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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
News of Weeping Watei lyrcin Cirowd E Gogs By Mrs. Lewis Baker TeL 182 Sunday, June 3 was a perfect day for a picnic. Members cf the Ccr.zreraticn- al Church, neighbors and friends "Wood, Marlene Noble, Alice Lauritzen, At airon Lorlie J Mary i Cub Scouts Dress the impressive by Wa; far: ie annual picnic cin- WEEPING ! Lots of I a WATER (Special) r.e. and reunion of eld friend: xnere were the largest 175 in group attendance, ever to at- Alice Wood, Kenny Domingo. program was ended with A s HoDOS At Meeting playing ui ie Detmer with the echo from a distance by Kenny Lau- naer- j Tuesday evening for the month- Guests coming from a distance j y pck meeting of the Cub were Rev. and Mrs. Roger Grow, j Scouts. little hobos gathered rican Legion Kail Family Gathering At Weeping Water WEEPING WATER (Special) Mrs. Hattie Taylor visited sev- Nearly 122 Pupils Enrolled At the Vacation Bible School THE PLATTS MOUTH. NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 7, 1955 Section B PAGE ONE lose TNG WATER (Special) j ticnal Church, who is supervis to 122 pupils have en-; ins the schooL rolled in the Vacation Bible 1 There are four departments. i School Tint -rrn hrr ths "t:'--!5 : ft-ia Vi- r owro a-n t-i m-r- i-r-n-i- -jSS? 'EJS? 25,' ! peeping water. ior and junior high department. TT , ? ,ir " J Twenty-five teachers are! A naroiQ eral days last week in Lincoln ! with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- j mond Taylor, and family. News Notes Of Union Area Jr-.5?ey X WyI I irking under Rev. E. R. Ban-1 at 7:30 Friday Tired Friday and bnragfct j man, minister of the Congresa-! parents and trie her heme from Lincoln. Tney are also visiting other relatives; induding her paren wood. 1 Saturday night Mrs. Hattie; By Mrs. L. G. Todd r f a i program will be presented! cu evening for the UNION (Special Mr. and ends at the Con-! Mrs. Henry Becker are enjoying Visiting Here Mrs. Johnson, mother of Mrs. iVerl Ackiey, is spending seme j time here with the little grand -! daughter while her mother is a i patient in St. Mary's Hospital at ! Nebraska City. ing, amvea irnay na crot j rrran rrsirsivf-pr nf tKn r-nnwi. : mrDrt; -,r f-a-n ro-n! Mrs. Hpnrv R?rk?r arp pninvir h Helen and Sharon Garner ts, Mr. and News Summary ian Ci. F.m Of Weeping Water ients done by the departments ' tertaintng their son and daugh- state are spending some tim Taylor's children were all home ii.e occasion was also the ; south Dakota, who also stayed i anniversary cf picnic a; the heme cf al ! Cathy and Susan cf Beresford lunch ec: Mrs. Ray Norris The Ion man tables wer Everyone enjoyed at the lcadad delicious foods. visiting and flowers, esprcial- fcr evening Norris 's; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bau man and Lee Bauman, sons of Rev. and Mrs. Barman; Mrs. Ole Olson from Illinois; Mr. and Mrs. Fembaugh and daughter cf In- !..... . . . . (for au tne cues, arssseu as iiu- t 1 1 j i : 1 ms sin? inir srir.H.s iiiiti hill ok TTFTPrvn xtt a TTT ,-ci,n cer me cirecxion ci Mrs. aer r or hp': rf tv.- c-9-Q,-r;,TQ 1 nard Jonnscn and their teacher a dinner. icommittM nf th.0 TrC-t Tooi Mrs. Ethel Ratnour. . - 3 r tt- . f ey were air. ana air. xiiix- j ers Association met Taylor cf Cheyenne, Mr. and ! evening with the will bp diJ-nT.-Jved The -nmcr-, t ! ter and srandchildren. Mr. andvisitins their aunt. Mrs. Es:e I will include "the kindergarten ! Mrs. Donald Becker and three Frans in Union. The girls are hildren, Rodney, Stanley and j attending Vacation Bible School -1 Donna Lynn cf Phoenix, Ari- ; while here. zona, wh Sunday. cxass with the rythm band ua- - enncren. campfire. LaJMar Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, was taken in as a new member. Scoutmtister Sigvaid Jensen awarded Daie t Mrs. rcaymona iayior ana iam-jMrs. Truman Lytle. Present ; present a play iThe Scroll" ily of Lincoln, Mrs. Vesta Baker 