The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, June 07, 1956, Section B, Page PAGE SIX, Image 14
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SIX Section B Thursday, June 7, 1956 A1 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Murray, Nebraska Roy P. Morris, Pastor 10 a. m., Bible School, with classes for all ages. Edward Howard, superintendent. 11 a.m. There will be no wor ship service because of the ab sence of the pastor; 7:30 p. m., Union Vacation Bible School and Children's Day program with the Christian Church. This will mark the close of the Daily Vacation Bible School, which has been held for the past two weeks, and the meeting will be in the Christian Church. Everybody invited. Wednesday, June 13th, annual picnic of the Bible School and congregation in Murray Park. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH On the Plattsmouth-Louisville Road A. 15. Lentz, Pastor Sunday, June 10, Childrens Day and Picnic. 9:30, Sunday School. 10:30, services and re port on the convention. Fellow ship covered basket dinner, games, ice cream, fellowship and fun. June 13, the Womens Mission ary Society will meet in the home of Mrs. Fred Wehrbein. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Murdock Richard A. Heim, minister 9:30 a. m., morning worship. This is "Flower Sunday." Each family is requested to bring a bouquet of flowers. Special committee in charge of flower arrangements. Sermon, "Con sider the Lilies." One hundred bouquets are anticipated; 10:39 p. m., Sunday School; 7:30 p. m., Intermediate and Youth Fellow ships; 8 p. m., evening worship, with service in charge of the Youth Fellowship. "Talent Scout Hour" with offering for "Tools for Missions Teachers." Monday, June 11th, 8 p. m., Youth Fellowship "Hobo Party." Wednesday, June 13th, 8 p. m., refresh with milk! You never outgrow your need for Milk! Next time you "take a break," enjoy a lift with out a letdown. Make ice cold milk your drink. AMERICAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION OF NEBRASKA (f'O. k vs J i4 House Cleaning? Send Us Your RUGS DRAPES CURTAINS For Complete Cleaning Service USE OUR LAUNDRY SERVICE Washing and Fluff Drycd 1 8c Per Lb. 8 Lb. Min. Gold Storage for Furs All Garments Fully Insured Pay Next Fall Cleaning and Glazing Service Available "All garments left for cleaning or storage 429 Main are individually insured" Dial 230 prayer service in charge of Class Leader Will Stock. Thursday, June 14, 2 p. m., Ladies Aid. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Church and Sunday school 11 a. m. Wednesday evening services at 8 p. m. first Wednesday each month. The safety and abundance which can be experienced through reliance on God will be a theme developed at Christian Science services this Sunday. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Seventh Street and Second Ave. Keith Delap, pastor Sunday, June 10 9:45 a. m., Church School; 11 a. m., divine service, canvassers for building campaign will be commissioned; 12:30 p. m., can vassers' dinner; 2 to 6 p. m., canvassers calling on families associated with our church. Tuesday 7 p. m., Junior High Fellow ship; 8 p. m., Junior High choir rehearsal. Wednesday 8 p. m., Senior High Fellow ship. Thursday 8 p. m. Senior choir rehearsal. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Roger Ilierner 8th & Avenue C Young people meet Sunday 6:30 p. m. Choir practice Thursday 7:30 p. m. 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. 10:50 a. m. Church services. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 11th and Washington Avenue Plattsmouth Carlton C. Spatzek, Tastor Sunday, June 10th 8:30 a. m., worship service; 9:30 a. m., Sunday School; 9:30 a. m., Bible class; 7:00 p. m., Walther League. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Ladies Guild. ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH Weeping Water Carlton C. Spatzek, vacancy pastor Sunday, June 10, 9:30 a. m., Sunday School; 10:30 a. m., wor ship service. Monday, 1:30 p. m., second week of Vacation Bible School. Any children between the ages of three years and eighth grade are welcome to attend; 8 p. m., Sunday School teachers meeting. ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cedar Creek Rev. Keith Delap, Acting Pastor Worship service, 9:30 a. m. Sunday School, 10:20 a. m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Eagle, Nebraska Walter Jackson, Pastor Sunday: 10 a.m., church school; 11 m. worship services. