The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, June 07, 1956, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    School Board
GK's Purchase
Of New Desks
Scholarship to John R. Toman
For Electrical Engineering
Gifts for Lucky
Father Afre Listed
-r.e purchase of 183
craae and high school desks j
vere authorized by the Platts- j
mouth Brard cf Education dur-
ir.g its regular monthly meet-
Tools Work the Soil Is Themes iav, Jcne 7, is page three
At Rocket Tractor 4-H Meeting!
By Mrs. Ivan Armstrong
TeL 1502
j Mrs. C. W. Bryant and caugh-
Mrs. Edna Russell of Fremont
? Monday evening.
desks will cost S4.-
c:-3 and will be purchased from
Hoover Brothers Company
of Or
purchase cf three
otal cost cf $166.
discussion at the
in? was the installation of
1 j
a puric
ress system for the
high school auditorium. Ray I
Herald cf Rays TV Service ad- I
ed the board on the cost of j
such a system and the equipment j
he felt would be needed. He !
ttimated the cost at S535. ;
A recommendation to raise j
the wages of several school jani-
tors was brourht up, but no def- I
. i i v. Vi. .
A letter cf resignation from
Marilyn Lutz was read by Sec
retary Dean Dunham. The let
ter was approved by the board
and the resignation accepted.
Miss Lutz plans to return to
t'r.-- University of Nebraska to
complete work for a degree. Miss
Lutz was with the local school
system fcr five years and was
kindergarten teacher and as-
. .. :0V
' 1
I (Continued From Page 1
i A planter from Brown Floral
i Shop; shoe shine kit, B and H
I Shoe Store, bottle of hair tonic,
(Bowman's Barber Shop; Yard-!
ley's Men's set, Cass
"T". " " ! Humston
per and desk
Public Power; bronze smoser, ; "r t l" ; Mr and Mrs Warae Bareer and '
. . n i a 1 r nTTT nno ttspt- nor rrn z 1 - i
Farley Furmture Company. Vt son visited and Mrs"'
And. an Autogram key chain, I Ift' 5ei: :mL i Ariev Bareer. Monday supper!
.guests at tne larger iiume were,
?i n- Rocket Tractor 4-H Club ! spent a few days last week with! ,
rSoimet 21 the Delbert!her Mrs Omar Yardaey, $
, Conoco ; - ,oo rom,,, and Mr. Yardley. Wednesday-
lampf Consumers ! 5ine3S Ee? held The ,
; bronze smoker, i2 "T0015 t0 W2rk th Mr
' l-K-riac- or(-l o T r? XT'-;
orman Yardley and son and;
j Holiday Visitors
j Mr. and Mrs. Win Nichols and
' Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nichols
; and family of Atlantic, Iowa,
' were Memorial Day visitors at
"the home of John and Sarah
Journal Want As Pay
j Gambles; cuff links and tie bar; " 9
iset. Grove Jewelry; set cf autoJuv;
1 of oil, Kents;cne gallon ther-; j
imos jug.'Knorrs; grease job, Overnight GllCStS j
i?.Af-.5?1'T?fJ?aItn' JLS Mr. and Mrs. William Ramser!
! quarter inch plywood or some-; of Lewiston, Idaho, and Mrs. A.
it nf Mmi vaiP. Platts-1 B- Cafferty of Broadwater were
imnrth ijimhpr Comnanv. ; Friday overnight guests of Mr.i
Humston ser,-ed lunch. ! and Mr Jerome ScWenost;
and grandchildren, Kathy andf
Craig of Omaha.
Mrs. Mildred Porter spent;
Monday and Tuesday with Mrs.
Eli Grandreault at the cabin at;
South Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Mel-'
Also, grease job. Phillips 65 nnffa. them Tuesday. Mr. and -Mrs.;
LCIaro StnnTi- littV piant tile-: Vtt"tl &-i,Ti, tt-v,;
' .
nic grill, Rubacks; pocket knife
; Schmi
! shavin
Dry Goods; wash job, - Tine's j ninS-
: Standard Station; flashlight,
! Swatek's Hardware.
