The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, June 11, 1956, Image 1

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The Local Flood Control Committer Wants To Make Certain There Is No Recurrence Of Floods Like The One Which Drowned Platts mouth In 1901. Shown Are The BREX Shops. A Building Where Smith's Store Now Stands And Sixth Street Looking South.
Consolidated With the Nehawka Enterprise and Elm wood Leader-Echo -Read Twice Weekly by More Than 3500 Cass County Families
Monday - Thursday
! !
O ITD 1 tr 0 LI
Two Million Mile
Driving Record Of
Edwards Is Broken
See Pictures on Pa?e 6
1 -
reticle ac-
cidents in trie Cas County area
kep la's." enicrcemsn. officers !
cu5v during the past several i
days. !
A 51-year-cId Crestcn, Icsra. i
u-cman has not yet recovered ;
full ccnscicusness in an Omaha j
Hcspital where she is being f
treated for multiple injuries re-i
ceived in a crash Friday mom-;
ing three miles west cf Murray. -The
victim, Mrs. Ina j
Parker Gidley, daughter of i
Mrs. Anna Parker of Weep
in? Water, is in serious con
dition suffering- a broken
vertebra of the back, and
chest and head injuries. j
Sheriff Tom Solomon said!
Mrs. Gidley, enroute to pay a j
surprise vacation visit -with her;
mother, apparently lost control i
My Daddy Is Best Because:
Girl's Poem Nominates Her Dad
As City's "Father of the Year
Piattsmauth youngsters still vited to write their letters
i I ihave three more days in which j telling why they think their
t to norninate their daddy as j father should be chosen for the
i "Father cf the Year." j big honor and the jackpot cf
The father chosen for the jP-izes. It b a happy young
1 honors by a secret committee j 5er, who cn r ather s Day, can
1 f of judses win be showered with i present to his daddy the gifts
2 ' more "than a score of gifts ! ranging from popcorn popper
fxQzn Platts mouth merchants. ' to guest i.imp.
Members of Plattsmouth Flood Control Cornrnittee
today appealed for a bi turnout at tonight's special
meeting- scheduled to dLcu5s all aspects of the group's
plans for putting a watershed project into actuality.
The public meeting is scheduled for 8 o'clock at the
Lions Community Building:. Paul Fauquet, committee
chairman, will be in charge.
' -
father will be i
the cham-
& - &-
and it crossed the
road and struck the oncoming
auto cf Jess L. Gibson, 25, of
Mr. Gibson received a pain
ful cut cn the head and his
Robert Farris. 23.
-! TT C 1 '1 T4 O V r "! J (W
. i. .J, CO-iC.CU t t
cu: which required 20 stitches
to close.
Mrs. Gidley who is the
sister of Ida Cotner of Piatts
mouth rode from her home
as far as Plattsmouth with
her husband. He left the car
with her here and went to
Omaha by bus and she start
ed to Weeping Water to see
her mother.
Mrs. Gidley was pinned in her
auto and rescue workers were
forced to pry her free. Both
cars were demolished.
The two and one-half million
mile safety record cf Fred M.
Edwards of Plattsmouth ended
abruptly yesterday when his car
Ronald R. Fur-e is shown at left receiving the
Journal's second place national award for serv
ice to agriculture. Making the presentation to
Mr. Furse is A. A. Caruso, field sales manager,
of Northern States Envelope Company, sponsors
of the agricultural awards given at the annual
banquet of Better Newspaper Contests of the
National Editorial Association in Louisville, Ky.
The Journal was judged second of newspapers
with more than 2.000 in circulation. The paper
taking first prize was the Maccn, Ga Tele
graph, a daily and Sunday paper. 3 Irs. Furse
accompanied the publisher to the convention.
Thev will return early this week.
. ; test was received by
! lined by the youngster who ;
l writes to the Chamber of Com- j In it nine-year-old IJrda Fraz
imerce before 6 p. m Thursday. ! ier cf 342 First Avenue ncmin-
" All area youngsters are in-iates her dad with the poem: ) i
"Dear Chamber cf Commerce.
;I think my daddy is the father
I of the vear because:
r ; -1
- -
i. -
Post cards were sent to
most property owners who
will be assessed a fee for
flood protoection work under
the committee's planning.
Other ways of raising monies
locally to match the Federal
Government's contribution
will be discussed.