'were Rev. Fred Gardner, vice- i They are under the leadership and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Taylor ; president; Mrs. Ed Van Horn,! of Mrs. Ed Van Ham. d arrived in Union cn i Mr. and Mrs. John Klimm's Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ho- ; sunner euests last Monday eve- Tuesday j The primary class is learning 'bac& anci two children. Tommy jn-g were Mrs. Russell Schaefer resident, j stories of the Bible and will ; ard iIary Kathryn of Chilli- j and son, Lowell, and Mr. and Til t ana ii They celebr ? lovely roses, rere busy takins Several; ed Ronald diana; Mr. and Mrs. Cogiizer cf i DrkI( v,;, nif hde wth cnelior's hh-thday. He returned to ; corresponding Ui o -, c'xtruiry ..irs. riaroia JJommzo . vrv t - umrn, rr-;v, v-o- A picture was taken cf no were present 25 at tne first picnic. Some ive never missed ai s. Arnold Detmer presented :oin: ana iirs. a. u. pictures, j Mode row, Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. those; ra.i-i n.Tnpmw Oikland- Mr. years agot , y. riovd Ganei cf Ne braska City; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i nam roite, -Mr. ana Fauquet and fa rrcw and Alan Rothe, six ; Cheyenne with Harold on Sun- j mittees were secretary. for the ot; lily Mrs. Paul i day. He Mrs.,1"- arrows. Hot does were served. Arthur Schmidt and Mra Dcni Rutledge were hi charge cf thef Memorial Program is the son of Glenn j coming year. kitchen. tV6 0 pcpie wno favored mout Mr. and Mrs. up witn seme mstru a ere men-' 5usan vo. Mrs. Miss Roberta Knaup is work IT & aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1- - t Uim LCppie Ui. iiT, t vr.eria for hpr utiHp anrt ; Mr. nad Mrs. George , ; and sons, George Jr., Joseph of Laurence ville. New Hnnnrc The War Dead Mersey arrived Sunday to visit cothe. 111., came on Thursday. All of these three families were Saturday dinner guests of Mrs. Eva Becker and Mary. On Sun- learning the J wiS w- i Ehlers and they also visited Mr. land Mrs. John Rprk-pr it Platts- The junior high class under , j-outh the direction of Mrs. E. K. Bau- j " are all of them. Mrs. Mitchell Rich and twin daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clark have moved into the James Surface house. Mrs. Surface and Rose Marie have joined Jim in Japan. WEEPING WATER (Special 1 with his mother Mrs. '' B. A. and will present a puppet show: Has Broken Hip xne vvoip. s Mr and j Mitchell iue durbey cas.en in at tr.e;,j r,rPw Bible School will go one-half to the Nebraska School for the Rich and daughters are having as guests Mrs. Russell Schaefer and son, Lowell, of Longmont, Colo., j r Little Julia Mitchell of Nehaw ka was a weekend guest of Mrs. Howard S nod grass. On Sunday morning she save a piano solo during the - primary ; School hour. Sunday Fashions for Father on His Day: June 17 THAT ARE "v .. . ' - ..! '- !,u js' r ' ' ' TCS ' ;: '5 .wars---"-' Every Day is Dad's Day Here! Our business is pleasing Dad with wearables all year 'round. That's why any gift for him chosen here is sure to be r ight! r-7 jFMSk '-'COP - Fyi 1 Neckwear y ' -T5 Sport Shirts v& I' fI- Sweaters V4 j Handkerchiefs W Jw Slacks l-J...j...ww-i))B t i V- 1 Walking il Shorts fiifi r Knit Shirts P-itf yJ Be,ts" Pajamas FREE From Soennichsen's A Nice Dress Straw to the Father of the Year HLM3ER Open Till 9:00 P. M. On Friday and Saturday SOENNICHSEN'S Your One Stop Shopping Center The Memorial Day program be- " iC-"- gan this year with the parades,. - , Afrc r ' j Blind, and one-half to the Root this summer. On Sunday s-rang a; .ne Aseaun ; family iacIuded iIr iDrasa Louncu Roberta and her parents, Mr. HaIi- iMrs. Howard Thomnson and! iii.u xicij ; mii . (.cck.j uamuv. Airs, tieri :nomnsen or nnnn.iv uupr cnaerers. Airs, scnaerpr is e unknown Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Basil - -ou- T t.,t ! RTwirfrna Tinrt. nf hr timA nt V- The Series Savings Bond visitors of Mrs. F. J. Fitch at her j one ! cabin at Lake Park in South Bend. Eight