1 visit at the Mansfield home. She
Jim Whitacre were Wednesday
Marilyn Louise Miller
MILLER of Murdock announce
dtmann Hardware; Stag ; " rnvJr - M cabin and Mrs. Gene Grimm and 1 ine .enraem any ..aP
g kit, Schremer Drug: . T rr.rtr," chHdren ioined them Friday. pruMninj narrase 01 innr
;hirt Smith's mnthiyio-; guest, viaueq wm ait, ana - - i daushter, Marilyn Louise, to
m- cron- rot CAflTinhcpn's.- - - oaiiutv i ir. Mvron r" Oefilerkmr. son
-vL Vho likes tD fix
, cnd fculli things
Visit In Hospita!
r - t T T f,, j Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. John Lape too . ... n.,nfrn
of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Oefaler-
kin? of Wabash. Miss Miller
is a graduate of Westmar Col-
- fc -- -
Station; se
Warga Hardware; zipper suit
bag, Western Auto, and gilt
certificate, Woster Shoe Store.
an tuto trip last week visiting j T . . Vnn1 le?e. LeMars, Iowa. Mr. Oeh-
Liicr juJjauuii. ucjciai iiuMi.. : w
t 1 12 - 1 !iL II n
And, oil change. Jay's Texaco ; flFio. ot,h ,, ,n";the Line
oi asn trays,i , ! Thursda
.. i r-rriTitx , 11 jivpitp Minn - -r- tt . j
-i , , e A th Tt'oV be- runo uvcrseai. ne is autuu-
t Central present ed to John R. Toman. 21
; recently by the Hughes Research
! and Development Laboratories
of California.
: The scholarship will entitle
I him to a course of study for a
' master's degree in electrical en
! gineering at the University of
Southern California.
John, now attending the Uni-
vprsirv of Nebraska. L; a member
SrecMal To The Journal j Qf sicna s secretary of Sigma
O.-.IHA Sx Cass Count iTau and president of Eta Kappa
- n-liJtocf- on2he 0l'Nu. All organizations are na-
John R. Toman
A two year scholarship was ; can Institute of Electrical Engi- !
Cass County
Feeders Sell
Cattle, Pigs
k . . v i i
ace c
"Itional honorary engineering so-
t ports i
neers and IRE.
This spring he was co-chairman
of Electrical Engineering
Week at the University of Ne
braska. John is among the top 47 stu
dents in scholarship at Nebraska
and placed fourth in the District
ALEE student competition at
Fort Collins. Colo., for a research
report on magnetic sound.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Toman of Plattsmouth
Murray Over
Murdock in
Baseball Tilt
By Mrs. Neva Read
Phone 6021
MURRAY (Special) The
Murray ball team played in
the league at Murdock last Fri
day night winning by a score oi
was Mr. Lape's boyhood home j
and where Mr. and Mrs. Lapej
lived several years after they!
were married.
m; westmar toiiesre. me
wedding will be an event of
Sunday visitors at the Elmer JuJy 19-
Hall home were Mr. and Mrs. i-
Breaks Leg
Wr onr? Tt-c Arlpv "RT-trer!
went to Lincoln
called on Mr. and
Whittlesay. Mrs. Whittlesay, who
is Mr. Barger's sister, Veda, had
recently fallen and broken a
leg. She is doing nicely now.
I Claude Johnson of Louisville J p ;i p
!Mr. and Mrs. Ora Hall of Wa-jram,,7 r,cmc
ihco. Mrs. Dorothy Dodds. Royi Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson
A group of Girl Scouts and
14 "to X .Wayne Riehe pitched j their leader, Mrs. Carl Ander-
.... , isnn bud n -a-ilH fln-wpr tnnr on
a two nitter. jonnny carper ; T , , :
Mrs. Irvin Gergen and daugh-
cenerous i
He is also active in the Ameri-
and Marion Tntsch helped a
He will hp srariuatprt frnm th great deal with their hitting.
iTnmawH x-ok t n ! Mrs. John Farris is in St.
and wuT b-4n work "at the ry's Hospital in Nebraska ters and Miss Barbara Heng of
tne sritv with a broken lee. She fell Dunbar were Friday guests at
xiusiiits laooratory june is. ; J 7 , , , !