The government, under the
Kope-Aiken Act, will contribute
Journal Given
Seventh Place
By Heart Fund
"He helps me with my school
work. He takes me everywhere.
t He buys me food and clothing
! and teaches me to share. He j
! comforts me when I am sad. i
Tesch. Jr was appointed to
the Plattsmouth Police De
1 ' i
Man-Made lain May Fall
.j h n p u ??- mij a no a m la 7 is? "
in the expenn
' He mends my broken toys. I
know he really loves me to j partment this past WPek f ol
rri-rra vn oTT 1 r"c i 1 - . - r
lowing me resijnaiion 01 ioi
Avenue C was second in! owner of the Whirlpool Latin
t TV Tit,.. T-, . T ,
C rkUiii(jU W Kj ilX W ; a TT ,0;0 irs
: -t i -r-r k j Oa SI I
ae tae rearai. xiearx r una ! , i
.Drive. ! She "nontinated her father be-),
! u "pape ,e cause: i ti which raised havoc here in 1949.
io in uie state were ncnorea: He works an day so that we, I UrvlHU VYCI V.UiC
, rvujta ia. Liu, nauicari 5e cemfcrtabie. He is not
; chairman. Winning first piace rich or croud. He doesn't dress i
-- I
i '
SSOxCO for the erection cf dams.
i' obtaining property easement.
. . getting cam building permits
' and administrative work.
A The city Li expected to con-
tribute $3C.S40 as its share of the
I project during the next three
.years. The committee's plans.
' call for the local financial bur-
den to be apportioned to these
iwho receive benefits under the
i control work.
The planned project will
be sufficient to handle a six
inch runoff with no serious
flooding, the committee said.
The control program, if put
;into effect, will- remove the
danger of floods similar to those
Brings a SI 0 Fine
ty may soon have
and the farmers" p
I e.Tl 3 .iU
a ici. i j
was the Cuming County Dem-!fancT, but makes sure we have i
o, civ. -V-I tc:- r ' i c v U"Ci Li. c sk v c , k. , r Rflllflftri' IVA n
c7 1 f jacyT-no. .itim i L O' u..c f iiv l w..- t. w w- , . . , . . - : ... , . u i I T 1 U 1 J f . IV I 1 i 1 1
leuds above Cass Coun- county are invited to attend a saving
in Cass Count;
Auditorium in
AsTiml-s an eisnt county area m i-s-
Weeping ! souri and Iowa which bas ai-; the seventh place cer
ate ci
so-r Tike a""irv tale but Water to discuss the rainmaking j ready signed up. Headquarters ; appreciation,
if alTwo'rks out as hoped it' may plans. ! for the rainmaking effort, would ; Te certificat
became involved in an accident ;
rove to be a true stcry.
The silver lining would
actually be silver iodide, a
chemical u?ed by scientists
to induce rainfall. And
there's not a farmer to deny
that successful completion
of this project would mean
gold in the pockets of all
concerned with agriculture.
Farmers from throughou
Behind the rainmaking pro
gram is J. L. DiSanto, region'
j The cost to fan
te reads:
'In recognition cf valuable
;rs in the I public service in the fight
i much time to play, but he
makes sure we always have lets
; of fun. He's only a daddy but
; the best of men.
... r- : ... . , I I I J I 1 . . 1 "N . 1 II I w
il manager of the Water Re-; county wouia oe aoout siu or. are the nation s number one;
sources Development Corpora-; two cent an acre covering a neaitn promem, ana witn 5 ASSIgnCfl TO I C3CH
LStmgH TTri Pss; Cra-' M-iz.
ticn cf Denver, Colo.
He has already discussed
his tentative plans with
farmers of the Weeping Wa
ter. Murray and Avoca area.
12-month peric
w H .
gratitude lor dist
t the i thev ecu
be afforded a
polls Overpass.
other two car:
crash were driven by Donald
Younker cf Plattsmouth and
Frank H. Zutz cf Bellev.e.
Continued cn Pase 6i
, Mayor Warns the Business Tax
:: Will Be Strictly Enforced Now
Honor Guests
Be Wehrbeins
The City cf Plattsmouth's oc
cupation tax a dust covered
law little acknowledged here
me special raie igt .a xnea ieaaersmp in me cam-; Q 33 teachers graduated:
County is based on hopes (paign for public support of the I froril Veru Collese this spring.
