The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, June 07, 1956, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7
. j- ' . , 4 - FOR SALE Alpha C. Petersen THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 7, 1955 PAGE SEVEN WW residence, 509 Ave. B, Platts mouth. Two lots, 8 room house with 4 bedrooms. Good condition and excellent loca tion. Contact Jessie Whelan, Executrix. Phone 3265. NOTICE ;ctors who Leqal Notices To ers t all ei are own- urn k anv interest in real or sessed for property : 55-2tc ! v n t-; ? d whc f Notices I NOTICE Theta Rho sirLs will! neld a bake sale at Swatek's. Saturday beginning at 11. t in'vo , ,TT , a.K it- LAWNS MOWED, general yard D"ltc work. Raymond McShane, NOTICE S50 reward for infor- Phoae 3112- 50-16tfc mat ion leading to the return 171 ' rf shop vise taken from stel DISC, SHARPENING Have the ibie at former canning fac- ?rk done on yur fann DT :cry yard. W. M. Babbitt h J- Clarence, Union Nebras- Ccr.structicn Co. 55-2tc Phone 2551 or Write. 29-tfc NOTICE Special price on pa- V7E CCJT GLASS to any size, per hanging. Jim Eden, phone Picture framing. Plattsmouth 42S4. 92-tfc Paint Store. 44-tfc Card of Thanks GARDNER CARD OF THANKS To all who 333 Mai" fjattsmouth - o kindly remembered me with Phone 7152 cards and phone calls while Dl , . ,, : the Hospital, and at home, Plumbing Heating ;: lease accept my sincere Air Conditioning tr.anks and appreciation. John r. i x i Bergmann. 57-ltp Sheet Metal Work Armstrong Furnaces PerSOnals arid Conditioners American Standard " 71 Plumbing Fixtures LGNrTA? Have Sweethearts, - Huffman Water Htrc Wife or Husband. Free infor- I nottman Water Heaters rr.ation. Lincoln Cltfb, Box Meyers Water Systems 1871, Lincoln, Nebr. 45-16tp Easy j , Monthly Payments LOSt and FOUnd Can Be Arranged T.,. zr1, : : rrr Free Estimates FoLND Real values m chil- , cren's sandals and canvas footwear for summer vacation. . . 3 & h shoes. 57-itc Personal Loans LCST Black and brown ter- $20 . S5Q $100 . $50o - $700 r:or pup. answers to the name mcc of -Rex.- Donnie Story, Phone i0 A xuuu 55tc Prompt Confidential Service Hslp VantGd No Lower Payments Anywhere HELP WANTED Lady for nurs- a , :r: care. Good working con- American Luan ditior.s and good wages. Riv- 530 Main Phone 3213 erview Home, 6th and Ave. F. Loans Made in Nearby Towns Personal interview. 56-tfc 62-tfc WANTED Girl, office work. Tvpins: required. Reply P.O. IT'S COOL Box 725, Plattsmouth. 56-2tc . . A . , , ,fr , u t a MAN, COOL! FULL TIME baby sitter and . . ' . I;-ht housework. Private quar- That's what youH say all sum- t-s Phon- 670 o 7 19 b- rner lon lf you lnstaU a Cor i;40on 54-tfc onado air conditioner from oon- Gambles. No matter how AMTPrV high temperature and humidi- WAMN I L.U. ty risef you-n able t0 re . , c lax in cool, fresh comfort! See A man to work 9 hour day 6 our complete iineyouH like uay week. Car necessary. $,o the ' down-to-earth prices. As per week, plus expenses to start. litUe as S2 25 per week Wnte: P. O. Box 3, Loncoln GAMBLES Wanted to Rent pne 3254 50-tfc WANTED TO RENT Modern 2 COMBINE CANVAS repaired, or 3 bedroom house. rite Box g Murray, A. p. Journal. 5o-tfp Nebraska. 54-tfc WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE : JEEP A trenching, sewer trench- Tr.ree bedroom home pref- in basements dug. Colbert erably on one floor. Penna- Colbert, Nebraska City, r.e::t ousmess man four adulto Nb PhoAe 3217. P.O.Box :r. family. Possession desired ,7. -itv-tfr Juiv 1st to 15th. Write all 5'4- 60 Uc particulars to J. J. O'Connell, Kenyan. Minnesota. 55tc GARDNER Wanted to Buy upholstering v;.NTED More junk of any k:r.d, including old cars. Bill 1616 Vinton Wever. Phone 3290. 44-tfc Phone Jackson 4d3 Wanted Omaha, Nebr. V.' ANTED Bee swarms. Call Free J;r.n Bradley. Phone 718S. . 57tfc i Estimates & Delivery Services Offered Father and Grandfather like Pictures of the '-kids." Call Franks Photo's for Father's Day specials. Frank Gaines. Phone 7187. 