Louisville News Louisville Alumni Banquet Brings Many Back for Reunion By Mrs. A Summary Of Louisville Social News Ticklers By George ,was very amusing to members j LOUISVILLE (Special On Elmore Saltmarsh Aei. juii 'Oi nis class nresem. ; , , Tn-nu vt att r-iw LOUISVILLE (Special On; Mr. Ivan Thomas of Louis-; witn Frank and Ralph Puis. Tuesday evening the annual i vilie. celebrating his 50th an-; During the meeting the club alumni banquet of Louisville ' niversary as an alumnus, gave i decided on a booth for the coun High School was held in the' a short talk. jty fair. Rollin Terryberry will gymnasium. I others who had come from; be host to the next meeting Mrs. Evelyn Jackman Frankeja distance to attend, and also! on June 18. cf Cedar Creek gave the invo-. talked were : Myrna Reichart was hostess cation, followed by the welcome j Aimeda Meisinser of Califor- to the Louisville Willing Work mage by the president, Mrs-ja, Norman and June Tyojers 4-H May 21. Each girl is to i.eanor Krambeck. Bill Work-; v,ttorj rf Tronic fitv Olivprihavp hpr ryroiprt half rionp hv president, re- j jackman of New Orleans, Oscar the next meeting to be held June Thomas of Somers, Iowa, Lil-;5. .v.i& Lvu.&i.miLaier, .Mr. nan i nomas noimer ui r-auoii, Mrs. Maude Johnson had as yer.e Ingram, of Lincoln intro-1 Iowa. Jessie Dill Richardson of j guests Memorial Day Mrs. Neva man, 1955 ponded. class ced the song leader. Mr. Hen-; Fruitland. Idaho, and her sis-iwnod nf b, postmaster of Louis- ter from Fairfield, Ivan ano-j, Taylor of Piatts: v.ut, vno lea several songs, ac-jFern Sheiton Burmeister oi uzi fompanied by Mrs. Laura Gess.jcoin. ine dinner was "served to 180 j.jrs. -'" wi 4"u"i" ;Mrs. irene mester ruj-, za::on and guests by the Re-jverla Gaebel Schliefert, . riua u- j Mrs Jean jenson Group, ac-'MeiI10riai Day with their par ens o. LouLsviiie. companied by Fem Jochim, sang jent5, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thomas. At the business meeting fol-jtwo songs, concluding the pro- Mrs. Nellie Shadbolt, aunt of lowing the dinner, Mr. W. S.jgram. Mr. Thomas and Miss Blanche MGrew, Jr., of Louisville was; Ross Nichols' orchestra fur-? Graham of Lincoln, former elected to head the group for j nihfri mnsir for dancinsr at the! home pennomirs teacher in the Lincoln and Mr. and louth. Arthur Holmer and family of Paton, Iowa, and Lenora Gaebel Ragoss, arui Oscar Thomas and Mrs.: family of Somers, Iowa, and and : tcil!:ai-rt Thomas Omaha snent ' Fr,ff,lnrnf Qf ' THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ..tw. ........ w... Sec-ion B PACiii i rixvx.r The 1AH Club met Thursday) Tfaurs"y' Jue ' becio. evening at the 'church withl , f , ! , rl hostess Mrs. Henry smith and 80th Birthday Absentee Shower Roger. Plans were made to j Henry Kammaim was SO years j Mrs. James J ensen gave a entertain the fathers and ; ci& 22. Those present to pink and blue shower for her mothers in the near future. jheip him celebrate were Mrs. j sister, Mrs. Jerry Johnson, who j Mary Graf e, Henry and Minnie ; is with her husband at Wash Miss Evelyn Freudenburg is Graf e. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lud- ; ington, D. C. Mrs. Johnson working at Syracuse Memorial js, Mrs. Mary Ludwig, Mr. and J called by phone during the Hospital as a nurse's aide. !Mrs. Harry Brockhoff. Mr. and Mrs. Will Baier went to Mrs. Fritz Brockhoff , Henry and Lincoln Wednesday to be with Tina Oelkers, Mr. and Mrs. Hen her daughter, Mrs. Jerry j ry Dodenhoff, Albert Ropers, Sr., McCord, who is at Bryan Mem- Irene Ropers, Lorenz and Harry orial following surgery shower. Mr. and Mrs. William Berg straesser visited at the Silas Everett home Friday and are on their way to Florida to visit their son. Bill, who is with a baseball team there. Mrs. Anna Hawley left for her home at Palisade Wednesday after visiting relatives here for several weeks. Mrs. Harry Ludwig, Mrs. Otto Ludwig, Mrs. Harry Heiser, Mrs. Tennrri Carlson. Mrs. Albert Ropers and Mrs. Meta