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Plattsmouth, Nebraska Rt. Rev. Msgr. G. Agius, Pastor Rev. Raphael Chonta, Assistant Sundays: Masses at 8 and 10 a.m. Weekdays: Masses at 8:15. Confessions Saturdays and 1st Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 and from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Special devotions will be an nounced in the Parish Bulletin Be safe Be sure . . . Protect your precious gar ments against the destruc tive clothes moth . . . and at LugschY it's ALL FREE Bible Comment:'. II.MI III Lord's Prayer ' Is Model Of Perfection TJRAYER and thanksgiving are linked together in Christian life. We cannot be truly thankful except in. the spirit of prayer; otherwise our thankfulness rnay be concerned only with self. Nor can we be prayerful except in the spirit of thanksgiving, for our approach to God is unreal and inadequate unless back of it is what Paul expressed in his cry, "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." All this is expressed in the Lord's prayer, in the manner in which all prayer should be made. Let us note a few things con cerning this manner.' First, the prayer begins with God and with reverence, toward Him. -The, first petition is that of God's kingdom come and the second is that His will may be done in earth as it is in heaven. It is only upon this high plane that the Christian comes t: pray for his own needs, and tfc e Chris tian's prayer is not for wealth or abundance but for daily bread. The next petition links the Christian both with his fellow men and with God; as he prays for forgiveness of his own tres passes he asks only that he may be forgiven as he forgives others. The prayer for deliverance from evil is an expansion of the prayer for forgiveness. And the Lord's prayer ends as it begins, with adoration to God and con templation of His goodness. Paul admonished the early Christians to pray without ceas ing. It is easy to pray without ceasing this sort of prayer, for it is not only expressed in words but is the constant aspiration of the devout soul. ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH Weeping Water Charles Kofoid, minister During June, July, August, Sunday School, 9 a.m., James Breckenridge, superintend e n t , Mrs. Maurice Hammons, junior superintendent; church, 10 a. m.; Wednesday evenings, choir practice, 7:30-8 p.m., Mrs. S. H. Harmon, organist, director; Christian Endeavor, 7:30 Sun day evenings. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Seventh and Main Erwin A. Kiel, minister Sunday, Church School, 9:45 a.m.; morning worsnip, 11 a.m. Wednesday, junior choir, '7 p. m.; senior youtn reiiowsnip, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, senior choir, 7 p. m.; intermediate Youtn fellow ship, 7 p.m. UNION METOODIST CHURCH Union, Nebraska Erwin A. Kiel, Minister Sunday, morning worship 9:30 a.m.; Church school 10:30 a.m Wednesday, choir practice 7:15 p.m. CALLAHAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Eugene Claassen, Minister Sunday school classes for children and youth at 2:30 p. m every Sunday. Adult services at the same hour. Regular Tues day night services at 7:30 p. m. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Library Auditorium Elwin L. Coolman, Faster 100:00 a.m. Church school. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. ST. LUKES CHURCH EPISCOPAL Avenue "A" at 3rd Street Rev. Fr. Max L. Kors, Rector Summer Schedule June and August. Sundays 9:00. No services during July. METHODIST CHURCn Nehawka Rev. Fred Gardner, Tastor Sunday school Superintendent Mrs. Neil Pierce Church service at 9:45. Sunday school at 10:35. HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Sixteenth and First Avenue Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph A Tupy, Pastor Masses on week days at 7:30 Masses on Sunday at 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Masses on Holy Days at 5:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Confessions on Saturdays eves of First Fridays and Holy days from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00. First Fridays: Holy Commun ion at 7:00 a.m. Mass at 7:30 p.m. Confessions also heard on First Friday 6:45 to 7:20 p.m. Seasonal Devotions will be an nounced by the Parish Bulletin Sunday school. WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF AMERICA 619 South Tenth . . Geo. Francis, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Morning worship 11 a m. Young Peoples Meeting p.m. ROCK BLUFFS CHURCn (American Sunday School Union) Jack Harris, Pastor 7 miles south and 3 miles east of Plattsmouth. