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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1956)
. ' - M - - -A J 4 4 a u i r i 2 r - j - .r ? . Eagle Man, 92, Observes His Birth Date P.y Mrs. John Fischer Journal Correspondent LA OLE 'Special Mr. Wil Norris cf Eagle celebrated . -r.a cirthiay cn Tuesday. .-. .-:r.. Mid Ncrris and wife .: -inccm and a brother Tai- wife and sen cf 7i.rn:cnt, spent the day with Miss Dorothea Keil spent " - iy Eagle at her home r: -:ertv. Sne has been staying :: linrcin, where she is em"- Mr and Mrs. Frank Pa?e :-r-:z to St. Louis, Mo., via : ;.:r. the first of last week and ;:. Page underwent a check---- , the Missouri Pacific :i:-c;tal. Ke underwent surgery the hospital several weeks 7:nna Hcrtcn. small daughter -: M:. and Mrs. Charles Hcrtcn -.-"rd a visit with her crand at .xeter. last week. Airman On Leave .-. : r m a n Ralph McCuiloch -::::ned at Scottsfield, HI., has assigned to Newfoundland -ii::ed friends in Eagle re- hiie on leave before for the cut cf states REAL ESTATE LOANS! 5 Percent Interest Charge Reduced for Each Monthly Payment Plarrsmourn Loan b Building Ass'n. It Happened In NEBRASKA-- A. . r.z th cdi.ues of early pioneer travt! as the iruf wagon. One group of rr.r. a.iirse ai'.j to their kaadcart.s, traveled from Missouri to th mountains in j j.; ; day?' This eqaalied the speed cf horse-drawn vehicles at that time and c?r.i-iy beat cien, tue standard "horseixyAer"' cf the da . rS MAKES YOU THIRSTY doesn't it-just to read Cyjly, about frontier accomplishments like this? Lucky us! WE7 ln These days we can enjoy a sparkling glass of beer any irr.e at home, or awav! Beer is so refreshing ... so KltilXX tiYVSO C.5. ItlWltS WJ3inOi( 1954 P 1955 FORD 2SeDd;n S1375.00 1951 BUICK tin $350.00 1950 BUICK I $275.00 .1950 FORD Lain $250.00 1950 FORD $250.00 1950 OLDSMOBILE 4SeL $250.00 1949 PLYMOUTH s4Irn S225.00 1949 BUICK 4sI'n 5175.00 1946 BUICK 4SeDd;; $125.00 k r Nebraska Gity Leave For New York Mrs. Keith Muenchau and two sons left via plane for New crk City the first cf the week to visit her- aunt and cthr relatives and friends for a few weeks. Mr. Ralph Beach, rural mail carrier, enjoyed a week's va cation last week and Richard Carr, was substitute carrier. Miss Marilyn Bird, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bird, visited her sister Doris and family, the William Denny's at Des Moines, Iowa. Honor The Pastor The Methodist family basket .dinner will be Sunday noon, June 3rd following the morning ; church service and there will ; be a special gathering honoring the pastor, Rev. and ;Irs. Walter ' Jackson, who are planning to move to their property in Lincoln in the near future, it will also be in observerance cf the es teemed couple's 50th wedding ; anniversary. Everyone is invited to be present. Special entertain ; ment will follow the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Harold and family, moved his week to their farm, formerlv owned bv the OrvLUe Pitzers. The Harolds moved from Lincoln. Mrs. Marie Hamilton spent several weeks with her daugh ter Mrs. Fred Tedrow at Valley, following her fall and injury several weeks ago. However, Mrs. Hamilton returned heme recently. James Burks, sen cf Mrs. Ruth Burks is enjoying a Navy Reserve tour and cruise. He is assigned to the Florida coast. Miss Roberta Knaup is spend ing the summer working for her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Howard Root, cf Eagle. , Memorial Services Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Under wood attended the Wabash memorial services last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer and Kathy were also in attendance. 710 Fin Hsfl Baii B.a3.. twico.;n, Nesr. BUICK tS;5! Fuliy equipped with dynaflcw m H I ii Congregation Fetes Pastor Who Retires EAGLE (Special The fam ily basket dinner was well at tended last Sunday after a full church attendance for the morning worship service. It was the retiring sermon of the Rev. Walter Jackson who has been advised by his doctor to take a needed rest and re frain from the schedule of a full-time pastor. The congregation responded especially fine. The committee in charge was Mrs. H. N. Ers kine. Jr.. chairman, assisted by Frank Frchlich. John Fischer, Harold Wall and the girls quartette. The latter sang several songs in keeping with the occasion accompanied by Mrs. Fischer. Mrs. Erskine conducted the cuesticnaire for the honorable couple, by asking them to relate in an informal way, their court ship, marriag2 and past pastor ate charges. Both responded in a talented and interesting man ner. Rev. Jackson was assigned twice, during his ministerial services at both, Beaver Cross ing and Eagle. They will re side at 4515 No. TCth St., at Lincoln in their new home. Eagle Graduates Work at Lincoln EAGLE Special Several of the Eagle graduates are busily employed at Lincoln. Janice Frchlich, the valedic torian is attending the business college. ; Kaye Marie S warts, one of the ; saiutatorians, is emoloved at Dr. John C. Thompson's Clinic. Virginia Westf all works at Stov er's Candy Kitchen. Joyce Phillips and Sally Bal are employed at Insur ance Company offices. Sharon Wall is a dental assistant at Dr. Murphy's office. Myma Richards works at Fil ler's Drug Store. Mary Ellen Donlan is employed in the Cred it Bureau office. Mrs. Floyd Siekman entered the hospital, Snnday, to under go surgery, after having been ill for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Fifer of line Gin visited Mr. Filer's mother, Mrs. Anna Fifer, last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Norris cf Missouri are visiting their parents and other relatives fol lowing the close cf school terms. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gerhard and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Norris. Miss Lois Erskine is attending a youth meeting at Denver, Colorado, this week. Miss Myma Richard is em ployed at a drugstore in Lincoln following her graduation. She plans to attend - the University having graduated with a high scholastic rating. $1375.00 m Ifil i mi Phone 577 riw i if il 1 Eager "Eaglets Meet With Wiima Bcnnet By Carleen Johnson 4-H Reporter EAGLLE The Baser Eaglets 4-H Club held its eighth meet ing at the home cf Wilma Ben net, on May 29. Only four members were pres ent. They were Wilma, Susan, Elinor, and Janet. Our ether members were ill. Elinor showed how to straight en materials. Susan ' demon strated making a placket. A lunch was served and games were played. Cur next meeting will be held at the home cf Carleen Johnson. Eagle News Notes And Social Briefs EAGLE (Special Mrs. Floyd Siekman underwent surgery at Lincoln, last Thursday, and is reported to be seriously ill at this writing. It is hoped, by her many anxious friends and relatives, that she will be on the recovery list seen. She has been ill sev eral weeks and was also at the clinic in Rochester, Minn., fol lowing several weeks hospital ization at Lincoln. The Trinity Lutheran Church and Sunday School members enjoyed their family picnic din ner last Sunday. Th Emmanuel Lutheran Va cation Bible School is being well attended. Mrs. Lavelle Swarts received the sad message of the sudden death cf her sister's husband. Mr. Paul Mc Creary. He was only 32 years of age. He entered the hospital for a check-up and examination, underwent brain tumor surgery on Saturday, and his death occurred early Sun day morning. Mrs. Alma Bockoven and daughter, Mary Martha, spent last week visiting a friend, Mrs. Mary Holly at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford An derson, Jr., arrived in Eagle from Idaho one day last week and will remain here until he is inducted into the armed services. Early Surprise Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips were surprised early Sunday morning at 6 a. m. when tiieir nephew, Donald Frye, stationed at Plattsburg, New York. Air base, stepped at the Phillips home for breakfast with two other airmen enroute to their hemes in Oklahoma. The nephew continued on to his parents home in Niobrara, accompanied by 'Dick Meyers. Roger Walker, ; Grace Phillips. Jeanette Walker and Lei and Frye who took to Norfolk by auto. A birthday dinner was en joyed at the Fred Schwegman home Sunday honoring the birthday of Mrs. Schwegman. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gerhard and daugh ters and family. 2.1r. and Mrs. Dick Norris cf Concordia, Mo.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mcintosh and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Oberie of Lincoln. Mrs. L. K. Swarts completed her teaching a: the Sheridan kindergarten at Lincoln cn Fri day. Mrs. Laura West is visiting her daughter and family, the Samuel Gays, at Des Moines. Iowa, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Buck nell cf Elmwood visited their frienas, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams, last Wednesday evening. Miss Roberta Knaup cf Weep ing Water is assisting with the housework at the heme cf her aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Root, while Mrs. Root is busy at the Eagle lumber yard assisting her husband with the office work. Dr. K. E. Colbert cf Scotts biuff called at the home cf his cousin, Mrs. John Fischer and Mr. Fischer, on Monday after noon, enroute home after spend ing a few days with relatives at Weeping Water where he at tended a family reunion and dinner with the Colbert relatives fcn last Sunday. Miss Lois Erskine returned home Saturday morning after enjoying a week's vacation and trip with relatives to Denver. . Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kalvor sen are the parents cf a baby girl bom at Lincoln May 27th. Mrs. Halvcrsen is the former Glenda Neemam Visit In Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muenchau :are enjoying a visit in Colorado : a few days before making a trip to Minnesota to visit relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Norris cf Ccnccrdia, Mo., who have teen ; visiting relatives in Eagle, and j ether nearby communities left ; (for their heme Sundav' after- ; . nccn. Beth Mr. and Mrs. Norris 1 .will attend summer school at the above citv. i Mother Is III Mrs. Seeley StUlwe" received a call from Colorado last Friday that her mother was critically EL Mrs. Stillwell left immediately via plane to be at her aged mother's bedside. Clifford Anderson, Jr., went to Plattsmouth Monday morn ing where he was informed to appear, having been called for Army induction recently. Mrs. Anderson will remain in Eagle at the present time. James Burks returned home Sunday after spending a couple of week's on a Navy Reserve cruise and active duty. Taken II! Suddenly Fred Spahnle took ill while at a dentist's office having a tooth extracted and was then taken to the hospital for further checkup .and medical attention. He re-covered quite satisfactorily in a I few days, returning home cn ; Saturday morning. i Mrs. Alma Rohliff, Mrs. Eliz abeth Eidenmiiler and da ugh - ter, Maxine, of Lincoln, spent iSunday at the heme cf Mrs. A. : H. Siekman. ! Mrs. Robert Gamble of Para 'dise, Calif., and son, Mr. Frank ; Gamble cf Overton visited Mrs. Gamble's sister-in-law, Mrs. .Lance elites and Mr. elites last 'Saturday evening and visited ether relatives before returning :hcme cn Monday. THOSE WERE THE DAYS THOSE 1 I 35 VOJ DAYS- , RURAL DELTVTRY OFF MAIN STREET HOS5FACE HANK $W77 2AR COVPETELXl g LTT5 , ATI I-5 '.V , J jU-U;fUnJ--l TTT EVEkVTh.SG AUTCMATIC 'C3 CPCC !lfO - T 1 y bang! bang? bang you're dead DEEMS SONNT SOUTH STRIKE Joins The Navy Robert Walker, Jr., son cf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker, Sr., has joined the Navy and will leave for Omaha Monday. He gradu ated from Eale High May' 15th. Mr. Andy Walberg cf Albin, Iowa, called at the home of his I brother, Mr. and Mrs. Art Walker Sunday morning enroute to Cal ifornia. He accompanied friends cf Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Frchlich and Betty Jo visited a few days in Denver, Colo., with Mrs. Froh iieh's sister, Aietha and family. Robert Excpp of the Navy Air force pilot spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Krcpp recently. Sewer Is Installed The Eagle streets are being excavated in the construction of the sewage pipe installation. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McAllister cf Davenport, Iowa, visited at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wall last Wednesday afternoon. They also visited ether Wall rel atives before returning home. Mr. Claud Frisbee cf Rich mond, ILL, visited during the Me morial Day holiday at the John Fischer home. He arrived from Illinois cn Tuesday evening bringing several beautiful home garden bouquets for grave deco ration at Wabash Cemetery for his departed relatives. TO !S? .' r v "or 1 ' BOVS, ITS ALWAYS M.5 THAT GETS DEAOED? 7m F I ! STEADY V J4 HAND H 33 7 THAT V. AS CNY THE IT WAS . 1 v SECOND . fpTHL THIRD' J i THE PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Thursday, June 7, 1955 Section B PAGE SEVEN Sunday School Tour The intermediate Sundav I School Class cf Methodist : Church win meet at the church Saturday at 1 o'clock prompt ; for the planned educational ! tour. Mr. Sherriii War.dra of Piatts- mouth visited his aunt and f am !ily, the Arthur Walberg's, last ! Thursday. j The family of Mr. and Mrs. George Althouse honored Mr. ; Althcuse's birthday recently by ; spending the evening at" the parents home. Those .present ;were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Alt ; house and family, Mr. and Mrs. : Clyde Althouse and family, both ! families cf Eagle; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Althouse and family cf Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Munn and family cf Waver- ly, Nebr. i The International Ladies Gar- ment Workers Union intends to ! f invest $15.000,CCO cf its pension j and welfare reserves in Govern- ' ment insured home-building mortgages. K. P. PENCE Bankers Life Man So. 6th Phone 2269 1 r,'y,- 1 1 maT dc:d 0 ' ' AFTER ALL I DO KISS GiLS J HIDING DOT HURT LOUISVILLE. Ky. While playing with his two brothers, Anthony Michael Zoelier, 7, hid himself in the tall grass t in a f field near his home. A neigh- bcr, W. R. Hays, not knowing J the child was in the grass, pass- ed over him with a tractor and ; mower, completely severing one j cf the bey's hands. BIG STARTED CHICKS 3 & 4 Weeks Old Ready for immediate de livery. Vaccinated for your protection. Day Old Chicks 4 Big Hatches Weekly Leghorns Austra Whites Ind ian River Cross Hy-Line chicks, Seasonal Price Drops in Effect. Order Today Drive In Write or Call or See your local Hy-Line Representative ROSCOE HILL HATCHERY 10th & S Streets Lincoln BY FIL-XK THOMAS w 6 v CJ lots 0 von;V, Cv AL SruTH ! h-Jr.yj -ELTT NO h s f STOP ',-rr. 7 1 ' H2i?r- By JOE DENNETT HEY wait a MiKLlTE-NErrfR ZD T f !7 - By TOM OKA 1 By AL SONDERS HTAH'S VOAW BAT Wis mmmm i h mm 1