Movack and Vem Hall of Ash- i and family and Mr. and Mrs. j
Joe Carlson and family of Lin-'
coin joined their cousins, Mr. J
mbert and ! y
'last Sunday and! Mf-? Uls; George Schnei
nd Mrs. Everett i dr of VaLey Mr. and Mrs. Har-
vue, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall
and family and Ben Hall of
Lincoln. Mrs. Elmer Hall at
tended the graduation exercises
for her grandson, Robert Strode,
j Him m ' 1 1 4w
I f f... ".J CSIU KIT
and Trs Wil.nn Lnmhp
little sons in a picnic Sunday ; -fZ.
evening at the Memphis Lake.! , v" ' , ,
I Make his homo workshop complete
j this handy ek-ctrie drill kit gives
bjc mnthpT ; nun a tine, rucrh-quauty canacivy
Criil with evAred caucK in a Fteel car-
Miiton ics ana nis m
Mrs. Art Box, went to Winne
at Bellevue High School Thurs-i " T , T d j case i. ! t the trim with
, . toon iueOJ ana re.iAamea IO. i attachments. iih one kit he
Memorial Day. While there they can re;:nLih wocdworn. sand nu rtaLs.
visited Mrs. Box's sister, Mrs. I hoic-s m any mati-rul. i-oltohaivi
day evening.
Mabie Bennett, and other rela-l uv t1r Pa:' sharpen knives and
! . . , - , , , j : tools, de-rust rarden tools, clean
Nel.tives, returning home late Wed-, kitchen uUnslLand perform many
Cass County sell-;
Alvin Backomeyer, 20 steers:;
verare weizht. 842 pounds: S20j
r.zelkemier, 18 hogs: av-;
6 From City
Attend Party
rt 1 il A.
eraze weisht. 231 pounds: S17.25 S x employees oi uie nuus-
h,.,:fcd 'q,,. ; mouth Telephone Company at
V7iil:am Brandt. Jr.. 32 steers: weight. 912 pounds;
317.25 a hundred pounds.
Or;r. Lanning. 19 hogs, aver
age weight. 207 pounds; S17.50
a hundred pounds.
Lester Dill. 23 hogs, average
weight, 233 pounds, at $18.25 a
v... i -i . . . -
iiunuiea puunuo.
rd Poole, seven heifers;
S20 a hundred pounds.
tended the annual banquet and
reunion of the Independent
Telephone Pioneer Association,
Frank Woods Chapter.
The banquet was held Satur
day at the Hotel Cornhusker in
Those attending were:
Rose Janda, Alice Sharpnack,
Helen Ofe, Hilda Johannes,
Elizabeth Nichols and Ed Ernst.
Only employees who served
with the company at least 15
years are eligible to attend.
Last Time Thurs., June 7
Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable,
Lauren Bacall and a big cast in
One of the greatest shows ever
made in Technicolor Cinema
scope . . . now being shown by
special booking at regular ad
mission! Also Comedy and Cartoon
Nijrht Shows 7:00 and 9:15
Body in Missouri
Is Identified as
That of Omaha Man
The body of a man recovered
from the Missouri River near
the Allied Chemical plant has
been identified as Albert Merk
of Omaha, missing from his
home since Feb. 23.
The dead man's brother was
in Plattsmouth this morning
seeking information on the find
ing of the body.
Army engineers found the
body yesterday. It was floating
between the mouth of Big Papio
Creek and the mouth of the
Platte River.
land broke the leg last Friday
the Peter Stander 'home. They
were helping Mary Ann cele
brate her eighth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Sailors
nf TTocti-niri: dtiH fr nr)H A-Tr?:
The young folks of the Chris- j Vnrrpct r.f Vinmin wptp
tian unurcn were invnea to at
evening given by the keeping ri rin..htp of Wahoo and
Skating Party
The young folks c
uan unurcn were mviuiu Saturday afternoon guests -of ! .he
tend a roller skating party at; Mr d Mrs yir Simpson. tner
Neoraska City last Friday roelaTT rrcn ...
