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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAl PAGE SIX Thursday, June 7, 1956 . Rev. Theodore Kampman Unites Daughter, Alice Elizabeth, And James E. Bait in Marriage For the marriage of Miss Alice Elizabeth Kampman, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Theodore H. Kampman, Elm wood, and James E. Batt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Batt, Lincoln, on Sunday afternoon, lifthted candles and blue and white flowers appointed the chancel of the Emanuel Evan gelical United Brethern Church near Murdock. The four o'clock ceremony, was solemnized by the bride's i father who gave her in mar- riage then performed the cere- mony, which included giving cX communion to the couple. The bride was escorted to the altar by Bruce Morrison, Omaha, cousin of the bride's mother. Miss Joann Backemeyer play ed the wedding music, and also accompanied the soloist, Dr. Glen Knosp. Miss Merwinna Kampman, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor, and Miss Clar issa Meyer of Omaha the bridesmaid." Both wore ident ically styled heaven-blue lace and tulle frocks, sculptured bodice on dance length skirts of ruffled tulle. Miss Kamp man carried a colonial bouquet of white feathered carnations, Redwing and Thorogood WORK SHOES TOP DOLLAR VALUES $6.95 Sizes 6-12 Sizes 6V- - 12, $8.95 up 3 5- m $12.95 up SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY V's I i.ii.;.;tst:t.;:.r: sr..-:-? up 1 :.i-asvAfJ centered with pink sweetheart roses, and Miss Meyers bouquet was of yellow feathered car nations. Miss Linda Kay Batt, and Miss Carol Sue Batt, sisters of the bridegroom, were the candlelighters and wore blue satin choir 'robes. Donald Batt, of Lincoln, served his brother as best man, and ushers were Gary Batt, also a brother of the bridegroom, Joseph Kelley and Roger Drake all of Lincolm. The bride wore a gown of French blue organza taffeta, fashioned in the princess mode, with . a shoulder wide neckline with brief-sleeved bodice. The wide bcuffante skirt, danseuse length had a deep flounce which accented the fullness. Her doubla-tiered veil was of im ported French blue silk illusion, and held to the head with a jeweled coronet. Her mitts were elbow length. She carried a white Bible with streamers marked with pink sweetheart roses. Her only ornament was a strand of baby pearls, a gift of the bridegroom's parents. A reception was held after wards in the parlors o the St. Paul Evangelical United Breth ern Church in Elmwood. The parlors were beautifully decorated with three gilt tables draped with white and pink festoons with allies of the valley. The serving table was centered with American' beauty roses, and mock orange blossoms. Mrs. Bruce Morrison, Omaha, cut the cake; Mrs. Betty Patton poured the coffee, and Margaret Vogt poured the punch. Dainty sandwiches, nuts and mints were also served.' Miss Lila Oehlerking had charge of the guest book. Doro thea Jean Brokhage, Mrs. Merle Buell and Mrs. James Miller, Omaha, had charge of the gift tables. Also assisting in serving: Anna Backemeyer, Alice Borne meier, Mrs. Chester Borne meier, Mrs. Eldon Oehlerking, Mrs. Herbert Oehlerking; Edna Leutchens, Donna Rueter, Marie Schweppe, Mrs. William Vogt, Jr., and Mrs. Lloyd Vogt, Mrs. Howard Leutchens and Mrs. William Vogt, Sr. There were over 300 in vitations to the wedding, which included many out of town guests. After a short honeymoon, Mr and Mrs. Batt will reside at 5118 Colby St., Lincoln. Robert R. Patton Funeral Is Held Funeral services for Robert Ray Patton were "held Friday at Sattler Funeral Home. George M. Greer of Omaha officiated. Bearers were Ed Baumgart, Albert Cotner, Emil Koukal, Ed Tschirren, Claude Hutchison and Milton Uhe. Music was provided by Rich ard Cole, soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Sherman Cole. Interment was at Horning Cemetery. Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE The County Board of Com missioners of Cass County, ' Ne braska will receive bids for one or more car loads of treated and untreated bridge lumber and one or more car loads of treated piling until 2:00 O'clock P.M. July 3. 1956 at the office of the County Clerk of Cass County. Specifications may . be ob tained from the office of the Cass County Surveyor at Platts mouth, Nebraska. All bids received will be pub licly opened and read aloud in the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska on July 3, 1956 at 2:00 O'clock P.M. All proposals shall be accom panied by a certified check drawn on a solvent Nebraska bank in the amount of $2, CO0.00 made payable to the County Treasurer, Cass County, Nebraska, which check may be cashed and the proceeds re tained as liquidated damages in case the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish a $10,000.00 bond with in 10 days from the date of the award of the Contract to him. All proposals shall be on the forms furnished by the County Surveyor of Cass County, Ne braska, sealed and plainly mark ed "PROPOSAL FOR FURNISH ING LUMBER AND PILING," and the name and address of the bidder shall be plainly marked on the outside of the envelope containing said pro posal. No bids shall be withdrawn after the opening of bids with out the consent of the Board of Commissioners. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Signed WILLIAM P. C OAKLEY Cass County SURVEYOR Plattsmouth, Nebraska Attest CHAS. LAND County Clerk No. 3265 June 7, 14, 21, 28, 1956 Mr. and Mrs. Vernal, Utah, Ira Mumm of visited Mr. Mumm's mother the past few days. Mrs. Edith Haley and daugh ter,, daughter-in-law and father-in-law drove to Anamosa, Iowa Sunday to visit with her son, DeWitt. He has just re covered from a siege of the jaundice. They returned late Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fischer and children entertained Mrs. Erwin Kiel and children at dinner Tuesday evening. Rev. Kiel is attending church conference at Fremont. SSgt. Cliff Girardot ar rived home Wednesday from Stead Air Force Base, Reno, Nev., where he has been sta tioned the past year. Sgt. Girardot previously spent two years in Alaska. Mrs. Mary Petry of San Pedro, Calif, was a weekend guest at the R. E. Furse home. Mrs. Zilpha Seward was also a Sunday guest. Dan Rohan began work Tues day with the Corps of Engineers in Omaha as ' a draftsman. Mrs. Ed Donat, Mrs. Joseph Faith, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hend ricks and daughter, Marilyn, of Plattsmouth and Mrs. Vern Hendricks of Omaha were in Wahoo, Sunday. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Emil Havelka. Other guests were the Havelka's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carlson of Omaha. Town Talk bailed to in clude Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fauquet among the group that attended the Lion's club talent program in Be atrice recently. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tucker and children are visiting Mrs. Tucker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knorr. Tony Klimm returned home Thursday from the St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha, where he entered for obser vation. Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs. Sebert Litle and family had as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Hammons and family of Fair Play, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vardeman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Finis Hammons and family of Kansas City, Mo.; Charles Hammons of Louisville and Don Thomsen of Omaha Homemakers Of Plattsmouth At Workshop Six officers of the Plattsmouth Future Homemakers of America Chapter and their advisor, Miss Lynas Schwendemann are at tending the Crete officers work shop at Doane College. Approxi mately 45 Eastern Nebraska FHA chapters are represented. Those attending are sharon Ramge, president; Carolie Hunt ing, vice president; Betty Smiley, secretary; Patty Johnson, treas urer; Marjorie Grosshans, rec reation chairman, and Rita Ramge, historian. Sharon Ramge will also repre sent district eight and the state organizations of FHA as secre tary. The Plattsmouth chapter will present the opening ceremony for the Thursday evening meet ing. Carolie Hunting will be leader for the discussion on yearbooks, and Sharon Ramge will be the discussion leader for the secretary officers. Betty Smiley will be recorder for the group on community beautifica tion, and Marjorie Grosshans will be hostess for the group of recreation officers. Awards for honor chapter and state degrees will be announced at the workshop. Sharon Ramge and Betty Morris have applica tions submitted for state de grees, and the Plattsmouth chapter has its application in for honor chapter. Other than officers training sessions, the delegates will par ticipate in crafts, swimming, and other recreation. OWED NOTHING DALLAS, Tex. To prove that he didn't owe Uncle Sam any income taxes, a West Texas oil producer sent the Dallas Dis trict Internal Revenue Service a signed check for "no dollars and no cents." By Margaret Dins man Phone 241 i 5? us,- V i Barbara Sullivan BARBARA SULLIVAN daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sullivan, will repre sent the Kappa Chapter of Tri . Delta as alternate delegate at at the 68th anniversary con vention of Delta Delta Delta. About 600 fraternity members will attend the convention at the Hotel del Coronado, Coro nado, Calif., June 19-24. The program for the five day af fair will include business 'meetings, election of national officers, social and sports events. Mrs. Oda