2-. STATE HIST. SOCIETY HZ 15-0 E ST. Ll:,CGl::. .E2H. CASS COUNTY'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED SEMI - WEEKLY Monday - Thursday SnWi Consolidated With the Nehawka Enterprise end Elm wood Leader-Ech Read Twice Weekly by More Than 3500 Cass County Families VOLUME 75 EIGHTEEN PACES FLATTSMOUTH. CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 1935 TEN CENTS FER COPY NUM5ER-59 uThP 1 f 111 11 1 ! ! till mu U mi o LrUIL Cett Smilev :e E"3omemaker Honors 30 io rair Jt Loeai uiris Special To The Journal rthe chapter. During the past; Sharon Range, CroIie Hunt CRETE Sharon Ramge, pres-; years activities members met j ing, Patsy Johnson, Betty Smi :ent of the local Future Hone-' the 13 qualifications required. I ley, Rita Ramge, and Marjorie c: America cnapter ana; --.ate FHA secretary, and Morris, past local president, v.-. re awarded th? State Home - mater Degree at the Crete Of - cr. :p. highest individual - honor to ce achieved in FHA. ; They are among the 20 mem-. bfrs throughout the state to ; earn this degree this. year. Miss : P.amge and Miss Morris are the : .second and third candidates to r-ceive this award for the I .ittsmtuth Chapter. R::uiremer.ts for this award j Carolie Hunting for vice presi- benefit of the delegates to be oi'ide the earning of junior idem and Rita Range for his- come better officers and lead id chapter degrees. Recipients to rian. : ers in school and community. n:uct be outstanding in activi- t.rc and personal service in the cal FHA z? ..... , chapter. the dau enter cf Mr. and :irc. Opal Morris cf Mur rar and Sharon is the daughter c: Mr. and Mrs. Mayr.ard Ramge p .a tsm o u th For the second consecutive year, tne P.attsnouth chapter cnaotcr. teinc one thr 43 chapters attending to be . . " o d Sh-1 "on Ranzc a cepted tne award in behalf cf Opera Star Sings At Church Sunday Mrs. Robert Shepherd, former Jane Boedecser cf Mur ray, will sing two numbers dur ing church services at Platts mouth Presbyterian Church Sun day a: 9 a. m. Mrs. Shepherd, known as Jane the professional wor.d. sti di-d piano in Paris : at Juiiard Institute in New York. To Stay In Crccnland Glon Daniels cf Piattsmo expects to remain in Greenland antther six months, it was learned today. Mr. Daniels Is a heavy equip ment operator and has 10 months previous experience working in Greenland. Another Old Timer Steps Down: si ps he Shop Pr Pod By Jerry Sharpnack Journal Staff Writer Tim Waster came within two months cf observing his 50th anniversary as a shoemaker in P.attsmcuth. But he's decided to r-tira this week. Mr. Woster. now 57, came to this country in 19C6 from Vienna Austria, where he served a four -,-ear annrenticeship. He said the only '-payment" he received durmg the appren ticeship was board and cloming. His first wage in this country: was S6 a wees. He bezan wcrk in Plattsmouth at the Fetzer Shoe Store. 4He continued to work in the same location after his son, Clem, nurchaed the store in 1541. Clem sold the store this week, j so Mr. Woster decided he, too,; would leave the shoe business. He does not. however, p-an ; inactivity for himself. His home is situated cn an acreage south cf town and he said he will be ly wit now cn. Nor does he plan to qui: shoe . . . T . , i- - recairmg en-.ire.. . xit? acuiLi will take much cf his repair; equipment to his farm and ccn timie to fix the shoes cf his1 family and '-maybe those cf a few friends." Part cf the equipment Mr Woster will take with him is a J - 1 : - : r Sharon Range An.ctn.er nonor came to tne , Bet-.chapter when Betty Smiley was ; workshop. Miss Lynas Schwen- ; elected to the office cf district ; demann attended as advisor.: ; recreation chairman. Betty has 'The group presented the open-; belonged to FHA one year and, ing ceremony for the general '. has earned her junior and chap-j ter degrees. Next year she will ! be recording secretary and will: start work on her state degree. ' Betty will be a junior in high school. She is the daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. John Smiley of Fort Crook. Other nominees for district : officers from Plattsmouth. were : Plattsmouth Visitor Started: Will Reach 20,000 Readers The Plattsmouth Visitor, a ; deadline is set for nocn on Tues weekiy paper of values offered days for the Thursday issues, by Cass County merchants, be- i