Go To Graduation
TV.Tr nnrt TV.Tr; Ravmnnrt
son, accomnanied by OrviUe i ay mgn.. j other time-saving chores around the
Sandy of Greenwood went to j Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Qo
David city Tuesday evening! and sons visited Mt. Pleasant Operates on U5 voit AC-DC. U. L.
Cemetery near Nehawka Sunday S Approved.
afternoon. They then yent to
the home of Mr. Moore's sister, j
where they attended the grad
uation exercises of their niece,
Joyce Sandy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Sandy. She was
Water Christian young folks.
Ten of the young folks with
three sponsors attended.
Mutual of Omaha
Employs Six From
Plattsmouth Area
Special to the Journal
Six members of the
Mrs. Fannie Avard,
Former Resident,
Is Dead at Omaha
Mrs. Richard (Fannie) Avard
died Monday in Omaha. Her
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson
and Newell drove to Kansas
last Sunday afternoon to be
there to attend their son, Rob
ert's wedding on Monday. The
young couple leave for the mis
sion fields in the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Noell
purchased a trailer house and
moved into the Hurst trailer
court in Plattsmouth last week
end. Mrs. Noell will teach in
Nebraska City next fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farris and
Ealene Read returned from a
10 day visit in West Virginia,
Ohio and Kentuckey.
Mrs. Alta Young has returned
Mrs. Elnora Wells of Yutan were
Friday evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ariey Barger.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stickney,
John and Scott spent Thursday
afternoon at the Everett Bower
home. Their little daughter,
Jane, is spending part of her
vacation with her aunt, Mrs.
Lyle Williams, and Mr. Williams
at Logan, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roeber vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Rohrdanz and Mrs. Selma
Stander and family Wednesday
sraduated from the high school ; Mrs. Virgil Ruby and Mr. Ruby
I for dinner.
Svatek He! we.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bachman
and their little granddaughters,
Janie and Mona Mason, went
Miss Janis Jipp of Ashland,';
Kans., Mrs. Frank Jipp and Mr.;
and Mrs. Henry Schmidt cf;
Gretna and Mr. and Mrs. Henry j
Fedde and Wayne of Ashland';
were Sunday guests of Mr. and ;
Mrs. Adolph Fedde and family.! onM frc C T? Ports anri
family of Churdan, Iowa, were;
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Rager. They also visited
other relatives while here.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hookham
of Neligh were Tuesday guests
of Mrs. Olive Whitlatch. That
evening Mrs. Whitlatch enter
tained other relatives in their
honor. Those present were Mr. : f:
and Mrs. Joe Whitlatch and: I
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Ab-:
! bott and family of Lincoln, Mr. i
and Mrs. Roland Tinnean and p
family of Greenwood and Mr.
fJiMf.SS,rto3?i25 i husband, who preceded her injurs! H. C. Humann.' She was
to Council Bluffs Sunday and
from a two weeks visit with her j were dinner guests of Mr. and j and Mr3 Ashley Boiler and fam-
daughter and family, Mr. and j
Fri. & Sat., June 8 & 9
Double Feature
Richard Denning and Virginia
Grev in
Raw panic . . . the screen has
never dared reveal!
Wild Bill Elliott and a big cast in
He had the fastest draw in all
the goid-boom towns of the old
west !
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Ni?hts 7:00 & 9:30
Sun., Mon., Tues.,
June 10-11-12
positions with the home oLice ; business Ln plattsmouth. Mrs.
of Mutual of Omaha m Omaha. ,A u
The six are Nancy Painter,
Kay Koffenberger, Deanna Hut-! She was a member of the Or
ton and June Ann Wagner of j er of Eastern Star No. 189.
Plattsmouth and Minnie Mae j She leaves a son, Dick of Oma
Hoschar and Marie Louise Lutz ! ha; sisters, Mrs. Harold Dun-
cf Murray.
gate of England, and Mrs. John
Mutual of Omaha is the larg- McClain of Omaha. Two grand
est company in the world spec- children also survive.
iilizing in health and accident
i.,(,pim yr0
What does a
new TV set
have to do with
"Bank Plan"
auto financing?
