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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL! PImuonrI Caen(nr Elmwood New; lecord Number Attends ilmvood Alumni Party Ky Mrs. Dudley Leavitt Tel. 42117 ELMWOOD (Special) A record breaking crowd of alumni of Elmwood High School as sembled at the community building Tuesday evening to help celebrate the 50th birthday of the Alumni Association. Three hundred and six were served at the banquet. The auditorium was beau tifully decorated with large bas kets of gold colored flowers and two large candelabra with a large sign hanging above read ing "Welcome Grads" 190G, 31 and '56. The tables were beautifully decorated with gold and white "50" year emblens used as a centerpiece. On either side were angel food cakes decorated with yellow roses and a gold "50" number standing on them. Gold tapers and small individual birthday candle favors com- ak-sar-benF S v , ' ? j j y'lrKV" A j jj I 1 V'ss&2r MEET ENDS HOLY 7th. No Racing on Sundays or Mondays 8-BCX35 Daity-8 ADMISSION 75c (lntluiluiR State and Federal Tax) LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS (Admission for I-adics l.c) NO CHILDREN ADMITTED DONT MISS THE $10,0OO-ADDED AK-SAR-BEN HANDICAP JULY 7TH pleted the table arrangements. Henry Bornemeier led the group singing with Jean Backe meyer as accompanist. Russell E. Dorr was toast master and introduced the fol lowing: William Atchison, Sharon Phillips, Bud Clements, Keith Bornemeier, Mary Jucka, Marilyn Mendenhall, Norman Francis and Cora Saxton. Howard Pool introduced the classmates of 1931. Fourteen were present out of the original class of 23 members. The Elmwood alumni was featured in picture slides by Guy Clements. Guy Clements was one of the '06 Class and introduced the others present. They included: Paul Currant (Known as Gooseberry) from California, V e r n a McCrory- Perry, Big Springs; Wayne Swarts, Ashland: Cora Saxton Waltz. Lincoln: Bess Shreve- Miller, Elmwood. Mrs. Emily Gonzales, widow of Wright Gon zales who was a member of the '06 class was present. W. T. Davis of Lincoln the principal; and Grace Hylton Plybon were also present. The 1956 EIIS Alumni As sociation officers are Chester Bornemeier, preseident; Frank Rutner, vice-preseident; Mrs. June Bornemeier, secretary, and Howard Vogt, treasurer. Mr. Bornemeier thanked all of the various committees, and the entire community for their splendid co-operation in making this celebration a success. He announced the following officers for 1957. President, Dale Hall; vice preseident, Eldon Oehlerking; secretary, Martha Ann Stolz; treasurer, Francis Seiker. The following three churches were responsible for the fur nishing and serving the banquet: St. Mary's Catholic Church, St. Pauls EUB Church and the Christian Church. Everyone en joyed the fine food and the efficient serving. And News Notes June 8, Friday, 2 p.m. WSCS meets, Fellowship Room, Meth odist Church. June 9, Saturday, 8 p.m. Can opy Lodge F & AM meets Ma sonic Temple. June 10, Sunday, 1 p.m. din ner, Rueter annual reunion pic nic, Antelope Park, Lincoln. The Kunz Family Reunion was held at the St. Paul EUB Church parlors, Memorial Day, with about 100 present, it was re ported. Quite a number of rel atives attended from Elmwood and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Streiker of Omaha were overnight guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsell, when they came; down for Lois and husband to attend the alumni banquet. She was a member of the 31 EHS Class. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Albert of Louisville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsell, on Thursday for dinner and spent the afternoon and evening.1 4-H Sewing Klutters Enjoy Group Singing ELMWOOD (Special Barbara Vogt reports the 4-H Sewing Klutters met at the home of Nancy Miller this week with 17 members and five visitors present. The record books and material were distributed and the mem bers filled in their year books. The members also practiced threading a needle and knotting the thread. Group singing was enjoyed by all with Nancy Miller and Mary Lou Hall furnishing the music. The next meeting will be held at the home of Sarah Jane Albers on June 11, at which meeting the girls will make a ph cushion. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Glen Miller and Mrs. Ed Backemeyer. L Modern Housekeeping Cabins Modern Sleeping Cabins Stop Gr See Link Cr Mary Wiles Guests Of Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Will Bohn were Sunday dinner guests of the Rev. and Mrs. N. F. Horn. They attended their church, of which Rev. Horn is the pastor, and then enjoyed dinner and the afternoon with their pastor. The McCrory family had a re union picnic at Antelope Park in Lincoln Sunday. About 40 were present to enjoy lunch and picnic a number being from Elmwood. Three New Members For Live Wire Club ELMWOOD (Special) Dale Engelking reports the Live Wire 4 H Club met at the Gambles Store the evening of May 31st with all members present. The leader, Clarence Rueter, and assistant leader, Herold Krecklow gave a demonstration on how electricity affects dif ferent types of tape, which was very instructive. Three new members are Larry Bornemeier, George Bles sing and Rex Brown. This brings the membership to ten. Guests of Mrs. Mary Williams and her daughter, Helen Schnei der, the past week was Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nicklas and boys. They returned to their home at Wauneta Monday morning. Mrs. Nicklas was suffering from a sinus infection while here which marred the visit to her mother somewhat. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Groves, Gerry and Wanda drove to Mound City Memorial Day to visit Freddie Groves and fam ily. They brought their little granddaughter, Patricia, back with them for a visit. Freddie and the mother came for little Patricia on Sunday, June 3, which was too short a visit, so the grandparents say. Keith Drake returned hflme from college at Colorado Springs Monday morning. He will spend the vacation at home, his ac tivities have not as yet been decided upon. Memorial Services Memorial services at Elmwood Cemetery Wednesday were at tended by a large number who came to decorate graves of their relatives and to hear the pro gram. Charles Marshall was the principal speaker. The Ameri can Legion Post was in charge of the program, which included the roll call of all deceased vet erans, and placing of wreaths in their memory. Taps were sounded with a double echo, whicrf made an impressive end ing. Many out of town people were there as usual to decorate and pay respect to their de parted loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Phillips went fishing at Lake Alkali Sunday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Brinton. All report catching lots of large bullheads. Blue Front Cabins and Cafe Phone 18WJ. Ogallala, Box 177, Nebr. Honored At Shower Roma Jean Miller, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller Works In Bank Sharon Phillips commenced working in the bookkeeping and trust department of the First National. Bank, Lincoln, - Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Reid drove to Bennett on Memorial Day and decorated graves of rela tives, and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Baker. Mrs. Ruth Monning had a picnic; lunch at her home Wed nesday afternoon, following Me morial services. It wasa fam ily reunion of her family, those 100 Attend Family Meet At Beatrice ELMWOOD (Special) The Annual reunion of the Kuehn and Rosenow families was held at the park in Beatrice, Sun day with about 100 present for the picnic dinner. Ferdinand Rosenow and his family, and their families live near Clay Center, Kans., so they met at a central location. k Those attending, from Elm wood were Mrs. Blanche Kuehn, daughter, Alice, and another daughter, Mary Bell Cates, and her family; Mrs Mary Williams, her daughter, Mrs. Helen ' Schneider; Glen Nichlas and boys; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosenow, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tel Koehler.and son and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rosenow and fam ny. - Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thimgan and Mrs. Martha Thimgan of Plattsmouth attended. Mrs. Mar tha Thimgan returned home with Mrs. Williams, her sister, to remain for a visit in Elm wood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rose now and family of Alvo and Frank Rosenow and family of Murdock also attended. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buckel man of Lewiston came in the afternoon. Mr. Buckelman and Frank Rosenow both served in the Spanish American War to gether and. have another tie be sides the family connection. Social Items Of Alvo Area By Mrs. Mabelle Winn Tel. 420 ALVO (Special) Mrs. Elmer Kylver entertained the Double Deck Pinochle Club Tuesday af ternoon with all members but one present and one visitor, Mrs. Luella Klyver. There were three tables of players. Mrs. Klyver won high, score. Mrs. Mattie Skinner won the door prize. Mrs. Mabelle Winn was low. Mrs. Klyver served lunch after the game to 17 persons counting the men. The next party will be with Mrs. Mabel Elliott June 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boyles and Mrs. Edith Braun were Fri day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Boyles are of San Jose, Calif. They have been visiting relatives here the past three weeks. They left Monday morning for Spirit Lake, Idaho, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Alva Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byers of Lincoln were Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Carl Sutton. Visit The Dorans Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gard ner and daughters of Nelson, Nebr., were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Doran and children. Drives To Iowa Mr. Arthur Skinner drove to Conway, Iowa, Sunday to spend two or three days with his son, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Skinner, and family. Family Reunion The Stout and Vickers reunion will be held at Antelope Pane at Lincoln next Sunday. Firewor SWAN EE'S Walk In Pick Your Own Second Stand Across Iowa-Missouri Border 2Vi Miles South of Hamburg, Iowa Hi-way 275 3 si t s 3 v. fr 'Ntlfo M L'ORIGAN L' AIM ANT PARIS EMERAUDE STYX MUSE ACCOMPLICE A'SUMA 1 M J&t with FREE ATOMIZER o 00 -mmt plus tax DRUG OiAHBtftffaKXERU MEMBER Drugs With a Reputation ui j-iiiiuuiii. wao nuiiuicu at a. . , tt. i i U i v. i-.4. i present, weie ivii. ttxiu iviia. ncu inen bridal shower Saturday;!... . DV,n. M,i,nim afternoon, June 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Miller and Donna, who assisted her moth er. There were seventeen guests present. The Rev. and Mrs. N. F. Horn traveled to Seneca, Kans., over Memorial Day to visit her broth er, Otis Nutter. He has been ill in the hospital and recently returned home. They returned to Elmwood Thursday evening. During their absence Mrs. Rhoda Earnst was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Leavitt. Loren Dennis and family of Bellevue were weekend guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. R. M. Dennis, May 28. On Sun day they drove to Crete to dec orate the grave of Mrs. Loren Dennis's mother. Mrs. Clara Zur bruum also accompanied them. Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm, sons, Gerry ana wnmar, ana daughter, Beverly, attended a family reunion of Buchholz held at Steinhart Park, Nebraska City, Sunday, June 3rd. Wanda Groves also went with them. They reported watching the boats on the river but did not take a ride. Rudolph and Phyllis, Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hemnch and family of Pleasantdale, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mills and Judy of Mur dock, Mrs. Stewart Mills and four children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mills of Polk, and Mrs. Emily Gonzales. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bronn had their children for dinner on Me morial Day. They were Mr. and Mrs. Robert James and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Streich and family. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bronn drove to Roca to decorate the graves of their parents and also visited Mr. Bronn's aunt, Mrs. Fred Wood. Roca was ' their home town years ago. Picnic Is Enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Clem ents entertained at a picnic Me morial Day at their home, with their son, Fred, assisting. After a dinner served in their recre ation room, the men folks at tended a ball game at Sherman Park, Lincoln, between the Lin coln Chiefs and Topeka teams On their return all enjoyed supper. Mr. and Mrs. Max Lamb came Tuesday evening for alumni banquet and spent Decoration Day with Mrs. Lamb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene Mrs. Warner Gregory and Mrs John Benson of Kansas City were also guests of the Greene's Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Den nls attended the wedding of a cousin, Miss Gill Caddy, to James Wadlow, solemnized at the Havelock Methodist Church, Sundaj evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and son, Harold T. Cheyenne, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Fleishman and other relatives in Elmwood and Weeping Water from Thursday until Sunday, June 3rd. Miss Yvonne Hayes of Lin coln visited friends and rela tives in Elmwood Memorial Day and was a dinner guest of Mrs. Ruth Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark drove to Lebanon Tuesday to attend an' alumni banquet in the eve ning. Last year they were un able to attend, when the class of '05 celebrated its 50th an niversary. Mr. Clark was a graduate of this class. They re mained overnight and returned Wednesday afternoon. Class of 1924 Has Reunion ELMWOOD (Special) Ten couples, members of the 1924 graduating class of Elmwood High School, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bornemeier on May 31st.. After reminiscing over old memory books, admiting new grand children pictures and other pictures, the group prog- ressea to roni i.uigi s Kestau- rant in Lincoln for dinner. Charles Fowler, last pres ident of the class presided. He praised Frank Plymale, chair man of arrangements, and Mrs. Ralph Richards, assistant, for their efforts. The group voted to hold a general reunion on their fortieth anniversary. Those present were Super intendent Mrs. Charles Fowler of Wheatland, Iowa, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plymale of Millard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coatman of Holdredge, Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler of Nehawka Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards of Wabash; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Muller of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bornemier of Elmwood, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mendenhajl of Elmwood; Frank Shulz of Unadilla and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lannin of Elmwood. It should be noted Mr. Fow ler spent the past six months contacting all thirty-two people who at any time had been a member of this class and re ceived replies from all living graduates. Two members, Mrs. Clarence Bornemeier and Dr. Howard Roger, are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis and children entertained at dinner Sunday evening Miss Norma Winget and Mr. Roger Paul. Mrs. Minnie Burkins of Lin coin entertained at dinner Sun day honoring her brother, Char lie Roelofsz birthday. Other guests were Mrs. Roelof sz Mrs Nancy Snavely and "Mrs. Aman da Snavely. Callers on Mrs. Mabelle Winn and Ralph the past week were Mrs. Laura Dreamer and Mrs. Esther Meiergurgen of Murdock. RADIATOR REPAIRING ONE-DAY SERVICE Portsmouth Motors Washington Ave, Ph. 287 Mr. and Mrs. Art Klyver of Lincoln were dinner guests and later they attended the funeral of Mrs. Carrie Appleman Wed nesday. Mrs. Esther Hollenbeck and daughter, Cheryl Ann, and Mrs. Mary Rueter were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Verle Brunkow of Murdock were Saturday eve ning visitors of Mrs. Grace Brunkow, Albert Brunkow and Mrs. Hulda Keckler at the home of Mrs; Grace Brunkow. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brunkow of Murdock were Sunday eve ning callers of Mrs. Grace Brun kow, Albert and Mrs. Hulda Keckler at the home of Mrs. Grace Brunkow. Mr. Albert Brunkow left Monday for Its with, S. D., to be with his sis ter, Mrs. Amanda Kelley, who will have surgery. Wednesday dinner and lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart wTere Mrs. Stewart's brothers, Mr. Emmett Wessel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wessel and son, Lee, of Palmyra, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell of Bennett. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart went to Lincoln to see their aunt, Mrs. Ethel Stewart Williams, who is in the hospital very ill with cancer. Mrs. Mabelle Winn received a letter from her brother, Charles Stout, at Flat, Mo., and he said they had eight or nine inches of rain down there during May. His potatoes are almost ready to eat. Mr. and Mrs. John Weichel and family attended a picnic dinner at Pioneer Park Sunday. The picnic was in honor of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neai Swanson who was one year old. Many relatives of both sides were there. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lowe of Havelock were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klyver. Mr. and Mrs. Rox Bird spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Miller and Mrs. Anna Hardnock had din ner with Mr. and Mrs. Art Han son near Greenwood Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Mil ler left for their home at Or ange, Calif., Monday morning after spending a week with rel atives around Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner of Lincoln were Sunday after noon visitors at the Grace Brun kow home. Cass County's Greatest Newspaper The Plattsmouth Journal Visit Omaha's Finest Restaurant And Cocktail Lounge Reasonable Prices CI Open Daily Lunch From 11:30 a. m. Til 5 p. m. Dinner From 5 p. m. Til 1 a. m. Son Is Born Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark are the parents of a baby boy born early May 31 at Bryan Memorial Hospital, Lincoln. They already have one son. Sunday Our Feast-O-Rama Chuck Wagon & Buffet 12 Noon Til 8 p. m. ROOF GARDEN OPENING SOON Dancing Under the Stars! A! Green's Sky Room & Roof Garden on "Top of the Center" 42nd & Center Sts. Omaha, Nebr. Drive to 3rd level, 40th & Center Ample Free Parking for 2500 Cars BiiiliKniiBlliiB a n g 1 n D i E MIIMIIMittliKM that is with f n I Cool -Ar Casual ft Comfortable i 3 H g Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hewitt, son, Tommy, and daughter, Judy of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thomsen and baby, Be atrice, were guests of Mrs. Net tie Mendenhall for dinner Me morial Day and visited during day and evening. Mrs. Hewitt is a daughter, and brought flow ers to decorate draves of rela tives here. Subscribe, to The Journal Now RADIATOR REPAIRING Plattsmouth Motors ONE-DAY SERVICE Washington Ave. Ph. 237 Ladies Club Holds Meeting At Church ELMWOOD (Sprcial) The May meeting of the Ladies Council was held in the Christian Church with the vice president, Mrs. Robert Dankleff presiding for the business meet ing. Mrs. N. F . Horn presented the lesson "To the Ends of the Earth." Three different coun tries were included in the lesson. The Hymn "Story to Tell .the Nations" was sung one verse at a time, with a prayer ded icated to the different countries, between the verses. Prayers were given by different mem brs for each nation. The hostesses were Mrs. F. W. Robb, Mrs. Clarence Rueter and Mrs. Arthur Norris. STUBBORN SNAKES TAMPA, Fla. A mamma rat tlesnake and her brood of little rattlers have resisted all efforts of H. W. Carpenter and police to evict them from under Car penter's front steps. Rifle fire, dousing with a wrater hose and digging ,into the ground near the nest all proved futile. The snakes refused to budge. FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT USE A KERATOLYTIC BECAUSE It is an a?ent that deadens and peels off infected skin. Ex poses more j?erms to its kUlinsr action. Get instant-drying T-4-L, a keratolytic, at anv drag store. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR, your 40c back. Today at Schreiner Drug:. HAG GAR "Colorado Cool" Wadi and fyfeal SLACKS f . . i - z 55 Dacron 45 Rayon s4 H It d a H Just ivash 'em, hang 'em, wear 'em! Only $8.98 Others From $3.98 to $10.98 These lightweight Haggar Slacks will wash any . where in machine or basin. Hang them smoothly, and as they drip dry, you'll see the crease is still in. See them today in all the popular new summer shades. :: rm 4) I ' f -1 ' V f i I ' h I His'." 11 a M 61 N a a u y N B y y u M if a M N N N M n N h N N fcS ti H M N y I H a --5 a a a R b We Also Have a Wide Selection of SPORT SHIRTS in Gay Summer Colors GIFT CERTIFICATES . . . FREE GIFT BOXES Li M IBTR -MM N H FS33 lu "We Give S & H Green Stamps" H P B a n N a I u N a a ri M - i - t U - j ra n