Brockhoff. Conradi were hostesses at a xnis- j cellaneous shower at First Luth- Robert Marquardt was select- i eran Church parlors Sunday ed of 2S0 students to attend All j honoring Miss Darlene Carlson State for high school students -no wil lbe married to Hagel "Let's pretend that I'm your minister. Kindly move to the back of the church!" for three weeks at University of Nebraska. Mrs. Harvey Hillman visited her mother, Mrs. Ella Wulf, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marquardt Mr. and Mrs. John Aescb-! bacher left Wednesday for their I Stander attended graduation eje home in Detroit. He is a re- i ercises at Springfield, Mo Tom vvniie was a memoer 01 tne class. He is the grandson of Mrs. Stander. Pitt on June 8 at First Lutheran Church in Avoca. She is the granddaughter cf Mrs. Henry Ludwig. porter on the Detroit Free Press. tr coming veaj ! American Legion Hall for 1955 graduates, J large crowd that stayed. Jr., Henry A1-, Mike Schlater and Walter Hutchison, accompanied by Miss A quartet of August Fanke. Hoddv Home Marilyn Kcop, sang two songs, j mlmf r Mrs. Alice Wiesneth read a L Thnmft Guild Meet c;a:ss prophecy written by hei brother, Oliver Jackm which Wheel Balancing Save Wheel Bearings e Save Tires Save Tie Rod Ends Enjcy Your Summer Trip Dude &: Plymouth Salt's &: Service USED CARS MOTOR CO. R. V. BRYANT 1 25 North 5th St. Plattsmouth Phone 2S3 Louisville school of Lincoln, were afternoon callers. j " 1- n-nrl Vfi-o Pir! TJsViilr Tr ! are the parents of a baby daugh ter, Kathleen Jo. Their sons are spending some time with their maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Caffrey while their mother is in the hospital. Mr. j and Mrs. Earl Hrabik, Sr., of TJsin0-! Meadow are the paternal grand- theme -"The Happy Parent. Donna Jones and Among local people m the hos- Mrs. Marguerite Streeter gavepitai are Lawrence i (ihke) two skits illustrating their sub- j Colerich and Ole Sjogren, and ject at the Wednesday evening' Jack Ross." meeting of the Wesleyan Serv-j Mrs. Roseann Hackbarth ice Guild. Mrs Jones conduced , passed away Tuesday, May 29, LOUISVILLE ( Special )- as then- Home," Mrs. the program with a vocal solo. The following officers were elected: President, Marly s Vaughn; vice president. Donna Jones; treasurer, Helen Brunson; re cording secretary, Haz-el Dolan; secretary of spiritual life, Gene after a long illness. A complete obituary will be published in a forthcoming issue. "The Laughing Lassies" 4-H Club was organized at the Elmer Sprieck home May 24. Six girls met and chose their projects and officers. Their leaders are Mrs. Alfrey Is Installed WSCS Head LOTJISVTLLE (Special) At the final meeting for the con ference year, Mrs. Henrietta Al frey was installed by Rev. Blough as President of the Wo man's Society of Christian Serv ice of First Methodist Church. Other officers are: Mildred Heier, vice president: Aletha TJhley, secretary; and Patti Murray, treasurer. Also installed were secretaries, of the departments of work. The last of the studies on "Introduction to Spiritual Class ics" was led by Rev. Blough. News Of Avoca Womens Club Installs Its New Officers vieve Funke; secretary of local j. Boyne parson church activities, Frances Biggs; secretary of supply, Sue Pank onin; secretary of youth, Doris Albert; secretary of promotion. Hazel Hon. Sprieck. Night u 0 0 IT Meet Their Son Mr. and Mrs. Cy Hirsch drove ! to the Omaha Municipal Air- j Omaha. :port Sunday afternoon to meeti : their son, Bruce, who is a stu ; dent at Princeton University. Bruce will be at home for a ifew weeks, before returning to ; school. He is a member of the Princeton Choir, which makes tours over the United States and foreign countries. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Back Louisville, and Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Sack of Bennington, were Saturday evening guests in the Francis Carter home, near the Gretna Fisheries. Mrs. Walter Blake is at home after spending a few days last week at Clarkson Hospital in Daughter Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ems hoff, Omaha, a daughter was born May 30 at Lutheran Hos pitaL Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Rippe. Great grandmother is Mrs. Hen rietta Kirkhoff cf Weeping Wa ter. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Emshoff. Great grandmother is Mrs. So phia Emshoff. By Mrs. Henry Maseman Journal Correspondent AVOCA (Special) The Avoca Womens Club met Wednesday j with Mrs. Paul Strand. Mrs. Fred Marquardt, president. ;ffn J' a f' e Mrs. Emest Jensen sang a Mane' was b, y , at BT solo. Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom and an Memorial Hospital. Grand Mrs. Martha Ruge each gave ! Parents are Sidney Burket of a rnnpr on "Vothe'-s" j Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Henry c j Maseman of Avoca iii;. rieu ivies.! qLUiiui, iiiii,4ncsj Visitation Meet A church visitation meeting was held Sunday afternoon at the Congregational Church. The meeting was opened by Rev. P. E. Bauman of Weeping Water. Also on the team were Mr. and Mrs. Carter Nielsen, Miss Joan Domingo. A film, "Our C tian World Mission," was pre sented after a lunch in the To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koe- j church parlors. An informal Mr. and Mrs. John Stubben dick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Carr of Lincoln. Philip Maseman of Omaha had dinner Memorial Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maseman. Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Rippe attended the Joyce Goer ing and Dale Stuckenholz wed ding at the Evangelical Church at Talmadge Sunday evening. The Cemetery Kensington met Friday with Mrs. Elmer Hen-nings. ver a son was born May 31 at discussion was led by Mrs. Bau- st luni-v -Hns-nitai Nebraska ! man at the tables. Then Rev. To Mr. and Mrs. John Mase- ! member canvass 01 tne cnurcn. The film was agam. presented for those who came in the evening. Co To Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nichols at tended the wedding in Crestcn, Iowa, Sunday of Mrs. Nichols' nephew, Donald Scheel. the new club officers as follows Mrs. Ernest Norris. president; Mrs. Charles Marshall, vice president; Mrs. Nancy Carsten, treasurer; Mrs. John Wolph, secretary. Plans were made for the club picnic in June with Mrs. Ernest Haveman hostess. Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Grabe were Mrs. Anna Wiech- Mrs. Elmer Wessel had surgery I man of Kansas City, Mrs. Henry at St. Marys Hospital Saturday. Kord Sudman is a patient at Bryan Memorial Hospital in Lincoln-Mrs. Henry Neumeister entered Bryan Memorial Hospital as a medical patient Friday. AT h r M ft i 0 P PJI F M y Vacation Bible school started Monday morning with a good Mr. Lynas Hirsch of Greybull, j attendance. Teachers are Anna Wyoming, was a visitor in the ' Larson, Mona Heil and Elva In home of his brother, Cy Hirsch. ! mn for the nursery school; and Mrs. Hirsch. He came tot Evelyn Hubble and Mrs. Car attend the graduation of his j penter for beginners and kin- daughter at Hastings Collese. dergarten; Phyllis umntn, Mrs Miss Nola Noyes of Omaha and Mrs. Esther Schneider of Cedar Creek left Monday morn ing for Los Angeles, Calif. They are traveling by car. PICNIC HAMS tfl) Wilson's Certified Smoked 4 to 6 lb. Avg. Pound FREE! FREE! 1 PAIR MEN'S LEATHER WORK CLOVES OR 1 CHAMBRAY SHIRT With Any Pair of Men's Star Brand Work Shoes Meadow Cold V2 Gal. A N K L E T S s Rock Rib Nylon Reinforced White Only Sixes 8-11 Regular 35c 4 Pr. for .... These Specials Offered Friday Night Only 6 P. M. to 9 P. M. NO PHONE ORDERS, PLEASE MEMBER Attend GOP Meet Those attending the GOP county convention at Platts mouth last week were Mr. and Mrs. Ward Brunson, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Brunson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Saltmarsh, Mrs. Er vin Albert and Mr .and Mrs. Fred Lesan. Paul Eveland of ElmwoGd was elected the new