, Crosby-Kunold Mortuary of
i Omaha is in charge of arrange
Interment will be at Hillcrest
Cemetery in Omaha.
j ily. The next day, Memorial . H
Day, Mr. and Mrs. Hookham, m
n i: : I 1 VV T I f I M
aoie to attend tne graduating - - Mrs whitlatnh and the Boiler:
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson ; family went to Greenwood and:
Waverly to attend the services!
exercises of her grandson while
there. She reports they had an ana Bettv drove to Bertland
inch and a half of rain lastnast Tuesday where they at
Sunday at Wichita, Kans., be-, tended the high school home
fore she left. coming banquet. Mr. Anderson
i was a member of the grad
Breaks Right Arm
Kathy Rice fell Saturday
afternoon and suffered a com
pound fracture of the right arm. ,
She was taken to St. Catherine's j
Hospital in Omaha to have it
set and put in a cast. Visiting
the Rice's at the time was Mrs.
Fern Gruber. Callers in the
-uating class in 1916. He en
joyed seeing old friends he had
Jnot seen for 40 years.
The Bible school will close
with a picnic Friday noon and
i a program bunuay
June 10th.
Kay Faris, daughter cf Mr
at the cemeteries there. Later w
they had supper at the Boiler
home. "
Weekly Special
Benjamin Moore & Cos
Paqua Flat Wall Paint
Reinforced With Latex Rubber
Regular Price Per Cal. 4.19
Special Price Per Ca!
Paint Roller end Pan, Reg. Price 1.39
Special Price .... 1.09
Prices Good June 8 to 14 '
"SSSSf I.Sn SSTlerated on last Monday morning
Gene Gruber and famUy. Mrs". ! I?F rS l.8;.'3 1
p r i v Lr,:: x--. j -o iiiospixai in iNeDrabiia uy. i
uies in umana: was i,: vei
Joseph Marousek
Attend Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Peter-'
son spent Saturday night in
Kearney, going on to Cczad
Sunday where they attended the ;
evening, j wedding of j(Iiss Marilyn Rey-j
noids, who is the music teacher)
hi the Ashland school and Lloyd !
Kittreil, also an Ashland resi-
dent. ;
Call Us for Painting end Papering
' Phone 6173
Mrs. Mabelle Mayer and Mr.
Resident in 1880's
Special To The Journal
i mm
j OMAHA Joseph Marousek. and Mrs. Frank Fitzpatrick
j 89. formerly of Plattsmouth, I and daughters.
son, Leslie, in Omaha. j A great many of the friends
cT 4 T,r ! and Mrs. Bill Badsteen of i
Smith and Robert. Mr. an Mrs.;""- . ' Franklin came to the home of1
George Elwonger. Mrs. Fred j ISnJlt i Mrs. Mayers daughter. Mrs.
t. T Tll A U. !iVi.i. XHliUUl aU.Viiia i-U ! - -
; ueorge isarnman, jr ana ivir.
i Bomman for Memorial Dav :
Druecher, Lester Dill and Mr. i
Omaha with him
Mrs. j services
a 'Aubrey Duxbury o Lincoln and j AAC1C-
MURRAY Mr. and
and visited relatives ;
The best comedy so far in 1956
All new in gorgeous color . . .
never such laughs! Lucy at the
Also Comedy, Cartoon & News
Matinee Sunday 2:30
Nishts 7:00 & 9:15
movie theatre tickets found in
Quaker Oat packages are good
for"cne child 11 or under free
admission if accompanied by a
It could hare a lot to do
with it! Reports show many
car buyera hava aaved
enough for a new TV set
with State Farm's "Bank
Plan" of low-coat financing
and insurance. Find out
about the "Bank Plan" . . .
before you buy your next
11 pays la kscw pn
. ,,,1 i. a i;,.o UAr.A troH. i Mr. and Mrs. Marian Duxbury of i
Plattsmouth in 1837, coming:ding of Marie Toman and Francisco, Calif yreregues.s ; SeriOUS Eye Surgery
here from Czechoslovakia. He Virgil Lee Kammons. Marie is pf Mr. and Mrs.G. E. Brubacher j :Ir and Mrs Peter Standerf!
was employed in the shops of i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sunday. j accompanied by Mrs. Mary Stan-!
the Chicago, Burlington and ! -Iick Tcman and Virgil Lee is j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kugler and j derj --1111 ana Lena, went to '
Quincv Railroad. ; the son cf Mr. and Mrs. Connie j sons, Kip and Ky, of Creston, Mr. j ccrydon. Iowa, Sunday to visit
He worked for the railroad for 1 Hammons of Missouri. ;and Mrs. A. J. Read, Mr. andjPaul standert wh0 had had a!
