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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
Holy Trinity Bi Opens Monday: ble School 19 Are Enrolled By Mrs. Henry Maseman Journal Correspondent AVOCA (Special) Summer Bible School of the Holy Trinity parish opened here Monday afternoon at the Parish hall with 18 present. Teachers are Sister Jean Martin, Sister Mary Leon, Sister Mary Elaine all of St. Bernard Academy, Ne braska City. Mrs. Earl Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pummel moved to the Nelsen property Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dumke and Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle, Sr., attended a lumberman's meeting at the Hotel Lincoln in Lincoln Thursday evening. Murdock News ,tT.'Sg'."'gi." '- . .mi , of i LM?s op E5 3 1 W t-sa Inn PsS Ct - M USX i i ? c g o HA Q S55 : n 1 ; o irC Entertains At Cafe Mrs. Pearl Nettle entertained Mrs. Julia Michle and Mrs. Caroline Marquardt at the cafe for dinner Friday. Mary Ellen Stubbendick of Syracuse spent several days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stubbendick. Peggy and Randy Emshoff of Omaha are staying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rippe, and Mr. and Mrs John Enshoff while their moth er is at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John' Fieselman of Sioux City, Iowa, visited friends' and relatives here Mon day. Mrs. Harlan Maple, Duane and Susanne of Lincoln visited with Mrs. Dena Ruge and Fran ces Wednesday. The Pitch Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zaiser Tuesday evening. This was also a birth day supper honoring the May birthdays. Helping Mrs. Sophie Emshoff celebrate her birthday Saturday were Mrs. John Stubbendick, Mrs. Dena Ruge, Mrs. Will Deltmer, Mrs. John Rippe, Mrs. Fred Haveman, Mrs. John Mohr Mrs. Mary Grofe, Mrs. Mary Luding. Mrs. Anna Mohr and Mrs. Henrietta Kirkhoff. Surprise Party Neighbors surprised Mrs. Henry Buchholz at a belated birthday party Saturday. At tending were Mrs. Joe Behrens, Mrs. Joseph Aeschbacher, Mrs. Henry Danhleff, Mrs. John Mohr, Mrs. Bryan Seegal, Mrs. Henry Maseman, Mrs. Kristine Sailing, Miss Matilda Madsen. Memorial Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Behrens were Mr. and Mrs. George Jorgenson, of Nebraska City, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jorgensen of Nehawka, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dalbo of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Newville of Omaha. Mrs. Lenard Brinkhoff of Avoca will be hostess to the Kriss Kross. Club June 12. A hair stylist from Lincoln will be at the meeting. Mrs. Harlan Kirkhoff was hostess Friday to members of the Friendly Farmerettes Ex tension Club. Mrs. Raymond Rippe gave the lesson on hair beauty. Thursday eleven of the members were in Shenandoah, Iowa, and toured the seed houses. Joey Koever is in Manley visiting at the Brand home while his mother is in the hos pital Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Behrns were Mr. and Mrs. John Sugden and family of Adams and Mr.-and Mrs. Leslie Behrns and baby of Ne hawka. Visit In Omaha Mrs. Henry Smith went to Omaha Thursday evening to spend several days with her son and wife and get acquainted with her new granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hansen moved here from Herman Mon day. He was elected to teach here. Mrs. Lydia Midkiff and Mrs. Robert Murdock of Union had dinner Wednesday with Mr. and Another Big Special From Ruback's HY KLAS Big 16-oz. Round Cake TOP 'EM WITH STRAWBERRIES FROM RUBACK'S Mrs. Reinke Hurt in Fall At Her Home By Mrs. Florence Mc Donald Tel. 2292 MURDOCK (Special) Mrs. Emilie Reinke had the misfor tune to fall at her home on Thursday evening and cut her head which required a number of stitches. She also has a badly bruised face. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nietzel returned home on Tuesday eve ning from Hyannis, where they visited their daughter, Kath erine, and husband for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Brunkow and Letha left last Monday for North Dakota to take Mr. Brun kow's sister home. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harger visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Zabel . in Omaha Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harms and two children of Aurora, 111., arrived Monday morning. Mr. Harms had been called home due to the se.ious illness of his father, Theodore Harms of Man ley, who is in the Bryan Mem orial Hospital recovering from surgery. Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Clas sen and family of Waverly have moved into the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Gakemeier. Mrs. Mary Eppings, a former resident of Murdock, has under gone major surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. When able to leave the hospital she will go to her son, J. R. Eppings, 531 So. Oak St., Owatonna, Minnesota, Apt. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kosenow and Willard were among those attending the Kuehn-Rosenow picnic at Beatrice on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Mills and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dickmeyer of Omaha. Murdock Postman Explains Mailing MURDOCK Addressing mail parcels on more than one side is discouraged by post office of ficials, according to Verl Brun kow, acting postmaster at Mur dock. Quoting from the ''Postal Bul letin," Mr. Brunkow added, "The practice sometimes causes par cels to be rated postage due be fore it is discovered the postage has been affixed to another side ... "The markings on parcels sent as special handling, special de livery, insured or COD mail are likely to be overlooked and the special treatment not given." The preceding applies to all parcels with the exception of baby chick shipments, the let ter continued. Lucille Ball Movie To Be Shown At Cass The romantic comedy "For ever Darling" will be shown at the Cass Theatre Sunday, Mon day and Tuesday. The movie "designed for laughs" stars Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz and James Mason. Mr lp 7 ! rpf i Si 1 nB t:A s c Mft m s a ? iSgS$? CSv ' " ' - li nyZl K i ri K8f -o Kn 1