51-9tc RAY'S Expert Radio TV Repair 5none 233 110 So. 3rd 44-tfc-T Graduates "No Obligation" Ccme in and discuss Your Job Future MEN: Bookkeepers, den ial, office managers, sales, engineers. WOMEN: Stenographers, re ceptionists, typists, filists. Mutual Employment Service 432 Kiipatrick Bids Omaha, Nebr. Phone WE 6070 49-tfc WANT AD ur, A J- are Cash other than to established accounrs, iourTesy Want cfr ad5 for a period cf six days. No Want charges are mads on te aa tot i pe aeceunts. Pav- jccected trom usei ment is expected from customer tctsl charges EACH WORD. First Insertion r atu wriin 5ufeseauent Insertions (Minimum Charge for any Ad 35c) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY, per inch 75c KFYED or BLIND ADS, sennce charge 3UC CARDS CF THANKS, IN MEMORIUM MESSACES. POETRY same as Want Ad Rates DEAD LINE All Want Ads must be in this office by 11 A.M. Day of Publication. TELEPHONE 241 If an error is made in your ad, notify The Journal office immedi S!y following publication. We cannot assume respons.bil.ty after the f.rst insertion ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Fouchek & Gamett 126 North Fourth Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 5 -tf c 55-tfc Babv sitting by two reliable girls. Call 7238, if no answer call 5255. 57-ltc Will care for 1 or 2 small chil dren in my home. Phone 5954. 57-3 tp SERVICES OFFERED Paper hanging and sample .book shown and free estimate. Mrs. D. L. Ramel. 46-tfc Wizards of the Scissors Roy & Dan Roy's Barber Shop "Air Conditioned" 53-5tcT Light hauling, trash or what have you. Phone 3921. 5.-3tc We make patios, steps and side walks and lay blocks and do canvr.terv. Phone 7023 or 510' I r- t J-r CESSPOOLS AND septic tanks cleaned. Phone 6062 Platts mouth. 55-9tp Those interested in beginning or advanced acrobatics in struction Tel. Charlene Lewis at 7978. 57-ltp .... . . . u....MMt..K ... -- - upon their receipt ct nuiuMnud 3c 2c KATES 'i j I i I Phone 6297 CLEM WOSTER Plattsmouth, Nebr. Life Insurance Savings Plans Retirement Programs Tor the Entire Family Representing MODERN WOODMEN cf America 57-tfc-T JAY'S. Texaco Service Free Pickup & Delivery Chicago Ave. Dial 4102 57-tfc-T Huebner's 466' Station "Tank Wagon Service" 302 Chicago Ave. Dial 212 57-tfc-T For Sale FOR SALE 2 600x16 tires and tubes; 2 650x16 tires. Phone 5075. 57-2tp FOR SALE Pomeranian Dogs. Mrs. J. J. Smock. Phone 5962. 56-2tc FOR SALE 8473. Puppies. Phone -56-3tc FOR SALE Cameraman here's a buv. Weston Light Meter cost S29.60 new. Will sell for S5 including leather case. Tel. 241 between 8 ajn. - 5 p.m. 56-tfp FOR SALE 45 lessons on Diesel . - Engines from correspondence course. Phone 4183. 56-2tp over si.uu eacn. Jirs. tiaroia Rice. Phone Murray 4ol4. 56-2tc FOR SALE Baler twine, $7.50; binder twine, $3.90, for Mid continent at Farmers Feed & Seed. 50-tfc FORNEY ARC WELDERS WELDING SUPPLIES Stites Farm Eq. Cnicago Ave. Dial 267 33-tfc FOR SALE Genuine Bundy clarinet, like new, S90.C0 cash. Phone 207J Weeping Water. Mrs. Ruth Ketelhut. 54-4tp USE DOUD'S Home Rendered Lard for the Best Fried Chick en, Fish and Pies. Goes far ther. Costs less. Money back guarantee, 30-31 lbs., S4.75. Gal. $1.50 delivered. Phone 8491. 55-8tp Fryers for sale. Mrs. Clarence Engelkemier. Phone Murray 5113. 55-4tc FAR SALE; Cottonwood lumber all dimensions, Pierce & Son Saw Mill. Phone 4966 101-tfc FOR SALE Second batch 3 to 4 pound fryers, $1.00 alive, $1.25 dressed. Five miles south of Plattsmouth 'on Highway 75. Will deliver in town free four or more. Mrs. Orval Kahler. Phone 8339. 53-tfc FOR SALE New 34-Ton AIR CONDITIONERS $165 & up 1-Ton AIR CONDITIONERS $192.50 & up 5 Year Guarantee Installed Meisinger HOME & AUTO SUPPLY Highway 75 Phone 8342 46-ticT FOR SALE SENSATION lawn mowers. Prices, start at $43. Brown's Airport, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. 52-Stp A FATHER'S DAY SUGGESTION For Dad's Work Shop Masonite Peg Board (Perforated Panels' 2x4' $1.32 Plattsmouth Lumber Company 126 So. 3th Dial 2S5 57-2tc-T t FOR SALE Steel clothesline posts. Phone 3276. 