chairman and Maxine Cloidt of Plattsmouth, the vice-chairman. Mrs. Margaret McKenna of Panama City, Fla., left for home home Monday morning after spending several days with her mother, Mrs. John Inman, and other relatives. Sundav the fam- ! Louisville City Park. I John Worthman, who attends j college at Hastings, is at home j with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. I Herbert Worthman, for the sum i mer vacation. j Mr. and Mrs. Don TJrwin at- tended the baccalaureate serv- ices at Kountze Memorial Luth- eran Church in Omaha for the graduating class of North High I j School. Jerry Linder, a nephew j ! 01 Mrs. Urwin, was a member I of the class. Glen Pankonin and Jean White in charge of primary and first, second and third grades. The juniors, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades, who meet at the Christian Church, are taught by Mary Amelang, Betty Penning ton, Elsie Tennant and Mabel Woolhiser. Mrs. Kenneth Smith is superintendent and Sue Pan konin is in charge of music. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Braack attended commencement exer cises in Clay Center, Kans., for the Murray's two grandsons, one of whom was graduating from the eighth grade and the other from high school. Memorial Day guests of the Murrays were Mrs. May Gooding of Plattsmouth and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Speck of California. A Roundup of Avoca Briefs AVOCA (Special) Ronald Luce just returned from Cedar Grove, New Jersey, where he was an attendant at the wedding of Miss Claire Weber to Robert Emshoff. Luce and friends also visited in New York. Friends here received an an nouncement of the graduation from nurses training of Miss Mary Lou Cress, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cress. She graduated from St. Joseph School of Nursing at St. Joseph, Mo. She is a former Avoca resi dent. Mrs. John Weaver and friends of Bird City Kans., were in town Saturday visiting her nephew, Claude Hollenberger, and brought flowers for Mem orial Day. Killed In Crash Relatives here received word Friday of the death of Tirnmy Greenrod, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greenrod of Cincinnati, Ohio, Timmy was hurt in a car accident and died on the way to the hospital. Mrs. Fred Ruhge and Mrs. Richard Greenrod left for the funeral Tuesday. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenrod of Nebraska City. Lions Club Meet Robert Hallstrom and Allen Ehlers, Sr., attended a meeting of the Lions Club at Beatrice Sunday. T- X "T- 1 1 - T-v iueier 01 i-incuixi, utna 1 and Martha Ruge of Avoca, Mr. and Mrs. Carl TJhlhom of Oma ha, Miss Marie Grabe, Mr. and iMrs. Louie Grabe of Syracuse and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ebert of Weeping Water. Bible school closed Friday noon with a picnic at the school grounds. In the evening a pro gram was given at the Congrega tional Church, it was a review and display of things they made. The mothers served lunch in the church parlors later in the evening. Each child made a waste basket and a pair of ear rings for their mothers. STOP THAT ITCH! IN JUST 15 MINUTES. If not pleased, your 40c back at any drur store. Try mstant dryinsr ITCH-ME-NOT for itch of eczema, ringworm, insect bites, foot itch or other surface itch. Easy to use day or night. Now at Schreiner Drug. Still Available At V2 Price Seme. Gallons and Quarts of Semi-Gloss High Gloss and One Coat Flat Wall Paint Plattsmouth Lumber Co. 125 So. 4th Dial 285 3-t (Pays 3n 111a ny Ways Visits Wednesday Bobby Sutton of Louisville visited Wednesday and Thursday with Loren Haveman. Keep your Pilot on this Summer Fishing In Canada Willard McShane, Paul Doty, Irvin inman and George Dolan, all of Louisville, returned home Monday from a fishing trip to Canada. ! Memorial Day guests of Mr. ! and Mrs. Ross Nichols were Mrs. j Charles Ossenkop, Sr., Mr. and Funeral Services Held Saturday for Rosann Hackbarth LOUISVILLE ( Special Fu neral services for Mrs. Rosann