Otoe County will also join j 1956 Heart Fund." Both were recently placed in
in the rain making efforts. j Weekly newspapers are a teaching positions.-
Mr DiSaro told the farmers! i-JaiiLu luau. i.j.j.-.a ; viiai lactor m me rise 01 neart j iney are:
Treat tmciai rainiau cannot; ae UTr,t coiiections Irom So.oc:0 mi Wiiiard E. Mason of Louis
II ; but when condition- are right j 1943 to S1S5.CG0 this year. ! vill who will teach at Callaway
;and water bearing clouds arej Dr. L. S. Pucelik of Platts-this fall and Janet C. Christen
S overhead they can be induced! mouth was the local drive i sen of Weeping Water who will
j to produce rainfall. j chairman. ! teach at Nehawka.
! He said there are probably six j
ito eight times a month the sil-j U ' Pn;nf;nn flin Tnn Pari
ber iodide method could be used 1 n- j uimniy 1 w"n vwu
MURDOCK A local man
who, after several too many
drinks, decided to take over
a cafe here Friday spent
the night in Cass County
Charles Williams was ar
rested by Sheriff Tom Sol
omon after Helen Johnston,
proprietor of the Murdock
Cafe called for aid. She told
the sheriff Williams just
walked in and decided to
"take over."
For his short-lived reign.
Williams paid a fine of S10
and costs of SI in Cass
County Court.
! 1SCT and other years
Only this past wee the Fed
eral Government released the
necessary funds for the flood
control work here. Unless match
ing funds are made available
; locally the federal funds cannot
: be used.
3.. oO with seme exceptions t j- this area col-!
for mast firms doing business ; lected far the program would
here, whether they are local es-; be turned over to a hoar(i of di- j
I will now be enforced, Mayer, tafclishmeGts cr outside onvs
i Bruce E. Gold announce a today. : xhe council is now consider- 1
1 to vote enforcement of the law ; ravor said. B
! - Uo-. .. J w- ... i'jf... iw
! rectors
e dir
12 fin
The Ralph We
cf Plattsmouth will be featured,
as "guests of honor" over
WOW-TV at nocn Friday.
The family was selected as
iv cf tne week and
will be interviewed during the
station's farm portion cf Four
Star News.
The interview will be con
ducted by Mai Hansen, Radio
WOW and TV farm service di
o: paving a iee tor
cii agreed informally to start ; this year under the old law will
enforcing the law at a planning; actually be saving money as the
meeting this past week. ; new ordinance will bring about
The law requires a Hat tax cf higher fees, the mayor forecast.
A Chance to Serve Your Country:
Ground Observer Corps
Be Formed Tonight
r-i --- n'T'QC? f" -V fVl '
2 C. v j -. JO kw v . r- -rT v. ci '
S1, 55mH 5-3.Zin -t- -;:- ciA fh rnm -
panys efforts produced
much needed rain in the
Meadow Grove. Oakdale, El
gin, Norfolk, Madison, Ge
noa and Columbus areas,
Albion is also takin; part
in a rainmaking project and
the most recent issue of the
Albion News claims rainfall
totals are now runnnig
above nornuL
i m a f 'm ck n
in Shenandoah, he said. ! W J J J $
rectors would, in turn.; f
i eanri 1 o liiri
Julian Faces
Thomason in
Legion Vote
; Hugh J. Reams Post, Ameri
' can Legion, nominated officers
for the annual election at a
; meeting Thursday night.
Seeking office are Orville Jul
; ian and Charles Thomason. com
;mander; Lloyd Fitch, first vice
s commander, and Art Warga. sec
! ond vice commander.
Fourteen are seeking election
;tc the nine member executive
committee. nose running icr
- mm : cu:..:;...v.etr. a.uc .s 1
m e - l v a in SSSSIJSS
. Plan
. 1 V , . lJ, i.Q.
e Wehrbeins always have, r..--.-.
ay for the ified for observing aircraft and
cf a Ground Observer ; types cf weatner.
; Wilham J. Ycnavich of Offutt
Louisville School
Head Takes to the
active in farm progra
"a Mr Wehrbein is chairman 1 high school auditorium tonight
f the Cass County 4-H Council. I at 8 p. m. The puchc is m-
Fieid will be in charse cf the ; A " I ,
ii- Mir; vjeib Licenbt
Mrs. Wehrbein is a
member i vited to attend.
cf the Four-Mule Club. The Ground Observer Corps
Thv have four bovs. Roger. ' has alreadv established itself in
Daniel, Steve and Ted. ; E 1 m w o o d. Greenwood, and : Sram.