57-2tc Terrier 9th St. 57-ltc FOR SALE One ton Hot Point air conditioner with thermo stat. Used three months. Ph. 6217. 53-tfc FOt .u Lawn ornaments, rcce troiiis, and picket fence. Roc enable. Call 2781, Mur ccck, Nebraska. 57-2tc FOR SALE Duo-Therm lawn mowers. Competitive prices. Brown's Airport, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. 52-8tp EVERY DAY SPECIAL Chrome Kitchen Chairs $5.95 up Window Shades 29c ea. BARGAIN CENTER 54-tfc Household Goods FOR SALE Blonde double bed with bookcase headboard. Nearly new. Includes mattress and box springs. 16G8 Hill Street. 57-ltp FOR SALE Upright Piano in good condition. Phone 6126. 57-2tp REPOSSESSED Zig Zag sewing machine to be sold in this lo cality to close account. It sews buttonholes and fancy work without attachments. Small monthly payments or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lin coln, Nebr. 56-2tc FOR SALE Like new Interna tional Harvester refrigerator and other furniture. Phone 3907. 56-2tc WANT RELIABLE party to take over 7 payments of $6.65 each on 1955 model Singer Sewing machine with a buttonholer. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 56-2tc FOR SALE Crib, 5 year old size, good condition. Also baby buggy. Phone 3118. 56-tfc Livestock for Sale FOR SALE Yorkshire boar. Phone 8132. 57-ltp Feed & Seed for Sale FOR SALE Alfalfa hay in windrow cr bale. Stuart Schlichtemeier. Phone Ne hawka 2699. 56-2tc FOR SALE Kansas orange for age sorghum seed. Robert Cole. Phone 8273. 54-4tp FOR SALE Corn, bulk, S1.55 at bin cr delivered " in truck loads. Farmers Feed & Seed. 50-tfc FOR SALE Seed corn, U. S. 13, small flats $7.00 per bu. Farm ers Feed & Seed. 45-tfc FOR SALE Feed Wayne for a faster gain. Hog and Cattle feed. Contracts available Farmers Feed and Seed. 46-tfc Where to Buy It FOR YOUR MORNING COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS MOM'S CAFE Open Sundays 420 Main St. 41-tfC Give Dad A GIFT CERTIFICATE "Always a Perfect Gift" Smith's Men's Wear 57-ltc EVERY DAY SPECIAL Outside White Paint S2.49 gal BARGAIN CENTER 54-tfc K. C. A. T. V. AIR CONDITIONERS Wm. Schmidtmann 56-8tC FOR WORK Get B & H SHOES 57-ltcHi FOR SALE Boston puppies $5.00. 901 So. FOR SALE For monogra named napkins, .informal notes, place! cards and match covers for wedding gifts, anniversaries and bancmets, see the Platts mouth Journal, or phone 241. 50-tfc Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT Sleeping room. 310 Ave. D. Phone 4047. 57-2tp FOR RENT Large sleeping room for rent. Tel. 4155. 56-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment downtown. Phone 6996 after 6 p. m. 53-tfc FOR RENT Comfortable room for gentleman. Close in. Phone 5256. 54-tfc FOR RENT Furnished apart ment and garage and washing facilities. Phone 3S72. 55-tfc FOR RENT House. Phone 3124. 56-tfc FOR RENT -Phone 4945. Sleeping rooms. 56-tfc FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. Phone 3276 days, 5194 eve nines. 56-tfc FOR RENT Two room fur nished apartment. Inquire 7C1 Ave. B. 56-tfc FOR RENT Two room furnish ed apartment, utilities paid. $45. Phone 4212. 54-tfc FOR RENT Two room furnish ed apartment, utilities paid, $45 per month. Phone 4212. 48-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment. No pets. Court House Apartments. Paul Fau quet. Phone 6113. 48-tfc FOR RENT Three rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone 274. . 42-tfc FOR RENT Efficency apart ment by week. Plattsmouth Motel. Chicago Ave. 86-tfc FOR RENT Four room house with bath, partly furnished. Phone 4064 after 6:30 p. m. 49-tfc FOR RENT Partly furnished basement apartment. Prefer working couple. Phone 6246. 55-2tc FOR RENT 3 room furnished - - apartment, upstairs, newly . decorated, phone 3262. 55-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment. Phone 3192. 