friends and relatives for two weeks. They will also be guests at the' Ed Schmader home in Louis ville. Elmwood Theatre Air Conditioned June 15 & 16 "YOU'RE NEVER TOO YOUNG" "Starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Technicolor Starting at 7:30 Style . . . beauty in fashion focuses on black for summer . . . and you're the beauty of the day ... or night ... in any of 0,ur beautiful, beautiful fashions-in-black. - 8 - .14 . : . . t 'it d cool square neck fluid sheath of cupioni cotton styled with a dotted bow-trimmed bodice. Completely Air Conditioned ... i yM, .' i ) inM-iijim ii i .in iiw i mum i ii iai i .. r 1 A 4.w ' I i - ' I - . ! . .... . ': f- , j . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glazebrook brook Richey is employed at Lyman ; Union Couple Guests " At Picnic In Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carneal of ! Union, former Plattsmouth res- i idnts were euests at a nicnic 1Uwlua' v. cie gaeaia di x pxuxxiL. inf tbo vphmsta npnnrtmpnf f i ' T " , Jl I in Lincoln". Their hosts were Dr. and Mrs. Victor J Miller Fifty-eight guests in all, including super intendents of territorial experi mental farms and Professor W. C. Viggens, who is retiring from the department after 30 some years service, were present. Professor Wiggens was a speaker at the Homemaker's Day held at Plattsmouth re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carneal live on the University State Ex perimental Farm in Union. Lincoln Couple Richars Bell, 18, and Char-j,xcl 1 aai iu lotte L. Gammon, 17, of Lincoln, ! Bride Will Live In were married Wednesday morn-i 'l n t-C I ing by Judge Raymond J. Case. OUnCll DlUttS, la. Witnessing the ceremony j Miss Barbara Jean King, were M. M. Gammon and Joyce i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har Kleege also of Lincoln. I old W. King of Council Bluffs, " : llowa, and Robert Richter of SHop for Your Shopping Pleasure 512-98 A Grocery Shower Honors Bridal Couple ELMWOOD (Special) A gro cery shower was given to Miss Martha Ann Stolz, and Keith Bornemeier, Friday evening- at the St.Paul Evangelical United Brethren Church. Couples were invited and forty-five guests were present.. The hostesses were Mrs. Ellis Miller, Mrs. Merle Bornemeier, and Jeannie Bornemeier. The church was decorated for j the occasion, and a program ofj a tap number also a Chinese j song, by Sheery Dively Douglas J . . i A . .1 Ma 11 kL4 There was also a mock wedding which created a 1 lot of merri ment. The honorees received a boun tiful supply of groceries. Refreshments were served by the hostesses. Harry Whites Back From Tour Of East I Visited Their Son Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. White have returned from a ten day trip to the east coast where they visited their son and daughter- ISS?; L?n- Much of their time was spent in sightseeing, with trips to Jamestown, site of the first per- manent settlement in America: ....... , , . , ... wuljaiIoulB, wmcn was me capitol of Colonial Virginia for nearly a hundred years, now re stored to its original state through the Rockerfeller Foun- !dation. Yorktown, site of the final battles of the Revolution ary War and the Moore House, where General Washington ac cepted the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and the British Army to end the War of Independence. Other interesting trips includ ed a visit to the world famous Virginia Beach resort area and a tour of the Norfolk Naval Base, the largest in the world. Certainly one of the highlights of the trip was a dinner and