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.nv Morning Service. Donald Chestnut ! Visits in Murdock ! MURDOCK (Special) Donald j Chestnut of Billings, Okla., was visiting over Memorial uay with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Knaup of Mur dock. Mr. Chestnut recently graduated from Oklahoma A and M College in Stillwater. He was on his way to Wood stock, 111., where he is as sistant county agent of McHenry County, 111. On Tuesday evening, May 29th, he was guest of honor at his grandparents home at a family dinner. Those present were Mrs. Elmer Herr, Veryl and Eloise, of Humboldt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knaup, Miss Roberta Knaup of Weeping Water, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Root. Diana and Stanley of Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. William Knaup of Murdock, and Donald Chestnut of Wood stock, 111. Mr. Chestnut's mother, Mrs. Robert Chestnut, was formerly Miss Verna Knaup of Murdock. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Eagle, Nebraska F. L. Cress, Pastor 9:45 a.m. services; 10:45 a.m., ELMWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Bert L. Story, D. D., Minister Sunday School 10 a.m. Paul Eveland, superintendent. Mrs. Ted Hall, superintendent Pri mary department. Morning Worship 11 a.m. METHODIST CHURCH Weeping Water, Nebraska Rev. Fred Gardner, Pastor Sunday 9:45 a.m. Church school Eugene Ludwick, superintend ent. Mrs. Alvin Groesser, junior superintendent. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. Choir rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Nehawka Rev. Melvin Shafer, Pastor Sunday School Superintendent Mrs. A. B. Rutledge Sunday school 10:30. Worship 9:30. 4t EMANUEL EVANGELICAL U. B. Northeast of Murdock T. II. Kanipman, Minister Sunday: Morning worship 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school 10:30 a.m., Dan Panska, superintendent. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETIUiEN CHURCH Mynard M. L. Shafer, Minister 10 a.m: Sunday school. 11:00 ajn. Morning worship. MURRAY CHRISTIAN Murray, Nebraska Robert Larson, Pastor 10 a. m., church school, Louis Sack, superintendent. 11 a. m., worship service. 6:30 p. m., Chi Rho. Wednesday evening, 8 p. m., choir practioe. Thursday evening, 7:30 p. m., C. Y. F. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Eagle, Nebraska E. Edward Ilackmann, Pastor Divine services, Sunday at 9 a.m.; Sunday School and Bible classes, Sunday, 10 a.m.; stew ardship committee meeting, Monday, 8 p.m.; adult Bible dis cussion group, Tuesday at 8 p m.; Vacation Bible School, May 23 to June 8. E. U. B. CHURCH Elmwood T. n. Kampman, Minister Sunday: Worship 11 a.m.; Sunday school 10 a.m., Howard Vogt, superintendent; Mrs. Lester Rosenow, junior superintendent BAPTIST CHURCH Union, Nebraska E. L. Mason, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Church service 11 a.m THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH North 9th and Avenue E Plattsmouth Sunday, church services Vacation Bible School begins May 21 through June 1st. Sunday School, 9:45; morning worship, 11; young peoples meetings, 6:30; evening service, 7:30. Wednesday night prayer serv ice, 7:30. Choir practice, Thursday night 7:30. You, too, are always welcome. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Weeping Water, Nebraska E. K. Bauman, Minister Church School at 9:45. Morning Worship at 11 a.m. ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH G. E. Seybold, pastor There will be no Sunday School or church services this coming Sunday, June 10. CHRISTIAN CHURCn Elmwood N. F. Horn, minister Sunday School, 10 a.m., The teaching service of the church; morning worship, U a.m., ser mon topic, "Will Man Defeat Death?" , Choir rehearsal Wednesday evening. i , , .... . ' 4 " I - V I x ,r - j HEADS CHURCH Clifford A. Woodard of Cambridge, Mass., was today named presi dent of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Boston, Mass. Mr. Woodard is an authorized Christian Science and holds degrees from Harvard Col lege, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Law School. He joined the church in 1908. A Glance at Activities In Glendale By Mrs. Tom Tennant Tel. 4251 GLENDALE (Special) Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tennant of Om aha visited Sunday at the Lestor Tennant home. Mrs. Lloyd Zeorian and daugh ter, Morine, called at the Mau rice Groupe home Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer " Stoehr called at the Gerald Keil home Thursday to help Mrs. Keil cele brate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sprieck and daughters and Mrs. Clar ence Sjogren visited Clarence at the Methodist Hospital Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Robbins and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Robbins and family attend ed the funeral of S-Sgt. Sterling Miller at Plattsmouth Thursday afternoon. Burial was at Glen dale Cemetery. He was a cousin of Orville and Tom Robbins. He died at Palm Beach, Florida. Drove To Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hickman drove to Kansas Tuesday and visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson were dinner guests at the Ber nard Johnson home in Weeping Water Wednesday. Vicki ac companied them home and stayed until Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sprinkel of Council Bluffs visited Tuesday evening at the Lestor Tennant home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parks and Linda of Omaha were overnight guests at the Lestor Tennant home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clinkenbeard of Plattsmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Beauford Clinkenbeard and David were supper guests Sun day evening at the Arthur Derby home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Derby were afternoon callers at the Derby home. Mrs. Maurice Groupe enter tained Friday evening at supper honoring Maurice's birthday and Sherry's sixth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Groupe were present for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gauer and daughters visited Sunday at the Alec Rhoden home in Platts mouth. Mrs. Almeda Meisinger visited at the George and Elmer Stoehr home Tuesday evening. Mrs Meisinger's home is in Califor nia. She has been visiting friends and relatives here. NO LAUGHING MATTER NEW YORK Mario J. Rinal- di, a salesman, happened to be m a store when a gunman en tered and said, "This is a stick- up. Give me the money." Rin aldi laughed. The gunman, in furiated, shot him i in the side, whacked a clerk on the head with his gun and escaped with a $5,000 payroll. Rinaldi was REPORT FORMUIA OFFERS DOSE-BY-005E REPRIEVE FROM PAINS OF RHEUMATISM Curbs Pain Dese-by-Oesel Users Rejoice Supply Rushed Here . The discovery of the drug, salicylamide, which is reported safe to take without prescription yet has the power to bring: blessed respite from the minor aches and pains of rheumatism and arthritis, is seen as offering dose-by dose relief to countless sufferers from these dread con ditions. To bring; this drug to all. it has been formulated in easy-to-take tablets, called VERTASOD, which act Internally to curb the minor but none-the-lesa ar thritic and rheumatism distress in hands, arms, legs and shoulders. While results from the use of VEKTASOL. are most impressive, it is not offered as a treat ment. Claims for the present are lim ited to its power to effectively provide temporary relief from minor aches and pains in cases of arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica. VERTASOL costs $3 00 but considering results is not expensive and la sold with a money back guarantee by Schreiner Drug Store 521 Main St, Plattsmouth Mail Orders Filled Nevs Briefs Of South Bend By Miss Elinor Fidler Tel. Ashland 6043 SOUTH BEND (Special) Mrs. Ella Carson left Sunday for Davenport Iowa, to spend the summer with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bauman. Joe Knect was taken to Bryan Hospital at Lincoln Sunday morning to receive treatment for infection of the leg. He is getting along nicely. Mrs. Larry Canicle and chil dren spent Friday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morris at Ashland. Mrs. Carnicle and daughter Sandra spent Saturday morning with Mr", and . Mrs. Clyde Haswell at Wabash. Rev. and Mrs. Milton Laib and family of Lincoln were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler and Elinor. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs .Wayne Preston and son at Elmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell spent Sunday evening with the Camp bells. ' , ' Attend Bible School Terry Jo Wiszman, Larry Sack, Mary Lou Carnicle, Joyce and Kathleen Campbell are at tending bible school at St. Pat ricks Church at Manley for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Thiessen of Ft. Sill, Okla. .came Friday for 2 weeks leave from Army duty and are visiting relatives at South Bend and Louisville. Mrs. Bernard Dill, Janice arid Bernie spent Tuesday thru Fri day at Taylor with Mrs. Fannie Christenson and Mr. and Mrs. Watland and family. Carolyn Jo Watland returned with them and is attending 4 H club week at Lincoln this week. Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers and Mrs. Jennie Livers attended baccalaurate services at First Methodist 'Church at Lincoln Sunday morning. .Miss Verla Livers was among the grad uates. Commencement exercise will be held Tuesday morning at Nebraska Wesleyan Univer sity. Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Gakemier of David City and Mr. and Mrs. John Grady and Coleen of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rosen crans and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fidler and Elinor visited Mrs. Ed Capsey at Methodist Hospital m Omaha Tuesday evening. Mrs. Capsey had major surgery on Monday. SATTLER Funeral Home Dial 3123 Got Anything to Sell to a FAMILY bh m GIOW ? Shopping Starts IN THE PAGES OF THE JOURNAL Do your advertising where most families start THE Phone 241 PL Goes To Omaha Mrs. Marie Sorter of Bonham, Texas, left for Omaha Sunday to visit there before returning to her home-in Texas. She has been visiting her sister, Mrs." William Thiele and Mr. Thiele the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haswell of Wabash were Saturday eve ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill. Tuesday callers at Ella Car son's home were John Carson of Murdock and Mrs. John Jones and son of Bloomington, ILL. Bill Wagner and daughter, Shirley, of Winside and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wagner and fam ily of Norfolk were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thiessen. Mrs. Jason Streight and Mr. and Mrs. Pleas Proctor of Ashland were Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Browen returned home Saturday after a two weeks visit with relatives at Wichita, Kans. Mrs. Browen's mother, Mrs. George Crabtree, came back with them to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs.Bob Lackey and family of Fremont spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thiessen. The Thiessens visited Wednesday morning at Gretna with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Heilman. V PORTABLE Here's your biggest bargain in Cool, Cool, Summertime Comfort! This b in capacity CHILL-AIR fan, priced to fit your budget, is the low-cost answer to greater summertime comfort, day and night, for the entire family! Don't wait uutil the I lot-Weather Rush de pletes stocks! See it today! CAN BE USED 3 WAYS! Here is a fan that fits every home cooling need! With Roll-About stand, your CHILL-AIR fan is quickly moved where needed most! -With Window Panel, the CHILL-. AIR serves double-duty as either exhaust i or . circulating ' fan! Wtih regular floor stand, th6 CI I ILL-AIR can be tilted up or down, or faced in any direction. BEAT THE HEAT! BEAT lIW IWJUDj U limi Only I I $3.49 Down JL Crowing families are interested in a lot of things . . . from garden gear to furniture and food. Most of all, they're interested in mak ing every dollar in Dad's pay envelope buy a full measure of value in the things they need and want. To see exactly where the best buys are, Dad and Mom study the ads in this paper closely, regularly. flTTSi PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Overnight Guests Mrs. Keith Livers and daugh ter Karol were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Livers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bern ard Dill and Janice were Mon day callers. Misses Marilyn Cox and Janice Dill are attending FHA Workshop at Crete Wednesday through Saturday. BEST BUY IN TOWN You can bring your message to 15,000 people for as little as 35 cents. Plattsmouth Journal Classified Advertisements are proven best , sellers. VliULgLMillULai I -g fjj CALL rJ BILL'S PEST and TERMITE fj CONTROL tUJ for J3 Free Inspection 601 No. 9th M DIAL 7142 THE RUSH! See these versatile CHILL-AIR FANS Kirwj nu ntcsiAY 1 uvt tents AT CTMi& YOUR NEAREST OFFICE OF ILIUM I Jll I, I I MIIIMHI ..IWIiy, iil" .! .P PHIIIM their shopping 410 Main St.