55-tfc Real Estate for Sale DWELLINGS FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM Oakrnont home. Price reduced for quick sale. Possession now. 5 ROOM modern on 3rd Avenue pavement. An older house, but priced right. 2 STORY, brick in South Park. With part or all of 15 lots. 1 block from pavement on oil ed street. Close to school. Ideal for development and priced to sell quick. DWELLING AND 3 LOTS on South 10th. Close to school. Pavement, sewer available for another dwelling on the lots. 7 ROOM home between 6th and 7th on 4th Avenue. TWO BEDROOM home in Val ley View. Excellent condition. Almost new. See First Realty Co. 505 Main Dial 264 53-tfc FOR SALE Good improved acreaee. Phone 7229. 48-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT 25 ft. trailer house, good condition. See at Sands Trailer Court. LaPlatte, Nebr. 57-tfc BUY NOW! 6 rooms and bath, 4 lets, $4,000. $1,000 down, $50 per month. Recently constructed 2 bedroom home, full size basement, $6,500. Neat and attractive four rooms and bath, gas heat and plea sant yard. $5,000.00. Sis excellent building sites- 5 rooms and bath, gas heat, large garage, $5,300.00. LORIS B.LONG REALTOR Office at 126 N. 4th Tel. 5239 cr 4250 3S-tf c j Automobiles FOR SALE 1947 Frazier Man hattan, with overdrive. Good condition, white wall tires. Call John Baburek, 295 or 5046. 54-tfc FOR SALE 1930 Ford Model A Tudor. Top condition. Phone 2693 Nehawka. Robert Schlich temeier. 55-4tc 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr $2S3 1950 Mercury 4-Dr., over drive 344 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr., Hy- dramatic 256 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr 299 1951 Studebaker V8 Club Coupe 383 1945 Ford 2-Dr 77 1949 Dodge 2-Dr 277 1950 Buick 4-Dr 297 1945 Hudson 67 1946 Chevrolet 1947 Dodge 4-Dr 1941 Ford 2-Dr 1953 Plymouth 4-Dr. 1953 Dodge 4-Dr. 1954 Studebaker Coupe 1955 Dodge 4-Dr. 1956 Dodge 4-Dr. R. V. BRYANT MOTOR CO. Plattsmouth, Nebr. 99 99 44 FOR SALE 1935 Chev. condition. Phone 7912. , good 57-ltc FOR SALE 1950 4-door Chev rolet. Inquire 1010 3rd Ave. 57-tfp FOR SALE 1951 Plymouth Tudor. Radio & Heater. Best offer within the next week buys it. George's Barber Shop. After 6:30, 524 Ave. C. Tele. 6102. 57-tfc Plattsmouth Motors 1954 Cher, car . . Tudor. Good little .$995 1953 Olds "83". Real sharp R-H Hydramatic New white walls only . .$1295 1953 Dodge V-8. Nice car, good white walls $895 1952 Chev. Tudor. A good car $695 1952 Henry J "6", overdrive special only $345 1951 Chev. 4 Dr. glide R-H Power- $595 1951 Ford Tudor, R-H over drive $595 Special Bargain Specials 45s 47s 48s 49s From $75 to S195.00 Bring in your titles and an "On the Spot" deal minute financing. make 15 We can use more lat trade ins on new cars and trucks Plattsmouth Motors Your Friendly Ford Dealers Open Evenings Til Nine Phone 287 Pubiic Sales Sale Every Monday 7:30 P.M. Weeping Water Sale Company 47-tfc-T NOTICE Our sales will now be hsld each Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. During Our Monday June 1 1 Sale We Will Offer Native White Face Steers weight 450 lbs. Eesides Our Regular Run of Cattle Bring Your Cattle & Hogs to Weeping Water Weeping Water Sale Company Dl -ItC Cass County's Greatest Newspaper The Plattsmouth Journal iiiai usnuin money should publish at rejrulsr Intervals an accounting of it : showing where and how each ; spent. holds this to be a fundamental! principle of democratic govern-! ment. PAUL E. FAUQUET, Attorney I Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF PROBATE ! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ! CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in t the estate of Sophia L. McRey nolds, deceased. No. 453S: Take notice that a petition has been filed for the probate of an in strument purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, and for the appoint ment of Walter J. Wunderlich as Administrator c.t.a. thereof; that said petition has been set i for hearing before said Court on the 8th day of June, 1956, at 10 A. M. Dated May 23rd, 1955. (Seal) RAYMOND J. CASE. County Judge No. 3256 May 24, 31, June 7, 1956 HAROLD C. ELLIOTT, Attorney Weeping: Water, Nebraska NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To the creditors of the estate of Samuel C. Hardnock, de ceased. No. 4530: Take notice that the time limit for the filing and presentation of claims asainst said estate is September 13th, 1956: that a hearing will be had at the County Court 56-2tciroom m Plattsmouth on Sep tember ISth, 1956, at ten o clock a. m., for the purpose of exam ining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objections duly filed. Dated May 22nd, 1956. (Seal) RAYMOND J. CASE, County Judge No. 3254 May 24, 31, June 7, 1956 BEGLEY & PECK, Attorneys Plattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF HEARING ESTATE OF JAMES B. HEENEY, DECEASED 1 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF j CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA i The State of Nebraska: To all j persons interested in said es- j tate, creditors and heirs, take '; notice that Anna Phillips has ! filed her petition alleging that I James B. Heeney died intestate j on or about May 17, 1954, being ! a resident and inhabitant of Cass County, Nebraska, and died seized of the following described j real estate, to-wit: Lots One, ; Two. Three, and Four, in Block i Seven, Carter's Addition to the ; City of Weeping Water, Cass County, Nebraska, leaving as his j sole and only heirs at law the ! following named persons, to- i wit: Elizabeth Kelly, Mary Heeney, Joseph Heeney, Bernard Heeney, John Heeney and Agnes Pittman, all brothers and sisters of the deceased. That no ap plication for administration has been made, and the estate of said decedent has not been ad ministered, in the State of Ne braska. That the interest of the peti tioner in the above described real estate is as subsequent pur chaser and praying for a deter mination of the time of the death of said James B. Heeney and of his heirs, the degree ci kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging j to the said deceased, in the State j of Nebraska, and a determina ; tion that no inheritance tax is i due. It is ordered that same stand jior neanng on the 14th cay ot June, 1956, before the County ; Court of Cass County in the ; Court House at Plattsmouth, Ne mcdel i braska, at the hour of 10:00 i o'clock A. M. i Dated at Plattsmouth, Ne j braska. this 21st day cf May, A. ;D., 1955. j RAYMOND J. CASE. ! County Judge sNo. 3255 May 24. 31, June 7, i 1956 NOTICE OI PASSAGE OF ORDINANCE NO. 944 At a regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council ot the City of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, held at the regular meeting place at 3:00 P.M.. May 23. 1955, the Mayor and City Council of said City passed, approved and ordered published Ordinance No. 944 creating and establishing a Street Improvement District No. 1 134 in the City of Plattsmouth. ! Nebraska. I Ordinance No. 944 will be in ! full force and take effect 20 days after the first publication j of this Notice, providing a ma i jority cf the resident owners of ! property directly abutting cn I the street to be improved do not file with the City Clerk of! ! said City within 20 days after : j the first publication of this No-' tice, written objections to the j creation and establishment cf; Street Improvement District No. : 134. In case written objections signed try a majority of the resident owners above described are filed with the said City Clerk within 20 cays after the first publication cf this Notice, then said Ordinance No. 944 will be repealed by the Mayor and City Council of said Citv. CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA By: Bruce E. Gold j Mavor j Attest: j Albert Olson iCitv Clerk iNo. '3206 June 7, 14, 1055 CSZTi&d boundaries: ' ,. , . e is hereby given that s Rural Fire Protection District: Beginning at the point cf intersection of the section line common to Sections 