With the new publication the gan regular publication today, i Journal and Visitor will now , it ras nrmnTTTtrprf rv Rnnalrf R. : The new advertising media is designed to bring to residents of j nearby Iowa and Fort Crook the ; news cf special bargains and ; sales offered by the merchants cf Plattsmouth. It is printed and composed by the Journal's staff. The Plattsmouth Visitor will be delivered weekly to those liv- ing within the city's shopper area on the east side of the river ' and in Fort Crook. Many Plattsmouth merchants nave aireacy expressed a desire to join in the endeavor to main- tain and even increase the num ber of customers who come here daily to enjoy the city's modem ; shopping facilities, courteous The publication of the Visitor has necessitated moving ahead the deadline for advertising copy to be placed in the Journal and the Visiter. The new advertising copy ' " 4 " " i -s-a ii?----.o vft. ,:v 3 v i -- h farming from ' z - - ' ' I - , . - RETIRES AFTER HALF CENTURY Tim Woster is shown at work- At the right is ham hammer which he has used; since 13Co. The hammer was in j such constant use throughout the years grooves are wem in; 1 - i Eetty Morris irrossrians were ceieza.es to tne session Thursday evening. Helping with the workshop was Cardie Hunting and Sharon Ramge who were discussion leaders. Betty Smiley and Rita Ramge served as recorders for discussions, and Marjcrie Gross hans was hostess for a discus- sion group, The workshop is held for the rparh a total of 5 riOCl hnmps in ! lOczJ - merchants considerable coverage throughout the entire area. - Swim and Baseball Programs Are Set Two programs for Platts mouth young people will gret under way Monday. A baseball league will be formed under sponsorship of the Camber of Commerce. All interested boys from 8 to 12 years of age inclus ive are asked to be pre sent at the athletic field Monday at 6:30 p. m. Reg istration for the program will get underway at that time. The Red Cross swim week also will begin Monday. Children are asked to regis ter for the swim program at the law offices of Smith and Lebens. the handle which tCur cf his hand. fit the con - When he first started in ttej business, he vowed he would' M mes Needed Locally Paul Fauquet Says 330,000 Must Be Raised For Floods Tenative plans were proposed; during Monday's need control meeting for obtaining sufficient , funds locally far the establish- ment of. a suitable watershed torogram. The some 50 people who at- j. tended the meeting held at the Lions Club building heard Paul r Fauquet outline a program whereby Plattsmouth business men and residents would be ex pected to provide voluntarily the ; local share of S3G.CC0. ; This sum would include costs 1 cf actual construction, fees and! : maintenance. The federal gov- , : prr.mpnt would suonlv an ad- : . i S1G0,C0. he said. '' .ir. Fauquet, who is chair- ' man cf the flood control con-It mittee, said property owners' would be assessed according to (Continued on Page Five Woster Shoe Store Is Sold: Sale Planned Sale cf the Wester Shoe Stcre was announced today by Cle- i ment T. Woster. proprietor. Name cf the purchaser was not ; revealed. A close-out sale will be held starting tomorrow. Mr. Woster was affiliated with ! the store since 1S25 when the ; store was owned by Joe Fetzer. At that time. Mr. Woster worked there part-time after school. After his graduation, he work- H fm- H. ' til he r-urchased the stcre in 1941. Mr. Woster always has been active in community affairs. He serred three terms as mayor during 1S43 and 1945 and from 1951 through 1954. Ke served with the city ccun- cii and the fire department in addition to many other civic or- ganizations. He now plans to devote full Lime LU COi lliiu.ii.UC ux-l. .vira. vvuiic i-u-i uaiiii.i. -ciij- tine Co ig o: Omaha, Pr.s- cilia, Debbie and Dottie. D. M. Bowman Elected To State VFW Veep Bale M. Bowman was elected ; much improved. She has a junior vice-commander of the . blood disease and other corn Veterans of Foreign Wars De- ; plications. partment of Nebraska during j Here is a list cf good neigh the arnual VFW State Encamp-; bors who called the Topliff fam- ment held this week in Omaha. ; nj: ; A large group cf Plattsmouth! VearI S:nith cf Murray, Mrs. . r v memners auenaeu. u-e ! three day encampment. mer with handle nearly