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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1956)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FOUR Section B Thursday, June 14, 1956 Legal Notices Every government official or board that handles public money should publish at regular intervals an accounting of it showing where and how each dollar is spent. The Journal holds this to be a fundamental principle of democratic govern ment. NOTICE To all electors who are own ers of any interest in real or personal property assessed for taxation in the district and who are residing within the follow ing described boundaries: Notice is hereby given that a petition for the organization of a Rural Fire Protection District: Beginning at the point of intersection of the section line common to Sections 34 and 35, in Township 13 North, Range 12 East of the 6th P.M., in Cass County, Nebraska, extended, to the Platte River, thence South along said section line ex tended approximately 7 miles to the Southeast cor ner of Section 34, Township 12 North Range 12 East in said Cass County, Nebraska, thence West three miles to the Southwest corner of Sec tion 32, Township 12 North, Range 12 East in Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, thence South I mile to the Southeast cor ner of Section . 6 in Town ship 11 North, Range 12 East in Cass County, Ne braska, thence West 2 miles to the Southeast corner of - Section 2 in Township 11 North, Range 11 East in said County, thence South 1 mile to the Southeast cor ner of Section 11, in said Township 11 North, Range 11-in said County, thence West 2V4 miles to the North east corner of - the West Vz of the. Northeast V4 of Sec tion 16, Township 11, Range II thence South Vz mile to the Southeast corner of the .West Vz of the Northeast M of Section 16, Township 11, Range 11 thence West Vi " mile to the Southwest cor ner of the West V2 of the Northeast of Section 16, Township 11, Range 11 thence North Vz mile to the Northwest Corner of the West Vz of the Northeast 4 of Section 16, Township 11, T'S EXPENSE TO ISSUE MILLIONS OF NEW POLICIES EVERY' YEAR US STATE FARM I Pioneered the I "CONTINUOUS I ! AUTO POLICY" ! To reduce your insurance costs! This way, "handling" costs are cut to a bare minimum. The hun dreds of thousands of dollars saved yearly are passed on to the policyholders in the form of low cost insurance. It pays io know your STATE FARM. Agent I I tNiUtCMCI James F. McMillian 1104 3rd Ave. I Dial 3928 sill r-r vta i LATTSMOUTH AINT Weekly Benjamin Moore & Co.'s Security House Paint . . . ... A High Grade White 1 - 3V2" Paint Brush Free With Purchase of 5 Gallons or More Price Good June 15 to 21 Call Us for Painting and Papering Phone 6173 Range 11 thence West Vz miles to the Southwest cor ner of Section 8 in Town ship 11, Range 11 in Cass County, thence North 2 miles to the Northwest cor ner of Section 5, in Town ship 11, Range 11 in said Cass County, thence West 1 mile to the Southwest cor ner of Section 31 in Town ship 12 and Range 11 in said Cass County, thence North IV2 miles to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 30 in said Township 12, Range 11. thence West on the half section line running East and West through Section 25 in Town ship 12 North, Range 10 East in Cass County, Ne braska, approximately miles to a county highway, thence northerly along said county highway running through the Northwest Quarter of said Section 25, Township 12, Range 10, and the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 in said Township 12, Range 10 to the half section line running East and West through Section 24 in Township 12, Range 10, thence East along said half section line to the East Section line of said Section 24, Township 12, Range 10, thence North to the Platte River, thence easterly along the South bank of the Platte River to the point of beginning, excluding there from, however, all that part of said District - lying and being within the corporate limits of the Village of Louisville, according to the present corporate bounda ries thereof, has been filed with the Coun ty Clerk of Cass County, Ne braska, and that a meeting will be held on Friday evening, June 29, 1956, at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall, in the Village of Louisville, Nebraska, for the purpose of effecting the perma nent organization of said rural fire protection district by the election of officers, determining upon the general fire protection policy for the district and es timating the probable expense for carrying out such contem plated program, such expense to be borne by a levy of an annual tax, and to consider such other matters as may be necessary .to complete the organization of such rural fire protection dis trict. Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of June, 1956. CHAS. LAND, County Clerk (SEAL) No. 3268 June 7, 14, 1956. LEGAL NOTICE The County Board of Com missioners of Cass County, Ne braska will receive bids for one or more car loads of treated and untreated , bridge lumber and one or more car loads of treated piling until 2:00 O'clock P.M. July 3, 1956 at the office of the County Clerk of Cass County. Specifications may be ob tained from the office of the Cass County Surveyor at Platts mouth, Nebraska. All bids received will be pub licly opened and read aloud in the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska on July 3, 1956 at 2:00 O'clock P.M. All proposals shall be accom panied by a certified check drawn on a solvent Nebraska bank in the amount of $2, 000.00 made payable to the County Treasurer, Cass County, Nebraska, which check may be cashed and the proceeds re tained as liquidated damages in case the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish a $10,000.00 bond with in 10 days from the date of the award of the Contract to him. All proposals shall be on the forms furnished by the County Surveyor of Cass County, Ne braska, sealed and plainly mark ed "PROPOSAL FOR FURNISH ING LUMBER AND PILING," and the name and address of the bidder shall be plainly marked on the outside of the envelope containing said pro posal. No bids shall be withdrawn after the opening of bids with 333 ST Special 438 House Paint Only Ticklers 'My dear fellow, you can't afford to say WI" out the consent of the Board of Commissioners. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Signed WILLIAM P. COAKLEY Cass County SURVEYOR Plattsmouth, Nebraska Attest CHAS. LAND County Clerk No. 3265 June 7, 14, 21, 28, 1956 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 944 At a regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, held at the regular meeting place at 8:00 P.M., May 28, 1956, the Mayor and City Council of said City passed, approved and ordered published Ordinance No. 944 creating and establishing a Street improvement District No. 134 in the City of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Ordinance No. 944 will be in full force and take effect 20 days after the first publication of this Notice, providing a ma jority of the resident owners of property directly abutting on the street to be improved do not file with the City Clerk of said City within 20 days after the first publication of this No il tice, written objections to the creation and establishment 01 Street improvement District No. 134. In case written objections signed by a majority of the resident owners above described are filed with the said City Clerk within 20 days after the first publication of this Notice, then said Ordinance No. 944 will be repealed by the Mayor and City Council of said City. CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA By: Bruce E. Gold Mayor Attest: Albert Olson City Clerk No. 3266 June 7, 14, 1956 NOTICE The annual meeting of the taxpayers of the Nehawka Rural Fire Protection District will be held in the Nehawka Auditor ium, June 22, 1956, at p. m., for the purpose of electing of ficers and directors, transacting such business as may be legally brought before the meeting. Elmer E. Stoll, Secretary No. 3276 June 14, 1956 LEGAL NOTICE Legal voters of School Districts 22 and 103 of Cass County, Ne braska: A hearing will be held at the Cass County Courthouse, Platts mouth, Nebraska, on Tuesday, June 26, 1956, at 1:30 p. m. in response to petitions filed by the school boards of the above school districts to detach the following from School District 22 and annex the same to School District 103 of Cass County, Ne braska, in accordance with the provisions of Sec ,79-402 and subsequent sections of the Ne braska statutes as amended: The property of Anna M. Han sen in Sec. 35, Township 11, Range 13 E of 6th P. M. The property of E. Eugene Fitch in Sec. 26 (SWy4, Town ship 11, Range 12 E of 6th P. M. The property of Edith McCar thy in Sec. 