34 and 35. in Township 13 North, Range 12 East of the 6th P.M., in Cass County, Nebraska, extended, to the Platte River, thence South along said section lin? ex tended approximately 7 miles to the Southeast cor ner of Section 34, Township 12 North. Range 12 East in said Cass County, Nebraska, thence West three miles to the Southwest corner of Sec tion 32, Township 12 North, Ranse 12 East in Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, thence South I mile to the Southeast cor ner cf Section 6 in Town ship 11 North. Range 12 East in Cass County, Ne braska, thence West 2 miles to the Southeast corner of Section 2 in Township 11 North, Range 11 East in said County, thence South 1 mile to the Southeast cor ner cf Section 11. in said Township 11 North, Range II in said County, thence West 21a miles to the North east corner of the West z cf the Northeast ' of Sec tion 16, Township 11, Range 11 thence South lz mile to the Southeast corner of the West l2 of the Northeast 1i of Section 15, Township 11, Range 11 thence West l mile to the Southwest cor ner of the West 2 of the Northeast 1,4 of Section 16, Township 11, Range 11 thence North 12 mile to the Northwest Corner of the West 2 cf the Northeast . of Section 16, Township 11, Ranee 11 thence West 12 mii:s to the Southwest cor ner of Section 8 in Town ship 11, Range 11 in Cass County, thence North 2 miles to the Northwest cor ner of Section 5, in Town ship 11, Range 11 in said Cass County, thence West 1 mile to the Southwest cor- ner of Section 31 in Town- ship 12 and Range 11 in said Cass County, thence North 12 miles to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Ssc tion 20 in said Township 12, Range 11. thence West cn the half section line running East and West through Section 25 in Town ship 12 North, Range 10 East in Cass County, Ne braska, approximately 78 miles to a county highway, thence northerly along said county highway running through the Northwest Quarter cf said Section 25, Township 12, Range 10, and the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 in said Township 12, Range 10 to the half section line running East and West through Section 24 in Township 12, Range 10, thence East along said half section line to the East Section line of said Section 24, Township 12, Ranse 10. thence Nortn to the Platte River, thence easterly along the South bank of the Platte River to the point of beginning, excluding there from, however, ail that part cf said District lying "and being within the corporate limits cf the Village of Louisville, -according to the present corporate bounda ries thereof, has b-:en filed with the Coun ty Clerk of Cass County, Ne braska, and that a meeting will be -held on Friday evening, June 23, 1955, at 8:U0 P.M. at the City Hall in the Village of Louisville, Nebraska, for the purpose of effecting the perma nent organization of said rural fire protection district by the election of officers, determining upon the general fire protection policy for the district and es timating the probable expense for carrying out such contem plated program, such expense to be borne by a levy ot an annual tax, and to consider such other matters as may be necessary to complete the organization of such rural fire protection dis trict. Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of June, 1956. CHAS. LAND. County Clerk (SEAL) No. 3253 June 7, 14, 1955. (More Legals on Page 6) Law Cracks Down On Beer Parties, Fights ct Beach (Continued From Page 1 emeier, acting chairman nf th.- meeting, warned Mr. Helm an not to "come back for a new license next year" if things weren't improved. He termed the beach area a "breeding grounds for trouble." Sheriff Solomon said he visits the place two or three times a night, but it is impossible for him to police it because of the darkness. Sometimes there are a couple of hundred necnlp nn the Hav, 1 ne saic, many 1 . of them in a I troublesome mood A Classified An in The Journal costs as little as 35 cents i