ladies met "with. Mrs. Nesley Marshall May 25 to hon or Mrs. Neil Fitzpatrick cn her i birthday. at gathered soldier's memorial near the cen- ! Lawthcr and fa ter of the cemetery. Bill Thornton, past co: der of Post 237 was in charge of the ceremonies which were opened with a memorial prayer by Chaplain L. N. Kaueeroan. of Churches. Ida the Rich had 40 the Amrican people are the ! dinner n!P., in honor nf fhe!cnes who Set tae a PreS" ! i - i ,. , It M T"T- t ny ci union; PnndnTI nnrr fMrs. Rov Freeman and children. !t -r;.,.i i lire Krt Proiim o Kinmi Pin. i . . . Ifiwr,. t7 -r 4 1 cv, i - c-,.. I jemara xuroa 01 urete, Air. ana a ijiuu. one jiuici- Ptcn and Jim. Zessinn i. , . fi o v-x-r-.i-o,-, ,; nc-Di w,- i 1 Bob and Mrs. of Lincoln, Mrs. j fcraska City with the mother cf Russ, who is a patient m St. Mhj LaAh Mrs. Clayton Cooper, Ricky and I frGrrl a broken hip caused by Mr. and Mrs. Johm Cole and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'a aIi several. weeks ao. son, Warren, left Thursday for urwin werP dinner cniy. r. ! Denver where they met then- other son, Wendell, who works at Durango, Colo. They visited together and returned to their home and work on Sunday. Mrs. i Cole's sister, Mrs. Erma Drav- er of Burwell is here now spend ling some time with the Cole's. mortal Day of Mr. Clifford Cooper. and Mrs. Bible School The first week of I !! if Vacation t onr ti TrioT-r t3t,v,tt Bible School is over at the Meth- ! I L Am : U 1 in cool, crinklyi cotton plisse O Visits Cousin Miss Villa Jameson was visit ed by her cousins, Mrs. Mar j garet Brendel of j Mrs. Grace Kidder and Mr. and Mrs. Bates of Rising City, cn I Memorial Day. I Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Zd ;Van Horn and family, Mr. and I Mrs. Gary Van Horn, Jaunita granddaughter of Shenandoah, were dinner guests cf Mrs. Ed Ruby. In the afternoon they were callers at the Clifford Cooper home. and family, odist Church. The attendance is good and every one is doing I good work. - The children will present their program cn Sunday morning at 9:30. Every one is invited to come. The children will have an exhibit of their work in the base ment. Teachers are kindergar- Stacey's sister j ten, Mrs. Russell Easter and Mrs. and Mrs. Otto Abe Exline; primary, Mrs. George Stine, Mrs. Cameal and hi V--rf St A Mrs. E. T. Stacy and Heather left Sunday evening for Two Murray, and Harbors, Minn., where they will visit with Mrs. Mr. id. Mrs. Berdie Giihnore of Ne-jMrs. Todd; the fifth and sixth braska City, Mrs. Maynard j grades, Mrs. Ruth Pike; seventh Tritsch and Pam and Mrs. Phil- j and eishtb. grades, Mrs. Sarah i Nichols, Mary Ellen Schroeder, j lip Tritsch of Plattsmouth and I Rich. Assistants are Lynn ! and Mrs. Ted Cooper and family j Clyde Gillmore of Plattsmouth ! paasch, pianist; Mary Easter, j of Weeping Water, and Mr. and j were visitors Saturday evening ; Jackie Brown, Betty True and . iurs. arreii jeray ana iamuy j oi Airs. r.. jx. riuoy. Airs at the state fish hatchery near j Washington D. C. to visit her I Gretna. - ... son and,..iu3.larnily. I ! Edith Easter. i i - -"Xy Edith's Beauty Salon 531 U Main St. Phone 7296 for Appointment We Specialize in 9 PERMANENTS MANICURING HAIR TINTING 4 Greenwood News Mother and Daughter Banquet Is Planned: Tickets Go on Sale VOILE HEER Eesuti-fuf!y fssiored for tf ycung set and made to wear end wear. Sup features Lorraine's "Let-R-Grow" walsrlifvs tuck. Brief, panty and sHo designed for comfort and fit. Cool, deed soft lingerie daintily decorated with embroidered N?on trim. Trey wash in a wink, drip d'y . . . never need ironing! PRE-TEEN SUP. Write c-!y, 10 iM4, $1;98 LITTLE MISS SLIP, 2-F4. e cniy, SI. 98 PANTY. WHte only, 2-14; crJy "3 9c ERls?. Whit only, 2-14, enjy 69c PAJAM,. Sit. Mint. Pink, cr Eurttrcup. 2-14. orJy fr $2.98 'fll -.