27 years. His burial was VCed-i Mr- and Ier Hurst Mrs. Alex Bisans and son, Al, of ( serious eye operation recently.;
nesdav at Oak Hill Cemetery in ! and daughter were weekend ; Omaha were guests at the G. E. j Mr stander had lost the sight j
Plattsmouth. He leaves his'son! uests at the hoine of Mr- and : Brubacher home Memorial Day. ;of one evg seVeral years aso and!
and two grandchildren. 1 Mrs- Fred CampbeU J Last Friday evening Mrs. tns sood eye collapsed which!
Mrs. Marousek passed awayi Lmny Mc Vay left last we. i James Huffman passed away at , necessitated the operation. It'
March 11 1953. !.,a short visit in niincis. the home of her sister, Mrs. j was feared he would lose the .
nue mere ne win auena a. i iossie Tasier. Mrs. iiuiimani
family reunion.
has been ailing for some time,
T?lrnfl nla- S m X 1 1 1 J
who recently stole S325 from the ielr ayJa ! Caldwell Funeral Home on Mon- j wm restcre
v, TT-un -d; i vviLil severii ui jiei mac cay mornmg a: nine ociock
James F.
Dial 3928
; vision in it also, but he can new j
i see some. He will have another .
and it is hoped j
better sisht to
5 "Vy 4 tt
rTTT Trt. Krt I lit TT A a
tt, io-t ; at.emocn. i man officiating. I
moved the glass in a reari rjaviH Mnrri; nn of Mr. qh rrc Tri TTfn tAr!
j kitchen door to gain entrance 1 Mrs. 0!in' Morris, cele-lwere vMtins 'in Plattsmouth ! ouse guest, Mrs. A
iu iae nouse, enterea me Dea-,Drated birthdav
room where Rennix and his;Gay a party."
wife were sleeping and removed - iittie guests enjoyed
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mansfield!
the money from a bureau draw-1 ponies
er ana irom uennix s wallet. j Rev. and Mrs. George Bear
Neither Rennix nor his wife: from Kansas were overnight
heard the thief. guests at the home cf Mr. and
j Mrs. Dan Hoschar andd family
Journal Want Ads Pay last Thursday night.
last Fri- last Sunday afternoon. They ; f; er; uu f"
The little leaned at the home of Mr. and ! Mis Gien Hemngton at Vater
ridimr the! Mrs Rainh Mevers also at the I Sunday aernoon. They
- i -E n 3 -r tt': 1 1 -r-r 7 3 ;
homo nf Tr ard Mrs. Marion
Rouse and visited Mrs. Clara j T u e s d ary evening. Wednesday;
Arnold forenoon , they visited the Elk
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Noell, City Cemetery and were dirmet!
were weekend guests of Mr. and ; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald j
Mrs. R. A. Noell and family. Waush at Waterloo. i
Ilere's onr bi?et bargain in Cool,
Cool, Summertime Comfort! Tiiis bis
capacity CHILI-AIR fan, priced to fit
your budget, is the arrswer to
gTeater summertime comfort, clay and
night, for the entire facsih Don't
wait until the IIot-f eather Rush de
pletes stocks! See it tod-sy!
Here is a fan that fits every home cooling need! Tith
Roll-About stand, your CIIIIL-AIR fan is quicLly moved
where needed mot! ilh Window Panel, the CIIILL
A 1 1 serves donble-riaty as either ex'! or circulating
fan! V7tih regubr flcor stand, the CHILL-AIR can be
tilted up or down, or faced in any direction.
I See these YeristHe
1 in 1
reus K,"r;T ct::; c;