34, Township 11, Range 12 E of 6th P. M. L. A. BEHRENDS, County Superintendent No. 3274 June 14, 1956 PAUL E. FAUQUET, Attorney Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To the creditors of the estate of Sophia L. McReynolds, de ceased. No. 4638: Take notice that the time limit for the fil ing and presentation of claims against said estate , is October 2nd, 1956: that a hearing will be had at the County Court room in Plattsmouth on October 5th, 1956, at ten o'clock a. m. for the purpose of examining, hearing, allowing and adjusting all claims or objections duly filed. Dated June 8th. 1956. (Seal) RAYMOND J. CASE, County Judge No. 3273 June 14, 31, 28, 1956 LEGAL NOTICE Legal voters of School Districts 95 and 22 of Cass County, Ne braska: A hearing will be held at the 1 Cass County Courthouse, Platts mouth, Nebraska, on Tuesday, IJune 26, -1956, at 2:30 p. m. in I response to petitions filed by the school boards of the above Dy George1 stated school districts to detach the following from School Dis trict 95 and annex the same to School District 22 of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 79-402 and subsequent sections of the Ne braska Statutes as amended: The NWNW'i Sec. 16, Twp. 10, Range 11. L. A. BEHRENDS, County Superintendent No. 3275-June 14, 1956 MINUTES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1 The Board of Education, School District No. 1, Cass County, met in a regular session on Monday, June 4, 1956, in the Superinten dent's office in the High School building with the following members present: 'Dr. W. G. Brooks, President; D. Dean Dun ham, Secretary; George Conis, Joe Zastera, Raymond Larson, John Cloidt, Jr., and T. I. Friest, Superintendent. Claims against the District were allowed and payment au thorized as follows: Contracted Salaries ...$11,800.83 Withholding Tax on Salaries 1,790.50 Withheld for Retire ment 98.01 Witheld for Social Security x280.13 The Gas Company, gas 253.89 Lincoln Telephone Co., phones 65.00 Consumers Public Power, lights 183.18 Board of Public Works, water 62.80 Plattsmouth Lumber Co., supplies y ..." . 7 9.70 Soennichsen's, supplies 51.47 C. A. Ruse Motor Co., repairs 5.10 Gardner Heating & Plumbing, labor 3.00 Plattsmouth Journal, legals 15.86 Donald Hansen, mileage 23.27 Terry's Shop, repairs & labor 16.50 Stephen M. Davis, insurance 1,579.43 W. A. Swatek Hard ware, supplies 14.01 Emery Rozell, trash hauling 5.00 Schreiner Pharmacy, supplies 1.50 Biles Paint Store, supplies 6.48 Red Oak Machine Co., supplies 12.40 Ginn & Company, supplies 1.47 The Fairbury Journal, books 9.14 Ludwig Drum Co., supplies 3.06 Alden Holm Co., supplies 21.60 Laidlaw Brothers, books 5.09 American Council on Education, books 19.98 The Balbach Co., supplies 6.56 Hammond & Stephens Co., supplies 37.52 Petty Cash, Supt. office 24.88 Louis Kiel, repairs & labor 14.60 D. DEAN DUNHAM, Secretary, Board of Education No. 3272 June 14, 1956 Future Homemakers Attend Crete District By Mary Lou Briley Club Reporter NEHAWKA Of the 217 Future Homemakers of Amer ica attending Officer's Training Workshop at Crete June 6.-8 the six girls representing Ne hawka were Kay Ward, Sharon Ehlers, Marleen Meyer, Jane Dietl, Sharon Dodson, and Mary Lou Briley. They were accompanied by their adviser, Mrs. Helen Friedli. - The purpose of the workshop was to train the officers for next year and to give them ideas for chapter meetings. Kay Ward acted as leader for the "Community Service" group and was recorder for the "Vice-President's" group. Mrs. Friedli acted as consultant for the UNESCO group. At the election of district of ficers, Sharon Ehlers was elect ed District 8 President. Of- A Summary of Murray News By Mrs. Neva Read Tel. 6021 MURRAY (Special) Mrs. W. C. Timblin is at Bryan Mem orial Hospital in Lincoln this week in serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Lutz, Jimmy , Marie and Mrs.' Fred Lutz drove to Omaha to visit Otto Puis at the Methodist Hos pital who is suffering with ' a broken leg. He is getting, along fine at present. f Mrs. Neva Read" drove to Ne braska City where she went with .two other ladies to Fort Dodge, Iowa, on business Thurs day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lutz and Jimmy and Mrs. Fred Lutz and Marie were visiting in home of Mike Lutz. Kay Faris returned home from St. Mary's Hospital Thurs day after an appendectomy Monday morning. Ruth and Eilene Read were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster Thursday and Friday, returning home Sat urday morning. Bob Faris Is Hurt In Auto Accident MURRAY (Special) Bob Faris, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Cur tis Faris, was in a car wreck on the way to work last Friday. 