Hackbarth were held Saturday at First Methodist Church. She died May 29 at 70 years of age. Rev. W. M. Halstead officiated at the services. She was bom October 1, 1825, in Chapman. She was married to George Duerr in 1908 at Grand Island. Mr. Duerr passed away in 1929. In 1933, she was married to Gust Hackbarth of Oakes, N. D They made their home there un til the time of his death. Mrs. Hackbarth returned to Louisville in 1950. She was a member of St. Johns Lutheran Church of Oakes, N. D., later transferring her mem bership to the First Methodist ; Mrs. Charles Ossenkop, Jr., all j Church of Louisville, j of Calloway, Fred Wegener of She leaves a son, Lawrence, j Dunning and Mrs. H. E. Laymon, and one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Al jMr. and Mrs. Tom Schmader, bert, both of Louisville. Also j all of Omaha. j surviving are a sister, Mrs. Bes- j Mrs. Nellie Auxier of Portland, t sie Miller of Oakes, N. D.; one jOre., was a guest last week of j brother, Arthur Hartman of ; her mother, Mrs. Mary Williams, ; Chapman, and six grandchil- Mr. and Mrs. Will Wulf and Mrs. Ella Wulf were in Lincoln Tuesday visiting Mr. Edwin Shoemaker, who recently came home from the hospital. Donald Straub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Straub, and Miss Carolyn Lutz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lutz, this week graduated at St. Bernards Acad emy, Nebraska City. The Pine Ridge 4-H Club met with its leader, Wayne Pederson, Saturday. It was decided to go to the Sidney Rodeo and take a picnic lunch. Mrs. Ella Wulf received word of the sudden death of her son-in-law, Harvey Hillman, at Otoe Friday evening while giving a toast at the alumni banquet. fit cr ..','.. . WSCS Meets The Women's Fellowship met in the church parlors Friday with Mrs. Louis Ruhge and Mrs. Robert Michle. The devotional period was led by Mrs. Henry Smith. Mrs. Paul Lindhardt was a visitor. Reports were given on the proceeds of the alumni banquet. SOENNICHSEN'S Your One Stop Shopping Center and other relatives ! Mrs. Jim Strong of Mountain iView, Mo., returned home Sun- day after a visit with her broth- er, Arch Baker, and Mrs. Baker. It was Mrs. Strong's first visit 1 to Louisville in 10 years. dren. Bearers were Herman Roeber, Fred Hopp, Ernest Beck. A. C. Hinkle, August Stchimann; Jr., and William Zeorian. Interment was at Riverview Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and - Roger were in Omaha visiting Mrs. Stanley Smith Wednesday evening. Mrs. Smith is home from the hospital but the baby daughter Linda Susanne Smith is still at the hospital in the incubator. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ruhge left Saturday morning for Pal isade where they will attend the wedding of Miss Janice Abbuhl, granddaughter of Mrs. Smoots. " Mrs. Dena Ruge came home Wednesday after spending several weeks working in Syracuse. ; ' 2. 3. It keeps your furnace dry . . . reduces rusting The small amount of heat from the the gas pilot keeps your heating equipment dry through the summer . . . prevents rust . . .1 prolongs furnace life. Helps prevent dampness end mustiness in your basement The gas pilot generates just enough heat to maintain the draft up the chimney. This helps ventilate the basement, reduces damp ness and mustiness. Your furnace is reedy for occasional damp, chilly days f-l.f 4. Your furnace is ready to be turned on for damo chilly days when a few hours of GAS heat makes your home much more comfortable. When winter comes, you just turn up your thermostat to get heat. At the first sign of cold weather, so many people want their pilots lighted that it is impossible for heating contractors to service all calls immediately. Youll be sure youll have heat when you want it if you keep your pilot on. 5. I 1 l , .ill lOT. I The cost is slight The cost is so little to keep your pilot cri that youll scarcely notice the difference in your summer gas bills. Onfy Gcs does so much . . . yef ccsfs so little