worn through after 50 years use. Journal Photo. !"011 tmtil that handle was wem through. However, we - agcThe rSedT Would taVe cc.J2u: a cre Peck T Toko II. M. Soennichsen, Chris Bulin and Cecil Karr Pioneer Merchant Honored: H. M. Soennichsen Given "Man of the Year" Award By Bill Burton Journal News Editor H. old M. Soennichsen, the grand man of Plattsmouth, was last night presented the Lions Club plaque for outstanding community service. The award top for civic ac complishment was made by . ag Idem Cecil- Karr in the loons Community Building. The 83-year-old merchant could only say "thank you. k t a - i MQ Fly ADSWer KQ c ni J T j. TOT D100G I ype TO j, . v . Help MrS. I ODl 111 . . t the emergency call for . r pp .;.i.. biood donors for jMrs. Nellie Topliff who has al- ;reacly received four blood trans'f-usions. While type O Pos - itive is not a rare type, the blood bank is low in its supply, Mrs. Topliff, 81, is a patient; at St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha. ' The family repons that she is Don Blotzer cf Omaha, Lester Potts, Mrs. J. C. Wiliett. Merle Dean Meisinger, Mrs. Kargate, Mr. Rathbum. Mrs. Marie Sazids Les Niel. Mrs. Charles Koke, Sr., all of Plattsmouth. Roy DuPrey cf Fremont who was visiting in Plattsmouth and read cf Mrs. Topliff s problem in the Plattsmouth Journal, also responded to the call. New Pastor Set for Louisville Pulpit I LOUI3VTLLE Rev. Donald ! Webster was chosen recently as j new paster for First Methodist i Church and will arrive in Louis- vilie next week. ! Rev. Webster, formerly cf Peru, was picked for the pest j during a church conference at I Fremont this past' week. j He is married and has one child. ; The church parsonage was cleaned and redecorated by the i ! WSCS so as to be in readiness I i for his arrival. i THE WEATHER Compiled for the Plattsmouth Journal at the Masonic Hem leather Station, Plattsmcuth Nebraska. I June 11, 12, 13, 1955. ! Hish Low Prec Monday 92 65 ' Tuesday S3 63 Wednesday 97 72 I Forecast: Mostly sunny and 'hot. high in upper SC's. Low temght m lower 70 s. Tcmor- Sun Sun m. i"? criight at 7:53 p .ra rise3 ic.ou;uw a. t.wu a. lesogons Umfo thank you" when the pres entation was made. j H- M- a5 Sen the royal treatment" by the civic club as he sat at the head table for dinner and to hear Lion Chris Bum tell cf personal and bus- iness accomplishments and his service to the comm. unity. The award is the first of a series to a citizen chosen each year by the Lions. Henry 3Ielehior NSoennich sen was born in Germany in 1S4 and came to Platts mouth at the age of fifteen in the year ISSg. An uncle, Peter C. Hansen, was in the grocery business and H. M.'s first job was driving the ; delivery wagon. In IScy he and George Lehn- j off formed a partnership and in i 1231 Mr. Soennichsen purchased ' oca shaped lot at the junc- ; ticn of Chicago Avenue and venth Street where he erect i ed a building which was known as the "ane rive Comer Oroc - ; ery . In 1S35 he retired from the grocery business to sell coal but in 1837 he returned to the selling of groceries in partnership with A. H. Weekbach until Mr. Weck bach's death in 19'U. Mr. Soennichsen continued the business which was located in one of the rooms now own ed by the Forty and Eight, but in 1313 the business was moved to a new building which he erected on vacant lots a few doors west. In this building a dry goods department and china ware were added. In 1322 he purchased the build- f Continued on Page 4 r-t - : - - " : 1 ' . ...... AWARD TO FUTURE FARMERS Roy Smith, center, is shown receiving a S1SM) check from Plattsmouth Journal News Editor Bill Buxton for a club project which will result in the building of a cattle, fruit tree and other vegetation spraying unit which will be available free of charge to farmers in the county. The check represents the $100 award given the Journal by Ak-Sar-Ben for outstanding service to agriculture. The FFA unit will buHd the sprayer under the supervision of Don Han sen, at right, in charge of agricultural studies at Plattsmouth High SchooL Journal Photo. The appointment of Cotfnty Attorney Richard Peck chief assistant Ut S. attorney in Nebraska was announced yesterday. Attorney Peck revealed his future plans as he offered his resignation from the county office to the commissioners at a special session in