Mulholand will present her piano pupils in a recital at the Lion's com munity building Sunday at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cook and two children from Spokane, Wash., are visiting at the J. B. Cook home. Friday callers in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fil mer and two children of Mor- rowville, Kans., and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Marshal from Beaver City. James McMillian spent Monday and Tuesday in. Lin coln attending the State Farm Insurance Company convention. Mrs. Mary Petry of San Pedro, Calif., was a house guest of Mrs. Zilpha Seward Monday and Monday night, departing for her home Tuesday morning for Illi nois to visit relatives. Virgie, the son of Mr. and Ms. Connie Hammons and Marie Toman of Murray were married at the First Christian Church in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Engelke- mier and Mrs.. Jack Kraeger took a scenic drive in the country after attending church services, Sunday. Degree Is Granted To Stanley M. Cole ---Si. s; Stanley M. Cole Stanley M. Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Cole, of 614 Fifth Avenue, Plattsmouth, was grant ed the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education at com mencement ceremonies Sunday, at Dana College in Blair, A total of forty-six degrees were granted by the midcontinent college to students representing eight states, including Maine and Oregon. J. C. Morris Dies Today John C. Morris passed away this morning at 76 years of age. He was born in December, 1879. His wife preceded him in death in 1954. He leaves sisters, Mrs. Riley Ea'ton and Mrs. Caleb Eaton of Plattsmouth, Mrs. Ralph Kline of Marion, Kan.; Mrs. George Vanscil of Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. Sherman Nickols of Crofton; one brother, Will, of Colorado Springs, Colo. Porter Funeral Home at Ne braska City is in charge of arrangements. 1 - 1 x-'t- - i ' '; ' " It,'- 1 1 " ' - . t. t iimn i vfrirmtn "nilwihiil if - nifVTn n Dennis Haecke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haecke, is 'a patient at St. Catherine's Hospital, in the children's ward. Dennis entered the hospital for observation and treatment. . Mrs. Sybil Hetrick returned home Wednesday from a visit in Concordia, Kans., with re latives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kelley and family drove Mrs. Hetrick to Lincoln where she came by bus to Plattsmouth. Mrs. John Schreiner will leave by plane tomorrow morn ing for Iowa City where she will attend a two-day reunion of her graduating class at the University of Iowa. She will visit with friends in Dubuque before returning home. Mrs. Ernest Yenney has been spending some time in Norfolk due to the illness of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Henry Yenney, who is hos pitalized there. John Parkening is attend ing a custodian school at Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson are visiting in California with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Staats at San Gabriel; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and daughter, Anne, at San Bernardino; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson and family at Antioch; Mr. and Mrs.Ben C. McCarty and family at Redding and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thee and family at Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson plan a three months vacation trip. Summer schedules for St. Johns Catholic Church are mass at 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. James Pollard and children, Cynthia and David from Seattle, Wash., visited rela tives and friends in this vicinity. Several social gatherings were held in their honor including a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Snell and picnic sup pers at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkening, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meisinger and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Wehrbein. They will leave for their home Mon day. AM3 John F. Thimgan U. S. N. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Fred Thimgan and sis ters, Mary, Betty and Kath ryn before assignment for overseas duty. ' Jobs Daughters had initiation Saturday evening and this Sat urday evening will have installa tion of officers. News Briefs Of Nehawka NEHAWKA (Special) Recent callers of Miss Evelyn Wolph were Mrs. John Rieke of Weep ing Water, Mrs. Robert Bruce and son, Tommy of Silver Springs, Md., Mrs. Maurine Wolph of Lincoln, ' who was on her way home from Grand Junction, Iowa, where she visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiles and sons and from Clarinda, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon have gone to Ithica, N. Y., where their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thacker, spent the past year. Mr. Thacker attended Cornell University. Mr. and Mrs. William Jorg enson and Sherry Lee Haffke went to Omaha Monday to visit Mrs. Wilmer Martin, re cently a surgery patient. Mr. and Mrs. William Jorg enson joined a group for a picnic at Waubonsie Park. Sun day. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Grunwald and Duane of Union, Mr. and Mrs Walter Grunwald, daughter and i granddaughter of Sidney, Mr and Mrs. Bob uausman and Julie of Davenport, and Walter and Robert Grunwald's father of Nebraska City. The father is 91 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O'Con nor and daughters, Mr. Claude O'Connor, Miss Vesta O'Connor and Mr. and Mrs. Claude O'Con nor, Jr., and Claudia of Fairbury attended the graduation exer cises Wednesday evening at Fairbury Junior College. John and Arnold O'Connor, sons of Claude O'Connor, Sr. were members of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pol lard were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Giles of Platts mouth last Saturday. Organized labor has asked Congress to extend the wage-and-hour laws to 9,500,000 more workers in service industries, ag riculture, construction, and other jobs. J.W.Pittman Dies: Lived in Nehawka Once YORK John W. Pittman, S3, former superintendent of the Nebraska Odd Fellows Home and a former Cass County resi dent, died recently, v it was learned here today. Mr. Pittman was the uncle of Mrs. Addie Perry of Platts mouth. He was in failing health for nearly a year. In the 1880's he attended Lin coln Business College and held jobs in Omaha, Plattsmouth and Nebraska City. In 1894 he married Rosa A. Smith at Sterling and they re sided on a farm near Nehawka until March of 1897. Mr. Pittman served as head of the Odd Fellows Home until 1941, retiring after 23 years serv ice. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. Soviet urges U. N. European unit to help widen trade. Make him glad he's your Dad! Thrill him on Father's Day with something he really wants a royal gift for a prince of a fellow a perfect pres ent chosen from our vast selection of man-wanted gifts. Here are a few suggestions of popular presents for pleasing Pop. Many on display at our store. CIGARETTES ALL POPULAR BRANDS $1.90 and up 5 PER CARTON X T - -J.. Dincc TOPCCO 83c SUM GLASSES With cose KING'S MEN SETS PARKER JOTTERS mt. HAIR BRUSH SETS From STATIONERY FOR MEN OLD SPICE SETS From CILLETTE RAZORS, Each PLAYING CARDS From ml BALL POINT PENCILS ELECTRIC RAZOR $19.95 to $29.50 $10.00 Credit for Old Razor RONSON LIGHTERS $3.95 to $10.00 Large Assortment SEAFORTH HIS YARDLEY Sets for Men $1.00 and up We Give S & H Green Trading Stamps mm Eagles Auxiliary Has Installation With North Omaha The Plattsmouth Eagles Aux iliary, Arie 365, held a joint in stallation of officers with the North Omaha Arie 38 as in stalling officers this past Thurs day. Officers elected were: Helen Jordan, madam presi dent; Betty Ladd, vice-president; Maxine Recard, chaplain; Irene Smith, secretary; Dorothy Janacek, treasurer. Shirley Hull, conductor; Lillian Renner, in side guard; Fannie Hickey, out side guard. Also Charallet O'Donnel, Mar jorie Willis and Bessie Garn sey, trustees; Ann Schubek, mather. A Dutch lunch was served after the installation. The Auxiliarie will hold their first meeting with the new of ficers tonight. x WHAT HAPPENED? Call 242 or 241 and tell your local Newspaper Plattsmouth Journal. moi BULL'S-EYE $12.35 Flasholder $3.20 WINDPROCF ' LIGHTER Always f$ JQ 1 Lights 1 , LEATHER WALLETS $J98 From .00 BALL POINTS $2.95 PARKER PENS $5.00 to $25.00 Many Styles to Choose WEATHER GUIDES RAIN CAUCES BAROMETERS THERMOMETERS 98c to $15.00 Standard Makes KODAKS CAMERAS Popular Sizes $4.95 and up e are . x era 1A IS lU:i -$1.00 I I Bl tof H ..$1.00 ! ;t fj ;$,59c M ..29c to s5.oo juyx. ir Rmn h juLiyjmaLiij Lloyd N. Tryon Passes at the Masons Home Lloyd N. Tryon, 65, passed away Tuesday at the Platts mouth Masonic Home. He was admitted to the home through St. Johns Lodge AF & AM of Omaha. He was there for 28 days before his death. Mr. Tryon was a printer by trade and a member of United Brethren Church of Omaha. He leaves one brother, Earl A. Tryon of Phoenix, Ariz. Haynes Roeder Funeral Home of Omaha is in charge of ar rangements. Burial will be at Forest Lawn Cemetery of Omaha. TAX EXPERT FAILS TO FILE CAMDEN, N. J. The Gov ernment has accused Attorney Joseph Wilson, a former deputy collector of the Internal Reve nue Service with not filing re turns on his own income in 1953 and 1954. TRAUEL mm SS90 Folds flat STOVER'S CANDIES 1-lb. $1.35 17RIST WATCH Tarnish-proof cases. Swiss movements. mmmm W3m in Out Ait'Coadifhned Store on All Purchases mis. FJ. . 3 ,:r For Hair - Pi It Ww J U ;C y mm? J. : V