25 stitches were taken to close the lacerations on his head and face. He was at home for a few days, but will start back to work Monday. Addie Park Passes Away After Stroke MURRAY (Special)' Mrs. Addie Park received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Sarah Wiley Smith of Cozad. Mrs. Smith suffered a heart at tack in March and was taken to a rest home in Lexington, where she remained until her death May 25th. 'She was the daughter of William M. and Mary L. Wiley of Rock Bluff. She was 85 years of age and has lived in and near Cozad since 1910. Her husband, Albert J. Smith, died in 1944, She leaves one son and five daugh ters, 14 grandchildren, 32 great grandchildren, She also leaves three sisters, Mrs. w. u. 11m- blin of Alvo, Mrs. Addie Park 01 Murray ana Mrs. t;naney Young of Plainview; two bro thers, Warren of Bradon, and George of Buhl, Ida. Reunion Planned The date for the Mc Daniel Lancaster reunion has been set for June 24 at Steinhart Park at Nebraska City. June Smith and Holly Vest left last Sunday for Fremont. They are attending Chi Rho Camp at Camp Kiwanis. This is a camp for all christian churches. They will return June 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster called at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Faris last Sunday afternoon. Kay Faris had just returned from St. Mary's Hos pital in Nebraska City. School Picnic The combined Vacation Bible School picnic was held June 8th at the Murray park with a nice crowd. The program was held at the Christian Church last Sunday evening with a large group attending from both churches. The Ladies Aid met at the Christian Church last Wednes day with Mrs. Willa Hansen, Miss Margaret Moore, Mrs. Georgia Creamer and Mrs. Grace Beil as hostess and Mrs. Esther Lewis as leader. Workshop ficers from Cass County includ ed: Dianne Shultz of Lewiston, vice president; Janice Dill of Ashland, secretary; Bernice Hodge of Barneston, historian; Barbara Groff of Auburn par liamentarian; Mary Lyon of Peru, publicity chairman; and Joyce Brock of Tecumseh, song leader, The Nehawka Future . Home makers of America chapter re ceived the Honor chapter Award signifying participation in many ! national, state and .cnapter projects. DID YOU KNOW? Plattsmouth Journal Classi fied Advertisements are read by nearly 15,000 people twice a week. Your ad can be read by this tremendous buying market for as little as 35 cents. - ' - j' Alcoa plans $600,000,000 pansion in five years. ex- Former U.S. Senator Visits Brooks Home On Monday Evening Guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wiley G. Brooks Monday evening was Mrs. Eve Bowring, former United States Senator of Nebraska. Mrs. Bowring was just back from Washington where she at tended a three day session, serving on three national com mittees. Two meetings dealt with the Department' of Health and Housing for Service Women. Mrs. Bowring called the Brooks couple from Omaha and they drove to meet her bringing her to Plattsmouth for dinner. They called at the Clem- Woster j home. Mrs. Bowring boarded her train Monday night where she will return to Barr 99 Ranch at Merriman, her home. South Bend News Review SOUTH BEND (Special) Miss Donna Parrish of Lincoln spent J the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parrish and Leon. Mrs. Bernard Dill, Janice and Bernie,- and Carolyn Jo Watland drove to Central City Sunday j afternoon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnell. They joined other relatives there from Tay lor. Carolyn Jo returned home with her folks Mr. and Mrs. Lester Watland, and family aft er spending the past week with the Dills. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Camp bell of Lincoln spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Sack and grandson, Larry Sack, were Sunday evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Gakemier of David City spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Rosencrans and boys. Hospital Visits Mr. , and Mrs. Oscar Dill and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler and Elinor visited Joe Knecht at Bryan Hospital Saturday eve ning. The Fidlers also called on Fred Bryant at Lincoln General Hospital. . ... j Mrs. Bernard Dill is attending summer session at Nebraska University. Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kuhn and fam ily. w7ere Mr. and Mrs. Var Ew ing and daughters. The dinner was in honor of Mrs. Ewing on j ner birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack1 j Kuhn of Louisville were evening visitors Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Wiszmann and family were Miss Erma Jean Wiszmann of Davenport, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wisz mann of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ickes of Watertown, S. D., were overnight guests. Mrs. Mary Frahm and Gary of Ithica spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carnicle. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thies sen of Ft. Sill. Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Barney and Bar bara of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lackey and family of j Fremont were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thiessen. . Mrs. Sadie Shrader and son, Gerald, and Lester Wunderlich of Nehawka spent Sunday with Mrs. Lottie Knecht. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Streight and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler attended funeral services for Mrs. Mabel Sherwood at Lin coln Wednesday afternoon. They spent the remainder of the day with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis, Gary and Kent. Kent is just recovering from the measles. Guaranteed for Life O Free Road Insurance YOU Tines 1 0th Cr 4th Ave. w w xzm? - - l lit 1 V s.-. A V t " Attend Workshop Mrs. Bernard Dill and Janice returned Friday from Crete where they attended FHA work shop three days. Miss Janice was elected district secretary of FHA. Miss Elaine Fidler returned home last Monday from Doane College to spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler and Elinor. During May: fete ceremonies held June 2 oh the campus she was tapped for membership to Cardinal Key, a national scho lastic honorary sorority for wo men of outstanding Scholar ship, personality, leadership and character. She will return to Doane this fall for her junior year. "'Floyd Cox of Lincoln spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corbin Cox. ' " 1 1 Designed For Your Convenience The Gas G Budget ft The budget plan is a simple way to "help you plan your household expenses. You merely ar range to pay your yearly heating costs in equal monthly payments. Fuel consumption varies with the season, in sum mer it is very low, in winter it increases with the cold weather demands. The Gas Company's budget plan makes it easier to pa' these regular expenses; especially when you have an exact al lowance or a definite income to use for running vour household. Mail this coupon or call to pay your heating costs the easy way . . ..The Gas Company's Budget Way. 9 am interested in the budget plan, send information for my residence. PLEASE Street Address. CAty" Signature. Phone Number. Only GAS docs so much Yet costs so little Tine 6.70x15 Black and 1 White 6.70x15 .W-O " 6.00x16 Black Plus up to 2 Years Service ALWAYS GET THE BEST DEAL AT Standard Service Picnic Gathering Saturday picnic guests of Mrs. Esther Kuhn and family were Mrs. Ida Graham of Pocatello, Idaho, Mrs. Ed . Gilbert and daughters, Eileen" and Carol, of American Falls, Idaho, Mrs. Val Ewing and daughters, Terry and Glenda, and Mrs. Lily Cox and family. Joe Knecht underwent major surgery Monday at Bryan Hos pital. Mrs. Knecht and William Rosencrans spent Monday with him. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thies sen of Ft. Sill, Okla., and Mrs." Glen Thiessen spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Robert Lack ey and family at Fremont. The Lackey children, Bruce, Robbie, Mike and baby Sandra returned home with them and spent over night and Sunday with the Thiessens. onipany's an and make arrangements Pi ease PRINT .State. Says: "End Dad's Tire Troubles for . Father's Day!" Was $33.09 19 NOW Was $26.00 16' Was $18.50 Si O00 12 NOW Recappable Old Tires DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR ATLAS TIRES ARE YOUR BEST BUY! On the Spot Adjustment Anywhere in the U. 5. Dial 214 n !! i 1 fj H 11 4 si 1 f i . " ,f r- A mlltil lHUll