the Cass County building-. The local lawyer and pros Airman Is Cut In Argument At Holman's The slashing of an Offutt Air Force Base corporal by un known assailants at Holman's Beach and Tavern is under in vestigation by Sheriff Tom Sol omon. The corporal. Carl Bengtson, ; told investigators his back was ripped open by a man who he could not identify. Bengstcn said the assault occurred as he sat in his car with three girls. Ke shewed officers a six inch flesh gash cn his back. The wound was caused by a ; beer can opener, he said. Corporal Bengtson told cf ; ficiais the attack was unprov oked. The assailant was arguing with another group at the time, i he said, and suddenly turned on ' him. He reached into the car and hit him several times and ' then slashed him, he said. Automobile registration num bers were furnished investigat ors. Lights were mounted on the ! beach at Holman's during the ' past week, following a final ; warning to the proprietor,; Lloyd Hoiman, by county com ; missioners. The tavern nearby, owned by Hoiman, was threat - ened witn loss cf its license by County Attorney Dick Peck. . ".. The owner was warned the lights were needed to tilings in the beach area order. (Continued cn Page 4 Overwidth ii Brings Fine For Motorist One cf the mere unusual traf- fjf v'-""t : -era reci :ercH t ; week in Cass County Court . The violation was "overwidth j cf motor vehicle." State law; provides for vehicle width to i exceed not more than eight; . fet The owner of the vehicle, Charles J. Amos cf Auburn, was fined S10 and paid court costs of $4. Other cases: Charles Williams, intoxication, S10 fine, S10 sheriffs tees. $4 costs. BuchhoLz and Campbell, Inc., cf Falls City, overweight cn ca - pacity plates, S27 fine, S4 costs. Robert S. Truesdale of Prides Crossing, Mass.. speeding. $11 fine. $4 costs. Harold A. Gardner of Lincoln. ; speeding. $10 fine, $4 costs, ; Jack J. English, cf Lincoln, speeding, $10 fine, $4 costs. T. W. Morris, improper use of local plates. $25 fine, S4 costs. !: ecuting officer will leaye the part-time a year post effective June 20. At that time he will alo give up his private Law practice. He is associated with Attj. James Begjey in the law firm of Bejley &. Peck. The commissioners accepted the resignation with "deep re gret"' and said they will soon appoint a successor to A'-y r. Atty, Richard Peck Peck. However, they said they did not know at this time who , -ould be selected Attorney Peck, active in Re- ! r.:'h!iran rirr!; has served as . : ... i county judge. He was appointed to the new post by Atty. Gen. BrownelL He will serve in the Omaha office of the UiS. Attorney. He will also resign from his 1 poet with the Cass County Vet erans Service Committee, the : appointee said. His letter cf resignation to 1 the commissioners follows: "I have been tendered an : appointment by the attor i ney general of the United I States to serve as chief as sistant United State at torney in the State of Ne braska beginning July 1, 195S. 'To accept this appointment it is necessary that I resign from my present ofliciai posi tion and take leave cf absenc" from the law firm, of which I am a member. "Therefore, my resignation as ! Cass County attorney effective : at the close of business June 30. 1956 is submitted herewith. "Serving this Beard and the people of this county in the office of county attorney has been a most enjoyable experience. I shall always be grateful for the confi dence and trust which was placed in my hands during the years of my tenure in office. "Please accept my thanks for your fine co-operative spirit ex hibited many times during per iods cf difficulty and my best wishes for your continued suc cess in giving to the people cf this county the best government possible." ANOTHER FACELIFTING The Cass Bar at South Fifth Street is another local business establishment to "dress up" for the summer. Proprietor Earl Alexander has painted the ex terior a bright pink. Stop and Shop, But Don't Fight, Judge Warns a Customer A Plattsmouth man learn ed this week it is cheaper to confine his grocery activ ities to shopping. The man, Raymond G. Nault, paid police court fines and cots totalling $23 after 'unsettling Reed's Market. He pleaded guilty to in toxication, disturbing the peace, and provoking an as sault on Dewey Reed, pro prietor of the stor.