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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
THE PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SIX Section B Thursday, June 14, 1956 News Of AIvo Area Merry Bakers Club Is Formed At Home of Jeannette Weichel ALVO (Special) The reor ganization meeting was held May 25th at the home of Jean- ette Weichel, daughter of Mr. , and Mrs".' John Weichel. It was decided the Merry Bakers would be the name of the club. The leader is Mrs. Borne meier and the assistant leader is her daughter, Laurel Ann Bornemeier. Discussion topic was "Care of the Hair, Finger nails, Teeth, Neatness and Pos ture." Th next meeting was held June 8th at the home of Linda Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Sutton. There were two good demon strations, one on cinnamon toast, given by Linda Sutton, and on ambrosia salad, given by Patty Snavely and Pam Haneway. FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE It is an agent that deadens and peels off infected skin. Ex poses more germs to its killing action. Get instant-drying' T-4-L, a keratolytic, at any drug store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Today at Schreiner Drug. The members of the club are as follows: Leone Fisher, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ver noy; Carolyn Vincent, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Vincent; Pam Haneway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Haneway; Jean Reickman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Reickman;" Susie Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cook; Carolyn Kay Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Edwards; Carol Ann Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bennett: Jean ette Weichel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weichel; Diana Garcia, daughter of Mr. Bob parcia; Patty Snavley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Snavley, Linda Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Sut ton; Kathryn Elliot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Elliott. The Officers are President, Pam Haneway, Vice President, Susie Cook, Secretary Carol Ann Bennett and Kathryn El liott, news reporter. Mrs. Mattie Skinner had as her s Sunday .evening dinner guest Mrs. Viola Nash of Calif., Mrs. Louise Starkey of Kearney both aunts of Mrs. Skinner, and a cousin, Mrs. Frances Pea cock of Lincoln. Visit In Wabash ! Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Ben nett and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bennett called on Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bockelman and boys at Wabash Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bren ning and son Danny of Denver are visiting at the home of Mrs. Bennings parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weichel and Jimmy at the John Weichel home and the Wilson Howe home. Wins Contest- I Mr. and . Mrs. John - Weichel and family attended the Short Horn and Poled Breeders picnic at the farm of Mr. Edward Rocker near Seward. The Wei chel's 11-year-old daughter Judy won the weight guessing con test. She received 11 dollars. She guessed 1,900 pounda and five ounces. The weight was 1,902 pounds. The Woman's Society of Christian Service met at the church parlors on Wednesday, with the president, Mrs. Harold Nickel presiding, Mrs. Glen Dimmitt a past president in stalled the newly elected of ficers. Mrs. John Knapp led the devotions and Mrs. A. B. Stroemer had charge of the pro gram which was a pledge ser vice, Mrs. Cleo Printz and Mrs. Tony Yanak were in charge of the birthday table. Mr. and Mrs. Max Towne and family of Sioux City, Iowa, spent the weekend at the A. B. Stroemer home. SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS TIES BELTS CUFF LINKS ui a. THIS KIDS! Don't forget to nominate your dad! Smith's will give the father of the year a colorful sport shirt r' 1 lt u Ui C H ii U o ll I 11 J ULI lTu LI J H 73 H ii c 11 UJ o o o z o m 73 n GOT r- "T3 O at O Ol. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm IlJllIilx 501 MAIN -PHONE 5 Will the Father in Your House Be Happy June 17? LllfREE GIFT BOXES - GIFT CERTIFICATES "?A S & H GREEN STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE www IIS ;-uzr'fhriWTOWN?ETTEi QDPTTS mmmmmmmmmmmm H-Bomb Wipes Out Newtown Radioactive Fallout Drifts Eastfi ft" ,000 So. How Th 'Hell Cloud' Mushroomed Over Newtown Nucleor Attacks mm Area In Peril -S 0 AAA A l.f . . -" ov,vw wniwnn ire Newtown; U. S. Air Fore Sfrifcef Bock Sm At A War. S I ExiVp-T J' -iimnii -..""" in inn rgjp Mly" "TLTl .aW'k DISASTER NEWSPAPER put out by the Charlotte (Mich.) Republican-Tribune and the Federal Civil Defense Administration was designed to test the ability of a small town newspaper plant to put out an emergency edition of a metropolitan daily if the city were destroyed. A number of such tests have been conducted around the nation, but this was the first to feature the danger of radio active fallout to rural areas and small towns. . (FCDA Photo) AIvo Area News Notes By Mrs. Maybelle Winn Tel. 420 ALVO (Special) Mrs. Iva Scott, sister of Mrs. Walter Nickel, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Fenner, and sister for the past several weeks left for her home at Merna Tuesday. Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Hollen beck entertained at dinner Sun day honoring the 11th birthday of their son, Arlan. Those pre sent were Mrs. Emma Drees zen, Mr. and Mrs. John Leopold and family, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dreeszen and family all of Linc oln. Callers at the home of Mrs. Anna Hardwick the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hard wick and children from Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ingwerson of Scottsbluff, Saturday night and Sunday forenoon. Those from AIvo attending the Vickers-Stout reunion at Lincoln Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. . Joe Vickers, Mrs. Dick Fisher and daughter, Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Rogers and daughter, Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver, Ralph Winn and his mother. There were 36 all together. Mrs. Mabelle Winn celebrated her birthday June 5th. Several ladies came in and surprised her in the afternoon. The after noon was spent playing pinochle Mr. and Mrs. Art Klywer en tertained her at dinner, and the evening was spent playing pi She received a large number of cards and some lovely gifts. Mrs. Winn and her two child ren both have birthdays in June. Among the gifts was a television set for her and Ralph.from Mrs. Evelyn Cheever, daughter . and sister. The gifts and' cards were greatly appreciated. Mrs. Anna Hardnock of AIvo and Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Miller of Orange, Calif., were Saturday afternoon callers at the Carl Sutton home. - Callers at the Mrs. Grace Brunkow home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed - Steinkamp, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler all of Weeping Water. Attend Conference Those attending the annual conference of the Methodist Church at Fremont last week besides Rev. Dick Dennis and Mrs. Dennis were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller, Mrs. D. L. B. Stroemer, Mrs. Carl Sutton and Rev. William Farvell. Four Square Extension Club Discusses Music at Meeting By Florence McDonald TeL 2292 MURDOCK (Special) Four Square Extension Club met re cently at the home of Mrs. A. J. Tool with Mrs. Lupardus pre siding. The regular order of business was followed, by the reading of the verses of Jaun D. Howard, by Mrs. Pearl Wendt. The song of the month, "Home Sweet Home" was sung in unison followed by the history of the composer of the music and the lyrics. Roll call was responded to by members giving some interesting versions of their childhood May basket times. - The club lesson for this part of the year having been concluded, the time was devoted to the topic of music, past and present. A very interesting paper was presented by the music leader, Mrs. Lela Wendt. The members were favored by a vocal duet by Mrs. Edna Rikli and Mrs. Carl Schlahoff, "Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd," also a classic 4-H Rooters Favor A Cass Fair Float The Westside Rooters Swine Club voted in favor of entering a float in the Cass County Fair during a recent meeting at the home of Rex Brown. It was also voted to reimburse members who furnished their own skates at a club skating party. Durock registration papers and membership cards were in etrnm ortfo 1 V-vtt TV Tte A 1 fred Bornemeier and daughter, ! ?trVted and 7ear b00ks flL Laurel. 'The social hour was spent in conversation, climaxed by a most refreshing lunch' served by the hostess, Mrs. Tool. No defi nite plan was made for the June meeting at this time. led out. Fredene njngelking lead the group in games. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Percy Miller. A Classified Ad in The Journal costs as little as 35 cents Family Picnic Saturday evening a picnic was held at the Stroemer home honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ross Russell and family of Camden, S. C, who are visiting Mrs. Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muenchau,. Those attend ing the picnic besides the Rus sells were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Muenchau, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vickers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and daughter, Barbara, of Beatrice. Farmers Sell Stock: Prices Climb Higher Special to The Journal OMAHA Six Cass County farmers sold stock on the Oma ha market Monday. Steady to a quarter higher was the pre vailing trend in trading. Farmers selling from Cass County were: John Shultz, 18 steers and heifers; average weight, 617 pounds; $16 a hundred pounds. Kastens and Son, 27 heifers; average weight, 910 pounds; $19 a hundred pounds. Ray Eveland, 15 steers; aver age weight, 1,236 pounds; $21 a hundred pounds. Paul Eveland, eight steers; average weight, 1,210 pounds; $20.25 a hundred pounds. Frank Schmidt, -nine hogs, average weight, 206 - pounds; $17.75 a hundred pounds, (top for June 11). Siemoneit and . Schmidt, 24 steers; average weight, 1,179 pounds; $19.75 a hundred pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sutton at tended the X. L. Club family picnic at Bethany park on Sun day. Be safe Be sure .... Protect your precious gar ments against the destruc tive clothes moth . . . and at Lugsch'r it's ALL FREE VWWN House Cleaning? Send Us Your RUGS DRAPES CURTAINS For Complete Cleaning Service USE OUR LAUNDRY SERVICE Washing and Fluff Drycd 8c Per Lb. 8 Lb. Min. Gold Storage for Furs All Garments Fully Insured Pay Next Fall Cleaning and Glazing Service Available (Pi ApP-P "AH garments left for cleaning or storage 429 Main are individually insured" Dial 230 Take the Wieel and- Head for the Thrills I WSCS Conference Mrs. A. B. Stroemer and Mrs. Carl Sutton attended t the WSCS session of the Nebraska Meth odist Conference in Fremont on Friday. Mrs. Melvin Jones, Mrs. Al Thiesen and Mrs. Hardy Koplin night visitors of Mr., and Mrs. Carl Sutton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rosenow and son Ray, were Sunday din ner guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sutton, They drove - to Louisville to the home of Mrs, Sutton's daughter and husband to see if the fish, were biting. Birthday Party: 'Mr. "."and Mrs. Harold Hoff man formerly of AIvo. and Ash land,", entertained intheir. home at Beaver Crossing Sunday in honor; of the birthdays of Har vey -Huffman, Amelia Stewart and Roy Stewart. Those present were .Hattie Johnson, Mr. and MmrcriHarvey Hoffman and Grandma Moeller, Mr. and Mrs. Harold- Hoffman, Donna Jo, Margie, Kay, Karl, Harry and John Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart and M. Marie and Ree Ellen Cain and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart. . . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hollen beck and daughters of Lincoln enjoyed supper Saturday night at the home of their parents, Mr. (and Mrs. Roy Stewart. Enjoy the Blazing GO and Breath-Taking Styling of America's New Sweetheart! Point this peppery go-getter in any direction and you're heading for thrills! When you wheel this muscular new Pontiac onto any road, you take over and know it! You'll feel the tingling satisfaction of easy command as never before. A whole flock of new adventures awaits you in the driver's seat your first ot many admiring glances, your first steep hill, your first brisk overtake, your first sharp curve at cruising speed. And not just the first time, for Pontiac's kind of brilliance will never cease to thrill $ou! Ask us for a demonstration ride. Put Pontiac's all-new, 227-h.p. Strato-Streak V-8 through its paces; see how smoothly the newest Hydra-Matic, Strato-Flight, delivers all this tremendous power! Come in for the most revealing 10 minutes in motoring soon! An extra-cost optioni THE CAR SAYS CO AND THE PRICE,WONJT STOP YOUl) if. 32 r.. - 'J llff Jr - .t--.v-.,j: c,-. ' - A yi AST KzJ Zf l : ')r a! GENERAL MOTORS MASTERPIECE FAIRLY PRICED AND FAIRLY SOLD- M.ciCENZ 625 Ave. A Plattsmouth, Nebraska Dial 25S