Roger, a member of t Weeping Water. These posts
this year's graduating class at : have been active since the early
Plattsmouth High School, was part cf 1S55.
awarded the Harriet Case Me-i Tonight's session is one cf a
mcrial Award for scholarship; s?r;33 c three. The ether two
and activities. He plans to at- tin s will be at later dates,
tend agricultural college this , A: t ed cf ,,e third meet.
be held
meetinss. He aeared earlier
this year at Plattsmouth High
School and gave a lecture to
the students cn the GOC. About
150 students sisned for the pro-
A ground observer usually
Daniel is junior
i r-T a tr"3 r2" ti."! wIl
works a lew tours a week witn ;
other volunteers in this area. J
There are thousands cf people
who are active in this type cf j
program. j
When a ground observer spots j
plane or an -
foTT t 0
.aha Filter I
mouth High School and Steve j 2nd certificates will be awarded j Center and the plane's course
and Ted are in the sixth grade. '- to the graduates who are quai- . is traced and intercepted.
Donald Lavine, Louisville
school superintenent, should
have no trouble jetting to
school on time next fall.
Mr. Lavigne recently pas
sed tests for a private fly
insr license.
The "flying school teach
er" is a member of the
Civil Air Patrol. He now
plans to get a commercial
instructor's ratin?- so that
he may teach in schools
having a flying cuniculaxa.
By Margaret Dingman
journal voman s r-cuior 1
As the television tooth paste 1
commercial goes, "You'll won- i
cer where the yellow went". j
Well, one who knows very ,
well where the "yellow went" j -is
Roy Crawford, city street de- j ...
partment worker. j "-':-
He been putting the yellow J r.
'where it belongs. ' '
The other morning as I walked !
to work I noticed how clean the 1
Plattsmouth streets appeared
after the night before bath, j -There
was Mr. Crawford down ,
cn his knees marking the park-1
ing snace areas with the bright
est of yellow p
Rembrandt if your imagination !
took the best of you as it did
with me. He was putting forth i
his best efforts to make each ;
line neat ana within its bound
: Firings. Art and Den Warga, Les
; Niel, George Conis, Dr. A. E.
Johnson. Rav Larson and Joe
j otoncus job than to paint line ; Zastera.
"5 after line cf yellow and how ; a vote cf thanks was given.
to this searl Davis, Sam Giimcre, Rex
disturbing it must be
rs" tn 5pp cars nark si- vm-mr n-A nrrc'i fr.i
hazardly. pacing the flags cn veterans
f i This nniTtir,? ioh is not too ' eravps for the Memorial Dav
4 i Is a very important cne. a donation cf $1C0 was voted
In carrying c
Mr. Crawford used 20
tne projec. to e C:ty recreation progra:
gacns c . sponsored by the "Chamber cf
a int. plus a large quan-1 commerce.
j 1 -ne cass ounty Am.encan .e-
Ee wore cut four top quality ; convention will be held In
paint cn yeucw ai-ne. Enicn June 22.
-1 tity
. j pan. ;
j And n
he s
irted on the '
J -
r -"
i red paint for seme gutter mars-- THE WEATHER
t i.e3. Comniler! for thp P'afttrrrnrrw
H It is things like this which; Journal at the Masonic Horns
A make cur city "click." Through; Weather Station, Plattsmcut
' " 4 such efforts Plattsmouth be- Nebraska.
comes more and more attract-; June 7.2. 9 10 1S5
i -
" .
When you park your car, try j
I to stay within your parking spot
I so ether cars may use the : f
! space that was outlined by this r
I street department worker. PJ
1 Can you imatne a mere mcn-
ive both to we who live here
and the hundreds
who drive
ough the city daily. :-pj
We salute Roy Crawford for ; sturdav
s coci -.. u e.iur Cii-: q-...
High Lew Pre..
. E3 60
. 87 52
ry ou. a jo uc ,-, Forecast: Kizhs today in $n
rr in "srh'fh he r?ne.c Wp u'.ir.t ; t ; - -n .
.. ; iu a , co- j . .morrow ccn-
a.e ..e j s
.. - - -J a--. ai
1 sets todav at 7:57 n c,.
r2-1 rises Tuesday at 4:
cr any ether color. i
him to know we appreci:
interest he takes in painting 0
city whether it be yellow,