-- - ,. A.'C ,;'Jf V.I. t 1',,,,sI,iM By Irs. Rose Mc Donald TeL 2448 The ladies of the Christian Church of Greenwood will serve the Mother and Daughter ban quet June i3th in the Legion Mrs. Ester Mettler, mother cf Pauline Wiles, entered Uni versity Hospital in Omaha where she will undergo an op eration for cataract. Mr. and Mrs. George Learer of Waterloo visited at th e Wayne Wright and Bill Leelsey homes Decoration Day. Dance Concert Mrs. Alice Osbum and Mrs. Fern Buckingham attended the ! acquaintances dancing concert in Omaha given ; people look forward to playing Hall. Tickets cn sale at the : Tennant and Mc Donald Groc ery Stores. j The Memorial Day dinner was a huge success. A very ' large crowd was served in the ' Legion hall under the sponsor- j ship cf the Greenwood Cem-! etery Association. The people ! of our community and every ; one that took part in anyway 1 deserve a genuine word of ap-i preciation for their whole heart- ed support for without their i contributions and help in pre- j paring and serving the dinner ! this large affair would not be j possible. Many out-of-town people were cn hand to enjoy I the dinner and to renew old i The Greenwood Coo! and lovely you wearing a nost to ail tnese iormer idents and we're certain equally anticipated by guests. res- i it is ' car i I at the vi est:de High School j auditorium in Omaha Saturday. Darlene Bergers and Glenda Grady are pupils of Suszanna Staley the past sis. months. Mrs. Mildred ccmstock visit-! Democrats Meet ed Eastridge school in Lincoln ! an- Mrx. Francis Roben-i where Marilvn Mevers teaches, i son cf Ashland, Mrs. Mildred: ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Trimble t Ccmstock, Kenneth O'Rcurke ; ' and son Danny cf Marrion, j and Bill Kelley attended the i llowa, and Mrs. Gertrude Bailer j Democ ratio County Convention: i of Ashland snent Saturday at ! held in the Lien's Club rooms 3f Mr. and Mrs. ! at Piatts: i tne nome o: Oliver Bailer. I Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kinds of ! Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Carl' Luescay eve I Mortensen College j spent Saturday evenin? View with MEMBER Open Till 9:00 P. M. On Friday and Saturday SOENNICHSEN'S Your One Stop Shopping Cnter Mr. and Mrs. Turiey Wall. ning. It was an organization meeting. Joseph Benesch run ning for Congress from this district spoke. Paul Fauquet was elected chairman. A lunch was served after the meeting. Jacqueline Wiles was a dinner; Birthday Dinners Tact RrmHor trHti tA famllv : . - c. ooe taster jnod., and SQns attended a birthday Sunday evening to take examin-. t h f L ation for the Marines. i wior . T-dS-Ear!i- Wayne Howards birth-: Decoration Day at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Landcn and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jar dine. Charles Jenkens who has been stationed at Fort Kncx, Ky., left last week for Germany. Mrs. Margaret Bond, Dick, Bonnie, Susie Beady and Joe Ann Deberal were dinner guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weltcn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Comstock, Mrs. Marilyn Meyers cf Lincoln and Lyle Comstock spent Dec oration Day with Mildred's brother and family cf Columbus. They also attended a part cf the Centennial celebration. Rodger Osbum will spend 10 days In Omaha, at the hemg cf Glenda Grady. day. Mrs. Rose McDonald attended a meeting at the Comhusker j Hotel Monday. j Lyle Comstock will play in : the Junior Legion baseball game at Ashland. Ashland and ! CtcT1V j Z. L." Mc Donald attended the j Chamber cf Commerce meeting t and lumch Monday evening in I Lincoln. ! 1 A -j,n It u v'; I V f - , ( . I r - A RJ.US , Other "-ir Martha Maaaia!lj styles m Mis' V m t-y tad Half Sue from KM frothy cotton sheer, buttoned and buckled with tiny jewels. In an exquisitely soft, subtly shaded voile to wear with assurance any hour of a summer day or evening. Blue, green or charcoaL 510.98 f;r Plattsmoutli, Nebraska Abstracts of Title "Title Insurance" THOMAS WALLING CO. Open Till 9:00 P. M. On Friday and Saturday U IB WNU - MEMBER I SOENNICHSEN'S Your Ont Stop Shopping Cnttr