guided tour aboard the super attack aircraft carrier, USS FORRESTAL. Plattsmouth, were married June !3rd. In Epworth Methodist Church, Council Bluffs, Iowa, the Rev erend Gerald Lamotte officiat ed. j The bride chose a blue taf I feta frock covered with a lace jacket and white net overskirt. I She wore an elbow length veil and carried a white orchid. on a white Bible. Miss Donna Lou iseach, dres sed in green organdy and car ried a nosegay of yellow rose buds, was maid of honor, Victor Volkart Jr., was best man. Ushers were Bill Wredt, Bill Lamb, Donald Beins and Donald Hutchinson. A reception was held in the church parlors following the wedding. After a short honeymoon trip to Colorado the couple are liv ing at 3240 Avenue B, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Students Presented Recital Wednesday A recital given by students of Mrs. Arnold Meisinger on Wed nesday evening at the Lions Building was well attended. . Students were from Platts mouth,' Louisville, Weeping Wa ter, Nehawka, Springfield, Ash land and Lincoln. A feature of the evening was a magic show presented by John Kaffenberger. The program wasvmade up of seven piano, solos and 23 ac cordion solos. The Double M Melody Makers Accordion Band consisting of 16 accordions and bass horn, com pleted the program. Members of the band present ed Mrs. Meisinger a red and white carnation corsage. Those playing in the band were: accordions: Lyle, Larry and Robert Engelkemier, Car olyn Vinduska, Margie Johnson, LeMar, Donald and Lawrence Vogler, Jim Hoover, Larry Pet erson, Sandy and Patty Toman, Sharon Kiser, Karen Tilson, Janice Siemsen and Eleanor Stohlman and bass horn, Larry Meisinger. Mrs. Art Toman's Mother Visits Here Mr. and Mrs. Art Toman and family entertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Toman and daughter, Marie, Mrs. Mary Mo tis and Mrs. John Jorgensen of Hays Springs. Mrs. Jorgensen, mother of Mrs. Art Toman, spent 10 days visiting here and attended the Toman-Hammons wedding and Mrs. Arnold Meisinger's recital. Mrs. Jorgensen returned to her home on Saturday. RUBAOCS Famous Pan Ready, Cut Up Fryers -Buy Several at. This Tremendously Low Price! RUBACK'S Cut Only. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF GRADED & STAMPED BY U. S. GOVT. INSPECTORS Each and Every Cut Carries Our Unconditional Guarantee! Taste the Difference EToyim Roberts Bonus Alamito Eccno My Klas MILK QTS. Reynolds Aluminum FOIL 25-ft. Roll Quick or Regular Quaker OATS Large Box Red Pitted CHERRIES No. 10 Can Save All Grated TUNA CANS Jj Homemade Pork No. 1 Skinless .-- - f, - - 1 1 sC$TJ& - f T f'" r"r - .,3si X- 'V'v I tstbi- bibw ,i.5yv, .; IIPfPP (Hi CLUT STEAK lb.65c I I LL3U3U y0 Fro Joy Hy Klas All Purpose Brown or Powdered Treesweet Frozen Concentrate ram Campbells Heinz Tomato or era Valu Cut 5 Van Camp Kraft Toinot L V Hy Klas White Fri. Aft. & Sat. Only A SHIP - ratH Fir Sill 11. -M M AM OBIS 11 11 q Jyoce 2 Syp IS ETA d) . V U. S. Choice J U. S. Choice ' SIRLOIN STEAKlb.73c Thrift BACON 3 Abg. 79 U. S. Choice BEEF SHORT RIBS lb.29c Fresh PORK LIVER It).29c 1 14 Gal. "Pkg. 10-lb. Bag si Lbs. 6-oz. Cans No. 1 Can 14-ox. Btl. No. 303 Cans ' No. 300 16-oz. Can 2 lb. Pkg. Loaves 29c 1 19c 29 c 1c J9c ZSc For the Pause That . Refreshes COCA-COLA Ctn. of 6 25c Ass't. Flavors JELL-0 3 Pt-c l 9 Del Monte PEAS No. 303 Cans 35 Hi-C Orange-Ade 46-oz. 25c Can Hy Klas Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE 2 Pound QQC Carton 3 7 Hy Klas SALAD DRESSING . 43c Sealtcst ICE CREAM .i6.L 89c ' Granulated Beet SUGAR IT 99c